夫書院第十七屆畢業典禮已於十二月七日(星期四) 假邵逸夫堂舉行,主禮嘉賓為運輸署黃志光署長。本 屆畢業生共七百人。典禮舉行前,畢業生和親友在逸夫校園 聚餐,隨後到室外籃球場旁參加植樹儀式。校友徑鑴刻本屆 畢業生姓名的牌匾亦同時 揭幕。 儀式後,畢業生與 親友隨即往大學本部中央 石階拍攝大合照,之後到 邵逸夫堂參與書院畢業典 禮。主禮嘉賓黃志光先生 致辭時表示,作為中大畢 業生,此次重訪母校,令 他憶起二十多年前畢業的 情景。他認為近年大學畢 業生會面對更多的挑戰, 主要來自客觀環境的轉 變。首先是,香港回歸 後,本地畢業生需要和內 地及回流的海外畢業生競爭。其次,高等教育普及化,持有 學位的人數大幅增加,在職人士需要不斷進修,方能保持優 勢。還有,資訊科技高速發展,在全球化趨勢帶動下,國與 國之間的競爭加劇,個人不應因循。他忠告同學,務須注意 適應新環境,保持開放態度,目光宜放遠,不可隨波逐流, 並且需具備中國視野。他叮囑同學,應懂得享受生活,拓闊 視野,增廣見聞,在適當時候回饋母校和社會。 T he 17th College Graduation Ceremony was held on Thursday, 7 December 2006 at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. There were 700 college graduates this year. Before the Ceremony, the graduates and their friends and families gathered at Shaw campus for lunch, which was followed by a tree planting ceremony and the unveiling of name plaques for this year’s graduates at the Alumni Trail. The graduates then moved to the Central Steps for group photo-taking before the Ceremony at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. The guest of honour of the Ceremony is Mr. Alan Wong Chi- kong, Commissioner for Transport, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Mr. Wong, also a CU alumnus, talked about changes graduates had to face in recent years. He encouraged graduates to well equip themselves to adapt to the changing environment. It was important for students to keep an open mind, to continuously upgrade themselves and to have a China vision. Lastly, he invited graduates to contribute to their alma mater and the society appropriately. 逸夫書院第十七屆畢業典禮 Shaw College 17th Graduation Ceremony 本通訊出版費用由古勝祥先生捐贈。 The publication of this newsletter is sponsored by Mr. Daniel S. C. Koo 30 二零零六年十二月 第三十期 Newsletter of Shaw College December 2006 The Chinese University of Hong Kong

逸夫書院第十七屆畢業典禮 T 期 )本 園屆 逸 6 0 f e 時 rail.s 揭幕 … · Xu Zhichang (Hong Kong Institute of Education) showed data that demonstrated a significant

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Page 1: 逸夫書院第十七屆畢業典禮 T 期 )本 園屆 逸 6 0 f e 時 rail.s 揭幕 … · Xu Zhichang (Hong Kong Institute of Education) showed data that demonstrated a significant



























The 17th College Graduation Ceremony was held on Thursday, 7 December 2006 at Sir Run Run

Shaw Hall. There were 700 college graduates this year. Before the Ceremony, the graduates and their friends and families gathered at Shaw campus for lunch, which was

f o l l o w e d b y a t r e e p l a n t i n g c e r e m o n y and the unveil ing of name plaques for this year’s graduates at the Alumni Trail.

T h e g r a d u a t e s t h e n m o v e d t o t h e Central Steps for group photo-taking before the Ceremony at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall . The guest of honour o f t h e C e r e m o n y i s Mr. Alan Wong Chi -

kong, Commissioner for Transport, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Mr. Wong, also a CU alumnus, talked about changes graduates had to face in recent years. He encouraged graduates to well equip themselves to adapt to the changing environment. It was important for students to keep an open mind, to continuously upgrade themselves and to have a China vision. Lastly, he invited graduates to contribute to their alma mater and the society appropriately.

逸夫書院第十七屆畢業典禮Shaw College 17th Graduation Ceremony

本通訊出版費用由古勝祥先生捐贈。 The publication of this newsletter is sponsored by Mr. Daniel S. C. Koo

30二 零 零 六 年 十 二 月 第 三 十 期

Newsletter of Shaw College

December 2006

香 港 中 文 大 學 逸 夫 書 院 通 訊

The Chinese Univers i ty of Hong Kong

Page 2: 逸夫書院第十七屆畢業典禮 T 期 )本 園屆 逸 6 0 f e 時 rail.s 揭幕 … · Xu Zhichang (Hong Kong Institute of Education) showed data that demonstrated a significant

On a sunny Saturday 4 November, a group of scholars from various tertiary institutions in Hong

Kong and other parts of Asia gathered to discuss issues of Englishization in a symposium co-organized by Shaw College and the Comparative Literature Research Programme.

