LntcreU as Secuoil CU n EIGHTW W SEEK JOBS ONBOARD Tuesday*» B w tiw II Marked By DsB Ca«- pcigaln Lyndhurst PROBLEMS OF SNOW FALLHEAID Thorne Again'^ska T» ; Hire Smv Ornai ! From f tw ia U p W A i Proklama ralaa4fcy the m l «■»- M l «ara IHcnn J T M ak r ><•*• t* > iMtiii ti il» tari •( Qaak- unmft, J-rrr IW im , 4 n M lk m t Ih* T u M m ' Aaaariatl—. H ahaat tkt condition of tht a*a- *»lka, n tw tiin* they ha4 aat k»a» HYIS FRIDAY 1st IY m U- Return For Post Graduate Courses resNew CameFar Single Graduation Per Year, A Pkn Now Being Put Knit Effect Here Tv“ T— t " m r*-t? Mayor H«raw R. Bo*k dpripved there had been no afpropniUoi far that phaae of »now clearing, hat that it will ba provided far In tha neat Nineteen of tht eighty ar%m rtutlrnu wh> were g u Jiu tfJ in the February cUa o f the huh v h » J are'hack m 'actx.! l<v M pajuatc vxwrart, it wat teamed tuday Afkthfr nattooi lew have entered coflcfn The i« t are hunting n*a ------- ----------- But 0 » M ay ara Ik hwk «kaa. i n rii uan LUtAL mAn PRESIDENT ir* -- ~ OF BERGEN & £&£S£ M K lb piiMMl Mil II vm U M ft|a W I k iliiM ffm Nam ed lfc* •* tsswbera wh* »eoW ha*** I w n m iv w iw jeer t»unj ilarai i IT lif 11 af hm President af Bargee i « k •<• • a- CO. Holy Nasw I lM wanfal grarfvMa <aly wmm! A^fW E KiNMmfar. • mtmtmi i. 1 « „i_ .,«*««. <«M l~a of M n l Haart a. t Chunk. In i for jmkm w iwwrtauty aaak -un»i karat. > u .U«wa Fr«ai*rM «< •*» t# aay Hor(«i l « M J ra*rraMaa a» »*“ *» A« 1» i* ........... til I ll< ' ' N in aacwtua at 11« a«»»* w ihc >«U, ».» — ^ t, pj*. ; tna yaatartey afWraM la tha »** iWnutl«» TWy m M« mum to«.«. •! •» Matt*«"»'* «■ c. Par«-» k,,t, mim (nr M ul ¡tckaol. Mllta«* *>"«. ,j>. . W l na.fi h aatagia« ah*# 1 « TV* aa* y m H —i aa>»aUa Char- n . rmummr, Wa O m <4 ». «IHthra’a « C Ch.r.a, an««*.«. ah. WW U»< ^ mmm rwllMs( *T . »»•Uo« far 0» »Mt t* . yaw» »•*• s .« ,,., t, , ....... —T?... W c^-kratUa « m M M M yaw Tka ►*~l < «'lflii inJKr -«W• a«a»H»»aa»r *^7" ■** * ^ ' >«-. - t " ^ S -* ' ik. MatMiw« **»*>**• * ? A ** y**f * *f f**"* kan rark»f -7 C»y»aa.ll6 . »*«*■ ,w **11* t*aa U . a-** yraaioali B l>..a« laa« Utatoa U Ihii aar »a< |> i.ll m . H .» "« , yaat «>•*««• aww WUIiaa> «rm cva «1 M«»ortk IM H h a * kaa* i iy I. la tyaAwM fw ' M o y M lM . Jack Walla** al yaan. ahhwich Mkm l> a «■»■*> ai».«.w Park. K~nk .Ir. >»aaH~i * tha yaralama' natha* Hw k%k W illiaai a<r«ta M k’arf Wtea. w y-»al ral . kll.k a j ikai >».. rM^w«fK Kt«4 / aark. I ___ _ ... - _ . «f W arm Pa*av irra«Mar. la>a»< fc j I r . i Wxoi af KMhM < W HW aa. m il. LOUlf raVKT j "U ,,. II N ThaM4 af Ua-a. .. _ - ... SfftfSSyJSlir* Hosteu To Women Mr Thorn* aaid tb« atrvat* arar« rl#arad nteetjr, but tka anav aa tka walks rtmatnad until tnaidawia daar ad K. In aoma caaaa. ka taid, raa»- dant* netlactad to elaar tha walk*. Ba 4 Botata-ordeni atr^ei depajtawK men to clear tka wsllu. chavylnf tka coal to tka property ovnatf. Traua for tk« eommiwionaif rama from Mra. Jacob B . («raanendyka, a conjtant critic, who aaid tka atroci department, under Comaiiaaionar W il- liam la. Goth^il, had workrd effk-tent ly and rapidly to nwke local atrooia POST OPENS NEW DRIVE : FOR SAFETY Local Recorder “Hits' Examinations Success- fully, Announced Recorder Joaeph Melillo passed hit counaellor»’ examination» aucceasful- ly. it was announced thia week by the Board of Examiner» in Trenton. At the same* time, it was announc- ed Cyril O'Goratan. Molillo'» partner, paaaed. t • - Thu». Lyndhurst ha» bear honored in theae examinations once more. Only two weeka a*o l>ante DeFam- ilial 1 » and William Gallafher. local Itajra. paaaed their bar exanriaalhpqj and became local lawyer». Recorder Melillo paaaed hi» bar examination* several years ago. Loginning his atudi«a when moot other siude-nts are ending theirs. Re- carder Molilki wnrked hard for kia education However, he foufht his »ay through the required studica and ,hift ftiUnmia 1« Iko ksur auaa 4he eon- «maflon of one of hla greatest de- Mr. Gutkeil aaid clearing snow in Lyndhorat haa already coat $1JN. and that if tkare are additional snow falla the coat will riae Tha attempt ta oae W. F. A. work- ers n the snow cleaning has beer something of a failure, il was admit ted by Mayor Bogle who aaid five members of the street department did work equivalent to that of Afty W, P. A. workara. A reaolutlon providing M JM for emergency relief daring February He wa* named roconler aererai month» ago. Ahnoat at one« he gain» ad state-wide prominence through his plan to kave th. * > .unni-v pr secule drunken driving rases. TH« plan aow ia being diacuaaed all over New Jersey. Recenti), Recorder Melillo, introdnr. ed the plan before Ike Magistrate's Association of Bergen County, an ora gamiation of which* ke la a charter paster and aaid Ba wttl ho the (Iret ba plaae one oa hie ætomokile “There la no doabt awaa al eu# at ree u ate heavily tmeetlrd. almost too heavily f«r eafety TWn> ta na doubt. Hthar, that mark of ear me* K. Of C. Breakfast Held Sunday In Columbus Audit MAURICE MICHIELS WINS HIGH HONORS IN SCHOOL GRADUATION Lyadhurat Council. Knight* of C* lumi.us. and iU Ladies’ Auxiliary, Sunday morning held a Ommuninr breakfast in the Columboa Club An* ditonum More than 1M attended the affair which waa termed one of the Athlete W ss Also IlaW e n t In His Studies; Other .'J Graduates Hapsred At High School I *£*£} . Thursday Night | w w h . , aeberetke to Maurice Mtchaela. prrnda«! Of Mederà edeeaUae waa the toper gram ao edti Uk- »oaier claaa. wen kifh ktptfi at, of Jeans* Mr Iterhe - Mary Mr faMaathe tke rommeweamt axerrieee held kr Kenai« and ielw l^pidaeeM Traffw Hofei the graduate« of the High School , Margae<. heckeiaera and 0%a ef whieh la last Thersday night in the W^|He« affi pie>*dapU duet Brhoule le desired 1 School Auditorium. MiehoeU. star <>f apecialiaatian asore dea«nhnd by sen laiaeaaa end on the football team twe year» GUkert KleeaW. <¿eerg* Moe^rhokee atr*e«e ef tl waa seletetoriaa of the daoe piai h* ond M r Mkkieis ; Row kr M wee the Renaeeiler Model f^f e«oH Denial Palei, Lmri)* Roth. U p n ea tadh*dau leare in nsatkcmaUca. Tke Phalaa* White aadl Dap|H>j Vheaf jaartih aaemkere af •Club proernted him wtth a model far *4 recent d<-vaéa«Bmal» la a h a » Ko IPO Aem M a g the outataatdlng member ef Ge»rve f*hear ead M aa Watoehooae mm»d 1 sal the rl.sa and the atedertt «he did romb|im4 «e »hew ah. reH«ual vahs* mt fuelhr t tke moat for the orkeel. of education LariRe R*ah pliyad e p d é a ef tk V4«da WAerhouee wet valodlrienen ***aa a^e. ^ ^ ai^a She ..-na the madal far e ace Iter* • looter While proa the rla>o mo am» ha'e «0 in Kagltah preaontod by Ua* Weeapa's i sUsa Rdaneed Rerho, priartpal of are —e»«*ml j Hak la honor ef Mra. Manee Mey the high mAmoV prr«ealad e»eeds And ke R dar. /orsner preeldeni. 1« amnteeisps dud^* ' » Maa. Joseph an art ef 1 ‘*«org» rhair woo the geld medal HtetmU ereaealod^h* Mr^ Rsydaf ( Ue> #mogoia g»en b> the* k * warns r hi*, af fiooth award * w a h P p.g**< | ***** Calling nea tke r. R^fcr^d. .S»entaéns he ef da silver medal. onanppl ef ^ e la . yeessnlsd the mdf #Rhm Mum Waterhouse waa pr ese titad th> rlape to Pao w w He«*e. peeeideai ei I ahap ef U e Calam baa O ab mi dal far eateOsmee the Ra#rd of » data1"«» end he fB'O ppppse>i m kn Latin mat the diploanoo ! h* «Ine* aadad And Ip a The eterei are «pa— d -Ith th* the esenrtees bf ateglpg "In Italy refcl* l nn b H 1 ndi issahr aaarrk from “ AthlaMa."] *f *ks mor r»r J. Harner 1 .ttelL pastor ef Reed Meat* ila das« 1 lahM fls»o« t| ***■ r; Moownpl r»wab)tonoe (harsh, da Rtaa Rshasf Utea Wetoehw tag a# Ma rai tvr iio.««u*mi • ••* r%maip M* : 9 Ì The rima cesie "America Tha «or islU d klerak. Mary IL M«Rae e aopg -f tl heootàfaL*’ The hletory ef lai gsrr tie. Oeerga I* Me* isrhskaa. Maar M«a «-aa. -ia* at io«t * as ^ il.—d by A eoa H*.*-»s thsW »isiw . 0*Nfi sf »Shi- » M •< »rii f harW. lUid. M . ! . • • I ,• Hie M al» Roth Mafthe ‘ I«» te li and l*aola Tkoaapeae * TfWli and Usi«’ P Vhse ■* aaphs el William A. O Briea A B . A.M.. U. l~B . of Jeraey City, was the prlseipal speaker Outlining the plan for Csth- ; oik Action in this countrv. ke aaært- ed tke need of Cntholir men and «a* j ama is to Hve up to their eera ia* ligkm’a doctrine» to lead the way to 1 "a kptltt world.** R/v. William J. Raster, director sf BarprW Shaair For tirare PeBrtlrri Se nior Class W H l Hold Valentine Dance •ry. diaruaaed the ptifhu ef iadM- (¿fa urta came to Kiap- for he^ there. “ Met all ef thorn are had. net all arr beaten**, ha said. “ Moot ef them •crei} Mæk a friendly kand. a frieir^ ly pat on the sheuMer.“ Tke .Senior Claaa ef tke Ljrndkur»t Uigh School ia ptannang to give a St Valentine dance, ateo as aluaam rathariag Tobruary 14th in the klfh •rKoei gym. Norman Johnson is the chanman w ‘ harps sf the dance comauiiee# «ko are working diligently to make -! •a ■ r » >u.. ea» A contrast hoe been mad* with I rcddie** Pfiater and haa Ambeeaa dar» from Tennaark which la aa of «ai pi y flag ay »tern that wiU ring eut ataaic through tha gym and imita, mad a blusa »Infer Thia orcksetra ia eery w ell known for its aorerity and frnUratty dan

EIGHT WW PROBLEMS SEEK JOBS HYIS ONBOARD FALLHEAID … · 2015. 5. 15. · LntcreU as Secuoil CUn EIGHT WW SEEK JOBS ONBOARD Tuesday*» B wtiw II Marked By DsB Ca«- pcigaln Lyndhurst

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Page 1: EIGHT WW PROBLEMS SEEK JOBS HYIS ONBOARD FALLHEAID … · 2015. 5. 15. · LntcreU as Secuoil CUn EIGHT WW SEEK JOBS ONBOARD Tuesday*» B wtiw II Marked By DsB Ca«- pcigaln Lyndhurst

Ln tc re U as Se cu o il C U n


ONBOARDTuesday*» B w tiw I I Marked By D sB Ca«- pcigaln Lyndhurst


Thorne Again'^ska T» ; Hire Sm v O rn a i !

From ftw iaU pW A iProklam a ra la a 4 fc y th e m l « ■ » -

M l « a ra I H cn n J T M a k r > <•*• t*> i M t i i i t i i l » t a r i • ( Q a a k -u n m ft, J- r r r I W i m , 4 n M l k m tIh* T u M m ' A aaar iat l— .H ahaat tk t condition o f th t a*a- *»lka, n t w tiin * they ha4 aat k»a»

HYISFRIDAY1st IY m U- Return For Post

Graduate Coursesres New Came Far Single Graduation

Per Year, A Pkn Now Being Put Knit Effect HereTv“ T— t " m r*-t?

