EDUC 202 Final Portfolio

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  • 8/13/2019 EDUC 202 Final Portfolio



    Sarah Chang

    EDUC/URBS 202-Urban Education

    Fall 2012-McGinnFinal Portfolio

    Techniques to Engage Students in the Classroom

    A) Inquiry Question

    For the past semester I have been observing and helping out at Penn Alexander

    School, one of the top ten public elementary schools in Philadelphia and one that is

    heavily subsidized by the University of Pennsylvania, every Friday morning in a 6th


    literacy classroom. The teacher, Ms. Smith, is a white woman in her late thirties who

    graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education. She has

    been teaching at Penn Alexander School for eight years. I obtained the placement through

    my urban education advisor for my Literacy in Elementary Schools education class,

    which required a classroom placement where I could observe and implement some of the

    pedagogical strategies learned in class. The readings from both of my education classes

    made me increasingly curious about how teaching strategies actually play out in the

    classroom. This led me to the following inquiry question: What techniques does Ms.

    Smith use to engage students?

    B) Autobiographical Introduction

    I am taking Literacy in Elementary Schools and Urban Education for my urban

    education minor. I want to pursue certification in mathematics, so that I can become a

    middle school math teacher. I have always been interested in what makes an effective

    teacher since I myself want to one day become a good teacher. I had always wondered,

    what is the difference between a teacher who is able to genuinely keep his or her students

    engaged in the subject material and a teacher who is unable to do so? In my educational

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    experiences, I have encountered two equally qualified and experienced math teachers, but

    one teacher was able to create a real passion for math for his students while the other

    teacher merely put students to sleep. Where do such discrepancies arise?

    There have been numerous types of readings assigned from my education classes

    that deal with effective pedagogy, but there is clear difference between reading about an

    effective teaching strategy and seeing the strategy unfold in real time. I was extremely

    excited to be placed in a middle school classroom because it was the first time that I had a

    chance to observe a middle school teacher. I knew that this would be a very useful

    opportunity for me. I remember the first time that I walked into Ms. Smithsclassroom I

    was amazed at her command over the classroom. The students almost always were

    paying attention to everything that she said and did and she had so much energy for the

    entire lesson. It was as if she was she were performing a show for an audience. I

    immediately knew that I wanted my inquiry question to be, What techniques does Ms.

    Smith use to engage students?I had hopes of perhaps one day incorporating some of her

    effective techniques into my own teaching.

    I had many opportunities to observe her teaching since she had me stationed in the

    classroom the majority of the time. I would help Ms. Smith assess if students were on

    track by having conversations with them in the classroom. After a couple of weeks, Ms.

    Smith had me meet with some students one on one outside of the classroom for the entire

    class period. I rushed to change my inquiry question into a two-part question, What

    techniques does Ms. Smith use to engage students, and how does she make use of

    additional help to engage students?because I was no longer able to observe Ms. Smith

    in the classroom setting. However, after careful consideration regarding the purpose of

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    my initial inquiry question, I realized that the first part of my inquiry question already

    embodied the second part because using additional help can be considered a technique

    that Ms. Smith uses to engage students on an individualized basis. Thus, I switched my

    inquiry question back to its original form.

    The purpose of this inquiry project is to identify the techniques used in Ms.

    Smiths classroom and then to use a critical eye to evaluate the successes of the

    techniques used and possible drawbacks for each technique. I also want to explore other

    techniques not already utilized in Ms. Smiths classroom. I believe that the findings of

    this inquiry project will not only be significant to me, but also to Ms. Smith, other

    teachers, and prospective teachers. These findings can further improve Ms. Smiths

    teaching by providing her with data on which techniques seem to be the most effective

    with her students and with alternative techniques that she can also incorporate into her

    classroom. Other teachers and prospective teachers can use these findings to generate

    ideas to use in their own classrooms.

