中国 CHINA 8D7N 云南探秘 勇闯女儿国 丽江 | 泸沽湖 | 香格里拉 | 梅里雪山 | 德钦 无购物站 MYSTERIOUS YUNNAN DISCOVER WOMEN’S KINGDOM LIJIANG | LUGU LAKE | SHANGRI-LA | MELI SNOW MOUNTAIN | DEQEN NO SHOPPING STOP Lugu Lake - Women’s Kingdom Enigmatic Eastern Daughter Country, Mysterious of Mosuo Women’s Kingdom “Walk Marriage” Customs and Culture, Mythological Shangri-La, UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Lijiang Ancient City, overlooking the top Eight Tibetan Mountains “Meili Snow Mountain”, Let’s APPLE bring you to discover the mysterious series of the mystery human and place! 泸沽湖-女儿国 谜样的东方女儿国、神秘的摩梭人女系社会的“走婚”习俗与生活文化、神话级秘境 香格里拉、世遗级景点丽江古城、远眺“藏区八大神山之首”梅里雪山等一连串神秘 感满溢的人间秘境,全都由苹果带您一同逐一深入探索! CLML08_020

无购物站 MYSTERIOUS YUNNAN - Apple Vacations · 2020. 3. 10. · Mosuo Museum Mosuo’s daughter-style flower hall, grandmother’s house, Buddhist scriptures, photo materials,

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Page 1: 无购物站 MYSTERIOUS YUNNAN - Apple Vacations · 2020. 3. 10. · Mosuo Museum Mosuo’s daughter-style flower hall, grandmother’s house, Buddhist scriptures, photo materials,



云南探秘 勇闯女儿国丽江 | 泸沽湖 | 香格里拉 | 梅里雪山 | 德钦





Lugu Lake - Women’s KingdomEnigmatic Eastern Daughter Country, Mysterious of Mosuo Women’s Kingdom “Walk Marriage” Customs and Culture, Mythological Shangri-La, UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Lijiang Ancient City, overlooking the top Eight Tibetan Mountains “Meili Snow Mountain”, Let’s APPLE bring you to discover the mysterious series of the mystery human and place!

泸沽湖-女儿国 谜样的东方女儿国、神秘的摩梭人女系社会的“走婚”习俗与生活文化、神话级秘境香格里拉、世遗级景点丽江古城、远眺“藏区八大神山之首”梅里雪山等一连串神秘感满溢的人间秘境,全都由苹果带您一同逐一深入探索!


Page 2: 无购物站 MYSTERIOUS YUNNAN - Apple Vacations · 2020. 3. 10. · Mosuo Museum Mosuo’s daughter-style flower hall, grandmother’s house, Buddhist scriptures, photo materials,

第1天 吉隆坡 丽江


丽江 -214公里- 泸沽湖景区第2天

泸沽湖景区走进泸沽湖,如同进入了一个神秘世界,湛蓝的湖水被群山围绕,美妙绝伦的湖光山色间居住着多情浪漫又勤劳善良的摩梭人,他们至今还沿袭着古老的母系氏族社会的走婚习俗。 泸沽湖观景台 里格观景台 情人沙滩 泸沽湖情人滩分为两段云南和四川段,湖边的树都是一对一对生长 犹如情侣一般不离不弃的屹立在湖边,名字也由此而来。 摩梭博物 摩梭女儿国风格的花楼、祖母屋、经堂、文物馆、图片资料、世界 非物质文化遗产为主题的大小型展馆 摩梭下午茶-品尝摩梭特色小吃: 酥油茶、养身粗粮、养面粑粑 篝火晚会:于当地摩梭人跳舞

第3天 泸沽湖 -214公里- 丽江

里务比岛(登岛及环岛)里务比岛,西娃岛和里格岛被称为泸沽湖的三个神奇岛屿。琉璃岛是摩梭人在该地区最早几年所居住的岛屿。 猪槽船 猪槽船即独木舟。摩梭语称:“日故”。由一根粗壮的圆木镂空. 两头削尖而成。因其状如一只长长的猪槽而得其名。泸沽湖与世隔 绝。湖中的唯一交通工具是摩梭人独特的“猪槽船”。 里务比寺 里务比岛上的寺庙属黄教喇嘛寺,始建于公元1634 年。