Mayor H « raw R. B o * k dpripved there had been no a fp ro p n iU o i far that phaae of »now clearing, hat that it w ill ba provided fa r In tha neat

Nineteen of tht eighty ar%m rtutlrnu wh> were g u Jiu tfJ in the February cUa o f the huh v h » J are'hack m 'actx.! l<v M pajuatc vxwrart, it wat teamed tuday A fkthfr nattooi lew have entered coflcfn The i« t are hunting n*a— ------- — ----------- — But 0 » M a y ara Ik hwk «kaa .

i n r i i u a n LUtA L mAnPRESIDENT ir* -- ~

OF BERGEN & £ & £ S £ M K l b piiMMl Mil II v m U M f t |a

W I k i l i i M f f m N a m e d lfc* • * tsswbera w h* » e o W ha***I w n m i v w i w je e r t » u n j i la r a i i IT l i f 1 1 a f h m

President af Bargee ■ i« k •< • • a-CO. Holy Nasw I lM wanfal grarfvMa <aly wm m !

A^fW E KiNMmfar. • mtmtmi i. 1 « „ i _ .,«*««. <«M l~a of M n l H aart a. t Chunk. I n i for jmkm w iw w r ta u ty aaak - u n » i karat. > u .U « w a Fr«ai*rM «< •*» t# aayH o r (« i l « M J ra*rraM aa a» »*“ *» A« 1» i* ........... til I ll< '

' N in aacwtua at 11« a«»»* w ihc > «U , ».» — ^ t , p j* .; tna yaatartey a f W r a M la tha » * * iW n u tl«» TWy m M « m u m to«.«. •! •» Matt*«"»'* «■ c. Par«-» k,,t, m i m (nr M u l ¡tckaol. M llta «* * > "« . ,j>. . W l n a .fi h aatagia« a h * # 1 «

TV* aa* ym H —i aa>»aUa Char- n . rmummr,Wa O m <4 » . «IHthra’a « CC h .r .a , a n « « * . « . a h . W W U»< ^ mmm rw l lM s ( *T .»»•Uo« far 0» »Mt t*. yaw» »•*• s .« ,,., t, , ....... —T?...W c^-kratUa «m M M M yaw Tka ►*~l < « 'lf lii

inJKr - « W • a«a»H»»aa»r *^7" ■** * ^ '>«-. - t " ^ S - *

' ik. MatMiw« **»*>**• * ? A * * y * * f * * f f * * " *kan ra rk » f - 7 C»y»aa.ll6 . »*«*■ ,w * * 11* t*aa U . a-**y r a a ioa l i B l>..a« laa« U ta to a U ”Ihii aar »a< |> i.ll m . H .» " « , yaat «>•*««• a w wWUIiaa> «rmcva «1 M«»ortk IM H h a * kaa* i iy I. la tyaA w M fw

' M o y M lM . Jack Walla** al yaan. ahhwich Mkm l> a «■»■*> a i» .« .w Park. K~nk .Ir . >»aaH ~ i * tha yaralam a' natha* Hw k%k Williaai a<r«ta M k’a rf Wtea. w y-»al ral . kll.ka j ikai >»..rM^w«fK Kt«4 / aark. I ___ _ ... - _ . ■«f W a r m Pa*av irra«M ar. la> a»< f c j I ’ r . • „

i W x o i af K M hM < W H W aa. m i l . L O U l f r a V K Tj "U ,,. II N ThaM4 af Ua-a. . . _ - . . .SfftfSSyJSlir* Hosteu To Women

Mr Thorn* aaid tb« atrvat* arar« rl#arad nteetjr, but tka anav aa tka walks rtmatnad until tnaidawia daar ad K. In aoma caaaa. ka taid, raa»- dant* netlactad to elaar tha walk*. B a m ì4 Botata-ordeni atr^ei depajtaw K men to clear tka w s llu . chavylnf tka coal to tka property ovnatf.

Traua for tk« eom m iwionaif rama from Mra. Jacob B . («raanendyka, a conjtant critic, who aaid tka atroci department, under Comaiiaaionar W il ­liam la. Goth^il, had workrd effk-tent ly and rapidly to nwke local atrooia


Examinations Success­fully, Announced

Recorder Joaeph Melillo passed hit counaellor»’ examination» aucceasful­ly. it was announced thia week by the Board o f Exam iner» in Trenton.

At the same* time, it was announc­ed Cyril O'Goratan. Molillo'» partner, paaaed. t • -

Thu». Lyndhurst ha» bear honored in theae examinations once more. Only two weeka a*o l>ante DeFam ­ilial 1» and W illiam Galla fher. local

Itajra. paaaed their bar exanriaalhpqj and became local lawyer».

Recorder Melillo paaaed hi» bar examination* several years ago.

Loginning his atudi«a when moot other siude-nts are ending theirs. Re- carder Molilki wnrked hard for kia education However, he foufh t his »ay through the required studica and

,hift ftiUnmia 1« Iko ksur auaa 4he eon- «m aflon o f one o f hla greatest de-

Mr. Gutkeil aaid clearing snow in Lyndhorat haa already coat $ 1 JN . and that if tkare are additional snow falla the coat w ill riae

Tha attempt ta oae W . F . A. work­ers n the snow cleaning has beer something of a fa ilu re , il was admit ted by M ayor Bogle who aaid five members of the street department did work equivalent to that of Afty W , P. A . workara.

A reaolutlon providing M J M for emergency re lie f daring February

He wa* named roconler aererai month» ago. Ahnoat a t one« he gain» ad state-wide prominence through his plan to kave th. • * • > .unni-v pr secule drunken driv ing rases. TH« plan aow ia being diacuaaed all over New Jersey.

Recenti), Recorder Melillo, introdnr. ed the plan before Ik e Magistrate's Association of Bergen County, an ora gamiation o f which* ke la a charter

paster and aaid Ba wttl ho the (Iret ba plaae one oa hie ætomokile

“There la no doabt awaa a l eu# at ree u ate heavily tm eetlrd. almost too heavily f« r eafety TWn> ta na doubt. Hthar, that ma rk o f ear me*

K. Of C. Breakfast Held Sunday In Columbus Audit MAURICE MICHIELS WINS HIGH

HONORS IN SCHOOL GRADUATIONLyadhurat Council. Knight* of C * lumi.us. and iU Ladies’ Auxiliary, Sunday morning held a Ommuninr breakfast in the Columboa Club An* ditonum More than 1M attended the affair which waa termed one of the

Athlete W ss Also Ila W e n t In H is Studies; Other . 'J Graduates Hapsred At High School I *£*£ } .

Thursday Night | wwh., aeberetke to

Maurice Mtchaela. prrnda«! Of Mederà edeeaUae waa the toper gram ao edti Uk- »oaier claaa. wen k ifh k tp tf i a t, of Jeans* Mr Ite r he - M ary Mr faM aa th etke rom m ew eam t axerrieee held k r Kenai« and ie lw l^p ida eeM Traffw Hofeithe graduate« of the High School , Margae<. heckeiaera and 0 % a ef whieh la last Thersday night in the W ^ | H e « a f f i p ie > *d ap U duet Brhoule le d e s ire d 1 School Auditorium. MiehoeU. star <>f apecialiaatian asore dea«n hnd by sen laiaeaaa end on the football team twe year» GUkert KleeaW. <¿eerg* Moe^rhokee atr*e«e e f tl waa seletetoriaa of the daoe piai h* ond M r M kkie is ; Row kr Mwee the Renaeeiler Model f^f e«oH Denial P a le i, Lm ri)* Roth. U p n e a tadh*dau leare in nsatkcmaUca. Tke Phalaa* White aadl Dap|H>j V h e a f jaartih aaemkere af •Club proernted him wtth a model far *4 recent d<-vaéa«Bmal» la a h a » K o IPO Aem M a g the outataatdlng member ef Ge»rve f*hear ead M aa Watoehooae mm»d 1 sal the r l.sa and the atedertt «he did romb|im4 «e »hew ah. reH«ual vahs* mt fuelhr t tke moat for the or keel. of education LariRe R*ah p liyad e p d é a e f tk

V4«da W Aerhouee w e t valodlrienen ***aa a^e. ^ ^ ai^aS h e ..-na the madal far e ace Iter* • loo ter W h ile proa the rla>o mo am» ha'e «0 in Kagltah preaontod by Ua* Weeapa's i sUsa Rdaneed Rerho, priartpal of are —e»«*ml

j H a k la honor e f Mra. Manee Mey the high mAmoV p rr«ealad e»eeds And ke R dar. /orsner preeldeni. 1« am nteeisps dud^* ' » Maa. Joseph an art e f 1

‘ *«org» rh a ir woo the geld medal HtetmU e reaea lod^h* Mr^ Rsydaf ( Ue> #mogoia g»en b> the* k * warns r hi*, af fiooth award * w ah P p.g**<

| ***** Calling nea tke r . R ^ fc r^ d . .S » e n taéns h e e f d asilver medal. onanppl ef ^ e l a . yeessnl sd the m df #Rhm

Mum Waterhouse waa pr ese ti tad th> rlape to P a o w w He«*e. peeeideai e i I ahap e f U e Calam baa O a b m i dal far eateOsmee the Ra#rd of » data 1"«» end he fB'O ppppse>i m

‘ kn Latin mat the diploanoo ! h* «Ine* aadad And Ip aThe e terei are «pa— d -Ith th* the esenrtees b f ateglpg " In Ita ly refc l* l nn b

H 1 ndi issahr aaarrk from “ AthlaMa."] “ * f *ks morr»r J . Harner 1 .ttelL pastor ef Reed Meat* i la das« 1 l a h M f ls»o« t| ***■

r; Moownpl r»wab)tonoe (harsh , da Rtaa Rshasf Utea W e t o e h w tag a# Ma rai tvr iio.««u*mi • • •* r%maip M* : 9 Ì

The rim a cesie "Am erica Tha «or i s l U d k lerak . Mary IL M «Rae e aopg -f tl heootàfaL*’ The hletory ef lai gsr r tie. Oeerga I* Me* isrhskaa. M aar M«a «-aa. -ia* at io«t * as ^ i l . —d by A eoa H*.*-»s t h s W »isiw . 0 * N f i s f »Sh i- »

M •< »rii f harW . lU id . M ■ . ! . • • I ,• Hie M a l» Roth Mafthe ‘ I« »te l i and l*aola Tkoaapeae * T fW li and U s i « ’ P V h s e ■* aaphs e l

W illiam A . O B rie a A B . A.M.. U. l~B . of Jeraey C ity , was the prlseipal speaker Outlining the plan for Csth- ; o ik Action in this countrv. ke aaært- ed tke need of Cntholir men and «a* j ama is to Hve up to their eera ia* ligkm’a doctrine» to lead the way to 1 "a kptl t t world.**

R/v. W illiam J . Raster, director sf Barp rW Sh aair Fortirare PeBrtlrri

Se nior Class W Hl Hold Valentine Dance •ry. diaruaaed the p tifh u ef iadM-

( ¿ f a urta came to Kiap- for he^ there.

“ Met all e f thorn are had. net all arr beaten**, ha said. “ Moot ef them

•crei} Mæk a friend ly kand. a frieir^ ly pat on the sheuMer.“

Tke .Senior Claaa e f tke Ljrndkur»t Uigh School ia ptannang to give a S t Valentine dance, ateo as aluaam rathariag Tobruary 14th in the k lfh •rKoei gym.

Norman Johnson is the chanman w ‘ harps s f the dance comauiiee# «ko are working d iligently to make

- ! •a■r » >u.. ea»A contrast hoe been mad* with

I rcddie** Pfiater and haa Ambeeaa dar» from Tennaark which la aa of

«ai pi y flag ay »tern that w iU ring eutataaic through tha gym and imita, mad a blusa »Infer

Thia orcksetra ia eery well known for its aorerity and frnU ratty dan

Page 2: EIGHT WW PROBLEMS SEEK JOBS HYIS ONBOARD FALLHEAID … · 2015. 5. 15. · LntcreU as Secuoil CUn EIGHT WW SEEK JOBS ONBOARD Tuesday*» B wtiw II Marked By DsB Ca«- pcigaln Lyndhurst

A M M • (> •/> l_ f - L * N E P A L M O ~ * f


I T ! -------«--I r - - ¡a — m w n j| li n i l

The Coi— 8 i oM Lm óm rPublished Every Thursday toy

T H E COM MERCIAL LEADER CO., Inc. Î56 V ilify Brook A v/nue , •

Telephone Rutherftwd 2*42(10— *20!Fred S . Berner . . . a . . . . . . . . . . » . . . EditorErnest J. Dabtnett . . . . Secty. ttnd T ret.William E. Kaempt.................. Adv. Mgr.

t r m t h û K o é l i n B e lie v e

I !____ —« ji. by Vic SHneckeastein — —‘T h e F ire m an ’s M a tto : ffetthful to M y — T ru e to friendaMp.**

Chief Prendergast is »round, and Sol Barberi va« up bright, and about. looking »a good a* ever, after early Sunday mem'-ng, to see I f <ddan attack of sickness that had k«*pt; man ground bog via» going to seehim indoors, for several days. bis shadow or not. and to hia dis-

• * • I appoint mem. the -hadsw was see«.,Tbe Va lley Brook Eng. Cto. 1, held', you know hobs j *b w mighty cold, ■

ita regular monthly meeting Tues- thi* time »of the year, and be is day night, afte r a short business natientiy waiting for old maa sua- meetin*, It was adjourned and a thine to give out ’*<= w?irwi rays, and

„ social was enjoyed the rest of the plenty of them. p i he reports, the »-vemng. warm weather JitaT ii* work.

" ‘ o—2 . Z 2 r l * Z ta- - m ..f »

j tontied t a r * * ' h* oenaialy doe, • • 'iomw 'beiffr w ith the hoys, but he Chip C live rs ' and Ji*n Carrie areha- heart -kept so busy, w ith hia Out- spending their winter vacation seek*

C M at 0 ^ American leg ion, that he log *a rm »p«.ts uch as fire head- | finds it moot impoasibir to do tfciif qoartem. Aim g * ’ .»tfi- and sueh pla-

«T the thing» h* wodM like to klo.1 re* where heat?is furnished.

The present writing of “Crease Paint and Make Believe,” and deal­ing with amateur theatricals brings US to the month of August, 19*0. and d r birth of "The Little Thea tre -OwHd."

