Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012

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  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012



    India Research

    Sector: EducationReinitiating Coverage

    Educomp Solutions Ltd.(EDSL.IN/EDSO.BO)&

    Everonn Education Ltd.(EEDU.IN/EVED.BO)Relevant Index: CNX Nifty: 4,746.9 (J an 07, 12)

    Stock Name Reco.CMP(Rs)

    Market Cap(Rs Bn)

    Educomp Solutions Ltd Underperform 199.9 19.1

    Everonn Education Ltd Underperform 330.8 6.3

    Governments focus on education, a large & growing target market, increasing willingness tospend on quality education and skill gaps bring huge growth opportunities for private players

    Educomp Solutions: Superior products & aggressive organic & inorganic growth strategies arethe positives but Concern remains over pricing pressure on account of intensifying competition

    Everonn Education: Gaining strength in select segments though a laggard in the ICT solutionsbusiness while, ViTELS business to remain key contributor to growth & profitability

    J anuary 09, 2012


    Research Contact: Associate Director, Research: Hitesh Kuvelkar Mob. +91 9833 732633Email: [email protected]

    Sales Offices: India Sales: Tel. No: +91-22-400 12 440 Email: [email protected]

    UK, US & Europe: Tel.: + 44-203-189 0057 Email: [email protected]

    Research Note issued by First Global Securities Ltd., IndiaFirst Global (UK ) Ltd. is a member of London Stock Exchange and is regulated by

    Financial Services Authority (FSA), UKFirst Global Stockbroking is a member of Bombay Stock Exchange & National Stock Exchange, India


    For Private Circulation only

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


    FIRST GLOBAL www.firstglobal.inIndia Research


    Table of ContentsThe Story... 3-4

    Part I - Sector Analysis - The Big Business of Education - Key Growth Drivers 5-9

    54% of the population is

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    FIRST GLOBAL www.firstglobal.inIndia Research


    Business Highlights 26-28

    Expansion of SmartClass centres & ICT schools driving growth 26-28Financial Highlights 29-30

    Revenue growth, margins and return ratios 29-30 Working capital cycle 30

    Quarterly Result analysis (Standalone) 31

    Price and Rating History Chart 32

    Everonn - Financial Snapshot (consolidated) 33-35

    Everonns Key Ratios (Consolidated) 36

    Everonns Business in Pictures (FY11) 37

    The Story 38-39

    Company Background 40

    Business Highlights 41-43

    ViTEL S 41-42 ICT 42 NSDC-Everonn J V 42 Key points of the contract 43 ESDL Managements Plan and current situation 43

    Financial Highlights 44-45

    Free Cash Flow 46-47

    Capex plans 46 Working Capital Management 47 Equity dilution drives RoE decline 47

    Everonns Quarterly Result analysis (Consolidated) 48

    Annexure: Financials 49-62

    Educomp Solutions Ltd 49-55 Everonn Education Ltd 56-62

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


    FIRST GLOBAL www.firstglobal.inIndia Research


    The StoryIn a country in which the education system is woefully (and famously) inadequate for the 553 mnlearning aspirants (population below 24 years of age) the business opportunities in the segment arehuge and growing. The conventional brickn mortar institutions are as much in demand as istechnology-based pedagogy that offers the benefits of enhanced learnability for users in varioussegments and easy delivery and scalability for service providers.

    The Governments focus education, evident in the passing of the Right to Education Bill in 2010and in the increasing budgetary and Plan allocations for the sector, has generated significantopportunities for companies in the business. In the Union Budget of FY11-12, Rs. 420 bn wasallocated for the Ministry of Human Resource Development (an increase of 17% over last year),Rs. 310 bn for the Department of School Education and Literacy and Rs. 110 bn for highereducation. The government schools technology investments have been funded by the Information& Communication Technology (ICT) school initiative under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan(education for all) scheme of the Government of India.

    Companies like Educomp Solutions, Everonn Education and NIIT, with their strong contentdevelopment capabilities and scalable delivery models, have an early-mover advantage in theeducation business. In the period FY06-FY11, as the number of schools adopting technology inclassrooms increased rapidly, Educomps revenues recorded a CAGR of 81% while Everonns andNI ITs were up at a CAGR of 69% and 23% respectively. According to our estimate, the size of

    the Indian education market is a whopping Rs. 895 bn and weexpect to grow at a healthy 20% per annum going forward.Educomp, Everonn and NIIT together have penetrated a little overa third of the segment; their total revenues, at 26.94 bn at the endof FY11, represent just 3% of the potential addressable market.Clearly, there is enormous room for growth. Not surprisingly,

    competition is intensifying, particularly due to the low entrybarrier, and many other players like Tata Interactive System (TIS),Navneet Publications, Pearson, Zee Learn etc have been able togain a foothold in the market.

    Apart from digital content for schools, there are numerous other segments in education which arewitnessing robust demand growth like online tutoring, vocational training, and training inemployability skills, IT training etc., providing additionalgrowth and diversification opportunities. Besides, thegovernments emphasis on Public Private Partnerships isopening up several avenues for growth -- the recent joint-venture of Everonn Education and National Skill

    Development Corporation (NSDC), for example, will cater toRs. 144 bn market, of a whopping 15 mn students.

    The governments emphasis onPublic Private Partnerships isopening up several avenues for

    growth -- the recent joint-venture

    of Everonn Education andNational Skill Development

    Corporation (NSDC), for example,will cater to Rs. 144 bn market, of

    a whopping 15 mn students.

    Educomp, Everonn and NI ITtogether have penetrated a

    little over a third of thesegment; their total revenues,at 26.94 bn, represents just

    3% of the potentialaddressable market

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    FIRST GLOBAL www.firstglobal.inIndia Research


    Along with enormous growth potential, the education business offers the comfort of strong annuity-based cash flows for content vendors since the companies generally enter into 3-5 year contracts with

    educational institutions. The business provides strong revenuevisibility as well, because education remains a priority evenduring periods of economic downturn spending on education iscertainly not discretionary in nature for the Indian middle class.Large upfront capital requirements remains a challenge forcompanies in the business as it results in negative Free CashFlow companies like Everonn are trying to tackle it by optingfor equipment leasing, but that adversely impacts operatingmargins. In projects undertaken with the Government, decisionand payment delays are a constant worry and result in high

    receivables. Besides, there are risks associated with changes in government policies on the role of theprivate sector.

    Read on for an analysis of the business and current valuations of two major players in the educationbusiness -- Educomp Solutions Ltd. and Everonn Education India Ltd.

    The business provides strongrevenue visibility as well,

    because education remains apriority even during periods ofeconomic downturn spendingon education is certainly not

    discretionary in nature for theIndian middle class

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


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    Part I - Sector AnalysisThe Big Business of Education

    Key Growth Drivers54% of the population is

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    FIRST GLOBAL www.firstglobal.inIndia Research


    Due to the governments focus on education there have been improvements in educationalinfrastructure and literacy levels. There are around 10.48 mn government schools and about2.54 mn private schools in the country. Currently 132 mn students in the age-group of 4-18 study ingovernment schools, which is 37% of the total schooling population; about 40% i.e. 143 mn are stillout of school.

    Spending on education growing at a CAGR of 20%

    Expenditure on education, which is mandatory rather than discretionary in nature, has beenincreasing at a healthy 20% CAGR, which reflects the priority accorded to education by the Indianmiddle-class. This increase is, interestingly, in congruence with the rise in education loans extendedby banks. As per the latest report of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), education loans have increasedfrom Rs. 366 bn in year 2010 to Rs. 438 bn, representing a significant growth of 20%.

    The size of the addressable market for private players is a whopping Rs. 895 bnEstimate of Potential Market Size

    Number of govt. schools 1,048,046

    Number of students (mn) 132

    Average student per govt. school 126

    Number of private schools (aided and unaided) 254,178

    Number of students (mn) 78

    Average student per private school 306

    a) Private aided schools 71,206

    Assumed Fees in private aided schools per month (Rs.) 400

    Market size of private aided schools (Rs. bn) 104.6

    b) Private un-aided schools 182,971

    Unaided premium schools 20,000

    Unaided standard school 162,971

    Assumed fees in private unaided premium schools per month (Rs.) 1,500

    Assumed Fees in private unaided standard premium schools per month (Rs.) 1,000

    Market size of unaided private schools (Rs. bn) 708.6

    Total Market size of private schools in K-12 segment (Rs. bn) 813.2

    ICT budget under XI Five Year Plan (Rs bn) 411.0

    Opportunity per annum (Rs. bn) 82.2

    Total Market opportunity for private players (Rs. bn.) 895.4

    Source:, Company reports & FG Research

    Size of the K-12 segment: Rs. 813 bn (F irst Globals Estimate)

    As per the latest data of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, the average number ofstudents per classroom in India is 35. Private schools, on an average, charge Rs. 400 per student permonth while unaided premium schools charge Rs. 1,000 to Rs 1,500 per student per month.According to First Globals estimates, the size of the education market catered to by privateeducational institutions in the Kindergarten- Class 12(K12) segment is about Rs. 813.2 bn.

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


    FIRST GLOBAL www.firstglobal.inIndia Research


    Huge potential for growth in enrolments in higher education

    The number of students pursuing higher education has doubled to16 mn in the last decade and the government aims to increase this to25 mn over the next decade. The number of universities has been

    increasing at the rate of 5% annually since 1950 & the number ofcolleges has been increasing at the rate of 8% since 1990. Today,there are 26,000 colleges and 527 universities in the country.Despite having such a large number of institutes for highereducation, the Gross Enrolment Ratio is only 12%, which is wellbelow the global average of 50%.

    Private participation in ICT: Rs. 82 bn opportunity / year

    Private players have been participating in the governments Instructional Computing andTechnology (ICT) education initiative under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) program. The Rs.411 bn allocated in the XI Five Year Plan for setting up ICT infrastructure across government

    schools translates into an opportunity of Rs. 82.2 bn per year for education companies.

    The size of the total addressable market (providingcontent and technology to private and governmentinstitutions) is thus Rs. 895.4 bn. In FY11, the combinedsales of the three major education companies NIIT,Educomp Solutions and Everonn Education aggregated Rs.26.9 bn, which is merely 3.0% of the total potentialaddressable market. Clearly, there is enormous room forgrowth for private education companies.

