JURNAL LITTRI VOL. 17 NO. 4, DESEMBER 2011 : 150 - 155 150 EFFECT OF ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI BIOFERTILIZER ON THE GROWTH OF CASHEW SEEDLING O. TRISILAWATI Indonesian Spices and Medicinal Crops Research Institute Jl. Tentara Pelajar No. 3, Bogor email : [email protected] (Diterima Tgl. 31 - 8 - 2010 - Disetujui Tgl. 28 - 10 - 2011) ABSTRACT The effects of several arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on the growth, nutrient uptake (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium), and acid phosphate activity of two promising numbers of Anacardium occidentale seedling were evaluated. The experiment was conducted in the green house of Indonesian Spices and Medicinal Crops Research Institute (BALITTRO) in 2002 for six months on a randomized design with two factors and four replicates. First factor was isolate (six isolates of AMF and one control) consisting of : 1) control; 2) Glomus aggregatum; 3) Glomus etunicatum; 4) Mycofer; 5) Glomus sp.; 6) a mixture of Glomus sp1, Glomus sp2, Glomus sp3, Glomus sp4, Glomus etunicatum, Gigaspora margarita, Gigaspora sp., and Enthropospora sp., and 7) Gigaspora sp. The second factor was two cashew promising numbers : Asembagus and Wonogiri. The results showed that AMF inoculation significantly affected the growth of cashew. Mycofer and mixed AMF were more effective to Wonogiri promising number, while for Asembagus promising number inoculation of mycofer was more effective. Inoculation with mycofer to Asembagus promising number increased the uptake of P and K nutrients by 65 and 53% while inoculation with mycofer and mixed AMF to Wonogiri promising number increased the uptake of N, P and K nutrients by 55, 38, and 17%, and by 18, 31, and 17%. Moreover, the AMF inoculation resulted in higher phosphatase activity. In mycorrhizal Asembagus promising number infected by mixed AMF, the increment of phosphatase activity was 136.5%, whether in Wonogiri promising number infected by mycofer, the increment of phosphatase activity was 80% than control. Key words: Anacardium occidentale, promising number, growth, phosphatase activity ABSTRAK Pengaruh Pupuk Hayati Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula (FMA) terhadap Pertumbuhan Benih Jambu Mete Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh beberapa jenis fungi mikoriza arbuskula (FMA) terhadap pertumbuhan, serapan hara dan aktivitas enzim fosfatase dari dua nomor harapan benih jambu mete (Anacardium occidentale). Penelitian dilakukan di rumah kaca Balittro pada tahun 2002 selama 6 bulan, menggunakan rancangan acak yang terdiri dari dua faktor dan diulang empat kali. Faktor pertama adalah isolate (6 jenis isolat FMA dan satu kontrol) yaitu: 1). kontrol; 2). Glomus aggregatum; 3) Glomus etunicatum; 4). Mycofer; 5). Glomus sp.; 6). campuran dari Glomus sp1, Glomus sp2, Glomus sp3, Glomus sp4, Glomus etunicatum, Gigaspora margarita, Gigaspora sp., Enthropospora sp., dan 7). Gigaspora sp. Faktor kedua adalah nomor harapan jambu mete, yaitu Asembagus dan Wonogiri. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa inokulasi FMA berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan jambu mete. Mycofer dan campuran FMA lebih efektif berpengaruh terhadap nomor harapan Wonogiri, sedangkan mycofer lebih efektif berpengaruh terhadap nomor harapan Asembagus. Serapan hara P dan K pada nomor harapan Asembagus yang diinokulasi mycofer meningkat sebesar 65 dan 53%, sedangkan nomor harapan Wonogiri yang diinokulasi mycofer dan campuran FMA, serapan hara N, P, dan K meningkat masing-masing sebesar 55; 38; dan 17%, dan 18; 31; dan 17%. Selain itu, inokulasi FMA dapat meningkatkan aktivitas fosfatase akar jambu mete. Peningkatan aktivitas fosfatase akar jambu mete nomor harapan Asembagus yang terinfeksi oleh campuran FMA sebesar 136,5%, sedangkan pada nomor harapan Wonogiri yang terinfeksi mycofer, peningkatnnya sebesar 80% dibandingkan kontrol. Kata kunci: Anacardium occidentale, nomor harapan, pertumbuhan, aktivitas fosfatase INTRODUCTION Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) is a horticultural plant and mostly developed in Eastern Region of Indonesia (dry land and climatic condition). The plant has economic value which produced 157,675 ton of cashew nut with export value of U$77,755,000 in 2008 (SECRETARIAT OF DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF ESTATE CROPS, 2009). Since 1977 until 2010, the cultivation area of cashew had increased sharply, from 58,391 to 578,761 ha, and produced 9,123 to 157,675 tons of cashew nut. Generally, the land of cashew cultivation area was classified as marginal soil with low fertility status and organic matter content. Utilization of bio-fertilizer in situ to support the growth of seedling before transplanting into the degraded land is needed. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) benefit plants by allowing them to grow and produce in relatively harsh mineral stress environments. The main role of mycorrhizal associations is to acquire nutrients by exploring the soil volume with hyphae that is both more responsive and extensive than the roots themselves (BRUNDRETT, 2004). A plant associated with mycorrhiza (mycorrhizal plant) is more efficient in absorbing nutrients from soil solution, more rapidly in assimilating the phosphate element and enhancing the absorption of N, S, Zn, and other elements (MOSSE, 1981). Moreover the nutrients (P, N, Zn, and Cu) enhance most in host plants grown in many soils, however, K, Ca, and Mg are enhanced when plants are grown in acidic soils (CLARK and ZETO, 2000). Jurnal Littri 17(4), Desember 2011. Hlm. 150 – 155 ISSN 0853-8212