I t «a s a swenering night m the first part of August «hen the cdll waa seat out 4o «11 or gsn nation* who had theatrical Interest to aaeemble ■at the T o s s Flail for the purpoee o f forming what is now know a as, ‘The L ittle Theatre Guild.**

A lsn Pasch, who had great snr- ; ~rne m it u i t w i and«prmfcn tut u m .’ mstic plays fbr the Yount Peoples’

Society o f St. Matt hears' Lutheran «■huneb and yofar eorrdspowder«, ha<! pottan together before this aryl it was. sarea* that »oar Mrris^udw. shoaU head this movement. »

About f ifty interested people ap ­peared at -this meeting and offices wase elected; aad the curtain had raiasd on the (Trst act uf a splendid


The officer* elected

piays a > ! ■< '• re to be masiealcoweilea to be directed by yo u r, correspondent and two, dramatic, an rter the direction of A llan Paach.

The dramatic director. A llan Paaeh. volunteered to direct^the first pres m tat ion and as tha new organiza­tion, had no funds and funds ware needed badly, it was agreed to run a jcsud party to obtain fund, fo r' this presentation This ra rd party was held s t the Masonu; Club and sufficient funds were raised to buy the W i for this play aad mbaar- sal* were started. The play selected to be preeented was a famous Broad wby success emitted T h e Three Wise Poo l.” srf which I w ill tell you about m the next writing.

l * t me quote from The Bergen Keening Record which appeared fol- lowfag this organisation meet mg

"• d a aaganiMtiun. FVartcoetir de­clared after hia elect »on. will stand nat sa maeh a symbol of the thea­tre, but one of geed will and friend­ship among Lyndhurst citmena. Cer­ta in ly v e have every claas. every

ro u c h o

The leadership course was arrang­ed by Mrs fidgar B. Karp, chair­man of the personnel and traiaing committee of the local C irl Scent Council,' and Mm. O osge tieaaix, local G irl Scant Commissioner.

Eleventh Birthday O f June Peters Marked

Eunice Brown, the Ruthefford RqiuhUcan social reporter, and Evelyn McBride of that borough have opened a woolenshop on Ames Avenue It got ae *o thinking Andy Ktaithas had those sheep of his for years down on Stuyvcsant Avenue

Maybe. a market for hu> waai has opened up at laat1 Always the promoter, I V pualed over this situation for the last few days. .Wouldn't it be nice for South Brrgemtes to be talking a- round in woolen neks come 4uact from the backs of Andy KraA-« «he«p' ( I know this sound* duty, but how do YO U like this weather?)

• • e • sFrank Mundy and his «quaw, as weD as their papoose, be

come township resdenu again March Frank was around!"Sunday with the wife and baby ftrtnoa Ann Mundy, a nlne- monthold bundle of red hair and Hue eye»!.. . .Tim Breslin is h rw again Aowmg folk» a patch of sunburn, one half inch % three quarters t i an inch, directly over his left eye. . . .That's Honda for you in tfce winter’

"W e *re aloiw. ■piriwd bjr m thouirht. that tif aiiTMntlfic ,n I-yrwi hon.1 a H r i « o i pl»r* «ml m û )

“ Th» Little T W .t r» QaiM- to , k*V< lh»ir faith Tuday, in their weakneis, (key u * Mtonn be .nu» »»>■ ha*e lierer <lrrt«Wt Tn m t»» •de«l* « f then organiser. Lo n r may Uiej lire.

Th i. ortanlxation <le*errei whole hearted .n w o rt in all their m u tations.

B4 vm fcohler, om u i tha "U w lC ," *W rte r Member. la Ha pr*.id»nl th i. year. Under hi« management n la « q n e M l that -The fiu ild“ will m rnm ur to |)~a»er and * * « the

M r and Bert Boek.mann ofRurtierford Avenue » a « a party at their home laal week In celebration of the eleventh birthday anniversary * f thetf tiler# * ii< Jone Peter*-

Came* were enjoyed. Oue*t. were: “ Bud " Meyer. Arline Meyer. I),>ri* awhemann. A n iu Brown. M r , Mor- «fee Castle, Andrew Peter, and

Mina Ethel Newkirk of F irth A n - nue wa* Kn.ieea at her home T W d a ylÿ rh t to the member* of Mm Hotaey

for and Delivered ft ( ourteou* ServiceQuality Drugs,

» a iau-h*}?»'■-«


_ .. .? J k kNo voice has been raised against tlw- heliel the teachers Jc-

serve more iponey than they are getting. Many in ' *thei hnev of husincs« bebevc themseK<s erukrjppii and ct'tid prohaWy oK tain oonsidcnihle supprrt for the belief Teachers, because of the

^pub lic character of their work, are continually in the minds of the public, a fact ( which, no doubt, accounts for the interest in what they ears. Nevctthde». during all the talk of raises in

x teachers' .salaria, nobody has atgued tic teachrrs do nut. deserve more money. The argument brought to bear against raises is the j absolute impossibility of the township’s finances to stand « new | drain.

On, another line, there has been some criticism directed at the teachers for permitting their profession to be weighted down by a great number ot unnecessary expenses, expenses which are not arictly for educational necessities, hilt, which, neverthless/ add to the total cost of the educational system.

Reference is made to the libraries which all the high schools, now must have. Lyndhurst has a library which costs approximat­

i f dy $5,000 per year, not counting the valuable space it takes upThe budget shows that $J,600 must be appropriated for t j

branans salaries and $700 for the purchase of new books.Local school authorities w g argue they have no jurisdiction

over the matter: the state law requires the establishment of a library in the schorls

Pressure, however, must have been brought somewhere to have these libraries established Surely. Lyndhurst is not alone in ne* needing such a library and hot having the money to pay for one.

W hy, then, did our own educators not issue warnings that legislation demanding the establishment of school libraries was

mg up'jW hy did they not inrmulate a protest whwh, with

Chi«o * nA guaranteed sure ft re cure for the blase—T H E M A RX BRfK*. in

“ A N ight A t The Opera” and what a n ifh t! A thousand hilarious situations »ther Ufi a girl-hlled, music crammed merry go round of bowls, that took a year'

to utake. drove the studio help delirious with Joy. anil cost $ 1 ,000,000. The as- xiate first class hit is “Meturn of 1 • ! el1

support, might have allowed municipalities such as t.yndhuwt escape the ruling.'

There is no need for a high school library in Lyndhurst — even ii we could afford it! »

A few hundred yards from the high school building is our! a» '» * />Free Public Library, une of the tinest rtructurcs i>t its kind inj | f& U U B g v O Q T S e SBergen County. It is new, spacious, well equipped It has room to* take care of whatever drain a,high school demand would make.

Lyndhum i Free Public Library director. Miss Cartqn, could easily provide for the needs of the schnol students as she. indeed,» forced to (Jo alter school hours when the school library is closed

The school library is valuable bacause it provides needed reference and text hooks during school study periods for stu­dents. Splendid! But it is a luxury Lyndhurst can not well af­ford. Mi mmg students in need of reference books could viat the Valley institution in the afternoon and alterre.on students could fln there in the aftemonn. W hy the extra expense, then7

Perhaps, in somr mumctpakues a school library

1%e tram in« M W fa r G irl ■I l e a d e r s w ill cloae a t the llnal meet ing of a aerie* to be held at theJ ^ alalw U-kM>l Uiia Vrdtsv «W n ina ■ I B IIR I■«. rw ™ iw i M ltn j - , tmmj ^ m a i i a * IFebruary 7th.

Or. Tuesday evening, the grtoap had as their special instructor. Mi*« Marie Gaudatte, Nsture of the National G irt quartern at H +* Yolk. She gave % special lesaon on the leader's partin Nature study for a G irl f to t t

~The cenrtading meeting on Friday

¿a needed ' evening w ill be in charge o f Mie»> i I.ucitle Towaatad, of National Rbad-

Kas seventeen columns ot telephone numbers... .Lyndhurst, with “20,000 persons, has twenty columns... .1 thought of that after I found out Bogota <\nerates pn a cash and carry tawvs and has only ninety persons cn its rebel rolls. .Lyndhurst has more than 1,000 dependent upon relief for their existence!

Ju lia s L from Paaaaic.

Good! Let;thws municipal«!» base a library oa.rt-„ who ha. ikeHut Lvndhoi-I, and many like Lyndhurst. do not need such ; ln , , i,,, Tr,|,llnr ihroacb the

1 library Then why should we be saddled with such an expense-’ pa«t 'fa» There are*many new tm Satiea in modem tducation. ■ ,aH j <)»er.......... .of them rxpensue1 The library idea is one uf them Ten years' ^^iToon fmw n^+T-rtr‘" "** *ago we diu not have such libraries High school students did j not m iss them. ___ ^

The truth of tha matter is. «lucatorx, hlte soldiers, are or ganized. Ju * jm.the soldiers forever are setting up possible en­emies and future wars.. . .making-«heir own being a necessity, of course, so '-ducatisrs think nriy for their own aflgranch:cment.

Wo sate tcA that th, teacher~ art over-paid Rut,one of the chief causes for the fact mumapabues lack money U> pay teach­ers is the MnaSemiry expenses educatian have saddled upon the»; same nnintcipalittes. • •

11 \\ te li ], h u i^ Iu


l i f c la n e— i ra t t m i n i l i r .

D o n o t

V E v a


The Ethical PharmacyC. Wisbech, Prop.s f University of Copenhagen


Sut these two electric vacuum cleaners to .»•rk end you « n ' t hmrt to breathe duet. Ho dirt escapes the abort, aure route to the duet-proof bag.

m i UM ivauAi. « e s s c u a n m 6«h *M r^claam tai • « . s f . rat ion. T k combined ac t io n of the .p eed-roury-b ruah aad the p ow erfu l s ir su ction g e t. aII the dm —«van to (ro u n d -la caa l p a r t ic le , and ash *, tracked from H i* ce llar. ? r ic e . $14*5


UJTZ4 OMMHU1AI. t.EAlltK CONTfiBTW in Free Ticket* to die Ritz to see Shirley

Tempie in “ UtèteiM Rebel" or say hImw you cfcooNf

Free l u hpts Will he ,w a ^ , i l t.. Uw owner, of «he beat yen pear 11 water .a la r or a ll paiattna of S K I k i n T t MI-1.1. Meiwly v.mi entry I,, th* i M a l editar . ( the ( W e r .w l- l e a d e r r » > M editar akin* with cwupoa |m mted below, did m i . m*»i be ta no later than TuewUy. Kebniary I H i mid-awht. B a n r ! W I M K V T K M P I K m aaa to the Riti- Wedaeeday. Fekraary u tm lea* da»a aaly l

rw *jas 4ee_*eat a a w * wui moat** a ( uu>t all ~ « ,- i* . r r —r •‘•'•r *f * » Tea’ll tnesar, th. ahaulH o rry ' M i M r l M B B P

« a W HW LW 1ND N AH On M M B Oats loose dirt that collects on Hangiag,. u pho ls- .r;, c a .h io a ..

rohas. iasid* th* car. Ha* • good .tig brush to aaork

«9 -w caked dm free Prie«, » . « cash.

i CASH**••* «aafc aaviag whaa you buy the two ctaa iers

Page 3: EIGHT WW PROBLEMS SEEK JOBS HYIS ONBOARD FALLHEAID … · 2015. 5. 15. · LntcreU as Secuoil CUn EIGHT WW SEEK JOBS ONBOARD Tuesday*» B wtiw II Marked By DsB Ca«- pcigaln Lyndhurst

Clarence Sherw*«4 Mitt Lorenson To EspW otW O * TiBcBefortChib School S ta tin Here W«A*«bv — ii*=S4S Lyndhurst n rtiw Am

d m ' Auxiliary, iusiah i t

d ab house. Sh« aate*ads M m . B u t t Schaeffer, wha aacr*d in tha t capa­city for the pass thr** year». Mi». Lo<u> Levy waa Inalai lin e aOhar.

Other officerà VM aU ed « « a : «tat- pceaident. Mr«. * . J . Pa tdaaa ; retan-. Mr*. J 1 S ta lla « ; teaadal •acretary. Mr*. Saaaaal R r*d y i tre* surar, Mrs. W o lf O tffen; B r t e e * . Mrs. Louis Levy, Mrs. H arry Sch­aeffer »od Mrs. •artka Ehrlich

M ia. Schaeffer « a a presa»»»4 with a set 4f crystal glassware an t Mr*. Goldberg received taw ars f r a * her

i g — P - ! t toemor traue Appear» At High School Tin» Weefc

Goldberg and

Y O Utobert M uipflv of Kidaswood, vies*.resident of the ssaA n a «strict. Mrs. John J . F lynn of Lyadhurst »ho is vice présidant o f th* nscl heca Hat net, Mr*. Louiae Meyers at .tillsdala, vica-pr*aid*nt s f «he sat­tem district; M rs Anna Shirley af Park Ridce, vice-pnssdsnt of the srastem district.

lad ie s ' Aux iliary a i tae la rs MO. Barringer Poat, Am erica* Lsffiaa « U I hold a card party February 1»**a t the cl«b House. M rs O live i jt r a a tar is chairman.

Will Present A* Operetta Feb. 21

Lincoln School w ill praaeat tha operetta “ Priii«« of W W n " s t thp Lyndhurst High School fsbruai* t l. M rs .. M a M C h m aa it ia chart«.

Other teachers who w ill assist » n coatume». Mrs. Ruth Horton; musk,; Mrs. Ed ith Cirobowski; properties, John Corlossi; dislogu*. ttiao Iv e lya Grap«tin and s t a r setting*, Miss Josephine Giaiaso.

The coat includes A H too Jarksoa. F rank Gaglairdi, Kathleen Grady, Edward Dunn, l>* f f y Moykut. loee Ferris , John O’Neill, F ran h Maykut.

IsuciUt- Scratchley. _Royal Painters: Aanrn Abrams.

