Edentracul : 1.Bun Venit ! AtaOn Toate Cele Bune Fiilor Cerului, Fiilor Soarelui si Fiilor Luminii, in Bucuria si Iubirea Dumnezeului Care Este Unul - Amin ! “Huten Iaren Pleisten Eiven Reven HarTiosAminis ZaHirParaisiaAnkhOn.: Neamul Sa-ti Traiasca In Pace Intotdeauna, Prin Puterea Vointei Si A Iubirii Tatalui Sfant, Pe Altarul ZaHirParaisiaAnkhOn.” Amin “Evoe Ates – Eu Sunt Puterea Lui Dumnezeu. Ma Inalt Prin Puterea Dumnezeului Inimii Mele.” 2. Acum Este Timpul Pentru Izvorul Si Bucuria Mantuirii ...Binecuvantat Sa Fie Timpul Care Naste Izvorul Si Bucuria Mantuirii. ...Amin 3. Marturia si Multumirea EdenTracului Tatal Meu E Zamolxe. Tatal Meu E Tatal Cerurilor Mele, E Tatal Soarelui Cerurilor Iubirii Si Bucuriei Inimii Mele, Tatal Meu E Tatal Cerurilor . Mama Mea Este Is (IsIs). Mama Mea Este Mama Focului Si A Luminii – E Mama Puterii Soarelui Cerurilor Inimii Mele, Mama Mea Este Mama Puterii Harului Duhului Sfant,E Mama Puterii Cerurilor Tatal Meu Este Tatal Vietii – Este Viata Si Samanta Vie A Vietii, E Tatal Celui Care Vine Prin Puterea Vietuirii. Mama Mea Este Mama - Cea Care Naste si Hraneste Viata, E Mama Celui Care Vine Prin Puterea Vietuirii.

Eden Tracul

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Page 1: Eden Tracul

Edentracul :

1.Bun Venit ! AtaOn

Toate Cele Bune Fiilor Cerului, Fiilor Soarelui si Fiilor Luminii, in Bucuria si Iubirea Dumnezeului Care Este Unul - Amin !

“Huten Iaren Pleisten Eiven Reven HarTiosAminis ZaHirParaisiaAnkhOn.:

Neamul Sa-ti Traiasca In Pace Intotdeauna, Prin Puterea Vointei Si A Iubirii Tatalui Sfant, Pe Altarul ZaHirParaisiaAnkhOn.” Amin

“Evoe Ates – Eu Sunt Puterea Lui Dumnezeu. Ma Inalt Prin Puterea Dumnezeului Inimii Mele.”

2. Acum Este Timpul Pentru Izvorul Si Bucuria Mantuirii ...Binecuvantat Sa Fie Timpul Care Naste Izvorul Si Bucuria Mantuirii. ...Amin

3. Marturia si Multumirea EdenTracului

Tatal Meu E Zamolxe. Tatal Meu E Tatal Cerurilor Mele, E Tatal Soarelui Cerurilor Iubirii Si Bucuriei Inimii Mele, Tatal Meu E Tatal Cerurilor .

Mama Mea Este Is (IsIs). Mama Mea Este Mama Focului Si A Luminii – E Mama Puterii Soarelui Cerurilor Inimii Mele, Mama Mea Este Mama Puterii Harului Duhului Sfant,E Mama Puterii Cerurilor

Tatal Meu Este Tatal Vietii – Este Viata Si Samanta Vie A Vietii, E Tatal Celui Care Vine Prin Puterea Vietuirii.

Mama Mea Este Mama - Cea Care Naste si Hraneste Viata, E Mama Celui Care Vine Prin Puterea Vietuirii.

Eu sunt Fiul Vostru.

Noi Aprindem Soarele Fiintei Timpului Nostru, Caci Voia Noastra Una Este.

Focul Puterii Soarelui Nascut In Mine Arde Si Se Inalta In Mine.

Eu Sunt Fiul Vostru. In Mine Este Vointa Celui Care Este Unul – Eu Fac Voia Mea, Eu Fac Voia Celui Care Este Unul.


