E.E.M.P.A. Nº 1305 - APUL Idioma Extranjero: Inglés 3º Año Cuadernillo de actividades Profesor: Gustavo Ordóñez 2021

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E.E.M.P.A. Nº 1305 - APUL

Idioma Extranjero: Inglés 3º Año

Cuadernillo de actividades

Profesor: Gustavo Ordóñez


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Asignatura: Idioma Extranjero - Inglés E.E.M.P.A. Nº 1305 APUL Profesor: Gustavo Ordóñez Curso: 3° Año

1- Do you need some cash? Are you looking for a job? Well,have a look at these job adverts.

(¿Necesitás dinero?¿Estás buscando trabajo? Leé estos avisos clasificados)

Podés buscar significado de palabras y expresiones en https://www.spanishdict.com/diccionario

Job adverts (Avisos clasificados)

Trabajo Práctico Nº 1

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job: trabajo, empleo, ocupación need: necesitar look after: cuidar

after: después aged: de edad week: semana

call: llamar newspaper/paper: periódico, diario young: joven

before: antes paper round: circuito de reparto deliver: repartir

take: tomar must: deber ask: pedir, solicitar

holiday: vacación want: querer earn: ganar

summer: verano another: otro/a shop: puesto de venta

part-time work: trabajo de medio tiempo look for: buscar breakfast: desayuno

lunchtime: hora del almuerzo staff: personal come in: venir

2- Find abbreviations of the days of the week in the text and complete.

(Buscáabreviaturas de los días de la semana en el texto y completá.)


3- Match the adverts with the job descriptions.

(Uní los avisos A,B,C,D con la descripción de los trabajos)

Advert A a delivering newspaper

Advert B b working in a shop

Advert C c looking after children

Advert D d working in a small restaurant

Podés buscar significado de palabras y expresiones en https://www.spanishdict.com/diccionario

1. Sunday – Sun. 2. Monday – .............. 7. Saturday – Sat.

3. Tuesday – Tu., Tue. 4. Wednesday –................

5. Thursday – Thu. 6. Friday – ..................

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4- Write the correct job in the box below the picture.

(Escribí el trabajo que realiza cada una de las personas de las imágenes)

5- Write the name of a job to complete the sentences.

(Completá las oraciones con el nombre de las ocupaciones)

recepcionist cleaner shop assistant nurse doctor engineer

Office worker teacher hairdresser lawyer police officer

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6- Find these verbs in the job advert to complete the puzzle.

(Buscá estos verbos en los avisos clasificados para completar el crucigrama)

7- Complete the sentences with a suitable verb from the previous activity.

(Completá cada oración conun verbo de la activiad anterior)

Paper boys __________ newspaper on their bicycles.

Babysitters ______________ young children.

They ______ a good salary.

We _______ five languages.

You ______ a job.

Nurses ______ in hospitals.

They ______ text messages.

Across Down

3- cuidar 4- necesitar 6-ganar 7-llamar 9-pedir 10-hablar 12-querer 14-buscar

1- venir 2- tener 5-repartir 8-tomar 10-enviar 12-trabajar

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8- Read the adverts again and choose the correct job advert.

(Volvé a leer los clasificados y escribí si hace referencia al aviso A, B, C o D.)

In which job do you…

have to work after school?................................. 1

have to work before 8:00 a.m.? ..........................2

only have to work on Saturday? ......................... 3

need a bicycle? .................................................. 4

need to speak a foreign language? ...................... 5

only work during the summer holidays? ............. 6

have to work for 2 hours after school? ................ 7

need to work from Tuesday to Saturday?............ 8

9- Are the sentences true or false?

¿Estas afirmaciones son verdaderas o falsas?

In advert A, the babysitter can get more than £40 a week. 1

In advert D, you don't need to work in the evenings. 2

In advert B, the paper round should take about half an hour. 3

In advert C, you have to work five days a week. 4

In advert D, you should call Bella in the morning. 5

In advert D, you need to work full-time. 6

In advert C, you need to contact the museum by telephone. 7

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10- Which job would be best for each person?

