Effective Party Assistance: Stronger Parties for Better Democracy

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  • 8/6/2019 Effective Party Assistance: Stronger Parties for Better Democracy


    Eective Party

    AssistanceStronger Parties for Better Democracy


    Matthias Catn

    International IDEA PolicyPaperNovember 2007

  • 8/6/2019 Effective Party Assistance: Stronger Parties for Better Democracy


    International Institute or Democracy and Electoral Assistance 2007

    International IDEA publications are independent o specifc national or political interests.

    Views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views o International

    IDEA, its Board or its Council members.

    Applications or permission to reproduce or translate all or any part o this publication

    should be made to Publications Ofce, International IDEA , SE -10334 Stockholm, Sweden.

    ISBN 978-91-85724-27-7

    Political parties play a crucial role in modern

    representative democracy. Despite

    all their imperections, the unctions they

    perorm cannot be taken on by any

    other entity. Party assistance needs to ocuson the unctions that parties ulfl in a

    democratic system rather than on unrealistic

    expectations o how parties should work.

  • 8/6/2019 Effective Party Assistance: Stronger Parties for Better Democracy


    What is International IDEA?

    The International Institute

    or Democracy and Electoral


    IDEAis an intergovernmental

    organization that supports

    sustainable democracy

    worldwide. Its objective is

    to strengthen democratic

    institutions and processes.

    What does International

    IDEA do?International IDEA acts as a

    catalyst or democracy building

    by providing knowledge

    resources and policy proposals

    and supporting democratic

    reorms in response to specifc

    national requests.

    Areas o work

    IDEAs notable areas o

    expertise are:






    Where does International

    IDEA work?

    International IDEA works

    worldwide. It is based in

    Stockholm, Sweden, and has

    ofces in Latin America, Arica

    and Asia.

    ContentsKey Recommendations 4

    Executive Summary 5

    Introduction 6

    Purpose o this paper and overview 6

    The unctions o parties in a democracy 7

    How do parties operate in reality? 8

    Analysis 10

    Actors in party assistance 10

    Types o party assistance programmes 14

    Recommendations 18

    Why do we need principles? 18

    Functions frst 19

    Integration is the key 20

    Systematic planning and implementation 21

    Tools or the project cycle 23

    Conclusions 32

    Reerences 33

    Abbreviations 35

    List o tables

    Table 1 Functions o political parties in government

    and opposition 7

    Table 2 Expenditure on party assistance 12

    Table 3 Matrix o party assistance target areas and

    methods o delivery 14

    Table 4 Categories o International IDEAs democracy

    assessment 24

    List o fgures

    Figure 1 Actors in party assistance 11

    Figure 2 Functional dimensions o political parties 19

    Figure 3 Phases o scenario development 25

    Figure 4 Sample scenario matrix 26

    Figure 5 Connecting needs assessment, scenarios and

    party unctions 27

    Figure 6 Perspectives o the basic Balanced Scorecard

    (Kaplan and Norton, 1992) 28

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    International IDEA

    Key Recommendations

    International IDEA

    1Party assistance actorsdonors, assistance providers and assistance partnersshouldagree on common principles or assistance project delivery. This would make projectsmore eective and less vulnerable to accusations o undue intererence with other countries


    2The assistance community needs to develop a tool-kit or needs assessment, monitoring oimplementation and evaluation o projects.


    Party assistance needs to ocus on the unctions that parties ulfl in a democratic system

    rather than on unrealistic expectations o how parties should work. These basic unctionsare: to develop consistent policies and government programmes; to pick up demands rom

    society and bundle them; to recruit, select and train people or positions in the executive and

    legislature; and to oversee and control government.

    4The traditional feld o actors in party assistance should be complemented by other actors,such as Party Internationals and regional cooperation orums.

    5Given that direct impact measurement is difcult in democracy assistance, indirectevaluation tools are needed, such as scenario development, state o democracy assessmentand the balanced scorecard approach.

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    International IDEA

    Eective Party Assistance:Stronger Parties

    or Better Democracy

    Political parties play a crucial role

    in modern representative democ-

    racy. Despite all their imperec-

    tions, the unctions they perorm

    cannot be taken on by any other

    entity. Te unctions are: () to

    develop policies and programmes, () to pick

    up demands rom society and bundle them

    into dierent options, () to recruit and select

    people or executive and legislative positions(and other positions in politics) and (4) to ex-

    ercise control over government.

    Party assistance as a eld o international

    cooperation has existed since the 950s and

    has been expanding steadily since, both in

    terms o money spent and the number o ac-

    tors involved. Despite this long tradition, par-

    ty assistance is still very weakly systematized

    and lacks coherent standards and principles

    with regard to what projects should achieve,

    how appropriate activities can be identiedand how eects are to be measured.

    Te party assistance community should

    develop joint principles or project needs

    assessment, monitoring o implementation

    and impact evaluation. Such principles would

    make activities more eective and ecient.

    Tey would allow all actors, including

    assistance partners, to choose appropriate

    remedies or specic problems and they would

    also make party assistance less vulnerable to

    accusations o partisanship or undue oreign

    intererence.Instead o having unrealistic, normative

    ideas o how parties should work, their

    unctions, as described above, should be at

    the centre o the new principles. Te major

    obstacle to eective party assistance is the

    diculty o linking activities directly to

    their ultimate goal o enhancing democracy.

    Indirect measurement tools are necessary to

    overcome this inherent weakness. Such tools

    can be scenario development and state o

    democracy assessment or needs assessmentand the balanced scorecard approach or

    implementation monitoring and evaluation.

    Executive Summary

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    International IDEA

    The purpose o the policy paper is to

    initiate a broad dialogue among party

    assistance stakeholders to discuss

    and to reach a common understanding o

    what eective and ecient party assistance

    entails. Ultimately, the goal is to lay the basis

    or establishing general principles or party

    assistance and to share best practices that will

    help stakeholders to design and implement

    eective assistance projects that are inormedby context-specic needs assessments. In

    that sense, it is not an end in itsel, but rather

    the start o an interactive process among

    stakeholders to make party assistance more

    eective and relevant.

    We dene party assistance as any type

    o international assistance geared towards

    individual parties or the party system as a

    whole, with the purpose o strengthening

    democracy in a given country. In line with

    the Paris Declaration on Aid Eectiveness,we understand eective assistance in a broad

    sense that includes more than just the literal

    meaning o producing an eect. Specically,

    eective assistance encompasses targeting

    assistance to dierent contexts, dening clear

    aims and related indicators, harmonizing

    programmes to avoid duplication,

    and strenghtening transparency and


    Te paper aims to be both a policy paper

    and a discussion paper. It recommends

    and argues or the introduction o agreed

    principles, but it leaves the content o these

    principles open to urther interactions with

    stakeholders and limits itsel to some ideas

    as a basis or discussion. It explores the way

    international assistance to political parties

    is delivered and recommends ways in which

    assistance could be improved. Te key goal

    is to make party assistance as eective and

    ecient as possible, meaning that it achieves

    the desired results with an optimal input o

    resources. Te principles are not meant to

    be binding rules that determine every step,

    but to provide help and a reerence point or

    stakeholders during the process.

    Although party assistance is an important

    part o democracy assistance today, it lacks

    systematic inormation and analysis, which in

    turn can severely obstruct learning processes.

    Only recently have a number o studies beenpublished that map assistance activities.

    Mostly, these analyses conclude that assistance

    providers still ail to carry out extensive

    assessments and evaluations. Assessment

    and evaluation are crucial not only or

    inorming the design and implementation o

    programmes, but also or accountability to the

    public that unds the overwhelming majority

    o party assistance activities. Assistance

    partners in party assistance programmes

    would also benet rom more systematicinormation. It would enable them to identiy

    the kind o assistance they need, which they

    could then actively seek rather then being

    subject to the agendas o donors or assistance

    providers. As is explained below, the interests

    o the assistance partners may not always be

    in line with the requirements o democracy as

    a whole, but at the same time, any assistance

    activity will be o very limited use i it does

    not meet a need o the assistance partner.