    Growing acceptance of technology in education

    Technology requirements of private unaided schools & demand for out-of-class(online) education are increasing

    Private unaided schools (there are about 182,971 schools in this category) have greater flexibility inadopting new technologies/learning methodologies for education. Since there is no governmentinterference, decision-making is speedy. The segment represents an attractive opportunity for privateeducation companies. In the past few years, there has been significant growth in the number ofprivate school clients of Educomp and Everonn for their SmartClass and ViTELS programs

    respectively (See Part II -- Company analysis).

    In FY11, the combined sales of the threemajor education companies NIIT,Educomp Solutions and Everonn

    Systems aggregated Rs. 26.94 bn at theend of FY11, which is merely 3.0% ofthe total potential addressable market.Clearly, there is enormous room for

    growth for private education companies

    Despite having such a largenumber of institutes for

    higher education, the GrossEnrolment Ratio is only12%, which is well belowthe global average of 50%

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


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    Number of schools offering SmartClass and ViTELS

    Source: Company ReportSmartClass & ViTELS are private school products offered by Educomp & Everonn respectively*Everonns total ViTELS Centres are at the end of Q1FY12, as company has not given numbers for Q2FY12.

    Demand for online education higher in urban areas

    The demand for out-of-class (online) education has taken a huge leap with growth in Internet access.For instance, sites such as,, are attracting hugeamounts of traffic. This trend also throws up significant opportunities for private educationcompanies. Majority of demand for online education currently comes from urban areas due tohigh Internet penetration. As Internet penetration increases in rural areas, online educationservices are expected to grow further, as demand is huge.

    Governments focus on educationIncrease in budget allocation driving deployment of technology in governmentschools

    Governments spending on education increased from 2.20% of GDP in 1974-75 to 4.28% in 2000-01and has been in the range of 3.5-4.0% of GDP in the last 8 years. The amount is, however, low incomparison to global standards UK spends 5.4% of GDP on education and the US spends 5.6% ofGDP. The present Congress government has clearly mentioned education as a key area of priority.Some of its initiatives are:

    Enacting the Right to Education Bill Allocating Rs. 1,571 bn to be spent on education by various agencies (central government,

    state governments and Union Territories) under the XI the Five-Year Plan.

    Increasing the budgetary allocation for education in the last three years and thus driving thedeployment of technology in schools. In the Union Budget for FY11-12, Rs. 390 bn was setaside for education and a lot of emphasis was given on proper utilisation of funds andimplementation of policies and programmes.





















    FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 H1FY12

    SmartClass ViTEL S Centres

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    Proposal to increase the budget for higher education by Rs. 96 bn toRs. 131 bn. The fundsare likely to be used for setting up premier technology and management institutes like theIITs and IIMs.

    Implementation ofSarva Shiksha Abhiyan programmes, with an allocation of Rs. 210 bnfor FY11-12 in order to ensure primary education for all.

    Mobilizing resources for education through education cess etc.Total spending on education as per XI th Five- Year Plan (Rs. bn)For setting up ICT Labs 411

    National skill Development Programme 310

    Plan Outlay for Higher education 850

    Total 1,571

    Budget allocation (Rs. bn)

    FY09-10 FY10-11 FY11-12

    For School Education 268 310 390

    For Higher Education 96 110 131Total 364 420 521

    Source:, Company reports

    Break-up of school education budget (Rs bn)Break-up of School education budget of Rs 389.6 bn as below:

    Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan(SSA)Mid-day meal scheme(MDM)


    Secondary Education 62

    Adult Education Programme 6

    Others 9



    Public - Private partnerships

    Governments proposed policy on PPP in education to open up new opportunities

    The government proposes to use the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model in several areas ofeducation. Opening up of the secondary level and higher education segments to the PPP modelrepresents a huge opportunity for education companies in India.

    According to estimates of the planning commission, $250 bn (Rs 12,250 bn) is required to meet the

    demand for education in the country. The amountallocated for education under the XI Five Year Plan wasonly $32 bn (Rs. 1570 bn). The PPP model is absolutelyessential to bridge the large resource gap in education.

    According to estimates of theplanning commission, $250 bn (Rs12,250 bn) is required to meet the

    demand for education in the country.The amount allocated for educationunder the XI Five Year Plan was only$ 32 bn (Rs. 1570 bn). The PPP model

    is absolutely essential to bridge thelarge resource gap in education

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


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    Key ConcernsCapital-intensive business

    High capex and working capital requirements in the ICT in education segmentand in brick n mortar schools

    Education is a capital-intensive business, requiring heavy upfront investments in land acquisition,infrastructure, teaching aids etc. The business is also characterized by long payback periods. Thecapital expenditure incurred for each computer lab ranges between Rs. 0.2-Rs 0.4 mn and thehardware is transferred to the schoolat the end of the BOOT period

    The capex and working capital requirements are highespecially in the ICT in education segment and in brickn mortar schools because of which free cash flows ofcompanies in the business tend to be negative. Delays in

    payments by the government result in slow DebtorTurnover for companies in the ICT business, which is acause for concern. This is one of the reasons whycompanies like Educomp and Everonn have increasedtheir focus on private institutions and on their brandedproducts for the schools segment like SmartClass(Educomp) and ViTELS (Everonn).

    Debtor Days: Educomp Solutions and Everonn Education




    194 193179








    FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11

    Educomp Solutions Everonn Systems

    Source: Company Report

    Execution Risks

    Decision-making and payment delays by the government increase execution risks

    Execution risks are high in the education sector, particularly in the ICT programmes ofgovernment-run institutions. These projects are vulnerable to policy changes, bureaucratic red-tape and inordinate payment delays by government departments etc., and the resolution of theseissues is beyond the control of education companies.

    Companies also face huge challenges in managing large schools and maintaining qualitystandards in the franchisee model.

    Delays in payments by the governmentresult in slow Debtor Turnover for

    companies in the ICT business, whichis a cause for concern. This is one of

    the reasons why companies likeEducomp and Everonn have increasedtheir focus on private institutions and

    on their branded products for theschools segment like SmartClass

    (Educomp) and ViTELS (Everonn)

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


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    Obsolescence of content

    Need for strong content development capabilities

    One of the most critical challenges facing education companies is related to content development and

    presentation, which need to be done in a manner that enhances learnability. Content obsolescence isparticularly rapid in technology-related areas and companies need to update / re-develop content atregular intervals. Companies need to have strong content development teams consisting of subjectmatter experts, instructional designers, animators etc. who can convert curricula into digitizedcontent and to adapt/remodel content according to changing requirements.

    Intense competition

    Realization per school on a decline

    Competition in the ICT segment has been increasing with the entry of small companies and this has

    resulted in declining realizations per school.

    In the private schools segment, competition is intense among providers of quality digital content.While smaller players do not have a significant presence in thissegment, larger companies are vying for a share in this space. NIIT,for example, has made an aggressive foray into this segment as havemany other new players seeking to gain a foothold both at theelementary and the high school levels, attracted by the strong growthprospects and the low entry barriers in digital technology.Companies like HCL Infosystems, Zee Learn, and Tata InteractiveSystems have managed to capture a slice of the pie.

    Government policies

    Policy change on private sector participation, budgetary allocation etc, will impactrevenue prospects

    Education companies are vulnerable to changes in government policies relating to the role of theprivate sector, budgetary allocation for ICT initiatives etc. The governments intention of curbingprofiteering in education may impact companies in the business, as it could result in lower margins.

    Companies like HCLInfosystems, Zee Learn,

    and Tata InteractiveSystems have managed tocapture a slice of the pie

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


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    Part II - Company AnalysisEducomps comprehensive portfolio

    VsEveronns focussed approach

    Educomp Solutions & Everonn Education: Quick comparison of business models

    Product/Solution for Educomp Solutions Everonn Education*

    Private schools

    Product: SmartClass: Instructor-led ,animated digital content offered as teachers aidNumber of schools (at the end of Q2FY 12):


    Revenue Contribution:87% of aggregaterevenues in Q2 FY12

    Product: ViTELS: Quality digital content combinedwith course delivery provided from state-of-the-artstudios

    Number of schools /centres (at the end of Q1 FY 12):3,511 (As management has not given total no. of centresat the end of Q2FY12)

    Revenue Contribution: 43% of total consolidatedrevenues in Q1FY12

    Government schools

    Installing computer laboratories in governmentschools under the ICT@ schools programmeand providing content.

    No of schools (at the end of Q2 FY 12):10,937Contract period: 3-5 years

    Installing computer laboratories in government schoolsunder the ICT@ school programme and providingcontent

    No of schools (at the end of Q1 FY12): 6,628

    Contract period: 3-5 years

    Pre-school segment

    - Roots -to-Wings: 233 centres- Euro Kids (50:50 joint -venture):595

    schoolsKinderstand: 32 centres

    K-12 segment(High School)

    Schools under Millennium and Euro Kidsbrands run on 3 formats:

    Owned by Educomp Dry Management basis Franchisee model

    Number of schools (at the end of Q2 FY12):65

    Kenbridge Schools:9 SchoolsWinfinity Schools:1 Schools

    Vocational Education

    50:50 joint ventures with Pearson Inc. forvocational education.IndiaCan=308 centres with 60,815 studentscovered in this segment at the end of Q2 FY 12

    Running skill development courses and job- orientedcertificate and diploma courses in 31 centres byQ1FY12

    Source: Company Report*Everonns business models are at the end of Q1FY12, as company has not given numbers for Q2FY12

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


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    Price and Rating History ChartRatings Key

    B =Buy BD =Buy at Declines OP =OutperformPositive Ratings

    S-OP =SectorOutperform

    M-OP =Market Outperform MO-OP=ModerateOutperform

    Neutral Ratings H =Hold MP =Market Perform SP =Sector Perform

    S =Sell SS =Sell into Strength UP =UnderperformNegative Ratings

    A =Avoid MO-UP =Moderate Underperform S-UP =Sector Underperform

    ST: Short Term MT: Medium Term LT: Long Term

    Educomp Solutions Limited (EDSL.IN/EDSO.BO)The stock was not under active coverage from J un 2010 to Dec 2011