(¿Qué puesto es el mejor para cada postulante?)

Recommended job

1. Nina studies English and has her own blog. She likes sending emails and making phone calls. She is a very sociable person.

2. Dave looks for a full-time job. He is sociable, likes working with his hands,and cares about his appearance.

3. Sarah likes helping people. He wants to work in a hospital. She studies a degree in nursing.

4. Cristine is a student. She looks for a part-time job. She doesn’t want to work in a restaurant or shop. She is tall, beautiful and has her own unique look.

5. Sam is friendly and sociable. He has experience working in a restaurant. He studies at university. He needs flexible working






A: nurse B: hairdresser C: secretary

D: model E: waiter/waitress

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1 Leé el aviso clasificado y completá la información

Asignatura: Idioma Extranjero - Inglés E.E.M.P.A. Nº 1305 APUL Profesor: Gustavo Ordóñez Curso: 3° Año Trabajo Práctico Nº 2


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Leé el artículo. Al final del trabajo hay un glosario con el significado de palabras que puedas desconocer. Luego completá cada oración con el nombre correcto: Sally, Edward or Madeline.

A- sees three pizzas on the kitchen table. He wants to take them home.

B- talks to the manager. She is under 18 years old.

C- only works on Saturday at the Mega Pizza restaurant.

Decidí si estas afirmaciones son verdaderas o falsas.

1 Sally breaks two glasses by accident.

2 She is a hard-working girl.

3 Edward eats three pizzas everyday.

4 Edward’s brothers and sisters aren’t poor.

5 Madeline is eleven years old.

Corregí estas oraciones con información del texto acerca de Sally, Edward y Madeline.


A. Sally breaks six glasses by accident.

B. She is fifteen years old.

C. Edward has got four brothers and sisters.

D. There are three pizzas in the kitchen table.

E. Madeline goes at the restaurant.

F. She lives on Leeds.

Completá el aviso clasificado utilizando los datos del recuadro.

Are you... *........................ *........................


We need a shop .................................... for the Music ..................... shop on .............................Street in ........................ . We pay £ ......... per ............. . The job is perfect for students because you only work on .................................. . If you are interested, please phone the .................................., Mrs Wilson, on .......................................... .





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¿Cuál es la decisión correcta o incorrecta a tomar? Escribí C (right) si es correcta or I (wrong) incorrecta.

Justificá tus respuestas en castellano.

Sally 1. Sally puts the broken glasses in the dustbin

and doesn’t tell Mr.Hammond. 2. Sally tells Mr. Hammond. She says sorry.

Edward 1. Edward takes the pizzas home to his family.

He doesn’t ask Mr.Hammond. 2. Edward takes the pizzas home to his family.

He ask Mr. Hammond first.

Madeline 1. Madeline tells the truth about her age. 2. Madeline doesn’t tell the truth about her age.

Uní las palabras a sus significados.

1. hard-working a- not energetic or vigorous

2. part-time b- genuine, respectable

3. manager c- using the whole of someone's available working time

4. pay d- a person responsible for managing an organization

5. honest e- for only part of the day or week

6. lazy f- give money to someone

7. full-time g- always doing a lot of work


right: correcto work: trabajar there are: hay thing:cosa work hard: trabajar mucho/esforzarse uneaten: no comidas right thing: opción correcta customers: clientes table: mesa

decisión acertada after: después want: querer job: trabajo / empleo week: semana month: mes job advert: aviso de empleo break: romper go: ir Mega Pizza: nombre del restaurante some: algunos talk: hablar hardworking: trabajador glass/glasses: vaso/vasos ask: preguntar need: necesitar by: por take: tomar waiter/waitress: mozo/moza kitchen: cocina more: más pay: pagar see: ver smart: listo/ inteligente Per hour: por hora doesn’t see: no ve talkative: conversador great: genial / excelente live: vivir shop: negocio because...: porque... also: también store: tienda only: sólo has got: tiene put: poner please: por favor poor: pobre dustbin: basurero phone: llamar por teléfono end: fin tell: contar Leeds: ciudad del norte de Inglaterra at the end: al final say: decir get: conseguir/obtener evening: noche

age: edad first:primero truth:verdad



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El verbo Can se utiliza principalmente para expresar la habilidad o posibilidad que tiene alguien de realizar una acción.