What is Englishization? What has it to do with us in Asia? Questions as such were raised about the theme of the symposium, but things turned out to be exciting on the day the symposium was held. Professor Kwok-kan Tam, the organizer and Director of the Comparative Literature Research Programme at CUHK, was pleased to see a big turn up in the a u d i e n c e b e c a u s e Engl ishizat ion is a social phenomenon that affects the life of so many people. A t n i n e o ’ c l o c k , t h e S h a w C o l l e g e Lecture Theatre was already packed with p a r t i c i p a n t s w h o included academics, government language officers, alumni, students, and teachers from secondary schools.

What is Englishization?Englishization is a term generally used to describe

the transformation which takes place in non-English cultures and languages as a result of exposure to the English language. In literary writings as well as in daily conversation, English phrases and words are adopted and used in new ways which deviate from their meanings in the original language, resulting in the increasing hybridization of languages. Englishization has become one of the major forces that shape the language and culture of the present and future world.

Englishization and CultureThe symposium began with presentations

by Kosaku Yoshino (Sophia University) and Andy Kirkpatrick (Hong Kong Institute of Education), both of which explored Englishization as a new imaginary that has transformed social relations and the production of knowledge in Asia. In the next presentation, Agnes Lam (University of Hong Kong) argued that English has become an Asian language, especially for intercultural poetic expression in India, Singapore and Hong Kong. On the topic of Englishization in popular culture, Andrew Moody (University of Macau) demonstrated

how the population change in Japan has produced a new generation of J-pop lovers. Using slides and videos as illustrations, he showed the creative use of English in Japanese pop songs. The paper jointly presented by Phil Benson and Alice Chik (Hong Kong Institute of Education) focused on the use of English in Canto pop as a marker of new identity. Using the theatre as an example of hybrid culture, Mike Ingham (Lingnan University) discussed the role of English in the culturally pluralistic arts environment of Hong Kong.

Language and IdentityOn the relation between language and identity, there were

three presentations dealing with different aspects of speakers’ attitude. Wee Lian Hee (Hong Kong Baptist University) discussed how English has been successfully nativized in Singapore, while Xu Zhichang (Hong Kong Institute of Education) showed data that demonstrated a significant change in Chinese political leaders’ use of address terms in recent years as a result of Englishization and Westernization. On the matter of identity, Liu Yan and Guo Yingtao (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies) concluded in their presentation that the number of English learners is growing in China, but there is little evidence to prove that students’ core values have been changed. That is to say, English is a medium for international communication in China, but it has not Englishized students’ identity.

T h e s y m p o s i u m p r o v e d t o b e d i f f e r e n t f r o m o t h e r academic conferences in that all presentations turned out to be lively performances and demonstrations of the creative use of English in Asian arts, TV, film, popular culture, and literary writings. The most exciting part of the symposium lay in the dialogue and debates between speakers and the audiences on issues of politics, identity and attitude behind language use. After the symposium, many participants said that they did not expect so much fun in academic discourse and they enjoyed it. Editor’s note: Prof. Kwok-kan Tam is Professor in the Department of English. He is a Trustee and Fellow, and a long-time supporter of Shaw College. He will leave CUHK and join another University. The editorial committee thanks him for his contribution to this issue and wishes him all the best in his new position.

Shaw College Symposium

Eng l i sh i za t ion in As ia : Language and Cultural Issues Kwok-kan Tam


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Shaw College launched its mentorship programme in 2002/03. This is the fifth year that the programme is offered. The College appreciates the enthusiastic support from its alumni who serve as mentors, in particular to those who have

served since the inception of the programme. The number of mentees has been on the increase, from 85 in 2002/03 to 177 in 2006/07.

To collect more views for improvement, the College merged the Mentorship Programmes Committee into the Student Development Programmes Committee some time earlier. The objectives of the college mentorship programme are promoting mentoring relationship between alumni of Shaw College and its undergraduates, to expose students to role models so as to learn through the success of the mentors, to enhance students’ educational, social and personal growth through learning from mentors’ experiences, and to maintain a close link between the college and its alumni. Although the programme is formally on a yearly basis, mentors and mentees are encouraged to continue their mentoring relationship afterwards.

