云计算环境下的大规模图数据处理技术 于戈 谷峪 鲍玉斌 王志刚 东北大学信息科学与工程学院 沈阳 110819 医学影像计 算教育部重点 实验室(东北 大学)沈阳 110819 随着社交网络分析、语义Web分析、生物信息网络分析等新兴应用的快速增长,对亿万个顶点级别大规 模图的处理能力的需求愈加迫切,这是当前高性能计算领域的研究和开发热点.文中结合云计算的特点,从图数据 管理与图数据处理机制两个方面,综述了云计算环境下进行大规模图数据处理的关键问题,包括图数据的存储方 式、图索引结构、图分割策略、图计算模型、消息通信机制、容错管理、可伸缩性、图查询处理等.全面总结了当前的 研究现状和进展,详细分析了存在的挑战性问题,并深入探讨了未来的研究方向. 图处理;云计算;数据管理;分布式计算 TP311 10.3724/SP.J.1016.2011.01753 LargeScaleGraphDataProcessingonCloudComputingEnvironments YU Ge GU Yu BAO Yu-Bin WANG Zhi-Gang 2011-08-12 2011-09-15本课题得到国家自然科学基金(61033007,61003058)、中央高校基本科研业务 费专项资 金(N090104001)资助.于戈,男,1962年生,博士,教授,博士生导师,中国计算机学会(CCF)高级会员,主要研究领域为数据 库理论和技术、分布与并行系统等.E-mail:[email protected].谷峪,男,1981年生,博士,副教授,主要研究方向为RFID、空间数 据管理、云计算.鲍玉斌,男,1968年生,博士,教授,主要研究领域为海量数据管理等.王志刚,男,1987年生,硕士研究生,主要研究方向 为数据库系统与云计算.

云计算环境下的大规模图数据处理技术 - Xidianweb.xidian.edu.cn/qgmiao/files/20130321_155729.pdf · 2013-03-21 · cloud. csdn. net/a/20110224/292508. html, 2011-7-13

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Page 1: 云计算环境下的大规模图数据处理技术 - Xidianweb.xidian.edu.cn/qgmiao/files/20130321_155729.pdf · 2013-03-21 · cloud. csdn. net/a/20110224/292508. html, 2011-7-13


于 戈 谷 峪 鲍玉斌 王志刚东北大学信息科学与工程学院 沈阳 110819医学影像计算教育部重点实验室(东北大学)沈阳 110819







TP311 10. 3724/SP.J. 1016.2011. 01753

Large Scale Graph Data Processing on Cloud Computing Environments

YU Ge GU Yu BAO Yu-BinWANG Zhi-Gang

2011-08-12 2011-09-15本课题得到国家自然科学基金(61033007,61003058)、中央高校基本科研业务

费专项资金(N090104001)资助.于戈,男,1962年生,博士,教授,博士生导师,中国计算机学会(CCF)高级会员,主要研究领域为数据库理论和技术、分布与并行系统等.E-mail: yuge@ mail.neu.edu.cn.谷峪,男,1981年生,博士,副教授,主要研究方向为RFID、空间数



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云计算环境下的大规模图数据处理技术作者: 于戈, 谷峪, 鲍玉斌, 王志刚, YU Ge, GU Yu, BAO Yu-Bin, WANG Zhi-Gang

作者单位: 东北大学信息科学与工程学院 沈阳 110819;医学影像计算教育部重点实验室(东北大学)沈阳 110819


英文刊名: Chinese Journal of Computers

年,卷(期): 2011,34(10)


1.Brin Sergey;Page Larry The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual web search engine 1998(1-7)

2.Lumsdaine Andrew;Gregor Douglas;Hendrickson Bruce;Berry Jonathan Challenges in parallel graph processing 2007(01)

3.Soussi Rania;Aufaure Marie-Aude;Baazaoui Hajer Graph atabase for Collaborative Communities 2011

4.Angles R;Gutierrez C Survey of graph database models[外文期刊] 2008(01)

5.Malewicz Grzegorz;Austern Matthew H;Bik Aart J C Pregel:A system for large-scale graph processing 2010

6.Welcome to Hama Project 2011

7.Trinity-Microsoft Research 2011

8.Kang U;Tong H;Sun J GBASE:A scalable and general graph management system 2011

9.Bu Ying-Yi;Howe Bill;Balazinska Magdalena HaLoop:Efficient iterative data processing on large clusters 2010

10.Berge Claude Hypergraphs:Combinatorics of Finite Sets 1989

11.Ghemawat Sanjay;Gobioff Howard;Leung Shun-Tak The Google file system 2003

12.Wbite Tom Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 2009

13.Chang Fay;Dean Jeffrey;Ghemawat Sanjay Bigtable:A distributed storage system for structured data 2006

14.Tiwari Shashank NoSQL data modelling:Concepts and cases 2011

15.Apache Software Foundation The Apache CouchDB Project 2011

16.10gen, Inc mongoDB 2011

17.Apache Software Foundation Cassandra 2011

18.neo4j open source nosql graph database 2011

19.DeCandia Giuseppe;Hastorun Deniz;Jampani Madan Dynamo:Amazon' s highly available key-value store 2007

