EDEN T h e MAGAZINE September 2013 Volume 3 Issue 9

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Eden magazine is a free online magazine, which focuses on spreading compassion to all sentient beings Living in a healing and peaceful world. Discover the path to peaceful living among other living beings. We are all made of vibration and light in the universe to manifest our energy around all livingness.

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September 2013 Volume 3 Issue 9

2 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ September 2013

Eden Magazine is an independent monthly online magazine. Our aim is to create a better environment where we live among other living being in peace and harmony. We support artists that their work match our criteria. If you would like to submit your artwork, article or/and your

Photography For our future issues please contact Maryam Morrison at;[email protected] or www.theedenmagazine.com

EditorMaryam Morrison

spreading compassion to all sentient beings and Living in healing and peaceful world

Front Cover ~ by Endre BaloghBackground by wallcee.com

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Endre Balogh

4SurrenderBy Bobbie Stuart

8Sea & the cells.....By Katerina Kostaki

10Living our lives.....By Sherri Cortland NDJill Lebeau

16Sina Vodjani


The Observer effect...By Cosmo Cavallaro


A Message of LoveBy By Jan Diana

26Divine FrequenciesBy Ellen Heller



Purpose of LifeBy Lynn Scheurell

Juice DetoxBy Diana Kort

40The Dama Dama Deer


Energy HealsBy Maury Brooks


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Endre Balogh

“Our physical world is filled with geometric designs - from lowly flowers and simple shells all they way to the structure of galaxies. Many see in these structures the guiding hand of the Divine. Others see the same geometric and mathematical patterns as simply arising from natural principles.

Regardless of your point of view on this subject, geometric patters lend them-selves well to beautiful art. I have always been fascinated by the interface between the mundane and the spiritual, so for me, making these “Sacred Geometries” is a perfect way to explore that wonderful boundary. Since I have long been familiar with these ideas, I have used all sorts of geometrical and spiritual motifs ranging from the simplest of forms - circles, triangles, Star of David, etc. - to very complex overlapping structures and sometimes even the YHVH Hebrew Ttetragrammaton. They are frequently combinations of photographic elements and purely Photoshop digital work. I have posted them in the order they were made so if you are so inclined, you can see the progression in their creation.”

Endre Balogh

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By Bobbie Stuart

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Each of us experiences a divine yearning that can propel us through challenges, ini-tiations and disappointments on the great adventure of our life journey. We must be-come the hero of our own story and push through, till contact with Source essence pulls us into the current of transcendent experiences and understandings. Then we whiff the bliss of our eternal blessed union and our destiny is sealed.

There is no turning back when our hunger is finally ignited with a mere taste of the Divine Elixir. We transform slowly. Even though astonishing grace is blessed upon us, we must still purify, relax and release in order to have room to hold the Light of God within. The intense radiance and ex-pansion into multi-dimensional conscious-ness is the coveted state of Oneness, uni-ty, coherence, salvakalpa samadhi. We are then forever transformed into higher-frequency conscious beings living in a lower-frequency culture on a unified, dy-namic, glowing, breathing, fragile planet.

Now we seek our spiritual family and be-come a beacon of light for others. During this process we practice the art of living meditation. As we become more con-sciously aware, we may also still become vexed by difficult life dramas. We must al-ways pull ourselves back into alignment with Divine Oneness.

We are called to examine all parts of our personality and attachments to early limit-ing beliefs, as these can limit our freedom. We must let go of identity issues in order to be in the Divine flow. We are all un-dergoing this same process of surrender, even though we may be at different stages

and call it by different names. Yet and still, together, as humans on beautiful planet Earth, we are evolving at a rapid pace dur-ing this dynamic and transformative time. We are all struggling to absorb the recent intergalactic infusion of luminous, high fre-quency energy, so disorienting, yet essen-tial to the consciousness required for Di-vine union and successful stewardship of our lovely, living planet. Love & Blessings to all my sisters and brothers; we are all in this together.

Bobbie Stuart, visionary artist and writer, spiritual counselor and teacher, holds a BFA from the Art Institute of Chicago and an MA in Inter-Arts from Chicago’s Columbia College, where she was a faculty member for more than 20 years. She is a woman grown wise and intimately connected to spirit through a life of challenging and amazing experiences combined with extensive spiritual study and practice. Bobbie joins sacred healing practices to visionary outcomes in various modes of transformative work.

Her artwork is inspiring and evocative of the multiverse of spiritual dimensions. Bobbie is a Life Path Consultant and Spiritual Advisor and is available for Skype or telephone sessions.

or find her on [email protected]

By Katerina Kostaki

Photo by Katerina Kostaki

Sea and the cells of


10 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ September 2013

The most appropriate time to sense the presence of Inspiration, to possess this inspiration flow, is the one adminst the battle

taken place within the two sides of our-self, the conscious and unconscious side.

Eventually I comprehend that the battles are merely taking place within our minds.

WE battle with demons, but aside we col-lect the coveted spoils of warfare.

Loot that’s not necessarily needed to be lost, but treasure hidden beneath the pile of our personal losses.

This collection is the property of our spoils of inspiration that we -as warriors of Light - earn in a hostile, corrupted and ungrateful world.

When not being in alliance with the dark-ness, then you battle and your winnings are only but this priceless collection.

Now that I ‘ve made my plunge in the dark and murky waters of metaphys-ics and the supernatural Styx, filled the pockets of knowledge with incred-ible stories, facts and mysteries, I could easily utter that the sea surface, the closest one by the seaside, is the best position, the best place to live upon the rest of my life.

