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TCS Insurance Toastmasters Club - Newsletter

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TCS Insurance Toastmasters Club Ebullience


DCP INSIDE STORIES President’s Note Area Governor’s Note Happenings @ TITMAS DTM Corner Evaluate to Motivate How To Have a Good Day Doctor HaHa’s Prescription Budding Toastmasters Corner The Transformation Testimonials Awards and Recognition Know Your EXcomm Upcoming Events Feedback

TITMAS Introduction TCS Insurance Toastmasters club is corporate toastmasters club functioning in TCS Siruseri exclusively for associates of Insurance NA ISU. The club provides its members with an oppor-tunity to improve formal presentation skills, public speaking skills and leadership skills. The club so far has produced 23 CC, 22CL, 4 ACB and 6 ALB certified toastmasters meeting every Tuesday at 2.45 pm in ATL building. We are recipients of talk up toastmaster and smedly award and the prestigious golden gavel.

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FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK… A Warm Welcome to Dear Readers!! When a ray of light meets the quintessential factors, it gets transformed into a colourful spec-trum of light - "The Rainbow". Likewise, a person who inspires and meets the right platform, gets transformed and comes out with flying colours. Toastmasters is one such platform, which offers excellent opportunities that helps to transform ourselves, where the sky is the only lim-it. We, the TCS Insurance Toastmasters are geared up for our 150th Milestone Meeting!! I am glad to have our much anticipated newsletter EBULLIENCE-7 released on this remarkable occasion and it is time to celebrate the "Colours Of Transformation". "Writing is the painting of the Voice " says Voltaire. The columns are artistically painted to illuminate your senses. We have an exclusive DTM Corner, which pulses our DTMs on their experience and enlightens us on public speaking and leadership skills. The art of motivation is beautifully crafted inside. Happenings at TITMAS, Doctor HaHa’s Prescription, the trans-formation stories and lot more are awaiting your attention as you flip through the pages... I would like to thank our ebullient editorial team - TM Lakshmi Priya, TM Priyanka Agarwal, TM Pavithra Manivannan and TM Lavanya Yerragugi for the help rendered. Glide through our spectral columns and spectacular articles, which I am sure will rejuvenate your zeal to get transformed ! Happy Reading!!

Subha Vasu

The Editor in Cheif

TM Subha

TM Pavithra TM Lavanya

TM Lakshmi

TM Priyanka

The Editorial Team

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My Dear Members and Guests, The Start of a new toastmasters year is always busy and exciting and this year is no different. New set of enthusiastic officers were elected and trained to serve our club!. The club goals in terms of achieving educational awards, membership growth, promoting club culture, motivat-ing outside participation and enriching the learning experience of our members were set for this term during the first Executive committee (EXcomm) meeting. We are just a month into this year and already had some exciting events such as Day-long membership campaign, Ice Breaker Marathon, First-ever Advanced Speech Marathon and all set to celebrate the colors of transformation on our 150th Milestone session!. Our journey so far is phenomenal and credit goes to each and every active member, excomm officers, mentors and well-wishers right from the inception who left no stone unturned in their pursuit of mu-tual growth and excellence. I am really indebted to our previous committee officers for their untiring and passionate effort towards the growth of our club!. Wishing our previous officers - SAA TM Spoorti - happy and successful life; VPE TM Sakala varaprasad - happy married life; Secretary TM Vaidhyanathan, Treasurer TM Sreehari, VPM TM Akash - looking forward to your contin-ued support. I would like to thank all the members who attended the meetings in the past months and de-livered speeches and took up the "Set Roles" at our meetings. Each step of yours, towards achieving your education goals will undoubtedly take our club forward along with you!. The beauty of toastmasters is "“0ne's success is everyone's achievement". So I request you to plan and prioritize your toastmasters goal and achieve them in the set timelines. As we head towards the contest season, I request our members to prepare themselves for the Humorous speech and Evaluation contest. Speech contest is the ultimate stage for any toast-master to prove their mettle and I wish you all the best to discover the champion speaker in you. I thank and congratulate the newsletter team for gifting us this wonderful newsletter! Ebul-lience 7 - Colours of Transformation is here for you to explore!. Read on... Thrive .. Transform ... Triumph

Karthikeyan Boopathy


TCS Insurance Toastmasters club

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area governor's note Dear Insurance Toastmasters, It is indeed a privilege to address this club as its Area governor. Congratulations on your 150th

meeting. It is indeed a great achievement. One which you must be proud of. As Jarod Kintz rightly says; “The year you were born marks only your entry into the world.

