< The Negro Question A negro advise his people In Georgia to arm themselves with Winchesters The Southern Industry comments up ¬ on this wise advice Many of them do this after commit- ting a felony but it does not seem to do them mucb good White criminals also arm themselves but it never avails Does the adviser intend to have the negro criminal arm himself His advice is useless for this is done wherever possible Does he intend to tell the respectable negro arm them ¬ selves It is necunessary The negro with a good character Soutb is as safe as the white with a good character Neither a white or black criminal Is safe anywhere Does be intend by his advice to have the blacks arm them ¬ selves as a race Then ho is a fool For the blacks toarm and defy the An ¬ glo Saxon of the Southter of the Northwould simply mean the utter and complete annihilation of the ne ¬ gro race of America Nol Let the black maD alone be is understood and respected by the white man of the South when he is worthy of rc pect Tbere have been cases where Innocent blacks have suffered at the bands of a mob There have also been cases where innocent whites have suffered in the same way Booker T Washington of Tuskcegee Ala W H Council of Ilutitsviile AH and others of their class are settling the question along the lines of industrial education aud character buliding for their race and we need not fear the future Plot Made a Year Ago Cleveland Ohio Sept 22 Investi- gations ¬ made today by Police Detec- tive Sohmunk reveal the startling poi sibility that a plot to assaslnatc Presi- dent ¬ McKinley was laid a year or more ago before be was elected for his sec ¬ ond term and that it may have been laid in the peaceful precincts of Orang- township where the Czolgosz family livedIn his search for bis clews today Dc tective Scbmunk learned from the neighboring farmers that tb Czolgosz boys Leon and Waldeck have been readers of socialist papers for several years John D Knox an aged farmer who lives in the vicinity of the Czolgosz farm said today The two boys the one that shut th president and Waldeck used to conic to my house and talk to me abaut their socialist papers They brought their papers to me and tried to get me to read them Once whek they were during the last presidential campaig- they got to talking about President McKinley and one of them said If he Is elected he will be shot be- fore he serves out his term and then went on I would serve John Rocke ¬ feller the same way if I got a chance They talked violence all the time and I was glad when they left the neigh ¬ borhood Almost every night they was a crowd of people from tne city at their house It is said that Leons father sister and brothers are going to Buffalo short- ly ¬ From the first Buffalo police and se ¬ cret service agents of the federal gov ¬ ernment have been strong in their be ¬ lief there was a plot although the Cleveland police have been inclined to doubt the theory One of the strong elements in the belief of the Buffalo and secret service detectives has been the fact that the handkerchief with which the assassin concealed the hand in which he held his weapon was a wo mans handkerchief What is more important is that the handkerchief was tied about the hand in a way it is claimed he would not bave been able to tie it himself no matter how skilled he might have been with the plber band or bow much time he might have taken That Czolgosz had money 1 pelledshe detectives to try to learn whence he got it Today his brother Waldeck Czolgosz confessed Navin sent it to Leon under the name of Fre Snyder at West Seneca N Y It is said that Leons father and brother arc going to Buffala shor ly and the police believe when they confront Leon thatbe will break down and reveal all that is now a mystery in regard to the shooting of the president Public sentiment has caused the Republicans to make tome sort of de claration against trusts and they do tin a very gingerly and equivocal way At their State Conventions they de- clare ¬ that while legitimate combina ¬ tions of capital should be encouraged all illegitimate combinations should be condemned The trouble with them is that they never see any ille 11gltimacy In any of the combinations doing so much to oppress the people They would place them ¬ selves on la better footing with the FL masses II they would define the limits of legitimate combinations From Hie Republican standpoint all trusts lsgitlaaatet i fJ r Came Near flying Fortbrco days and nights I suffer- ed agony untold from an attack of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucumbers says M E Lowther clerk of the district court Ccnterville Iowa I thought I would surely die and tried a dtaen dlffercnl medicines but all to nopurpose I sent for a bot- tle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and three docs rel- ieved me entirely I went to bleep and did not awake for eight hours On awakening a few hours ago I felt so gratified that the first work I do on- gOing to the office Js to write to the manufacturers of this remedy and offer them my grateful thanks and say God bless you and the splendid medi- cine pun make This remedy is for sale bM Cravensh Pete McAllister was killed by a train in Warren county while stealing a Tide Cures Eczma Itching Humors Thronyh the blood by taking Botan ¬ ic Balm Blam B B B which m ekes the blood pure aud rich heals every sore scab scale boil