Nurhayani, Hapsan, A. 2019. Effect of The Model Application Setting Interactive Learning Cooperative Learning with... 12 EFFECT OF THE MODEL APPLICATION SETTING INTERACTIVE LEARNING COOPERATIVE LEARNING WITH CONCERN INTEREST AND CAPABILITY TO INITIAL STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES GRADE X MIA SMA STATE 2 PANGKAJENE Nurhayani 1 , Amran Hapsan 2 1 Mathematics Education, Makassar State University 2 STKIP Pembangunan Indonesia Makassar 1 [email protected] Abstrak Penelitian eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran interaktif setting kooperatif dalam pembelajaran matematika siswa kelas X MIA SMA Negeri 2 Pangkajene Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017. Unit eksperimen dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X MIA Thomas Alfa Edison sebagai kelas perlakuan dan kelas X MIA Ki Hajar Dewantara sebagai kelas kontrol. Unit eksperimen diambil secara random sampling 2 kelas dengan jumlah responden kelas perlakuan sebanyak 27 orang siswa dan kelas kontrol sebanyak 28 orang siswa. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui tes kemampuan awal siswa, tes hasil belajar matematika siswa, kuesioner minat belajar siswa, dan lembar keterlaksanaan model pembelajaran yang digunakan. Data yang diperoleh diolah dengan menggunakan bantuan program pengolahan data statistik SPSS 20.0. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas X MIA Thomas Alfa Edison SMA Negeri 2 Pangkajene yang diajar dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran interaktif setting kooperatif dikategorikan sedang dengan skor rata- rata 80,52 dengan standar deviasi 9,901 dari skor ideal 100. Minat belajar siswa dikategorikan tinggi dengan skor rata-rata sebesar 147,3 dari skor ideal maksimum 200. Sedangkan lembar keterlaksanaan model pembelajaran siswa dikategorikan terlaksana dengan sangat baik dengan skor rata-rata 3,858. Sedangkan hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas X MIA Ki Hajar Dewantara SMA Negeri 2 Pangkajene yang diajar dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional dikategorikan sedang dengan skor rata-rata 68,68 dengan standar deviasi 12 dari skor ideal 100. Minat belajar siswa dikategorikan tinggi dengan skor rata-rata sebesar 141,14 dari skor ideal maksimum 200. Sedangkan lembar keterlaksanaan model pembelajaran siswa dikategorikan terlaksana dengan sangat baik dengan skor rata-rata 3,68. Hasil analisis inferensial terhadap skor kemampuan matematika siswa kelas X MIA Thomas Alfa Edison SMA Negeri 2 Pangkajene yang diajar dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran interaktif setting kooperatif menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran interaktif setting kooperatif dengan memperhatikan minat belajar dan kemampuan awal siswa. Hal tersebut dilihat dari Tabel Hasil Analisis Uji Analisis Kovarians. Dari output Tabel Hasil Analisis Uji Analisis Kovarians diperoleh Sig Corrected Model = 0,000. Nilai p-value lebih kecil dari α (0,05) yang berarti H_0 ditolak atau H_1 diterima. Dengan kata lain dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran interaktif setting kooperatif dengan memperhatikan minat belajar dan kemampuan awal siswa. Kata Kunci. Model Interaktif, Minat Belajar, Kemampuan Awal, Hasil Belajar ISSN 2303-0992 ISSN online 2621-3176 Matematika dan Pembelajaran Volume 7, No. 2, Desember 2019, h. 1 12


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Nurhayani, Hapsan, A. 2019. Effect of The Model Application Setting Interactive Learning Cooperative Learning with...