EFFECT OF ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI BIOFERTILIZER …perkebunan.litbang.pertanian.go.id/dbasebun/asset_dbasebun/Penerbitan... · Glomus sp.; 6). campuran dari Glomus sp1, Glomus

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JURNAL LITTRI VOL. 17 NO. 4, DESEMBER 2011 : 150 - 155




Indonesian Spices and Medicinal Crops Research InstituteJl. Tentara Pelajar No. 3, Bogoremail : [email protected]

(Diterima Tgl. 31 - 8 - 2010 - Disetujui Tgl. 28 - 10 - 2011)


The effects of several arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on thegrowth, nutrient uptake (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium), and acidphosphate activity of two promising numbers of Anacardium occidentaleseedling were evaluated. The experiment was conducted in the greenhouse of Indonesian Spices and Medicinal Crops Research Institute(BALITTRO) in 2002 for six months on a randomized design with twofactors and four replicates. First factor was isolate (six isolates of AMFand one control) consisting of : 1) control; 2) Glomus aggregatum; 3)Glomus etunicatum; 4) Mycofer; 5) Glomus sp.; 6) a mixture of Glomussp1, Glomus sp2, Glomus sp3, Glomus sp4, Glomus etunicatum,Gigaspora margarita, Gigaspora sp., and Enthropospora sp., and 7)Gigaspora sp. The second factor was two cashew promising numbers :Asembagus and Wonogiri. The results showed that AMF inoculationsignificantly affected the growth of cashew. Mycofer and mixed AMFwere more effective to Wonogiri promising number, while for Asembaguspromising number inoculation of mycofer was more effective. Inoculationwith mycofer to Asembagus promising number increased the uptake of Pand K nutrients by 65 and 53% while inoculation with mycofer and mixedAMF to Wonogiri promising number increased the uptake of N, P and Knutrients by 55, 38, and 17%, and by 18, 31, and 17%. Moreover, theAMF inoculation resulted in higher phosphatase activity. In mycorrhizalAsembagus promising number infected by mixed AMF, the increment ofphosphatase activity was 136.5%, whether in Wonogiri promising numberinfected by mycofer, the increment of phosphatase activity was 80% thancontrol.