    Tis policy paper is directed at sta rom

    donor agencies and assistance providers who

    design assistance programmes or allocate

    unding. It is also directed at party assistance

    partners who want to know more about how

    to assess their own needs in order actively to

    seek the assistance they need.

    Te next two sections o this introduction

    describe the context and the problem; namely,

    why political parties are important or a

    unctioning democracy, the roles they have

    IntroductionPurpose o this paper and overview

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    International IDEA

    Eective Party Assistance:Stronger Parties

    or Better Democracy

    to ull and the problems or weaknesses they

    typically ace in new democracies. Te chapter

    entitled Analysis deals with party assistance,

    the types o activities, the actors and the way

    assistance is usually carried out. Te chapter

    entitled Recommendations gives International

    IDEAs recommendations and serves as a basis

    or discussion o how to make party assistance

    more eective. Te conclusion summarizes

    the main points o the other chapters.

    The unctions o partiesin a democracy

    Tere are our central unctions o political

    parties in modern representative democracies:

    . o develop consistent policies and

    government programmes (the interest

    articulation unction).

    . o pick up demands rom society and

    bundle them (the interest aggregation


    . o recruit, select and train people

    or positions in government and the


    4. o oversee and control government.

    Te rst three unctions eed into the two

    undamental roles that political parties play

    in the political process: they orm the

    government or they are in opposition. In

    practical terms, the signicance o the

    unctions varies according to the current role

    a party plays, as can be seen in able . Te

    ourth unction varies depending on the type

    o political system. In parliamentary systems,

    where the government is elected by parliament

    and depends on its support, this unction alls

    entirely on the opposition. In presidential

    systems, where the executive is independent,

    the legislature as a whole ulls this unction.

    Articulation Aggregation Recruitment

    Government Implement policies Sustain suppor t or


    Fill government


    Opposition Develop alternatives Gain suppor t or


    Build pool o

    competent people

    Table 1: Functions o political parties in government and opposition

    Much has been written about parties

    obvious shortcomings, but no other actorcould replace them. In some countries,

    politicians establish movements, which

    purportedly dier rom parties by being

    uniying orces that represent the society as

    a whole rather than just a part o it. In most

    cases, however, the movement turns out to

    be just a replacement or the discredited term

    party. Sometimes these movements try to

    ollow through with their claim o being

    the sole representative o society and as a

    logical consequence deny all other partiesthe right o existence. Movements that are

    set up to compete or poweras opposed to

    movements that advocate a specic cause,

    such as the civil rights movement in the

    United Statesare either parties in disguise

    or potential threats to democracy.

    Not so long ago many peopleboth

    practitioners and academicsbelieved that

    civil society could replace political parties.

    A vibrant civil society is a good thing or a

    country, but civic associations cannot play the

    role o parties unless they actually transorm

    themselves into parties. It is the discredited

    state o many parties around the world today,

    not only in young democracies, that led to

    an exaggerated enthusiasm or civil society.

    Another reason is an alleged non-partisanship

    o civil society organizations. However, this

    is not true. Non-governmental organizations

    (NGOs) are important or democracy, but

    they are not by nature democratically

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    International IDEA

    mandated by anybody other than their

    members. What is more, they are part o the

    demand side o politics. Teir demands have

    to be aggregated by an institution and this

    institution is the party system (Doherty 00:

    56). Parties are also important because

    they provide an institutional memory

    o policies and politics. Tis knowledge o

    what works and what does not is crucial

    to continuity. A political system that ischaracterized by individuals rather than by

    parties cannot provide this memory and

    also carries the danger o bureaucratic and

    technocratic dominance. In addition, parties

    aggregate policy options into bundles, as is

    described in Function above.

    Te interests o a given party, its leaders

    and members, are not necessarily the same as

    the unctions which the party should ull

    in order to sustain a working democracy. Most

    scholars agree that parties can have a numbero goals. Tese goals are to maximize their

    vote-share, to obtain as many government

    oces as possible and to push a specic policy

    agenda (Harmel and Janda 994: 657).

    While the goals are linked, there still is

    considerable dierence between

    them. For example, maximizing vote-share

    does not necessarily lead to an increased

    number o government oces. In countries

    with requent coalition governments it may be

    more important or a party to position itsel

    as a possible partner o another party than

    to win as many votes as possible. Similarly,

    i a party has a strong ideological agenda it

    may seem natural or it to try to become big

    and powerul enough to be able to pursue its

    agenda. However, some parties deliberately

    choose to lose votes rather than compromise

    on their agenda.

    Te unctions o parties in a democratic

    system and the goals o individual parties

    overlap, but are not necessarily the same. Party

    assistance has to bear in mind the relationship

    between the overall unction o democratic

    parties and the goals o individual parties.

    Te objective o party assistance is to enhance

    democracy. In order to be eective and to

    be accepted by the assistance partners, it has

    to benet all the partys goals at the same


    How do parties operate inreality?

    o assess the current situation o political

    parties and to understand their weaknesses

    and needs, International IDEA carried out an

    extensive Research and Dialogueprogramme

    between 004 and 007. More than 00

    parties in 50 countries were included in the

    project. Tree comparative regional reports(Salih and Nordlund 007; Stojarov et al.

    007; Suri 007), two sub-regional reports

    (Chege 007; Matlosa 007) and 7 country

    reports have been published so ar; one

    more regional report will ollow in early

    008 (Adejumobi 008). In addition, the

    inormation gathered is stored in an online

    database that International IDEA makes

    available on an individual basis to interested

    organizations and academics.1 A recent

    International IDEA publication (Roncagliolo

    and Melndez 007) provides in-depth

    analysis o parties and party systems in the

    Andean region.

    While it is not the purpose o this policy

    paper to summarize all the results rom this

    large endeavour, it is important to highlight

    some o the key ndings. Most importantly,

    there is no uniorm picture that can be

    painted. Te state o party systems in young

    democracies varies considerably rom country

    1 See http://www.political-parties.org

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    International IDEA

    Eective Party Assistance:Stronger Parties

    or Better Democracy

    to country and usually not all parties share

    the same weaknesses within a country. On the

    one hand, extreme volatilitychanges in vote

    shares rom one election to anotheris a ma-

    jor problem in many young democracies. In

    essence this means that parties are incapable

    o developing stable relationships with society.

    On the other hand, some countries, mainly

    in Arica, experience very low volatility to the

    extent that one party dominates the politicalprocess over a very long time without any real-

    istic chance o the opposition gaining power.

    In Arica, party programmes seem

    increasingly detached rom citizens concerns

    and seem to lack creative, context-specic

    answers to the countries problems. Tis

    ailure, in turn, creates voter apathy and low

    turnouts in some areas o the continent. In

    terms o the structure o the party system, we

    observe two contradictory trends in Arica.

    Tere is an increasing ragmentation in manycountries, while in others two-party systems

    or dominant party systems consolidate.

    International IDEAs research has identied

    two main challenges to political parties in

    Arica. One is the area o party nancing.

    Corruption within parties is widespread

    and it is hard to imagine how these parties

    are supposed to be the oundation o stable,

    responsible governments. Tereore, in order

    to achieve good governance at the state

    level, the area o party nancing needs to

    be tackled. Te other area is the problem o

    leadership succession within Arican parties,

    which can oten lead to severe crises.

    In South Asia, International IDEAs

    research shows that the spread o democracy

    has surprisingly gone hand in hand with more

    authoritarian parties where the infuence o

    leaders rises. Furthermore, while peoples

    expectations o political parties grow, the

    parties ability to deliver remains low. Tis

    creates a situation in which people are

    supportive o democracy as a whole but ar less

    enthusiastic about political parties.