Ja ck Richard, Daaiel Fraafcl, Albert La ir , Charles Msrgiotto, Angelo U s

V E T E R A N STM* Association deatre« *o cooperate with you In the HMnf ol your Application tor BONUS PAYM ENT.The facilities o i oar F1NOER PRtNTINO EQUIPM ENT i at your (Hapoaal and I aliali notarile the application wtMoutclvargc lo you.

Car Is tad t Mutual Loan St Building Assn.

Arthur I , lokvaakMlak

Anderson Withdraws From School Race

Mr Arthur^*?. Andersot} of 200 Post avenue wishes it definitely known I hot he ia not a < andtdate for rlerth n to thr S.-hnol Boord and deain a to express his ameer« and

Hackcnsacfc S trvc t

drep ctatitudr- to the many friend» who pledged him their support.

tSignbd) A R T H U R A N D ERSO N .

Ladies' A u x Jia r ? of the Knights af

FVVKRfirs* do/

H T A D A C H t h

TypewritersE U 5 Ç T 1 0 M K E l J I S Y S Y Hal tor a « d ia e w ts

By order of Wc H< lA lfli O f fclMJt. A T* *N I THOMAS j MICKEV. IMoMki Clerk

T H U R S D A Y . W Ó W J A S Y S . m >

^ . 27) T ravers Place.Lyndhurst, N. J .

Fhb. 3rd. IS MEditor,Commercial Leader,L yndhurst, N. J.Dear S ir :—

Taking advantage of your offer ini M t d l | forth herewith some of Mv views re. to ray can<Udacy for «lcd ¡on ta the Board of Education

In thr f irs t place, I have always been interested in the civic welfare 0f i.vndhurst, having been bom, maed and educatad in the I know that that alone

Board. I fully realise that reepondbilitios >n connection therewith. Md feel certain that, i f I am for tuns to enough to bo elected, I can do justice to the job on hand.

I hsve served on numeroua com jnittees in the Township, 1 have been s member o f the Board of Heslth for four years, three of which I hsve been President. W ith th« other members o f this Board we ..... t-tiuced our yearly budget to ,he place where i t now costs the Township the sum of CO cents per person per yoar for the administra­tion "4 «Hit* t important Board whVTC- w the average throughout the State ranges from 80 cents to 91.00.

I hav* had conoideroble office, ex­ecutive and mechanical experience which 1 red would, to some extent, help toward rendering efficient ser­vice on the Board of Education.

I believe In harmony, but not to the extent o f submerging ones own ideas entirely.

I believe in operating the school system as economically as poomble. consistent with the high efficiency is sttsins at the preoent time.

I believe that the taxpayer should be heard on matters of importance before the Board, elim inating of course, useless and nonsensical bicker inf.

I believe tha t the high standards of education as now practiced in our school syatom should be «maintained

I feel that i f my numerous friends who prevailed upon me to enter the coatest did not think thoi I could fulfill the duties involved they wowd not hove supported me last year nor urged me to run again thio year.

Thanking you for the valuable space in your paper, I am

Very tru ly yours,C. H . SH E R W O O D

School Trustees Explain Their

Election StandIn 19X1 the citixsau

xkfxed us ss T ru s ta « a f l ìof Education of Lyndhurst trrm of three year*. Durine that per i<xi important probleqia with

voter, that it wan throor t> can \ ses over srhich I have no control,

te the welfare of the schoal ch.Mre., ^ r e to r i p r « . »>hsve been p a n t e d , and -a . . , t h appwHatiwi t „the other member, of the Board, h.ve ’ , ^ • " '* ! ° Pfsrefully .nd <-o„arien,lol» iy d«-id«i . 0,. ? Ta esrh c a « what w . conM<te™d t i ‘Y , ^ ° fhe for the boot interest o f thooe i y ywir*’whom we re preoent.

The rontinuoua watching oed in »pectmg of school property dan rg this period haa called for the oarri

on our part of many hour« of personal time. BN w tT H in fa ri- ing all thot might be or is soid of any Board of Education member, and fully realising the serious and weigh tj matters that will come be for. thr Board dunng these depreaaing days

feel that ia this abort spare o time we have boon unoble to aerv you to the extent that wo had anti > ipated and. therrforo, have chcer

'fu lly filed our petitions oaking Uk support of the

c a n s e c u r e a l o a n t o

m o d e r n i s a y o u r K o r m p r o v i d e d y o u

m e e t t h e r e q u i r e m e n t * b e l o w . . . .

Any property owner. u u ìkh Iiu I, p annc i «tup. cornceatKwi, or Wsaee undfi .vitam tyres o f Irase, snth , rejidar »woaac ln>msalary, t u n « « m h o aawretl «n o ve

S .B g t ’lS E V 4EN 1 5

1. Pruceeds o( loan aw« be uk J *>lely fee SaeeatiaA ór repair oi impro'.-J resiJenUal m buw»> piuperty

2 . S e rro W e r , a iu « M r creAt staten e !« w ith bank.

t. The signers al tkc nnie must Kavt a yeacty incnm* at lea« five tune, the annual payment, on the nt*e


--et-a there -le a w e n f ace a'J it must he in (n^ii «anJin« \ There musi he no pa* »lut taw»,

Ulten« oc ben» again« the propertyPOST

R.*üulatHin» at the Sr4real Muua«tf A J mmMianon pn>v>a that the letuhn< hank', compensation lor kiaiw of thi* type <h»M he payable ui advance and atuH n.< exceeJ an umum eipitvaleaa to ( ' pet year pei 1100 id the <wt«*ne! aakiunt <d ■he k«n

PAVMENT toans are payable m fvjual monthly in «aiment i over a pend ol time not to

la M

M rsUer l'edera! f i e n a l i faaansaee Ceepeealaaa

R C T IU R F o m » h K A 8T S U T S W r O R O l i I A * U T A D T

— _ _ _ Calaaahao w ill _ _tlag public of Lynd- Usratr^ party KrnUv**? «|. A por

hurst on l-.-braan* I l *o I«**- fow aayn o| “ A t H«.mp Abm«T* willbe eajwyod. * >W** our re-eleeti«

You have oar assurance that | ,-uccess be ours, we w ill diligently for th r trust snd fsith that has Iand efficiently discharge the duties placed in us.allocated to us as Board member* A N N A M OND A Y

ow our appreciationt W IL L IA M J . T E R R Y .


Seriou* duties call lor serious attention for wotthy performance. Many Umilics Kavc come to ilcftmd on the Service wc rentier and themodest coat.

J . L . B U R KF U N U A L I N R t C I O N

Wione Rutherford 2-«4*0 Via»« Web»ler »-«»7»v »8 K IN O S L A N O A V E . B . a iK i l 4 M M U > A I> t A V E .

Rath. 2-3973SCHW ARTZ


N O T I C ENotice te heretiy givi-» lo the Keal «»«era ol <ha Scti'»>l

District ot the TOW NSIIIC t>f LVNtHHIRST U tO t'^ T V Of B tW iL N thal the amwal uni ting lor Me eh.-i.lkjo of t IIRU- im-mbera ot the Boanlof l.itocaekm « ill he held ai

Columbus - Franklin - Jefferson - Lincoln Roosevelt • Washington - and High School

TUESD AY, FEBR U A R Y 11,193«Four O’clock P. M. to Nine O'Cloek P. M.

and as much lunge! aa may he neces*ary to enatik all the logal votela preacnt to cast tlieir ballota.


At »aid meeting will he submitted the question "t voting » tat lor the Mlowing purpw s

Por Car rent Eapw aei »25 7 ,«4SIfo r Repairs and RrpUcementa S je M Sfor Manna I Train i f S .M M S

The Total thought to be neceaaary a‘MSS.*M.SZl e g a l votera .H the T o w n s h ip ot ly n d h u rs t r e « i- i^ f »srd

votin g h i the v a iio e a tk o m m d ia tn c t* . w iH vote a t the schoo l,SpridoaEMMf ^ j -■ -ELECTIO N D ISTRICTSI and 2 ...........................Cohuaku* Sshasl3 . 6 and 7 ........................Uncoln SAoal4 and 5 ................ Wanhinston Sehaol8. 9,16 and I» ....................Jeffereon Sdwal10 and 17................... High SchoolU , 12 and 13 Rowwveh SehaolI I and IT» Krai klin School

Oa Saturila*, febm aiy S. Ik I ween Me hoawa a l 7 O «M 9 00 ( ’ M a repn wnlathv >d Me Bnar| ot Isltuatioa «will h*

(ON U hTKK 'T to rrgnaw legal troter. euMie.1

aS? j


eia, W illiam »lau-har. OUvi* B n f ham. r*a a ia D taU . Jo *ap»io . Cap Mela, hobarla K . . k a , lou ia Hellen. Catherine Lattea la. A n ita «loataehio. laaaar Ik O a a a M . L m ìs fserat». Jahn O-Nsill and t r f « r IW an

Warna« W orkers Lan a * a n t*a Lana Catara. S a ra h V Itan e , rio .a ru aae rh la , M arte Caaliagrant. Ab- sa W a«a*r, lia rvch y Hall, Btvlra I* n (a . C iarla l ’ uralh. l a t t a »tei mack. Uelan Caiam M awsài. Hslee Naelaasàl, A aU aaM la Caatasia. Kran eia Pane Hi. W Ini f rad Calay, ile 1er Orllkawski. K s a n Madison. W llaia guwnaaw, Adaia Curran «ad Mil drad Pan aU .

M a rfa ra t Mrtehell.Braly* IfadarhUL Mane lupina -*V»landa M ia*. M ild rad Sratharton ' Kleaaar Daka. K laaw .r *uli<wk. Jean sa Gallina. A aaa Pa iu sn hath Osa ha atta. Jsu e t D a . idaaa. PWres. . i ( kapkant, M ildrad W h .t» and Je a n 1 H a i .

« r i a O lanas. R u ta Aadraw. lans *!ttana»a. Haetea-e fsu Ida. U t ile Oilhaet. hatk k kaahndf . iew st Las se, baeM *, S *e k . Agaa» Wsta.». : ta r i *arh. M ar)a*4va Palmer. Aane Palesar, » n e t t a V a » Eyk . Caaeslta 1 Palumhaa. M aria U » k > . A lka Cra |

Mala* Canta. U a n a Par», Mari


A. MITCHEL & SONPhons. RU lhartord 2-4309

r o e S t i M H aad

STUDEBAKfRDiala, helt,

Wasdfcam. Anna Stnwieki. Mar) Kasurak. M UaMap. OsaaSa Lsm.

i bardi. Mala« W antasr. Ckarlatu Webber. A (nas A d am . . . 4 n u ils i haadteaki

I Laatse M srians, Jd a rr *euamhewa.I ( armai.* * r * a iu . and Habana M e j Say 's Charas Ç nlh setna h a f it . .

AKmm hla« . r. U n e*1 M



I . I s»l a 1 * 1 * 1 heaat l i n i M a , Ou*, t Mia

e.o Y A JU »LEV’S

T O ILET R IES 500 l'onda Tiatur 2.«


W« carry a kM hua alTrn—ea - BeiU

Elaatic Stacking*

l a t t M ’

De Mass! Motor Car Co. PARK li VALLI Y BROOK AV IS

LYNDHURST. N. J .ntoNT m ? nt atout» ioat%

Page 4: EIGHT WW PROBLEMS SEEK JOBS HYIS ONBOARD FALLHEAID … · 2015. 5. 15. · LntcreU as Secuoil CUn EIGHT WW SEEK JOBS ONBOARD Tuesday*» B wtiw II Marked By DsB Ca«- pcigaln Lyndhurst



HERE SUNDAY Blue And Gold; 6 Day Bike Race ' ^ "*BOWUNG LEAUGE, WINS TWO5T i s T-:: 3j! î f f j r t SD: 5 5 .53^ w V- 3

A N INVESTIGATION seem in order ol the shlndlf after the Lyndhurst-Nutley game last Saturday. Nut ley won the

game by a small margin. Lyndhurst playei 'eral decisions made by Referee W acheiH e... _some nasty words were bandieJ In :tic local players ! releree. ., '- 1

Thi* deserves investigation:1. What was the nature ol the argument between Wach-

enfdd and the Lyndhurst players?2. What transpired when Rowe and Whitehurst, Lynd­

hurst players, went into a room with Coach Stanford of Nutley?The stories emanating from the game have not been pleas­

ant. A player is said to have cursed Wachenfeld who retorted in kind. Some punches were exchanged, according to anothei report.

I The Lyndhurst Collegiate* hook up w ith the Rutherford Y . M. C. A . Sun-

1 day afternoon in the class clssh of I the m a son at the high school gym- ; nasium.

Th is is the gante awaited by fansI , Tu ia _' of both communities I I «'il! pii Lou

Allegedly, afhletics are supposed 1o promote sportsman ship. Neither players nor their elders seem to have much ol it if me stories growing out ol the post-game Incidents are true.

Coach Al Latronica never brought his players up that way and should investigate. H the sport has fallen Into the hands of players who don’t know how to conduct themselves, now it the time to abolish it at The high school.

BEST BASKETF.ER IN LYNDHURSTThere’s no way of proving It, ol course, but when yot

say Lou Meyer, the baby-laced yotingster who once starreJ on local high school teams, is the beat player in Lyndhurst the odds are you’re somewhere near the truth.

Lou violates most of the basketball laws in appearance He’s round instead oi rangy. Aad he smiles instead ol frowns.

But the guy can play a mean game of baaketball. He be­gan to blossom out in his last year at the high school. He’s been blossoming ever since.

Which brings us down to the game the local Coliegiates play against the Rutherford Y. M. C. A. Sunday at tho high school gymnasium.

Lou will play — but with Rutherford.Local fans would rather have him with the Coliegiates,

but Lou has been with the "Y " too long to change now. So he will come In the Rutherford team’s colors.

Everything isn’t lost yet. In Ed Lilley Lyndhurst has a player who doesn't rank far behind Laughing Lon. Ed. who hops off a milk wagon to play basketball these days, Is one of the most consistent players In South Bergen.