Page 2: Eden Tracul

5. AnkhTer HiminaiTerAnkh :

Te Binecuvantez In Lumina Care Uneste Cerul Bucuriei Si Al Iubirii

HaRaTaDaReYion - Aiter HiminaiTer <> ...Amin

5. Crucea Este Lumina Din Noi, Este Lumina Vietii Care Inalta Altarul Viu Din Noi. Trinitatea Lui Dumnezeu Este Dumnezeu Inaltat In Om. Cel Care Vede Lumina Crucii Devine Lumina. ...Amin.

6."Ce E Inauntru E Si Inafara - Tot Ce E Inafara E Si Inauntru. Tot Ce Primesti In Miezul Fiintei Tale, Aprinde Focul Mantuirii Care Deschide In Tine Puterea Izvorului Si Bucuriei Mantuirii. ....Amin"

-daca poti pe o singura respiratie fiecare set de fraze (ai in paranteza nr. de rostiri pe o respiratie).


1. Umblu Luminos Prin Munte. (x7) ...Amin ....

2. Lumina Lina Din Luna. (x7) ... amin...

3. Lumina Lina Divina. (x7) ...amin...

4. Lumina Divina Din Luna. (x7) ... amin...

5. Stelele Din Adanc In Ochiul Din Ceruri. (x7) ... amin ...

6. Adancul E In Mine Si-n El , Inceput Si Sfarsit E In Tot, Unul Traieste In Tot. (x3) ...amin ...

7. Cu Voi Voi Urca Muntele Celui Care Alege. (x7) ... amin...

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8. Muntele Topeste Gheata Din Inimi. (x7) ... amin...

9. Muntele Sfarma Piatra Din Inimi. (x7) ...amin...

10. Muntele E Lumina Din Pamant Si Din Ape. (x7) ...amin...

11. Dumnezeul Zilei Si Al Noptii Intra In Munte. [3+3+1] ...amin...

12. Caut Adevarul In Altarul De Foc , In Cerul Cel Mai De Sus. [x3] ...amin...

~ Regula de baza la preotii si zeii daci e :

" Fii liber, fa ce-ti place, fa ce simti in inima ta - Dumnezeu pune in inima ta tot ce ai nevoie .

sfantul Sampson Sievers

“O All-merciful Mistress, Most-holy Sovereign, All-holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God, my indubitable and sole hope: do not shun me, do not reject me, do not abandon me, do not leave me; intercede, appeal, hearken; yea, Mistress, help and forgive, forgive, Most-holy One!”

14 Foods that Cleanse the Liver

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Modern society has created a sad state for our over-processed livers. Anytime we overeat or eat processed or fried foods, and, anytime we are exposed to environmental pollutants or stress, the liver becomes overworked and overloaded. When the liver is taxed, it cant process toxins and fat in an efficient way. There are many foods that can help cleanse the liver naturally by stimulating the natural ability to clean toxic waste from the body.

List of Foods that Cleanse the Liver

In the past, I have discusses my favorite cleansing foods. This list is a little more specific and focuses mainly on foods that can help cleanse your liver. In addition to taking a liver-cleansing supplement, and performing at least two liver and gallbladder cleanses per year, eating the following foods is the best way to keep your liver healthy and functioning the way you need it to. I would encourage you to incorporate these liver cleanse foods into your weekly diet.

1. Garlic

Just a small amount of this pungent white bulb has the ability to activate liver enzymes that helps your body flush out toxins. Garlic also holds high amounts of allicin and selenium, two natural compounds that aid in liver cleansing.

2. Grapefruit

High in both vitamin C and antioxidants, grapefruit increasea the natural cleansing processes of the liver. A small glass of freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice will help boost production of liver detoxification enzymes that help flush out carcinogens and other toxins.

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3. Beets and Carrots

Both extremely high in plant-flavonoids and beta-carotene, eating both beets and carrots can help stimulate and improve overall liver function.

4. Green Tea

This liver-loving beverage is chock-full of plant antioxidants known as catechins, a constituent known to assist the livers overall functions. Green tea is not only delicious, it’s also a great way to improve your overall diet. Learn more about the benefits of green tea.

5. Leafy Green Vegetables

One of our most powerful allies in cleansing the liver, leafy greens can be eaten raw, cooked or juiced. Extremely high in plant chlorophylls, greens literally suck up environmental toxins from the blood stream. With their distinct ability to nuetralize heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides, these cleansing foods offer a powerful protective mechanism for the liver.