    C) Analytic Essay

    After a few months of observation and working with the students I noticed that

    Ms. Smith uses a wide variety of techniques to engage students: partner work,

    dramatization, group work, small group meetings with Ms. Smith, asking students to

    meet one on one with me, asking students to meet in a small group with me, asking

    students to silently read books chosen by themselves, asking questions, asking students to

    move around, and guest speakers. For the purposes of this essay, I am going to focus on

    dramatization, partner work, and silent reading. Dramatization and partner work are the

    techniques that she uses the most often so I believe that it is important to focus on these

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    techniques. Silent reading is a technique that I did not even realize was a technique until I

    interviewed a few students about Ms. Smiths teaching strategies. It is a technique that I

    am quite curious about, which is why I am going to examine it more in-depth.

    Ms. Smith often uses humor, facial gestures, acting, sharing of personal stories, a

    variety of tones to talk, read alouds, and energy to engage her students. I use the broader

    term dramatization to encompass all of these techniques. The following vignette clearly

    illustrates her use of dramatization:

    Ms. Smith picks up a book off her desk and begins to read Peace Begins With

    You, a picture book, as she stands in the front of the room. Initially, after she

    finishes reading aloud one page of the book, she turns to the next page without

    showing the students any of the vivid pictures. She emphasizes certain words

    when reading. The students all look at her as she reads and eventually Ms. Smith

    starts showing the students the pictures in the book. Ms. Smith also uses hand

    motions, pointing, and an up and down movement of her eyebrows as she reads.

    She then walks from side to side in the front of the room. After a while, she

    notices that a student sitting towards the front of the room is looking down. She

    immediately addresses him, Am I boring you? The student shakes his head and

    looks like he is about to cry. After reading a couple more pages, she

    spontaneously and unexpectedly shouts, I want it and I want it now! while

    stomping her foot. She sounds exactly like Veruca from Charlie and the

    Chocolate Factory. Who has seen the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

    she then asks. Every student in the class excitedly raises his or her hand. Do you

    guys remember the scene when Violet shouts I want it and I want it now? Ms.

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    Smith asks while stomping her foot and mimicking Veruca again. Nearly all of

    the students laugh at her impersonation.

    (Field notes, October 26, 2012)

    Ms. Smith uses various techniques to engage her students as she reads aloud Peace

    Begins With You. These techniques all fall under the broader category of dramatization.

    She reads with emotion by placing emphasis on certain words, using hand motions that

    correspond to words in the text, pointing at both pictures in the text as well as the

    students, moving her eyebrows up and down, and pacing from side to side in the front of

    the room. These techniques are evident throughout her entire reading of the book and

    seem to be effective for the most part because the students all look at her as she reads.

    Ms. Smith increases the intensity of her dramatization by spontaneously mimicking a

    character from a well-known movie. This appears to be very effective with the students.

    They all excitedly raise their hands when Ms. Smith asks them if they had seen the

    movie. Almost all of the students laugh when Ms. Smith repeats her impersonation. From

    my observation of the situation, it seemed like she had the attention of everyone in the


    In an interview with a student, I asked, When do you find class most

    interesting? and he responded with, When she cracks jokes and when she yells the

    jokes. It is very interesting when she yells the information (Interview, November 14,

    2012). For example, in one instance in class, Ms. Smith spontaneously shouts, I hate

    Barbara; she screamed really loudlywhen she was explaining the five ways of indirect

    characterization (Field notes, October 12, 2012). All of the students in the class laugh at

    Ms. Smiths outburst.She then proceeds to say, Whats another way that the author

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    gives you clues? Dialogue, (Field notes, October 12, 2012). Similarly, when Ms. Smith

    was explaining to her students that they had to read the exposition of the text and the

    middle of the text differently, she pretends to screw something with a hammer and says,