It should be a treat Sunday watching Ed Lilley and Lou Meyer match shots.

Of course, if the limelight is stolen Irom either, It might very well be Bob Lilley doing the stealing.

Robert ol the Lilley plants la a lot ol basketball player lor such a small guy. However, If all the players he's kicked in the tummy this year were laid end to end, they’d be a long line of squawks, believe in action.

M eyer of the visitors against Ed L i l ­li y o f £he Collegiates.

More, it w ill bring together two of thi> heat teams in Bergen County.

The team* met two week* ago. The t Collegia l** loot by three point*. But I their whole team wasn't there. Man- ; ag*r W a lt L ills y wan forced into ac­

tion to fill up for a missing player. Thar* were either hole* in the Lynd- burst team.

B u t they’ll he filled up Sunday.The game should be the hottest of ►a # ***, *<> -hot -Chippy Christ, j l

referee, w ill wear an sbestos auit.. . ^here will be the usual dancing be-

W ith M ayr pacing the scorer* with ■ T h irty International six day hi- 1 Lyndhurst picked t lie right spot to 11 points, Nutley High beat the Lynd- | cyelg star* will compete in New ^ 0n the wheel in t ’ ie Bergen Cetn-

hurat H igh School hask*teer* Satur- Y o r t ’* sixtieth International six day t„ Ktk„ League T* Jesday n ig h lj I t day n irh t a t Nutley High School in ! rate which starts in Madison Squar* I CMUk*d out a 2.069 teeriea in jpnfting a ekxtféy foaght battle. 27-22. Garden-two weeks fm et Sunday *v«^ Kearny and whil* t 'f e other title con-

s F la y in g Its last game under h ig h [n in g. M anager Chapman has comb-, were* hayr Lg their upsj School colors, the entire Lyndhurst ^ Fu ro re for the outstanding rider«* ^oa-nn, Vpipped into a

va rs ity waa Inclined toward roughs w* “ 11— 1 ~ **“ 1—ne*a. Twenty*four foul* were called against them in the four eight min­ute periods o f playing ftrae.

N u tley had difficulty in p u tting its t foul chancett through the loop and - th a t thereonly succeeded in sinking Sevan *hots "d e r * in theof the 24 chance*. Mayr Hank three of his team's seveh shot*. Three Beam , Rowe, Smith and O’Brien were put out of the game on personal fouls.

S ta rt in g the game with a burst of

and has al»« lined up the leadingAmerican star*. The field promise^ w^iett wap Lyndhtfrat’s a m

i 1" ' hM " * r w kh scores.of S I , M il and 2 * tk t M a rted in a S r * York race. ; w r i, . O r l j í i e seeand glene whsIn the last race, many fans com cl(v# >nd r t tl£ t #11„

*“ « " y was forty-nle 3 , « . I J1 * * * ^ a t has v e n ' con*

before Nutley succeeded in^ ___ m scoring. A t the end of the first quar-

twéen halves anil after the game. Ed , , r ' ' ' " I **»m" • » '» *vp" *-*• NutleyKoliertson ami his '‘swing" band w ill 'nto the lead and was on topdo the plaving. » * * e close of the half, 1 Ï I0 It

The band is steadily growing in I " * ï * r r» li" ‘tuished its margin.Lyndhurst captured the Jun io r

V a rs ity tussle, 31-Í4, but Oreen ofNntle jr was high scorer with 12

i ' . * ''ia C tiv e n e s s .

one who kaa seen Hie Collegialea

Bob, however, says his roughness isn’t intentional. “W hy,'’ Robert argues, "I'm gentle as a lamb. Only I'm

fast. Sometimes, another player ia fait, too, and we cant

This doesn’t explain why aptedy Hob's knees art alwaysup near his chin in those colllsiona, but maybe we'd better let the whole subject drop, alt?

THAT TOW NSHIP TOURNAMENTA local tournament has been planned lor township bas­

ketball teams and some games wttl be played unless a murder or so breaks out in the ranks beforehand. The question now before Hie house ia whether or not outaiJe players will be allowed on the competing teams.

This question has caused bloodshed before. It might very well do so again.

However, Hie trend ol opinion now seems to lavnr Hie inclusion at «M players, whether from Lyndhurst or not. How this will determine the Lyndhurst championship has never baan decided. Rat it H goea. It w ill (• .

Denisco’s Club Has Growing Membership

A grand time was had by all the member* of the Domlniek DeNiaco Association at their firat meeting held in the Chase Avenue Club rooms laat F r id ay night.

The hall wa* well packed with the member* when tiomlnlck opened the meeting with an address explaining the aims, reason and idea o f the Hab, a non-partisan organisation open fo r all citiaem over eighteen years old, the first principal ia good fellowship among all men, to pro­mote sports of ail kinds, arrange for

picnic*, bua rides, moonlight sails, etc.

A fte r this opening, maay of the members spoke on organisation, and praiaed Dominick for his genevonity In g iving the hall for a club House, am i working ao hard for th* forma­tion of the club, the concensus of opinion is that this will grow to be the largest club in Bergen Coonty, already committees are formiag to handle the different branches of sport. *

Then cam* th«' regreshments, prac­tica lly everything from “ soup to n u u - op«*aing with a few quarto a f

i ***• ® fr*m Walkers famous pmdoct | (on account of the <*>ld weather)

the “ oats" were brought In, plenty o f well filled sandwiches and aid* diahea. Dominick was much praised

; <*n the fine coffae that he nerved, and the beer was so plentiful that

I . •**" remained plenty in thei ” * rr'el after the boys had le fl the I hall. l W --

K was tra ly «s meal f it for ,M ng. A noticeable featwv o f the

j »vening waa the fo muds rat ion that «me member had for the oth*r. being U l l o w l h a t everybody was well ta-

I k M car« of, that ha had plant* to eat and drink instead a f tha usual every wan for himself and tha D lvll

I t» k* t*» hlndmoat. all in gll this was one night that will always be re-

I me inhered.

sisterttly a tl^raft, dritoped tWo yarnede o ,„ j » * two , n . th e r f ,« ? , the final »>y »e ^ n

sturdy cyclists who won the last, ™ T i J L .race They are tiuslav kllian and ' , , ,, , ,, . , .Heins Vopel. Jim m y Walthour and i P ^ f the.wia-

Bu t the l<HR did not h lr t CHftoa nmcb-^aa l i t >might,.. Ha^lsaaiafik.te througM to take taro j game*

from Ridgew'<4od ¡a * close Atitoa so that the 16*e4* wyro b^ld Ù» .a sec­ond place tie ' with Clifton, ttacken- sack won tbs* aeoond pram* /by ten

A l Croaaley, the that finiahed in

W it li am “ Torchy" Peden, the giant red headed rider. wh«> ha* won more raoea than any rider in America or Canada w ill be on d * k as w ill hisH ttJt Monde partner from M ontreal., , , A ^ r kJu le s Audy. Manager Chapman w ill and 4,rtM«MPd the final by twenty.preaent the ouutanding star* o f Bel gium ami France, rider* making theit

^ • . ,,, v T , . _ - r - . — V in itia l appearance in the Unitedpoint*. Close behind were Caatlc’a of i State*Lyndhurst add Shepherd of N . tl„ „ G « ^ e „ i , lu ly V p^m ler

" “ nl* ■"* • » " P "i"ts . • <ix day rider, w ill h . on de. k again(■•Ul. it is understood that licorgett,f « « # l like to ride the race with Al-

T ■ f * » W l« o u r t ie r (ie..rgetti and Le- 3 > *o»irwr won just a year ago! U :

respectiv*ly.Tha Varsity hox score:

V U T J E YSm ith, f .................... . . . .Chenowith, f .................Peccatielle, f .................Jonea, f . ' .........................Shade, a .......................Lukowac, g ...............M ayr, g ...................(ra tach , g ...................

L Y N D H U R S TRoliertson, t ..........Lilley,- f ...............o n r iM ., f .................. ; ;W ik lw lu , t .................Rowe, c ...............'Logerenlierg. v . . . .Castles, c . . * ............Polhemus, g . . .Klecak. g .................Smith, g W hite , gWhalen, g ..........


. . I

. . 2 . .0..4a .«


. . 1.0

. 1

. .0 • f i . 1a a f asi„ I. 0. . 1


Dowd . .. .W'einglas*BrownC ray ........C a r s * ........Van ..........

Totals .

Flanagan Denta rest

K E A R N yS U

14» 188.163 183. m 206 .173 202

J Bishops BuyNew Sm d ehaken rJÏ^

• « X Roman Catholic blshopa. some » f them internationally famous, have recently purchased 19.1* Studebaker P??aident sedans The sis bishops

Je id m s y e r


............... 907 <fl4L Y N D H U M T.................196 « 0.................194 lOt.................180 LOt..................228 238.................17»





Am elia I>*Ariella Given Graduation Party Here

A graduation party was held ar -je home * o i U r . and Jfrn ! D .\rie iirt in honor o f their daughter, Amelia oia Saturday evening, February ]*t.

Thoee who attended were Aolli<> Buaconi and Anthony Buch of Rast Rutherford; Susie B lri*. S a lly . B jnji C e lia Pamponia, of Belleville; !an<i Cortland Vetty also of Bellm iiir;

Those from Lyndhurst were Stella Notti, Betty Lupinaccio, Teasie D - A iella , Irene D’Ariella, Sal Pollar». Jo in t Pol laro, Anthony Pollaro,A dinari. Vincent Riizo Frank Riix«,. Anthony Rizso, E lv ira D ’A rilla . Mr! and Mrs. F rank Robertelli “A H a r b , Sm tk ÒhecU, Anna R itt>Mildred Rixro, Mr*. Natoli, DoraNatoli^-Jean Macda, George Mess-arhaktt., Dominick Domancio, Aug­ust Bernard, Joseph Albino, JohnBonanno, Jam es CastligHa. Joseph Gnestello, Jam es Scotti, Joseph 11«. berteli i.

A large grathiation cake was given to the ho*te*s by her *i*ter, Elvira The decorations on the cake consist ed of Blue and Gold signifying the claa* colors of the Lyndhurat High School. The main room was also nice­ly decorated in Blue and Gold.

A n enjoyable evening waa had by O ft.,

p,riod,: l y n d h u r s t ” 1 1

Perioda Ref,loda «¡minuti

• e » - - fp c h « l

hcrftird <

.6 .U

Ute«. if*ld.

»-2 7« —22

Moat Reverend W illiam D. O 'Brien.D. auxiliary bishop of ChicagoMui praaident of the Catholic church Extenaion Society

Moat Reverend Frmnci, C. Kelley.D. D.. bishop of Oklahoma City, for. mer president ,,t Catholic Church Ext^nalon Soc ie ti and «M l Vnowi, for his work m th i Mexican situation»<* aa the suthoi „ f many honks. I ~

Moa» Revere '^r Janies H. Ryan. ! “On ( hoOBinf AOmaha, former pres 1 — — -

T>^ Central Republican Qlub w ifi hold a monster d W e Wash «Or­ton’s Birthday at the American l e ­gion Hall. Tickets, inchlHmg hint < heck and refreshments, w ill m at fifty cent*.

A large committee is worldng har»l#to maJte the affair a suedra*. That one of the large« crowdfc of the year w ill attend is not doulèed.

l'a tho li,- University o f j Career” Appears

Miss Shoemaker

Hifh School Basketeers TakeOne On The Chin From W. Orange

I Ä S r Z & IZ Z r » : Kcv. Rims A i i a i n To38-14 count a t Waal Orange, pilingup an eariy lead and blanking the Golden Bear* in the third parte«!.

R*dI*ct'<“ Corporation o f Ama rk a which w ill bring s letHure amoving plctuas snd s lahoraton » aioastrstlon that will ha long ra-

I ni. mla.red for then attractivenaaaI Of pr.M 0t.tlon as w .ll aa fo r thair

Married Saturday; j? L ' Id h 1*- '* ' Church of I Th*'Lyndhurat waa the s e n . of a pretty l»»l>ared by the International Acewedding Saturday afternoon at five I Association, will give manv• elock when Miss Adrianna Johanna I . M,a«t tasportani aoolicMtiomsS e W . . h e r , daughter of M r . a n d “ ' <*• W # * ! of

_ fan le t SchoemaVer or T ag e ' '"eU ls , eU-. Th . llouid a“

Address Wble Oass A 'W t M S W JM S “ f ' S S ; and Mrs. W illiam W lUon. of P srk * h,rh 1 1 lb « « a ^ .e . «re wWI w w h

Itev Chaa Alexander Rosa’ Ev .ry- Avanue, Lyi.dhur«, Rev Donald E * ‘v' n ** ,ke Chicago W orld’s K .i,***""' * Sallttf nulaa . . ‘

D. D., bishop , ident of thè America. ^

Moat Rever. n.1 Gerald P O l la ™ , | A tlm ely hiioklet for high . sehool 1K T S Ì P ° t formar 1 studeMa and, fo r others w V U v a a»

auxihary btahop of Phllsdephla Areh ! .» . upational | proMem 1* called " I B **?1 _ Chooae M y ttfcupatlon,” snd U srrit-

n r. n” ""^1 J . S p e n m » ten by H o it f r S- Paca, PrcsUant o f|r K ^ o p - f » e s t o n « * P * , In s t ia te . New York, l t « v - |

s e r v i i !* * * brilU* nt rr» th<i p rtfep a l buainesa ncupe. . _ Vaticaa. tieni«, such mi accoantancy, aéveitia»

“ »g, stenognpr tfession* of acconntancy

practice (C J t A . ) and of 'abortitami

i * _ t . h r s d g r j y g j « « a i ^ . '• ible ('lassai 1 / | Ì 1 • « a h . and I »>»k utmoal e c o w , , . t , , w variou. cslUngs and state* thèIng Ì Ì T 1 * 1 serroand- The 8t,»v*«*.e» , aacaaaary a aturai aptitude. » 4 1m frk J 11* * ff* ,r wil1 i r Ì Ì S r L Ì ** * * * ««« mui’h "ther w M a d a i neceaaary to st-saSEs sswst sis"jsz,r s • s erz ssrÀEsssr - h7 T " T * * .»’* " ' M !” *n _ » ___ ! teschers andfeSup" *"'< aoo.1 Reffular Worship

Th- e n t . r t a l n m . n t ha, b e e n , r . S e r v W W f f l B e. . m terct lh, m

Rutherford Church Is , u . .»en ....... » e » .Host to O r & r a n iZ J l t i n n H I v ñ c T 11 P » 'rt r* H. ¡ in», æ lllng, stenography and eredita

Th e 'h ish Ü " l “ Kl th' professions of atcooatancy

SL^ iSaÜ îîü îiî. ■£•«“ «' 2 ÎÎX £ 5 fWith —---- mual

The Cowboy*, who have dropped man's B ib le Class of Rutherford and W illiam s, pastor of the church oerfO m ntM 111# nita.lk.Hlit MaliMha ikia U ■ - t__i . Bit. I- OI*«a aa. . .two ga;nee by a*e.point margins Uu*

seaeon, us«^ nine men against the visitors and eight of th e« srored at least once from the Held. MeGnire and Smuda. guarda, led the assault w ith nine and eight point*, reap*, lively , while Caallea was high for the losses w ith seven.