Key words: Anacardium occidentale, promising number, growth,phosphatase activity


Pengaruh Pupuk Hayati Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula(FMA) terhadap Pertumbuhan Benih Jambu Mete

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh beberapa jenisfungi mikoriza arbuskula (FMA) terhadap pertumbuhan, serapan hara danaktivitas enzim fosfatase dari dua nomor harapan benih jambu mete(Anacardium occidentale). Penelitian dilakukan di rumah kaca Balittropada tahun 2002 selama 6 bulan, menggunakan rancangan acak yangterdiri dari dua faktor dan diulang empat kali. Faktor pertama adalahisolate (6 jenis isolat FMA dan satu kontrol) yaitu: 1). kontrol; 2). Glomusaggregatum; 3) Glomus etunicatum; 4). Mycofer; 5). Glomus sp.; 6).campuran dari Glomus sp1, Glomus sp2, Glomus sp3, Glomus sp4, Glomusetunicatum, Gigaspora margarita, Gigaspora sp., Enthropospora sp., dan7). Gigaspora sp. Faktor kedua adalah nomor harapan jambu mete, yaituAsembagus dan Wonogiri. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa inokulasiFMA berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan jambu mete. Mycofer dancampuran FMA lebih efektif berpengaruh terhadap nomor harapanWonogiri, sedangkan mycofer lebih efektif berpengaruh terhadap nomorharapan Asembagus. Serapan hara P dan K pada nomor harapan

Asembagus yang diinokulasi mycofer meningkat sebesar 65 dan 53%,sedangkan nomor harapan Wonogiri yang diinokulasi mycofer dancampuran FMA, serapan hara N, P, dan K meningkat masing-masingsebesar 55; 38; dan 17%, dan 18; 31; dan 17%. Selain itu, inokulasi FMAdapat meningkatkan aktivitas fosfatase akar jambu mete. Peningkatanaktivitas fosfatase akar jambu mete nomor harapan Asembagus yangterinfeksi oleh campuran FMA sebesar 136,5%, sedangkan pada nomorharapan Wonogiri yang terinfeksi mycofer, peningkatnnya sebesar 80%dibandingkan kontrol.

Kata kunci: Anacardium occidentale, nomor harapan, pertumbuhan,aktivitas fosfatase


Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) is a horticulturalplant and mostly developed in Eastern Region of Indonesia(dry land and climatic condition). The plant has economicvalue which produced 157,675 ton of cashew nut withexport value of U$77,755,000 in 2008 (SECRETARIAT OFDIRECTORATE GENERAL OF ESTATE CROPS, 2009). Since1977 until 2010, the cultivation area of cashew hadincreased sharply, from 58,391 to 578,761 ha, and produced9,123 to 157,675 tons of cashew nut.

Generally, the land of cashew cultivation area wasclassified as marginal soil with low fertility status andorganic matter content. Utilization of bio-fertilizer in situ tosupport the growth of seedling before transplanting into thedegraded land is needed.

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) benefit plantsby allowing them to grow and produce in relatively harshmineral stress environments. The main role of mycorrhizalassociations is to acquire nutrients by exploring the soilvolume with hyphae that is both more responsive andextensive than the roots themselves (BRUNDRETT, 2004). Aplant associated with mycorrhiza (mycorrhizal plant) ismore efficient in absorbing nutrients from soil solution,more rapidly in assimilating the phosphate element andenhancing the absorption of N, S, Zn, and other elements(MOSSE, 1981). Moreover the nutrients (P, N, Zn, and Cu)enhance most in host plants grown in many soils, however,K, Ca, and Mg are enhanced when plants are grown inacidic soils (CLARK and ZETO, 2000).

Jurnal Littri 17(4), Desember 2011. Hlm. 150 – 155ISSN 0853-8212

O. TRISILAWATI : Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi biofertilizer on the growth of cashew seedling


Soils contain organic and inorganic phosphoruscompounds. The enzymes involved in the cleavage ofphosphate from organic substance are collectively calledphosphatases (RADERSMA and GIERSON, 2004). Soilsnormally contain a wide range of microorganisms capableof releasing inorganic orthophosphate from organicphosphate of plant and microbial origin (TATE, 2000).Microorganisms produce variety of phosphatases thatmineralize organic phosphate (TISDALE, 1985 in TAO et al.,2008) found that the importance of roots associated withparticular microorganism known as antitropic mycorrhizaehas been shown to increase phosphate uptake by a numberof crops.

The aim of the study was to investigate the influenceof several AMF inoculum types on the growth of twopromising numbers of cashew, NPK nutrient uptake, andacid phosphatase activity in cashew root.