Matematika dan Pembelajaran, 7(2), 1 of 12






Nurhayani 1, Amran Hapsan 2

1 Mathematics Education, Makassar State University 2STKIP Pembangunan Indonesia Makassar

[email protected]


Penelitian eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran

interaktif setting kooperatif dalam pembelajaran matematika siswa kelas X MIA SMA

Negeri 2 Pangkajene Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017. Unit eksperimen dalam penelitian ini

adalah siswa kelas X MIA Thomas Alfa Edison sebagai kelas perlakuan dan kelas X MIA

Ki Hajar Dewantara sebagai kelas kontrol. Unit eksperimen diambil secara random

sampling 2 kelas dengan jumlah responden kelas perlakuan sebanyak 27 orang siswa dan

kelas kontrol sebanyak 28 orang siswa. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui tes

kemampuan awal siswa, tes hasil belajar matematika siswa, kuesioner minat belajar

siswa, dan lembar keterlaksanaan model pembelajaran yang digunakan. Data yang

diperoleh diolah dengan menggunakan bantuan program pengolahan data statistik SPSS

20.0. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas X

MIA Thomas Alfa Edison SMA Negeri 2 Pangkajene yang diajar dengan menggunakan

model pembelajaran interaktif setting kooperatif dikategorikan sedang dengan skor rata-

rata 80,52 dengan standar deviasi 9,901 dari skor ideal 100. Minat belajar siswa

dikategorikan tinggi dengan skor rata-rata sebesar 147,3 dari skor ideal maksimum 200.

Sedangkan lembar keterlaksanaan model pembelajaran siswa dikategorikan terlaksana

dengan sangat baik dengan skor rata-rata 3,858. Sedangkan hasil analisis statistik

menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas X MIA Ki Hajar Dewantara

SMA Negeri 2 Pangkajene yang diajar dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran

konvensional dikategorikan sedang dengan skor rata-rata 68,68 dengan standar deviasi

12 dari skor ideal 100. Minat belajar siswa dikategorikan tinggi dengan skor rata-rata

sebesar 141,14 dari skor ideal maksimum 200. Sedangkan lembar keterlaksanaan model

pembelajaran siswa dikategorikan terlaksana dengan sangat baik dengan skor rata-rata

3,68. Hasil analisis inferensial terhadap skor kemampuan matematika siswa kelas X MIA

Thomas Alfa Edison SMA Negeri 2 Pangkajene yang diajar dengan menggunakan model

pembelajaran interaktif setting kooperatif menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh

penerapan model pembelajaran interaktif setting kooperatif dengan memperhatikan minat

belajar dan kemampuan awal siswa. Hal tersebut dilihat dari Tabel Hasil Analisis Uji

Analisis Kovarians. Dari output Tabel Hasil Analisis Uji Analisis Kovarians diperoleh

Sig Corrected Model = 0,000. Nilai p-value lebih kecil dari α (0,05) yang berarti H_0

ditolak atau H_1 diterima. Dengan kata lain dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh

penerapan model pembelajaran interaktif setting kooperatif dengan memperhatikan minat

belajar dan kemampuan awal siswa.

Kata Kunci. Model Interaktif, Minat Belajar, Kemampuan Awal, Hasil Belajar

ISSN 2303-0992

ISSN online 2621-3176

Matematika dan Pembelajaran

Volume 7, No. 2, Desember 2019, h. 1 – 12


Nurhayani, Hapsan, A. 2019. Effect of The Model Application Setting Interactive Learning Cooperative Learning with...

Matematika dan Pembelajaran, 7(2), 2 of 12


This experimental study aimed to determine the effect of learning model interactive

cooperative settings in mathematics class X SMA Negeri 2 Pangkajene

MIA T ear A distance 201 6 /201 7 . The experimental unit in this study was MIA class

X Thomas Alfa Edison as the treatment class and MIA Ki Hajar Dewantara class X as the

control class. The experimental unit was taken by random sampling 2 classes with the

number of respondents in the treatment class as many as students and the control class as

many as 28 students .Data collection was carried out through students' initial ability tests,

student mathematics learning achievement tests, student interest questionnaires, and the

feasibility sheet of the learning model used. The data obtained were processed using the

help of SPSS 20.0 statistical data processing program . The results of statistical analysis

show that the mathematics learning outcomes of X MIA Thomas Alfa Edison students at