The box acoretW E S T O RA N O «

0 .liannea, f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fllenriehs. f .............. .jBI mnatr, f ......................... ..Kntwletl*. f , . . . . , o

t ‘ . JF lynn , c . ..................... *

9 .....................Harkett, 9 ........... «McGuire, g .....................

Rev. N . I-e*tee Claa’s Bible Claaa formed the ceremony. The brida waa of New ark, have arrange«! for a give»» in marriage Hy her father competitive membership campaign.The challenge o f tha Newark Class »ehoemaker. a ia l.r |was made at a dlnnar ta the Ruth- ¡ « * ', «¡¡e ">*id of hon-«■ford Creep's K » - « t lrs t e i i M , JT »•"'< Dnnald Wltoon. hmther . f la Newark, last Wednewl.y, Janu- ,,r" * g r»"M . was the beeta ry W th .

gom« milaa ta aaa.

schoala and in preparatory schools, í 'ie e copias may be obtained by

writing to Pace Instltata, New Yartt.

Mrs. TVemarest ScoresHigh In Bowling MMdiRegular worship

la the morning ami right in the cra ­ning w ill be heèd at the M*thodiat episcopal Cho irk on Sunday, witfc the pastor. Rev. Donald K. W illiam s in ch a rg e .

The Sunday School, with classes

Gan Output Reaches New Record Ini P. 8.

A new fscord for output a f gas in seven concerei 1 ve days, waa ae-

I The Usher. w.re R . ,- , J ? * e " i« e ElectricOf Ijrra lh u m .1,4 J.“ ^ « » f e a ^ n y la the period he-Arlington * ' l w n M and » m cln .iv.


A t the Sunday morning, February Aillngt-.n Snd aaaatnn <V the RuthnTied organ- isathm St the Ralherfbnl High Mise Eve lya North, organist afM m o I. P i*^dM it (Isa (ettnei and " » church, p ia )«! the wedding roa im ax ta r m-chM McNahy recem- “ * f»k aad MIm Lola roskruok af mandad v c a p u n n of Ik . Asllenge i Lyndhurst sang 1 U v a Yoa T ru ly ’ and » a memhare eoneurred. Since j -ev. . wkl«a lae.the average stt. iidance af th* New- ; h it . . . . . a haket n.. L»ark . tale ie IN O m ,| af the Rüther ' 3 T T * * 1

S i ' T v - . iT b a ^ ;, 'T ‘ ^ H r to iu 'e î* r " " > ' a r see *. | mma cap shape aad adorned

Past pre«tornita’ day w » j oheerred oeange bloaaonta. Hhe carried ala Rutherford hut Sunday. AH St *•>'•* •*

"*■ Î 1’ The maid . r honor WS. ( « v d hiÑldeilo '' « » ‘ " » ‘ W « W lia r

m L Í i É f i f . * ™ »í,u L Í n ? ' K* t of rhla*st..nes. Sto-preainag to r a few inmute« Paat> ran ie d a hnauusi of ta lism an----preahient. WHhur W e.l aha ( a U>-j '* '* ” * "

■ A fte r the rarmaonjr a le rap ti« , hum. of the heide’a

nsault ef th . , ____w av.. Th . average Mnd ..ut at gas waa cable f . « P » <u».'■••inpaied with n jU M W cubic featC r day. the previous record made

* ween February « s id 12 , l w •ban S sever, cold wave waa abo la prog raw. Tha total output far *he seven a y s wsa SM .U1.UM cubic feet wmparad with »«s.oai.ooo cs- hte fhet ia the n o n a y period hi

I by pedo* Waat Orange Lyndhurat , . » t t f . .

The , 1 « » c h - t ™ m á * the dir- ~ am en o í Charlee Ummannan. offer , W U k J J ^ T r ~ Jd l H i t , ed a medley of é t i o n s f r . « the rwM ' “ M l

— Fartéatoto lfar. Mm BftNeond waa I M I the vtohn aelotst

! W ilaonI A venae, Lyndhurst

• * M I '>• v W in aelaOt Both the bride aad betdsgaoom a n............ _ *» Soas’ wbad -Interior Dew. ' art«, neembw. of th. S mM Leai t í • in —»« a to r. waa rece'ra a lt* the fresi glie sad the Youog Pe-mle,' So. irtvToung Peoples' Society

" f Dae Method*« »pm opa I O a t h |

RITZTAXInKSS!Si..,,4 . Sun. 2-7171. » SOW» SERVICE S s « « A IM m i o C M ,

OUlce . «SS Sm m S AveM l,

Mrs. Ixmier bamareat mlled high score of I S . Friday afternoon a t th« meeting ai the Su nah ine IVrwling

for all departmeata, - ~ t . « quartar ^ ^ ‘ l W ^ o î l l ' ’'e f tea. Tha W e lt H„4e CUm w ill T , 'celebrale its fifth anniversary a ith y . . »Swäeiek Sch. ht If S special program aa thr m om ia* »f It...'1er Mrs How .n l S *M er, h and. P a « ^eaidenu wdl î ï J 5 ' S S g * ’hava a p an : tbeee wtH he « h e r fe.- n ie ,„ Id . Mrs. Chw les' Bo.hn.er ^Sd

~ Thursday e ~ t i * . r ^ r u a ^ « * " - • « « *IS th . th . Rav. Charlea H a rr is pa.-1 ------ « ________ . / 'to r o f the colared Baptist Charrh ef Rutherford, will ha th . guast speak­er a t a meeting o f tha Men a Clah B va ry man w ill find a walrnnw.

An open M eeting a f the official Hoard a f the . horch still he held aa Hunday mom mg. February ISth. to allow aa opportunity la dmcaaa the budget Use next yeer The matter .ef adoptlag Ule "Jo aa t Che«- plan will also beshortly.

l a w n x e Ma.li .oc of It,dg. Rogd ha* retamed fh m . haatoes. trip to Buffalo.

Wwo* mjtbcrlonl 2-7S40 'RUttMtS« 2-7*0

Quality Mm HC has. Lähnoirftp

L y n d h u rs t M a rk e t 52 S tu y v e s a n t A veM

l y n d h u rs t , N . J . fb e sh n s a n m « v



Eues a i m — - s tu yve s a n t m t to n tin e aves.1 YNDHI'SST. N. J.

Special Rates To Chiba or Other Groap«OPEN DAK.Y AND SCNOAV AFTERNOON

TheatreLyadhurat<mokinR la Loge*

Phone K t . 2-0011

B M W nOTVD LOWBMT» 1 Hat. W f e t

«Int or “Top I U f 'Rotoert*-G IN GER RO GEItS


“ F R E C K L E S ’ ’


Lionel Barrymore^Return of Peter Grimm”

ma —New*

ettur-a ., Krl.. Mat



KAHN ftOtUY——w.ii a o.tos^w

M a W l W

james Dum a The p ^ o i r^-phün a

f * ' Rp«ane* ~sn *is* t M*» Pwf Keto

“ P lg h t ln * M a r in e s ”

Page 5: EIGHT WW PROBLEMS SEEK JOBS HYIS ONBOARD FALLHEAID … · 2015. 5. 15. · LntcreU as Secuoil CUn EIGHT WW SEEK JOBS ONBOARD Tuesday*» B wtiw II Marked By DsB Ca«- pcigaln Lyndhurst

fA m Ko th lrt o f the Wash] f i... *, h.Hil !«<•» » tk trw r. • e i e r t . . W illiam I'O m try «M l Seagram J . » . , * W.Mitf M«MW< the « M w .

^ The > - ^

L A D Vt t h o h v tw

\ o u rVTHERE-


o n r telephone i r r t i r f a hiefc W l* »oW*U ik *o aa»U\ w ith " T W L M h 1 1 «

— perhafw in a r r » o i f• oaaaiuaait v .*• the p roduct a f a M U o a « u ir p n ilr rW «Tffftnaanetrip amoRp telephone (IfOplf. %

H ere ia N n » Je rae* «mm ftr»t m l w » l ia I« give I He be*t p M . ib ir H r p k o a « a m k f la N p h Je rsey p a p k In P ifu ie r k . I W t K a a i a o* a e * ««b ri ab « r aa i W n a it»« »Herr is ihi- -aaw pride.

n v * B S Lm «____i r U K ^ H W W

Rail Far Sd*onJ


k o i k t h m a r k i n g p e r i o d-,,, semester, 1OT&-Ü6—AftryiMMNi

B. «. 1’.— Ruth Koehler

6—'Rose Wa]dec4,11. - 1 H. R-pir»tl*y-

II R. 10—Besmy Fuaeo l i R. 20— Helen G io v it i .

M.tiravey, Arlnte lBn to J1 R. 12 Winiirttd N ib lftt*

■i o 4 _ 1 Q ullioai


i. r« th )r< w M e K n u » , ' M erld Thenrtesi. Gea.

A j í M —Charlea A h r . in». M v j F1lim*n*. T inder. IntVmi.

¿ ^ * 1 Claire I ajtnacci, Recce C im n r. W in d . P . , 1 1, V in t iti.. U«oh>w. Q iarlrs Rw utw iti-J. Dorothy Schraux. fiav id Silvie. M .ry W .U h , Manrot Z in m v n u

! H. R. .14— RoiwW Bl.hu. J . o O n - cy, Nellie Fratlaro la, Edward <,em pier. Alfred Uilrnor», H a * m M i P eter 0 ‘Lou»*ilin, OHourtte!V in e»» P»Hto, Schneider/WII-•on Whjtney

H. R. '.r.--F..,k Frangipane. Mane CalMcihetta. Iren»1 Csam ecki, Arlim- » r lt . Bdjrthe ümvatraa, IW h i Know

ñ a t e o » . Grace U a M n ti, E lisabeth, MtDswwy. Ethel Reid. Pau liar ! Weiner

H J t . 30—Herbert Berg, Francia

I t e JaM » . ia - lu tarti

T W n in n a ta feature o9 N « r 4fr»aan" with

re and an all «tar

a. *w ‘* « i r w ur»varna, Helen KnowR. 24— M a r ra m Sullivan, A n - . »ley. Ray man, I V h im . Sadi«- Mug »slier , avaro. Nichnkc sí»*...n Tintile»

u . E-ii^-Adeteio.

H. R. .12—Anthony Ctask), Ila roW Csley. Hor*« ii«tone, Tloreaee M as­ked*

c r b w t a b l e u k tPO l'R T fl M A R K IN G P K R IO b

jut Semeatar 1MS<34— Aftem o m School.

H. R. 1— Nancy Aailenmn, A*nei>, C cu cc i. W alter Friedrich», Afluu (jaimii, Gloria Keegan, IX.ri.lhy Me. fcay. Jone Mitchell. Ruth Oatheimer.Jamen Polito. Cecelia Rees

H * 3—Charles Carton i, K l ' It■ H r ■ - * »

t ■ 1 V * r” ' N fholas .VpMu, KlixatxHh Or-JoyCC r.h ia. llkuÄ**i Hn i.rt p.1» W * ^ n in fr r

• ^ HON|>R r o l lp o r u m M a r k i n g p r r i o u

1« S fra M t« , W S6-.-MV— Morn ¡na School

U R. 3— Vincent ferihatv I H. R. 5— Edith $oBnr *

j H. R . Ruth Roekn tra iv r 4 H. R. a7— E«iith Mandaran a H. R . — J»un> Liftktis i H. R. S I— Viola WatvrheuHc- H. R. M»ur.cc M.rh«#>!s


lat Sem ester Momm*.Vhftal

H. R 31— Gilbert Klecak, Jane NatiaHa. « h r a n l WaUcrr

H .R. 34—George Phair, Leater WhiU»

H. R-31 M iaar Gtaaaaa. bwmd llanaan. M ary MaKaaaia. Joaaph l^waaòokaki, G Lewi« Steinhach

Shirley’T Stampi nè As Alitile M el

la Unte ta r ih# FebruaryMovie Festiva l la Shtrb > Tempie in her lafeaat, « raatt-at and ukuai «wter> tata iac hit. •‘The L ' t t W R r W I ’ arUh m all a la r eautt of iWfwrtwa playara. slhirley Taan|>i*--* ptcìun* eanaaa «a the R ita Thfrtn* W « d m

ThumAay and Fn<tey aad Mat ■ ìa y . N fcn ia ry I t i t i , ISrti, U th nnd MÉh. I V amoaiale feature MfaaMr I n » newapaprt romantx drama “The P a y a f f " atarrina Carnea t a s i aad C la im D a « . On

thè arventh of " f l f h t i a f M arinM " «’Ti a.the Rita Theatre ha« )n*ne


Ja«-«alt. Edward Jaatnakì. Edw aré Fim i.klaxt Edward Ta lle ., H ..»*rd K i.« |a r. Thoraaa Sm ith, Laddla O* ctlkowaki »nd Le im L a t te i kr

claaa« er from the l ’nitad *M ta le « .ty at tb«4» W m » 1h«t a^eh Gt»eà|àf vH » r r te ' * “ '« « I Mr. Ur. Kr.„kll„

^ ■ e t H lvvnfW bi. M r a id Mm. Kucmmv H r ’ and Mr». W illiam C«dlin# Ö F irth and U r, a<d M r* Emaet

o f T rave t* PUa^e ta ve a hrtd«e par I M r lW e of L^néhumi


t ' Ì T i l ServireE k a a n ì r a t i M i s

T«M> Ut*a»>d State* O v d ®«»vice Commlw -e ha!» a*n«Manort» apen « ompetitiee examination» a« fo llo**

Kc<M»ofu a '. varia»» #nad*' t SVdfO a year

Aa'xv u i t r m ilk *pe, a l i« i . » t-N'O a year, ami a**i»t*nt natlk *ivc»ali«>. tS.tf-ó » y^ar. N N i ì H.-ahh S^rrK-e. Treasury lV ju

I PuH infonoati.m *»«ay be .»hiaiae*! frum the Se^ret»r> thr Un ¡red State** Civil Serrh -e B*v«r»i of Exam iner» at the po»t office or o«t m

Fo lkm in r cloaely oponüuccesaful movie drive.