    Let me get my hammer, something needs to be screwed.She then pretends to use a

    screwdriver to hammer something while saying, Those tools werent meant for that part

    of the book, (Field notes, November 9, 2012). Again, all students in the class laugh in

    response to her dramatization. It is clear that this technique of dramatization is successful

    at engaging students by making them laugh. Furthermore, Ms. Smiths use of

    dramatization always serves a larger purpose than just merely engaging students. She

    uses dramatization to help students understand important concepts. In the above two

    examples, Ms. Smith uses dramatization to help her students understand that one of the

    five ways of indirect characterization is the authors use of dialogue and the fact that

    different parts of a text need to be read in different ways. In this particular vignette she

    uses dramatization as an opportunity to help her students understand that their behavior

    from yesterday was wrong. (The students stole lollipops from her yesterday.) It is with

    this impersonation that Ms. Smith is able to explicitly make the connection between the

    reading of the book and the events that occurred yesterday. All of the students realize that

    Veruca is a selfish person and it is clear that they acknowledge the ridiculousness of her

    selfishness by their laughing at Ms. Smiths second impersonation. Ms. Smith then

    connects her impersonation to the students themselves in order to help them realize that it

    was selfish of them to steal lollipops from her. She connects the reading to the situation

    by telling the students that she wants peace in the classroom and that is only possible if

    they choose to not act like Veruca. Overall, the benefits of using dramatization include

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    engaging students in the subject material through humor and enabling students to

    understand important concepts.

    The technique of dramatization is not without drawbacks. When Michie (2005)

    observed Toni Billingsley, a teacher who employed dramatization techniques very similar

    to that of Ms. Smith, he noted, The only thing that amazed me more than her stamina

    was the realization that, as soon as these kids left, another group would come in, and it

    would be showtime all over again (p.121). His comment seems to indicate that he is

    skeptical about whether or not this dramatization technique is sustainable over long

    periods of time. This makes me also wonder if Ms. Smiths dramatization technique is

    sustainable. Perhaps overusing this technique may lead to quicker teacher burnout.

    Furthermore, the fact that this technique often evokes laughter from the students may also

    be problematic. For more serious topics, dramatization may not be appropriate because

    there is a chance that students will not take the lesson seriously if they think that Ms.

    Smith is not taking it seriously.

    Ms. Smith also uses partner groups to engage students. I have never seen these

    partner groups change. Each student in the class is either called Partner A or Partner

    B. Partners discuss their readings with each other, ask each other questions, and work

    together on certain assignments. The following vignette captures this technique:

    Open up your reading journal to the place you took notes on the author, Ms.

    Smith tells the students. All of her students open their notebooks. Ms. Smith asks

    the students to reread their notes. Jot down any information that you got from

    Debbie. John raises his hand, but Ms. Smith does not notice. He then asks a

    student next to him (his partner) and then proceeds to do work. All students are

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    writing in their notebooks. John tries to ask Ms. Smith something, but she just

    tells him to ask his partner. As you finish, have a dialogue with your partner,

    Ms. Smith instructs. Talk to your partner and say how I may use Debbies story

    to understand Lindseys story. All students are then engaged in conversation

    about the two stories except for one pair of students. Ms. Smith goes to that pair

    and taps one of the students. They then begin a conversation about the assigned

    topic. After a few minutes, Ms. Smith announces, So I need you to finish up your

    thoughts in 321.

    (Field notes, November 14, 2012)

    It is important to note that in this example all of the students (including the group that

    Ms. Smith had to tap to get started) were still having on topic conversations when Ms.

    Smith asked them to finish up their thoughts. She actually had to pause for several

    seconds while counting down to one because students were very drawn to their

    conversations and did not seem to want to stop talking. This partner work was very

    successful in getting students to think and talk about how they can use one characters

    story to understand another characters story. It also held students accountable for the

    writing that they had to do in their notebooks before the partner conversation. Students

    had to draw on their written assignment of writing down notes on Debbie in order to fully

    participate in the partner conversation.