The experiment was conducted in the green houseand Eco-physiology Laboratory of Indonesian Spices andMedicinal Crops Research Institute (BALITTRO), Bogorfor six months in 2002. The cashew seedlings used wereAsembagus and Wonogiri promising numbers. The inocu-lums were AMF types isolated and cultured from therhizosphere of cashew, and AMF types from mineral soil.Growing media used (2 kg soil/pot) was Podzolic soil withfertility status as follows : acidic soil pH, medium Corganic content and N total, very low available P, lowexchangeable Ca and Mg, medium exchangeable K and Na,high cation exchange capacity, and clay loam soil texture.

The experiment was arranged using a completelyrandomized design with two factors and four replicates.First factor was isolate (six isolates of AMF and onecontrol) consisting of : 1). control; 2). Glomus aggregatum;3). Glomus etunicatum; 4). Mycofer; 5). Glomus sp.; 6). amixed of Glomus sp1, Glomus sp2, Glomus sp3, Glomussp4, Glomus etunicatum, Gigaspora margarita, Gigasporasp., Enthropospora sp., and 7). Gigaspora sp. The secondfactor was two cashew promising numbers: 1). Asembagusand 2). Wonogiri. AMF (250-300 spores/plant) wasinoculated along with planting the cashew seeds. Everyexperiment unit was applied with 50 ml of 1%Hyponex/plant every 3 days.

Plant growth parameters (plant height, number ofleaf, and stem diameter) were measured every month until 6months after planting (MAP). The weights of leaf, stem,and root; leaf area index (LAI); percentage of AMFinfection in the root; total uptake of N, P, and K nutrients;and acid phosphate activity were measured by method ofacid phosphatase activity (DODD et al., 1987) at the end ofthe experiment. The percentage of AMF infection in theroot was measured by the equation :

% infection = Σ root infected by AMF100%

Σ root observed


Plant Growth

The effect of cashew promising number wassignificant to the number of leaf at 5 and 6 MAP, and wassignificant to very significant to the seedling height at 4until 6 MAP. However, it was not significant to influencestem diameter (Figure 1). Generally, Wonogiri promisingnumber had performed better plant growth than Asembagusone.

The effect of AMF inoculation was significant to thenumber of seedling leaf and height, and affected signifi-cantly to very significantly to stem diameter at 2 until 6MAP (Table 1). Inoculation of mycofer resulted in the bestseedling growth compared to other AMF treatments andcontrol.

Interaction between cashew promising number andAMF inoculation was significant to very significant on thenumber of seedling leaf, height, and stem diameter at 2- 6,4-6, and 2-6 MAP, respectively. Growth response ofcashew seedling to the AMF inoculation was differentbetween the two promising numbers of cashew. OnAsembagus promising number, infection of mycoferfollowed by Glomus sp. resulted in better seedling growth,while on Wonogiri promising number infected by mycoferand mixed AMF resulted in better seedling growth thanother types of AMF (Table 2, 3, and 4). Increasing numberof cashew leaf on Asembagus promising number due tomycofer inoculation was 16.1% of control, while it was7.7% of control on Wonogiri promising number infected bymixed AMF.

Figure 1. Effect of different promising number to the leaf number andheight of cashew

Gambar 1 Pengaruh nomor harapan terhadap jumlah daun dan tinggitanaman mete












Leaf numberPlant height (cm)




b b



JURNAL LITTRI VOL. 17 NO. 4, DESEMBER 2011 : 150 - 155


Table 1. Effect of AMF inoculation to the leaf number, height, and stemdiameter of cashew

Tabel 1. Pengaruh inokulasi FMA terhadap jumlah daun, tinggi, dandiameter batang mete

TreatmentPerlakuan 2 MAP 3 MAP 4 MAP 5 MAP 6 MAP

Leaf number Jumlah daunControl 11.1 ab 13.7 bc 19.8 ab 21.9 c 20.3 bGlomus aggregatum 10.7 b 13.8 bc 20.2 ab 23.4 bc 21.2 bGlomus etunicatum 10.3 c 12.9 c 19.1 b 21.8 c 21.4 bMycofer 11.7 a 14.7 ab 22.1 a 25.8 a 24.5 aGlomus sp. 11.8 a 14.4 ab 21.6 a 24.7 ab 22.3 abMixed AMF 9.6 c 14.0 bc 18.4 b 21.7 c 21.2 bGigaspora sp 11.2 ab 15.7 a 20.1 ab 22.4 c 21.7 b

