Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 1985, 44, 232-238 Effect of drug therapy on circulating and synovial fluid Ig-secreting cells in rheumatoid arthritis SANAD AL-BALAGHI, HAKAN STROM AND ERNA MOLLER From the Department of Clinical Immunology, Huddinge Hospital, and the Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Danderyd Hospital, Karolinska Institute Medical School, Stockholm, Sweden SUMMARY A common immunological abnormality in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an increased spontaneous polyclonal B cell activation. In order to study the influence of drug therapy in RA on the functional activity of B cells we enumerated spontaneous plaque-forming cells (PFC) in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and synovial fluid lymphocytes (SFL) by a reverse haemolytic plaque assay. Spontaneous IgG-, IgM-, and IgA-PFC in PBL of 26 patients with classical erosive RA receiving either gold salts or D-penicillamine were similar to those observed in 20 healthy controls. In contrast, significantly higher numbers of IgG- and IgA-PFC, but not IgM-PFC, were found in PBL of nine patients with classical erosive RA receiving non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) alone. Furthermore, spontaneous PFC in SFL from 16 consecutive patients with RA receiving second-line drugs, as well as 17 patients with other forms of arthritis (non-RA) were generally low and significantly less than those observed in 20 RA patients on NSAID alone. Moreover, a wide individual variation in PFC, especially in relation to the IgG class, was recorded in the synovial lymphocytes. These studies imply that treatment with second-line drugs is associated with normalisation of B cell activity in RA patients, and that the effect can be detected at the cellular level both in blood and synovial fluid. Key words: antibody formation, gold thiomalate, D-penicillamine, non-steroidal anti-inflam- matory drugs. In rheumatoid arthritis there is ample evidence of increased activity in the antibody forming cell system. This was exemplified by increased spon- taneous B cell proliferation, 1 2 increased back- ground Ig-secreting cells,3 4 and polyclonal Ig secre- tion including autoantibodies.7 Although the cause of B cell hyper-reactivity is still unknown, viral and bacterial products with polyclonal B cell activating (PBA) properties have been implicated.8 A very high proportion of activated B cells in the rheuma- toid synovium secrete rheumatoid factor (RF), which has been postulated to play an important role in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid injury.9 10 Treatment with gold salts and penicillamine has long been shown to improve both the clinical and laboratory findings in patients with RA.11-13 A tendency for normalisation in the serum level of Accepted for publication 26 September 1984. Correspondence to Dr Sanad Al-Balaghi, Department of Clinical Immunology, Huddinge University Hospital, S-141 86 Huddinge, Sweden. 232 immunoglobulins, as well as other disease character- istics, such as RF and immune complexes, has been found during effective treatment with gold salts and penicillamine. 1418* By the protein A plaque assay, which detects Ig-secreting cells, we have previously demonstrated the presence of markedly increased numbers of spontaneous Ig-secreting cells in blood and synovial fluids of patients with active seropositive RA who were not receiving gold, penicillamine, corticoster- oid, or cytostatic drugs.3 The present paper is an extension of our previous observations with the aim of studying the effect of NSAID, compared with gold salts and D-penicillamine, on circulating and synovial fluid Ig-secreting cells in RA patients. Materials and methods PATIENTS AND CONTROLS Eighty-eight patients and 20 healthy nursing and medical staff from the Division of Rheumatology, copyright. on January 15, 2020 by guest. Protected by http://ard.bmj.com/ Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.44.4.232 on 1 April 1985. Downloaded from

Effect ofdrug therapy circulating synovial fluid Ig ... · gold salts and D-penicillamine. Thustreatmentwith gold salts and D-penicillamine, but not NSAID alone, is associated with

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Page 1: Effect ofdrug therapy circulating synovial fluid Ig ... · gold salts and D-penicillamine. Thustreatmentwith gold salts and D-penicillamine, but not NSAID alone, is associated with

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 1985, 44, 232-238

Effect of drug therapy on circulating and synovialfluid Ig-secreting cells in rheumatoid arthritis