    In Central and Eastern Europe, limited

    institutionalization is one o the main

    problems with political parties. Parties are

    not suciently rooted in society, resulting

    in relatively high levels o volatility as voters

    switch parties between elections or parties

    switch their ideologies.In many countries, parties tend to be

    weakly organized, lack a coherent

    ideological platorm and be set up around

    personalities rather than stable structures. As

    a consequence, new parties appear constantly,

    others disappear and there is a great deal

    o change both in political personnel and

    in political positions. In Latin America

    there has recently been a rise o (neo-)

    populist politicians who openly voice their

    contempt or the institutions o representativedemocracy. Research conrms that the

    dissatisaction o the population with political

    parties increases the chances o newcomers

    outside the established parties winning

    elections. In the last ve presidential elections

    in each o the ve Andean countries2, almost

    hal the votes went to independents or to

    candidates who ran or newly ormed parties

    (Mainwaring et al. 006: ).

    o sum up, parties can have two undamental

    weaknesses. One is a lack o organizational

    coherence and institutionalization, the other

    is a lack o programmatic substance. I parties

    ail to perorm in both areas, they will not

    be able to get much traction. However, there

    are also cases where parties are weak in one

    aspect, but strong in another. In terms o dem-

    ocratic consolidation, this can be problematic

    when pro-democratic parties are strong

    on programmatic issues and weak on organi-

    zation, while other, ormerly authoritarian

    2 Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela.

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    International IDEA

    parties lack a programmatic platorm but act

    in a very organized way. As a consequence, the

    party system may be unresponsive to societys

    preerences (Carey and Reynolds 007).

    Most research on the state o party systems

    in newly democratized countries, including

    International IDEAs Research and Dialogue

    programme, presents a great variety o

    situations. A careul, context-sensitive analysis

    is crucial or any kind o party assistanceactivity.

    Despite the dierent situations, the

    research nevertheless shows that political

    parties are part o the problem in most

    countries where democracy is perceived by the

    population not to be working satisactorily.

    Tis is not surprising given the central role

    played by parties in the democratic process

    and it emphasizes that party assistance must

    be a central eld o democracy assistance.

    Unsatisactory perormance by politicalparties is not only a problem that aects

    newly democratized countries. In most

    established democracies political parties and

    politicians are held in very low esteem by their

    citizens and most parties do not ully comply

    with the idealistic model that is oten used to

    assess parties in young democracies. In other

    words, ew parties in Western countries are

    completely transparent, internally democratic

    and centred around issues rather than


    While it is important or the proper

    unctioning o democracy to pinpoint crucial

    weaknesses o political parties in young

    democracies and to nd ways to overcome

    them, it is equally important not to all or

    idealistic expectations. Oten, these are

    ideal types: they may serve as a beacon, as

    something to orient onesel by, but not as a

    model that one is likely to adopt ully.


    This chapter analyses party assistance. Te rst section deals

    with the dierent actors in the eld, and the second section

    analyses the dierent types o programmes and activities that

    are carried out as party assistance. Te last section in this chapter

    discusses how needs assessments are carried out and how activities

    are evaluated.

    Tere are very ew studies, either academic or non-academic, on

    party assistance, let alone comparative analyses. Burnell (000) deals

    with democracy assistance in general. Carothers (006) is the rst

    comprehensive, comparative analysis exclusively dedicated to partyassistance. Burnell (006) also deals with party assistance together

    with an analysis o party systems in dierent regions and countries

    and a recent book by Burnell (007)published by International

    IDEA and Sidaassesses how democracy support is evaluated. In

    addition, there are some studies that map party assistance activities

    in a certain region, such as a report commissioned by the Olo

    Palme International Center on democracy assistance activities in the

    Balkans and the Black Sea region (Erhardy 006) and a mapping

    exercise by International IDEA in Central America (Umaa Cerna

    007). Although these studies vary in ocus and depth, the

    conclusions they come to are remarkably similar. Party assistancegenerally lacks precisely dened objectives, high quality project

    management and proper measurement.

    Actors in party assistance

    Party assistance is a eld with many dierent actors. Te rst basic

    distinction when talking about actors in party assistance is among

    those who receive the assistance (assistance partners), those who

    deliver it and those who und it. Sometimes two o these categories

    all together, such as when an implementing organization alsoprovides the unds. Each o these groups has dierent interests

    and ollows a dierent approach when deciding where and how to


    Primary partners in assistance programmes are, o course,

    political parties. However, the exact target within parties can vary

    greatly. Programmes can be geared towards party ocials, leaders,

    the youth, etc. In addition, activities can deal with only one party

    or with a number o them, or example when the aim is to oster

    dialogue and understanding. Depending on the objective o an

    activity, assistance partners can also be civil society actors, the

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    International IDEA

    Eective Party Assistance:Stronger Parties

    or Better Democracy

    media, government ocials and electoral

    management bodies (EMBs).

    As can be seen rom Figure , providers

    are usually the link between donors and

    assistance partners. Direct donorto

    assistance partner contacts are ar less


    Assistance providers

    Tere are our types o assistance providers:partisan NGOs, multi-partisan NGOs,

    non-partisan NGOs and intergovernmental

    organizations. NGO is used in a broad sense

    here and includes all not strictly governmental

    organizations. Most o these NGOs, however,

    receive all or almost all o their unding

    directly rom public sources. Te distinction

    between partisan, non-partisan and multi-

    partisan is blurred as some organizations

    engage in dierent types o activities, some o

    which may be partisan while others are multi-partisan. Te German political oundations

    attach great importance to the act that they

    are not party oundations, but only party-


    Even openly partisan organizations oten

    have multi-party projects. Tere are a number

    o reasons or this. Some types o activity,

    such as dialogue programmes, obviously do

    not make sense on an individual raternal

    party basis. In many countries the European

    party oundations cannot nd appropriate

    counterparts, because parties align along

    dierent cleavages and not in the clusters o

    the Western party amilies.

    Te actors with the longest experience in

    party assistance are party oundations that

    operate mainly on a raternal basis, meaning

    that they support their counterparts in other

    countries. Te German party oundations

    were the rst to enter the scene o party

    assistance. Te two biggest, the Social



    Figure 1: Actors in party assistance

    Democratic Friedrich Ebert Foundation

    (FES) and the Christian Democratic Konrad

    Adenauer Foundation (KAS), started

    working with political parties in the 950s.

    oday, they have an annual budget o more

    than EUR 00 million. It should be noted,

    however, that not all o this is allocated to

    party assistance. Te German oundations,

    like most other European party oundations,have a broad mandate. Tey work both

    within their country and abroad on a wide

    range o topics rom democracy promotion

    to participation and policy development.

    Te amount o money they receive rom

    the government depends on the size o their

    parliamentary representation. FES and KAS

    currently receive about one-third o the total

    amount each and the rest is split among the

    other our oundations (Erdmann 006: 8).

    Funds are made available upon application to

    the Ministry or Development Cooperation.

    Van Wersch and de Zeeuw (005) count

    European oundations active in party

    assistance, which are all aliated with, or

    close to, a political party. Te only exception

    in this group is the Netherlands Institute or

    Multiparty Democracy (NIMD), which is

    multi-partisan. Most o these oundations are

    very small in terms o their budget. Only

    one in our has a budget o more than

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    International IDEA

    EUR 0 million per year and hal have a

    budget o less than EUR million (van

    Wersch and de Zeeuw 005: 0). Given

    the broad range o activities, only a raction

    o theseresources goes to party assistance.

    Most donors and assistance providers do not

    disclose how much they spend specically on

    party assistance, so resources spent on these

    activities can only be estimated.

    Te German oundations dominate theeld, as they account or roughly 90 percent

    o the overall budget o party oundations

    in Europe. Te only other oundations that

    match this size are the two United States

    oundations, the National Democratic

    Institute (NDI) and the International

    Republican Institute (IRI). Both these were

    established in 98 and they are loosely

    aliated with the Democratic and the

    Republican parties, respectively. In contrast

    to the European oundations they workexclusively abroad and ocus on democracy

    Organization Overall budget

    in EUR

    Party assistance

    in EUR

    Share o



    NDI 77,000,000 26,950,000 35%

    FES 123,500,000 24,700,000 20%

    IRI 57,000,000 24,510,000 43%

    KAS 102,900,000 20,580,000 20%

    HSS 42,700,000 8,540,000 20%

    FNSt 40,000,000 8,000,000 20%

    HBS 37,200,000 7,440,000 20%

    NIMD 6,800,000 6,120,000 90%

    WFD 6,200,000 4,030,000 65%

    OPIC 12,500,000 3,750,000 30%

    RLS 9,000,000 1,800,000 20%

    IDEA 11,000,000 1,650,000 15%

    FPI 2,300,000 1,150,000 50%

    Total 528,100,000 139,220,000 n.a.