    This technique of using partners is successful in several aspects. Students are

    actively engaged in on-topic conversation and seem to also enjoy these conversations. I

    often see students smiling and talking excitedly during partner work. I also believe that

    partner work can sometimes be more beneficial than group work, which I think is a

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    possible reason for why Ms. Smith uses partner work more than group work. In a partner

    setting, it is easier for each student to contribute to the conversation. In group settings, it

    is more likely that some students may dominate the conversation and other students (the

    students who are more shy) may find it difficult to enter the conversation. In the

    beginning of the school year, Ms. Smith regulated partner conversations to make sure that

    no partner would dominate the conversation. She would ask As to share first and then

    make an announcement to the class that it was time for Bs to share (Field notes,

    September 28, 2012). Also, it is unlikely for any student to be left behind during partner

    work because the conversation can only proceed if both partners have an understanding

    of the material being discussed. In a group, it is easier for one student to be left behind if

    he or she does not understand the material and is too shy to speak up during the group

    conversation. The group members would then carry on the conversation without that

    student whereas in a partner setting, the conversation cannot continue if one person does

    not understand the material because a conversation by definition requires at least two


    Partner work can also help students understand class material and work on class

    material that they would not have been able to work on by themselves. One student told

    me that he found class most interesting when Ms. Smith asked the class to work in

    partners or groups because Ms. Smiths work is hard and I think it is better to

    collaborate on it (Interview, November 14, 2012). His response indicates that he finds

    class material challenging, but working with others makes the material easier to handle.

    Partner work also provides valuable experiences and skills that can prepare

    students for higher academia and the work field (King & Behnke, 2005). Partner work in

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    middle school can prepare these students for partner work in high school, college, and at

    their future jobs. They would have had experience working in partners and would have

    developed communication skills, the ability to value other peoples opinions, and the

    ability to use the viewpoint of others to come to new understandings.

    Unfortunately, there are some problems that arise from partner work. King and

    Behnke (2005) remark that it is difficult to assess student performance when they are

    working in a group setting. When partners work together to produce a final product, how

    should a teacher assign grades? King and Behnke point out that if a teacher assigns the

    same grade to both partners, the academically stronger student may be motivated to do

    most of the work and prevent the other student from contributing. It is also difficult for

    the teacher to find out if partners contributed equally to the final product and if both

    partners have a thorough understanding of the subject material.

    Another problem of partner work is the potential for students to get off-topic. It is

    impossible for a teacher to listen to all partner conversations at once even if he or she is

    walking around the classroom. It is quite possible for a partner group to be off-topic

    without the teacher noticing. The group may be strategic and only talk about the class

    material when the teacher is within listening distance and then switch to an irrelevant

    conversation when the teacher cannot hear. Partners may also decide to sit around and not

    do anything if there is nothing to hold them accountable for the work that they are going

    to do with their partner. In the vignette described above, two students had this problem.

    Luckily, Ms. Smith noticed that the two students were not talking and helped them

    initiate their conversation by tapping one of students. However, what if Ms. Smith had

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    not noticed the problem or what if the students still did not participate in the partner

    conversation even after the teacher intervention?

    The last technique that I will discuss is Ms. Smiths use of silent reading time.

    Ms. Smith sometimes gives students twenty to thirty minutes to silently read a book of

    their own choosing from the classroom library. The following is a vignette that illustrates

    this technique:

    Ms. Smith asks the students to silently read for twenty minutes as she walks

    around the room to look at their homework. She tells them that she will only

    interrupt a students reading if the homework was not done or was not done

    correctly. Most students read over their desks. One girl is turned away from her

    desk and reading the book on her lap with her legs pulled up towards her chest.

    (Field notes, September 28, 2012)

    All students are reading during this silent reading time. Some students take notes as they

    are reading while others just read. Several students do not put down their books

    immediately after Ms. Smith tells everyone to stop reading, which seems to indicate that

    they were engaged in what they were reading. In an interview, four girls told me that they

    enjoyed class the most when Ms. Smith gave them time to read books during class

    (Interview, November 14, 2012).

    Ms. Smith has used silent reading time twice during my observations. In both of

    these instances, Ms. Smith used silent reading time as a technique to engage students in

    an independent activity related to literacy while she conducted administrative tasks. More

    observations of Ms. Smiths use of silent reading are needed to determine if this is a

    pattern or merely a coincidence. In this vignette, Ms. Smith uses silent reading time so

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    that she can check students homework.She whispered to students who did not have their

    homework or had problems with their homework so that other students would not be able

    to hear. In the other instance, she used silent reading time so that she could discipline a

    group of students outside of the classroom (Field notes, November 9, 2012). Half of the

    students were in the classroom either picking out a book to read or silently reading at

    their desks. Ms. Smith was yelling at the other half of the students outside of the

    classroom because they did not bring in a can for Penn Alexanders food drive.