From the Department of Clinical Immunology, Huddinge Hospital, and the Division of Rheumatology,Department of Internal Medicine, Danderyd Hospital, Karolinska Institute Medical School, Stockholm,Sweden

SUMMARY A common immunological abnormality in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an increasedspontaneous polyclonal B cell activation. In order to study the influence of drug therapy in RAon the functional activity of B cells we enumerated spontaneous plaque-forming cells (PFC) inperipheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and synovial fluid lymphocytes (SFL) by a reverse

haemolytic plaque assay. Spontaneous IgG-, IgM-, and IgA-PFC in PBL of 26 patients withclassical erosive RA receiving either gold salts or D-penicillamine were similar to those observedin 20 healthy controls. In contrast, significantly higher numbers of IgG- and IgA-PFC, but not

IgM-PFC, were found in PBL of nine patients with classical erosive RA receiving non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) alone. Furthermore, spontaneous PFC in SFL from 16consecutive patients with RA receiving second-line drugs, as well as 17 patients with other formsof arthritis (non-RA) were generally low and significantly less than those observed in 20 RApatients on NSAID alone. Moreover, a wide individual variation in PFC, especially in relation to

the IgG class, was recorded in the synovial lymphocytes. These studies imply that treatment withsecond-line drugs is associated with normalisation of B cell activity in RA patients, and that theeffect can be detected at the cellular level both in blood and synovial fluid.

Key words: antibody formation, gold thiomalate, D-penicillamine, non-steroidal anti-inflam-matory drugs.

In rheumatoid arthritis there is ample evidence ofincreased activity in the antibody forming cellsystem. This was exemplified by increased spon-taneous B cell proliferation, 1 2 increased back-ground Ig-secreting cells,3 4 and polyclonal Ig secre-tion including autoantibodies.7 Although the causeof B cell hyper-reactivity is still unknown, viral andbacterial products with polyclonal B cell activating(PBA) properties have been implicated.8 A veryhigh proportion of activated B cells in the rheuma-toid synovium secrete rheumatoid factor (RF),which has been postulated to play an important rolein the pathogenesis of rheumatoid injury.9 10Treatment with gold salts and penicillamine has

long been shown to improve both the clinical andlaboratory findings in patients with RA.11-13 Atendency for normalisation in the serum level of

Accepted for publication 26 September 1984.Correspondence to Dr Sanad Al-Balaghi, Department of ClinicalImmunology, Huddinge University Hospital, S-141 86 Huddinge,Sweden.


immunoglobulins, as well as other disease character-istics, such as RF and immune complexes, has beenfound during effective treatment with gold salts andpenicillamine. 1418*By the protein A plaque assay, which detects

Ig-secreting cells, we have previously demonstratedthe presence of markedly increased numbers ofspontaneous Ig-secreting cells in blood and synovialfluids of patients with active seropositive RA whowere not receiving gold, penicillamine, corticoster-oid, or cytostatic drugs.3 The present paper is anextension of our previous observations with the aimof studying the effect of NSAID, compared withgold salts and D-penicillamine, on circulating andsynovial fluid Ig-secreting cells in RA patients.

Materials and methods

PATIENTS AND CONTROLSEighty-eight patients and 20 healthy nursing andmedical staff from the Division of Rheumatology,

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Page 2: Effect ofdrug therapy circulating synovial fluid Ig ... · gold salts and D-penicillamine. Thustreatmentwith gold salts and D-penicillamine, but not NSAID alone, is associated with