or eruption and stops the itching of eczema B B B cures especially the worst and most deepseated cases B B llo kills tic humors In the blood Druggists 1 Describe trouble and trial bottle sent free by writing Blood B ilm Co AClan tsi GaDr J A Ireland one of the oldest physicians of Louisville died last week Get Your Moneys Worth It Is hard to appreciate the full val ¬ ue of Morleys Wonderfnl Eight until you have used it in a score of the emer- gencies that come in every bousehold Dr TE Barnhart of Claiborne Par ¬ ish La says Permit me to say I Eighte and found ltd good medicine In Pleu ¬ risy and Pneumonln Nooning equals it In relieving pain Price 25 cents Ask your druggist Mrs John Richards of Hardin coun ty was found dead in her yard Eat What You Like rWhen you take Morleys Liver and Kidney Cordial for then dyspepsia breathe dizziness and the lonsr train of similar troubles will disappear and your clean- s ¬ d aud awakened system will demand food Sound digestion and sound ap the Asn k your druggist Although the war against the Boers according to Brithlsb authority was virtually over months ago the Boers continue to capture men and guns from the enemy Stung By a Centipede Mrs Thos Saunders Bluflton Tex was stung by a centipede A doctor was sent for but before he arrived some sensible friend wet a piece of brown paper with Morleys Wonderful 1 Eight and apdlied it to the wound The doctor said his services were not need for the poison was neutralized or killed by the Wonderful Eight Mrs S did not suffer from the wound Sold by agent in every town Few animals are being made ready for the beef market throughout the greatwrudistrictsandthereisbounW d e from January to July 1902 It is rea ¬ sonable to predict that this shortage will advance prices Stood Death Off E B Munday a lawyer of Henrietta Tex once fooled a nravedipger He saSs My brother was very low with perm ¬ try and he was soon much better but con ¬ tlnued their use anti he was wholly sureElectricBitterSsad v ¬ ma ¬ aria kills disease germs and purifies tht e cures con- stipation ¬ dyspepsia nerveous diseases kidney troubles female complaints Rives perfect healths Only50c at- E T Paulls drugstore Some of the Republican wool grow- er ¬ ere puzzled They Cant under ¬ stated why it Is that in 1895 under the Cleveland administration me din Q1 grade wool was quoted in the Boston market at 16 to 24 cents per pound while at thin present time thin same grades are quoted at 11 to 17 cents Working Night and 1 > y The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr Kings New Life Pills These pills change weakness n to strength listlessness In to energy brainfag into mental pow- er ¬ Theyre wonderful in building up the health Only 25c per box Sold byTEPanll > F k Gems of Thought Take my word = for it the sad ¬ dest thing under the sky is a soul incapable of sadness Young ladles if you have a sweet face or a winning smile it is Gods gift and He means that you shall use it for good The best thing to take people out of their own worries is to get to work and find how other folks worries are getting in Tho faithfulness of two each to the other alone makes possible the true home the righteous na- tion ¬ the great kind brotherhood of man Judge no one by his relations tever criticism you pose UI IUI is companions Relations features are thrust upon U8j com ¬ panions like clothes are more or less our own selection A night of Terror Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burnbam of Machias Me when the doctors said she would die from Pneumonia be ¬ fore morning writes Mrs S H Lin- coln who attended her that fearful nlKht but she begged for Dr Kings New Discovery which had more than once saved her life and cured her of Consumption After taking she slept all night Further use entirely cured her This marvelous medicine Is guaranteed to cure all Throat Chest and Lung Diseases Only 50oand ljOO Trial bottles free a T E Paulls drug store J Badger of Newport was Instantl- y killed and his wife seriously wound ¬ ed by a negro burglar who escaped A Shocking Calamity Lately befell a railroad laborer writes Dr A Kellet of Williford Ark His foot was badly crushed but Bucklens Arnica Salve quickly cured him Its simply wonderful for Burns Bolls Piles and all skin eruptions Its the worlds champion healer Cure guaranteed 25c Sold by T E Paull The stockholders of the Buffalo Exposition have sustained a loss of shoat a million dollars on ac ¬ count of the blow given to the en ¬ terprise by the murder of President McKinley When you cannot sleep for coughing one should tell you that you need a few doses of Chamberlains Cough Remedy to allay the irritation of the throat a and make sleep possible It is good Mrs it For sale by M Cravens Hemmed in a cellar filled with flames and every avenue of escape out off Amos Morris a night watchman employed at a chemi ¬ cal works in Indianapolis was burned to death in the presence of a number of people who were pow ¬ erless to help him It is suppos- ed ¬ the lantern carried by Morris exploded while making his rounds and set fire to the excels or with which the cellar was stored For sprains swellings and lamenees there is nothing so good as Chamber ¬ lains Pain Balm Try it For sale by M Cravens Shakers Passing Away The Shakers the oldest most unique and most successful coop ¬ erative communities in this coun ¬ try are going the way of all simi ¬ Jar