    The use of silent reading as a technique to keep students silently engaged so that

    the teacher can handle other tasks seems to work. In both observations, students are all

    quiet, which allows Ms. Smith to hold conversations with students about their homework

    or to talk to other students outside of the classroom without worrying that her other

    students will disturb students in other classrooms. Students also look like they are

    enjoying reading because some students do not put down their books immediately when

    silent reading time is over. Silent reading is also not just busy work to occupy the

    students with. Harvey and Goudvis (2007) frequently stress that having students read

    more is one method to increase their reading comprehension and their joy for reading.

    Since students get to choose their own books, silent reading time gives the teacher the

    opportunity to discover the types of books that his or her students enjoy reading. Noguera

    (2008) argues that a teacher can only be an effective teacher if he or she knows his or her

    students well. Learning about students interests is a good step towards getting to know a


    There are some potential problems with silent reading. Some students may be

    pretending to read and it is difficult for teachers to determine if students are really

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    reading their books or just pretending to read especially if the teacher is not in the

    classroom to monitor students. Students may become so engaged with the book that they

    do not pay attention for the rest of class because all they want to do is continue reading

    the book. One girl in Ms. Smiths class continued to read her silent reading book during

    another class activity. Ms. Smith had to come talk to her and persuade her to put her book

    away (Field notes, September 28, 2012). Students may also come across difficulties while

    reading and feel discouraged from asking the teacher or fellow classmates to clarify this

    confusion because of the emphasis of silent reading being silent.

    Of the three techniques examined in-depth in this inquiry project, I would employ

    both the technique of dramatization and partner work in my own future classroom

    because I believe that both techniques would engage students in a math classroom. (I

    would not employ the technique of silent reading in my classroom only because it is not

    that applicable to a math classroom.) I would not use the technique of dramatization as

    much as Ms. Smith or Toni Billingsley for fear of being worn out. I think I would use it

    only a couple of times per class period randomly so that I could engage students while

    still conserving some of my energy. One of Ms. Smiths students told me that one of the

    reasons why she likes Ms. Smith is because Ms. Smith is very unexpected (Interview,

    November 14, 2012). Indeed, Ms. Smith uses her dramatization in a randomized fashion

    during the class period. I would like to replicate this spontaneity in my own classroom, so

    that my students are always surprised and entertained by math.

    I will also ask my students to work in partners frequently for do nows,

    homework, and in-class example problems. All of these assignments will be either

    ungraded or graded based on completion; thus, the problem of one partner dominating the

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    work because of grades will be eliminated. Partners will be required to turn in their work,

    which will ensure that they do not wander off task. I like the use of the end of class index

    cards used in Education 202. I would like to use a similar idea in my classroom: I would

    hand out index cards and ask students to write on one side if they understood todays

    material and on the other side if they thought that their partner contributed to the


    There were also some alternative techniques that I did not see implemented in Ms.

    Smiths classroom, but that I would like to incorporate into my own classroom. The first

    technique is the use and teaching of current technology in the classroom. Doering, Beach,

    and OBrienargue that an English classroom needs to incorporate multimodal, interactive

    Web 2.0 tools because the way that adolescents are communicating with each other these

    days has changed to become more Internet based (2007). They explain that knowing how

    to use visual rhetoric to design multimodal texts is an important skill for adolescents;

    thus, English teachers should teach their students this vital skill. The teaching of this skill

    will also engage students because it is so relatable to their daily lives. Similarly,

    DAmbrosio argues that mathematics education should teach students how to use current

    technology to solve math problems so that students can become aware of the capabilities

    and limitations of technological instruments (2001, pg.309).

