1 《自由時代》週刊的自由議題類型分析 摘要 《自由時代》週刊通常被視為言論自由主張的代表,但事實上它是同時具有 許多其他自由主張的刊物。本文篩選出《自由時代》週刊內八十六篇標題中有「自 由」一詞的文章,並依內容進行分類。本文認為,《自由時代》週刊至少有言論、 政治、民主、免於恐懼、追求獨立、人權、法律、集會、遊行、行動等多種議題 類型。本文主要從最大宗的言論、政治、民主與經濟等自由議題進行分析,藉此 凸顯《自由時代》週刊的多元特色。 關鍵詞 臺灣、言論、政治、民主、經濟 The Weekly of Freedom Era of freedom issues type Abstract The Weekly of Freedom Era is often used as "freedom of speech" representatives. However, the fact that it also has many other freedom advocates. For example, it has freedom of speech, politics, democracy, freedom from fear, the pursuit of independence, human rights, law, rallies, marches, actions and other types of issues. This paper analyzes the title has "free" articles. Among the most is the type of rhetoric, politics, democracy and the economy. This paper studies these four articles, highlights The Weekly of Freedom Era of diverse topics. Keyword Taiwan, speech, politics, democracy, economic

《自由時代》週刊的自由議題類型分析 · 2 關於《自由時代》週刊的研究,主要有:劉建佑,〈戰後 台灣言論叛亂除罪化的確立〉,臺灣臺

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