    Source: van Wersch and de Zeeuw (005), Carothers (006), International IDEA.

    Estimations or FES, FNSt, RLS and HSS based on data rom KAS and HBS. All data are

    rom 004, except IRI and NDI (005) and International IDEA (006)

    Table 2: Expenditure on party assistance

    promotion. In 005 the annual budget o the

    NDI was EUR 77 million and the annual

    budget o the IRI was EUR 57 million

    (Carothers 006: 79). Although the US

    oundations can certainly be described as

    partisan by International IDEAs denition,

    their approach has always been more

    multi-party than that o most European

    oundations. Most other party oundations

    are rather small. Te only ones with annualbudgets or party assistance o more than

    EUR million are the Swedish Social

    Democratic Olo Palme International Center

    (OPIC) and the Spanish Socialist Pablo

    Iglesias Foundation (FPI).

    Estimates o how much o their budgets

    the oundations spend on party assistance

    activities can be ound in able . Reliable

    gures are dicult to obtain. Many

    programmes serve more than one purpose

    and the organizations do not always publishdetailed budget breakdowns. Carothers

    (006: 85) estimates that the German

    oundations spent somewhere between EUR

    0 million and EUR 60 million in 004 on

    party assistance activities. Te considerably

    higher percentages or party assistance

    activities that are shown or the NDI and

    IRI compared to the German oundations

    are partly owing to the act that the latter are

    engaged in a wide range o domestic political

    activities. Expenditure on these activities is

    included in the overall budgets.

    Non-partisan NGOs in the eld o party

    assistance are relatively new. Te NIMD was

    ounded in 000 and now has an annual

    budget o slightly less than EUR 7 million.

    Te Norwegian Centre or Democracy

    Support was ounded in 00 and Demo

    Finland in 006. Tese three organizations

    have in common the act that they bundle

    the democracy promotion activities o the

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    International IDEA

    Eective Party Assistance:Stronger Parties

    or Better Democracy

    major political parties in their countries.

    Te UK-based Westminster Foundation or

    Democracy, created in 99, also belongs to

    the group o multi-partisan NGOs, although

    it unds activities that are run by the political

    parties or by other non-prot organizations

    rather than implementing projects itsel. It

    could thereore also be characterized as a

    specialized donor organization.

    In Australia, democracy promotion is car-ried out by the non-partisan Centre or

    Democratic Institutions (CDI), which was

    ounded in 998 and receives most o

    its budget rom the Australian Agency or

    International Development (AusAID).

    Recently, the two main Australian parties

    the Australian Liberal Party and the Austral-

    ian Labor Partyhave established their own

    international programmes that are unded

    directly by the government, currently with

    AUD million (EUR 590,000) each per year,under the Australian Political Parties or

    Democracy Program.

    Finally, there are a number o inter-

    national organizations working in the eld.

    International IDEA is the only one with an

    exclusive mandate or democracy promotion.

    It was ounded in 995 and currently has 5

    member states. Its annual budget is around

    EUR million (006), o which some

    5 percent is spent on party-related activities,

    ranging rom direct work with parties in the

    eld to the generation and dissemination o

    comparative knowledge. Other international

    organizations engage in party assistance as

    one aspect o their activities, among them the

    Organization or Security and Co-operation

    in Europe (OSCE) through its Oce or

    Democratic Institutions and Human Rights,

    the United Nations Development Programme

    (UNDP) and the Organization o American

    States (OAS).


    Te largest proportion o nancial resources

    or party assistance activitiesas is the case

    or democracy assistance in generalcomes

    rom public sources. Funds are provided

    either directly by governments through their

    oreign ministries or development ministries,

    or through donor agencies.

    Te NDI and the IRI were established with

    unding rom the National Endowment orDemocracy (NED), which still continues to

    provide about 0 percent o the organizations

    budgets as a core allocation. Te rest o their

    resources now come rom the United States

    Agency or International Development

    (USAID), the United States State Department

    and a number o oreign donor agencies.

    Sweden grants money to the party

    oundations through the Swedish

    International Development Cooperation

    Agency (Sida). Te German oundations alsoreceive most o their unds rom the state.

    Te FES reported 9 and 9 percent o its

    proceeds came rom public sources in 004

    and 005, respectively. Te second biggest

    oundation, the KAS, reported a share o 94

    percent or 004 (gures calculated rom

    the oundations statements o accounts).

    Other development agencies that und party

    assistance projects are the Spanish Agency or

    International Cooperation (AECI), the British

    Department or International Development

    (DFID) and the Canadian International

    Development Agency (CIDA). In addition

    to national governments there are some

    international or regional donors that have

    started to nance party assistance projects,

    such as the Inter-American Development

    Bank (IDB). It is thereore important to

    note that even the non-governmental actors

    depend almost exclusively on public unding.

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    International IDEA

    Other actors

    Party Internationals, the loose associations o

    like-minded political parties, are also actors in

    the eld. Tey do not usually carry out ully

    fedged programmes themselves, but instead

    work as an occasional catalyst or organizer o

    conerences and dialogues.

    Types o party assistanceprogrammes

    Generally, party assistance attempts to

    strengthen either an individual party or the

    party system as a whole. Oten, assistance

    is driven by an idealistic notion o what

    parties should look like, without much

    reerence to how they work even in established

    democracies. As Tomas Carothers puts it,

    party aid seeks to help build parties that are

    competently managed, internally democratic,well-rooted in society, law-abiding, nancially

    transparent and adequately unded,

    ideologically dened, inclusive o women and

    youth, eective at campaigning and capable

    o governing eectively (Carothers 006: 97).

    wo dimensions describe the dierent

    party assistance activities: the target area and

    the orm o delivery. Tis results in a two-

    dimensional space within which to map

    party assistance activities with ve targetareas (shown horizontally in able ) and

    Target area

    Method o delivery

    Internal party




    Parties and


    Party regulation International

    party assistance

    Training/capacity building


    Knowledge resources

    Policy advice/Consulting

    Direct fnancial contributions

    Table 3: Matrix o party assistance target areas and methods o delivery

    ve methods o delivery (shown vertically).

    It is not always possible to make a clear-cut

    distinction between the elds, but it gives a

    airly good approximation o where a specic

    activity is located.

    Target areas

    A large part o party assistance is aimed

    at helping parties to become eective by

    enhancing internal party organization.During pre-election periods this essentially

    means help with campaigning. Tis can easily

    be carried out by specialist consultants who

    cover specic aspects o a campaign, such

    as strategy development, messages, voter

    targeting, advertising and get-out-the-vote

    activitities. Although campaigning is very

    political and sensitive, the technical nature

    o the activities involved and the clearly

    dened time-rame and objectives make

    campaign assistance straightorward toimplement. Campaign assistance is mostly

    done by partisan organizations because it

    is not something that can easily be shared

    with competing parties, apart rom very

    general introductory training sessions on

    campaign communications. Tis type o

    assistance comes down in the end to paying

    or a proessional service that the party could

    also buy itsel, provided that it has enough


    Organizational assistance also covers

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    Eective Party Assistance:Stronger Parties

    or Better Democracy

    other aspects o the internal unctioning o

    political parties. Among these are: (a) ecient

    internal communications, (b) accounting,

    (c) undraising, (d) establishing a working

    structure or the party, (e) dealing with the

    media and (e) membership recruitment and

    membership relations.