Department of Internal Medicine, Danderyd Hos-pital, Stockholm, were studied.The first group included 35 patients selected on

the basis of their clinical findings and therapy, inwhom numbers of circulating PFC were analysedand compared with 20 healthy controls. All patientsfulfilled the American Rheumatism Associationcriteria for classical RA'9 and had typical erosiveradiographic abnormalities. Thirty-two patients hadpositive tests for RF on at least two occasions duringtheir illness, whereas the other three had only onepositive test. Nine patients were receiving NSAID,13 were on gold sodium thiomalate (Myocrisin) andanother 13 on D-penicillamine (Dista Products). Inorder to ensure compatibility of the patients and in

view of the reported differences between classicalerosive and non-erosive RA21W22 only patients withclassical erosive seropositive RA were included inthis group. As expected, several had negative testsfor RF at the time of this study (Table 1) following a

period of drug therapy.'4 15 Further clinical andlaboratory characteristics are presented in Table 1.Control subjects included 10 females and 10 maleswith an average age of 39-1 years (SD 3-4, range

20-63).The second group included 53 consecutive pa-

tients with various forms of arthritis, in whomnumbers of spontaneous PFC were analysed simul-taneously in blood and synovial fluid. These in-cluded: (1) 20 patients with RA (12 classical andeight definite) who were receiving NSAID alone;(2) 16 patients with RA (seven classical and nine

Effect of drug therapy on Ig-secreting cells 233

definite) who were receiving second-line drugs; and(3) 17 patients with non-RA (14 on NSAID andthree on less than 7-5 mg/day prednisolone). Theclinical diagnosis, treatment, and other features ofthe patients included in this group are summarisedin Table 2.

SYNOVIAL FLUID PREPARATIONAll samples were collected aseptically in heparinisedtubes ready for transport, which usually took aboutone hour. The fluid was immediately mixed with 10mg/l hyaluronidase (Sigma Chemical Co., St Louis,Mo, USA) at 37°C for 45 min.

CELL ISOLATIONMononuclear cells were isolated from heparinisedvenous blood or synovial fluid by centrifugation on a

Ficoll-Isopaque (Nyegaard, Oslo) gradient.23 Thecells recovered at the interphase were removed,washed four times with Hanks's balanced saltsolution (HBSS), and resuspended at 0-8-1*2 x 109cells/l viable cells, as judged by the trypan blueexclusion test. Cell suspensions were always kept onice until used.

ASSAY FOR PLAQUE-FORMING CELLSIg-secreting cells in lymphocyte suspensions were

enumerated by a haemolysis-in-gel technique,24 as

modified by Gronowicz et al.,2 with protein A-coupled sheep erythrocytes as target cells. Plaqueswere developed with a monovalent IgG fraction ofrabbit antihuman Ig specific for y, I, or a-chains

Table 1 Clinical and laboratory characteristics of35 patients with classical erosive rheumatoid arthritis in whom circulatingPFC were determined

Parameter Patient group

Gold D-Petlicillami?le NSAID

Number of patients 13 13 9Female:male 4:9 9:4 5:4Age (years) 54.3+3.3* (40-71)t 60-9+2-4 (43-70) 67-0±2-4 (44-76)Disease duration (years) 5 1±0-9 (1-13) 14-5±2-6 (3-34) 7(0±1+8 (2-14)Drug: dose 94±20 (10-200) mg/month 548±66 (250-1000) mg/day NE:

duration (months) 18-8±7-1 (2-94) 67 5±7 3 (9-84) NEExtra-articular manifestations 3 1 2RF :1/40§ 11 6 7ANA 3 1/25 2 3 2ESR ¢28 mm/h 6 1 9Serum IgG (g/l) 11-49+094 11-91±0-73 14-30±1-13Serum IgM (g/l) 1-12+0-19 1-12±0-17 1 14±0-27Serum IgA (g/l) 1-87±023 1-89±0-20 1-98±0-32P-haptoglobin (g/1) 2-00±0-30 1-61±0-11 2-08±0-28Orosomucoid (g/1) 0-68±0-08 0-50±0-02 0-72±0-08

*Mean±SEM. tRange. tNot evaluated. §At the time of sampling.ANA=antinuclear antibodies.Normal values: serum IgG, 6-2-15 g/1; serum IgM, 0 40-(275 g/l; serum IgA. 0-8-4-0 g/l; P-haptoglobin, 0-20-1 40 g/l; orosomucoid,0-25-0-65 g/l.