The Sea is my great worship , beautiful as it is in every form, but this incompa-rible beauty of the tranquil surface and

the clear bottom is unique.

Maybe that is because I adore walking on the smooth, sandy surface with bare feet on the edge of the wave, reaching the crystalline water of the sea, I consid-er these moments as the most beautiful.

The sense of security, confidence, warmth that nature offers, yes this Nature comes to unite us with the Cre-ator is the strongest protection and shelter for us.

If there’s something that keeps me alive, is this love for Nature and the visualiza-tion of this serene imaginary.

Through all the darkness, the only thing that sustains me and still maintains my life is Gratitude for life that I constant-ly express, because ultimately I enjoy this life within the framework of a tight inner and external secure net , not daring (I wonder why…) to look back at the past and star at the future.

Apparently Truth that resides both in the past and the future are merely frighten-ing and relentless ones, that the human mind can not stand.

I prefer my Divine Nature journeying into the quiet beaches of Dreamland, built- bit by bit -on my own, like my secret bubble, with the greatest truth of the Universe abiding (a truth that many entities are desperately looking for...), which is none other than is: God’s love dwells within me.

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By Sherri Cortland and Jill Lebeau

We don’t need to suffer expedite our spiritual growth

Art by Maryam Morrison

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By Sherri Cortland and Jill Lebeau

We don’t need to suffer expedite our spiritual growth

Living our Lives with Ease and Effortlessness

Art by Maryam Morrison

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My pal Jill Lebeau (co-author of Feng Shui Your Mind~Four Easy Steps to Rapidly Transform Your Life) and I were chatting on the phone the other day, and Jill shared with me her de-sire to live her life with ease and ef-fortlessness. Both of us were born in New York, and we share that ‘gotta get it done right now’ mentality; so when she opened up about her philosophy of living with ease and ef-fortlessness, I was immediately in-trigued.

We joked about developing a Scarlett O’Hara attitude of ‘I’ll think about it tomorrow,’ but really, all I could think about after we hung up was, Is it truly possible to incorporate ease and ef-fortlessness into our lives as we strive to expedite our Spiritual growth? After all, the word ‘expedite’ means to speed up or rush, and personally, I’m all about getting through Karmic les-sons as quickly as possible.

After meditating on Jill’s words, I realized that while my Guide Groups are all about helping us expedite our spiritual growth, they’ve also chan-neled three books that revolve around teaching us to spot windows of oppor-tunity for learning and growth more quickly. They have also always been quite clear that action on our part is necessary to make the changes that will allow us to live our lives with less drama and pain. I get that we need to make changes and take action,

but the thought of doing so with ease was a foreign concept to me, and information Jill shared led to a bit of an epiphany: reducing drama is ab-solutely compatible with living with ease and effortlessness: Spotting windows of opportunity and taking ac-tion to learn our lessons is important; but it doesn’t mean that we have to force things to happen. It means that we need to be aware of what’s going on in our lives and take appropriate action to move forward.

I’m now in love with the thought of liv-ing life with ease and effortlessness, and so I went back to Jill and asked her for some explicit advice that I could share with The Eden Magazine read-ers, information that would allow us to incorporate this philosophy into our lives with ease. Jill graciously provided the following insight and wisdom, plus a list of steps for us:

Sherri, I am thrilled and honored to share this information, and I have four impor-tant steps to offer to help Readers get started. Let’s begin with our phone call. We had such a great, high energy con-versation filled with soul, joy, and laugh-ter-- the perfect ingredients to create through ease and effortlessness. You could say we were and are in the flow… of life itself. Those four little words, ‘going with the flow,’ are the essence of living a life that’s infused with ease and effortlessness.

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Yes, I agree completely that it is essen-tial that we cultivate awareness to live with less drama, less pain, and not get stuck in suffering. However, awareness can’t be rushed or forced. It’s more of an ‘allowing’ state. I love the principle from A Course in Miracles that ‘infinite patience produces immediate results.’ Let’s break this down, okay? The clut-tered mind thrives on drama and fear. So, it has a sneaky, seductive way of overtaking us, pulling us down into its clutches, and convincing us that we need to kick down those doors in order to access opportunities.

This is the exact opposite of using our energy efficiently, living in the spirit of ease and effortlessness. Clarity through contrast moment…I will never forget watching Oprah interview Sir Richard Branson, the English business magnate, who is the founder and chairman of the Virgin Group of more than 400 compa-nies worldwide. Oprah asked him if her crew could film his office, when they were touring his amazing residence. Richard pointed to his hammock… ex-plaining that he does most of his work there because he runs his companies in the hammock, using his cell phone to allow access to all of his companies around the world. How’s that for an im-age of ease and effortlessness? That image has been indelibly etched on my mind. My friend Adrianna and I often ask each other, ‘Are you getting enough hammock time?’

So, we need to practice mastering the cluttered mind, the conditioned part

of us that readily obscures our Spiri-tual power – if we let it. That’s the key. Mental clutter obscures our true nature. We are a part of nature, and like nature itself, our true nature functions in perfect harmony, balance, efficiency and total ease. That’s precisely how we can spot our windows of opportunity… quickly and efficiently, through playfulness and joy – not through force!

Everything that manifests starts with the intentions we set. At the start of this year, my intention was to deepen my practice of living in faith and ease. I felt called to go within and connect with my Divine inner spark. So that’s what I did. Through honoring that guidance, I practiced getting quiet, drawing from sources of high frequency energy and wisdom as well as relinquishing my need to look for my power outside myself. I stopped fighting life and instead focused on accepting and appreciating my life as it was unfolding. I made myself available to the universe, to move through me for the highest good. I practiced releasing my attachment to how and when that would show up.