    7-J an-12


    19 May 10


































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    J an-















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    Rel ati ve to Ni fty (L HS) FG Reco EDUC OMP Share Price (RHS)

    6-Feb-2006 =100 (LHS)

    Represents an Upgrade

    Represents a Downgrade

    Represents Reiteration of Existing Rating

    Details of First Globals Rating System given at the end of the report

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


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    Educomp Solutions

    Financial Snapshot (Standalone)Key Financials

    YE March (Rs. mn) FY09 FY10# FY11## FY12E## FY13E

    Total Revenues 5,012 8,322 10,207 11,628 13,060

    Revenue Growth (Y-o-Y)% 91.2% 66.1% 22.6% 13.9% 12.3%

    EBIDTA 2,745 4,619 4,902 5,793 6,530

    EBIDTA Growth (Y-o-Y)% 120.1% 68.3% 6.1% 18.2% 12.7%

    Net Profit 1,316 2,219 3,889 2,844 3,160

    Net Profit Growth (Y-o-Y)% 87.8% 68.6% 75.3% (26.9%) 11.1%

    Net Profit Excl. extra-ordinaries 1,260 2,219 3,846 3,691 4,015

    Net Profit Growth Excl. extra-ordinaries (Y-o-Y)% 84.1% 76.0% 73.3% (4.0%) 8.8%

    Shareholders Equity 4,240 12,240 16,256 19,014 22,089

    Adjusted number of Diluted shares (mn) 89 101 102 102 102

    Key Operating Ratios

    YE March FY 09 FY 10 FY11 FY 12E FY13E

    Diluted EPS (Rs.) 14.9 22.5 37.8 28.0 31.1

    Diluted EPS Growth (Y-o-Y)% 111.6% 51.5% 67.7% -26.0% 11.1%

    Diluted EPS Excl. extra-ordinaries (Rs.) 14.2 22.5 37.3 36.3 39.5

    Diluted EPS Excl. extra-ordinaries Growth (Y-o-Y)% 107.3% 58.2% 65.8% -2.9% 8.8%

    CEPS Excl. extra-ordinaries (Rs.) 22.7 31.0 41.6 40.9 44.5

    EBIDTA (%) 54.8% 55.5% 48.0% 49.8% 50.0%

    NPM (Excl Extra-ordinaries) (%) 25.1% 26.7% 37.7% 31.7% 30.7%

    Tax/PBT (%) 34.1% 40.0% 10.9% 24.5% 25.0%

    RoE (Excl Extra-ordinaries) (%) 35.2% 26.4% 26.9% 20.9% 19.5%

    RoCE (Excl Extra-ordinaries) (%) 16.2% 17.2% 21.0% 16.7% 16.1%

    Book Value Per share (Rs.) 47.9 121.6 158.9 186.9 217.1Debt/Equity (x) 1.2 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5

    Dividend Payout Ratio (%) 3.8% 14.0% 1.5% 3.0% 2.7%

    Free Cash Flow Analysis

    YE March (Rs. mn) FY 09 FY 10 FY11 FY 12E FY13E

    Operating Cash Flows 50 2,705 2,579 2,574 4,385

    Capex 2,637 -1,964 400 567 518

    Investment- Strategic 1,357 5,799 5,877 1,000 1,200

    Total Free Cash Flows -3,538 -1,210 -3,893 262 1,856

    Valuation Ratios

    YE March FY12E FY 13E

    P/E (x) 5.5 5.1

    P/BV (x) 1.1 0.9P/CEPS (x) 4.9 4.5

    EV/Sales (x) 2.0 1.6

    EV/EBIDTA (x) 3.9 3.3

    Market Cap./ Sales (x) 1.7 1.5

    Net cash/Market Cap (%) NM NM

    NM -Not Meaningful

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


    FIRST GLOBAL www.firstglobal.inIndia Research


    Market Cap. and Enterprise Value Data as on J an 07, 2012

    Current Market Price (Rs.) 200

    No. of Basic Shares (mn) 95

    Rs bn US$ bn

    Market Cap. 19.1 0.4

    Total Debt * 6.7 0.1

    Cash & Cash Equivalents* 2.9 0.1

    Enterprise Value 22.9 0.4

    * Debt & Cash & Cash Equivalents as of FY11, Ex. Rate INR 52.78

    DuPont Model

    YE March FY 09 FY 10 FY11 FY 12E FY13E

    EBIDTA/Sales (%) 54.8% 55.5% 48.0% 49.8% 50.0%

    Sales/Operating Assets (x) 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.5

    EBIDTA/Operating Assets (%) 40.6% 41.7% 29.5% 26.4% 26.8%

    Operating Assets/ Net Assets(x) 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.8

    Net Earnings/ EBIDTA (%) 45.9% 48.0% 78.5% 63.7% 61.5%Net Assets/ Equity (x) 2.3 1.7 1.4 1.5 1.5

    Return on Equity (%) 35.2% 26.4% 26.9% 20.9% 19.5%

    Common Sized Profit & Loss Account

    YE March FY 09 FY 10 FY11 FY 12E FY13E

    Total Revenues 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%


    Cost of Goods Sold 20.6% 19.6% 28.0% 25.8% 25.5%

    Personnel expenses 12.2% 12.0% 13.8% 14.8% 14.0%

    Administration & other Exp. 12.4% 12.9% 10.2% 9.6% 10.5%

    EBIDTA 54.8% 55.5% 48.0% 49.8% 50.0%

    Depreciation 15.0% 10.9% 4.0% 4.1% 4.0%

    Interest Paid 2.7% 4.5% 5.3% 6.9% 9.1%Non-operating Income 1.6% 4.9% 3.6% 3.1% 4.0%

    Foreign Exchange Fluctuation loss/(gain) -1.7% 0.0% -0.5% 9.7% 8.7%

    Profit Before Tax 40.3% 45.0% 42.7% 32.4% 32.3%

    Tax 13.7% 18.0% 4.6% 7.9% 8.1%

    Net Profit 26.3% 26.7% 38.1% 24.5% 24.2%

    Net Profit Excl. extra-ordinaries 25.1% 26.7% 37.7% 31.7% 30.7%

    Source: Company Report & FG Research#In FY10 Educomp has deleted assets of Rs. 4,742 mn (tangible & intangible asset) and added new asset of Rs. 1,533 mn##Educomp is expected to report negative profit (excl. Extraordinaries) growth due to higher interest and taxprovisioning in FY12. In FY11 the company had availed MinimumAlternative Tax (MAT) of Rs. 395 mn, which hasreduced tax liability.

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    Top Management TeamDesignation Name

    Chairman & Managing Director Shantanu Prakash

    Whole-time Director Jagdish Prakash

    Director Gopal Jain

    Director Sankalp Srivastava

    Director Shonu Chandra

    Company Secretary Mohit Maheshwari

    Director Shayama Chona

    Director Rajiv Krishan Luthra

    Capital Issue History

    DateShare Capital

    (Rs. mn)Mode of Capital Raising

    6/1/2006 159.6 Public Issue

    23/01/2007 159.9 Bond Conversion

    4/5/2007 160.1 Bond Conversion

    8/6/2007 163.7 Bond Conversion

    19/06/2007 165.4 Bond Conversion

    30/06/2007 167.7 Bond Conversion

    17/07/2007 171.0 Bond Conversion

    1/8/2007 172.0 Bond Conversion

    17/08/2007 172.3 Bond Conversion

    1/8/2007 172.0 Bond Conversion

    21/01/2008 172.5 Bond Conversion

    13/07/2009 189.3 Preferential Issue Of Shares

    Key Statistics

    Share Holding Pattern (30/9/2011)











    29.8%Public &



    Industry: Education

    52 Week Hi:Lo: Rs.555.6/ 162.0

    CMP: Rs 199.9

    Avg Daily Vol (20 days): 2.0 mn

    Avg Daily Val (20 days): 393.5 mn

    Performance over 52 weeks:

    EDUCOMP : Down 60.9%

    Nifty: Down 19.6%

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    Educomps Key Ratios(Standalone)YE March FY09 FY10* FY11# FY12E # FY13E

    Cost of goods sold/Sales (%) 20.6% 19.6% 28.0% 25.8% 25.5%

    Non-Operating Income / PBT (%) 3.9% 10.8% 8.3% 9.7% 12.4%EBITDA Margin (%) 54.8% 55.5% 48.0% 49.8% 50.0%

    Tax / PBT (%) 34.1% 40.0% 10.9% 24.5% 25.0%

    Net Profit Margin (%) 26.3% 26.7% 38.1% 24.5% 24.2%

    RoE (%) 35.2% 26.4% 26.9% 20.9% 19.5%

    RoCE (%) 16.2% 17.2% 21.0% 16.7% 16.1%

    Sales/Operating Assets (x) 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.5

    Debt/ Equity (X) 1.2 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5

    Interest Coverage (x) 20.0 12.5 9.1 7.3 5.5

    Interest / Debt (%) 3.1% 6.7% 8.6% 9.8% 12.0%

    Growth in Gross Block (%) 97.3% (61.5%) 21.8% 20.4% 17.0%

    Sales Growth (%) 91.2% 66.1% 22.6% 13.9% 12.3%Operating (EBITDA) Profit Growth (%) 120.1% 68.3% 6.1% 18.2% 12.7%

    Net Profit Growth (%) 87.8% 68.6% 75.3% (26.9%) 11.1%

    Debtors (Days of net sales) 194 220 181 185 185

    Creditors (Days of Raw Materials) 43 69 85 85 85

    Inventory (Days of Optg. Costs) 46 29 25 26 26

    Current Ratio (x) 3.1 3.8 3.8 4.5 4.8

    Net Current Assets/Capital Employed (%) 34.1% 49.4% 34.4% 43.3% 46.4%

    Number of Diluted Shares (mn) 89 101 102 102 102

    Diluted EPS (Rs.) 14.9 22.5 37.8 28.0 31.1

    Diluted EPS Excl. Extraordinaries (Rs.) 14.2 22.5 37.3 36.3 39.5

    EPS Growth Excl. extra-ordinaries (%) 107.3% 58.2% 65.8% (2.9%) 8.8%

    Dividend Payout (%) 3.8% 14.0% 1.5% 3.0% 2.7%

    Diluted CEPS (Rs.) 22.7 31.0 41.6 40.9 44.5

    Book Value Per Share (Rs.) 47.9 121.6 158.9 186.9 217.1

    Source: Company Report & FG Research*In FY10 Educomp has deleted assets of Rs. 4,742 mn (tangible & intangible asset) and added. New asset of Rs. 1,533mn

    #Educomp is expected to report negative profit (excl. Extraordinaries) growth due to higher interest and taxprovisioning in FY12. In FY11 the company had availed MinimumAlternative Tax (MAT) of Rs. 395 mn, which hadresulted in lower tax liability.