Plant height Tinggi tanaman (cm)Control 25.3 a 27.1 a 32.9 bc 35.2 b 37.1 abGlomus aggregatum 25.0 a 27.2 a 35.1 ab 37.0 ab 38.7 abGlomus etunicatum 23.3 a 25.5 a 32.5 c 34.9 b 36.3 bMycofer 24.8 a 27.3 a 36.3 a 38.5 a 39.8 aGlomus sp. 24.9 a 26.9 a 36.1 a 36.7 ab 38.0 aMixed AMF 24.8 a 27.4 a 32.2 c 34.8 b 37.6 bGigaspora sp 20.4 b 22.6 b 26.2 d 28.5 c 29.7 c

Stem diameter Diameter batang (mm)Control 6.09 a 6.48 a 6.91 bc 7.38 bc 7.74 bcGlomus aggregatum 6.04 a 6.67 a 7.03 ab 7.70 ab 8.09 abGlomus etunicatum 6.09 a 6.61 a 7.16 ab 7.67 ab 8.14 aMycofer 6.23 a 6.87 a 7.36 a 7.82 a 8.18 aGlomus sp. 6.21 a 6.70 a 7.31 a 7.75 a 8.19 aMixed AMF 5.53 b 6.53 a 6.83 bc 7.13 cd 7.36 cdGigaspora sp 5.01 c 5.60 b 6.63 c 6.91 c 7.12 d

Note : Numbers followed by the same letters in the same columnare not significantly different at 5% DMRT

Keterangan: Angka yang diikuti huruf yang sama pada setiap kolomtidak berbeda nyata pada uji Duncan taraf 5%

Table 2. Interaction effect between promising number and AMF to the leafnumber of cashew

Tabel 2. Pengaruh interaksi antara nomor harapan dengan FMAterhadap jumlah daun mete

AMF(Main Plot/Sub Plot)


AsembagusControl 10.70 bcde 13.90 c 20.55 abcd 20.99 def 16.53 cGlomus aggregatum 11.18 abcde 13.94 c 19.70 bcd 22.03 cde 16.71 bcGlomus etunicatum 12.01 abcd 14.34 bc 20.84 abcd 21.84 cdef 17.26 abcMycofer 12.45 abc 15.38 bc 22.74 ab 26.23 a 19.20 aGlomus sp. 12.98 a 14.31 bc 21.70 abc 24.85 abc 18.46 abcMixed AMF 8.18 g 11.88 de 16.30 f 18.80 f 13.79 cGigaspora sp. 9.80 efg 13.78 cd 16.61 ef 19.10 ef 14.82 cWonogiriControl 11.53 abcde 13.45 cd 19.00 cdef 22.85 bcd 16.71 abcGlomus aggregatum 10.29 def 13.71 cd 20.65 abcd 24.75 abc 17.35 abcGlomus etunicatum 8.62 gf 11.53 e 17.45 def 21.78 cdef 14.84 bcMycofer 10.91 bcde 14.09 bc 21.38 abc 25.30 ab 17.92 abGlomus sp. 10.56 cde 14.53 bc 21.40 abc 24.58 abc 17.77 abcMixed AMF 10.93 bcde 16.03 ab 20.44 abcd 24.57 abc 17.99 abGigaspora sp. 12.65 ab 17.66 a 23.64 a 25.61 ab 19.89 a

Note : Numbers followed by the same letters in the same column arenot significantly different at 5% DMRT

Keterangan: Angka yang diikuti huruf yang sama pada setiap kolom tidakberbeda nyata pada uji Duncan taraf 5%

Table 3. Interaction effect between cashew promising number and AMFto the stem diameter

Tabel 3. Pengaruh interaksi antara nomor harapan dengan FMAterhadap diameter batang mete