Other years where you prove your worth, they are the ones worth celebrating.” It is time to celebrate!! Right from its inception, Insurance toastmasters have been someone who always set high standards and make the Toastmasters flag fly high at TCS. Having been someone who has had the luxury of being a part of all the special meetings be it the 1st ,25th, 50th,100th and now fi-nally 150th ,I feel very much happy to see the way new leaders are born time and again. Its something that is hard to sustain over a long time but your club has been doing it in a meticu-lous manner time and again. Do pat your shoulder on my behalf. Having said that "“To accomplish Great things one must not only act, but also dream; not

only plan but also believe". As a team you have been doing that brilliantly for the past 2 years or so. The next month is going to be a busy one. We have the contest on the cards. I would like to take this moment to thank you for the support you have been providing me for the past two months. It is necessary for me to perform the duties to the best of my abilities. I would also like to wish all the very best to the contestants. I sincerely hope that some one from your club can make it all the way to the top. Your members definitely have it in them. When that happens I will be the happiest man. All the very best!!! Let the Party begin!!!

TM Ranganathan

Area Governor - area G2

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Membership campaign on june 25th A set of energetic and enthusiastic toastmas-ters geared up to spread the spirits of toast-masters. A week long planning, hard work and commitment to put up a day long show was really amazing. The team was ready to do literally anything and everything to make the best use of the opportunity given. Different ideas poured in to make the event more inter-esting and interacting. Flash mob, table top-ics, spin the yarn, building a story from the random words, word games, for and against, court room trials, posters and many more thoughts popped up to tailor the show. As a part of the Automation week celebra-tion , a stall was put up by TITMAS to ex-pand its horizons and add more members to its family. The team was ready on the stall with great energy to grab opportunity and to en-lighten and educate the guest about toast

masters and its benefits. A day long stall with a variety of events promoting toastmasters and TITMAS showcased the dedication and passion of the members . Learning was made fun and exciting by the event owners. The overwhelming response from the audience was promising . Many visitors to the stall shared their mail ids to know more about the club and turned up to the next session as guests . This membership campaign was a wonderful learning experience and yet another feather in the cap of TCS Insurance Toastmasters Club.

Officers Installation CEREmony The officers took the pledge holding the gavel in hand, pride at heart and responsibility on their shoulders. The meeting was more special as the elected members of the club were inves-titured officially by an enthusiastic , passion-ate Toastmaster Ranganathan, our own area governor.


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Ice Breaker Marathon ON July 15th

First gift, first love, first job, first salary are always special and so was the first speech of our budding toastmasters.. The ice breaker Marathon happened to be the first special ses-sion of this educational year and Wow what a delightful session it turned out to be!!! The chillness of the ice was felt with the cool breeze created by the flyers. The excitement of ice breaker Marathon was slowly building and a public announcement by TM Pavithra Mohan made it resonate to entire Siruseri . The show was hosted by our Barbie girl, TM Nivedita. She started with her very own CC1 poem and her newly invented game called "Boom Boom Bazzuki...Maruti Suzu-ki..."(LOL). Five new aspiring toastmasters(TM Subhobrata , TM Subha , TM Vish-nupriya , TM Priyanka and TM Pratima) started their journey of public speaking to-wards a future flourish with their vibrant Ice breaker speech. It was a brilliant exhibition of well-prepared speeches with thoughtful content, thorough practice and terrific delivery followed by thunderous applause. Credit goes to the speakers and their mentors. The ice was broken and the first step was tak-en. TITMAS is looking forward to its bud-ding bees to flap their wings and fly high!!!

Advanced Speech Mar-Athon on July 29th July 29th happened to be a special day for TCSers owing to the birthday celebration of JRD TATA and Insurance toastmaster gave another reason to remember.. Yes!!! The first ever advanced speech Marathon was hosted in the history of TITMAS . Four shining stars (TM Lavanya Adapala , TM Lakshmi Narayana ,TM Vaidyanathan , TM Pavithra Manivannan) of TITMAS were all set to inform, persuade and entertain the audience with the desire to inspire , the trow to grow and the urge to reach their full poten-tial showcasing extraordinary perseverance through their dazzling speeches. The advance speech marathon was a complete package of information, inspiration and abso-lute entertainment .Our heartfelt and sincere gratitude to the ever supporting toastmasters, Area governors and mentors , TM Ranga and TM Aravindan. Credit goes to VP - E , TM Pavithra Mohan and members of the club for a spectacular session.