SMA Negeri 2 Pangkajene who are taught using the cooperative learning interactive

learning model are categorized as moderate with an average score of 80.52 with a standard

deviation of 9.901 from an ideal score of 100. Student learning interests categorized high

with an average score of 147.3 from the maximum ideal score of 200. While the sheet of

implementation of the learning model of students is categorized very well done with an

average score of 3.858. While the results of statistical analysis show that the learning

outcomes of students of class X MIA Ki Hajar Dewantara of SMA Negeri 2 Pangkajene

taught using conventional learning models are categorized as moderate with an average

score of 68.68 with a standard deviation of 12 from an ideal score of 100. Student learning

interest is categorized high with an average score of 141.14 from the maximum ideal

score of 200. While the sheet of feasibility of the student learning model is categorized to

be implemented very well with an average score of 3.68. The results of the inferential

analysis of the mathematics ability scores of class X MIA Thomas Alfa Edison Public

High School 2 Pangkajene who were taught using the cooperative learning interactive

learning model showed that there was an influence on the application of the interactive

learning cooperative cooperative model by paying attention to students' learning interests

and initial abilities. This can be seen from the Analysis Results Table for Analysis of

Covariance Analysis. From the output of the Analysis Result Test Table, the Covariance

Analysis was obtained by the Sig Corrected Model . A value of less than (0.05) which

means it is rejected or accepted. In other words it can be concluded that there is an

influence on the application of interactive learning models in cooperative settings by

paying attention to students' learning interests and initial abilities.

Keywords . Interactive Model, Interest in Learning, Early Ability, Learning Outcomes

Citation: Nurhayani, Hapsan, A. 2019. Effect of The Model Application Setting Interactive

Learning Cooperative Learning with Concern Interest And Capability to Initial Student

Learning Outcomes Grade X MIA SMA State 2 Pangkajene. Matematika dan Pembelajaran,

7(2), 1-12. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33477/mp.v6i2


Some of the causes of ineffective learning processes can come from students,

teachers and inadequate facilities and infrastructure, low interest and

motivation, and low teacher performance. In the teaching and learning process, the

most important thing is the way the teacher teaches or conveys lessons that aim to

attract students' attention. Less effective and efficient learning models cause

unbalanced cognitive, affective and psychomotor abilities, such as monotonous


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learning from time to time, teachers who are authoritarian and less friendly with

students so students feel bored and lack interest in learning. To overcome this, the

teacher as a teacher and educator must always improve the quality of his

professionalism by providing students with learning opportunities by actively

involving students in the teaching and learning process.

Active student involvement in teaching and learning activities is expected to

arouse the curiosity of students about certain things. With high interest, it is expected

that high curiosity will be something in students and is expected to be able to produce

optimal learning outcomes. One learning that can be used so that students can construct

their own understanding of a concept while actively interacting socially in learning

mathematics is interactive learning cooperative settings (PISK). In the PISK model it

is expected that students can always update the level of thinking that is incomplete and

the teacher is expected to be able to respect students' opinions, can help students solve

problems, can guide students to be able to find out for themselves facts, and concepts

learned and can prepare students with the environment, which allows students can gain

extensive learning experiences so that students dare to ask questions, express opinions,

and can receive opinions from friends.

Based on interviews and the results of preliminary observations obtained from

educators in schools, the mathematics learning outcomes of SMA Negeri 2 Pangkajene

students are still low especially in class X MIA Thomas Alfa Edison and X MIA Ki

Hajar Dewantara. Mathematics learning is still experiencing problems so that

mathematics learning outcomes are still relatively low, students' ability to solve

problems is generally constrained because students only memorize mathematical

formulas without understanding the concept of matter, so that when they forget

mathematical formulas, they cannot work on problems and assume that mathematics

is a lesson difficult, complicated and boring. When the researcher made preliminary

observations about the value of the Minimum Mastery Criteria (KKM) that must be

fulfilled by students, information was obtained that students must be able to obtain a

grade ≥ 75 determined by the school as a minimum standard of mastery learning at

SMA Negeri 2 Pangkajene. The use of the lecture method makes some students bored

so that sometimes they are busy with their respective activities such as drawing or


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doing other homework lessons, some feel insecure in working on the problem because

learning is dominated by the teacher.