organizations says a Georgia paper At New Lebanon Han- cock ¬ and West Pittsfield there ha been suoha loss of membership that it has been necessary to hire help to carry on the business o the communities and this not be ¬ lug profitable it is proposed to sell lands and withdraw fro many of the industries that in for ¬ mer years yielded large profits Jere Wilson one of the foremost attorneys of Washington and principalcounsel for Rear Admir ¬ al Sohley died suddenly in apartments last Tuesday Dent Was due to acute indigestion H was in consultation with his asso- ciate ¬ in the Schley case an hour before his death His early life was spent in the courts and on the bench in Indiana He served two terms in Congress and then re ¬ mained Washington to practice law Its Gods way His wiil b done These were among the last words of President McKiuley on his death bed What a sublime faith I What a tourching sermon inSa few words No fear no ¬ pining j no words of repntac against the inisernble assassin who took lira life Only a man whir life has been correct cane death in this unflinching w TENNESSEE RIDGE Some one may be interested In this part of the worldsome of its people or its locality Tennessee Ridge is so called from the foot that most of its people or sojourners are originally from Tennessee and you bet they are a good ways from there now Part of the ride is in the coun ¬ ty of Casey and the other part in Adair the Adair part inhabited by Republican mostly but that dint mean the Ridgewill always be Republican Crops on the ridge are about an average excepting Irish potatoes They are no good The people are all industrious Itv abiding citi ¬ zees and principally good farmers among whom I mention Thomas Sanders Walker Absher Thomas Mulls Wm Odelburry Cooper and i there Tim peach Pea sun is about ove politics q nat Wm 11ods infant boy who has been buffering for some time with a bruised aud stiff knee is improvingWinfield Woods who has been under the weather for some time with nervous trouble is improv ¬ ing Tom Sanders has presented his daughter with a new organ Ed MItchem one of our esteem ¬ ed citizens contemplates remov ¬ ing to Illinois in the near future Mr Montgomery our teacher who is a resident from near Co lumbiaisgiving great satisfaction Mr Editor if you are fond good nice yellow sweet totes- come and stay over night with us when up this way and we will fill you up What is a home Certainly not a place in whioh one simply eats and sleeps one could do the alone in an empty barn To sank a home is to establish a place in which two people who love sac other mean to bring their bes Gold and silver can buy and fu nish a house but no money can buy a home The poorest rue m may become to the occupants home rich in treasures of selfde ¬ nial considerateness and iie portals EM Harvey a wellknown at- torney ¬ of Brownsville Edmoneon county has filed suit against G A Thomas Son dentists Horse Cave for 5000 damages alleged to have been unstained by reason of the unskillful manner in which defendant dentists did some bridge and cap work on h teeth He alleges that Thomas Son are not registered dentists and that through their uuskillful ness he was made to suffer great physics and mental pain to the extent of 5 000 Glasgow Times The Democratic nominees for county school superintendent in Boone and Boyd counties and the republican nominees for the same office in Grant and Marion have been selected too late to be exam ¬ feed under the regular rules for a certificate of qualification and un ¬ less they are willing to take a much more difficult examination they will be disqualified At the eighteenth annual reun ¬ heP d Jo permanef Osborne permanent nom t An attachment is provided secrecyt he apparatus whioh is rented at a moderate rate indicates whether listenih n g note It isnt a question of advanta to Schley or Sampson in this m ter of the Naval Court ofluquirys investigation The main issue h Ito get at the facts for the sak F accurate historyI fowill r eMrs McKinleyreceive e t symgrea pathizin as sBroustop of Lext froh m ing to his wife in the Beau Ihonb oil fields for 589000 to a- astern n syndicate i Tdachets Association Program for Teachers Associa tion for Districts 4 and 5 to be held at Gradyville Oct 19 1901 Devotional Exercises Music Welcome Address Wm Wil moreResponse G P Dillon MusicHow control primary pupils Mary Todd W T Salmon Relative value of Arithmetic and Grammar Mrs Shirley Holland SimpsonMusic Methods in teaching Reading Millard li elch Bessie Walker How to get pupils interested in History Hallie Nell Nora Sau didge Music What is successful teaching Li da Simpson Garfield Flowers Psychology in education Supt Janesr What is good discipline Pearl Hindmau Burton Yates Music Does teaching pay Fannie Stults Edith Curry Methods in spelling Nannie Bradshaw Sallie Yarberry Mrs Annie Yarberry MusicWhat books should teachers read Vina Royse Clauie Walker R L Campbell Language lessons Gus Hundley Lou Frauknm Nannie Rowe Literature Prof Granger Gov Hiudman The Association will be called to order at 10 oclock and close with night entertainment ofAll teachers of Adair county are parts Choosing between Lieutenant General Miles and Adjutant Gen ¬ eral Corbin President Roosevelt is said to favor the former eightysixI carneh more companiesr Commissioners from Cuba say Statesa concessions the finan ¬ inevitai ¬ bees FQR SALE One cow