As the year draws to a close, I am thrilled to share that among the many benefits of living this way, I have felt more peace-ful than ever, more gratitude for my life, more love in my heart to share with oth-ers and here’s the added bonus – my practice has been on fire! So are you ready to create your life using the least amount of energy to produce the great-est success?

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Check out these supercharged steps for living with more ease, less stress. These are steps that I live and thrive by, and love to teach others how to best implement in their lives.

1. Declutter your mind. Our roaring clut-tered mind (some call it the voice that never shuts up) seduces us into believ-ing that life inevitably must be hard and that we are all alone…separate from our Source, separate from each other, sepa-rate from nature. Again, when we are at its mercy, no wonder we feel the need to push our way through life! Learning how to declutter your mind is essential to living a life of ease and joy. Remem-ber, the clutter in your mind is highly adept at blocking out the ease and joy that your oh-so-soft-speaking Spirit is always guiding you to claim for yourself. As one of my beloved spiritual teachers, Hans Christian King says, ‘You need to get out of the doorway.’ Opportunities are always trying to come to us which we block when we’re ruled by the clut-tered mind.

2. As Joseph Campbell said, ‘Follow your bliss.’ Engage in that which con-nects you with the state known as bliss. That means everything from the peo-ple you spend time with, the books you read, exercise you choose – all of it. Dis-cover what allows your passion to soar and make time for it. That’s how we plug into high frequency energy. As much as possible, declutter all the rest.

3. Be still and know. Spend time in still-ness. Expand your vision of how to do

this the easy way! That means in a way that brings you bliss. My practice is briskly walking at the Berkeley Marina, sometimes tuning into the breathtaking beauty of the sights and sounds that surround me…the spectacular views, the sound of the waves, seagulls flying, etc…sometimes listening to inspiration-al music. Whatever floats your boat.

4. Breathe, relax and know all is well. Choose this as your sacred intention. Affirm this throughout the day. You are redesigning your mind as you do. The infinite wisdom of the universe that keeps the cosmos in complete order, el-egantly and efficiently, also keeps you in Divine order. Just as you don’t need to worry about your heart beating and your lungs breathing, you actually don’t need to worry about anything. Worry is a com-pletely different energy than ease. Know that everything is unfolding according to a higher plan. That allows you to live ef-fortlessly in peace and create the oppor-tunity for your Spirit to soar!

Thank you, Jill! Dear Readers, it’s up to us to take action and utilize this wisdom to create a life of ease and effortlessness for ourselves. We can do it! Namaste.

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Originally from New York State, Sherri Cortland lives in Orlando, Florida with her husband, Ted Dylewsk and their many cats. In addi-tion to writing books for Ozark Mountain Publishing, Sherri is also the Orlando Metaphysical Columnist for Examiner.com, where publishes new columns twice weekly, and she also shares messages from her Guides on her Facebook Author Page.

Jill Lebeau is a Spiritual Psychotherapist, Author, and Examiner.com Columnist for Spiritual Inspiration, Jill Lebeau is the co-author of the ground-breaking book, Feng Shui Your Mind--Four Easy Steps to Rapidly Transform Your Life. With 28 years of clinical experience, Jill is passionate about teaching people simple but powerful ways they can create success through ease. A visionary in her work,

Jill has been featured in the San Francisco Chronicle and other Bay Area newspapers. Along with seeing clients in her Albany office, she provides phone sessions coast to coast, and loves assisting people to rapidly transform their life through laughterand joy.

Contact Jill through her website or Facebookfollow her on Twitter www.Twitter.com/FengShuiYourMind


18 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ September 2013

Sina Vodjani

In last month issue of Eden Magazine, the works of Sina Vodjani was featured. His life was influenced by a rich variety of different cultures from his early childhood to present. Eden Magazine takes a deeper look into the life of Sina Vodjani by conducting a private one-on-one interview with this great Artist.

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1. Who was your inspiration to become an artist?

I presume that I was already born with the soul of an Artist, or better someone fascinated by creativity of life, since I was a child I loved playing, putting things to-gether, creating my own toys, braking the toys apart, trying to find out how it works... actually like all children do, with one difference; I did not give up the child in me. This sense of playing and being fascinated, falling in love with things and ideas remained until today.

It is life itself that later made me encoun-ter the right teachers at the right place and the right moment. I never had in mind that I want to be an Artist, I just knew creating is magic and, and somehow I sticked to it. I love creating, Composing, Music, Art, movements... so my inspiration is just the love for creating.

2. What did you find most fullfilling about your work?

Falling in love! again and again with beau-ty an ideas, lingering in this Love trough the process of creating, the passion, con-centration, time stays still... working hard and long until dawn. Just for the absolute necessity of creating, it is a state of mind. After the creation is over, I look at it for a little while, think ok... and then look for-ward for the next thing, and knowing that I can perhaps do it different or better or or or ....and so the wheel keeps on turning. For me fulfillment is in the present mo-ment of the creative process itself, with all his high an lows, not the finished work, finished work belongs already to the past,

does not bring fulfillment, only pride, and I am not someone who sticks on such things. I just go on...

3. What do you like to listen when you are relaxing?

I am Impressed, moved and inspired and also relaxed by all kinds of music, as long as the music is not in a aggressive state of mind, depending on the situation. But I am not a big music consumer, I am a mu-sic maker, so I do mostly music myself, and relax at the same time, and when not playing, the ambient “silence” is my friend, I listen to the sound of silence in me, the inner music, thoughts, feelings, emotions… the mind as such is already so noisy, full of music… Listening con-sciously is a science, listening with the in-ner ear is an Art of its own, that needs to be cultivate. There is sound everywhere and at all time, and absolute silence ac-tually does not exist. There is so much more fascinating and subtile sounds to listen to, what we call music is just a very tinny part of the listening experience.