Therefore the need for changes in learning models that can increase student

participation. This is the reason for the writer to try to apply the interactive learning

model of cooperative settings. In addition to the learning model used by teachers in

the classroom, there are also several factors that can influence student learning

outcomes, one of which is the initial ability possessed by each student. Because every

student has different initial abilities. So it is important for teachers to know the initial

abilities of each student who will be taught before the teacher starts the teaching and

learning process in the classroom. Research conducted by p enulis namely

on research Quasi-Experiment , entitled "Effect Setting Application of Interactive

Learning Model Cooperative Learning by Watching Interests and Abilities Students

Against Early Learning Outcomes MIA Class X SMAN 2 Pangkajene".


In programmed and controlled learning activities called learning activities or

instructional activities, the learning objectives are predetermined by the

teacher. Children who succeed in learning are those who achieve learning goals or

instructional goals. According to Sudjana (2008: 34), types of effective learning

outcomes appear to students in a variety of behaviors such as attention to learning,

discipline, motivation to learn, respecting teachers and classmates, study habits, and

social relationships. Learning outcomes are also influenced by intelligence and early

mastery of children about the material to be learned

The PISK model is the result of a research development carried out by Tanwey

Gerson Ratumanan, a PhD student in Mathematics Education at the State University

of Surabaya in 2003. This model is a modification of an interactive model. M odel

Interactive Learning consists of five phases as appears in the table below.

Table 1 . Syntax of Interactive Learning Models

Phases Activity

1. Introduction

a. Organizing students to learn

b. Tell students what they will do; solve

problems, study a topic, do project work, etc.

c. Determine the problem or activity that

students will do.


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Phases Activity

2. Activity /


a. Students are involved in mathematical

thinking through the activities of manipulation,

investigation, experimentation or solving a


b. When students work, the teacher goes around

among students.

c. Students can be given open-ended questions

before class discussion.

3. Share and discuss with

each other

a. Students report the results of their activities,

or the results of solving problems or assignments,

or answers from open-ended.

b. The teacher leads a class discussion. The

teacher can ask questions; "What", "why" and

"how" so that students achieve learning goals.

4. Sum up a. Students recheck what they have done or


b. Students demonstrate learning (for example,

solving problems raised by teachers, exchanging

ideas, or making written reports about what they

have learned).

5. Assess learning unit


a. Assessment is done before, during and after


b. Emphasis on students' own assessments

Initial ability is the ability that students have before participating in learning,

because this can illustrate the students' initial readiness to follow the teaching and

learning process in the classroom. Where every student has different abilities. There

are students who have high, medium and low initial abilities. The initial ability of

students is one very important factor in influencing student learning outcomes. The

initial ability of students is very important known by the teacher before starting the

teaching and learning process, because this is one of the teacher's references so that

the teacher knows the extent of student knowledge about the material to be taught in

the classroom.

The conditions for effective teaching and learning are students' interest and

attention in learning. Interest is a relatively permanent trait in a person, this interest

has a great influence on learning because with someone's interest will do something

that interests him, otherwise without one's interest it is impossible to do something. For

example, if a student has an interest in the field of mathematics education, he will try

to find out more about mathematics. Students who have no interest or lack of attention

to receive lessons, so as much as possible try to arouse them by providing stimuli from


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the outside, and as a result of children who have no interest, it is difficult for him to

have knowledge.


This research is a Quasi Experiment study involving two classes and given

different treatments. Treatment classes are taught using interactive learning in

a cooperative manner and control classes are taught using conventional learning

models. This research will be conducted in the new 2016/2017 academic year semester

I at SMA Negeri 2 Pangkajene. The population in this study were all students of class

X MIA SMA Negeri 2 Pangkajene. The samples in this study were two class X MIA

namely X MIA Thomas Alfa Edison (TAE) as an experimental class and X MIA Ki

Hajar Dewantara (KHD) as a control class that was selected using a simple random

sampling technique that is from a population done randomly because there is no class

grouping (superior classes), so it is assumed that each class has relatively the same

(homogeneous) ability. Experimental class X MIA Thomas Alfa Edison's class of 27

students were taught using the cooperative learning interactive learning model. The

experimental class X MIA Ki Hajar Dewantara as many as 28 students were taught

using conventional learning models .

This study consists of four stages, namely filling out questionnaires/

questionnaires for students' interest in learning, carrying out pre-tests of subject matter

before he was taught, conducting experimental treatment giving using interactive

learning models cooperative settings in the experimental class and using models

conventional learning in the control class), and the final test implementation.