Try incorporating leafy greens such as bitter gourd, arugula, dandelion greens, spinach, mustard greens and chicory into your diet. This will help increase the creation and flow of bile, the substance that removes waste from the organs and blood.

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6. Avocados

This nutrient-dense super-food helps the body produce glutathione, which is necessary for the liver to cleanse harmful toxins. Recent studies indicate improved liver health when avocados are eaten regularly.

7. Apples

High in pectin, apples hold the chemical constituents needed for the body to cleanse and release toxins from the digestive tract. This, in turn, makes it easier for the liver to handle the toxic load during the cleansing process.

8. Olive Oil

Cold-pressed organic oils such as olive, hemp and flax-seed are great for the liver, when used in moderation. They help the body by providing a lipid base that can suck up harmful toxins in the body. In this way, it takes some of the burden off the liver in terms of the toxic overload that many of us suffer from.

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9. Whole Grains

Grains, such as brown rice, are rich in B-complex vitamins, nutrients known to improve overall fat metabolization, liver function and liver decongestion. If possible, do not eat foods with white flour, instead try eating whole wheat alternatives.

10. Cruciferous Vegetables

Eating broccoli and cauliflower will increase the amount of glucosinolate in your system, adding to enzyme production in the liver. These natural enzymes help flush out carcinogens, and other toxins, out of our body which significantly lowers our risk of cancer.

11. Lemons & Limes

These citrus fruits contain very high amounts of the vitamin C, which aids the body in synthesizing toxic material into substance that can be absorbed by water. Drinking freshly-squeezed lemon or lime juice in the morning helps stimulate the liver.

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12. Walnuts

Holding high amount of the amino acid arginine, walnuts aid the liver in detoxifying ammonia. Walnuts are also high in glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids which support normal liver cleansing actions. Make sure you chew the nuts well (until they are liquefied) before swallowing.

13. Cabbage

Much like broccoli and cauliflower, eating cabbage helps stimulate the activation of two crucial liver detoxifying enzymes that help flush out toxins. Try eating more kimchi, coleslaw, cabbage soup and sauerkraut.

14. Turmeric

The liver’s favorite spice. Try adding some of this detoxifying goodness into your next lentil stew or veggie dish for an instant liver pick-me-up. Turmeric helps boost liver detox, by assisting enzymes that actively flush out known dietary carcinogens.


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Tips For Doing a Liver Cleanse

Other liver cleanse foods not listed above are artichoke, asparagus, kale and brussel sprouts. Eating the foods listed above is a great way to keep your liver functioning properly. However, for the best results, I would recommend doing a liver cleanse. Doing a liver cleanse at least twice a year will eliminate any foreign substances that may be trapped in your liver.

Dr. Group's Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse

Dr. Group's

Body Cleanse Starter Kit Read More About theBody Cleanse Starter Kit

In keeping with my mission to find and develop the best natural and organic products available, I am very pleased to announce I've recently updated my Liver Gallbladder Cleanse instructions based on the newest and most innovative liver cleansing formulation - Livatrex®.

My extensive research on cleansing herbs has resulted in this 100% All-Natural, ultra-effective organic gallbladder and liver cleanser.

DOCTOR'S NOTE: If you do not have a gallbladder, the liver has to work twice as hard and can thus accumulate twice as many stones. This cleanse is highly recommended to help support individuals without gallbladders.

Ingredients for Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse 1 gallon of apple juice (freshly pressed organic). The malic acid in the apple juice

helps to soften stones and dissolve stagnant bile that may be present. You can use distilled water or Wellness Water® instead of apple juice if you are allergic to apples or need to watch your sugar intake due to diabetes

2 ounces (1 full bottle) of Livatrex® 3 Tablespoons of Epsom salt Organic ingredients for making the Liver/Gallbladder Soup Organic Fruits for breakfast each morning

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8 oz. Organic Walnuts or 3 Organic Avocados with 1 Organic Lime or Lemon for the mid-afternoon snack on day 5. (Choose one or the other)

6 oz. of Organic Olive Oil - Use Extra virgin high quality, cold-pressed for best results

1 bottle of Oxy-Powder® & 1 bottle of Latero-Flora™ 1 bottle (8 ounces) of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (available at most health food

stores or online)

Instructions: You should be able to perform this liver cleanse while still working or carrying on your normal daily activities. The Oxy-Powder® however can cause watery stools, so make sure a bathroom is nearby. If your stools are liquid, remember this is not diarrhea but the byproduct of turning the solid compacted fecal matter in the intestinal tract into a liquid or gas.