TM Lavanya Adapala delivering her ACB2

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1.Tell us about the roads travelled in your

DTM journey.

There is only one road that leads to the final destination - the road which has commitment (our commitment towards the TI educational program) coupled with belief in the Toastmas-ters movement. While travelling on this road, I successfully crossed milestones such as Club Secretary, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Education, President, Area Gov-ernor and Division Governor. 2.What are the three mantras to be followed

to reap the benefits of Toastmasters to its full-


1) Willingness to actively pursue the projects 2) Believing that practice makes one perfect and doing it 3) Learning by observing fellow members 3.What really drives you to help TMs become

Competent Communicator or Competent


When I served as the VP of Membership, for the first time since joining the club, I had the opportunity to closely interact with the new members. I would meet the new members and talk to them to understand as to why they joined the TM club. Although the superficial reason was to improve one's communication skills, a deeper understanding of the conversa-tion made me realize the immense faith that these members had in the Toastmasters pro-grams and their belief that the Toastmasters

club will transform them into better personali-ties. This is the reason as to why I assist my fellow members in achieving their goal of be coming better speakers and leaders. 4.Your advice/tips to toastmasters of corpo-

rate club to plan and maintain a active partic-


Focus on each and every member. Every mem-ber is equally important. Help them achieve the purpose for which they joined the club. If a club meeting is able to educate and entertain members, then members will automatically actively participate in club activities. 5.What do you think is the required spark to

conduct a lively session?

Active participation of club members. 6.Few words of wisdom to win the upcoming

contest from the judge’s perspective.

Familiarise yourself with the judge's ballot and try to cover all the points mentioned there. That way, as a contestant, you give the judges an opportunity to generously awards marks - as your speech/evaluation covers all the sections in the ballot.

DTM Corner

DTM Suganthi

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1.Tell us about the roads travelled in your

DTM journey. It was a great journey of over 7 years. It's on-ly been learning, learning and more learning. The other benefits include networking and bonding with some amazing people! 2.What do you think is the required spark to

conduct a lively session? Edutainment! Entertain the audience with strong messages that they can carry back with them. 3.Few words of wisdom to win the upcoming

contest from the judge’s perspective.

Go have fun, be creative, stick to the rules (especially from a judge's ballot stand point), entertain the audience. 4.What is the formula for an effective evalua-


For both budding and seasoned evaluators. Focus on the essentials - Title/Opening, De-livery, Content, Hygiene, Give suggestions to support your points on "areas for improve-ment". Always meet the speaker offline and give some critical feedback.

1.Tell us about the roads travelled in your

DTM journey. "Started my TM journey in the year 2009. Finished my first CC in 4 months. Then went on to complete other requirements to become a DTM in July 2013." 2.What do you think is the required spark to

conduct a lively session?

The spark called 'Quality' 3.Give your inspirational experience to the

newbie's to commence their journey in TM.

To achieve anything in life be it progress in TMs or in other areas of life all you need is Character and Commitment to walk or tread in areas where no one else wants to. 4.Few words of wisdom to win the upcoming

contest from the judge’s perspective. Contests are to enhance one self from within. Thus take the stage to challenge yourself to its epitome. As 'Rory Vaden' a runner up at the world championship of public speaking aptly put it years ago- "Judges determine who goes home with the trophy but they don't deter-mine who goes home a winner".

DTM Corner

DTM Jayan DTM Rajeev

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Public speaking and leadership are skills that can be developed and improved. In toastmas-ters, feedback is called evaluation, and it is the heart of the toastmasters educational pro-gram. You observe the speeches and leadership roles of your fellow club members and offer evaluations of their efforts, and they do the same for you. If you truly want to improve your speaking and leadership skills, you must learn how to give and receive helpful evalua-


In day to day routine life, you listen to people, observe their work and if possible you tend to give feedback. So you evaluate in some man-ner every day, at home, office and in the com-

munity. Effective evaluations benefit us by:

Good example for AUDIENCE

Critical thinking and better listening

skills as EVALUATOR

Providing immediate feedback, offer-

ing methods of improvement, maintain

self-esteem as SPEAKERS

The tone and content of an evaluation have great impact on the speaker and even on the club. A harsh evaluation may cause a member to leave the club. An overly kind evaluation may not help the member to improve, making the member frustrated and unhappy. Good evaluators strive to find a balance between the extremes, giving evaluations that are help-ful and encouraging. An evaluation is just considered to be an opinion from the evalua-

tor’s perspective. This opinion should reflect

your perception what the speech had on you, highlights of the speech, areas where the speaker could improve and specific recommen-dations for improvement. As an evaluator you should never enforce the speaker to change their behavior or to accept your recommenda-tions. The decision to change or accept should

be left to speaker alone.