Data collection techniques carried out by: a) student learning outcomes obtained

through pre-test before being given treatment and also through post-test after being

given treatment , b) questionnaire used to find out how students' interest in learning

mathematics learning material before being taught. Analysis of the data used is

descriptive statistical analysis used to describe the characteristics of student

mathematics learning outcomes. For the purposes of analysis, the mean, median, mode,

standard deviation, variance, minimum value and maximum value are used. Inferential

statistical analysis is used to test the research hypothesis using the ANAKOVA test.


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Learning outcomes data are categorized quantitatively based on categorization

techniques determined by the Ministry of National Education (Purwanto, 2006: 12) as


Table 2 . Criteria for Completeness of Learning Outcomes

The value of learning

outcomes Category

90-100 Very high

80-89 High

65-79 Is

55-64 Low

0-54 Very low

Data about students' interest in learning was obtained from a questionnaire/student's

interest in learning in mathematics learning based on the average score of filling out

the questionnaire/interest in learning.


Statistical results relating to scores from the results of students' initial math ability

tests before being taught using the interactive learning model of cooperative settings

in the experimental group are presented in table 3 below.

Table 3 . Student's Initial Ability Score Statistics Before Being Taught by Using the

Interactive Learning Model of Cooperative Settings

Statistics Statistical Value

Sample Size 27

Ideal Score 100

Highest Scores 46

Lowest score 2

Range of scores 44

Average 18.07

Median 17

Mode 12

Standard Deviation 9,064

Variance 82,148

Based on table 3 above shows that the average value of the results of the initial

ability tests of students consisting of 27 students is 18.07 of the ideal score of 100 that

might be achieved. The highest value of students' initial mathematical ability before

being taught using the interactive learning model cooperative setting is 46 and the

lowest value achieved by students is 2 with a range of scores of 44.


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Statistical results are related to scores from the results of students' initial

mathematical abilities before being taught using the conventional learning model in

the control group presented in table 4 below.

Table 4. Statistics Scores of Students' Early Mathematical Ability before being

Taught by Using Conventional Learning Models

Statistics Statistical Value

Sample Size 28

Ideal Score 100

Highest Scores 32

Lowest score 0

Range of scores 32

Average 12.21

Median 10

Mode 10

Standard Deviation 8.35

Variance 69.73

Based on table 4 above shows that the average value of the results of the initial

abilities of students consisting of 28 students is 12.21 of the ideal score of 100 that

might be achieved. The highest value of students' initial mathematical ability before

being taught using conventional learning models is 32 and the lowest value achieved

by students is 0 with a range of scores of 32.

Statistical results related to the scores of students' mathematics learning outcomes

after being taught using the cooperative learning interactive learning model in the

experimental group, are presented in table 5 below.

Table 5 . Statistics Students' Mathematical Learning Outcomes After Being Taught

Using the Interactive Learning Model of Cooperative Settings

Statistics Statistical Value

Sample Size 27

Ideal Score 100

Highest Scores 100

Lowest score 63

Range of scores 37

Average 80.52

Median 80

Mode 81

Standard Deviation 9,901

Variance 98,028


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Based on the el 5 tab above shows that the average value of mathematics learning

outcomes of students consisting of 27 students is 80.52 of the ideal score of 100 that

might be achieved. The highest value of student mathematics learning outcomes after

being taught using the cooperative learning interactive learning model is 100 and the

lowest score is 63.

Statistical results related to scores of students' mathematics learning outcomes

after being taught using conventional learning models in the control group, are

presented in table 6 below.

Table 6 . Statistics Score Students' Mathematical Learning Outcomes After Being

Taught By Using Conventional Learning Models

Statistics Statistical Value

Sample Size 28

Ideal Score 100

Highest Scores 86

Lowest score 30

Range of scores 56

Average 68.68

Median 70.5

Mode 70

Standard Deviation 12

Variance 144,004

Based on table 6 above shows that the average value of mathematics learning

outcomes of students consisting of 28 students is 68.68 of the ideal score of 100 that

might be achieved. The highest value of student mathematics learning outcomes after

being taught using conventional learning models is 86 and the lowest score is 30.