    A slightly dierent, albeit important, assist-

    ance activity is to help parties develop coher-

    ent policies. Given the requent lack o soundprogrammatic platorms that can be observed

    in many parties in young democracies and the

    severe consequences this has once the parties

    are in government, the eld o policy develop-

    ment has been given too little attention in the


    Especially in confict-prone societies, build-

    ing stable inter-party relationsplays an im-

    portant role in party assistance. It is based on

    the assumption that democracy can only work

    properly i parties engage in a healthy compe-tition or ideas and policies while at the same

    time maintaining a minimum level o consen-

    sus. Tis has been described as diuse support

    or democracy (Easton 956). One aspect is

    that political competitors should still be able

    to talk to each other in a civilized manner no

    matter how erce the dispute is. A slightly di-

    erent area o inter-party relations is contacts

    made between parties in the target country

    and those in established democracies, usually

    in the home country o the assistance provider

    or the donor. Here, o course, confict resolu-

    tion is not the intention but rather learning

    by exposure. It is oten argued that while the

    representatives o the target countries learn

    how democracy works in reality, their coun-

    terparts also gain a broader understanding

    o the situation and the diculties aced by

    parties in young democracies. In addition,

    assistance providers increasingly try to oster

    South-South relationships between develop-

    ing countries. Rather than bringing together

    party people rom developing countries with

    party people rom a Western country with

    completely dierent backgrounds, South-

    South exchange acilitates the sharing o expe-

    riences among people who have recently gone

    through similar experiences.

    Parties and societyincludes all activities

    that aim to increase the participation o

    women, youth and minorities in and throughpolitical parties. Tese projects have become

    much more requent in the last two decades.

    A special kind o assistance is geared

    towards the party system as a whole rather

    than towards individual parties. Assistance

    withparty regulation tries to create a

    avourable ramework within which parties

    can work. Party registration, compliance

    requirements and party nancing orm part

    o this. International organizations such as

    International IDEA and UNDP have takenthe lead in this subeld.

    Te last area is the meta-level o

    international party assistance. Tis policy

    paper is an example o an activity in this

    area. It deals with how international party

    assistance is planned and delivered and the

    aims it tries to achieve.

    In reality, many activities all into more

    than one category. For example, a training

    course or members o dierent parties

    can simultaneously oster the internal

    organizational capacities o the parties and

    help inter-party dialogue. Te same holds true

    or many projects geared towards women in

    politics. Assisting a womens platorm can

    both help to bring more women into parties

    and create a orum or inter-party dialogue.

    How assistance is delivered

    Assistance can be delivered in many dierent

    ways. Tere are some common ways in

    3 International IDEA has been very successul in Latin America in acilitating platorms where party representatives meet

    both jointly and individually with experts on specifc topics. This is a feld where party assistance providers can establish

    crucial links between parties and external policy experts.

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    International IDEA

    which it is organized: training sessions,

    conerences and seminars, exchanges,

    individual consulting and direct or in-kind

    grants. Again, as with the overall budgets

    or party assistance, it is dicult to estimate

    the importance o each o these methods.

    Van Wersch and de Zeeuw (005: 7)

    report that the European party oundations

    spend 56 percent o their overall democracy

    assistance budget on training, 4 percent onadvice and technical assistance and percent

    on conerences and seminars. It is likely that

    the distribution or party assistance is similar.

    Training and capacity-buildingthus seem

    to be the most important methods used,

    but the range o topics and the ormat can

    vary considerably. Most training deals with

    rather technical aspects o assistance, such

    as undraising, campaigning methods or

    leadership development. Oten, training is

    provided by international consultants whoare expensive and lack knowledge o specic

    contexts. On the other hand, local expertise is

    not always available.

    Workshops and seminars can also include

    consultants and other experts, but are

    geared more towards exchange o ideas and

    experiences. Tis is the eld odialogues.

    For example, politicians rom other countries

    that have experienced similar problems can be

    invited to share their experiences. Workshops

    are also used to bring together politicians rom

    dierent parties to discuss topics o general

    interest to them, such as codes o conduct or

    regulatory issues.

    Study tours and exchange visits are a

    popular dialogue tool. Either a delegation o

    politicians rom an established democracy

    visits an assistance partner country or a

    group rom a newly democratized country

    travels abroad to get to know an established

    democracy. Assistance providers try to bring

    together groups o politiciansoten taking

    them out o the countryin an attempt to

    initiate dialogue.

    Organizations such as International IDEA

    produce a broad range oknowledge resources

    and analyses on party-related issues that

    may be reely used by assistance partners.

    International IDEAs handbooks, briengs,

    databases and interactive online platorms

    are geared towards practitioners and bringcutting-edge research to a useable and

    understandable ormat. Tis is important

    because there is oten a considerable lack

    o knowledge about the subject on the side

    o both assistance providers and assistance


    Assistance can also be delivered aspolicy

    adviceand individual consulting. Partners in

    this kind o assistance may be government

    agencies or party leaderships, who, or

    example, request the expertise o an assistanceprovider on a specic topic. Assistance

    providers can also try to infuence the agenda

    by preparing policy papers and highlighting

    specic options.

    Finally, direct fnancial contributionsare

    rare in party assistance. NIMD has provided

    them on some occasions (Carothers 006:

    4), but generally assistance providers preer

    to organize their own activities. In some cases

    they may also underwrite costs or specic

    events organized by parties themselves, such

    as conventions.

    In addition to distinguishing the type o

    activity it is also important to look at the

    duration o the assistance. Te German party

    oundations, or example, tend to have eld

    oces in most countries in which they work

    and usually establish long-term relationships

    with their counterparts in these countries.

    Some o these programmes run or decades.

    Other assistance providers run specic

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    International IDEA

    Eective Party Assistance:Stronger Parties

    or Better Democracy

    programmes over a limited time. Te last

    distinctive criterion is the level at which the

    activity is located. It can be at the eld level

    in a single country, at a regional level or at the

    international level.

    Strengths and weaknesses of

    todays party assistance

    Party assistance has two weaknesses that

    may sound contradictory at rst: it lackssystematic methodology and it is insuciently

    contextualized. Te rst weakness means that

    there is no general ramework or what party

    assistance is supposed to achieve and how

    programmes should be implemented. Tis

    does not mean that there are no successul

    programmes. At the general level, however, no

    such ramework exists. Te second weakness

    reers to the act that assistance providers tend

    to apply the same solutions everywhere or to

    copy experiences rom other countries. Yeteach situation is dierent, and i assistance

    is to be eective, it has to be tailored to

    specic contexts. Parties operate in a complex

    environment that is infuenced by political,

    societal, cultural and historical actors. Tese

    actors need to be taken into account and

    a general ramework would assist such a


    Kumar (005: 507) writes, the internation-

    al community rarely had a coherent and com-

    prehensive strategy or party development in a

    country. Instead, its approach has been oppor-

    tunistic. Interested donors and NGOs have se-

    lected specic areas o assistance largely on the

    basis o local openings, available resources and

    their own interests. Erdmann (006: 979)

    analyses the party assistance activities o the

    German oundations and concludes that none

    o them has an explicit strategy that deals with

    the aims o party assistance and that they lack

    any kind o guidelines, tool-kits or handbooks

    on how to carry out party assistance projects.

    Evaluation o party assistance activities is

    still very weak. Many assistance providers do

    make some kind o evaluation, but generally

    it is not systematic. It tends to be carried out

    by internal sta and not shared with anybody

    outside the institution itsel (van Wersch and

    de Zeeuw 005: 4). Te lack o consist-

    ent, standard-based assessment and evaluation

    makes it dicult to determine the impact oparty assistance and to improve perormance.

    In addition, there seems to be little institu-

    tional memory o tools and experiences, which

    requires programme designers to start rom

    scratch every time a new activity is designed.

    Te NDI has published a guide to party

    assistance (NDI 00) that highlights some

    key elements in planning and evaluating

    party assistance programmes. It rightly points

    out that any needs assessment has to be done

    jointly with the partners in the assistanceprogramme. Regarding indicators or evalu-

    tion the guide ocuses on training sessions and

    recommends surveying participants. Tis is a

    step in the right direction, but it needs to be

    much more comprehensive and much more

    precise to be useul or practitioners.

    Te dilemma o using either international

    experts with little local knowledge or local

    trainers with little experience in the subject

    matter has in part been overcome. Assistance

    providers increasingly use a train the trainer

    approach to provide knowledge to local people

    who can then spread it urther. In electoral

    assistance this is done, or example, by using

    the Building Resources in Democracy,

    Governance and Elections (BRIDGE)

    tools. Tis is a ramework developed by

    International IDEA, the United Nations

    Electoral Assistance Division, the Australian

    Electoral Commission, UNDP and the

    US-based democracy promotion organization,

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    International IDEA

    IFES. Although topics and target groups in

    party assistance are dierent rom those in

    electoral assistance, the BRIDGE ramework

    serves as a model or capacity-building tools

    in other areas o democracy assistance.

