Eidl - Adha is an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to follow Allah's command to sacrifice his son Ishmael

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Page 1: Eidl - Adha is an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to follow Allah's command to sacrifice his son Ishmael
Page 2: Eidl - Adha is an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to follow Allah's command to sacrifice his son Ishmael

Eidl - Adha is an Islamic festival to Eidl - Adha is an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to follow Allah's command to sacrifice his son follow Allah's command to sacrifice his son Ishmael.Ishmael.

Page 3: Eidl - Adha is an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to follow Allah's command to sacrifice his son Ishmael

Other names of the holiday

•Eid al-Adha •Idul Adha •Qurban Ait •Kurban Bajram •Īd ul-Kabīr

Page 4: Eidl - Adha is an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to follow Allah's command to sacrifice his son Ishmael

Eid al-Adha annually falls on the 10th day of the month of Eid al-Adha annually falls on the 10th day of the month of DhulDhul HijjaHijja ( ( الحجة الحجة ذو of the lunar ) of the lunar IslamicIslamic calendarcalendar. The . The (ذوfestivities last for three days or more depending on thefestivities last for three days or more depending on the country.country.

Page 5: Eidl - Adha is an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to follow Allah's command to sacrifice his son Ishmael

At Eid al-Adha Muslims make a special effort to pray and At Eid al-Adha Muslims make a special effort to pray and listen to a sermon at a mosque. They also wear new clothes, listen to a sermon at a mosque. They also wear new clothes, visit family members and friends and may symbolically visit family members and friends and may symbolically sacrifice an animal in an act known as sacrifice an animal in an act known as qurbaniqurbani. This . This represents the animal that Ibrahim sacrificed in place of his represents the animal that Ibrahim sacrificed in place of his son.son.

Page 6: Eidl - Adha is an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to follow Allah's command to sacrifice his son Ishmael

In some traditionally Muslim countries, families or groups of In some traditionally Muslim countries, families or groups of families may purchase an animal known as families may purchase an animal known as udhiyaudhiya, usually a , usually a goat or sheep, to sacrificegoat or sheep, to sacrifice.They also .They also may purchase a whole may purchase a whole carcass from a butcher or slaughterhouse and divide it carcass from a butcher or slaughterhouse and divide it amongst themselves or just buy generous portions of meat for amongst themselves or just buy generous portions of meat for a communal meal on Eid-al-Adha. People also give money to a communal meal on Eid-al-Adha. People also give money to enable poorer members of their local community and around enable poorer members of their local community and around the world to eat a meat-based meal.the world to eat a meat-based meal.

Page 7: Eidl - Adha is an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to follow Allah's command to sacrifice his son Ishmael

In the period around Eid al-Adha many Muslims travel to In the period around Eid al-Adha many Muslims travel to Mecca and the surrounding area in Saudi Arabia to perform Mecca and the surrounding area in Saudi Arabia to perform the Hajj pilgrimage. Package holidays are organized from the Hajj pilgrimage. Package holidays are organized from many countries. Muslims may plan and save money for many countries. Muslims may plan and save money for many years to enable them to take part in this event, which many years to enable them to take part in this event, which is one of the five pillars of Islam.is one of the five pillars of Islam.

Page 8: Eidl - Adha is an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to follow Allah's command to sacrifice his son Ishmael

The History of The History of the holiday:the holiday:

Page 9: Eidl - Adha is an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to follow Allah's command to sacrifice his son Ishmael

Ibrahim was commanded by God to sacrifice Ibrahim was commanded by God to sacrifice his adult son. He obeyed and took Ishmael to his adult son. He obeyed and took Ishmael to Mount Moriah. Just as he was to sacrifice his Mount Moriah. Just as he was to sacrifice his son, an angel stopped him and gave him a ram son, an angel stopped him and gave him a ram to sacrifice in place of his son. Some people to sacrifice in place of his son. Some people dispute that the son of sacrifice was dispute that the son of sacrifice was Isaac .Regardless, these events are Isaac .Regardless, these events are remembered and celebrated at Eid al-Adharemembered and celebrated at Eid al-Adha..

Page 10: Eidl - Adha is an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to follow Allah's command to sacrifice his son Ishmael
Page 11: Eidl - Adha is an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to follow Allah's command to sacrifice his son Ishmael

Which animal do Muslims sacrifice during El-Al-Adha?

•A horse•A duck•A ram•An elephant

Page 12: Eidl - Adha is an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to follow Allah's command to sacrifice his son Ishmael


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Page 13: Eidl - Adha is an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to follow Allah's command to sacrifice his son Ishmael


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