and calf and a fat heifer that will weigh about 800 pounds W W BROCK3IAN Joppa Ky ofFor sale two good steer calves Call at once It you wish to buy JAS CAJLLISON Cane Valley Ky If you want to invest some money in fiethe Columbia Oil Co call on or write F Jeffries or any member of tne company in this town Bear Brand Fertilizer To grow good wheat you must fer ¬ tilize and when you buy fertilizer you should know that you get the best for the money you pay I am prepared to take care of Your interest in grade and price The Bear Brands are not sur passed in quality cor undersold in price Good grade wheat grower from 100 to 125 Art Hurt Columbia and Cray Craft Oct 14 TO3W RKTES TO NEW YORK And Return July 1st to Oct 20th 1001 VIA ntu o Four Tickets will be good for return trip ten days from date of sale 4 Passengers via one routrBU jrLf R M S yiP Route Cleveland and inRy either direction w1 acreP ind and Buffalo Transitbetween o Cleveland aill he allowed at Buffalo tickge atval and payment of 100 at o of deposit Stopover will be allowed at Brocton ChautauquaLake Tickets Authorized stopovers will be allow- ed at Niagara Fells Washington Bal ¬ timbre and Philadelphia oh tickets pointsm particulars to schedules rates tickets call on Big Four Route cr address undersigned WJ LYNCH W P DEPPE Gen P Tkt Agtr Assistant CINCINNATI O S J GATES Gen Agt LoHivii7 Ky r i i 1 t of Amer ¬ IRiOTHERH is to have Tile female dis I i aye constantly menaced with j becoming childless wife No orf proI j iiiicirrii e4docs restore weak functions and shattered nerves and docs bring babies to homes j yearsYine f health and strength to bear heal thy children You cut get a dollar bottle of Wins of Cardui from your dealer Wft jfC4RDUI I UrtetMenphi0Tcnc April U 1001 giTh I married fifteen had never given birth to a cl7il3nilll I took Wine finebal The n igha fourteen pounds and I feelNo henceagnin For adrla fled ire Mdrw glT1ng J Ucnawear CWttaaoop lenD BRUNERCO WlfOLESA- LEPRODUCE DEALERS We charge no commission on Butter PoAI try and Egg Also guarantee highest market prices J 471 Brook Street LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY Farmers Farmers a I am prepared to take your orders for Hydraulic Ramst- o throw water from your springs to your houses or barns Can also furnish pumps of any kind cheaper than ever Write to me at Columbia for estimates or call and se me at the Marcum Ho- tel Yours truly N WOOD I ilmore Hotel W M WILMORE Prop Gradyville Kentucky fi HERE is to stop than at the abovcd named hotel Good sample rooms and a first cl table Bates very reasonable Fee stable attached KY 0 1ft better LebanonSteam Laundry LEBANON THOROUGHLY equipped modern I laundry plant conducted by cxper fenced workmen and doing as high I grade work as can be turned out any place in the country Patronize a home institution Work of Adair Russell Taplor and Green solicited W JOHNSTON 60 Pro I REED 6 Mlle Agents Columbia Kentucky CITIES THE THREES I DEALERS m Exclusive High Grade Boots and Shoes OIUGISTORS OLP New Designs Perfect Citting Indn Shoes iJ 316 r urth venue LOUISJiLE lu r 1891 was 1893 1895 Guess it be in 1901 GCJONES COLUMBIA KENTUCKY THE above firm are Blacksmiths and Woodworkers and are prepared to do any kind ofwork needed in this section s Coffeytand them a call when in need of work in their lines lyr O11llRIAL HOTEL JAMESTOWN KY HOLT VAUGHAN Proprietors oplnedand Soil looks after the culinary and seer that the table is at all times with the best the market affords The- proprietors are attentive and Tcry polite to guests Good rooms and the building I convenient to the busineii houses First class livery attached to the hotel Terms very teaeonable Nwly Furnished American PI nt0o Per Day y Uc Jdosicr s 3votel 25ct 523W Market St LOUISVILLE KY NIC BOSLER YETIHERY SURGEON fistulo Pollevil Splints Spavin or any sur class work done atfair prices I SATISFACTION I am fixed to take care of stock- S D CBENSHAW mlle from Columbia on Disappointment GORDON MONTGOMERY it ytl 1J t l1lW COLUMBIA KY Will practice in Adairand adjoining counties Collections a specialty tt Office up stairs over Paulls drug- store 1MJLDfi SlIIIBIL 1E 0 To have your watch any better or hind a more complete stock of Watches Silverware Gold Pens Etc than at HUBERSd 712 W Market St Louisville Kentucky ClTWe prepay postage on orders one way LIVE STOCK MARKET Reported by the Louisville Live Stock Exchange Bourbon Stock IYards CATTLE 84 755 0- 0Llghtshipping4 254 65 Best 4 004 40 Fair to good 3 253 50 Common to medium bach r 2 503 00 HCdS Choice aad butch ¬ ers 200 to jjwibs 7 00 Fair to gXd 160- P01bs 7OC Good to extra light 120 to 160 tbs 6 60 SHEEP AND LAKES Good to extra shipping Sheep 3 503 75 Fair to good 2 503 75 Common to mediumo 2 00 z2 50 17 y 9 noo For Nearest Correct Guesses on tae Total Vote of Ohio on November 5 1901 will be distributed to pat on of the Weekly Enquirer as follows 6000FRr I 1600Fourth St u 500Sixth rr 300Next 5000II 5000U U 1SJ30OA In case of tie guesses prize equally divided Contest closes November 3 1901 The Total Vote of Ohio in 795031 1892 881625 835CO4 1894u 776819 846996 what will styled department sample MEALS rhr GUARANTEE repaired Jewelry btttchers butchers packing packing 1896 was 1020107 1897 864022 1898II 793169 1899 920873 1900u 1048121 S6OOO exact1ycorrectguess equally t i vided lag them Weaklyrinri tenS1 guoaooo gas5e91ti WEquiier lxA I