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4. What motives you?

my motivation is a deep and absolute ne-cessity to be aware as a creative cell in the universe, to see, fell, hear... the amaz-ing firework of creation in every moment. Motivation could be actually anything, good or bad, important is to find, catch an impulse for beginning an creative act. Analogy, association and intuitive thinking (Thinking trough the heart) , are the main motors for creativity.

5. What music means to you?

Music is magic! it is the path opening the door to the invisible, the cosmologie of music is one of the greatest Science, Music contains and explains the laws of the vibrating universe within itself - Sound & Music is a medium that absorbs and transports the intention, it is pure informa-tion and structures, being invisibly trans-ported, manifesting the state of mind of the composer or the one creating. Music, sound or better Vibrations is holding every thing together in this universe.

8. what is the most important about your work?

The most important for me is awareness in the state of mind of the Art process it-self, fascination, exploring, playing, creat-ing, concentration, just doing, finding dif-ferent solutions for my artistic problems, in other words; how to improve the quality & beauty of the content transported by my Art. And finally the all most important thing is: Do what you Love & Love what you Do, with an big accent on Do! be aware in the present moment, the present moment is

much more important than yesterday and tomorrow - this is actually the open secret of Art & Life.

Beside music Sina has many more tal-ents, he is a Composer, Digital artist, and Photographer.In our next issue we will featuring more of Sina’s work.

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Art by Duguay

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by Cosmo Cavallaro

We have heard these words of wisdom from ancient times and they have re-verberated throughout the ages to our modern era. However, in our modern world, it is not only the philosophers, the gurus, the shamans, or the poets teaching us that “we create our own re-ality” but it is our revered scientist in their beautiful world of mathematics and quantum physics. Faith the size of a mustard seed is now referenced as the Observer Effect in the Unified Field. The Observer Effect has become a central part of the quantum world. Scientists have authenticated the fact that Con-

sciousness is an instrument actually shaping what we see as directed by our focused intention. Singularity of purpose, synchronized with the “Creative Intelli-gence” flowing throughout the Universe is the primary mechanics of co-creation. Using the power of intention we are creating all the time; placebo effect, the law of attraction, bio-feedback, positive attitudes, OBE’s, neuropeptides, and synchronistic events all corroborate our ability and power to co-create. “Observ-er Created Reality” means we actively participate in what shows up in our existence.

The Observer Effect

“I tell you the truth, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain ,

Move from here to there, and it will obey you and move.” ~ Jesus of Nazareth

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Can you or I create a rose, a kangaroo, or a sunset? I don’t think so! That is the domain of the First Cause. But we can influence our reality through a tenacious intention on a specific probability such as in prayer and healing. We have all wit-nessed miracles in our lives and have experienced the influence of positive ex-pectations.

“Humankind alone has the power to transform their thoughts into

physical reality.” ~ Napoleon Hill

As Shakespeare so eloquently wrote, “All the world’s a stage.” This interprets to, we are the protagonists, the leading ladies and gentlemen, the writers, directors and producers of our story. We are all shape shifters. When we faithfully live from our new paradigm as co-creators of our lives, we will have a different life experience. It will take relentless mindfulness and joy-ful acceptance to master this lesson but when we do the character of our circum-stances will shift to a positive experience. Slowly at first but it will ultimately mani-fest tangible results. We have all felt the effects of this mindset, either for a few hours, days, weeks or even longer. When we enter a room with a group of people that are enveloped in apparent negativ-ity we can transform their energy with our positive attitude; this is co-creating.

Our dilemma is that sooner or later we get distracted, neglectful and lazy and return to our deep rooted ways of thinking and being. We must continuously monitor our thoughts and actions if we are to replace old habits with new paradigms. Medical

science has calculated that the average person thinks about 60,000 thoughts ev-ery day. The astonishing fact is that most individuals think 80- 90% of the same thoughts they had the day before. For this reason we must not only monitor our thoughts on a moment to moment basis but introduce a significant change in our thought patterns.

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought; our reality is founded

on our thoughts. Our world arises from our thoughts.”

~ Gautama Siddhartha (Buddha)

It is in the depths of silence, at the deep-est levels of our consciousness, that we can alter our thought patterns. It is a virtual impossibility to stop our thoughts and clear our mind of all mental activity. It’s been compared to trying to tame a drunken monkey. The “drunken monkey mind” is filled with endless chattering as your awareness leaps from thought to thought while you daydream, make choic-es, analyze your relationships, or worry about the future. Eventually, you start to feel like your thoughts are spinning in circles and you’re left totally bewildered. One way to overcome this wild crea-ture in your head is through meditation, prayer or extended periods of self-re-ferral. You come to the realization that you are not your thoughts but you are experiencing them. The difference is subtle but significant. When you are the observer of your thoughts, you can let your thoughts rise and float away with-out being attached to them and pulled in different directions.

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There are many systems of meditation to achieve this ability. There are breath-ing meditations that call on you to focus on the rise and fall of your breath, while other techniques have you concentrate on the beat of your heart, or rest your aware-ness on the surface of a calm lake or focus on a candle flame. These systems can produce a marginal state of calm-ness but during these different meditation practices the mind’s attention is being held on the level of thought; the thoughts of your breath, of your heart beat, of a lake or of a candle flame. In my experience of teaching and meditating for the past 45 years I have found that the most powerful meditation to detach from the drunken monkey mind is Transcenden-tal Meditation. It is the profound power of the Mantra that will effortlessly move you beyond the chattering mind into your “silent sanctuary” of pure consciousness the Source of thought. The practice of daily meditation is the most potent activ-ity to transcend the endless chattering of your mind and in so doing calm and enliven your Spirit.