AMF(Main Plot/Sub Plot) 2 MAP 3 MAP 4 MAP 5 MAP 6 MAP

AsembagusControl 6.25 ab 6.57 abcde 6.97 bcde 7.36 cd 7.66 bcGlomus aggregatum 6.05 abc 6.74 abcd 7.11 abcde 7.93 ab 8.22 abGlomus etunicatum 6.58 a 6.91 ab 7.46 ab 7.70 abc 8.24 abMycofer 6.33 ab 6.95 ab 7.55 a 7.86 abc 8.24 abGlomus sp. 6.48 ab 7.04 a 7.58 a 7.97 a 8.36 aMixed AMF 5.18 ab 6.19 e 6.35 f 6.52 e 6.68 dGigaspora sp. 4.93 e 5.56 f 6.66 def 6.95 de 7.10 dWonogiriControl 5.93 bc 6.40 bcde 6.85 cdef 7.40 bcd 7.83 abGlomus aggregatum 6.03 abc 6.60 abcde 6.95 bcde 7.47 abcd 7.97 abGlomus etunicatum 5.60 cd 6.30 de 6.87 cdef 7.63 abc 8.05 abMycofer 6.13 abc 6.79 abcd 7.16 abcd 7.77 abc 8.13 abGlomus sp. 5.95 bc 6.37 cde 7.04 abcde 7.54 abc 8.03 abMixed AMF 5.89 bc 6.87 abc 7.31 abc 7.74 abc 8.05 abGigaspora sp. 5.09 de 5.65 f 6.59 ef 6.88 e 7.14 cd

Note : Numbers followed by the same letters in the same columnare not significantly different at 5% DMRT

Keterangan: Angka yang diikuti huruf yang sama pada setiap kolomtidak berbeda nyata pada uji Duncan taraf 5%

Table 4. Interaction effect between promising number and AMF to theheight of cashew

Tabel 4. Pengaruh interaksi antara no. harapan dengan FMA terhadaptinggi tanaman mete

AMF(Main Plot/Sub Plot) 4 MAP 5 MAP 6 MAP

AsembagusControl 33.31 abc 32.61 de 35.19 cdeGlomus aggregatum 34.42 abc 36.30 bcd 38.38 abcGlomus etunicatum 31.79 c 34.54 cd 35.91 cdMycofer 35.59 abc 37.65 abc 39.17 abcGlomus sp. 36.64 a 37.23 abc 38.40 abcMixed AMF 27.9 d 29.16 ef 33.43 deGigaspora sp 24.93 d 26.89 f 27.98 f

WonogiriControl 32.53 bc 37.76 abc 39.00 abcGlomus aggregatum 35.84 ab 37.64 abc 39.02 abcGlomus etunicatum 33.14 abc 35.35 bcd 36.70 bcdMycofer 36.96 a 39.29 ab 40.56 abGlomus sp. 35.49 abc 36.15 bcd 37.60 abcmixed AMF 36.56 a 40.45 a 41.68 aGigaspora sp 27.50 d 30.16 ef 31.43 ef

Note : Numbers followed by the same letters on the same columnare not significantly different at 5% DMRT

Keterangan : Angka-angka yang diikuti oleh huruf yang sama padamasing-masing kolom tidak berbeda nyata pada uji Duncantaraf 5 %

Effect of AMF inoculation was significant to theweights of leaf, stem, and root of cashew seedling (Figure2). Increments of leaf, stem, and root weights of cashewdue to AMF inoculation were 8-38, 7-31, and 2%.

O. TRISILAWATI : Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi biofertilizer on the growth of cashew seedling


Inoculation of mycofer resulted in the highest weights ofcashew leaf, stem, and root, and significantly higher thancontrol and Gigaspora sp. inoculation treatments.Interactions between cashew promising number and AMFinoculation were very significant to the weight of leaf, andsignificant to the weight of root (Figure 3). The twopromising number seedlings of cashew showed ratherdifferent response to the AMF inoculation. Asembaguspromising number seedlings infected by mycofer showedthe best leaf and root weights, then followed by Glomus sp.and Glomus etunicatum. In addition, these three AMFshowed better leaf and root weights compared to otherAMF treatments. Besides, Wonogiri promising numberseedling infected by mycofer and mixed AMF showedbetter leaf and root weights compared to other AMFtreatments. Leaf weight of Asembagus promising numberdue to mycofer inoculation was 60.34% higher than control,while on Wonogiri promising number the leaf weights dueto mycofer and mixed AMF inoculations were 18.55 and15.04% higher than control, respectively. It was consideredthat mycofer and mixed AMF were more effective toWonogiri promising number, while on Asembaguspromising number inoculation of mycofer and single typeof AMF (Glomus etunicatum and Glomus sp.) were moreeffective. As proposed by SIEVERDING (1991) that theeffectiveness of certain types of Arbuscular mycorrhiza tothe host plant may vary and are determined byenvironmental conditions and host plant species.