第4天 丽江 -174公里- 香格里拉 -161公里- 德钦

哈巴雪山观景台 远眺哈巴雪山


第5天 德钦 -161公里- 香格里拉

飞来寺观景台 ※“日照金山”具体观看效果将视当时天气情况而定远眺梅里雪山日照金山的壮丽景观。





第6天 香格里拉 -174公里- 丽江




第7天 丽江

东巴秘境(含电瓶车+玻璃栈道+峡谷)位于丽江市玉龙县白沙镇。 占地面积800多亩。 主要分为高原牧场,秘密山谷,森林木松和纳西族传统村落木村四大功能区,是集自然风光观光,民族风情体验,户外娱乐,娱乐为一体的丽江新旅游综合体。


第8天 丽江 吉隆坡


符号表示:★ 含门票;游览站点

临 清 风 , 对 朗 月 ,登 山 泛 水 , 意 酣 歌 。

— — 《 南 史 · 梁 宗 室 萧 恭 传 》

丽江古城 Lijiang Ancient Town

金沙江大转弯 Jinshajiang Da Zhuanwan

纳帕海 Napahai

Page 3: 无购物站 MYSTERIOUS YUNNAN - Apple Vacations · 2020. 3. 10. · Mosuo Museum Mosuo’s daughter-style flower hall, grandmother’s house, Buddhist scriptures, photo materials,

Kuala Lumpur LijiangDAY 1Assemble at KLIA for flight to Lijiang.

Lijiang -214km- Lugu LakeDAY 2★Lugu Lake Scenic AreaWalk into Lugu Lake like entering the mysterious world, the blue lake is surrounded by mountains. The wonderful lakes and mountains are inhabited by passionate, romantic and diligent Mosuo people and they still follow the uniqueness of matriarchal society and walking marriage. Lugu Lake Observatory Deck Lige Observatory Deck Lover’s Beach Lugu Lake Lover’s Beach divided into two sections Yunnan and Sichuan, the trees grew like a couple along the lake where the name came from. Mosuo Museum Mosuo’s daughter-style flower hall, grandmother’s house, Buddhist scriptures, photo materials, World’s intangible cultural heritage theme exhibition hall. Mosuo’s Afternoon tea Taste Mosuo local snack : Buttered Tea, Health Coarse Grains, Glutinous Rice Cake Bonfire Camp Experience dancing with Mosuo people.

Lugu Lake -214km- LijiangDAY 3★Liwubi Island (Include visit island & round island by boat)Liwubi Island, Xiwa’e Island and Lige Island have been called the three magical islands of Lugu Lake. Liwubi Island was an island the Mosuo dwelled on during their earliest years in the region. Trough boat Pig trough boats are canoes, the Mosuo said: “The day of the day.” And the only transport in the lake is the Mosuo people’s unique “pig trough.” Liwubi Temple The temple on the island of Regoji is a Yellow Lama Temple, which was built in 1634 AD.

Lijiang -174km- Shangri-la -161km- DeqenDAY 4

Haba Snow Mountain Observatory Deck Sight Seeing Haba Snow MountainJinshajiang Da Zhuanwan Named as Moon Bay and it famous for three walled clamps two rivers.

Deqen -161km- Shangri-laDAY 5Feilaisi Observatory DeckEnjoy spectacular view of Meili Snow Mountain※The spectacular view are subject to unpredictable weather conditionTibetan costume experienceDukezong Ancient TownThe authentic Tibetan dwellings in Dukezong, gilded prayer halls and pagodas, and lanterns of various shapes lighting the way along narrow, winding lanes are permeated with the grace as well as the mystique of antiquity that enchants visitors the moment they set foot in it. Dukezong was a key stop on the Ancient Tea-horse Road and a focal point for Han-Tibetan exchanges. It is the largest and best-preserved Tibetan city among China 147 Tibetan counties. It is also site of the largest ancient Tibetan community.Kameyama ParkPrayer Wheel

Shangri-la -174km- LijiangDAY 6★Gedan.Songzhanlin TempleThe appearance similar to the Potala Palace in Tibet, known as the “Little Potala Palace” and it’s built in 1679, the temple was built in the mountains and faces the lake with their magnificent and mysterious.