“Your thoughts are the creator of every-thing. If you cling to a certain thought

with dynamic will power, it will eventually manifest into a tangible external form.”

~ Paramahansa Yogananda

We become co-creators of our life expe-riences when we keep our awareness aligned with our intentions, hopes and dreams. We must regenerate our abilities for manifesting our desired reality. We must realize and accept our own power to create. The ancient wisdom of our Spiritual Masters has taught us that cre-

ating our own reality manifests into exis-tence when our awareness is seamlessly aligned with pure consciousness. Just as we plug in our electronic devices to recharge them we can also plug our awareness into the ultimate charging station. During meditation we are plugged into the influence and power of Creative Intelligence and our awareness is at the level of Pure Being and that experiential knowledge confirms our real-ity as co-creators of our existence.

Cosmo has been an instructor of Transcendental Meditation since 1970. He is a musician, writer, father, teacher, vegetarian, eternal optimist, court jester, spiritual warrior and a student of the human condition. His mission is to inspire and arouse the spiritual es-sence in everyone. . Philosophy: I am not a human being having a spiritual experience. I am a spiritual being having a temporary human experience.

He can be reached at

or on Facebook.

[email protected]

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By Jan DianaArt by Maryam Morrison

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My Beloved Children,

“It is with great joy that I present this message from my heart to your heart this day. You stand at the precipice of great change and wonderment. Your awareness is elevating as is your ac-ceptance of the light that shines ever so brightly upon you. In this truth, there is great rejoicing in the realms of light-ness, celebrating your readiness to advance further into the light.

As you are aware, some of these trans-formative times have been met with chal-lenges. I wish to share with you today that you are moving through these and finding your footing within the new ener-gies of your Beloved Gaia.

Some of you may believe or perceive that there is an ending coming upon you and this breeds a sense of uncertainty. Let me assure you, there is no end in the sense that you might believe, but a new beginning, opening up endless pos-sibilities and potentials for you to expand, experience, express and grow within.

You higher authentic self is very aware of this truth and has been guiding you throughout your life on your pathway into the greater awareness of the truth of you and of all. Know that you are hearing the message and each of you

choosing in your own readiness. There shall be none lost my Beloveds, for we are one family of light, and all shall find their way in their own timing of choice into the realms of forever lightness.

Today I wish to speak of your magnifi-cence. You are in the process of remem-bering your truth.

I have shared the Sacred Mantra, “Chanulanaha” in the language of love with many of you to assist you in remem-bering your truth. Now, I wish to share with you that as you continue to use this sacred Mantra of Love, you will begin to feel your heart open further, moving with ease into greater receptivity of the lightness and truth of self. I offer this gift during these times of transformation, to assist you in releasing attachment to what is not your truth and move more freely and fully into the realms of accep-tance of the lightness and magnificence that is your only truth.

You have been part of this glorious plan of life on Earth on a dual plane. This has been a grand adventure which you chose to participate in, knowing you would forget yourself for a time. You also knew that the time would come where the pathways to remembering yourself would be more readily available to you. These times are here now.

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With great excitement I wish to share with you that even now you are prepar-ing to move further and further into the planes of non- dual dimensional realms that no longer hold the energies of polarity.

This new reality which you are preparing and choosing to live within opens end-less possibilities to remember yourself as well as all authentic truth. You will have the ability to be free from conflict and resistance energy. As you gain in knowledge and understanding, there will be no limits to what you can expe-rience and express. You will be able to live your dreams and easily manifest all your heart’s desires. This new reality offers new ways and means for adven-tures of infinite possibilities and poten-tials for you to explore and experience.

You will begin to feel a greater connec-tion to your heart wherein dwells the sacred one which guides you ever so lovingly. This connection will grow and you will begin to be guided by your heart in all your choices. This relationship will continue to blossom and expand until that glorious day when you will fully re-member your divine self.

Earth and all her children are approach-ing days of great opportunities of prom-ise. Open your minds and turn to your hearts for guidance during these times. Be in the flow of the lightness and allow yourself to drink it in, knowing that it is leading you on the pathway you chose so long ago.

Know that you are supported on every

step of your journey with angels, mas-ters, guides and the forever lightness of your sacred self. Enjoy this time and celebrate the amazement that presents itself to you wholeheartedly. You are the amazement, for you have journeyed into what is not truth to rediscover what your truth truly is.

As you open your heart and follow your inner guidance, you will discover path-ways of grace and the ways and means to achieve your dreams of heart. There are many pathways, many tools and many who are eager to assist you during these times of transformation. Listen to your heart, choose and know that you are lovingly supported always.

The glory that awaits each of you is of such joy and so delicious. Discovering your truth, remembering the magnifi-cence of yourself is the greatest of joy. Living in that joy, is the passion that your heart draws you to fulfill.

With open arms I am here for you. Call upon me to assist as you will. My heart is always open and I am forever con-nected to your heart. Be in joy and expe-rience your embodiment within the true essence of your holy self.

I love you dearly, and desire for you to feel the joy and the love that is within My Heart for you always. You were created in great joy and great love. You are love, my children.”