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234 Al-Balaghi, Strom, Molter

Table 2 Major characteristics of53 consecutive patients with rheumatoid and non-rheumatoid arthritides, in whomcirculating as well as synovial fluid PFC were analysed simultaneously

Diagnosis n Age (yvr) Sex RF ESR Treatunemt>1, 40 >28

RA 2(0 59-7±3-2* 12F. 8M 11 18 NSAIDRA 7 61-9+4-2 SF. 2M 2 5 PenicillamineRA 2 61-5+3-5 IF, IM GoldRA 3 66 0±4 5 3F 2 3 PrednisoloneRA 4 43-0+3-3 4F I 2 CholoroquineGout 4 49-5+9-1 3F. IM 0 I NSAIDPelvospondylitis 1 37 1 M 0 1 PrednisoloneJuvenile recurrent

polvarthritis 3 20'0±2 7 2F. IM 0 3 2 Prednisolonc1 NSAID

Reactive arthritis 3 30(0±6+6) IF. 2M () 0 NSAIDEnteroarthritis 1 62 IF () () NSAIDSeronegative oligoarthritis 5 38-6±9-5 4F. IM 0 2 NSAID

*Mean±SEM.ESR=ervthrocvte sedimentation rate.

(DAKO Immunoglobulins Ltd, Copenhagen, Den- Resultsmark) diluted 1:30. The detailed procedure has been EFFECT OF DRUG THERAPY ON SPONTANEOUSdescribed previously. PFC IN RA BLOOD: COMPARISON WITH NORMAL

CONTROLSSTATISTICAL ANALYSIS Spontaneous IgG-, IgM-, and IgA-PFC wereStudent's t test was used for comparing means enumerated in PBL isolated from 20 healthy con-between groups. Since spontaneous PFC in synovial trols and 35 patients with classical erosive RA whofluids were not normally distributed, mean values of were receiving either gold salts, D-penicillamine, orthe natural logarithms of the PFC numbers were NSAID alone. The major characteristics of theused. Probability values (p values) were determined patient groups are given in Table 1. The averagein two-tailed tests. When two independent groups numbers (mean ± SEM) and the pattern of distribu-had similar variance a pooled variance estimate of t tion of different Ig classes of the patient and controlwas used, otherwise a separate variance estimate of t groups are presented in Table 3 and Fig. 1. It can bewith an estimated number of degrees of freedom seen that patients receiving either gold salts orwas used to test whether or not the means of the D-penicillamine had numbers and distribution ofgroups differed. Correlation was analysed by Pear- spontaneous PFC similar to those found in healthyson's product-moment correlation coefficients. controls (p>0 05 for all tested Ig classes). Con-

Table 3 Effect ofdrug therapy on circulating PFC (mean±SEM) in rheumatoid arthritis. Comparison with health)'controls. The p values between different groups are given for each Ig class

Patient PFC (mean-SEM)/I0' viable cells

it IgG IgM IgA Total

1. RA+NSAID 9 1018±210 296±45 1961±340 3275±4522. RA+gold 13 294+76 148+51 624±128 1066+2063. RA+penicillamine 13 325+115 241±62 1102+218 1668±3024. Normal controls 20 218+29 166±49 990±131 1374+167p value1 v 2 <0-01 NS* <0-01 <0-0011 v 3 <0-01 NS <0-05 <0-012 v 3 NS NS NS NS4 v 1 <0-01 NS <0-05 <0-014 v 2 NS NS NS NS4 v 3 NS NS NS NS

*Not significant.

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Effect of drug therapy on Ig-secreting cells 235

I I41 2 3 4IgG


1 2 3 4IgM

Fig. 1 Distribution ofcirculatingIgG-, IgM-, andlgA-PFCin2Ohealthy controlsand35RA patientsreceiving either gold salts,D-penicillamine, or NSAID alone.Themeansandthestandarderrorsofthemeansareindicatedforeachgroup. Thep values betweendifferentgroups aregiven in Table3.