Instructions for Performing the Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse

During the first 4 days of cleansing, I recommend the dietary instructions below.

1. Eat liver and gallbladder supporting organic fruits for breakfast each morning. These include watermelon, papaya, kiwi, plums, pears, apples, cherries, figs, and grapefruit.

For lunch and dinner, eat fresh vegetables, homemade vegetable soups, or salads containing liver and gallbladder detoxifying vegetables such as artichoke, asparagus, carrots, beets, broccoli, cabbage, kale, brussel sprouts, garlic, spinach, romaine lettuce, onions, and cauliflower. Snacks should consist of organic raw seeds or raw nuts such as sunflower, walnuts, Brazil nuts, or almonds.

2. Avoid drinking coffee, milk, alcohol, bottled juices, or soft drinks during this cleanse. These liquids will decrease the effectiveness of the liver gallbladder cleanse, and add more toxins to the body. For optimal results drink only distilled water in addition to your cleansing mixture during the day.

It is best to begin the Liver Cleanse on a Tuesday or Wednesday so on Day 5 (Saturday or Sunday) you will be at home in a relaxing setting and near a bathroom.

Day 1 of Liver Cleanse

Make your Liver Cleanse Formula: Add two ounces (the whole bottle) of Livatrex® and 2 tablespoons of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar to 1 gallon of organic apple juice, distilled water or Wellness Water®. Shake and refrigerate - You will be drinking this formula for the next 4 days.

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During the day drink four 8-ounce glasses of your cleanse formula between meals. Example: Drink one 8-ounce glass at 9am, 12pm, 3pm and 6pm. Make sure you drink the mixture 1 hour before or after your meals.

Before Bed: Take 4 capsules of Oxy-Powder® and 2 capsules of Latero-Flora™. The Latero-Flora™ will help balance the Probiotic bacteria in the intestinal tract to assist in detoxification.

Day 2 of Liver Cleanse

During the day drink four 8-ounce glasses of your 'liver cleanse formula' between meals. Make sure you drink the mixture 1 hour before or after your meals.

Before Bed: Take 6 capsules of Oxy-Powder® and 3 capsules of Latero-Flora™.

Day 3 of Liver Cleanse

During the day drink four 8-ounce glasses of your cleanse formula between meals. Make sure you drink the mixture 1 hour before or after your meals.

Before Bed: Take 6 capsules of Oxy-Powder® and 3 capsules of Latero-Flora™.

Day 4 of Liver Cleanse

During the day drink four 8-ounce glasses of your cleanse formula between meals. Make sure you drink the mixture 1 hour before or after your meals.

Before Bed: Take 6 capsules of Oxy-Powder® and 3 capsules of Latero-Flora™.

Day 5 of Liver Cleanse — "Flush Day"

8am to 10am - Breakfast

Eat a healthy breakfast of organic fresh fruit. Liver supporting fruits include watermelon, papaya, kiwi, plums, cherries, figs, and grapefruit. Choose only one of the fruits above and eat as much as you like between 8 and 10 am. Do not mix the fruits however! If you

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cannot find fresh fruits, substitute with organic frozen fruit. I recommend using watermelon if it is available due to its high glutathione content. Start preparing your Liver/Gallbladder Soup for lunch (see the recipe below).

12pm - Lunch

Choose from one of the following 2 options for your lunch meal.

Organic Liver/Gallbladder Soup 1 Organic Beet (Chopped) 2 Organic Carrots (Chopped) 10 Organic Garlic Cloves (Minced) ½ Organic Onion (Chopped) 1 Teaspoon Himalayan Crystal Salt ½ Teaspoon Organic Turmeric ½ Teaspoon Organic Oregano

Lunch Option 1 (Recommended) - To maximize the liver's ability to detoxify and cleanse, I chose a combination of foods which are high in naturally occurring sulphur and glutathione. Sulphur helps the liver detoxify harmful chemicals. The ingredients in the liver gallbladder soup include onions, carrots, garlic, beet, turmeric, and oregano. The combination of these foods will help your liver purge toxins during the cleansing process. Other liver and gallbladder detoxifying foods are artichoke, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, kale, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower which may also be added to the soup if you wish.