Eighte theAsn iie Hotel - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7n2z12pk9t/data/0172.pdfguaranteed to cure all Throat Chest and Lung Diseases Only 50oand ljOO Trial bottles free

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<The Negro Question

A negro advise his people In Georgia

to arm themselves with WinchestersThe Southern Industry comments up ¬

on this wise advice

Many of them do this after commit-ting a felony but it does not seem to

do them mucb good White criminals

also arm themselves but it never

avails Does the adviser intend to

have the negro criminal arm himselfHis advice is useless for this is done

wherever possible Does he intend to

tell the respectable negro arm them ¬

selves It is necunessary The negro

with a good character Soutb is as safeas the white with a good characterNeither a white or black criminal Is

safe anywhere Does be intend by hisadvice to have the blacks arm them ¬

selves as a race Then ho is a foolFor the blacks toarm and defy the An ¬

glo Saxon of the Southter of theNorthwould simply mean the utterand complete annihilation of the ne¬

gro race of America Nol Let theblack maD alone be is understood andrespected by the white man of theSouth when he is worthy of rc pect

Tbere have been cases where Innocentblacks have suffered at the bands of amob There have also been cases

where innocent whites have suffered in

the same way Booker T Washingtonof Tuskcegee Ala W H Council of

Ilutitsviile AH and others of theirclass are settling the question alongthe lines of industrial education audcharacter buliding for their race andwe need not fear the future

Plot Made a Year AgoCleveland Ohio Sept 22 Investi-



made today by Police Detec-

tive Sohmunk reveal the startling poisibility that a plot to assaslnatc Presi-



McKinley was laid a year or moreago before be was elected for his sec ¬

ond term and that it may have been

laid in the peaceful precincts of Orang-

township where the Czolgosz family

livedInhis search for bis clews today Dc

tective Scbmunk learned from theneighboring farmers that tb Czolgosz

boys Leon and Waldeck have been

readers of socialist papers for severalyears John D Knox an aged farmerwho lives in the vicinity of theCzolgosz farm said today

The two boys the one that shut thpresident and Waldeck used to conicto my house and talk to me abaut theirsocialist papers They brought theirpapers to me and tried to get me toread them Once whek they wereduring the last presidential campaig-

they got to talking about PresidentMcKinley and one of them said

If he Is elected he will be shot be-

fore he serves out his term and thenwent on I would serve John Rocke¬

feller the same way if I got a chanceThey talked violence all the time andI was glad when they left the neigh ¬

borhood Almost every night theywas a crowd of people from tne city attheir house

It is said that Leons father sisterand brothers are going to Buffalo short-ly


From the first Buffalo police and se ¬

cret service agents of the federal gov ¬

ernment have been strong in their be ¬

lief there was a plot although theCleveland police have been inclined todoubt the theory One of the strongelements in the belief of the Buffalo

and secret service detectives has beenthe fact that the handkerchief withwhich the assassin concealed the handin which he held his weapon was a womans handkerchief What is moreimportant is that the handkerchiefwas tied about the hand in a way it isclaimed he would not bave been ableto tie it himself no matter how skilledhe might have been with the plberband or bow much time he might havetaken That Czolgosz had money 1

pelledshe detectives to try to learnwhence he got it Today his brotherWaldeck Czolgosz confessed Navinsent it to Leon under the name of FreSnyder at West Seneca N Y

It is said that Leons fatherand brother arc going to Buffala shorly and the police believe when theyconfront Leon thatbe will break downand reveal all that is now a mystery inregard to the shooting of the president

Public sentiment has caused theRepublicans to make tome sort of declaration against trusts and they do

tin a very gingerly and equivocal way

At their State Conventions they de-


that while legitimate combina¬

tions of capital should be encouragedall illegitimate combinations shouldbe condemned The trouble withthem is that they never see any ille

11gltimacy In any of the combinationsdoing so much to oppress

the people They would place them ¬

selves on la better footing with the

FL masses II they would define the limitsof legitimate combinations FromHie Republican standpoint all trusts




Came Near flyingFortbrco days and nights I suffer-

ed agony untold from an attack of

cholera morbus brought on by eatingcucumbers says M E Lowtherclerk of the district court CcntervilleIowa I thought I would surely dieand tried a dtaen dlffercnl medicinesbut all to nopurpose I sent for a bot-tle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera andDiarrhoea Remedy and three docs rel-

ieved me entirely I went to bleep

and did not awake for eight hoursOn awakening a few hours ago I feltso gratified that the first work I do on-

gOing to the office Js to write to themanufacturers of this remedy and offer

them my grateful thanks and say

God bless you and the splendid medi-

cine pun make This remedy is forsale bM Cravensh

Pete McAllister was killed by a trainin Warren county while stealing aTide

Cures Eczma Itching HumorsThronyh the blood by taking Botan ¬

ic Balm Blam B B B which m ekes

the blood pure aud rich heals every

sore scab scale boil or eruption andstops the itching of eczema B B B

cures especially the worst and mostdeepseated cases B B llo kills tichumors In the blood Druggists 1