    Party assistance activities are oten linked

    to the specic goals o donors and assistance

    providers. For example, one requent goal

    is to strengthen internal democracy. Others

    are to raise the number o women and youthinvolved in the organization o the party.

    Although these may be legitimate goals,

    assistance oten ails to make clear whether

    these are ends in their own right or the means

    to achieve better democracy. I the latter were

    the case, this would have to be made explicit

    in terms o the unctions o political parties

    explained in the introduction.

    I party assistance is to have an eect, it

    needs to ollow a sequence o steps, starting

    with identiying weaknesses and designingspecic programmes to overcome them.

    What is needed is a ramework to assess the

    situation, determine the needs and properly

    plan, implement and evaluate assistance

    activities. Proposals or this are made in the

    next section.


    The purpose o this section is threeold. First, it argues the need

    or common principles, agreed by the community o actors.

    Second, it highlights three areas that these principles should

    cover: (a) a unctional approach to political parties, (b) integration

    with other elds o democracy assistance and (c) a systematic project

    cycle. Tird, it makes initial suggestions or tools that cover the

    three phases o the project cycle. Te presentation o tools is ar rom

    complete. Tis part o the policy paper provides a basis or uture

    discussion and is intended to give an idea o the direction in which

    discussions may lead.

    Why do we need principles?

    Party assistance has been accusedrightly or wronglyo being

    too oten unocused, supply-driven and ineective. While

    this can certainly not be said o all projects, there is some truth

    in these assertions. Te Paris Declaration on Aid Eectiveness

    (005) recognizes the need or better standards in development

    cooperation and makes several recommendations on how to improve

    eectiveness. Not every part o it is relevant to party assistance, butthe general challenge is the same. Te Paris Declaration calls or

    harmonization and more monitoring and transparency.

    Principles do not limit, they enable. Tey give assistance partners

    tools to assess their strengths and weaknesses, to determine their

    needs in terms o specic assistance and to actively go out and seek

    this assistance. With such principles, party assistance would be

    much more demand-driven in the uture. Principles help donors

    to determine how to spend their money wisely to maximize eect

    and they enable assistance providers to be ecient and serve their

    mission in the best possible way.

    Te undamental aim o principles or party assistance is toget the balance right between sucient systematization and more

    contextualization. Systematization is needed or the procedures, that

    is, planning, unding, implementation, evaluation and institutional

    memory. Contextualization is needed or the content o the

    assistance. Te current situation in international party assistance

    is oten the opposite. Te procedures are unstandardized while

    assistance providers are tempted to use o-the-shel approaches or

    the content.

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    International IDEA

    Eective Party Assistance:Stronger Parties

    or Better Democracy

    Functions frst

    In the introduction to this paper we described

    the essential unctions that parties perorm in

    a democratic system. Tese unctions are:

    . o develop consistent policies and build

    programmatic platorms: the interest

    articulation unction.

    . o pick up demands rom society and

    bundle them: the interest aggregationunction.

    . o recruit and select people or positions in

    government and the legislature.

    Te ourth unction (oversight and control

    o government) is not mentioned here,

    because it is partly a procedural unction

    that ollows rom the rst three. I a party

    is perorming satisactorily in the rst

    three unctions it is likely to translate this

    perormance into eective scrutiny ogovernment in parliament. In addition, it

    is also an end in itsel, because it means

    that there are alternatives to the current

    government on the political market, which is

    the essence o pluralism.

    o make the abstract unctions more

    manageable, we divide them into six

    dimensions that can be assessed or an

    individual party or a party system as a

    whole. Te interest articulation unction is

    determined by the degree to which a party

    programme is comprehensive and consistent.

    Interest aggregation includes the dimensions

    o having a bottom-up structure and a broad

    structure, meaning that it is rmly rooted in

    society. Te recruitment unction is dened

    as having an inclusive and a competitive

    recruitment process.

    Te six dimensions can be mapped on a

    spider chart (see Figure ). Each o the six

    axes measures how well a certain dimension

    is perorming in a given case. Owing to the

    qualitative nature o the assessment, a ve-

    point scale (very low, low, average, high, very

    high) is recommended. By connecting the

    measured values or each o the dimensions

    one obtains the individual perormance

    prole or a party or party system. Tis prole

    can then be matched with a capability prole.

    A capability prole is similar to a party

    perormance prole. Instead o measuring a

    partys perormance, it maps the potential o

    a given assistance activity to enhance each o

    the dimensions. By overlaying perormance

    proles and capability proles it is easy to

    select an appropriate activity or a given


    In the example, we have a party

    (represented by the black line) that has a

    broad structure, meaning that it is represented

    widely in the country and the society. Its

    competitive recruitment

    inclusive recruitment

    broad structure

    bottom-up structure

    consistent programme

    comprehensive programme

    Figure 2: Functional dimensions o political parties

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    International IDEA

    recruitment processes are average both in

    terms o competitiveness and inclusiveness.

    Te partys programme is consistent, but not

    very comprehensive. Most likely, the party

    will have policy proposals or just a ew o the

    relevant issues in the country. Also, the party

    is very hierarchicalit is top-down rather

    than bottom-up.

    Any assistance activity or this party would

    probably address its two main weaknesses,namely the narrow programme and the top-

    down structure. Te chosen activity in this

    case (represented by the blue line) is targeted

    at the programmatic dimension. As a side-e-

    ect it also enhances the competitiveness o the

    recruitment process. Tis is, o course, only

    a hypothetical example to illustrate the use

    o the proles. However, it could be a project

    that links policies to the selection o candi-

    dates or party and government oces by

    helping party ocials to develop a set o pro-posals with which they can compete or oce.

    Assistance programmes should identiy

    weaknesses through careul pre-project

    assessment and tailor activities accordingly,

    rather than ollowing an activity-based

    approach, where the type o activity is

    decided upon rst. Idealistic perceptions

    o how parties should operate should be

    dropped. It is highly unrealistic to expect

    parties in young democracies to behave in a

    way that parties in established democracies

    rarely do, and i programmes are entirely

    based on this assumption it could even be


    Integration is the key

    In order to be eective, party assistance

    programmes have to be increasingly seen

    as part o a holistic democracy assistance

    approach. Tis does not mean that individual

    activities will no longer be possible, but

    rather that they should be careully put into

    a broader context and be coordinated with

    eorts in the eld o electoral assistance, civil

    society, constitution building and the rule o


    All activities have to be part o an overall

    programme based on a careul needs

    assessment. Assistance providers and donorsare oten criticized or carrying out individual

    activitiessuch as a single workshop or a one-

    year programmerather than larger, more

    comprehensive projects. It is not a problem to

    run a single activity as long as it is made clear

    where this activity is situated in the overall


    Integration means not only bringing the

    dierent components o democracy assistance

    together, but also bringing the dierent

    actors together. Many o the suspicions andhesitations around party assistance could be

    overcome i, or example, donors would seek

    multilateral ways to channel their money

    rather than doing it alone (Kumar 005:

    578). Te same holds true or assistance

    providers, especially the partisan ones. I

    individual projects are integrated into an

    overall scheme or strengthening the party

    system o a given country, the assistance

    providers could continue working with

    specic actors but eectively counter the

    accusations o inappropriate infuence (a

    similar demand is made by Gershman and

    Allen 006).

    Party assistance has been dominated

    by party oundations thus ar, as can be

    easily judged rom the budget overview in

    able . Te oundations have done very

    valuable work, but there are other actors that

    could complement their activities. Party

    Internationals are well suited to develop

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    International IDEA

    Eective Party Assistance:Stronger Parties

    or Better Democracy

    general norms or their ideological amily.

    Membership creates an incentive or parties

    to comply and the regular exchange should

    oster accountability. Party Internationals are

    notoriously underunded and have diculties

    carrying out extensive programmes, but they

    have become increasingly interested in party

    assistance activities.