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    Educomps Business in Pictures (FY11)(Standalone)

    (All figures are in Rs. mn except where stated otherwise) All percentages are percent of revenues, unless otherwisestated)

    Operations/ Value added

    Total Revenues: Rs.10, 207 mn (100%)

    Personnel: Rs. 1,406 mn (13.8%)

    Adm. & other Exp.:

    Rs. 1, 042 mn (10.2%)


    Rs. 4,902 mn (48.0%)

    Profit before Tax

    Rs. 4,361 mn (42.7%)

    Interest: Rs.541mn (5.3%)Depreciation: Rs.411mn (4.0%)

    Non-Operating Income: Rs.414mn (4.0%)


    Rs. 474 mn (4.6%)

    Profit after Tax:

    Rs 3,889 mn (38.1%)

    Competition: -

    Everonn Systems

    NIIT Ltd

    Core Projects

    Zee Learn

    Edserve Softsyst


    Revenue Mix

    1) Smart class =8,875 mn (87%)2) Instructional Computing

    Technology =1,115 mn (11%)

    3) K-12 Schools =26 mn (0.25%)4) Higher Learning Solutions =169

    mn (1.65%)

    Major Customers:

    For SmartClass:All Private schools

    For ICT: State Govts for Govt schools

    No of Centres:

    SmartClass schools: 6,538

    ICT schools: 10,572

    Operational Expenses

    Rs.2, 857 mn (28.0%)



    Balance Sheet(FY 11)


    Rs. 25,793mn(100%)

    Equity: Rs. 381mn (1.5%)Reserves: Rs. 15,876 mn (61.6%)

    Total Loan: Rs. 6,714 mn (26.0%)

    Sundry creditors: 1,229 mn (4.8%)

    Provisions: Rs 341 mn (1.3%)

    Other Current Liab.: Rs 1,253 mn (4.9%)


    Rs. 25,793mn (100%)

    Fixed Assets: Rs. 1,281 mn (5.0%)

    Capital work in progress: Rs. 36 mn (0.1%)

    Investments: Rs. 13,743 mn (53.3%)

    Inventory: Rs 361 mn (1.4%)

    Sundry debtors: Rs. 5,066 mn (19.6%)

    L&A: Rs. 2,315 mn (9.0%)

    Cash: Rs. 2,946 mn (11.4%)

    Other non-current assets: Rs. 44 (0.2%)

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


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    The StoryEducomp Solutions, founded in 1994, is the largest education company in India today. After gainingan early-mover advantage, the company has established a strong presence across the entire pre-

    school to K-12 segment over the years. Armed with a huge content library of over 16,000 modules in12 different languages, Educomp has successfully made inroads into both the private school andgovernment school segments.

    Educomp operates its School Learning Solutions segment through SmartClass and ICT (InstructionalComputing and Technology) at Schools. ICT focuses primarily on setting up computer laboratoriesat government schools, while SmartClass provides interactive technology enabled learning solutionsin classrooms at private schools, under a contract arrangement for a period of five years. SmartClass,Educomps flagship product for private schools, continues to gain traction and the company enjoysan early mover advantage in this product segment. The company added 3,461 schools in FY11 and1,570 schools in H1FY12, thus taking the total number of schools that have adopted SmartClass to8,107. SmartClass accounted for 87% of Educomps total revenue in Q2 FY12.

    Educomp is the largest player in the ICT (Edureach) in education business segment and is currentlyworking with over 10,937 government schools.

    Though a growing opportunity, the business suffersfrom execution risks and falling realizations.Educomp, however, continues to expand its presencein the segment, which contributed 11% of revenuesQ2FY12.

    In the K-12 segment, the company is alsoaggressively expanding its network of schools underthe Millennium Schools brand, using a combination

    of franchisee & company-operated models. Thecompany currently runs 65 schools, out of which, 37

    are run by Educomp and 14 Euroschools are run under the Eurokids brand through its subsidiaries.

    Determined not to miss any growth opportunity in the education sector, Educomp has been tryingto establish itself in niche segments like vocational training, online tutoring and professionaltraining through joint-ventures/stake acquisitions with other strong players. It has a joint-venturewith Pearson plc. for developing content for vocational training and another with Raffles Educationof Singapore, called Raffles Millennium International, which offers training courses in creative arts,fashion, lifestyle and management. It has also acquired a stake in several online tutoring portals.

    Over the period FY06-11, Educomps standalone revenue grew at a CAGR of 81% to Rs. 10,207 mn,while its EPS grew at a CAGR of 77% to Rs.38. The robustgrowth momentum in SmartClass and K-12 schools islikely to continue and we expect Educomp to double thenumber of its SmartClass centres to 10,000 by the end ofFY12. In the ICT segment, the company is very selectiveand its revenue is expected to decline, as a number ofgovernment school contracts will expire in the comingquarters.

    Educomp is the largest player in the ICT ineducation business segment and iscurrently working with over 10,937

    government schools. Though a growingopportunity, the business suffers fromexecution risks and falling realizations.

    Educomp however, continues to add to thenumber of schools in the segment, whichcontributed 11% of revenues and Q2FY12

    The robust growth momentum inSmartClass and K-12 schools is likelyto continue and we expect Educomp todouble the number of its SmartClasscentres to 10,000 by the end of FY12.In the ICT segment, the company is

    very selective and its revenue isexpected to decline, as a number of

    government school contracts will expirein the coming quarters

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    Educomp does have better product offerings in comparison to its competitors and enjoys acomprehensive presence in a gamut of segments from pre-schooling to professional courses.

    However, we believe that Educomp could facescalability issues due to logistical bottlenecks, such asinvestments in delivery infrastructure, like computerlabs and other digital equipments, and the companywill need to significantly improve its executioncapability. The company could also witness loss ofpricing power, as the competition intensifies, renewalrates decline and its penetration increases in Tier IIand Tier III cities. Moreover, under this arrangement,Educomp is required to invest in hardware and contentthat is installed in schools, while the fees are collectedover the five year tenure of the arrangement, thereby

    negatively impacting the companys cash flow in the initial years.

    At the current market price of Rs. 200, the stock is trades at P/E multiple of 5.1x FY13E and P/BV of0.9x FY13E while, on EV/EBIDTA basis, the stock trades at 3.3x FY13E. In view of the scalabilityissues regarding ICT & SmartClass, as well as concern over pricing pressure and decline in renewalrates in the SmartClass segment on account of intensifying competition, we reinitiate coverage ofEducomp with a rating of Underperform.

    Comparative Valuation

    EBIDTA RoE RoCE Annual Annual

    (%) (%) (%) EPS SalesEPS (Rs) P/E P/S P/BV EV/Sales EV/EBITDA

    GrowthGrowthCompany YE


    FY12E FY13E FY12E FY13E FY12E FY13E FY12E FY13E FY12E FY13E FY12E FY13E FY12E FY12E FY12E (13/12) (13/12)

    EDUCOMP Mar 19.1 28.0 31.1 5.5 5.1 1.7 1.5 1.1 0.9 2.0 1.6 3.9 3.3 49.8% 20.9% 16.7% 11.1% 12.3%

    NIIT Mar 6.4 5.4 5.4 7.2 7.1 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.7 0.4 0.3 3.0 2.5 12.6% 12.8% 11.9% 0.7% -3.6%

    EVERNON Mar 6.3 18.0 26.9 18.4 12.3 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.7 1.5 4.6 3.8 37.3% 6.8% 7.8% 49.2% 19.9%

    Source: FG Research

    However, we believe that Educomp couldface scalability issues due to logistical

    bottlenecks, such as investments indelivery infrastructure, like computer labs

    and other digital equipments, and thecompany will need to significantly

    improve its execution capability. Thecompany could also witness loss of pricing

    power, as the competition intensifies,renewal rates decline and its penetrationincreases in Tier II and Tier I I I cities

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    ValuationsWe have used sum-of-the-parts valuation for Educomp and have arrived at a price of Rs. 213 pershare.

    Sum-of the -Parts

    Business (Rs. mn)Valuation


    DriverValueFY 12E

    ValuePer Share


    Investments in subsidiaries P/BV 1.2 12,377 14,852 153

    Investments in mutual funds P/BV 1.0 19 19 0.2

    Investments in associates P/BV 1.1 273 300 3

    Other Investments P/BV 1.0 875 875 9

    Higher Learning Solutions

    School learning solutions

    K-12 schools

    Online schooling

    EV/EBIDTA 3.3 6,530 21,337 220

    Total Enterprise Value 37,523 385

    Cash & Equivalents Book Value 1.0 2,337 24

    Total debt Book Value 1.0 19,089 197

    Shares outstanding (mn) 97

    Equity Value/ Share (Rs.)213

    Source: Company Report & FG Research

    Basis of Valuation

    Key Assumptions:

    The companys standalone business has been valued at 3.3x EV/EBIDTA value; per sharevalue of the company on stand alone basis is Rs. 220.

    We have valued all the 50 subsidiaries using 1.2x P/BV multiple, since these subsidiarieshave a low contribution to the total revenue and a majority of them have a negativeEBIDTA value. In order to arrive at the value of the company, we have not considered theschools that are still under the construction stage in the EISML segment

    We have valued investments in associates at 1.1x P/BV; per share value contribution isRs.3. the company have two associates, Greycells 18Media Ltd and Gateforum EducationService Pvt Ltd.