Pour 32 ounces of purified water into a soup pot. Add all of the ingredients to the water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and then simmer on low heat for one hour. Eat this soup for your lunch meal. After your meal, refrigerate and save the remaining portion of your soup for tomorrow's lunch meal.

Lunch Option 2 (Water Meal) - If you are not hungry or you feel that you can fast through lunch, drink as much pure distilled water as you can. For every 32 ounces of water you drink during the day add 2 teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar.

2pm: Mid-Afternoon Snack

This will be your last meal of the day. Choose one of the following options.

Snack Option 1: Organic Avocados, Organic Lime or Lemon, & Sea Salt. Eat 3 organic avocados. Season with sea salt and fresh lime or lemon juice to taste. Avocados help the body produce glutathione, which is necessary for the liver to detoxify harmful toxins. Recent studies indicate improved liver health with the regular consumption of avocados.

Snack Option 2: Eat 6-8 ounces of raw organic walnuts. Walnuts contain the amino acid arginine, which is necessary to help the liver detoxify ammonia. Walnuts are also high in glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids which support

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normal liver detoxification. Make sure you chew the nuts well (until they are liquefied) before swallowing.

Snack Option 3: Water Meal. If you are not hungry or you feel that you can fast through the afternoon, drink as much distilled water as you can. For every 32 ounces of water you drink during the day, add 2 teaspoons of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.

5pm: Epsom Salt

Mix one and a half level tablespoons of Epsom salt in 8 ounces of warm, purified water. Drink it as fast as you can. It is advisable to be near a bathroom when drinking the Epsom salt as some people experience liquid stools within 20 to 30 minutes after ingestion.

7pm: Epsom Salt

Mix one and a half level tablespoons of Epsom salt in 8 ounces of warm, purified water. Drink it as fast as you can. It is advisable to be near a bathroom when drinking the Epsom salt as some people experience liquid stools within 20 to 30 minutes after ingestion.

9pm to 10pm: Olive Oil & Juice

Drink ¾ cup (6 ounces) of organic cold pressed extra virgin olive oil. A small amount (2 tablespoons) of freshly squeezed orange, grapefruit, or lemon juice may be added to improve the taste (optional). Immediately after drinking the oil, go to bed and lie on your right side with your knees drawn up to your stomach for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, you can stretch out and go to sleep. If you experience cramping, walk around for ten minutes or so and then go back to bed. You may also feel nauseated during the night. This is due to the release of stored toxins from the gallbladder and liver. This is normal and a sign the Liver Gallbladder Cleanse is working.

If you feel the need to vomit, do so as this will help release toxins. If you vomit, this is a sure sign your body is extremely toxic and you should consider repeating the Liver Cleanse after a five day break. Do not take any other supplements on this night.

Day 6 - The Day After the Liver Cleanse

Upon waking in the morning, immediately take 4 capsules of Oxy-Powder®. This will help your intestinal tract and body flush the stones released from the liver and gallbladder during the night. For breakfast, eat only fruit. For lunch eat the remaining portion of your Liver and Gallbladder Soup. For dinner eat a healthy meal such as a salad and some protein.

Congratulations! You have just completed your first Liver Cleanse. Stones should appear in your bowel movements for one to two days.

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The best results come with repetition. You will just be scratching the surface of years of accumulated toxins with only 1 Liver Gallbladder Cleanse. I usually recommend repeating the Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse 3 times in a row with a break of 5 to 10 days between each session. For someone experiencing a healing crisis (see below), you might want to wait 7 to 10 days between flushes or however long your natural healthcare practitioner recommends.

Repeat the Liver Cleanse if Necessary.

If you are still experiencing symptoms after your third flush, this may be a sign you need additional cleanses. The most I have heard of someone completing is 20 back-to-back Liver Cleanses before their symptoms were significantly reduced.

Instructions for Livatrex® Maintenance:

Mix 2 full droppers with 4 ounces of purified water and drink before breakfast 2 to 3 times weekly.