Statistical results related to the scores from the results of students' interest in

learning mathematics before being taught using the cooperative learning interactive

learning model in the experimental group are presented in table 7 below.

Table 7 . Questionnaire Score Statistics Interest in Student Learning Mathematics

Before being Taught by Using Interactive Learning Models Cooperative Settings

Statistics Statistical Value

Sample Size 27

Ideal Score 200

Highest Scores 183

Lowest score 111

Range of scores 72

Average 147.3


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Statistics Statistical Value

Median 149

Mode 149

Standard Deviation 16,337

Variance 266909

Based on table 7 above, it shows that the average value of the results of a student

interest in learning mathematics questionnaire test consisting of 27 students is 147.3

from an ideal score of 200 that might be achieved. The highest value of the results of

student interest in learning mathematics questionnaire before being taught using the

cooperative learning interactive learning model is 183 and the lowest value achieved

by students is 111 with a range of scores of 72.

Statistical results related to scores from the results of students' interest in learning

mathematics before being taught by using conventional learning models in the control

group are presented in table 8 below.

Table 8 . Questionnaire Score Statistics Interest in Student Learning Mathematics

Before being Taught by Using Conventional Learning Models

Statistics Statistical Value

Sample Size 28

Ideal Score 200

Highest Scores 173

Lowest score 104

Range of scores 69

Average 141.14

Median 145.5

Mode 116

Standard Deviation 18,557

Variance 344,349

Based on table 8 above shows that the average value of the results of a student

interest in learning mathematics questionnaire test consisting of 28 students is 141.14

of an ideal score of 200 that might be achieved. The highest value of the results of

student interest in learning mathematics questionnaire before being taught using

conventional models is 173 and the lowest value achieved by students is 104 with a

range of 69 scores.

Hypothesis testing is done by using covariance analysis (ANAKOVA). The

ANAKOVA test results are presented in the following table.


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Table 9 . Analysis of Analysis of Covariance Test (ANAKOVA)

Source Type III Sum

of Squares df


Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 5184,246 3 1728,082 27,719 .000

Intercept 2484,372 1 2484,372 39,850 .000

Model 519,459 1 519,459 8,332 .006

Interest 10777 1 10777 .176 677

Initial Ability 2765,794 1 2765,794 44,364 .000

Error 3179,499 51 62,343

Total 313553,000 55

Corrected Total 8363,745 54

Based on the table above, information is obtained that the effect of students 'initial

abilities, students' interest in learning and learning models on learning outcomes

obtained by students can simultaneously be seen from the significance figures in

the Corrected Model section . It is seen that the significance level is 0,000. Because of

the significance value at the 95% confidence level it can be concluded that the learning

model significantly influences mathematics learning outcomes by controlling the

students' initial abilities and learning interests.

Based on these tables it can be concluded that the learning outcomes

of students who are taught using interactive learning models in cooperative settings

are higher than those taught by using conventional learning modes .


The learning outcomes of students who are taught using interactive learning

models in cooperative settings are higher than the results of learning mathematics

students who are taught using conventional learning models. If seen from the average

learning outcomes of the experimental class and the control class, the experimental

class has a higher average learning outcome compared to the control class. This shows

that descriptively student mathematics learning outcomes in the experimental class are

higher than the control class.

Researchers can provide the following suggestions: 1) to improve student learning

outcomes in mathematics, it is recommended to teachers to make a learning innovation

or a kind of learning change so that later student learning outcomes are improved. It is

suggested to teachers that it is better to use interactive learning models in cooperative

settings, 2) as an educator it should also be noted that the initial abilities possessed by


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students play an important role in increasing student learning outcomes, if students'

initial abilities are high then predictable student learning outcomes obtained will at

least also be increased, 3) for other researchers in the field of mathematics who intend

to develop this research in order to try to use other material to find out whether this

learning model can apply to all types of material or only applies to certain materials

such as the Linear Equation System and the Squares of Two Variables. In addition,

other researchers can try to apply the cooperative learning interactive learning model

that has been applied in this study and compare it with other learning models. .


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