    Companys Cash & Equivalents and Total Debt on consolidated basis are valued at bookvalue.

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    Company BackgroundEducomp Solutions Ltd. (EDSL.IN/EDSO.BO) was founded by Mr. Shantanu Prakash in 1994. Thecompany was initially co-funded by the Carlyle Group, which subsequently sold its stake in 2005.

    Educomp went public in January 2006 by issuing 4 mn shares at Rs. 125 per share.

    Educomp has over 12,000 employees working at its 40 offices worldwide. (34 offices in India, 2 inSingapore, 1 in Sri Lanka, and 3 in US).

    Educomps subsidiaries are AuthorGen,, E-Servicesand in the US andAsknLearn Pte Ltd, Singapore ltd and Pave Education Limited in Singapore. It alsooperates through associate companies, one of which is Savvica in Canada.

    Educomp has now emerged as a comprehensive service provider in the field of school education inIndia, with a presence in the pre-school and K-12 segments, offering offline & online tutoring &providing professional training in a joint-venture with Raffles Education of Singapore and vocational

    training in partnership with Pearson. Educomps ICT solutions for government schools and theSmartClass initiative for private schools have become successful largely on account of its 3D contentlibrary of 16,000 modules which is aligned to Indian as well as international learning standards.Educomps content is available in 12 regional languages.

    According to the management, the company has reached 15 mn students and 26,000 schools.Educomp operate about 828 pre-schools, 65 K-12 schools, 8 colleges, 308 vocational training centresand has trained over 2 mn teachers, installed SmartClass content in more than 8,107 schools, set up10,937 ICT labs in government schools and more than 3.8 million students enrolled in e-learningwebsites.

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


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    Strategies & Strengths

    New Business Model for SmartClass

    Educomp has adopted a new business model for SmartClass

    In FY10 Educomp adopted a new business model for its flagship product SmartClass under whichthe content is sold on an upfront basis to private schools, while a group entity, Edusmart, providesmaintenance services.

    This approach is different from the Build-Own-Operate-Transfer(BOOT) model adopted earlier. Under the new contract, Educompwill provide hardware and content to classrooms, for which it willreceive 75% of the contract value over a two-year period fromEdusmart. Edusmart will be responsible for maintenance services andwill receive revenues from schools over a five-year period. Edusmartwill securitize the contract to pay Educomp.

    This model will help in improving Educomps Free Cash Flow, which has been in the negativeterritory. However, it is too early to say whether the model will be successful as there is lack ofclarity on its implementation.

    Strong content development capabilities

    Educomp has a content library of over 16,000 modulesEducomps strong content development capabilities help it to stay ahead of competition. Thecompany has a team of 400 professionals working on development of quality content and R&D team

    of 80 upgrading content and technology.

    Educomp has developed over 16,000 modules of content in 12 languages. A large part of itscontent is scalable and can be used anywhere in the world with minor modifications. I t is alsoworking on educational content for Microsofts Xbox 360 gaming platform.

    Educomp has formed a joint-venture with Pearson (the media company that owns Financial Timesand Penguin) for development of content for vocational training courses. The company has acquired

    a strategic stake in Vidya Mandir Classes Pvt. Ltd, for thepreparation of engineering tests (for IIT-JEE, AIEEE,NSIT, DCE, BITS etc.) and has also formed a joint-venturewith Zeebo Inc., which provides wireless education andentertainment services.

    Content obsolescence is the biggest challenge whichEducomp faces. Besides, given the intensely competitivenature of the business, talent attrition also remains a highrisk.

    The company has acquired a strategicstake in Vidya Mandir Classes Pvt.

    Ltd for the preparation ofengineering tests (for I IT-J EE,AIEEE, NSIT, DCE, BITS etc.) and

    has also formed a J V with Zeebo Inc.,which provides wireless education

    and entertainment services

    Educomp will providehardware and content toclassrooms, for which itwill receive 75% of the

    contract value over a two-year period from Edusmart

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    Comprehensive range of services

    Geared to take advantage of growth opportunities in the pre-school, K-12,vocational training and online tutoring segments

    Educomp has now emerged as a comprehensive provider of educational services in the schoolssegment. It has a presence across the pre-school to K-12 segment, in online tutoring & in vocationaltraining through its joint-venture with Pearson. With only about 3% of the Rs. 895 bn (First Globalsestimate) education market catered to by the private sector at present, there is enormous room forgrowth and Educomp is in a position to take advantage of growth opportunities in various segments.

    Expansion of the Millennium Schools network

    Rapid expansion of Millennium Schools through franchisees

    Educomp has launched brick-and-mortar schools under the Millennium Schools brand. It is

    currently running 65 schools of which 37 are run by Educomp and 14 Euroschools come under theEurokids brand. Schools under Educomp include 37 owned schools and 14 schools under JV/DryManagement model. The management has laid down ambitious expansion plans for MillenniumSchools. Besides, there are 36 schools currently in various stages of development -- land has beenacquired for some while others are under construction or is a part of joint-ventures.

    Subsidiaries for brick-and-mortar schoolsSubsidiary % Stake

    EISML 81% Remaining 19% stake is with Promoters and third party.

    Eurokids 51% Remaining 49% stake is with Eurokids International Ltd.

    Raffles (50:50 JV) 50% 50% stake with Raffles Education, Singapore.

    Source: Company report

    By FY12, 50% of the schools will be set up under thefranchisee model. Under the terms of the franchiseeagreement, Educomp will receive 15% of the total feescollected by the schools as payment for providing the brandname and digital content.

    The expansion in this segment requires huge initial investmentwhich could be a strain on the cash flows of the company

    Providing online tutoring across verticals

    Stake acquisitions in portals driving expansion

    Educomp is expanding its presence in the online tutoring market by setting up its own portals andalso by acquiring a stake in a number of portals catering to different market segments. The strategyhas helped the company to incorporate changes in technology and global best practices in theeducation sector into its services.

    By FY12, 50% of the schools willbe set up under the franchiseemodel. Under the terms of the

    franchisee agreement, Educompwill receive 15% of the total fees

    collected by the schools aspayment for providing the brand

    name and digital content

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    Educomp has acquired

    a 76% stake in E-Serviceswhich owns an online tutoring portal and

    a majority stake in test preparation firm Gateforum Education service limited to preparefor the GATE exam (engineering post-graduate)

    a 51% stake in AuthorGen Technologies, which owns technology platforms on the Web2.0 domain for online learning. AuthorGen also owns a portal,, whichconnects students and teachers on any web browser and operating system.

    a majority stake in Zeebo Inc., to form a joint-venture and launch a wireless educationplatform.

    a 70% stake in a Canadian e-learning company, Savvica, which builds online communitiesaround e-learning

    New initiatives in professional education and pre-school segments

    J oint- venture with Raffles of Singapore for professional education programmes

    In the professional education segment, Educomp has signed 50:50, joint-venture with RafflesEducation, Asia Pacifics largest private education group. The joint-venture will bring Rafflesprogrammes in design, executive management and hospitality to India, and will also provide India-specific courses to address the employability gap in the country.

    In the pre-school segment, Educomp has acquired a 51% stake in Eurokids International for Rs. 390


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    Business HighlightsEducomp Solutions products and services are classified under four heads: Higher Learningsolutions, school learning solutions (SmartClass & ICT), K-12 Schools & Online supplemental and

    global. SmartClass & ICT together contribute over 98% of the companys total revenue onstandalone basis. SmartClass and ICT contributed 87% and 11% respectively of the companys totalrevenue in Q2 FY12.

    Business segment-wise revenue contribution (%)

    Source:Company Report

    Expansion of SmartClass centres & ICT schools driving growthSmartClass: Number of SmartClass centres expected to reach 10,000 by FY12

    SmartClass, the animated, instructor-led teaching aid delivered inside the classroom is Educompsflagship product. The product, which contributed 63% of revenues in FY09 and 87% in FY11, isexpected to bring in 89% of revenues in FY12.

    In FY 11, 3,461 new schools adopted SmartClass,taking the total to 6,538. In the H1 of FY12,1,570 schools were added. We expect thenumber of schools adopting SmartClass increase

    to 10,000 at the end of FY12.

    New revenue model for SmartClass: 75% of contract value within two years

    The new revenue model adopted by Educomp for SmartClass is different from the Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) model implemented earlier. Under the new contract with schools,Educomp will provide hardware and content to classrooms while Edusmart will be responsible formaintenance services. Edusmart will receive revenue from schools over a five-year period.












    FY09 FY10 FY11 H1FY12

    SmartClass (%) ICT (%) K-12 Schools (%) Higher Learning (%)

    In FY11, 3,461 new schools adopted SmartClass,

    taking the total to 6,538. In the H1 of FY12,

    1,570 schools were added. We expect the number

    of schools adopting SmartClass to increase to

    have increased to 10,000 at the end of FY12

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    Edusmart will securitize the contract and to pay Educomp 75% of the contract value over a 2-yearperiod.

    Number of SmartClass centres & ICT schools




    10,572 10,572 10,937
















    FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 Q1FY12 Q2FY12Smartclass schools ICT Schools

    Source: Company Report

    ICT (Edureach)

    Largest player in the government school segment

    Edureach business covers ICT Government and computer-aided learning projects. Educomp is thelargest player in the ICT solutions business (Total ICT schools of 10,937 at end of Q2FY 12) forgovernment schools. The segment contributed 11% of revenues in Q2FY12.

    The number of government schools where Educomp is offering ICT solutions has increased by29%, from 12,012 in FY09 to 15,426 FY10 but declined by 31% to 10,572 in FY11. Given thegovernments focus on education, we expect Educomp to offerICT solutions to an even larger number of schools in the comingyears. Revenue from ICT under the BOOT contract is recognizedover the period of the contract. But with payment delays leadingto an increase in Debtor Days and negative cash flows in the ICTsegment, the management is keener to focus on driving SmartClassadoption by private schools.