The inauguration ceremony for this year’s Programme was held on Saturday, 28 October at Fu Zung Centre, attended by over 100 mentors and mentees. Most of them met each other for the first time, and yet the atmosphere was amiable. More activities of variety will be held in the coming few months. It is hoped that the mentorship programme would continue to enjoy success year after year.




My four years university life at Shaw College has left me many wonderful memories. By participating in the Mentorship Programme, I, on the one hand, reconnect with Shaw and on the other hand, through the communications with mentees, I learn about the latest University and College developments. I am also able to share my life experiences with my mentees and make some trustful friends

who are difficult to be found in workplace.

Derek NgaiGraduate of Computer Science 1996, serving as a mentor since 2002.

師友計劃第 年Mentorship Programme Entering Its Fifth Year


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CUHK Golf Day 2006Date: 3 November 2006Venue: Vijay Course of Shenzhen

Prof. P.C. Ching, College Head leads one of the teams. Team members include (first from left) Mr. Clement Fung. Mrs. P.C. Ching and Mr. William King.

Prof. P.C. Ching plays at the course

Shaw teams win the CU Cup

Group photo of all participants

Mission Hills Golf Club


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Athlete Meet 2006

Swimming Gala 2006

Date: 25 October 2006Venue: Sir Philips Haddon Cave Sports Field

Date: 26 September 2006Venue: University Swimming Pool

Page 6: 逸夫書院第十七屆畢業典禮 T 期 )本 園屆 逸 6 0 f e 時 rail.s 揭幕 … · Xu Zhichang (Hong Kong Institute of Education) showed data that demonstrated a significant

Dr. Randall Chang, Visiting Scholar of Banking, Department of Finance

Prof. Swati Jhaveri, Assistant Professor,

School of Law

New College Members

Dr. Randall Chang said if he could have one wish, it would be to become a young banker again,

and to once again experience all the challenges and opportunities that a banker’s life has to offer.

Dr. Chang was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii as a third generation overseas Chinese. His higher education was in California, and he received his Ph.D. from the Claremont Graduate University. Following that, he became a banker and worked for many years as an executive with the Bank of America, Union Bank of California, and City Bank of Hawaii where he was its president. He then decided to start his own bank consulting company and did this for several years, working both in California and in Hawaii. As part of his work, he organized a new Federal Credit Union and became its CEO. In 2004 he decided to start a second career as a teacher, and so he joined the international faculty of the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies where he taught courses in banking and management. In September of 2006, he joined CUHK where he now teaches undergraduate courses and one MBA course in banking.

To Dr. Chang, life in Hong Kong is very busy and there are so many things to do. He can appreciate the environment here because, compared to his last

two years in Guangzhou, Hong Kong has good air quality and the surroundings are very clean. He especially enjoys the area around our campus with all of its natural beauty of water, hills, mountains, and vegetation. He had visited Hong Kong many times in the past, but it was always on business in the financial district, so he never realized until now that it has a lot of natural scenic beauty.

Dr. Chang finds that students at CUHK are very concerned about the future and take their studies very seriously. They are very ambitious and motivated to succeed. Because he was a banker for many years, he teaches his courses from a practitioner’s viewpoint rather than from an academician’s viewpoint. His students seem to appreciate this as it reflects real business world conditions rather than textbook knowledge.

Dr. Chang like to tell his students that “the world is your oyster”. There are so many opportunities out there, just waiting for bright and motivated people to grasp them.

Professor Swati Jhaveri was born in India and moved to Hong Kong when she was very young.

She received her primary and secondary education in Hong Kong and then went to the UK for tertiary education at the University of Oxford. She studied law there and then practised law in Hong Kong for 4 years. Professor Jhaveri decided very early in her legal education that she want to teach law but wanted to get some practical experience before switching to teaching. She was very excited to learn that CUHK would be establishing a new School of Law. She said it was a privilege to be a part of this exciting new development in legal education in Hong Kong.

Professor Jhaveri enjoys living in Hong Kong and considers it to be her home away from home (India). Hong Kong is a unique place in terms of work, the people and lifestyle. She enjoys the pace and the people that Hong Kong attracts. She also appreciates the convenience of living here. As a legal academic, she also enjoys teaching students about different aspects of our legal system and the case law produced by our courts.

Professor Jhaveri currently teaches postgraduate students on the JD and LLM postgraduate programmes at the School of Law. She has found the students to be a very bright and engaging. They come from very diverse backgrounds and this makes classroom discussions interesting and varied. They have studied different disciplines prior to studying law (ranging from computer engineering to political science) and have, accordingly, developed different ways of thinking about things and it is refreshing to encounter these different thought processes in the classroom.


