Educational Learning Networks

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  • 8/9/2019 Educational Learning Networks


    Educational Networking

  • 8/9/2019 Educational Learning Networks



    NetworkingSelecting among specifictechnologies andtechnology applicationsthat can have an impact on

    learning can be confusing.Nevertheless, every schooldistrict leader today mustseriously consider howtechnology can accelerateor advance the strategicgoals of the district.

    (Moore, 2006)

  • 8/9/2019 Educational Learning Networks


    Ning.comSocial networking consumes the lives of our Digital

    Natives. Networks also are playing an essential role in

    improving and expanding access toeducation.(Mathews, 2004) provides theopportunity for teachers and students to create theirown controlled social network to be used in andoutside of their classroom.

  • 8/9/2019 Educational Learning Networks


    Educational NetworkingEducational networking is

    essential in this 21st century. Asour learners needs change with

    the digital times, so do oureducational leaders. Amidpressures on state, college andschool budgets, networks canbe a significant way of sharing

    resources. They also canfacilitate the teamworknecessary for neededimprovements and growth ineducation. (Mathews, 2004)

  • 8/9/2019 Educational Learning Networks


    The Educator's PLN

    A personal/professional learning network is how most of ourstudents learn in this 21st century. From celebrities topoliticians, everyone is gaining insight to having a PLN. TheEducators PLN will help me:

    Connect with other educatorsLearn how to manage my PLN

    Discover new and innovative educators to followLearn new ways to integrate learning networks into theclassroom

  • 8/9/2019 Educational Learning Networks


    Educators PLNTo the right is an estimate

    of my weekly access to

    my professional learningnetwork.

    It is hard to manage all thedifferent sites and keepthem active with daily orweekly posts. 81%


    2% 1%

    PLN Weekly Access



    Google Reader


  • 8/9/2019 Educational Learning Networks


    Classroom 2.0This ning allows educators to connect and discuss with

    other 21st century educators learning to integrate

    technology and web 2.0 tools into the classroom. Asan Educational TechnologySpecialist, this site hasbeen an excellent resource for me. This site allows meto:

    y Connect with other educators

    yAsk for guidance on implementing new technologyinitiatives into our schools

    y Share ideas

  • 8/9/2019 Educational Learning Networks


    Classroom 2.0Too often school districts invest in technologies because

    of their high-tech, 21st century appeal without fully

    considering their impact on student learning andlong-term total cost of ownership. (Moore, 2006) As amember of the Classroom 2.0 ning, we are able to haveopen discussions and connect with other districtsaround the country that have already implemented

    and piloted initiatives that we are embarking on.

  • 8/9/2019 Educational Learning Networks


    Classroom 2.0Not only has this site helped memake important decisions ontechnology rollouts, it has also given

    me great insight to the new web 2.0tools that are available for free. Thesetools include: twitter, delicious, and to name a few.

  • 8/9/2019 Educational Learning Networks


    Classroom 2.0 As new issues arise, there issomeone out there that hasexperienced and alreadyimproved on the matter. This

    free site allows you to connectwith others that can provideinsight to your questions andneeds. Too often schooldistricts invest in technologiesbecause of their high-

    tech, 21st century appealwithout fully considering theirimpact on student learningand long-term total cost ofownership. (Moore, 2006)

  • 8/9/2019 Educational Learning Networks


    Student engagement

    is high when

    classroom activities

    and the environment

    reflect their

    needs.(Thompson &Gould, 2005)

  • 8/9/2019 Educational Learning Networks


    ReferencesMathews, J. B. (2004, April). Why Statewide Educational Networks

    are Important to State and Educational Leaders. Retrieved from

    Moore, R. J. (2006, August). School Administrator. The Five BestAccelerators in Schools , 63 (7).

    Thompson, T. J., & Gould, K. J. (2005). A Homegrown Desing forData Warehousing. School Administrator , 62 (4), 16-23.

    White, B. I., & Winter, C. (2005). Making Sense ofStudentInformation. School Administrator , 62 (4), 24-28.