With great love,

Your Beloved Mother

29 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ September 2013


[email protected]



As a Gift I am offering a Free Tele- Class, “Your life purpose”. Take a “Journey to the Hall of Records” to discover and align more fully with your soul purpose. Open up to the heart for the guidance to fulfill the desires of your heart which you planned for this lifetime with the Creator. Note: Register by subscribing by email at:

(if the time is not convenient, register to receive the recording when available)

For information about the mantra Chanulanaha, refer to my article, “Lan-guage of Love, Ancient keys of promise that can unlock your potential” in the June 2013 issue of Eden Magazine or at

Jan Diana is an intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and master practitioner. Her mission is to assist clients and students in creating har-mony, balance, heightened levels of clarity, develop in-nate gifts and abilities, empowering them on their personal evolution to create the dreams of their heart. She utilizes several modalities including SVH L3M, Animal healing, GHM, Language of love, Reiki Master, and more.

Sessions and Classes by phone. If you have questions or would like to set up a session, you can reach her at website

or by email


31 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ September 2013

by Ellen Heller

Artwork by Maryam Morrison


So many times we feel “bad,” and of-tentimes, and thankfully, someone ‘cheers us up;’ literally they are raising our vibrational frequency into a higher realm, and we ‘feel better.’ What is really happening is that we are literally being ‘raised/uplifted’ into a different frequency, which produces a different reality/life experience. We are Ener-gy—Loving Energy, vibrating at certain frequencies–and in each frequency is a world—lower frequencies bring lower, unpleasant life experiences; higher frequencies bring joyful experi-ences.

Literally, we are Energy, vibrating, going in and out of different frequencies ac-cording to how we are thinking, and then

feeling. That is why, even though your ‘outside’ reality appears to look the same from day to day, people all around are experiencing a different life experience (or world), than you may be. They are simply vibrating at a different frequency, which is calling different experiences to them, and setting them on a different course. In many ways, similar to a video game; each frequency is a different level, providing different situations and hence, different life experiences.

How many times have we had a ‘bad or good’ day? It looks like we are in the same ‘space,’ but we are literally not…we are, instead, going to different “di-mensions” or levels, that look identi-cal but vibrate at different frequen-cies, producing different experiences.

32 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ September 2013

The easiest way to, therefore, change your life, is to change how you are think-ing, and most importantly, FEELING. This will change your frequency, and uplift you to a higher, safer, more joyful vibrational frequency, and therefore, change your life experiences.

Gratitude is one of the first steps to help this frequency change, as Grati-tude is the first step in the vibra-tion of Love. It is SO IMPORTANT to be feeling happy and grateful, ALWAYS, for as we feel, we vibrate, as we vibrate we experience.

Therefore, our State of “Being,” is our Vibrational Frequency, and to Love places us in the Highest Vibrational Frequency of All, which is God. (GOD/LOVE are Interchangeable) That is what all The Masters have always said and will always say; to Love is to connect to life, which is God, which connects to all Good and Abundance; it is to vibrate at a High Frequency that allows us to enter into “Heaven;”

And to do this for another, to help oth-ers feel Good; to Love them, helps raise them up into a higher frequency, for it helps their vibrational frequency to raise.What the Christ said was true…”Love One Another..” For when you do this….

….Heaven is truly “HERE NOW.”

[email protected]

Ellen Heller received a B.A. in Education in 1978; four major fields of study: English, Art, Social Studies, and Psychology. Received her M.S. in Clinical Psychology in 1997. Has treated patients in a locked psych ward, held a two office private practice, and currently is starting a private practice in Arizona.

Taught Psychology classes at a University in the Chicago area, and has just completed a children’s book. She is currently writing another book for young adults and the general public.

To contact Ellen


“All questions can be sent to:

Q A&Spirit-Minded

(Advice Column)

Ask Ellen Heller

Question: Dear Spirit I work with peo-ple who just don’t see me. I try to be nice, do favors, etc., but feel unappre-ciated and unnoticed. I am not treated harshly, just ignored.

Why is it that no one returns the love and kindness I am giving? Signed: Confused

Answer: Dear Confused

The problem is not in the giving but in the reason you claim you are upset. You are doing with expectation and that always leads to disappointment. You are Love and Love needs noth-ing, for in a true Loving relationship, whether friendship, family, or roman-tic, Love gives without thought of get-ting back, for the true Joy of Loving is just to give Love.

When one has a small child, arriving as a helpless infant, that baby does nothing but eat, and sleep. It cannot barely see nor express any emotion except for comfort and nourishment. Yet, that sleepy parent jumps to atten-tion at its’ call, for all that parent does is give Love, never expecting anything in return, for the joy is in the giving.

The day you truly do not care to get back, is the day you will feel Love, for Love asks for nothing in return. And that is usually when you will receive, for when

Love is given without wanting to get back, it does come back, ten-fold.


[email protected]

34 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ September 2013

35 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ September 2013

Energy Healsby Maury Brooks

Once upon a time many of us myself included probably questioned weather healing can really just happen without medicines, physical intervention or lots of time.

My awakening answer to this question unraveled 25 years ago when I felt an eery feeling in my hands as I removed them from my wife’s head. It was odd, they were in a static charged field with vibrating energy dancing around them which I just had to play with. I noticed that at about five inches from her head the field actually felt like a child’s party ballon which would resist my pressure as I gently squeezed it.

As I explored the mysterious field she drifted off into a dream like state where

she experienced an ancient time and place when she was hit on the head as a warrior in battle. Her vision ensued with all the makings of a good story until even-tually her mind retuned to the present. To our mutual surprise her three day head-ache was gone and the original purpose of the massage accomplished.