    Other intergovernmental and parliamenta-

    ry bodies are also entering the scene or work-ing on related topics such as parliamentary

    support. Tese institutions should be encour-

    aged to intensiy their activities in the eld

    o party assistance. Examples o these bodies

    are the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the

    OAS, the Inter-American Development Bank

    (IDB) and the Southern Arican Development

    CooperationParliamentary Forum (SADC-


    Systematic planning andimplementation

    Comprehensive needs


    Te starting point o any project activity has

    to be careul needs assessment and planning.

    In this phase, three essential questions have to

    be answered:

    . What is the situation like now?. What will it be like in the uture and how

    do we want it to be?

    . What are the appropriate activities to

    achieve the desired outcome?

    Needs assessment should always keep in

    mind the long-term perspective. While indi-

    vidual projects cannot usually solve all prob-

    lems at once, it is important to know where

    a country should be heading. It is a common

    complaint among assistance providers that

    donors are too short-sighted and not willing

    enough to und long-term projects. Only part

    o the blame lies with the donors, however.

    Careully assessed projects can and should

    serve long-term goals even i they themselves

    are limited in scope. I a staircase represents

    the way to enhanced democracy, each project

    represents one stepat least i assistance

    providers emphasize cooperation rather than

    competition. Needs assessment should addressthe question o the sustainability o the assist-

    ance project. While the call or longer-term

    projects is requent, any measurement should

    aim at enabling the target o the activity

    whether it is a single party or a party system

    to be sel-sucient in a reasonable time. It is

    clearly not desirable to base programmes on

    the assumption that assistance will be needed


    Needs assessment should ollow a general

    scheme in order to be comparable. One im-portant thing is that the assistance partners

    need to be involved. All assistance is doomed

    i it addresses an aspect that is not considered

    relevant by the assistance partners themselves.

    Important gatekeepers and decision-makers

    most notably the party leadershave to be in-

    volved rom the very beginning. Tis ensures

    that they eel engaged and are more likely to

    take advantage o the assistance. Depending

    on the circumstances, a consultative commit-

    tee with high-level representatives rom the

    political parties and other key stakeholders

    could be convened in the initial phase o a

    project to provide input and act as a eedback


    Proper needs assessment is time-consuming

    and expensive. Dierent assistance providers

    should not carry out overlapping analyses, as

    this would be a waste o resources. Tereore,

    all material resulting rom needs assessment

    endeavours should be made public and be

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    International IDEA

    shared widely. Tis demand is also being

    made or development cooperation in general

    (see or example OECD 00: 44). For

    obvious reasons, many actors are reluctant to

    release such material. Ater all, despite having

    the same goal there is still a air amount o

    competition and some actors may ear that

    they would be giving away an advantage.

    Nonetheless, to improve eectiveness it is very

    important that dierent assistance providersshare their experiences. Regular exchange

    orums should encourage them to do so.

    Despite the general call or openness and

    transparency, one caveat should be noted.

    Work with political parties is more political

    and more sensitive than most other areas

    o democracy assistance and development

    cooperation. Te need or cooperation

    among assistance providers to enhance the

    eectiveness o their programmes may collide

    with demands rom political parties to treatinormation condentially. Tere is no silver

    bullet as regards how to deal with this issue, as

    it has to be addressed rom case to case.

    Te two rst sections under ools or the

    project cycle present two examples o how

    to assess the current situation o democracy

    and to look into the uture. Te rst is

    International IDEAs State o Democracy

    Assessment, the second is Scenario

    Development. Tey complement each other

    and greatly acilitate the initial planning or a

    successul project.

    Thorough monitoring and


    Monitoring and evaluation are closely

    linked to needs assessment. Only when

    activities are results-based and developed on

    the basis o a careul needs assessment can

    they be evaluated. Measuring the impact o

    democracy-building activities is a challenge,

    but stakeholders should still try to develop

    appropriate tools.

    Evaluation starts with the planning phase

    o a project. It is at this stage that appropriate

    indicators have to be chosen and a decision

    has to be made about the data that need

    to be gathered or this purpose during the

    implementation o the project. Unortunately,

    the beginning o a project is the point at

    which the people responsible or designingit are least likely to think o these seemingly

    ar away requirements. Yet ailure to dene

    evaluation needs at this stage will result in

    higher evaluation costs later or even make

    proper evaluation impossible.

    As with needs assessment, it is important

    not only that each project is properly

    evaluated, but also that the results are made

    available beyond the group o organizations

    directly involved. Tere is an understandable

    reluctance to disclose evaluation results,especially i they document weaknesses and

    ailures. Yet, or the sake o improvement o

    party assistance all stakeholders should be able

    to learn rom other experiences.

    Evaluation usually requires indicators.

    Depending on the nature o the underlying

    inormation, indicators can use dierent levels

    o measurement, ranging rom ordinal (or

    example, low, middle and high) to ratio

    (numerical values with an absolute zero, such

    as number o participants). Indicators can

    either be lead or lag indicators. Lag indicators

    measure past perormance while lead indica-

    tors are a proxy or uture developments. For

    example, the number o registered participants

    could be a lead indicator or the size o the

    event itsel. Regarding the measurement ocus,

    there are our dierent categories: (a) input in-

    dicators that measure how many resources are

    put into the project, (b) output indicators that

    measure how many products are produced,

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    International IDEA

    Eective Party Assistance:Stronger Parties

    or Better Democracy

    or example, how many reports have been

    published, (c) outcome indicators that

    measure the eects o the output and (d)

    impact indicators that measure the medium-

    or long-term impact on the over-arching

    project goal (OECD 00: 57).

    Te indicators chosen to measure the

    objectives should be a mix o lead and lag

    indicators and o the dierent measurement

    ocuses above. It usually gets more dicult tond suitable indicators as one moves down the


    Input and output measurements belong

    to the sphere o operational control and are

    useul mainly or implementation monitoring.

    Evaluation at this level is usually done by the

    programme sta members themselves. Impact

    studies are mostly long-term (some might

    have to cover several years) and are not done

    by the implementing sta. Tis is or two

    reasons. First, evaluation should not be doneentirely by those who are responsible or the

    project, because there are natural inherent

    limits to objectivity in refection. Second,

    impact evaluation is clearly outside the project

    liespan or cycle. Outcome evaluation is

    located in between and can be seen as part o

    either the internal evaluation or the external

    impact study.

    Finally, it should be noted that comprehen-

    sive impact studies may not always be easible.

    As noted, these are long-term tasks that are

    complex and can be costly. o avoid inecien-

    cy, however, it is crucial to have impact studies

    or new activities and pilot projects that

    are later supposed to be scaled up or imple-

    mented elsewhere. Pilot projects in particular

    should be careully designed to enable proper

    evaluation, or example with regard to the

    venue, selection o participants and contextual


    Tools or the project cycle

    International IDEAs State

    of Democracy Assessment


    Te State o Democracy Assessment (SoD)

    is a methodological ramework developed by

    International IDEA together with researchers

    rom the University o Essex. It is a tool or

    assessing how well democracy works in acountry rom the diering perspectives o its

    citizens. Te rationale behind its development

    was the observation that democracy had

    become the norm in many parts o the world,

    yet many people were dissatised with the

    quality and perormance o their democratic

    system. Te State o Democracy Assessment

    is not the only measurement or democracy,

    but a number o characteristics make it


    SoD is based on democratic principles andvalues against which institutional arrange-

    ments are assessed. It places the responsibility

    o assessment in the hands o the citizens, or

    internal actors, and it is based on the princi-

    ples o popular participation and ownership.

    Te ramework is the most comprehensive tool

    or assessing democratic perormance. It is

    also a fexible ramework that allows or con-

    textualization o the assessment. able 4

    summarizes the assessment ramework. Te

    our-pillar ramework covers 4 dierent

    aspects o democracy, including one that

    specically deals with political parties.

    Te primary purpose o the assessment is

    to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses

    o a democracy, and use the ndings to

    identiy and pursue priorities or democratic

    reorm in the specic country o assessment.