Su significado es saber o poder y dependerá del contexto para traducirlo de una u otra manera.

La estructura de can es la siguiente:



Subject + can + infinitive

I can swim.

Yo sénadar


Subject + can't + infinitive

She can't come to the beach.

Ella no puede venir a la playa.


Can + subject + infinitive?

Can you drive a car?

¿Sabés vos manejar un auto?

Yes, I can No, I can’t

Sí, puedo No, no puedo

El verbo can va seguido de infinitivo pero sin la partícula to. Por ejemplo, con el verbo to cook: He can cook very well Él sabe cocinar muy bien

Asignatura: Idioma Extranjero – Inglés E.E.M.P.A. 1305 Apul Curso: 3ª Año

Trabajo Práctico Nº 3

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1- Elegí la opción correcta.

1. Monkeys CAN / CAN’T climb.

2. Babies CAN / CAN’T drive cars.

3. Birds CAN / CAN’T fly.

4. Elephants CAN / CAN’T move fast.

5. Penguins CAN / CAN’T swim.

6. Dogs CAN / CAN’T speak languages.

2- Completá las oraciones usando CAN o CAN’T.

1. He …………. play football very well, but he ................... play rugby: he's not good at rugby.

2. This cake is delicious: you ..................... cook very well!

3. Mum, ……………. I go out tonight? No, you ……………..

4. I'm sure you ................. do this exercise alone: it's very easy!

5. This is too difficult! I................. do it.

6. …………………. your uncle speak Chinese? Yes, he …………………

7. My uncle is trilingual. He ..............speak French, English and Chinese.

8. I ................... carry this bag: it's too heavy for me.

9. Sorry, but I ...................... hear you: there's too much noise!

10. Lucas ................buy a motorbike because he hasn’t got any money.

11. We......................................... have dinner in a restaurant.

12. Students …………………use their mobile phones in the classroom.

13. ……………………….. he .......................... climb mountains?

14. You have got your driving license. You ....................... drive a car.

15. ……………………. they ..........................speak five languages?

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4- Preguntá y respondé como en el ejemplo acerca de las habilidades de este grupo de amigos.

Josh Polly Frank

cook a hot meal X

use a washing maschine X

send an email X

sew on a button X

Can John cook a hot meal? Yes, he can

Can he use a washine machine? No, he can












4- Respondé las siguientes preguntas.

1) Can he swim? 4) Can he draw?

.......................... .....................

2) Can he play soccer?


3) Can he walk 5) Can he drive a bus?

.............................. .................................

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E.E.M.P.A. Nº 1305 APUL

Asignatura: Idioma Extranjero - Inglés Profesor: Gustavo Ordóñez Curso: 3º Año

1- Leé los avisos clasificados y el email. Luego realizá las actividades.

2- Uní los verbos a su significado.

1. teach A. hablar

2. drive B. trabajar

3. cook C. enseñar

4. use D. cocinar

5. work E. conducir

6. speak F. usar

3- Completá las expresiones con los verbos del recuadro.

1. ________________ maths

2. a car

3. a meal

4. with people

5. a computer

6. a language

Trabajo Práctico Nº 4

work use teach cook drive speak

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4- Elegí el mejor candidato para cada uno de los puestos que se ofrecen en los avisos.

5- Escribí un número (1-7) para poner en orden las distintas partes del email.

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6 –Completá los espacios en blanco de este email con las palabras del recuadro.

Please I can speak I love Dear Best

about I can Subject: To:

[email protected]


Hoburn University Sports Club,

send me information the

job of receptionist at the gym.

Japanese and Chinese.

sports and working with people, and use a computer

very well.


Riku Kato

7- Escribí un email para postularte para uno de los avisos.