As needs presented I turned into a kid again and loved playing like a fine instru-ment the energy field broadcast by fam-ily and friends. As I focused upon their field I experienced vibrational storys as the memories trapped in their body un-raveled, pent up emotions released and deep feelings melted. Healing just seemed to happen on both emotional and physical levels.

36 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ September 2013

Back then, I did not know what I was do-ing on an intellectual level, but sensed a guidance of just knowing what to do most of the time. Challenging issues such as sticky energies which I could not eas-ily get rid of which wanted to stick to me where my only nemesis. This limited the scope of my energy play until 2000 when I studied the ancient Chinese science and art of Qigong Energy Healing also called Qigong Medical, and learned techniques to protect myself, cleanse noxious ener-gies and build my energy level.

My studies prepared me to practice En-ergy Healing professionally with addi-tional healing techniques under my belt. I learned to work on people from great distances, use healing exercises, healing sounds, to work with the meridian system and more. Qigong Healing emphasizes re-balancing your subtle energy body, re-juvenating your physical body and healing emotional issues by releasing disease/en-ergy obstructions, which are often trauma based.

Years of working with thousands of cli-ents and exploring unusual ways to play with healing energy have opened many doors which I look forward to sharing with you in future articles. In the mean time I want to invite you to couple of FREE upcoming events:

INTERVIEW: Please enjoy the interview with Maury Brooks, by Lama Tantrapa on the talk show The Secrets of Qigong Masters at

Friday September 13 , 6:00PM PST

FREE HEALING with Maury: September 15, 2013.

As part of my Silver Anniversary Celebra-tion of Energy Healing I invite you to ex-perience a broadcast of Healing Energies I will be transmitting. Learn more and reg-ister by “LIKE’ing my ‘Energy Heals’ Face-book page, http://Facebook.com/Energy-Heals . I will send out a note with details a few days before the event to everyone who clicked ‘LIKE’.

I hope you can join me for the event and look forward to sharing more ‘Energy Heals’ mysteries next month.

Maury is based in Santa Fe, New Mexico and works for clients locally as well as internationally.

To contact Maury via email

or website blogtalkradio.com/qigongmasters

[email protected]


37 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ September 2013

Why are we always looking?What are we looking for?Why can’t we stop looking?Looking, looking, more and more….

And would we know it when we see it?For what we seek is drenched in mystique,and I am beginning to understand, that to keep insisting, is our demand,and what is now becoming clear, is that although searching is dear,what we are looking for may not yet be there to explore.

Would there be this eternal seeking if the found existed? ~Antonio Porchia

A PoemBy Rich Okun

38 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ September 2013

It IS creating as you go. It’s a dynamic process that means you are never wrong or in the wrong place; rather, you are al-ways where you need to be to get the in-formation that will take you from where you are to get you to where you want / need to be.

It IS about being in harmony with your

own nature. This is trickier than it sounds because it means complete self-accep-tance of all of your parts, even the not-so-pretty ones because, when loved, all of your parts become radiant and pur-poseful. This is all about you, and no one else. If you are not in harmony with your-self, it is impossible to be in harmony with your true purpose.

Purpose of LifeUsing Ancient Energies to Live Your Purpose Today

By Lynn ScheurellArt by Maryam Morrison

39 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ September 2013

Ancient Energies for Understanding

Using ancient energies as a compass to live your purpose means understand-ing there are rhythms that underlie all of life in every moment, and being aware of your unique ability to merge with, and express, that source energy. Said an-other way, you have access to the same simple and timeless awareness that has inspired and supported every living being to express their special reason for being through the ages. You can access that awareness through various key points for guidance to your own purpose, including the following.

Watch nature for symbols, signs, cycles and flow in order to apply what you see to your own experience of your life pur-pose. Everything in nature has informa-tion about the gap between how you are living and how you are meant to live on purpose.

Look at the world around you; that is, everyone and everything around you are the mirrors that reflect the choices you’ve made and how you’re showing up in the world. If you don’t like what you see, you’re not living on purpose.

Be present for yourself. Feel your feel-ings fully to acknowledge them as mes-sengers for your truth. Be in the moment (vs. living in the past or projecting into the future); stay “here” and let go of what’s not working right now. Incidentally, it’s not about judging good or bad but, rather, if “it” is serving you or not. If not, let it go.

Honor who you are; don’t take yourself

for granted. You are an amazing and unique individual who has a purpose that is yours alone. By knowing that you are precious to the universe and taking care of yourself accordingly, it is where you begin to honor your purpose.

Accept that all is right up until now. You are where you are because you need-ed to gain experience, learn and grow. There is no shame in where you’ve been, or even in being stuck, up until now. Ac-cepting your role in expressing your pur-pose means that you have the power to create a different future. As you take re-sponsibility for what you’ve learned, your life –your purpose – becomes “cleaner”.

You will find that your purpose express-es in direct proportion to how well you know yourself. Living on purpose means knowing yourself well enough to know what makes you feel lit up from the inside out most of the time. Your purpose is the expression of universal being. Perhaps Shakespeare summed it up best when he simply said, “To Thine Own Self Be True”. And you’ll know when you are…

Lynn Scheurell, Creative Catalyst and Selfgrowth.com Purpose of Life expert, helps conscious entre-preneurs strengthen their inner systems, both per-sonal and professional, for faster business results. Register for a free GEENI™ for Change e-course to learn how to upgrade your life in just seven days at www.mycreativecatalyst.com.

By Diana Kort

Your entire body by natural means removes toxins by itself. The liver, colon, intestines assist the body to get rid of dangerous toxic out of your blood vessels and cells. On the other hand, today’s diet could easily trigger your internal organs to be bombarded with harmful toxins and even decelerate their capabilities.