    I would also like to use ethnomathematics in my classroom (DAmbrosio, 2001). I

    was very surprised that Ms. Smith never incorporated culture into her classroom. In my

    neighborhood study I discussed that one method to engage students in the classroom is to

    draw from not only the diverse backgrounds of the students, but also to draw from the

    diversity of the neighborhood itself. In class, students can share their cultural

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    backgrounds and connect it with what they are learning in class or they can have a Show

    and Tell session similar to the one that Michie conducted in Holler If You Hear Me

    (2009). Teachers can also take their students on local field trips to the cultural

    establishments around the area so that their students can learn more about various

    cultures. Freire argues that teachers should establish an intimate connection between

    knowledge considered basic to any school curriculum and knowledge that is the fruit of

    the lived experience of these students as individuals (1998, pg. 36). Thus, I think it is

    important for a teacher to draw on the culture of the students and I hope that I can do this

    successfully in my future math classroom.

    For my senior year, I am going to be taking Mathematics in the Elementary and

    Middle Schools (EDUC 531) in the fall semester and Teaching in Middle and Secondary

    Schools (EDUC 627) in the spring semester; both classes require a math classroom

    placement. My urban education advisor informed me that I would be able to stay in the

    same placement for the entire academic year. I would like to use this opportunity to see if

    a teacher changes strategies or incorporates more strategies to engage students as the

    school year progresses. Unfortunately, I have only been able to observe Ms. Smiths

    classroom for one semester. I feel that I would have had an even better understanding of

    her teaching if I were to observe her for an entire year. I would also like to use my math

    classroom placement to see if the classroom teacher uses an activity similar to silent

    reading so that he or she can complete administrative tasks. I was unsure of how to

    incorporate independent math tasks that would be engaging for the students into the

    classroom. Furthermore, I hope that I would be able to observe the use of culture at my

    placement. I was a little bit disappointed that Ms. Smith never incorporated culture into

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    her classroom. I wonder if this is this just characteristic of her classroom or if it is

    something common in most or all of the classrooms of Penn Alexander School. If I get

    placed in Penn Alexander School again (which I think there will be a high probability), I

    can observe if the classroom teacher incorporates culture and if he or she does not, I can

    interview some of the other teachers and ask them if they incorporate culture in their

    classrooms and learn why they choose or choose not to incorporate culture.

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    DAmbrosio, U. (2001). In my opinion: What is ethnomathematics, and how can it help

    children in schools? Teaching Children Mathematics, 7(6), 308-310.

    Doering, A., Beach, R., & OBrien, D. (2007). Infusing Multimodal Tools and Digital

    Literacies into an English Education Program.English Education, 40(1), 41-60.

    Freire, P. (1998).Pedagogy of freedom: Ethics, democracy, and civic courage(P. Clarke,

    Trans.). Chapter 2: There is no teaching without learning (pp. 29-48). Lanham,

    MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

    Harvey, S. and Goudvis, A. (2007). Strategies that work, 2nd edition. Portland, ME:

    Stenhouse Publishers.

    King, P., & Behnke, R. (2005). Problems Associated with Evaluating Student

    Performance in Groups. College Teaching, 53(2), 57-61.

    Michie, G. (2005). See you when you get there: Teaching for change in urban schools.

    Chapter 5: Toni Billingsley. New York: Teachers College Press.

    Michie, G. (2009).Holler if you Hear Me. (2nd

    ed.). New York: Teachers College Press.

    Noguera, P. A. (2008). The trouble with Black boys and other reflections on race,

    equity, and the future of public education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

    (Chapters 6 & 7)

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    D) Annotated Bibliography

    Doering, A., Beach, R., & OBrien, D. (2007). Infusing Multimodal Tools and Digital

    Literacies into an English Education Program.English Education, 40(1), 41-60.