20.Amazon SimpleDB 2011

21.Connor Alexander G;Chrysanthis Panos K;Labrinidis Alexandros Key-key-value stores for efficiently processing graph

data in the cloud 2011

22.Lordanov Borislav HyperGraphDB:A generalized graph database 2010

23.Eifrem Emil NOSQL:Scaling to size and scaling to complexity 2009

24.Wu Sai;Jiang Da-Wei;Ooi Beng Chin Efficient B-tree based indexing for cloud data processing 2010

25.Wang Jin-Bao;Wu Sai;Gao Hong Indexing multi-dimensional data in a cloud system 2010

26.Tsatsanifos George;Sacharidis Dimitris;Sellis Timos MIDAS:Multi-attribute indexing for distributed architecture

systems 2011

27.Aguilera M K;Golab W;Shah M A A practical scalable distributed B-tree 2008

28.Zhang Xiang-Yu;Ai Jing;Wang Zhong-Yuan;Lu Jia-Heng An efficient multi-dimensional index for cloud data management


29.InfiniteGraph the Distributed Graph Database 2011

30.Li Bo-Duo;Mazur Edward;Yan Lei A platform for scalable one-pass analytics using MapReduce 2011

31.Dittrich Jens;Quiane-Ruiz Jorge-Amulfo;Jindal Alekh Hadoop+ +:Making a yellow elephant run like a Cheetah (without

it even noticing) 2010

32.Apach Mahout:Scalable machine learning and data mining 2011

33.Leskovec Jure;Lang Kevin J;Dasgupta Anirban Statistical properties of community structure in large social and

information networks 2008

Page 17: 云计算环境下的大规模图数据处理技术 - Xidianweb.xidian.edu.cn/qgmiao/files/20130321_155729.pdf · 2013-03-21 · cloud. csdn. net/a/20110224/292508. html, 2011-7-13

34.Andersen Reid;Chung Fan;Lang Kevin Local graph partitioning using PageRank vectors 2006

35.Metivier Y;Robson J M;Saheb N About randomised distributed graph colouring and graph partition algorithms 2010(11)

36.Derbel Bilel;Mosbah Mohamed;Zemmari Akka Fast distributed graph partition and application 2006

37.Lin Jimmy;Schatz Michael Design patterns for efficient graph algorithms in MapReduce 2010

38.Wu Chun-Jiang;Zhou Shi-Jie;Wei Lin-Na A new k-graph partition algorithm for distributed P2P simulation systems 2007

39.Bi T;Ni Y;Shen C M An efficient graph partition method for fault section estimation in large-scale power network


40.Kernighan-Lin algorithm 2011

41.Dutt Shantanu New faster kernighan-lin-type graph-partitioning algorithms 1993

42.Elnikety Sameh Horton:Online query execution on large distributed graphs 2011

43.Reid Marlow Andersen;Yuval Peres Local Graph Partitioning Using Evolving Sets 2010

44.Frey Brendan J;Dueck Delbert Clustering by passing messages between data points[外文期刊] 2007(5814)

45.Dean Jeffrey;Ghemawat Sanjay MapReduce:Simplified data processing on large clusters[外文期刊] 2008(01)

46.Valiant Leslie G A bridging model for parallel computation 1990(03)

47.Ching Avery Giraph:Large-scale graph processing infrastructure on Hadoop 2011

48.Condie Tyson;Conway Neil;Alvaro Peter MapReduce Online 2010

49.Ekanayake Jaliya;Li Hui;Zhang Bing-Jing Twister:A runtime for iterative MapReduce 2010

50.Prlter-Distributed Computing Framework for Prioritized Iteration 2011

51.Isard Michael;Budiu Mihai;Yu Yuan Dryad:Distributed data-parallel programs from sequential building blocks 2007

52.Yu Yuan;Isard Michael;Fetterly Dennis DryadLINQ:A system for general-purpose distributed data-parallel computing

using a high-level language 2008

53.Orleans:A Platform for Cloud Computing 2011

54.Yahoo! plans to reconstruct Hadoop-MapReduce 2011

55.Jing N;Huang Y;Rundensteiner E A Hierarchical encoded path views for path query processing:An optimal model and its

performance evaluation[外文期刊] 1998(03)

56.Jung S;Pramanik S An efficient path computation model for hierarchically structured topographical road maps


57.Cohen E;Halperin E;Kaplan H Reachability and distance queries via 2-hop labels 2002

58.Gao Jun;Xu Jeffery Yu;Jin Ruo-Ming Neighborhoodprivacy protected shortest distance computing in cloud 2011

59.Kang U;Tsourakakis Charalampos E;Faloutsos Christos PEGASUS:A pets-scale graph mining system-implementation and

observations 2009

60.SPARQL Query Language for RDF 2011


1. 王意洁.孙伟东.周松.裴晓强.李小勇.WANG Yi-Jie.SUN Wei-Dong.ZHOU Song.PEI Xiao-Qiang.LI Xiao-Yong 云计算环境下的分布存


2. 杨柳.唐卓.李仁发.张宗礼.YANG Liu.TANG Zhuo.LI Ren-fa.ZHANG Zong-li 云计算环境中基于用户访问需求的角色查找算法[期刊论


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5. 刘正伟.文中领.张海涛.Liu Zhengwei.Wen Zhongling.Zhang Haitao 云计算和云数据管理技术[期刊论文]-计算机研究与发展


6. 杨柳.唐卓.朱敏.李仁发.YANG Liu.TANG Zhuo.ZHU Min.LI Ren-fa 基于风险的云计算环境用户效用分析[期刊论文]-湖南大学学报