Factors for effective evaluation:

There are only two factors that drive the ef-fective evaluation which are essential for any evaluators to provide effective evaluation to

the speakers.



How to Prepare:

Before the meeting starts:

Contact the speaker

Get their speech manual

Read the speech objectives and the

evaluation guide

Learn their interests in terms of evalu-


Set up the note form

Owing to little amount of time given for eval-uations, we should focus only on the areas that will make our evaluations crisp and ef-fective enough that the speaker can appreci-ate. As per the sample note above, the focus areas are – Speech Flow (F), Strengths (S) and

EVALUATE TO MOTIVATE - TM Karthik Palaniappan

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Improvements (I) and finally Overall impres-

sions to conclude your evaluations.

Before you write down your evaluations, lis-ten to speaker’s speech carefully without any distraction. After the speaker has finished, then begin writing your evaluation points. Avoid giving more emphasis on eye contact, grammar, expressions as they just contribute to effect of the speech and cannot form the

basic purpose of the evaluation.

Given below a sample note form which I ob-

tained from my toastmaster mentor for my


How you say it:

The way you put forward your evaluations has more effect as the content of your evalua-tion. If you don’t carefully use the words, the message that you want to convey to the speaker will be lost. There are certain guide-lines that you need to follow during the evalu-


Structure your evaluations as:







As highlighted above, remember that you are giving your opinion as evaluator and not oth-er’s opinion. Hence it is recommended not to use words such as “We are impressed...”, “We

think...”, “We like....”

Instead use language like:

I liked....

I think...worked well....

I was delighted when you said.....

I recommend that you....

Avoid evaluations like:

Cut Slash and Burn Evaluations

Repeating the words/speech

Finding something wrong


You statements like: “You did not use

the stage properly”, “I was confused

when you said”, “I don’t think you

met the objectives” Better use of language during evaluation will help the speakers to accept your suggestions in a friendly manner and will also help to avoid putting the person being offensive. This will help the speakers to turn up for next sessions

and being open to critical suggestions.

Methods to present evaluation:

The predominant type of evaluation is sand-wich style where in the evaluator will com-ment on the highlights of the speech, followed by the areas of improvement and again fol-

lowed by highlights.

Other modes of evaluations that are followed


Chronological order – Start com-menting on Introduction, then Body of

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the speech, and then Conclusion

Speech objectives focused – Read out your answers to the questions at the end of the project given in the speech manual (Technique appropriate

for beginners in speech evaluations)

Theme based evaluations – “Listening to your speech was like watching a movie…” go ahead and organize your evaluation to justify

why it was like a movie

Acronyms based organization - Your speech had SUPERB ingredi-ents. S for STORY, U for UNIQUE MESSAGE, P for PERSUASION, E for ENTERTAINMENT, R for RHETORICS and B for BODY LAN-


It is evaluator’s choice to follow a certain method of evaluation, but keep in mind that you need to show variety in your evaluations as audience/speaker may not show interest in

your evaluations even if they are effective.


As you conclude, ensure that speaker gets mo-tivated and eager to show improvements in the next project. Conclude your evaluations with a positive note either by highlighting the area that impressed you the most or highlight the improvement from his previous speech and offer congratulations. This helps to build self-

esteem and self-confidence.

HOW TO HAVE A GOOD DAY ???? Everyday when we wake up we wish each and every one "have a nice day" or "have a good day". Of course we also expect and re-ceive the same. It is also a fact that mere wishing and getting wished doesn't change the day, unless it comes from the heart which is somewhat difficult in this mechanical world. Here are the tips to have nice day.

1.Wake Up Early : This gives ample amount of time to plan your day and stay fit. One has to have some time to exercise the following steps in order to have a great day.