1 2 3 4IgA

versely, patients receiving NSAID alone had signifi-cantly more PFC than normal controls (p<0-01) andpatients treated with either gold (p<0-001) orD-penicillamine (p<0-01). These differences weresignificant for IgG- and IgA-PFC but did not reach a

significant level for IgM-PFC. There was no signifi-cant difference in PFC numbers between groups on

gold salts and D-penicillamine. Thus treatment withgold salts and D-penicillamine, but not NSAIDalone, is associated with normalisation of thenumbers of Ig-secreting cells in RA blood.

Analysis of the data (Pearson's product-momentcorrelation coefficients) showed that there was a

significant correlation between the total numbers ofspontaneous PFC and ESR (r=0-40, p=0-02). Thecorrelation was significant for IgG-PFC (r=0-46,p=0-006), did not reach a significant level forIgA-PFC (r=0O30, p=0-08), and was not significantfor IgM-PFC (r=0-14, p=042). It should be pointedout that the mean levels (± SEM) of ESR were

significantly higher among patients receivingNSAID alone (57-7 ± 7.6) than patients treatedwith either gold (32-8 ± 7-6, p=0-04) or penicilla-mine (19-8 ± 3-1, p=0-001). In the present study no

significant correlation was found between the num-bers of spontaneous PFC and age, sex, diseaseduration, extra-articular manifestations, serumlevels of Ig, RF titres, P-haptoglobin, or orosomu-coid.



WITH NON-RAIn earlier studies SFL from untreated patients withRA were found to contain high numbers of spon-taneous PFC.3 In the present study SFL from threegroups of patients have been compared: (1) RApatients receiving NSAID alone; (2) RA patientstreated with second-line drugs (gold, D-penicillamine, corticosteroid, or chloroquine); and(3) non-RA patients. Further details are given inTable 2. As shown in Table 4, a significantly highernumber of spontaneous PFC was found in RApatients receiving NSAID alone compared withthose treated with second-line drugs (p<0-01).Furthermore, spontaneous PFC in the non-RAsynovial fluids were generally low and significantlylower than those obtained from RA patients receiv-ing NSAID alone (p<0-01). There was no signifi-cant difference in PFC numbers between non-RApatients and RA patients on second-line drugs. IgGwas the predominant Ig-class in all synovial fluidstested (Table 4). Fig. 2 shows that spontaneous PFCin synovial fluids from all patients with non-RA andRA patients treated with second-line drugs liewithin a range <100-3817/10 SFL. A similar range ofPFC was also observed in 12 of the 20 RA patientsreceivingNSAID alone. Incontrast, eightRApatientson NSAID alone had 4950-50 625 PFC/106 SFL.









2: RA + gold3: RA + penicillamine4: Normal controls

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236 Al-Balaghi, Strom, Moller

Table 4 Effect ofdrug therapy on synovialfluid PFC (mean±SEM) in rheumatoid arthritis. Comparison withnon-rheumatoid arthritis. The p values between different groups are given for each Ig class

Patient PFC (mean±SEM)/J(t viable cells

n IgG IgM IgA Total

1. RA+NSAID 20 5597±2076 2037±755 958±288 8592±29772. RA+second-line drugs* 16 656±224 194±75 188±68 1038±3253. Non-RAt 17 545±178 59±26 196±120 800+275p value1 v 2 <0*05 <0-05 <0.05 <0(011 v 3 <0-01 <0-001 <0-01 <0-012 v 3 NSt NS NS NS

*Two gold; seven D-peniciflamine; three prednisolone; and four choloroquine.tFourteen NSAID and three prednisolone.tNot significant.













c+ S Lt


RA + NSAID RA + SLD NON - RAFig. 2 Spontaneous PFC (IgG+IgM+IgA) measuredsimultaneously in blood and synovialfluid lymphocytesisolatedfrom 53 consecutive patients with rheumatoid andnon-rheumatoid arthritis. Each line represents one patient.The means and the standard errors ofthe means are

indicatedfor each group. Note: Spontaneous PFC in PBLofone patientfrom the non-RA group were not determined.