Promising number of cashew, AMF inoculation, andtheir interaction significantly affected leaf area index ofcashew seedling at 6 MAP (Figure 4). Cashew inoculatedwith mycofer and mixed AMF showed higher leaf areacompared to other AMF treatments. The increasing leafarea of those mycorrhizal plants were each 37.42 and17.18% compared to control. Asembagus promisingnumber significantly showed better leaf area than Wonogiripromising number. Furthermore, the highest leaf area valueswere performed by promising numbers of Asembagus,

Figure 2. Effect of AMF inoculation to the weight of leaf, stem and rootof cashew

Gambar2. Pengaruh FMA terhadap bobot daun, batang dan akartanaman mete

infected by mycofer, and Wonogiri, infected by mycoferand mixed AMF. Better mycorrhizal plant growth has beenattributed extensively to ability of AMF to expand thevolume of soil for which mineral nutrients are madeavailable to plants compared to what roots themselveswould contact (CLARK and ZETO, 2000). Therefore, suitablesymbiosis between Mycorrhiza and plant roots mayincrease the absorption and transition of nutrients from thesoil to the roots and improve plant growth (TURK et al.,2006).

Nutrient Uptake

Instead of improving growth performance ofcashew, AMF application might increase the uptake of N,P, and K nutrients by plant. The two promising numbersshowed different response, in case of plant nutrient uptake,to the AMF inoculation (Figure 5). The increasing N, P,and K uptakes of Asembagus promising number inoculatedwith mycofer were 2, 65, and 53%. When it was inoculated

Figure 3. Effect of promising number and AMF to the weight of leafand root of cashew

Gambar 3. Pengaruh nomor harapan dan FMA terhadap bobot daundan akar tanaman mete









control Glomus aggregatum Glomus etunicatumMycofer Glomus sp. mixed AMFGigaspora sp

Leaf Stem Root




b b

b ba

b b bc













control Glomus aggregatum Glomus etunicatumMycofer Glomus sp. mixed AMFGigaspora sp


gg fgfg



Leaf weight (g/plant)

bc bcdbcdb-e b-fc-g d-g



control Glomus aggregatum Glomus etunicatumMycofer Glomus sp. mixed AMFGigaspora sp










Root weight (g/plant)

JURNAL LITTRI VOL. 17 NO. 4, DESEMBER 2011 : 150 - 155


with Glomus etunicatum, the N, P, and K uptakes were 15,36, and 28%, and when inoculated with Glomus sp. theywere 2%, 39% and 26% higher than control. Mycofer andGlomus sp influenced more in enhancing the uptake of Pand K, whether Glomus etunicatum might influence in theuptake of N, P, and K nutrients. Although Glomusaggregatum colonized >80% of Asembagus promisingnumber root, the nutrient uptake was lower than thosecolonized by Glomus etunicatum and mycofer.

SIEVERDING et al. (1986) in SIEVERDING (1991)detected that P uptake of cassava infected by G.fasciculatum (70.5% of root colonization) was 3.6 mg P/plant, lower than by Acaulospora mellea (32.5% of rootcolonization) 5.2 mg P/plant. The increments in the uptakeof N, P, and K of Wonogiri promising number infected bymycofer were 55, 38, and 17%, followed by mixed AMF(18, 31, and 17%), and Glomus aggregatum (22, 15, and31%). DA SILVEIRA et al. (2002) found that responses of theavocado plants to the different arbuscular mycorrhizaspecies after 7 months of grafting were distinctly different.Scutellospora heterogama, A. scrobiculata, G. etunicatum,and G. clarum more thoroughly colonized the root systemof the avocado plants, resulting in enhanced nutrient uptakeand higher accumulation of reserve substances, whichfavored vegetative growth. Mycorrhiza through the externalmycelium, supported the plant by increasing rhizospheresoil volume of about 12-15 cm2 per cm infected root. Theinternal hyphae enhanced the contact of the root with themedium, or increased the soil volume explored for nutrientuptake (SIEVERDING, 1991)

Figure 4. Effect of promising number and AMF inoculation to the leafarea of cashew