    With payment delays leading

    to an increase in Debtor

    Days and negative cash flows

    in the ICT segment, the

    management is more keen to

    focus on driving SmartClass

    adoption by private schools

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


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    Professional Development segment

    Revenue share declined to 1.65% in FY11 from 2.4% in FY10

    Educomps Professional Development business is part of its Higher Learning Solutions which also

    include higher education and vocational courses. The Professional Development segment impartstraining to teachers in technology-aided learning pedagogy & offers cognitive learning workshops.

    The Professional Development segment contributed2.4% of revenues in FY10 and 1.65% in FY11. InQ2FY 12, the revenue declined by 50% Y-o-Y to Rs.27.9 mn. We expect the revenue share to decline to 13%in FY12, primarily due to higher growth in othersegments.


    Revenue share set to increase from Rs. 23 mn in FY11 to Rs. 27 mn in FY12

    The e-tutoring segment includes online businesses such as and;supplement business such as counselling & assessment, global business such as in theUS and AsknLearn in Singapore.

    The segment contributed less than 0.5% of revenues in FY11 but its share is expected to increase inFY12 with 3.8 mn online using various products of Educomp.

    A new initiative by Educomp is the ETEN (Educomp Tele Education Network) CA program -- atechnology-enabled coaching for CA aspirants. There are 45,000 students enrolled for the program in150 centres across India. The program may take some time to gain traction. Educomp is alsomanaging 17 Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) in states like UP, Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab andDelhi under the EDU-CSR initiative and more than 11,000 students have been trained through thisinitiative.

    The Professional Development segmentcontributed 5.8% of revenues in FY09 and

    1.65% in FY11. In Q2FY12, therevenue declined by 50% Y-o-Y to Rs.27.9 mn. We expect the revenue share todecline to 13% in FY12, primarily due to

    higher growth in other segments

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    Financial Highlights

    Revenue growth, margins and return ratios

    Revenue likely to grow at CAGR of 13% over FY11-13

    Over the period FY06-11, Educomps standalone revenues grew at a CAGR of 81% to Rs. 10,207mn, while its EPS grew at a CAGR of 77% to Rs. 38. The robust growth momentum in SmartClassand K-12 schools is likely to continue -- we expect Educomp to double the number of its SmartClasscentres to 10,000 by the end of FY12. In the ICT segment, the company is very selective and itsrevenue is expected to decline, as a number of government school contracts will expire in the comingquarters. Over the period FY11-13, company's topline is likely to grow at CAGR of 13%.

    EBIDTA margin to improve to 50% in FY12

    Educomps EBIDTA margin is declined from 54.8% in FY 09 to 48% in FY11, on account of lowerrealisation in the ICT segment and intensifying competition in the Private school segment and due toan increase in the operating expenditure. The increase in operating expenditure was driven by a risein the cost of goods sold and higher personnel expenses due to the addition of 200 employees to thecompanys sales forces in FY11. In FY12 EBIDTA margin will improve to 50%, driven by increasedcontribution from high margin SmartClass segment.

    Margin trends








    FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 Q1FY12 Q2FY12

    EBITDA Margin (%) NPM (Excl Extra-ordinaries) (%)

    Source: Company Report

    RoE expected to decline to 21% by FY12Over the period FY06-11, the capital employed in the business grew at CAGR 86%, while, the RoCEdeclined from 21.3% in FY 06 to 21% in FY11, though the RoE improved from 23.9% to 27%, onaccount of an increase in the equity multiplier from 1.1x to 1.4x.

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


    FIRST GLOBAL www.firstglobal.inIndia Research


    Going forward, we expect Educomps sales-to-operating assets ratio to decline further to 0.8x inFY10 and to 0.5x in FY12. We estimate the RoCE to decline from 21.0% in FY11 to 16.7% in FY12,the RoE to decline from 26.6% in FY10 to 21% in FY12, primarily on account of a decline in theoperating margin and a fall in the equity multiplier from 1.7x in FY10 to 1.5x in FY12.

    DuPont AnalysisYE March FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12E FY 13E

    EBIDTA/Sales (%) 54.8% 55.5% 48.0% 49.8% 50.0%

    Sales/Operating Assets (x) 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.5

    EBIDTA/Operating Assets (%) 40.6% 41.7% 29.5% 26.4% 26.8%

    Operating Assets/ Net Assets(x) 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.8

    Net Earnings/ EBIDTA (%) 45.9% 48.0% 78.5% 63.7% 61.5%

    Net Assets/ Equity (x) 2.3 1.7 1.4 1.5 1.5

    Return on Equity (%) 35.2% 26.4% 26.9% 20.9% 19.5%

    Source: Company Reports & FG Research

    Working capital cycle

    Fall in debtor days to result in shortening of working capital cycle

    Working capital cycle (in days)YE March FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12E FY13E

    Debtors (Days) 159 194 220 181 185 185

    Creditors (Days) 106 43 69 85 85 85

    Inventory (Days) 4 46 29 25 26 26

    Total working Cycle 57 197 180 121 126 126

    Source: Company Reports & FG Research







    FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12E FY13E

    Debtors (Days) Creditors (Days)

    Inventory (Days) Total working Cycle

    Source: Company Reports & FG Research

    Educomps net working capital cycle has declined from 197 days in FY09 to 121 days in FY11, dueto a fall in debtor days from 194 in FY 09 to 181 in FY11, due to a shift in the companys focus toprivate schools and its selective approach in the ICT segment. The companys creditor daysincreased from 43 days in FY09 to 85 days in FY 11. The benefits of the new business model forSmartClass are expected to become visible in the companys FY 12 numbers.

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


    FIRST GLOBAL www.firstglobal.inIndia Research


    Quarterly Result Analysis (Standalone)

    YE March (Rs. mn)Q2



    change %Q1


    change %6M



    change %

    Net Sales 2,193 1,992 10.1% 1,857 18.1% 4,049 3,650 11.0%


    Cost of Goods Sold 601 545 10.1% 457 31.3% 1,058 1,181 (10.4%)

    Administration& other Exp. 195 214 (8.9%) 207 (5.8%) 401 393 2.1%

    Personnel expenses 423 359 17.8% 379 11.6% 801 626 28.1%

    Total Expenditure 1,218 1,118 9.0% 1,043 16.8% 2,260 2,200 2.8%

    EBIDTA 975 874 11.6% 814 19.7% 1,789 1,450 23.4%

    Less: Depreciation 113 101 11.4% 118 (4.8%) 231 198 16.5%

    EBIT 862 773 11.6% 696 23.9% 1,558 1,252 24.5%

    Less: Interest 175 103 70.8% 203 (13.7%) 378 178 112.9%

    Add: Other income 24 116 (79.2%) 74 (67.4%) 99 190 (48.1%)

    Extraordinary Income/(Expenses) (374) 22 NM 0 NM (374) 22 NM

    Profit Before Tax 337 809 (58.3%) 567 (40.6%) 904 1,286 (29.7%)

    Profit Before Tax Excl. extra-ordinaries 711 787 (9.6%) 567 25.4% 1,279 1,264 1.1%

    Less: Total Tax 76 56 35.2% 132 (42.3%) 208 92 126.8%Profit After Tax 261 752 (65.3%) 435 (40.0%) 697 1,194 (41.7%)

    Profit After Tax Excl. extra-ordinaries 551 732 (24.7%) 435 26.5% 986 1,174 (16.0%)

    Diluted EPS (Rs.) 2.57 7.15 (64.1%) 4.28 (40.0%) 6.85 11.66 (41.3%)

    Diluted EPS Excl. extra-ordinaries (Rs.) 5.41 6.96 (22.2%) 4.28 26.5% 9.69 11.46 (15.4%)

    Diluted Shares Outstanding (mn) 102 105 102 102 102

    Margin Analysis (%)Changein bps

    Changein bps

    Changein bps

    EBIDTA Margin 44.5% 43.9% 58 43.8% 61 44.2% 39.7% 445

    EBIT Margin 39.3% 38.8% 52 37.5% 185 38.5% 34.3% 418

    NPM 11.9% 37.8% -2586 23.5% -1154 17.2% 32.7% -1553

    NPM Excl. extra-ordinaries 25.1% 36.7% -1163 23.5% 167 24.4% 32.2% -781

    Effective Tax Rate 22.6% 7.0% 1561 23.2% -68 23.0% 7.1% 1586

    NM: Not Meaningful

    Educomps topline for Q2 FY12 came in well below street expectation. The company reported aProfit after Tax (PAT) of Rs. 261 mn for Q2 FY12, down 65.3% Y-o-Y from Rs. 752 mn in Q2FY11, driven by an increase of 70.8% Y-o-Y in interest charges from Rs. 103 mn to Rs. 175 mnand also due to exceptional loss of Rs. 374 mn of forex impact due to currency fluctuations mark-to market pertaining to FCCB of US $ 78.5 mn..

    In Q2 FY 12, the EBIDTA grew 11.6% Y-o-Y to Rs. 975 mn, while the EBIDTA marginexpanded by 58 bps Y-o-Y from 43.9% in Q2 FY11 to 44.5%, on account of a fall of 8.9% Y-o-Yin the administration and other expenses from Rs. 214 mn in Q2 FY11 to Rs. 195 mn.

    In Q2 FY12, Educomps standalone net sales grew 10% Y-o-Y , and 18% sequentially to Rs.2,193 mn driven by strong traction in SmartClass segment.

    Revenue from the SmartClass segment increased 27% Y-o-Y to Rs. 1,910 mn and contributed87% of the total revenue in Q2 FY12, while revenue contribution of ICT segment declined to

    just 10.9% of total revenue , as the company is focusing on more profitable private schools in theSmartClass segment.

    Educomp added 905 schools in the SmartClass segment (total of 8,107 schools), and added 582new addition in the ICT segment (total of 10,937) in Q2 FY12. In the K-12 segment, 65schools are now operational as against to 43 schools in Q2FY11.