    Local ownership o both the assessment

    process and the ndings is critical. An

    assessment carried out ollowing International

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    International IDEA

    IDEAs ramework will always be done rom

    within a country, not rom the outside. As

    such, the assessment itsel will already have

    an impact on democracy. Tis is neitherunwanted nor merely a collateral eect, it is

    one o the purposes o the assessment. Te

    assessment process itsel contributes to the

    democratization process o a country through

    debates and dialogues around salient issues

    emerging rom the assessment.

    In what ways can the democracy

    assessment be useul or a needs assessment

    in the area o party assistance? Tere are two

    options. One is to conduct a ully fedged

    assessment and use the results to design

    appropriate party assistance projects. In many

    ways, this is the best choice, because it gives

    the ull picture rather than just a specic part.

    However, this would be an extensive project

    o its own that requires considerable resources

    both in terms o time and money.

    I a ull assessment is not possible, staged

    and/or targeted assessments are possible. For

    example, an assessment ocusing only on

    the aspect o the democratic role o political

    Citizenship, law and



    and accountable


    Civil society and




    beyond the state

    Nationhood and


    Free and air


    Media in a




    dimensions o


    Rule o law and access

    to justice

    Democratic role

    o political parties



    Civil and political



    eectiveness andaccountability



    Economic and social


    Civilian control o

    the military and

    the police




    Source: IDEA (007).

    Table 4: Categories o International IDEAs State o Democracy

    Assessment ramework

    parties may be undertaken. Any democracy

    assessment should be complemented by a

    thorough assessment o the party unctions

    described above.

    In-depth inormation about the

    International IDEAs democracy assessment

    methodology may be ound in a booklet

    published by International IDEA (IDEA

    00) or the comprehensive Handbook on

    Democracy Assessment (IDEA 007).

    Scenario development

    Once we have a picture o what the situation

    looks like now, we need a way to make

    projections about the uture. Scenarios are a

    way o thinking about the uture. Tey are

    based on the assumption that a great part o

    the uture is determined by unknown actors

    or variables that we cannot predict. Tereore,

    rather than just extrapolating rom the

    present, scenario development tries to identiydierent possibilities o what the uture could

    look like. Scenario development means two

    things: a process or developing a vision o the

    uture and a way o dealing with uncertainty

    itsel. Great emphasis is placed on creativity,

    both during the generation o scenarios and

    in their use. In that sense, scenarios are not

    supposed to be accurate predictions, but

    rather a means o stimulating thought about

    the uture.

    Like many strategic planning rameworks,

    scenario thinking has its origin in the

    military. In the 960s it was adapted or

    business use. Te oil company Royal Dutch

    Shell was a pioneer in this eld and still

    publishes its Shell Global Scenarios.

    Scenarios try to look at specic questions

    rom the outside and rom dierent angles.

    It is crucial that dierent stakeholders or

    even people not connected to the topic are

    involved. Tere are many reasons or engaging

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    International IDEA

    Eective Party Assistance:Stronger Parties

    or Better Democracy

    in scenario thinking and many ways o doing

    it (or a very good introduction see Scearce

    and Fulton 004).

    Scenarios can serve many dierent

    purposes and the way in which the process is

    carried out varies accordingly. Rather than

    describing the dierent options at length, we

    Phase One:


    Phase Two:


    Phase Three:


    Phase Four:


    Phase Five:


    Figure 3: Phases o scenario development shall concentrate on the specic application

    o scenario thinking to party assistance. Each

    process consists o ve phases, as shown in

    Figure . Te rst three phases belong to

    the planning stage, the ourth deals with

    implementation and the th with evaluation.

    In phase , the scope and time horizon o

    the endeavour is determined. Te result is

    a question that will lead all ollowing steps.

    Te time horizon has to be broad enough toinclude real changes but limited enough to

    make realistic assumptions about what the

    uture will look like. For party assistance

    and democracy-related questions, looking

    ve to ten years into the uture is reasonable.

    Anything urther ahead depends on too

    many unknowns and anything shorter than

    ve years will lack the potential to include

    visionary changes.

    Te question or the scenario process

    needs to be broad enough to enable opendiscussion. Depending on the exact needs

    o the organization that carries it out, it may

    deal with the development o democracy in

    a country in general or with a more specic

    question. Examples are:

    What will democracy look like in country

    X in ten years?

    Will the parties in country X be stronger

    or weaker in ve years?

    What challenges do parties face in countryX in the next ten years?

    Usually, determining the question will

    already involve talking to stakeholders and

    asking them about what they think will be

    important or democracy in the given time-


    Once the guiding question or the scenario

    process has been established, phase begins.

    Tis is the exploration phase. Te goal here

    is mainly to identiy the orces that shape

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    International IDEA

    open violence



    economic development





    the outcome. Tese driving orces can be

    either known or unknown. Known actors

    are constants or variables that are relatively

    easy to predict, such as slow-changing

    demographic actors. As we can assume these

    to be set, they are included in each o the

    scenarios. More interesting are those orces

    that we are uncertain about. Tese will make

    up the dierent scenarios. Once a list o

    actors has emerged through brainstorming,the next phase starts.

    Factors that should be considered when

    dealing with party assistance are socio-

    demographic changes in society, economic

    development, external (international) orces

    that have an impact on the internal situation,

    dierent actors, etc.

    In phase , the results o the brainstorming

    are ordered and the scenarios put together.

    Te rst step is to order the actors by their

    importance to the issue at stake and by their

    degree o uncertainty. Tose actors that score

    highest on the two scales, that is, those that

    are most uncertain and most important, are

    the so-called critical uncertainties. Normally,

    these critical uncertainties can be mapped

    on a continuum. For example, i economic

    development were to be a critical uncertainty,

    the continuum would range rom weak tostrong. I it were ethnic tensions, a con-

    tinuum could range rom irrelevant to open

    violence. Te actual scenario ramework is

    now drawn by combining two critical un-

    certainties in a two-dimensional matrix (see

    Figure 4).

    Te matrix has our quadrants, each o

    which represents one scenario. Hence, in our

    example the upper let scenario is one where

    ethnical conficts are violent and the economy

    is weak, etc. Te drawing o matrices is aniterative process, which means that ater

    setting up a combination o two dimensions

    one has to test whether the resulting scenarios

    make sense. Ater some eort, eventually one

    will come up with a combination that does.

    Once the ramework is established, the

    scenarios are described in narratives. Tese

    are stories that vividly tell what the uture will

    look like under this scenario. It is not crucial

    to depict the uture accurately (which is

    impossible anyway), but to write the scenarios

    in a way that causes refection among those

    who read them and encourages them to think.

    Phase 4 is about putting the scenarios

    to work. By now, the planners have several

    resources at hand: an assessment o the

    current situation through a tool like the State

    o Democracy assessment, our dierent

    paintings o the uture and an understanding

    o the unctions o political parties in a

    democracy. At this stage, we know where we

    Figure 4: Sample scenario matrix

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    International IDEA

    Eective Party Assistance:Stronger Parties

    or Better Democracy

    are (assessment), where we want to go (based

    on unctions) and how external driving orces

    can infuence the general picture (scenarios).

    Te situation is illustrated in Figure 5.

    Choosing the right programmatic activity

    is built on the three pillars. Te arrows

    symbolize dierent programmatic options or

    reaching the desired unctional outcome in

    the context o dierent scenarios.

    Te choice o activity depends on manyactors. One o them is risk. Some o the

    options may work in more than one scenario

    and are thereore low-risk. Others may only

    work in one or two scenarios, but promise

    to be very eective. Tese are high-risk

    options. Any project should include activities

    at dierent risk levels and be prepared or a

    variety o uture scenarios. It is important to

    note that the scenarios are not detached rom

    the project activity. Every project, o course,

    tries to infuence the uture, which means thatnot only does the uture scenario infuence

    the choice o activities, but that the uture can

    change precisely through the activity. Tere is

    a mutual relationship.

    Te nal phase deals with monitoring. In

    order to monitor, suitable indicators have to

    be established that are constantly monitored

    throughout the implementation o the

    assistance activity and aterwards. Tis is

    described in the next section.

    Balanced Scorecard for party

    assistance projects

    Tis section introduces the BSC as a tool or

    measuring the progress a