“ " Ir k , * y n * * r~ —~ ‘ — ■>h» m — ^ -----------w-— ______loi« Kraus. Ruth M lllett, Phyllic! H ' R - l — Helen ( a«0U , Marie DiNewmann. Paula Pratt«.-, Pau l Poll- V-*"1" ' KU.ythe Gilpin. C|ariMe l.uthym Wanda W l(c « sk l. ----- ‘ ' '

H K 1— M ary Albora, Audreyieric, Marion Croaett, Roth Daws n<Fraru< _ Ku*Uce, Harvey GerUk h.^nnn Jacobson, Edna Skllttaky.Loin Slick.

H. K. George Himael, MatiMa Liva, Patricia McKeown, Betty Mc- Kamara, Florence R itter

H. R. 7— Helen Carey, GladysMcIntyre. Richard Von Honawyk

H. K. 10— Roaario Apt Ayrr*. Krnneih Ilollerman

H. R. 1 1 — Shirley Andenon, John (Jrnwr, Herbert Johna, Dorothy; _

a tia iT Ss . *— =" rK,.,20_w*,rr" ' fe s i * ■»• ■» -ahrryry Fridman, Ix>rraine Hannajtan, * ^ • — - - ---

Sam Ibxhheiaer, W arren Reytieit.Mattel Slahor

H. R. 21-^-Wihner Deaker, Shijpeo Kondo. Leah Ijevy, Charles Tanella

H. R. 24— Michael Amendola.Florence Del Gnerrto, W ilm a Pavora,Gloria Livalli, E leanor' Morgan

H. R. 27—Sophie Koftioronrski.Jam«» laRuaao, Catherine ,Sharp

H. R S I—Carm ela DcAngelia,

....... i.uutyEleanor Majumfhalt, June Suat, Ruth White

H. R. 3-rCarl Hanaan. Ethel Kar atans, John Mcyar, Michael Rosa, Eleanor Sadlack

H. R. 6— Anna Brooks. Stanley Chapman

H. R. 6— Mildred Schmidt, H a r­old Welle

H. R. 7— Harvey Davies, Joseph fm im l.y , Eleanor Hoppe, Ethel Min- *to, Dorothy Holier

H. R. 1« -Geonreanna Beauty. Elisabeth Dvaaak. Aadrey Madison, Beatrice M4CinJey. Fn rd a Nuts.

•H R. 11—Clemaat I>ma. Walter

I^hti, Warton Weyer, « M i d Hal valore.

TL R. 23—Hiroshi Kondo, MaryDatui. Katherine Fauat

ft. -R- 3*—«Sarah DeJkngeli*. Cath* ariane Drami». Joaeph Militai In

H ,R. 27—Norma A tide num. Helen Keckeiaen, Louis Loveaky, BruceMtfEaihem, Helen 54choof

H. R. 2» - Hamid Oliate. Uebis Colabella, Joseph Conway. Henry

f l e w « aa 4aaUe programs,__ ______ _____ _ __ Mil he no dhmenarare given

Theatre this week Inaugurated f lrn t , * * * ¥ * * a k aally. However, the “ F e l^ js ry Movie Feet « a t " w W i followitig W a itna a t ty and TVurmky. Ginger Rogers, Shirley Temple and! aa unnaually fine program is being the Marx Bros, «haring the sprt* f •""■•••A management * iUli*ht_ j naatinne «he dhmerarnre j.raeenution.

In lin«‘ with the drive, com £rt for ^ / % W tpatruns has laren made certain vritb S U C v l a t V w V I H itthe R iu ‘ new atientific oil burner; / 'H w ( U . . , a ,,, .price* will continue to temain at ^ " v » " « "!li-- same low level; l.ut the fmeat _ available product from all nu^jor j j '* ;* '* Pateol o f the Waahingproducing c<.mpanW« hnve been een J .*” ! 11?.*1 *kttmrted to play a t the Rits Theatre ' Depanmentit aarty dataa. P a r ment has inhtalled facilities bnd spaaial *«rvice ment for profrssmnal csn leave their aeat any theatre attache In important calla.

Starting ita ‘‘February Movie Fee* t iv a r the Hit* Theatre wil| present Ginger Rogers, star o f *»Ply4nr I town to R io "— "Robarta" and "Top H a t" in her first starring picture " In Person” with handeoaw Meorg*»Brrnt a» her leading man. Tin- aa- socaaie irature brings the world re­nowned ” Freckles" to the »ilver srreen with T >ra B n rn i, V irg in ia Wiedler an«l hon.thy Stone. As added t^eat. there will be a musical fra- turettc, "Vitaphone Music H a l l "

•Th*s proKiwni will he shown FYuiay, a in I Saturday, February 7th and «Hi.On Saturdsy matinee, Feburary «h , the kiddias will be thrilling chapter of

firm or the ■rand


a * ANN PA tt*

rlaha »»i a*»» •*(M M ia n «itlwi U « ne»^a«-a»*a ses s r r '+*. i* ™ ; r.-r

M t a r* lb*arjKFri

»«»• » mmrm aa aa dHNn

au. .1 r-«. - ,

On Sunday, Monday and Tue^dap. February tt, Id mal l lth , the aiM>diHy hilarious, uproarvus Marx Mroa come’ to the H its H iea tre In ‘heir ewn festival of fun "A Night At the Opera' a-ith K it ty Carlisle aad

Members who went were; Ramievelt ‘ <Pl: Jam es Gilmore. Edwaid llan

ao4k, Kenneth Hughes. Barker Sapp August Minaai, Howard I ’avne. Wm.. G ill, Richard Maxiaim. Jam es Borat Vincent i'oata, W il ls H Near. Frank Oaback, Paul Slaa->r, P,t**r Rixxuta, Kenneth Summers. A lina Storm, Har r>’ Fag«, Raymond Gaakill. Joseph Texta. Bem an l Jtnfdcr. Catheri««*] Fillippone. Eleanor McGinnis. Marie I Ferrie, Antoinette R>g«ntr, Margaret |


*TBawrCeP^ w »

Washington S<Ko«>l : N r Ida S ilv nail, K lualieth Swmiuin, Jean Thi man. N ita Hiraeck, Vernon Heller.] Joeeph Ghglia, Ph ilip Rada, V im e

R He i chert. f»oydan|«Hr aieth Tylieka. Hm rry F ighting Mar-

• ¿ST rÄ i.. **Mandami1¿m S S Z m

f M É 1 S > j « l . » » U « r » U T n l M M » « « » ( « o « « o l i n t e n s e c t io n s «o M c i d f » r w s ¿ T t a n e J f r o m c o u n t ie s n e a r N e w V o i f c — W * « c f c « s ie r . K in g s . Q w s w . W ll lH , I s i s t «ad N ew J e r s e y . . . u s e c o m p i n e s e c t io n p a c k « » w M p ic tu re s a n d l i . e l y M M « « a r s b g a l d a t e e w o m e n 's c lu b * , re s o r t* . S i m . o « Ú i * | > a a d o th e r « o c ta l e ve n ts . S t e p s b r e a t i o f w h a t y m t <rsen<is « r e d o in g

^ I f i w Y O R K

3Kemlb Tribune

tn»aa'rw «««*** *>ea

SH fi’S EASV TO RKACH by telephone- * H I j r r s c a tte re d la m » K n iA e a p o in t o f ra R iin g

w ith h o r Ir w jw e n th — * » » ' <>• h .fs jw In m g

th a t m a n y N e w Je r s e y p e o p l t l iB o t a n d tre .tt.u x e .

They cdll .liter 7 r. M . 'all SiuuldN, lt«>t .tt U,»c*t me» —tao miles lor 4 1 0 lor $ 1 . 0 0 — m tti"*>-t<«-*i.ition rate»,rerstui-tit-pcrvon i".tH% also -lrr T ciu itd .titer 7 .uid on Sm idj\.

in« new n r— » n H m '« u icao

I M u m Um nf*em piem as* a a»a **** n a*


P r M t« Form Cofswp IT 9*Ovohin« £ r . r 2 7 « n r 4 *Pr— to C o k « flo u r Hm lbC ah f Prunos »3? IO*S k o l c o r S a l t 2 Z Z 9< Sw potCom iiAM«A«e ouautt 31T19« Upton’s Tea : 2 0 ^ 39*• - U t- m NMMM H I T I O O O lS ht otmm JBr, tar R /*F ffO flh Prunos tMOK»ev»un 'cil' K>*m ___________ m O O UM M M M W W w M a sroney aoim on o—«■* *«• ip

. a . f t a

Rad Cherries

P .O .N . H.Mello W h eat ’X 9 « MIS > C am ay S o a p a ^ L 6 — 15*Bobo 9 0 « P O H O t A M A M » I N A Ml 2 - 17«Super Suds 3 m. 22«ScotTlgpue M . . O - Ü « . 4 « 25*

y e r is l, ’ V iH rt.. I n A SmI.

SUGARPm* CtMae f**»e Gsaanfcslad

to 4 7 ‘

» W « «M H

CHEESE*«4» **•«# Hf aoaap

2 5S. a. ( . I rm tin y r .u d ,

a i ta 0 « A * r i j ; »e i a P o á | M M>>m w b a tasti ! . . U a n è a a i M M . ] ^ | A

if tie l s l M AIP Mmtkät!

PORK IM S JiSi“, it.UGS Or LAMB SVSS. .2 »

Beend Per neaef w an aw • *e«T m «■ ■ ■ » U rnek mmm m m . . SA u la M i Oiaa« «m s «m » s e thaaMar s« Im * «m *V<

v r j p fM r • > f

he* Umk AI w *


Page 6: EIGHT WW PROBLEMS SEEK JOBS HYIS ONBOARD FALLHEAID … · 2015. 5. 15. · LntcreU as Secuoil CUn EIGHT WW SEEK JOBS ONBOARD Tuesday*» B wtiw II Marked By DsB Ca«- pcigaln Lyndhurst

M ilto n Goldberg, ton of Mr. nod M r . and Mra.M rs. D av id Goldberg ot Voiiojr Brook

J Avenue, a student ot Frsnkiij\ atod M arsha ll College has returned to hit studies a fte r visiting with his par-

I ents fo r several days.

1 Lad ie s ' Auxiliary of the Masonic | Club w ill hold their snnual card par j ty F eb ru a ry 22nd at the club houae. j M ia . P e te r Ripp is chairman of the

r committee in charge.

Becton Dickinson Employees Plan

Annual DanceClassified

AdvertisementYour Satisfaction

is our policy frjtn start to finishYour Satisfaction

!• the best assurance of con tinued succeos.

Your Satisfaction

W o ca n a * guarantee the insertion of any ad­vert i*enwni m these columns unless aame i i paid fur in advance. Rates for classified sdvertising are as follows: eae insertion $.60, two consecu­tive insertions *.75. throe consecutive insertions S J t ; four consecutive insertions $1.00. L im it qvc line«, averag* six words to a lino.

The Becton-Dickinson Em ploy*** organization will conduct iu annual dance at the East Rutherford High School Auditorium on Friday, Feb­ruary 28, '1936 .

Wallace C- Woldanski, president of the organization will act as chair­m an of the committee jn charge.

Factory executives and^acpsitment foremen »re expected to attend. The music w iir be supplied by Bob Mac*? and his CaMmont Club Orchestra

M rs. N a t C. Gilbert of Court A ve­nue w as hoätess at her homo-Mon­day afternoon ot bridge to Mrs.Michael Epstein, Mrs. Dsvid GoM- berg and M rs. Msrtha Holtanger of Lyu d h u rst and Mrs. Bernard Fried ­man o f Rutherford.

Our SatisfactionPARK RADIO


1*4 Pa rk Ave. E. Rutherford ToL RUth. 10211 30 minute service

A ll mokes recai red by factory trained expert«

The committee in charge are: Sue Velebny, Dan M. Marvin, George Weller, Fred Henrich and A lvin H. Krsska.

charge of the music.Alice Carey M cK itney Woman Y ------

Christian Temperance Union will The Dw ight Morrow Republican hold its regular meeting Monday af- ! Club held their ftgulsr meeting a t temoon * t the bom« of Mrs. Charles the club house last week. Plans were Cromley of Second Avenue. The topi«« made to hold a “Come and Guess for diacuasion wii be "C itisonah ip"' Social” at the club house, February led by tho director of this department, 22. V ic to r J . Scelsa will take Mrs. Joseph Aldridge. charge.

M ias Em ily Guidetti, of Now York Avenue» a teacher in the Roooovolt School, is ill and unable to attendher dutioa. .