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


    FIRST GLOBAL www.firstglobal.inIndia Research


    Everonn Education Ltd

    Price and Rating History ChartRatings Key

    B =Buy BD =Buy at Declines OP =OutperformPositive Ratings S-OP =Sector

    OutperformM-OP =Market Outperform


    Neutral Ratings H =Hold MP =Market Perform SP =Sector Perform

    S =Sell SS =Sell into Strength UP =UnderperformNegative Ratings

    A =Avoid MO-UP =Moderate Underperform S-UP =Sector Underperform

    ST: Short Term MT: Medium Term LT: Long Term

    Everonn Education Ltd. (EEDU.IN/EVED.BO)The stock was not under active coverage from J un 2010 to Dec 2011

    7-J an-12






    29-J an-10

    OP 24-May-10
















    J an-






    J ul-












    J un-





















    J an-






    J un-















    Relative to NIFTY (LHS) FG RECO Everonn Systems Share Price (RHS)

    1-Aug-2007 =100 (LHS)

    Represents an Upgrade

    Represents a Downgrade

    Represents Reiteration of Existing Rating

    Details of First Globals Rating System given at the end of the report

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


    FIRST GLOBAL www.firstglobal.inIndia Research


    Everonn Education Ltd

    Financial Snapshot (Consolidated)Key Financials

    YE March (Rs. mn) FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12E # FY13E#

    Total Revenues 1,447 2,935 4,247 4,420 5,298

    Revenue Growth (Y-o-Y) 57.9% 102.9% 44.7% 4.1% 19.9%

    EBI DTA 512 1,010 1,555 1,647 2,013

    EBIDTA Growth (Y-o-Y) 53.3% 97.1% 54.0% 6.0% 22.2%

    Net Profit 221 454 676 374 557

    Net Profit Growth (Y-o-Y) 60.0% 105.8% 48.8% (44.8%) 49.2%

    Net Profit Excl. extra-ordinaries 221 454 676 374 557

    Net Profit Growth Excl. extra-ordinaries (Y-o-Y) 60.0% 105.8% 48.8% (44.8%) 49.2%

    Shareholders Equity 2,137 2,559 5,283 5,621 6,142Number of Diluted shares (mn) 16 15 17 21 21

    Key Operating Ratios

    YE March FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12E FY13E

    Diluted EPS Excl. extra-ordinaries (Rs.) 14.1 30.1 40.1 18.0 26.9

    Diluted EPS Excl. extra-ordinaries Growth (Y-o-Y) 29.9% 113.5% 33.4% -55.1% 49.2%

    CEPS Excl. extra-ordinaries (Rs.) 24.2 46.8 65.0 51.0 61.4

    EBIDTA (%) 35.4% 34.4% 36.6% 37.3% 38.0%

    NPM (%) 15.3% 15.5% 15.9% 8.5% 10.5%

    Tax/PBT (%) 35.2% 30.9% 28.9% 31.5% 32.0%

    RoE (%) 14.3% 19.2% 17.2% 6.8% 9.5%

    RoCE (%) 12.2% 16.7% 14.8% 7.8% 8.8%Book Value Per share (Rs.) 136.3 169.3 313.1 271.1 296.3

    Debt/Equity (x) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.7

    Dividend Payout Ratio (%) 0.0% 7.9% 5.3% NA NA

    NA=Not Applicable

    Free Cash Flow Analysis

    YE March (Rs. mn) FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12E FY13E

    Operating Cash Flows -166 167 179 1,223 1,260

    Capex 713 779 2,249 1,501 1,119

    Total Free Cash Flows -848 -514 -2,020 -304 177

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


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    Market Cap. and Enterprise Value Data as on J an 07, 2012

    Current Market Price (Rs.) 331

    No. of Basic Shares (mn) 19

    Rs bn US$ bn

    Market Cap 6.3 0.12

    Total Debt* 2.1 0.04Cash & Cash Equivalents* 1.5 0.03

    Enterprise Value 7.0 0.13

    * Debt & Cash & Cash Equivalents as of FY11 ,INR Exchange Rate 52.78

    Valuation Ratios

    YE March FY12E FY13E

    P/E (x) 18.4 12.3

    P/BV (x) 1.2 1.1

    P/CEPS (x) 6.5 5.4

    EV/Sales 1.7 1.5

    EV/EBIDTA (x) 4.6 3.8

    Market Cap./ Sales (x) 1.4 1.2

    Net cash/Market Cap (%) NM NM

    NM Not Meaningful

    DuPont Model

    YE March FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12E FY13E

    EBIDTA/Sales (%) 35.4% 34.4% 36.6% 37.3% 38.0%

    Sales/Operating Assets (x) 0.9 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.7

    EBIDTA/Operating Assets (%) 32.2% 37.2% 33.0% 24.9% 27.0%

    Operating Assets/ Net Assets(x) 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7

    Net Earnings/ EBIDTA (%) 43.1% 45.0% 43.5% 22.7% 27.7%

    Net Assets/ Equity (x) 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.7

    Return on Equity (%) 14.3% 19.2% 17.2% 6.8% 9.5%

    Common Sized Profit & Loss Account

    YE March FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12E FY13E

    Total Revenues 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

    Net Purchase of trading items 15.1% 21.6% 18.6% 14.9% 17.8%

    Personnel 19.2% 13.1% 14.5% 15.8% 15.2%

    Other expenditure 30.4% 30.9% 30.3% 32.0% 29.0%

    EBIDTA 35.4% 34.4% 36.6% 37.3% 38.0%

    Depreciation and Amortization 11.0% 8.6% 9.9% 15.5% 13.5%

    Interest Paid 3.6% 3.5% 5.0% 10.0% 9.5%

    Non-Operating Income 2.7% 0.2% 0.6% 0.5% 0.5%

    Profit Before Tax 23.6% 22.4% 22.4% 12.3% 15.5%

    Tax 8.3% 6.9% 6.5% 3.9% 5.0%

    Net Profit 15.3% 15.5% 15.9% 8.5% 10.5%

    Net Profit Excl. extra-ordinaries 15.3% 15.5% 15.9% 8.5% 10.5%

    Source: Company Report &FG Research#Management has not provided any details on the financial implications of the NSDC-Everonn project and hence, wehave not included the same in our projections.

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


    FIRST GLOBAL www.firstglobal.inIndia Research


    Top Management TeamDesignation Name

    Managing Director P Kishore

    CEO & Whole-time Director Susha John

    Director R Sankaran

    Director Joe Thomas

    Director K M Marimuthu

    Company Secretary S Vijayanand

    Additional Director Nikhil Gandhi

    Additional Director S Vijay Kumar

    Capital Issue History

    DateEquityCapital(Rs mn)


    12/6/2000 13.5 Equity shares issued

    15/03/2001 16 Further Issue

    7/3/2003 17.1 Further Issue

    31/05/2006 85.7 Bonus Issue

    28/06/2006 89.5 Further Issue

    1/6/2006 86.9 Further Issue

    9/8/2006 102.8 Preferential Issue Of Shares

    24/07/2007 138.5 Public Issue

    17/06/2008 151.2 Preferential Issue Of Shares

    7/9/2010 190.3 Debenture Conversion

    23/05/2011 192.0 Debenture Conversion

    Key Statistics

    Shareholding Pattern as on 30/09/2011







    (Promoter &







    Industry: Education

    52 Week Hi:Lo: Rs. 723.0 / 227.3

    CMP: Rs. 330.8

    Avg Daily Vol (20 days): 0.2 mn

    Avg Daily Val (20 days): Rs. 49.4 mn

    Performance over 52 weeks:

    Everonn Education Ltd : Down 46.7%

    Nifty: Down 19.6%

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


    FIRST GLOBAL www.firstglobal.inIndia Research


    Everonns Key Ratios (Consolidated)YE March FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12E # FY13E#

    Cost of goods sold/Sales (%) 15.1% 21.6% 18.6% 14.9% 17.8%

    Other Income/EBT (%) 11.4% 0.7% 2.9% 4.4% 3.2%EBITDA Margin (%) 35.4% 34.4% 36.6% 37.3% 38.0%

    Tax / PBT (%) 35.2% 30.9% 28.9% 31.5% 32.0%

    Net Profit Margin (%) 15.3% 15.5% 15.9% 8.5% 10.5%

    RoE (%) 14.3% 19.2% 17.2% 6.8% 9.5%

    RoCE (%) 12.2% 16.7% 14.8% 7.8% 8.8%

    Sales/Operating Assets (x) 0.9 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.7

    Debt/ Equity (X) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.7

    Interest Coverage (x) 9.9 9.7 7.4 3.7 4.0

    Interest / Debt (%) 11.0% 15.6% 14.2% 14.4% 12.3%

    Growth in Gross Block (%) 74.8% 56.9% 80.2% 38.5% 18.5%

    Sales Growth (%) 57.9% 102.9% 44.7% 4.1% 19.9%

    Operating (EBITDA) Profit Growth (%) 53.3% 97.1% 54.0% 6.0% 22.2%

    Net Profit Growth (%) 60.0% 105.8% 48.8% (44.8%) 49.2%

    Debtors (Days of net sales) 193 146 179 180 178

    Creditors (Days of Op. Costs) 68 7 16 15 15

    Current Ratio (x) 3.9 5.8 6.1 8.2 7.9

    Net Current Assets/Capital Employed (%) 47.9% 51.7% 50.4% 53.3% 52.8%

    Number of Diluted Shares (mn) 16 15 17 21 21

    Diluted EPS (Rs.) 14.1 30.1 40.1 18.0 26.9

    Diluted EPS Excl. extra ordinaries (Rs.) 14.1 30.1 40.1 18.0 26.9

    EPS Growth Excl. extra-ordinaries (%) 29.9% 113.5% 33.4% (55.1%) 49.2%

    Dividend Payout (%) 0.0% 7.9% 5.3% 9.5% 6.4%

    Diluted CEPS (Rs.) 24.2 46.8 65.0 51.0 61.4

    Book Value Per Share (Rs.) 136.3 169.3 313.1 271.1 296.3

    Source: Company Report & FG Research#Management has not provided any details on the financial implications of the NSDC-Everonn project and hence, wehave not included the same in our projections.