When data obtained from synovial fluids were

compared with those obtained simultaneously fromblood, comparable numbers or, surprisingly, muchfewer PFC were found in SFL than in PBL for allpatients with non-RA, for RA patients treated withsecond-line drugs, and for 12 of the 20 RA patientsreceiving NSAID alone (Fig. 2). In contrast, eightRA patients on NSAID had two- to 10-fold morePFC in SFL than PBL indicating local production ofIg in the rheumatoid synovium.

Correlation of PFC in synovial fluid to variousclinical and laboratory parameters indicated that itwas not related to age, sex, disease duration, erosivelesions, RF titres, P-haptoglobin, or orosomucoid.However, a slight but significant correlation be-

tween IgM- and IgG-PFC and the occurrence ofextra-articular manifestations was found (r=0.33,p=0-01 for IgM; r=0-30, p=003 for IgG; r=0-18,p=021 for IgA). Although synovial fluid PFC/106cells were not correlated with ESR (r=0-21,p=0. 14), spontaneous PFC in the PBL isolated fromthe same patients were significantly correlated withthe ESR levels (r=0-42, p=0-002). Furthermore,spontaneous PFC in synovial fluids were positivelycorrelated with serum levels of IgM (r=0-42,p=0-004) and IgG (r=035, p=0-01) but not IgA(r=0.19, p=0.21) antibodies.


The plaque assay techniques have been widely usedin recent years for the study of immunoglobulinsecretion in diseases associated with B cell abnor-malities such as RA,34 systemic lupuserythematosus,6 27 and multiple sclerosis.28 Thismethod provides information about the functionalstate of the B cells within a few hours of theircollection and, therefore, should be more reliablethan determination of cumulative Ig levels in serumand joint fluid which are influenced by the rate of Igcatabolism and excretion.29 Thus we used theprotein A plaque assay to evaluate the effect of drugtherapy in RA on the capacity of blood and synovialfluid B lymphocytes to secrete Ig spontaneously.Our data indicated normal numbers and distribu-

tion of circulating Ig-secreting cells in RA patientstreated with gold salts or D-penicillamine. Asexpected, significantly higher numbers of spon-taneous Ig-secreting cells, particularly those secret-ing IgG and IgA antibodies, were found in PBL ofpatients receiving NSAID alone. These resultsindicated that treatment with gold salts and D-penicillamine, but not NSAID alone, is associatedwith normalisation of B cell activity in the RAblood. Using a similar technique, Pardo and

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Page 6: Effect ofdrug therapy circulating synovial fluid Ig ... · gold salts and D-penicillamine. Thustreatmentwith gold salts and D-penicillamine, but not NSAID alone, is associated with

Levinson3" have also demonstrated the presence ofnormal numbers of circulating PFC in RA patientsreceiving gold therapy. However, the effect ofD-penicillamine therapy on active antibody produc-ing cells has not previously been described. Previousreports about the effect of treatment with gold andpenicillamine on serum levels of Ig have presentedvariable results: some investigators found no effecton serum Ig levels,3' while others demonstrated asignificant reduction in all major Ig classes (G, M,and A).17 32 Furthermore, a selective effect oncertain Ig classes has also been reported, though thisis variable. 14 16 33