2.Plan Your Day : Make a" TO-DO" list in minute to minute or-der. This gives you better execution as you can see and plan the day in a smooth manner.

3.Exercise Your Brain and Body : Physical exercise gives you an active start and makes your day very active. Even exercising your brain is equally im-portant. Wake up your mind by taking up su-dokus, crosswords etc. This gives a positive start and it leads to better thinking capabili-ties all the day.

4.Feel The Freshness : Generally, mornings are very pleasant, feel the freshness and breathe heavily. Avoid loud mu-sic and non-stop talking. This gives you better planning, understanding and concentration.

5.Stay Positive : Be optimistic .Wish everyone a nice day from the bottom of the heart.

TM Karthik


- TM Atchyuth

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Making this as a habit definitely leave a positive impression within you. In a nutshell ,

“Day runs the way it starts”

“Have a Nice Day”

Doctor Haha's Prescription It is a privilege and honor to have been able to make space in this prestigious newsletter. I am here to tell you a few tips and tricks that may make you a hu-morous speaker. Please notice carefully that I have not mentioned it as "Successful" Humorous speaker. One reason is that I don’t want any of you to come to me later and tell me ,"Virat, where the hell is the success part that you were talking about?" The second reason is that I myself is unsure of the success mantra as it keeps changing from time to time. Nevertheless, since it have been written and since you have to read, I will tell you all that I think I know. This isn't exactly a "humour section" of the newslet-ter but I would really appreciate it if you read it with laughter. If not laughter, at least a smile. So here it is.

1. Believe: I have written this as the first as it is the most important. Belief is something that would make you stand in front of the audience and tell them with confidence," Hey people, what I am going to tell you is going to be funny"

If you are wondering what is to be believed in, I mean believe in everything. Believe in your speech, your mentor, the clothes you wear, the language you speak, the accent you speak it in, your body lan-guage and most importantly yourself. If need be, be-lieve in your laundry man, milk man, the milk that he gives, etc as well. If you dont think you are good enough, how are you going to tell that to others?

2. Enjoy: Having fun on stage is as important as competing. For the speech to be funny, you need to be relaxed. The body language that plays a very im-portant role would also be natural only if you are in the flow. Amazingly, if your speech has a part in which you have to look tensed or nervous, you will realise that it happens only when you are at peace in your mind and are enjoying the feeling to the fullest. It is not just a space on stage you are occupying, it is a part of the mind of the audience, a part of their heart and a part of the smile on their faces as well. When the moment is yours, make full use of it to enjoy, you are the queen/king of the moment.

3. Assess: It is very necessary to access the condi-tions and audience while you are crafting and deliv-ering your speech. By this, I mean, know what is around you and who is listening to you. If you crack a joke about a particular section of society in front of an absolutely different section, the joke wouldnt have the effect. Also, presence of mind will make you use things around or even the speech given by the previous speakers or anything highlightable in your speech. That would make people realise how amazingly ob-servant you are.

4. Realize: Accept the fact that there can be some-times when the emotions that you expect out of the audience would not get reciprocated the same way. You tell them a funny thing, and no one laughs, this is the most common thing for any humorous speaker.

TM Atchyuth

- TM Virat Mehta

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Please go on with your speech in the same way you had planned to. If they don't laugh at all, see if there is any-thing that you can add on an impromptu ba-sis. Even then if they dont, it means they don't want to. *Offer them free lunch or tell them how rich you are. A rich man's joke is always funny.* Please note, the quote in * was a joke.

5. Simplify: If you notice, I have not used any high sounding words in my article till now (not that I know many). Your speech has to be simple enough to be understood by all. Moreover, it needs a child's heart for you to laugh. Mature people tend to stay serious. To make a child understand your speech, you have to make the language understandable. By simplification I also mean, the organisa-tion of your speech should be simple. It would make you remember your speech in a better way and also at the same time make the audi-ence understand the idea behind your speech. I present to you.. BEARS, although I didnot intend it to be like this but I would like to stop here as it looks cool. Also.make sure that the topic you select is something that all or at least most of the audience can relate to and can visualise. If they cant imagine what you are saying, they wont laugh.