Top Ten Healthy Foods for Women Written by Shilo Urban     

1. Kale

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One of the most potent leafy greens, kale is packed with folate, which is an essential B vitamin for women and unborn children; even those females not planning to get pregnant anytime soon should consume it regularly. Kale is also a rich source of calcium (for strong bones) and vitamin C (for immune defense), and B vitamins are known to be mood balancers.


2. Orange squash and roots

 Butternut squash and pumpkins as well as orange root vegetables like sweet potatoes and carrots are loaded with beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant. You may know beta-carotene as the protector of vision, but it is also thought to protect against breast cancer and repair damaged skin as well, slowing the signs of aging. 

3. Iron 

Menstruating women must consume iron or risk anemia; although this important mineral is widely taken in multivitamin form, your body will absorb iron better if you consume it in foods like spinach, lentils, lean red meat and dark poultry. If you are taking a multivitamin, make sure it is one made specifically for women that includes iron. 

4. Broccoli 

A bonafide superfood, broccoli is a stout source of many vitamins and nutrients. Ounce for ounce, broccoli provides more vitamin C than an orange and is also loaded with fiber, beta-carotene and folic acid. Broccoli is one of the best foods an expectant mother (or anyone!) can eat and is particularly useful for those with digestive disorders. 

5. Mangoes 

Like many fruits, mangoes are powerhouses of vitamin C, a nutrient that fights inflammation and keeps your immune system running smoothly. However juicy mangoes are also very high in vitamin A and are thought to help protect against cervical cancer- a great excuse for a smoothie. 

6. Beans  

Many women suffer from digestive irregularities such as IBS, and having plenty of

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natural fiber in your diet from beans, lentils and legumes can help prevent such chronic diseases like colon cancer, which kills more women every year than breast cancer. Plus, bulky beans are low in fat, inexpensive and are a filling way to beat hunger. 


7. Yogurt 

Women need a high intake of calcium to keep their bones strong against the brittle breaks of osteoporosis. Dairy is a fine source of calcium, and yogurt gives the added benefit of good bacteria (also know as probiotics) to keep the colon healthy and the whole body system in balance. Skip the premade, commercial yogurts that are extremely high in sugars and instead opt for natural yogurt and flavor it yourself with honey, or agave syrup and fresh fruits. 

8. Figs  

Shapely and elegant, figs contain high levels of vitamin B-6, a nutrient that has been proven to balance the mood and ease the symptoms of PMS. The fiber in figs helps you feel full and can sooth many common digestive irregularities as well.

9. Salmon 

Salmon and other fatty fish such as mackerel and sardines are rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are indeed necessary for proper brain function as well as protection from arthritis and heart disease. Most people today don’t get enough of these brain-protecting nutrients, so you should try to include salmon and other foods high in omega-3 fatty acids several times a week. 

10. Berries 

Cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries aren’t just cute and delicious- they contain powerful anti-cancer agents that play a key role in cell repair and may protect against many forms of disease, including breast cancer and colon cancer, the two cancers that affect women most. Dense in vitamin C, folic acid and antioxidants as well, berries ward off urinary tract infections, help your vision and may also protect against skin aging. Try to include berries in your daily diet.


Cherry Chocolate Frozen Yogurt Print Recipe type: Dessert Author: Inspired by Jamie Oliver’s 30 Minute Meals

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Prep time: 5 mins Cook time: 1 hour Total time: 1 hour 5 mins Serves: 6-8 scoops Easy Homemade Cherry Chocolate Frozen Yogurt without ice cream maker. Can substitute with any fruits, the trick is to use frozen fruitsIngredients

200ml Plain Yogurt 100g pitted frozen Cherries 2 Tablespoon Raw Honey (or more to your liking) 50g Semi Bitter Chocolate – roughly chopped

Method1. Place yogurt, cherries, and raw honey in the blender and blend until mix

completely. Pour mixture into freezer proof container and add chopped chocolate and gently stir with a spoon to distribute the chocolate into the mixture. (To avoid the chocolate from sinking to the bottom of the container)

2. Put into the freezer for at least 1 hour.3. If the frozen yogurt has been left frozen for long hours, let it thaw at room

temperature for 1 minute before scooping to serve.