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Prof. Gary Yam, Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Professor Gary Yam was born and raised in HK. He did his undergraduate studies at the Department of Biology, CUHK,

and went on to do his M.Phil in the Department of Anatomy. He worked for three years as a research technician before doing a PhD programme (part-time) in Anatomy. He then joined the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences for his first postdoctoral position, and later found an opportunity to work with Professor Juergen Roth, a world-renowned specialist on electron microscopy, in Zurich, Switzerland. He stayed for four years as a Research Assistant Professor before he rejoined CUHK as an assistant professor in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences. Due to his long history of studying and working at CUHK, he is very delighted to rejoin this family and will try his best to contribute to the interests of CUHK students.

Speaking of his students at CUHK, Professor Yam thinks that many of them have high academic standards. They are a hard-working and intelligent group, and have an excellent attitude towards

attaining both academic and social achievements, both of which go hand-in-hand to ensure their future success. This could be credited to the style of Hong Kong education and the University environment which provides a good atmosphere for learning. Personally, he also feels that the integrative hostel environment is a crucial setting for networking and nurturing long-term friendships.

劇社再創佳績 四院劇賽奪三獎







Drama Society Wins Three Prizes at the Inter-Collegiate Drama Competition

The annual Inter-Collegiate D r a m a C o m p e t i t i o n w a s

held on 15 and 16 November 2006 at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. Shaw College Drama Society p r e s e n t e d a d r a m a n a m e d "Thy Kingdom" which brought them 3 prizes. Directed by Sin Chor-ka, the drama was played by Li Po-yee, Shing Pok-

man and Sin Chor-ka. Sin Chor-ka was awarded Merit Award for Directing and Shing Pok-man won a Merit Award by playing Prisoner B. The Society was also

awarded Pre-Production Merit Award for the second year. The College congratulates the Drama Society on their outstanding performance.


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校友消息News from Alumni

Professor Lawrence J. Lau, the Vice-Chancellor, met with students of Shaw College at Fu Zung Centre on

1 November 2006. He was accompanied by Professor P.C. Ching, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Head of Shaw College, Professor Ho Puay-peng, University Dean of Students, and Professor Gordon Cheung, College Dean of Students,

The College Student Union hosted the meeting, which focused on hot university issues including the establishment of new colleges, campus transportation, competitiveness of fresh graduates, and the future development of the University and the College. The Vice-Chancellor encouraged students and staff to enhance mutual communication outside classroom. He also urged students to grasp every opportunity to participate in the university and college exchange programmes to broaden their horizons. The meeting was finally concluded under a pleasant atmosphere.
















劉遵義校長會見逸夫同學Vice-Chancellor Meets with Shaw Students

本年度的「逸夫人在中大」── 校友和同事的午餐














The annual Fellowship Lunch for Shaw Alumni in CUHK was held on 13 September at Marine View. Other alumni

activities organized during the past few months, included the Mid-Autumn Festival celebration party for the children of Heep Hong Society on 30 September, the Shawpy Hour gathering on 20 October and the reunion lunch for graduated student leaders on 18 November.

The college alumni had also been supportive and part icipated actively in University events, including the inauguration dinner of the CUHK Federation of Alumni Associations on 23 September and the CUHK Golf Day 2006

on 3 November. With the support of our alumni, Shaw College teams won the CUHK Cup at the Golf Day.

In December, two m o r e a c t i v i t i e s w e r e o r g a n i z e d . O n e w a s a visit to the Western District’s historical spots on 2 December and the other was the annual general meeting of the

alumni association on 15 December.


歡迎惠稿或來函。中文文章千二字為限,來函則勿超三百字。稿函請寄逸夫書院《逸林》編輯收。Contributions or suggestions are welcome. English essays should be kept at 1,000 and letters 300 words each.

Please send all correspondence to the Editor, Shaw Link, Shaw College.

《逸林》編輯委員會 主席:陳韜文教授 . 委員:陳善偉教授 馬桂鴻先生 王晉光教授 . 名譽編輯:左冠輝先生 . 秘書 / 編輯:黎蕙華小姐Editorial Committee on Shaw Link Chairman: Prof. Joseph Chan . Members: Prof. Chan Sin-wai, Mr. Kingsley Ma, Prof. Wong Juen-kon . Honorary Editor: Mr. Chor Koon-fai . Secretary/Editor: Miss Fionna Lai