Egyptian Civilization Big Idea(Oder and Security): Continuity and stability were characteristic of Egyptian civilization for thousands of years. Photos

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  • Egyptian Civilization Big Idea(Oder and Security): Continuity and stability were characteristic of Egyptian civilization for thousands of years. Photos have been taken from the internet or Pocket Genius
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  • A Views of Egypt
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  • Geography Egypt is in northeast Africa Nile runs north Nile Delta is where it empties into the Mediterranean Major cities are at the start of the delta. The Nile River-gave Egypt life, called Gift of the Nile. Travel Communication with other regions, and the Fertile land -15 miles of fertile land on each side Natural boundaries-gave protection to Egypt from invasions. Desert to West and East, Rapids on southern part of Nile Mediterranean Sea to the North
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  • Religion-polytheistic Sun gods-source of life. Re was the most important and rulers were seen as an earthly forms of Re. River and land gods Included Osiris and his wife Isis, who brought civilization to Egypt. Legend says Seth (Osiriss evil brother) cut Osiris into pieces and threw him into the Nile. Isis and other gods brought him back to life. Osiris symbolizes resurrection or rebirth. Egyptians believe in life after death, and bury their dead in tombs. Kings buried in pyramid tombs.. )
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  • Early Government Evolved to regulate the Nile, worked together to control floods. Chiefdoms grew into kingdoms-3100BC, King Menes, united upper and lower Egypt and creates a dynasty. Dynasty-rule is passed within family. From this point rulers were called King of Upper and Lower Egypt to show unity.
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  • Old Kingdom-lasted 2700-2200 B.C about 500 years. Government Pharaoh Great House Egyptian rulers who organized a strong central state. Believed to be a god (Divine Power), had absolute power (complete power over people). Developed a bureaucracy (government officials and procedures), run by the vizier (answered to pharaoh) D ivided Egypt into 42 providences with their own governor who answered to vizier. Age of the pyramids time when Egypt's greatest monuments were built. When this kingdom ended Egypt was again divided into upper and lower.
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  • Old Kingdom/ Age of Pyramids Pyramids large structure for Pharaohs burial. Khufu-Kept 100,000 men working 20 years to build the famous Great Pyramid at Giza. Khafre-Son of Khufu, constructed the Great Sphinx at Giza. (lions body, mans face.) Many believed the Sphinx was an important guardian of sacred sites.
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  • Plan of the Great Pyramid of Khufu
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  • Preparation for the Afterlife Religion-human beings had 2 bodies, a physical and spiritual(called Ka),to preserve the physical they practiced mummification. It was a process usually for wealthy families because they could afford it. Brain and organs were removed except for the heart which was needed for the final judgment. 1. Linen 6. Natron 2. Sawdust 7. Onion 3. Lichen 8. Nile Mud 4. Beeswax 9. Linen Pads 5. Resin 10. Frankinsense
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  • The Valley of the Kings During the New Kingdom Pharaohs will no longer be buried in Pyramids, but instead in the Valley of the Kings.
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  • The Valley of the Queens Temple of Queen Hatshepsut 1473-1458 B. C. E.
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  • Middle Kingdom (2055BC-1650BC) 405 years Golden Age of Stability. Egypt is reunited Expanded Kingdom into Africa and West Asia. Pharaohs had concern for the people. projects-drained swampland in Nile Delta (New farmland). -canal to connect Nile and Red Sea=trading.
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  • New Kingdom(1550 BC-1070 BC)480 years Egypt conquered by Hyksos. Ruled about 100 years. Used bronze tools, horseback, and chariots. They were very militaristic. Combative people Hyksos are driven out and Egypt is reunited New Egypt Militaristic=expand empire Wealth= temples
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  • New Kingdom Pharaohs & Downfall. Hatshepsut-1 st women pharaoh. Thutmose III-expanded through 17 military campaigns Amenhotep IV ( Akhenaten)-(Sun God-Aten) introduced the worship of a single god (monotheistic). Caused many problems Some thought this meant the destruction of Egypt itself. Led to disunity and loss of empire Tutankhamen-boy pharaoh, restored old gods Ramses II-last pharaoh that had much of an empire, gradually ended empire. CleopatraVII-tried to re-establish Egypts independence, involved with Rome, led to defeat and suicide. Egypt becomes part of Rome. Very last Pharaoh.
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  • Egyptian life Society-like a pyramid. God/King at top(Pharaoh). Upper class-nobles, priests, and government officials Middle class-merchants, artisans, scribes, and tax collectors Lower class-(biggest) farmers and slaves-did all labor.
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  • Economy & Family Depended chiefly on agriculture. Trade Paid heavy taxes to support pharaohs government Women property and inheritance stayed in their hands. Could operate businesses and become priestesses (4 became pharaohs) Monogamy-marriage to one person, man was master, could have more then one wife if she couldnt give the man children. Wives ran household. Parents arranged marriages. Wanted many sons to carry family name. Were some divorces and women were compensated. Only boys from upper and middle class received formal education in writing.
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  • An Egyptian Womans Must-Haves Perfume Whigs Mirror
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  • Contributions of Egyptians Architecture and engineering- stonemasonry, pyramids, temples, etc. Art-sculptures, statues, paintings in tombs and temples, carvings, jewelry, wood furniture, and Pottery Writing-hieroglyphic, very complex writing or carvings of priests, used for record keeping and general rules of daily life. Science-solar year calendar, 365 days in a year. Math-geometry to build pyramids. Chemical process to embalm mummies. Medicine-set broken bones, recognized disease symptoms, and prescribed drugs.
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  • Section 2 Review Pharaoh who introduced the worship of a single god, Aton, god of the sun disk Akhenaton Egyptian history is divided into three major periods, this includes? Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms Egyptian monarchs title, originally meaning great house. Pharaoh
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  • Section 2 Review The Egyptians developed an accurate 365-day calendar by basing their year on what? The movements of the moon and the star Sirius. A family of rulers whose right to rule is passed on within the family Dynasty The development of Egyptian civilization was influenced most closely by what? The Nile River
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  • Section 2 Review Boy-pharaoh who restored worship of the old gods in the New Kingdom Tutankhamen Complex system of writing meaning sacred writings that is made up of pictures and forms. Hieroglyphics Osiris is an important figure in Egyptian religion who symbolizes what? Resurrection Upper and Lower Egypt were into a single kingdom around 3100 B.C. by who? Menes