Don'ts in a humorous speech : 1. Do not have too many similar jokes or top-ics in your speech. 2. Do not say or do something that would of-fend someone. Laughing at someone else's ex-pense isn't funny. 3. Do not have any hard and fast rule. The only thing that has to be there in your speech is entertainment. For example, if all the speakers around you are using the previous speakers' speech in theirs, it is not necessary

that you have to do the same. It has to fit in your speech as well. 4. Do not lose heart, confidence and the peace within at any point of time. There is no doubt that laughter is the best medicine, but ask the doctors and you would

know, if is not so easy to prescribe it.

Reverbrations - 2014

TM Virat Mehta

If you are feeling that you had enough of toastmasters with usual set of people around you and want yourself to grow leaps and bounds then this November is going to rise up to your expectation and transform you as an individual completely. To get drenched in the awesomeness of com-munication and Leadership. Don’t Miss at-tending “REVERBERATION 2014” to be held between 15|16 Novermber 2014 in our own Hotel Green Park, Chennai, Tamilnadu. Come, celebrate the alchemy of articulation from an amalgamation of the finest District 82 has to offer. Witness mind blowing speak-ers who have battled tooth and nail, to get so far, for a chance to win the coveted “Championship of Humorous Speaking” and “Championship of Evaluation”

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TM Shanmuganathan

Budding Toastmasters Corner

TM Pratima

Lavanya Adapala motivated me to join Toastmasters. I'm very glad that I am introduced to Toastmasters. The best thing about Toastmasters is it not only helps you in communicating effectively, conversing confidently or suc-cessfully leading a group but you get the opportunity to meet new people from diverse cultures.

I have been part of the automation week membership campaign, witnessed many marathons and participated in some unique impromptu tables topics. The experience is Ebullient. It is fun, refreshing and full of learning. My expectation from toastmasters is to continuously learn and grow, to be-come a confident competent communicator. Above all, to have loads of fun.

TM Priyanka

I joined toastmasters with the tremendous motivation from my senior man-agers . I was actually impressed only with the word ‘TOAST’ and had wide range of thoughts. The first thought was, is it a cooking competition? I know it sounds funny but it is indeed true!

It is cooking all your raw thoughts and present in a cooked format such that it brings out our hidden talent in form of words and fills other people’s thoughts too with new colors. I get a break from my continuous weekly work and chance to think innova-tively. In short time, I have not only given my speech as first time speaker with rolling appreciations, but also recognized as Toast Master of July 2014 month.

I came to toastmaster as a guest and got admired by the speech given by TM Srividhyaa. Also, Toastmasters club gives us a positive environment to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes. So, I joined toastmasters club to improvise my public speaking skills.

If we don’t have the courage to stand in front of audience , we can start with Table topics to develop the courage. The best speeches are recognized with several awards which motivates everyone to give their best. As it is giving an opportunity to collaborate with members and we can improve our network.

All the members are very friendly. The club gives importance to everyone. They respect and accept each and every one’s situation and feelings. They share the opportunities and provide way for mutual growth.

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The Transformation I joined the club some time back... And I am never the same !! The Toastmasters has transformed me a lot.

This is how I was : 1. I was introvert and lacked social skills 2. I was apprehensive about speaking out in meetings. 3. I lacked confidence and wasn’t comfort-able in delivering presentations at work. 4. I wasn’t good at cooking up stories on the spot i.e. impromptu skill 5. I wasn’t aware of the important ele-ments of public speaking like - eye contact, pauses, body position, gestures, etc. 6. I was quite disorganized in presenting my thoughts. 7. I was never comfortable in cracking jokes in front of an audience (what if it falls flat). This is how I am now : 1. Not only have I overcome the paralyz-ing fear of public speaking, but I have had opportunities to learn more on leadership. 2. Through toastmasters I got the oppor-tunity to meet positive and wonderful people. 3. I have learned to structure material; be more connected with the audience. 4. By receiving constructive feedback on how well I met the CC objectives and the are-as I need to improve has helped me to develop skills that I never expected. 5. By stepping out of my comfort zone without fear of making a fatal mistake has helped me to become a confident speaker. 6. I have learned the art of time-management. 8. Every meeting that I attend, makes me

grow as a creative and knowledgeable person. 9. It has helped me to improve my listening and critical thinking skills. 10. I am more comfortable in meeting new

people and taking up new challenges as an opportuni-ty. The personal develop-ment I’ve seen in myself never seizes to amaze me.