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


    FIRST GLOBAL www.firstglobal.inIndia Research


    Everonns Business in Pictures (FY11)Consolidated

    (All figures are in Rs mn except where stated otherwise) All percentages are percent of revenues, unless otherwisestated)

    Revenue Mix

    i) ViTELS =Rs. 2,162 mn (50.9%)

    ii) Instructional & computing

    Technology =Rs. 860 mn ( 20.3%)

    iii) Edu-Resources =Rs. 900 mn (21.2%)

    iv) Tutors Tutorials =Rs. 170.5 mn (4%)

    No of Centres (FY11):

    ViTEL S total centres:


    I-Schools 1,455

    Virtual Colleges 1,920Retail Outlets --46

    ICT schools: 6,640

    Competition: -

    Educomp Solution Ltd

    NIIT Ltd

    Core Projects

    Cyber learning (Reliance Venture)

    Tata Interactive systems

    Major Customers:

    For ViTELS:all Private schools & Colleges

    For ICT: State Govts for Govt schools

    Net Purchase of

    trading items--

    Rs. 789 mn (18.6%)

    Operations/ Value added

    Total Revenues: Rs. 4,247 mn (100%)

    Manpower: Rs. 617 mn (14.5%)

    Operating Exp.: Rs. 1,286 mn (30.3%)


    Rs. 1,555 mn (34.41%)

    Profit before Tax:

    Rs. 952 mn(22.4%)

    Interest: Rs. 211mn (5.0%)

    Depreciation: Rs.420 mn (9.9%)

    Non-Operating Income: Rs. 27mn (0.6%)


    Rs. 275 mn (6.5%)

    Profit after Tax:

    Rs 676 mn (15.9%)


    Balance Sheet(FY 11)


    Rs.8,330 mn (100%)

    Equity Cap: Rs.265mn (3.2%)Reserves: Rs. 5, 017 mn (61.2%)

    Total Loan: Rs. 2,119 mn (25.4%)

    Deferred Tax Liab: Rs.183 mn (2.2%)

    Minority Interest: Rs.0.02 mn (0.0%)

    Other Current Liabilities: Rs.288 mn (3.5%)

    Sundry Creditors: Rs 115 mn (1.4%)

    Provisions: Rs 342 mn (4.1%)


    Rs. 8,330 mn(100%)

    Fixed Assets: Rs. 2,935 mn (35.2%)

    Capital work in progress: Rs. 595 mn (7.1%)

    Investments: Rs. 223 mn (2.7%)

    Goodwill: Rs. 5 mn (0.1%)

    Debtors: Rs.2,088 mn (25.1%)

    Cash: Rs. 1,469 mn (17.6%)

    L&A: Rs. 1,015 mn (12.2%)

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


    FIRST GLOBAL www.firstglobal.inIndia Research


    The StoryEveronn Education India Ltd (EEDU.IN/EVED.BO), a fully-integrated knowledge managementcompany, had fairly humble beginnings back in 2000, when it started out offering computer training

    to government school students. Today, it has establishedvirtual learning centres at 3,511 private schools and collegesin 50 cities across the country where it delivers curriculum-based content and employability training through a programcalled Virtual Technology Enabled Learning Solutions(ViTELS). Everonn also offers ICT solutions to over 6,628government schools, providing turnkey solutions for settingup computer labs to impart information technology education,computer-aided learning, computer literacy and teacherstraining projects.

    Everonn has taken two significant steps that have strengthened its content capabilities and service

    portfolio The company became Microsofts academic service partner in India in February 2011 forproviding training, courseware and certification tomore than 300,000 students over the next three years,as well as entered into a joint venture (JV) withNational Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) totrain 15 mn students over the next 10 years. The JV isexpected to generate orders worth Rs. 144 bn to beexecuted over the next decade. Management has notprovided any details on the financial implications ofthe project and hence, we have not included the samein our projections.

    Everonns sales grew at a robust CAGR of 69% to Rs. 4,247 mn in the period FY06-11 and its EPSincreased at a CAGR of 28% to Rs. 40.1 (Number of shares increased from 7 mn in FY06 to 17 mnin FY 11). The company is catering to only 6,628 schools in the ICT segment as against Educomps10,937. The average revenue per school in the ICT segment increased from Rs. 0.128 mn in FY10 toRs. 0.134 mn in FY11.

    In FY11-12, we estimate Everonns topline to grow 4.1% Y-o-Y to Rs.4.4 bn, as against Rs.4.24 bnin FY 11, and expect the net profit to decline 45% toRs.374 mn, as against Rs.676 mn in FY11. The growthwill be driven mainly by the addition in the number ofschools and colleges in the ViTELS SBU and anincrease in the average number of classrooms per

    school. However, recent media reports regarding thetax liability and consequent allegations againstEveronns managing director, Mr. P Kishore, hasresulted in loss of credibility for the company, whichcould impact its business.

    In FY11-12, we estimate Everonnstopline to grow 4.1% Y-o-Y to Rs.4.4 bn,

    as against Rs.4.24 bn in FY11, and expectthe net profit to decline 45% to Rs.374

    mn, as against Rs.676 mn in FY11. Thegrowth will be driven mainly by the

    addition in the number of schools andcolleges in the ViTELS SBU and anincrease in the average number of

    classrooms per school

    Everonn also offers ICT solutionsto over 6628 government schools,providing turnkey solutions for

    setting up computer labs to impartinformation technology education,

    computer-aided learning,computer literacy and teachers

    training projects

    The company became Microsofts academicservice partner in India in February 2011for providing training, courseware and

    certification to more than 300,000 studentsover the next three years, as well as enteredinto a joint venture (J V) with National SkillDevelopment Corporation (NSDC) to train

    15 mn students over the next 10 years

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


    FIRST GLOBAL www.firstglobal.inIndia Research


    Everonn is expected to incur capex of Rs.1.5 bn in FY12 in the ViTELS and ICT segments, forincreasing the average classroom per school from 2.9 in Q4 FY11 to 5 by FY13, as well as add 700I-schools and 600 V-colleges in the ViTELS segment. The company will expand its presence in theICT segment and add 800-1000 government schools. The capital expenditure incurred for eachcomputer lab ranges between Rs. 0.2-0.4 mn and the hardware is transferred to the school at the endof the BOOT period.

    With greater focus on the ViTELS SBU, the companys working capital requirements are expected todecrease. Everonns Free Cash Flow will continue to remain negative for some more time, on accountof its capex plans and working capital requirements.

    At a CMP of Rs. 331, the stock trades at a P/E of 12.3x FY13E earnings. However, high receivables andnegative free cash flow still remain a concern for Everonn. The company plans to adopt a capital lightmodel in its school business in order to resolve the problem of negative cash flow. The recent newsregarding its tax liability issue will raise concern among investors over the companys corporategovernance. We reinitiate coverage on Everonn Education with a rating of Underperform.

    Comparative Valuation







    GrowthCompany YE

    MktCap(Rsbn) FY12E FY13E FY12E FY13E FY12E FY13E FY12E FY13E FY12E FY13E FY12E FY13E FY12E FY12E FY12E (13/12) (13/12)

    EVERNON Mar 6.3 18.0 26.9 18.4 12.3 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.7 1.5 4.6 3.8 37.3% 6.8% 7.8% 49.2% 19.9%

    NIIT Mar 6.4 5.4 5.4 7.2 7.1 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.7 0.4 0.3 3.0 2.5 12.6% 12.8% 11.9% 0.7% -3.6%

    EDUCOMP Mar 19.1 28.0 31.1 5.5 5.1 1.7 1.5 1.1 0.9 2.0 1.6 3.9 3.3 49.8% 20.9% 16.7% 11.1% 12.3%

    Source: FG Research

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


    FIRST GLOBAL www.firstglobal.inIndia Research


    Company BackgroundIncorporated in 2000, Everonn Education is a Chennai-based Education and training company. In theinitial years, the company offered computer training at government schools. Today, its services

    include creation of knowledge resources, designing and delivering learning and training programmesand setting up infrastructure for course delivery. Present across 27 states in the country and operatingfrom 10,139 learning centres, Everonn currently offers its services to over 3 million students. Thecompany operates in two segments: Instructional and Computing Technology (ICT) and Virtual

    Technology Enabled Learning Solutions (ViTELS). ViTELS contributes over 43% of the company'stotal revenue, ICT brings in 25% and the balance comes from Everonn's subsidiaries - EDURES and

    Toppers. Everonn works with a number of state governments, providing full-fledged curriculum &non-curriculum courses for Preschool to 12th Grade students at private schools and offering soft-skills and vocational courses at colleges.

    At the end of Q1 FY12, Everonn worked with 6,628 government schools under the ICT programmeand had established virtual learning centres at 3,511 private schools and colleges in 50 cities across

    the country. After acquiring the Patna based Tutor Tutorials in FY08, the company has begunproviding coaching for IIT JEE examinations at 33 centres across India. Everonn also administers

    TOEFL, TOEIC and GRE tests. Company has joined hands with National Skill DevelopmentCorporation (NSDC) with the launch of International Skills School to provide skills to people fromnine sectors in order to make them employable. Everonn's wholly-owned subsidiary, Everonn SkillDevelopment Ltd. (ESDL), has been mandated by NSDC to train 15 mn people by 2022. NSDC willinvest Rs. 141.5 mn towards obtaining equity of 27% in Everonns wholly-owned skill developmentsubsidiary, ESDL. The total investment required for setting up 271 multi-skill development centreswill be Rs. 1.54 bn.

  • 7/28/2019 Educomp Solutions Everonn Education Reinitiating Coverage JAN 09 2012


    FIRST GLOBAL www.firstglobal.inIndia Research


    Business HighlightsEveronn operates its businesses through two SBUs - ICT at Schools and Virtual & TechnologyEnabled Learning Systems (ViTELS). ICT at Schools focuses primarily on setting up computerlaboratories at government schools, while ViTELS caters to private schools, colleges, providinginteractive technology enabled learning solutions in classrooms. Private unaided schools (about182,971 schools exist in this category) have greater flexibility in adopting new technologies/learningmethodologies for education. Since there is no government interference, decision-making is speedy.

    The company reach extended to 3,511 centres in the ViTELS segment and 6,628 schools in the ICTsegment by the end of Q1 FY12. Over the coming years, the growth will be driven primarily byadditions to the number of schools and colleges in the ViTELS SBU, as the decision making andimplementation is much faster in private schools in comparison to government run schools.

    Number of ViTELS centres & ICT at schools