Describe trouble and trial bottle sentfree by writing Blood B ilm Co AClan


J A Ireland one of the oldestphysicians of Louisville died lastweek

Get Your Moneys WorthIt Is hard to appreciate the full val ¬

ue of Morleys Wonderfnl Eight untilyou have used it in a score of the emer-

gencies that come in every bousehold

Dr T E Barnhart of Claiborne Par¬

ish La says Permit me to say IEighteand found ltd good medicine In Pleu ¬

risy and Pneumonln Nooning equalsit In relieving pain Price 25 centsAsk your druggist

Mrs John Richards of Hardin coun

ty was found dead in her yard

Eat What You Like

rWhen you take Morleys Liver andKidney Cordial for then dyspepsiabreathedizziness and the lonsr train of similartroubles will disappear and your clean-



d aud awakened system will demandfood Sound digestion and sound aptheAsnkyour druggist

Although the war against the Boersaccording to Brithlsb authority wasvirtually over months ago the Boers

continue to capture men and gunsfrom the enemy

Stung By a CentipedeMrs Thos Saunders Bluflton Tex

was stung by a centipede A doctorwas sent for but before he arrivedsome sensible friend wet a piece ofbrown paper with Morleys Wonderful 1

Eight and apdlied it to the woundThe doctor said his services were notneed for the poison was neutralized orkilled by the Wonderful Eight MrsS did not suffer from the wound Soldby agent in every town

Few animals are being made readyfor the beef market throughout the


efrom January to July 1902 It is rea¬

sonable to predict that this shortagewill advance prices

Stood Death Off

E B Munday a lawyer of HenriettaTex once fooled a nravedipger HesaSs My brother was very low withperm ¬

tryand he was soon much better but con ¬

tlnued their use anti he was wholly

sureElectricBitterSsad v ¬

ma ¬

aria kills disease germs and purifiesthtecures con-


dyspepsia nerveous diseaseskidney troubles female complaintsRives perfect healths Only50c at-


Paulls drugstore

Some of the Republican wool grow-


ere puzzled They Cant under ¬

stated why it Is that in 1895 under theCleveland administration me din Q1

grade wool was quoted in the Bostonmarket at 16 to 24 cents per poundwhile at thin present time thin samegrades are quoted at 11 to 17 cents

Working Night and 1> y

The busiest and mightiest littlething that ever was made is Dr KingsNew Life Pills These pills changeweakness n to strength listlessness Into energy brainfag into mental pow-


Theyre wonderful in building upthe health Only 25c per box SoldbyTEPanll >

F k

Gems of ThoughtTake my word =for it the sad ¬

dest thing under the sky is a soulincapable of sadness

Young ladles if you have asweet face or a winning smile itis Gods gift and He means thatyou shall use it for good

The best thing to take peopleout of their own worries is to getto work and find how other folksworries are getting in

Tho faithfulness of two each tothe other alone makes possiblethe true home the righteous na-


the great kind brotherhoodof man

Judge no one by his relationstever criticism you pose UI IUI

is companions Relationsfeatures are thrust upon U8j com ¬

panions like clothes are more orless our own selection

A night of TerrorAwful anxiety was felt for the

widow of the brave General Burnbamof Machias Me when the doctorssaid she would die from Pneumonia be¬

fore morning writes Mrs S H Lin-coln who attended her that fearfulnlKht but she begged for Dr KingsNew Discovery which had more thanonce saved her life and cured her ofConsumption After taking she sleptall night Further use entirely curedher This marvelous medicine Isguaranteed to cure all Throat Chestand Lung Diseases Only 50oand ljOO

Trial bottles free a T E Paulls drugstore

J Badger of Newport was Instantl-y killed and his wife seriously wound ¬

ed by a negro burglar who escaped

A Shocking CalamityLately befell a railroad laborer

writes Dr A Kellet of WillifordArk His foot was badly crushed butBucklens Arnica Salve quickly curedhim Its simply wonderful for BurnsBolls Piles and all skin eruptionsIts the worlds champion healerCure guaranteed 25c Sold by T EPaull

The stockholders of the BuffaloExposition have sustained a lossof shoat a million dollars on ac ¬

count of the blow given to the en ¬

terprise by the murder of PresidentMcKinley

When you cannot sleep for coughingoneshould tell you that you need a fewdoses of Chamberlains Cough Remedyto allay the irritation of the throat


and make sleep possible It is good

Mrs it For sale by M Cravens

Hemmed in a cellar filled withflames and every avenue of escapeout off Amos Morris a nightwatchman employed at a chemi¬

cal works in Indianapolis wasburned to death in the presence ofa number of people who were pow ¬

erless to help him It is suppos-ed


the lantern carried by Morrisexploded while making his roundsand set fire to the excels or withwhich the cellar was stored