The functional activity of lymphocytes isolatedfrom synovial fluids is thought to reflect the in-flammatory process in the affected joint. Recentstudies with immunohistochemical staining tech-niques have demonstrated a special relationshipbetween different cell populations infiltrating therheumatoid synovial membranes, which could ulti-mately lead to the activation of B lymphocytes.34 35Therefore it is not surprising to find a high propor-tion of synovial fluid B lymphocytes to be activatedto form Ig-secreting cells. In the present report thiswas particularly pronounced in eight RA patients onNSAID, where 0-5-5% of the total synovial cellswere actively engaged in antibody secretion. Amongthese patients two- to 10-fold more PFC were foundin SFL than in PBL, indicating local production of Igin the rheumatoid synovium. Such high numbers ofsynovial fluid PFC were not found in any of our RApatients receiving second-line drugs or patients withother forms of arthritis such as gout, pelvospondyli-tis, juvenile recurrent arthritis, reactive arthritis,enteroarthritis, and seronegative oligoarthritis. Ahigh rate of Ig secretion by rheumatoid synovialcells was onrginally described by Smiley et al.36and later confirmed by other investi-gators.3 4 It should be noted that there was aconsiderable overlap in synovial fluid PFC betweenthe RA patients on NSAID and the other twogroups of patients (Fig. 2) and, therefore, thesedifferences are quantitative rather than qualitative.Furthermore, the data do not necessarily link thehigh synovial fluid PFC to diagnosis but rather to astate of local inflammation.We have also noticed a wide individual variation

in the number of SFL spontaneously secreting Ig(range S 0-01-5%) (Fig. 2). Similar variations inPFC numbers (range 0-20-2-76%) have been re-ported in mononuclear cells eluted from 17 rheuma-toid synovial tissues.4 Though we do not have animmediate explanation for this phenomenon, it istempting to relate it to the presence of transientsevere synovitis with subsequent release of helperfactors triggering a higher proportion of B cells to

Effect of drug therapy on Ig-secreting cells 237

secrete Ig. This assumption is supported by ourrecent demonstration of a helper factor with Tcell-replacing activity in the synovial fluid of many,but not all, RA patients.38 Subsequent studies havedemonstrated that helper activities in synovial fluidswere induced by active molecules distinct frommaterials that preferentially bind to the staphylococ-cal protein A, such as IgG-immune complexes, andtherefore are probably produced by activated T cellsin the rheumatoid synovium.39Though PFC of different Ig classes were found in

SFL, more than 60% were IgG-secreting cells. Thiswas true whether the patients had rheumatoid orother forms of arthritis and whether small or highnumbers of PFC were recorded. Thus a predomi-nance of IgG-secreting cells seems to be a specialcharacteristic of synovial fluid B lymphocytes. Apredominance of IgG antibody in the rheumatoidsynovial space has been previously reported at thecellular level,3 as well as in synovial fluids andsupernatants of cultured cells.36 37 The majority ofIgG-containing plasma cells in the rheumatoidsynovial membranes synthesise IgG-RF.'The numbers of circulating PFC, particularly the

IgG-PFC, were found to be significantly correlatedwith the ESR, which is in agreement with otherreports.33 4) However, we could not find a signifi-cant correlation between synovial fluid total PFC/106 and ESR levels. Instead, increased numbers ofsynovial fluid PFC were correlated significantly withthe occurrence of extra-articular manifestations,which might reflect the severity of the diseaseprocess in general.To summarise, our data are consistent with the

concept that B cells are spontaneously activated inRA patients. In addition, treatment with gold saltsand D-penicillamine was found to be associated withlow numbers of circulating as well as synovial fluidIg-secreting cells. Though we have not studied themechanism by which gold salts and D-penicillaminecause a fall in the numbers of Ig-secreting cells, ourdata provide an indirect clue that both drugs act onthe cellular component of the immune system,either directly on B cells or indirectly via T cells ormacrophages. Indeed, Lipsky,"' in an in-vitro study,has demonstrated that D-penicillamine in the pre-sence of copper ions had a selective inhibitory actionon helper T cells but no direct effect on Blymphocytes.

We thank Dr 0 Strandberg and Dr E Szanto for allowing us tostudy patients under their care. Dr B Nilsson for expert help withstatistical analysis of the data, Ms Inaam Kadhem for excellenttechnical assistance, and Ms Anita Lofgren for typing the manu-script. This work was supported by the Swedish Medical ResearchCouncil, the Swedish Association for Rheumatism, and the KingGustaf V 80-Year Foundation.

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