KINGSLAND AVE. and RIDGE ROAD. LYNDHURST^ " R S RUtlwrford 2-4450... t t T '


Fend prices ore sctually being reduced here. In spite of a great desl o f ta lk about higher cost of food we are oa msay stsple commodities. Visit our msrket sad aee the many new U * price».

tost dsily reducing price«

Specials Feb. 6th to Feb. 12th Inclusive

Fruits and VegetablesThursday, Friday & Saturday

Meat DepartmentThursday, Friday tk Saturday

PAPE SPCA R Y 6, 1(3«¡ S 3 A * .

P A IN T K R S — D Ä C O fcA T O lS ■ a a d


~ r S S T S . ta b , » n a p or► ä a » as se»t Henderson, 112 ForCat Av Ly ndhurtt. 1'hone Rath. 2-4OJ0. I

iO-S-tfCross, Town Hall, I.yndhurst.

10 31 tf

P A IN T E R A N D D EC O R A T O R -al«o R E F IN IS H IN G O F F U R M T E L E V IS IO N LS H E R E1 — This newT I JR E . OW Farnttere broughtbock to its original color. J . P Groenendyke. Pb >ne Ruth. 2-41W-


F o R K E N T —Jfurniehod Room with heat. Jn private home. Apply 'JM4 Park Ave., Lyndhurst. Phone Ruth 2-1304. l-23-4ti-p

ROOM FO R R E N T -in private home — Hot water and heat supplied. North Newark and J C. Buses pa»* the door. Rent $5.00 week. fcW Orient Way, Rutherford. Ruth. 2* 410*. l-SJMti-c

FO R S A I.E -Profit breeding eenar- ies. Female canaries, (iuerenteed Breedern. $1.50. Double Rrredtn* rage. $2.25; Golden nightingale choppers, $5.95; Feed mother ami young our egg yolk and Zwieback

G E A R Y 'S P E T SH O P 4.1.1 Itrosd St.. Newark

Near I). L. & W . Station1-29-tf


FO R S A I.E — Electrolux refrigerator. 1 yoar old, perfect condition, $100 ; Dining Room Suite and Hu* $75 . 1931 Studebaker Commander 0 ae- dsn, 1 HiH) miles $200. 02 Stuyves- ant av.-nue, Lyndhurst.

1-23 4ti p

industry will require thousands of trained men. Complete practical training in Radio-Broadcast-Tole- viofcm within National School evision Lohtmtorioo. Transporta­tion u Los Angeles included In cost. Booklet free. National Schools RKO Bldg , Radio City, Rockefel-

a-iM tu1er Center, Ç .^Y .

1 W A N T E D — Woman or girl desiring * me« room, suitable for light housekeeping in s good home In exchange for a few hours house- keeping daily. 338 Fern Avenue, Tel. Ruth. 2-4197J.

i-is-4 a p.

W A N T E D — G irl (white) for light housework. Sleep in or out. 79 Ridf<> Rd , Rutherford.


W A N T E D — Woman to cook supper for busine»» couple. Meal to be randy by 7:1$. State pay doolrod; and qualification». Addross mail to Box IS , Commercial Louder, S M Va lley Brook Ave., Lyndhurst.

________________ - ' J-S-4-G-c


In honor of Miss Bess Bennett'a graduation from the Lyndhurst High School, the members of her sorority, Iota Chapter, Sigma Beta Tau gave her a surprise party at her home on Second Avenue, Thursdsy evening.

The rooms «rere gayly decorated

snd flowers were given by her many friends. A delightful supper was serv­ed at midnight. <

Guests included the members of the sorority. Misses Grace Broderick, Rosemary Earley, Eve lyn Bennett, V irg in ia Spillane, A dele Tansola, Le- nore Harriaon, Eleanor Meyer and Mias Bess Bennett; and Mr. Donald O’Brien, Frank Flanagan, W arren Bock, Ph ilip McAloon, Raymond Chapman, Eugene Guiannola. W il ­liam Kraft, W illiam Maurer, Harry and Louis Bennett, Miss Helen Ben­nett, Mr. H. A . Bennett and Mr«. J . Whelan.

PhilipRidge lo a d celebrated thotr twenty, fourth wedding anniversary recen­t ly .

Lyndhurst Jun io r Woman's Club Meadowbrook. Mrs. Anna CnieUn io met Mondsy night at the club house, chairman of the committee in chargeMembers of the Literature and Dra ma Department presented a pro­gram. Miss Edns Broadwell, chair­man, took charge.

and will be a«at• ted by Mrs. RalphColabella, president of the auxiliary*

, .. y - r . -£\ _ , ( °u r t Lyndhurst, Catholic Daugh-Ladies Auxiliary of the Columbua ... . . .Uh will mmmt .♦ tv- . i ! ***• * f A u m k e , will hold a recep­

tion w>Club will tonight at the cl house. Final an angeinenta w ill hr made for tnpir annual dinner dance to hs held Sntqrday night at the

new members next Monday night st their meeting at the club house.

.M rs. Ja ¿k Kavanaugh of L iv ing ­ston Avenue was hostess to her card club last night.


| CHURCH_________|Foreot srgl Styvesnnl Avas.

Rev. Franklin G. Fabor. rector Keetory Telephone

561 Livingston Ave. Ruth. 8-140? J « S e t vte^is (or SeptMSgoeina Sunday.February 9th, 1030.

7.30 A. M. Holy Communion9.46 A. M. Church SehooL11 A M Morning prayer and aer-

man . . . . . .H p M Evening prayer and od

drees.Monday. G irls ' Friendly Society st

H P. M. •Tuesday. Soy 's Club M P M Wed St M ar»’« Guild H P M Fri. Choir rehearsal * P. M

• »ming Event»Wed Fab. 10th Annual card party

under the sitopicvs ot St. Mary j Guild, Parirh Hall h P M

The Church^ W ith a Coidtel WW come to all



SU iyvp itn t A .anur, n r .r Valte) Brook . «*< J> ix> H. U ttBb , D. D ,

Paster0 45 A.M. Sunday School

I l l » A J L M emtng Worohtp.* rftê p.M Young Peoples Christian Unionï:00 P M Intennedlato Young

P copiée Society.


Comparo .Our ironed shirts with any others at the same price and sec the differ­


Choose your Laundry as you would choose yoyr



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2kh H T U W E S A M A V E Next to Egerie

Wm. A HeywoodReal Estate - Insurance

1*1, ,,p,: k l ' l l l . i!..u !411 Lake Avenue, Lyndburst, N.J.

Re» taeorgr F. Mailer. <90 Travers PI. Lyn A n rm , N. J .

alley (tr«eh Ave. end Travers P L |S U N D A Y F E B 2nd

K nn s m. Matms, Holy Communion

t wraer s.py»seaMt aad Tartlse A«aa.Rev Donald E . Wllhamo. I ’asto« rn rsottage, 30/ r — tin e An roue Phone: Rutherford 2 751S-J

-1:41 A. M. — Raym.tml 0. ExU r,

II A. M. Mot ting Worship.I P M. Young People's EpwortS

league, Ruth B relia. ***o# r P . M . In itn M ih fco Looguo- la

charge a f Mt»> Jsnet Muir J P. M Jun ior l^agut la ch«ig« *■ Mrs. tfcas. Srelle.$ P. M. Eventnt W orship *-Soag

Service.Tuesday S:3e

clase for W o Heacock

Midweek Sorviee

0:1S a.*%, Sunday School and B lU e Claaa.

10 » a.in. FeoUval Service. Ilo ly t\unmumon, aermon and insunation of eUtoora.

Monday —7 pm. Junior Y. P. 8 .T«e*da> -41 p.m. Church CouncilWednesday h p.m. Evening Wor*

ahlp and Praise.Thursday, Feb. 13th, Ladle« Aid.Friday even inr -Feb 14th. H p.m.

la rge Cerd Psrty.

*«*■ j 3325 S T M 'Pres. M rs Clara . I » ««h a i ■ »••■•t

I» ImUrrfont. X. I.m.imui'ONT*a~t.i.v«x>».v ha j|. -»•,-* 0/ is* Ifa'k" caaes-fc

T V » It s OiMivt* el Cfeit*4 at la Masa.

N ek> st »14 A. Uh»» st I t s.m.

iy fefnta« M w l.u at » I* »a...............

► ridny - g - - Choir Rehearsal. M iss, Evelyn North, Organi»* and C la ii IHrortorM E E T IN G S O F T H E M O N T S

'O fficial Boerd— let. M o t è l « P. M Missionary Satiety- 2^d. M , ^ )

S P . M.S.I

P . M

r f!»ni it at lecas^hiia) seUf w mg« mo • n»,! t.» m BE• I .00 fee« • can« %■

t I4KI> n \N S C IE N C E C M I’MCN “ S P IR IT ' witt be the subject o l

tht I^Mwn-Sernwn in sll Churehoe af ChriM . Scient lot, Sunday, feh. nth. f '

«ne t i ld e n Text is: ^Yhe Spirit Sontil -4th M o id iy n p. M. senwheth oil ihmgs. yea, t V deep

Guild 1st and 3rd Thorp, th nga God” t l Carmthiaa. t-IO l. t 30 P . M. i.,\i . Am«»ag thr citations wkieh co«»W Ê K Ê Ê B Ê Ê Ê Ê M tÊ Ê ^ ttlÊ ^ Ê Ê K Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê I Leeaon* Sermon M thr fol*( S M H T IA M S C fX N C K R E A D IN G " S frma thr Bibb “ ThU I say

K tM IM _ r s i u I . IS . I ' .W h I t a * * j y•hall Wo« fulfil thr lust of the flaah. I v i the fhrah laeteth agamst the

, Ki-.nt. and the Spirit again«« ths < H I I IH I .A S K I S S C S s i t a i •»* • " eontrwii tta

H » k . K.ad. S . r r . . w m I M t t a • » * « * » r t t a r m <ta< T» ««UH»» rmsT i m Hcs Of -• *» .lM?ta.*tat «wU* iu«*-I H IIIT T IM IK K T U T *>“ «• »:»«. >»)•

- M ilk Hmipm to K v t p M m J o U , '

- A N D I T S C R E A M C R E S T M IL h FO R M R— A L W A Y S !

Y«m csn t l*e jo lly If you're not healthy, and whore's a hotter health-buildor than pure fresh m ilk ?'' Ours is Pastuenped for your t r a t ­et protection.

fREAN CRESTV •» D A IR Y ' In% ns n o m . iysmusji

P H O N t R U 2 - 4 2 4 5

I l Sülvaa St. RuthOrfar* N J . AwihtMiisd sa«' Approved Uteeetaee

Christum Science Teslbnoh. and Health with Key to the Sculp­tures'* by Mary Baker Eddy: “ The suppoattienal «o rlare between truth and error ia only th* tesala! con­flict between the evidence of

ltd the teetiuMny

la Rather feed. S . J.the f«ib-w»is po**«g' |iom

¡«i» •S p .ll l«: I BOtth

the «Svine I m i* m


BOT RO AST................... lb 294R IB EN D



BREAST OF VEAL . . . . . Ih 17«P H IL A D E L P H IA

SCRAPPLE . . lb 19«.............. lb 29«




W HITE ONIONS . . . . 2 lbs 9cE A T IN G or COOKING

A PPLES...................... 4 lbs 194STALKTABLE C ELERY............... eo UJU IC Y GRAPEFRUIT . . . e o k

Ash Your Neighbor II W t Haven't Go« THE BEST CORNED BEEF IN TOWN

PLATE OR NAVEL __________


lb 15c lb 26c lb 35(

t KK K O N E M-BAR-O R A M H « i lk parcha». .1 our pkiFORCE

OLD DRUM.....................pt 9$«W ILKENS FAMILY . . . . pt9$«SEAGRAM S...................pt 1.19GOLDEN WEDDING . . pt 1J9V .O . ...............pt 1.99MT VERN O N

BONDED RYE . ; . . . . pt 125PENNSTRAIGHT R Y E ..............pt69«A L I O V ER 5 Y E A R S O LD

SCO TCH ..................... 5th 2.75\ L L O V E R S VK A RH O L II

SCO TCH..................... 5th 2.95CALIFORNIA W INES

5th - Vs 9ol 89« gal -1.75 A U LAIU,K iloTS

s s c . 3f<»25cUme Rickey

Grocery DepartmentD O U B L E ACTING H E A L T H C L U B

BAKING POWDER .n M U Kr* I Sc r*lW A X PAPER . . . . roll 5«n n R I NNING TAKLK m COOKIN«;SA L T ...................... 24 oz pkg 3«R E D D E V IL

CLEANSER................ reg can 34W H IT E RO SE

SH R IM P.................. ne 1 can 15cL I B B Y *8 F R I IT Ne. 1 con

CO CKTAIL................... 2 for 25CL I B B Y ’S P U R S No. I Con

ORANGE JU IC E ............2 for 25cL I B B Y 'S P U R E I oi con

STRAW BERRIES............2 for 25cH \RRIM O N

DILL PICKLES.............. qtjarlSCH E IN Z S L IC E D 21 oi. jsr

CUCUMBER PICKLES . . . . 22cUU M K rtAT CAN rANCV B l.t'K BACKSALM O N....................... can 25c


CRACKERS.......................lb 19cS I N S H IN R


SIR ltN fi AMI >K«llKOl >O CR FA V O R IT E ................... lb 23c« O K M ir i'L rLAVORW O N D ER .............................. |b 21cM II.D . m | M K I.U )»SPEC IA L BLEN D — ............. lb 19ci t TUl.S ar ORVNC.K rKkUKP E A .................................V4 lb pkir 25c

WK I'M k AM» S U M ' V I It m ix m in i


, Friday Only Large No. 1 Smelts . . h 15c

Fish Dept.A IhS Iwr (4 IIW I OY­

STERS, CLAMS net» day 1« the week Him» made CLAM CHOWltkR. 1 tSH CAKES.

Saturday Only Rib Veal Chops . . lb 21c

Monday Only iPI.ATE NAVKI 1Soup i M eat . . . S> 11c |