For sprains swellings and lameneesthere is nothing so good as Chamber ¬

lains Pain Balm Try it For saleby M Cravens

Shakers Passing AwayThe Shakers the oldest most

unique and most successful coop ¬

erative communities in this coun ¬

try are going the way of all simi ¬

Jar organizations says a Georgiapaper At New Lebanon Han-cock


and West Pittsfield there habeen suoha loss of membershipthat it has been necessary to hirehelp to carry on the business othe communities and this not be ¬

lug profitable it is proposed tosell lands and withdraw fromany of the industries that in for¬

mer years yielded large profits

Jere Wilson one of the foremostattorneys of Washington andprincipalcounsel for Rear Admir¬

al Sohley died suddenly inapartments last Tuesday DentWas due to acute indigestion Hwas in consultation with his asso-


in the Schley case an hourbefore his death His early lifewas spent in the courts and on thebench in Indiana He served twoterms in Congress and then re¬

mained Washington to practicelaw

Its Gods way His wiil bdone These were among thelast words of President McKiuleyon his death bed What a sublimefaith I What a tourching sermoninSa few words No fear no ¬

pining j no words of repntacagainst the inisernble assassin whotook lira life Only a man whirlife has been correct canedeath in this unflinching w

TENNESSEE RIDGESome one may be interested In

this part of the worldsome of itspeople or its locality

Tennessee Ridge is so calledfrom the foot that most of itspeople or sojourners are originallyfrom Tennessee and you bet theyare a good ways from there now

Part of the ride is in the coun ¬

ty of Casey and the other part inAdair the Adair part inhabitedby Republican mostly but thatdint mean the Ridgewill alwaysbe Republican

Crops on the ridge are about anaverage excepting Irish potatoesThey are no good The people areall industrious Itv abiding citi ¬

zees and principally good farmersamong whom I mention ThomasSanders Walker Absher ThomasMulls Wm Odelburry Cooper andi there

Tim peach Pea sun is about ovepolitics q nat

Wm 11ods infant boy whohas been buffering for some timewith a bruised aud stiff knee is


Woods who has beenunder the weather for some timewith nervous trouble is improv ¬


Tom Sanders has presented hisdaughter with a new organ

Ed MItchem one of our esteem ¬

ed citizens contemplates remov ¬

ing to Illinois in the near futureMr Montgomery our teacher

who is a resident from near Columbiaisgiving great satisfaction

Mr Editor if you are fondgood nice yellow sweet totes-come and stay over night with uswhen up this way and we will fillyou up

What is a home Certainlynot a place in whioh one simplyeats and sleeps one could do thealone in an empty barn To sanka home is to establish a place inwhich two people who love sacother mean to bring their besGold and silver can buy and funish a house but no money canbuy a home The poorest rue mmay become to the occupantshome rich in treasures of selfde ¬

nial considerateness andiieportals

EM Harvey a wellknown at-torney


of Brownsville Edmoneoncounty has filed suit against GA Thomas Son dentistsHorse Cave for 5000 damagesalleged to have been unstained byreason of the unskillful mannerin which defendant dentists didsome bridge and cap work on hteeth He alleges that ThomasSon are not registered dentistsand that through their uuskillfulness he was made to suffer greatphysics and mental pain to theextent of 5 000 Glasgow Times

The Democratic nominees forcounty school superintendent inBoone and Boyd counties and therepublican nominees for the sameoffice in Grant and Marion havebeen selected too late to be exam¬

feed under the regular rules for acertificate of qualification and un ¬

less they are willing to take amuch more difficult examinationthey will be disqualified

At the eighteenth annual reun ¬heP dJopermanef

Osborne permanentnom t

An attachment is providedsecrecyt heapparatus whioh is rented at amoderate rate indicates whetherlistenih n gnoteIt isnt a question of advantato Schley or Sampson in this mter of the Naval Court ofluquirysinvestigation The main issue h

Ito get at the facts for the sak Faccurate historyIfowill r

eMrs McKinleyreceiveet

symgreapathizin as

sBroustop of Lextfrohm

ing to his wife in theBeauIhonb oil fields for 589000 to a-




TdachetsAssociationProgram for Teachers Associa

tion for Districts 4 and 5 to beheld at Gradyville Oct 19 1901

Devotional ExercisesMusicWelcome Address Wm Wil

moreResponseG P Dillon


control primary pupilsMary Todd W T Salmon

Relative value of Arithmetic andGrammar Mrs Shirley HollandSimpsonMusic

Methods in teaching ReadingMillard li elch Bessie Walker

How to get pupils interested inHistory Hallie Nell Nora Saudidge

MusicWhat is successful teaching Li

da Simpson Garfield FlowersPsychology in education Supt

JanesrWhat is good discipline Pearl

Hindmau Burton YatesMusicDoes teaching pay Fannie

Stults Edith CurryMethods in spelling Nannie

Bradshaw Sallie Yarberry MrsAnnie Yarberry


books should teachersread Vina Royse Clauie WalkerR L Campbell

Language lessons Gus HundleyLou Frauknm Nannie Rowe

Literature Prof Granger GovHiudman

The Association will be calledto order at 10 oclock and closewith night entertainment

ofAll teachers of Adair county arepartsChoosing between Lieutenant

General Miles and Adjutant Gen ¬

eral Corbin President Rooseveltis said to favor the former


companiesrCommissioners from Cuba sayStatesaconcessions the finan ¬inevitai ¬

beesFQR SALE One cow and calf and a

fat heifer that will weigh about 800


Joppa Ky

ofFor sale two good steer calves Callat once It you wish to buy


If you want to invest some money infiethe Columbia Oil Co call on or write

F Jeffries or any member of tnecompany in this town

Bear Brand FertilizerTo grow good wheat you must fer¬

tilize and when you buy fertilizer youshould know that you get the best forthe money you pay I am prepared totake care of Your interest in grade andprice The Bear Brands are not surpassed in quality cor undersold inprice Good grade wheat grower from100 to 125 Art Hurt Columbia and