Gambar 4. Pengaruh nomor harapan dan FMA terhadap ILD tanamanmete

Figure 5. Effect of promising number and AMF inoculation to total N,P, K uptake of cashew

Gambar 5. Pengaruh nomor harapan dan FMA terhadap total serapanhara N, P, K pada mete

Acid Phosphatase Activity of Cashew Root

Soil organic P was mineralized enzymatically.Mineralization of organic P may release considerableamounts of inorganic P in favorable conditions of moisture,pH and root activity (TISDALE, 1985 In TURNER et al.,2005). BOLAN (1991) reported that solubilization of soil Pis achieved by the release of organic acids and phosphataseenzymes. The phosphatase enzyme is produced by the rootof higher plants as well as by numerous microorganisms.Phosphatases are phosphate esterases with hydrolyzedinositol phosphates, nucleic acids, and phosphoglycerates(MENGEL and KIRBY, 2001). The chief attribute of VAMfungi is their ability to absorb soluble phosphate (and othernutrient) beyond the phosphate depletion zone in soils oflow phosphorus status. Symbiosis of AMF was alternativemechanisms increasing phosphate level which occurreddirectly through external hyphae and indirectly through itseffect on acid phosphatase activity.

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0

1 0 0


c o n t r o l G lo m u s a g g r e g a t u m G lo m u s e t u n ic a t u mM y c o f e r G lo m u s s p . m ix e d A M FG ig a s p o r a s p

% o f in f e c t e d r o o t b y AM F


5 0

1 0 0

1 5 0

2 0 0

2 5 0


t a n p a F M AG lo m u s a g g r e g a t u mG lo m u s e t u n ic a t u mM y c o f e rG lo m u s s p .F M A c a m p u r a nG ig a s p o r a s p

T o t a l n u t r ie n t u p t a k e ( m g /p la n t )



5 0

1 0 0

1 5 0

2 0 0

2 5 0

3 0 0


c o n tro lG l o m u s a g g re g a tu mG l o m u s e tu n i c a tu mM y c o fe rG l o m u s sp .m i x e d A M FG i g a sp o ra sp

T o ta l n u tr ie n t u p ta k e (m g /p la n t )W O N O G IR I

O. TRISILAWATI : Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi biofertilizer on the growth of cashew seedling


In mycorrhizal root of Asembagus promisingnumber, increasing acid phosphatase activity was 11.5 up to136.5% over to non mycorrhizal plant, mixed AMFregistered the highest value followed by Glomusaggregatum and mycofer. In mycorrhizal root of Wonogiripromising number, increasing acid phosphatase activity was5.5 up to 80% over to non mycorrhizal plant, mycofer hadthe highest value followed by Glomus aggregatum, mixedAMF and G. etunicatum (Figure 6). Higher phosphataseactivity in mycorrhizal plant has been reported byGOICOECHEA et al. (1996). The increasing acid phosphataseactivity in mycorrhizal alfalfa seedling roots even in controlor during drought period when compared to nonmycorrhizal were 41.2 and 50%.

Figure 6. Acid phosphatase activity of two cashew promising numberat AMF treatments

Gambar 6. Aktivitas enzim fosfatase dua nomor harapan mete padaperlakuan FMA


The current study had shown that inoculatingAnacardium occidentale seedling with AMF enhancedgrowth performance, N, P, K nutrient uptakes, and acidphosphatase activity. Mycofer and mixed AMF were moreeffective to Wonogiri promising number, while forAsembagus promising number inoculation by mycofer wasmore effective. Inoculation with mycofer to Asembaguspromising number increased the uptake of P and K by 65and 53%, whether inoculation with mycofer and mixedAMF to Wonogiri promising number increased the uptakeof N, P, and K by 55, 38, and 17%. Moreover, the AMFinoculation resulted in higher phosphatase activity. Inmycorrhizal Asembagus promising number infected bymixed AMF, the increment of phosphatase activity was136.5%, while in Wonogiri promising number infected bymycofer the increment of phosphatase activity was 80%higher than control.


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0 .2

0 .4

0 .6

0 .8


1 .2

1 .4

AS E M B AG U S W O N O G IR Ic o n tr o l G lo m u s a g g r e g a tu m G lo m u s e tu n ic a tu mM yc o fe r G lo m u s s p . m ix e d A M FG ig a s p o r a s p

p -N P (M m )