Oxymoron are figures of speech in which two contradictory terms are combined in order to create a rhetorical effect by paradoxical means. The word oxymoron is derived from the Greek for pointedly foolish (oxys = sharp/keen and moros = foolish). "The true beauty of oxymoron's " says Richard Watson Todd, "is that, unless we sit back and really think, we happily accept them as nor-mal English." Todd illustrates his point in the following passage:

It was an ‘open secret’ that the company

had used a ‘paid volunteer’ to test the

‘plastic glasses’. Although they were

made using ‘liquid gas’ technology and

were an ‘original copy’ that looked

‘almost exactly’ like a more expensive

brand, the volunteer thought that they

were ‘pretty ugly’ and that it would be

‘simply impossible’ for the general public

to accept them. On hearing this feedback,

there was a ‘deafening silence’. This was

a ‘minor crisis’ and the only choice was

to drop the product line.

‘Clearly Confused‘!!

!! Did You Know !!

TM Nivedita

- TM Nivedita

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I am extremely proud to have been associated with this club since its inception. It is very gratifying to see club members getting trans-formed into effective and confident communi-cators. As you grow in your career, communi-cation plays a very important role....so I urge associates to enroll and get transformed!

- Rajesh Thomas,

Delivery Partner - CNA Thoughts and Ideas are like human bodies and COMMUNICATION is its right fitting dress - I have not seen it perfectly stitched any-where else than at the Toastmasters club. I have personally seen a colossal transformation in people who are part of this initiative. I sin-cerely urge everyone of you to join the club and grow impressively in your careers."Talkers have always ruled and they will continue to do so; the smart thing is to join them"

Sridharan NP

Delivery Partner - AXA Toastmasters have not only helped me to hone my public speaking and presentation skills, but also it helped me face customers with lot more confidence and composure!

- Vinayak Sen, Quality Assurance On-

site Program Manager, AIG L&R

There is no superior way in a corporate indus-try to shine your presentation and public-speaking skills than exercising them in a Toastmasters Club. Along with the betterment of such skills, it boosts your confidence, makes you smarter and above all eradicates the fear of confronting a panel of 'strangers' anywhere anytime, thus culminating in you the impetus

that is required to be proactive in any field, be it in your professional or personal circle. I have experienced this on my way of becoming a proud 'Competent Communicator' and am stern on being a part of Toastmasters Interna-tional in the years to come.

- Zoheb Ali Ahmed,

Onsite Coordinator - Western National

Life Joining Toastmasters International communi-ty is the most efficient way of transition from a self-conscious to a self-confident communi-cator I have ever experienced. With the art of public-speaking and philosophy of leadership at the core, each and every session in this club is a milestone in professional as well as personal growth.

- Barnik De,

Business Analyst - Structured Settle-

ments, Competent Communicator

I am lot more confident speaker and a better listener than I was a year before. I am seeing its impact on my every day customer interac-tions.Kudos to Toastmaster Club" "A speech is outstanding when it binds the audience and attracts the disinterested as well, to listen." Toastmaster will help you at-tract your listeners.

- Pasupathy


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TCS Insurance Toastmasters Club Ebullience



Competent Communicators TM Arun TM Dinesh TM Karthikeyan Boopathy

Competent Leaders TM Nivedita Rani TM Karthikeyan Boopathy

Toastmaster of the Month

This is a special award given to recognize the efforts and commitment of a toastmaster based on their active participation in delivering speeches, taking roles and their attendance in toast-masters meeting. Congratulations dear ToastMasters !! Keep up the Good Work !!


TM Karthikeyan


TM Lavanya



TM Lavanya


TM Priyanka


TM Pavithra





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TCS Insurance Toastmasters Club Ebullience


Upcoming Events 1. TITMAS Humorous

Speech and Evaluation Contest - Sep 09,2014

2. Area level Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contest - Sep 27,2014

Feed-back We would like you to answer Just 3 Questions about this newsletter: 1. What do you love about us? 2. What do you hate about us? 3. What would you like to love about us in the next Edition? Kindly mail your feedback to [email protected]

Queries and Suggestions Post in your queries or sugges-tions to our Club President TM Karthikeyan @ [email protected] For queries related to Mem-bership and other general que-ries write to [email protected]

know your ex-comm

We are ex-comm members of TITMAS. So stunned on what we do ? We help the club to achieve greater heights and make sure that each member in the club achieve their educational and leadership goals. Contact us for any queries on toastmasters and we would respond you in matter of minutes. Welcome to our TITMAS family.

“Together we grow, Together we establish, Together we shine!!“