Lamuyangcuo LakeLake is not big, but it has a great reputation in the Tibetan areas with it beautiful scenery. There are various kinds of birds in the lake in the four seasons, black-necked cranes, yellow ducks and other waterfowl can be seen everywhere.NapahaiOne of the largest grasslands in Zhongdian county one of the most scenic spots with high altitude. It is a protected type of wetland ecological type. The main protection targets are seasonal lakes and marsh meadows. It is a wintering habitat for migratory birds such as black-necked cranes. (Include Electric Car)

LijiangDAY 7★Secret Dongba (Includes Electric car + Glass Plank + Canyon)Located in Baisha Town, Yulong County, Lijiang City. It covers an area of more than 800 mu. Mainly divided into highland pastures, secret landscape valley, forest Mu song and Naxi traditional village wooden village collection of four functional areas, is a collection of natural scenery sightseeing, national customs experience, outdoor entertainment and recreation as a whole Lijiang new tourism complex.

Lijiang Ancient TownThe Old Town of Lijiang, a well-preserved old city of ethnic minorities with brilliant culture, is a central town of the Lijiang Autonomous County of the Naxi Ethnic Minority in Yunnan Province.

Lijiang Kuala LumpurDAY 8After breakfast, transfer to airport, home sweet home.

东北秘境 Secret Dongba




泸沽湖Lugu Lake


Note: ★ Entrance fees Included ; Sightseeing stop


Page 4: 无购物站 MYSTERIOUS YUNNAN - Apple Vacations · 2020. 3. 10. · Mosuo Museum Mosuo’s daughter-style flower hall, grandmother’s house, Buddhist scriptures, photo materials,


1 - 机上用餐 On Board

小南国风味 70Xiao Nan Guo Cuisine

丽江金茂凯悦臻选酒店 或 同级Jinmao Hotel Lijiang, the Unbound Collection by Hyatt or similar

2 酒店 Hotel 精品合菜 50Chinese Cuisine

摩梭走婚宴 100Mosuo Marriage Cuisine

泸沽湖诗莉莉精品酒店 或 同级Lugu Lake Shilily Boutique Hotel or similar

3 酒店 Hotel 摩梭风味 50Mosuo Cuisine

王府宴 60Wang Fu Cuisine

丽江金茂凯悦臻选酒店 或 同级Jinmao Hotel Lijiang, the Unbound Collection by Hyatt or similar

4 酒店 Hotel 藏式风味 50Tibetan Styled Cuisine

黄铜小锅风味 88Bronze Little Steamboat Cuisine

德钦高山别庄 或 同级Deqin High Mountain Resort or similar

5 酒店 Hotel 雪域风情风味 60Xueyu Cuisine

酒店精品合菜 50Chinese Cuisine

香格里拉实力希尔顿花园酒店 或 同级Shangri-la Hilton Garden Inn or similar

6 酒店 Hotel 香巴拉土司宴 120Xiangbala Tusi Cuisine

韩式烤肉 70Korean BBQ Cuisine 丽江和府洲际度假酒店 或 同级

InterContinental Lijiang Ancient Town Resort or similar7 酒店 Hotel 虹鳟鱼风味 60

Rainbow Trout Cuisine自理

Own Expenses

8 酒店 Hotel 机上用餐 On Board - -

[体验]摩梭人的生活面貌 | 摩梭人篝火晚会 | 试穿藏族服装 | 玻璃栈道

[景点] 泸沽湖 | 摩梭博物馆 | 里务比岛 | 葛丹•松赞林寺 | 纳帕海自然保护区 | 丽江古城 | 东巴秘境

[享受]乘猪槽船游里务比岛 | 指定景点安排环保车

[品尝]摩梭走婚宴 | 摩梭下午茶 | 黄铜小火锅 | 土司宴 | 虹鳟鱼风味 | 韩式烤肉 | 藏式风味

[EXPERIENCE] Lifestyle of Mosuo’s people | Traditional Mosuo’s Bonfire | Tibetan costume | Glass Plank