Cray Craft Oct 14


NEW YORKAnd Return July 1st

to Oct 20th 1001VIA


FourTickets will be good for return trip

ten days from date of sale 4Passengers via one routrBUjrLfR M SyiPRoute Cleveland andinRyeither direction w1 acreP

ind and Buffalo

TransitbetweenoCleveland aill he allowed at Buffalotickgeatval and payment of 100 at

o of depositStopover will be allowed at Brocton


TicketsAuthorized stopovers will be allow-ed at Niagara Fells Washington Bal ¬

timbre and Philadelphia oh ticketspointsm particularsto schedules rates tickets call on

Big Four Route cr addressundersigned

WJ LYNCH W P DEPPEGen P Tkt Agtr Assistant


S J GATES Gen AgtLoHivii7 Ky


i i



of Amer ¬IRiOTHERH is to haveTile

female disI i aye constantly menaced withj becoming childless wife NoorfproIj iiiicirrii e4docs restore weak

functions and shattered nervesand docs bring babies to homes

j yearsYinef health and strength to bear heal

thy children You cut get adollar bottle of Wins of Carduifrom your dealer

Wft jfC4RDUI I

UrtetMenphi0Tcnc April U 1001giTh I

married fifteen had nevergiven birth to a cl7il3nilll I took WinefinebalThe n igha fourteen pounds and IfeelNohenceagnin

For adrla fled ire Mdrw glT1ngJ UcnawearCWttaaoop lenD


LEPRODUCE DEALERSWe charge no commission on Butter PoAI

try and Egg Also guarantee highest marketprices J


Farmers Farmersa

I am prepared to take your orders for

Hydraulic Ramst-o throw water from your springs toyour houses or barns Can also furnishpumps of any kind cheaper than everWrite to me at Columbia for estimatesor call and se me at the Marcum Ho-tel Yours truly


Iilmore HotelW M WILMORE Prop

Gradyville Kentucky

fiHERE is to stopthan at the abovcd named hotel

Good sample rooms and a first cltable Bates very reasonable Feestable attached



LebanonSteam Laundry


THOROUGHLY equipped modern I

laundry plant conducted by cxperfenced workmen and doing as high


grade work as can be turned out anyplace in the country Patronize ahome institution Work of AdairRussell Taplor and Green solicited


REED 6 Mlle Agents

Columbia Kentucky




Exclusive High Grade

Boots and Shoes


New Designs

Perfect Citting Indn ShoesiJ

316 r urth venue


1891 was


1895Guess it be in 1901



Blacksmiths and Woodworkersand are prepared to do any kindofwork needed in this section

sCoffeytandthem a call when in need of workin their lines lyr



oplnedandSoil looks after the culinary andseer that the table is at all timeswith the best the market affords The-proprietors are attentive and Tcry polite toguests Good rooms and the buildingI convenient to the busineii houses Firstclass livery attached to the hotel Terms veryteaeonable

Nwly Furnished American PI nt0oPer Day

y Uc Jdosicr s 3votel25ct




fistulo Pollevil Splints Spavin or any surclass work done atfair prices ISATISFACTION I am fixed to take care ofstock-

S D CBENSHAWmlle from Columbia on Disappointment


it ytl 1J t l1lW


Will practice in Adairand adjoiningcounties Collections a specialty

tt Office up stairs over Paulls drug-store

1MJLDfi SlIIIBIL 1E0To have your watch anybetter or hind a more complete stock ofWatches Silverware GoldPens Etc than at

HUBERSd712 W Market St LouisvilleKentucky

ClTWe prepay postage on orders oneway


Reported by the Louisville LiveStock Exchange Bourbon Stock


84 755 0-0Llghtshipping4 254 65

Best 4 004 40Fair to good 3 253 50Common to medium bach r 2 503 00


Choice aad butch ¬

ers 200 tojjwibs 7 00

Fair to gXd 160-

P01bs 7OC

Good to extra light 120 to160 tbs 6 60


Good to extra shipping

Sheep 3 503 75

Fair to good 2 503 75

Common to mediumo 2 00 z2 50


For Nearest Correct Guesses on tae Total Vote of Ohio on November 51901 will be distributed to pat on of the Weekly Enquirer as follows6000FRrI 1600FourthSt

u 500Sixthrr 300Next5000II5000UU 1SJ30OAIn case of tie guesses prize equally dividedContest closes November 3 1901The Total Vote of Ohio in

7950311892 881625

835CO41894u 776819846996

what will












1896 was 10201071897 8640221898II 7931691899 9208731900u 1048121

S6OOOexact1ycorrectguessequally t i vided lag themWeaklyrinritenS1 guoaooo

gas5e91tiWEquiier lxA