    This article argues that the English curriculum needs to be redefined to include

    multimodal, interactive Web 2.0 tools. Web 2.0 tools are Internet services such asnetworking sites and blogs that are currently under development. The authors of this

    article recognize that the way adolescents are communicating with each other has

    changed; adolescents use the Internet as a primary tool for interaction. Thus, Englishteachers need to incorporate Web 2.0 tools into their curriculum so that they can engage

    students and enable students to understand how to effectively design multimodal texts by

    using visual rhetoric. Part of my inquiry project explores alternative techniques to engage

    students, techniques not being currently utilized by Ms. Smith. Incorporating Web 2.0tools in the classroom is another valid technique to engage students.

    Dugan, J. (1997). Transactional Literature Discussions: Engaging Students in the

    Appreciation and Understanding of Literature. The Reading Teacher, 51(2), 86-96.

    Dugan argues that transactional literature discussions is an approach that teachers can useto not only help students appreciate literature, but also help them read and write in

    meaningful ways. This approach provides students with the opportunity to respond

    aesthetically to the text that they are currently reading. (In other words, students have the

    opportunity to respond to the text by using personal experiences, their emotions, and theirown thoughts.) It also allows students to work with other students as well as the teacher

    to write, talk, and read about the books. Students also give written responses to their

    readings and discussions, which allows them to improve their reading comprehension.Dugan conducted a study on six struggling readers. He used the transactional literature

    discussion on these six readers and found that this approach helped them become moreactive readers who actually enjoyed what they read. Various aspects of transactional

    literature discussions are evident in Ms. Smiths classroom and contribute to thetechniques that she uses to engage her students.

    Harvey, S. and Goudvis, A. (2007). Strategies that work, 2nd

    edition. Portland, ME:

    Stenhouse Publishers.

    Harvey and Goudvis elaborate on various thinking strategies that teachers can teach totheir students so that their students become independent readers who are engaged in the

    texts that they read. They also define comprehension and explain how teachers can teach

    students comprehension in an engaging manner. They elaborate on engaging teaching

    techniques such as interactive read-alouds, authentic written response, topic

    investigations and guided discussion. These techniques are illustrated with vignettes thatfeature student responses to lessons. These student responses serve to demonstrate the

    effectiveness of these strategies. The teacher at my field placement uses several of thetechniques illustrated in this book. For example, she uses the read-alouds and guided


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    King, P., & Behnke, R. (2005). Problems Associated with Evaluating Student

    Performance in Groups. College Teaching, 53(2), 57-61.

    King and Behnke highlight the problems associated with trying to evaluate studentperformance when students are working in a group setting. King and Behnke first discuss

    the benefits of using groups. They mention that society values collaborative work and

    many people will have to work in teams or committees in their future careers, so workingin groups provides students with a valuable learning experience. However, manyproblems arise when trying to give students a grade when they work in a group. For

    example, if all group members are given the same grade, the group may be motivated to

    have academically weaker students contribute less to the group. The article concludeswith suggestions on how to avoid the problems that are associated with giving grades to

    students who work in a group. Although this article is targeted at college students, it is

    still applicable to middle school students and my inquiry project because Ms. Smith often

    uses partner work and sometimes group work as a technique to engage students. Thisarticle presents some of the possible drawbacks of using these techniques.

    Ray, K. (2004). Why Cauley writes well: A close look at what a difference good teaching can make.Language Arts, 82(2), 100-109.

    Ray examines the teaching practices of Lisa Cleaveland, the winner of the 2002 NCTE

    Donald H. Graves Writing Award. She notes that Cleaveland creates a passion for writing

    for her students by giving them the freedom to choose their writing topics and theopportunity to share their writing with peers who share their passions. This freedom of

    being able to choose ones own topic enables her students to view writing workshop as a

    time when they can make something with their writing rather than just a task. Cleavelandis also able to engage students in reading by helping them realize that they can draw on

    the techniques those other authors use and incorporate those types of techniques in their

    own writing projects. Rays article is very similar to my inquiry project in that we are

    both trying to evaluate the effectiveness of the techniques that the teacher uses to engageher students in literacy.

  • 8/13/2019 EDUC 202 Final Portfolio



    E) Data

    Appendix A: Photographs of Ms. Smiths Classroom