[ATTRACTIONS] Lugu Lake | Mosuo Museum | Liwubi Island |Songzhanlin Temple | Napahai Nature Reserve Area | Lijiang Ancient Town | Secret Dongba

[ENJOY] Trough boat ride along Liwubi Island| Electrical Car At Designated Attractions

[GOURMET] Mosuo’s Marriage Cuisine | Musuo’s afternoon Tea |Bronze Pot Little Steamboat | Tusi Cuisine | Rainbow Trout Cuisine | Korean BBQ | Tibetan Cuisine

梅里雪山 Meli Snow Mountain

虹鳟鱼风味 Rainbow Trout Cuisine


※餐标 人民币 | Meal Cost RMB※餐饮安排 MEAL PLAN | 住宿 ACCOMMODATIONS


For Agent Use Only:

Printed Date: JULY 2019

China Tours - Additional Terms & Conditions:1. Tours are conducted in Mandarin.2. Triple Room - Third person shall be based on rollaway bed.3. Tour fare quoted is for MALAYSIAN, non-Malaysian surcharge applied.4. In-coach Shopping - For your convenience, a variety of local snacks are offered for sale

on board the coach. If interested, please place your order with our tour guide.

中国团 - 附加条规:1. 所有行程以中文讲解为主。2. 三人房-房内第三名住客的床褥,将以折叠式为准。3. 团费仅适用于大马公民,外国公民则需缴付额外费用。4. 车上购物 - 为了您的方便起见,车上会售卖道地小吃。若您有兴趣购买,请向我们的导游洽询。

Travel Essentials:Passport & Visas - Each tour member is responsible to ensure their passport is valid for at least six (6) months from the return date of the trip and all necessary visas and permits have been acquired.Travel Insurance - It’s essential that you take out a comprehensive travel insurance before travel.

Terms & Conditions:1. Itineraries, meals, hotels and transportation are subject to change without prior notice.2. AVC reserves the right to make changes to or cancel the itinerary at any time due

to unforeseen circumstances, especially during peak periods or in the event of a force majeure.

3. AVC is not responsible for omissions, printing and/or presentation errors in brochures or in any media where such information may be presented; AVC reserves the right to make corrections as required.

4. Every person participating in AVC’s tours shall travel at his/her own risk. AVC shall not be held liable to any person for additional expenses that may be incurred due to delays or changes in any transport services, sickness, weather, strikes, war or other causes.

5. For other terms & conditions, refer overleaf of invoice or visit https://www.applevacations.my/web/terms.php

6. All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only.Note: AVC refers to Apple Vacations & Conventions Sdn Bhd

旅行必备:护照或签证 - 团员有责任确保护照有效期需至少6个月(从返程日期算起),并且取得必要的签证和准证。旅游保险 - 出发前,建议您购买全面的旅游保险。

条规:1. 行程、膳食、酒店住宿和交通可能会有所更动,恕不另行通知。2. 若出现无法预测的特殊情况,特别是在旅游旺季期间,蘋果旅遊将保留更改或取消行程的权利。3. 若蘋果旅遊的宣传手册或任何传播媒介,出现任何形式的印刷失误或遗漏,本公司一概不负责,并

且保留更正的权利。4. 每位参与蘋果旅遊团的成员,必须为自身安全或行为负责。若出现无法预测的特殊情况 (例如:交通


5. 详情条规,请参阅单据背页或浏览 https://www.applevacations.my/web/terms.php6. 以上图片仅供参考,请以实物为准。