Juice Detox

Cleansing Your Own Body From Toxic SubstancesBy Diana Kort

40 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ September 2013

Having a Juice Detox can help to get rid of toxin accumulation in the body. If you are frequently exhausted, get con-sistent common colds, having issues with the gastrointestinal tract, skin hy-persensitivity or simply don’t feel the best, a very good Juice Detox plan can be quite beneficial to clean the body by itself from all of these harmful toxins, build up your energy, endurance and help the digestive system.

A number of people think that detox diet programs could call for unsafe and odd meals. This really is not the case. A detox diet plan merely entails an abun-dance of fresh vegetables, many fruits and fish (for many who struggle to keep meat away from their diet and for for individuals who don’t have a weight issue). It’s a diet plan that boosts the procedure of removing toxic compounds and waste materials. For a specific

period, your medical specialist may ecommend that you try a wonderful cleaning plan which entail some fasting. This is often meant to give your inter-nal organs a rest and also to encourage them for the elimination of waste.

The most effective vegetables for detoxing are artichokes, broccoli, cauliflower,garlic green vegetables and beets red. Steer clear of corn goods, simply because it usually has elements that trigger hypersensitivity. Rice, nuts and seeds and beans are good in a detox diet.

Additionally it is encouraged to drink approximately 6 to 8 portions of water each day to assist the body cleanse the unfavorable toxins.

Our internal organs are only able to function in ideal state if only we can have a well hydrated system.

An easy detox plan could range be-tween eliminating meat from the diet for a number of days to starting a fast for 3 days. On the other hand, for peo-ple with particular illnesses or problems that you intend to target, then its rec-ommended that you cooperatively work and plan together with your medical professional.

A great Juice Detox plan can enhance your quality of life, make it easier to drop excess weight, help you feel dynamic and a lot brighter.

41 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ September 2013

Juice Detox is an extremely common kind of detox diet. Quite a few have reported regarding the benefits which they encounter with juice fasting. Such as getting rid of of skin allergy symp-toms, minimizing recurrent headaches and also as an organic solution for bowel irregularity. Juice fasting offers the body the opportunity to take a rest from needing to digest the food by using vegetable drinks.

Throughout a prolonged fast (more than 3 days), the body actually starts to reduce and process the tissues through autolysis. It commences by decompos-ing tissues and cells, which have been infected or broken. For instance, dead cells, tumors, excess fat deposits and abscesses.

A lesser amount of acid inside your stomach is created since there is no food to digest. Your internal organs including the liver and the colon can concentrate on the reduction of unsafe toxins that have developed through the years.

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43 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ September 2013

Holistic Health Innovations focuses on supporting women to maintain a healthy balance in their lives and promoting high self-care. As a health coach, my mission is to provide a safe, comfortable environ-ment while improving the health and hap-piness of my clients.

As a health coach, my mission is to pro-vide a safe, comfortable environment while improving the health and happiness of my clients. On this page I will provide healthy tips, articles and information on different nutrition and health related topics. The information that will appear on this page is all for education and suggestion pur-poses. There is no one size fits all. What works for one may not work for another. It isn’t always about what we are eating as much as what is eating us. This is why I offer complementary health history con-sults and my programs are designed for the individual. If you are interested in hav-ing a consult send Mary a message either here or at

Mary Gundrum is Holistic Health Coach, who battled weight all through her childhood and most of her adult life. She did every crazy yo-yo diet there was. Her weight went up and down so many times it was pure in-sanity. Mary topped the scale at 240 lbs. Then it was as if a light went on!

She didn’t fail. The diet industry failed her. Then she began her journey on education. Started an exercise program and took it one step at a time. Mary knew that this had to become a new lifestyle in order for her to be a success. She has taken off over 70 lbs. and have kept it off for over 15 yrs. now.

Holistic Health Innovations



44 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ September 2013

The Dama dama mesopotamica


45 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM ♥ September 2013

The Dama dama mesopotamica (Per-sian fallow deer) is a rare ruminant mam-mal belonging to the family Cervidae

Also called the Mesopotamian fallow deer, the Persian fallow deer is found in the woodlands of Iran and Iraq. It has a reddish-brown, ochre colored coat with many white spots that spread random-ly on its torso. There is also a band of white spots along the lower part of its tor-so and two rows of spots (or in some cas-es a solid white line) running alongside its darker dorsal line. Its underparts, neck, chin, jowls and muzzle are white. Both male and female have a lump (like an Ad-am’s apple) on their necks and it is more pronounced in the males. Only males have antlers which have thick beams and many tines.

The Persian fallow deer enjoys to spend

much of the day hidden in dense jungle, and so much time is spent in the bush-es that their coats may appear greenish from the constant rubbing against the bushes. Diet consists of grass, nuts, leaves, buds, shoots, and bark. Females are social and groups have been seen with up to 30 members. Males prefer to wonder alone or sometimes in groups of bachelor herds until breeding season. Fe-males give birth to one or two calves after a gestation period of 32 weeks.

The Persian fallow deer was once found in North Africa from the Tunisian border to the Red Sea and in Asia from Syria and Jordan to Iraq and western Iran. But it was hunted close to extinction through-out much of its range. It is now threatened by habitat loss. Recent conflict in the Middle East has made it difficult to deter-mine the current status of the species.

http://www.cal.ir/ ~ http://cal.ir/main/fa/contact ~ http://cal.ir/main/en/contact

Vafa Shelter Needs your help, many beautiful animals waiting for a loving home.

For adoption please contact: