Ejsr i a Letter 8892

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  • 8/11/2019 Ejsr i a Letter 8892




    Marthen KumajasState University of Manado

    e-mail: [email protected]


    The river is a multi-resource functions that are vital to human life. The main functions of

    the river is a source of drinking water, ower generation, irrigation fields ! farms and

    a"uaculture, transort, suly of #uilding materials, tourism and so forth. $n fact the condition ofthe river, discharge and water "uality is even more alarming, as these resources are non-

    renewa#le. This research will #e discussed further on hysical varia#les such as changes in

    seed, density, momentum and drag force, the social imact, attitudes and #ehavior are good inorder to flood ha%ard mitigation and control, and the relationshi #etween attitudes and #ehavior

    in order to mitigate ha%ard and flood control. &hysical varia#le modeling analysis results showed

    that the increasing flood flooding the ma'imum seed of the river flow will #e shifted toward thesurface, so with the momentum, #ut the density of the river water is almost evenly on all levels

    of the river water, #ut the drag force will #e larger, #ecause the drag force deends on the seed

    of the river flow.

    Keywords: modeling the physical properties, Spearman correlation, the social impacts of


    1. Introduction

    The river is a multi-resource functions that are vital to human life. The main function of

    the river is a source of drinking water, ower generation, irrigation fields ! farms anda"uaculture, transort, suly of #uilding materials, tourism and so forth. $n fact the condition of

    the river, discharge and water "uality is even more alarming, as these resources are non-

    renewa#le. $n addition to the otential and #enefits of a #road and vital thing, rivers often#ecome a source of harm to humans. (loods that occurred in various laces #esides causing huge

    material losses also can cause casualties. )*uriidou, +.

    /#jectives and olicies of irrigation develoment in the long term develoment of the

    second )&0& $$ are: )1 the rovision of ade"uate water and e"uita#le for the entire life of thecommunity and so on, )+ the esta#lishment of the system of water allocation is efficient,

    effective, and fair and so, )2 reservation of water sources maintained and imroved

    environmental "uality. (urther irrigation develoment olicy secifically focuses on four issues:)1 strengthening the irrigation infrastructure, )+ an increase in the utili%ation of water resources,

    )2 environmental damage control, ) strengthening the institutional develoment of irrigation in

    the irrigation field &0& $$ in 3orth Sulawesi include : )1 the develoment of managementsystems, )+ information systems and water control, )2 utili%ation of water resources, )

    rotection and reservation of water resources, and )4 revention of natural disasters. /ne

    strategy for achieving develoment goals is the develoment of irrigation 3orth Sulawesi 5iverregion )&6S, in which each &6S should have a Master &lan )Master &lan 5iver 7asin

    8eveloment, which eriodically needs to #e fi'ed ! imroved )9nonymous, +2.

    6atershed )6atershed, which is widely known as the 89S is #asically an area of land

    which is an integral art of the river and its tri#utaries, which serves to accommodate, store, and

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  • 8/11/2019 Ejsr i a Letter 8892


    drain water from rainfall to the lake or the sea natural, which is the limit of its land and maritime

    #oundary toograhical searation. till the water area is still affected #y land-#ased activities.

    /ne or more watersheds and ! or small islands of #readth + km+ forming a unity of naturalresources management area called 5iver 7asin ! 5iver 7asins )9rticle 1 of ;aw no.

    &ro#lem of damage settlements, inundation, erosion of river #anks, reventing erosion

    and destruction of levees, etc., are closely related to the hysical style of water flow momentum.7oth of these hysical "uantities, the "uantity will #e very #ig at the time of the flood, #oth due

    to the increase in the rate of flow and density )density of water masses. Theoretically, increased

    flooding will increase the force caused #y the flow of the floating charge )susended load, onthe other hand, the imact of increasing erosion of the river #ed due to increased momentum

    transort streams with #ase material )#ed load transort. Measurements will #e undertaken #y

    the =entre for *nvironmental Management of the Ministry of *nvironment )+

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    discharged into the river. =ommunity ska household waste disosal activities to the river and

    attitudes towards river health rogram. )4 6hat factors are affecting the river #ank =i$iwung

    community action in household gar#age. )B The relationshi #etween attitudes and actions ofthe =iliwung 5iver in the household trash.

    The results of their research showed as follows: )1 the attitude of the eole living in the

    long side of the river a#out duming gar#age into the river is neutral, #ut on the imact and theriver is a ositive rogram, )+ the eole who live on the long side of the negative #ehavior in

    the waste streamC )2 the factors that influence eoleDs attitudes towards living in the long side

    of the river #ank on the domestic concerns are: age, legal status, and the distance #etween theirhome #y the river, )4 the relationshi #etween attitudes and #ehavior to carry out waste disosal

    is negative.

    8iana @endrawan research, with the title and Situ 6ater "uality in 0akarta, 8eartment of

    *nvironmental *ngineering, (aculty of ;andscae 9rchitecture and *nvironmental Technology,University of Trisakti, 0ournal Makara, Technology, Eol. >, 3o.. 1, 9ril +4: 12-1>. 0akarta is

    crossed #y 12 major rivers and several small streams and there sread across 4 areas of the

    city with huge otential as surface water to suort human life. 6ith the cityDs raid oulation

    growth and the develoment of its use, there is a tendency to changes in conditions and water"uality in the river and there 8K$ 0akarta. &oulation density can affect environmental ollution

    and the river there. This is associated with the level of awareness of the oulation to maintain ahealthy and clean environment. *stimation of water ollution can #e done #y looking at the

    effects of ollutants on a"uatic organisms and living environment. Unit estimators resence of

    these ollutants are classified within the arameters of hysics, chemistry and #iology. $n settingwater "uality, these arameters should not stand alone #ut can #e transformed in a single value

    reresenting the so-called 9ir Fuality $nde'.

    5esults of calculation of the value of $K9 showed that ?2G and G of the river there is

    in 8K$ 0akarta in the #ad category. This is due to the disrution of the river and there well, lackof u#lic awareness and government in maintaining the river and there.

    6elly 8harma 7hakti research, entitledetermination of &riority egional Wastewater

    (reatment Services )n istrict (anah A*ang, Central $a%arta, (inal 8eartment of =ity and5egional &lanning, (aculty of *ngineering, 8ionegoro University, +4. 9ccording to research

    conducted #y the Ministry of *nvironment, the =iliwung 5iver has e'ceeded water standards

    grou =. Means the =iliwung 5iver water is no longer fit for consumtion.9yu 3yoman 5atmini research, with the title Heavy "etal Content of +ead &*-,

    "ercury Hg- and Cadmium Cd- )n "eat .ish Sweep/Sweep Hyposarcus pardalis- )n the

    Ciliwung iver Srengseng Station, Condet And "anggarai, (aculty of 7iology, 3ational

    University, 0akarta , +>. (ish #rooms )@yosarcus ardalis is one kind of fish that can live inolluted waters along the =iliwung river. The fish turned out to #e consumed #y the u#lic is

    made as shredded and dumlings. The ro#lem is when the fish consumed #rooms contain heavy

    metals such as living in a olluted river, it can cause havoc in the future. Therefore it is necessaryto do research on the content of heavy metals , @g and =d in fish flesh. *'amination of heavy

    metals is done using 9tomic 9#sor#tion Sectrofotometer )99S.

    The results showed that the #rooms fish caught in the river =iliwung containing 2 toheavy metals , @g, and =d, although the levels did not e'ceed the standard set, #ut if taken

    continuously for a long time it may #ring occurrence of oisoning. $t should #e in notice as these

    three metals are #io accumulative.

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    6ili 5endanikusuma research, with the title =ommunity &ercetion of =iliwung 5iver

    &late 9ctivity H&rocurement of )nfrastructure #nvironment &ollution &reventionH in 7a#akan

    Eillage Market, =entral 8istrict of 7ogor, 7ogor, in the &ost Iraduate (orum vol. 21. 3o.1,0anuary +?. 5iver serves as a source of life. @owever, many rivers are olluted condition of

    one of them due to the disosal of waste #y eole who live in the =iliwung 5iver &late. The

    urose of this study was to determine the u#lic ercetion of the #anks of the =iliwung 5iveron the H&rocurement of $nfrastructure *nvironment &ollution &reventionH and to determine the

    factors associated with the ercetion of the u#lic a#out the activities along the river.

    %. H&'ot$"i"

    $n this research it will #e further discussed several hyotheses. The discreancies are

    three levels of flooding on varia#le change hysical form of seed, density, momentum and style

    of drag.

    (. R"#rc$ Mt$od"

    (.1. Mt$od o) An#*&"i"

    This research uses data analysis to test the four research o#jectives em#odied in the fourhyotheses were tested in this study are resented in chater 2. @ere is resented hyotheses and

    data analysis methods used to answer the hyotheses.

    H&'ot$"i" #nd Mt$od o) An#*&"i"

    H&'ot$"i" Analysis Tools

    The #ig difference in the three levels of flooding on varia#le

    change hysical form of seed, density, momentum and style

    of drag. =urve (itting

    Curve Fiting


    +.%. Sco' o) R"#rc$

    5esearch related to the social asects of the imact of floods, traced "ualitatively throughinterviews #y the researcher to the resondent selected. 5esearch instrument is the researcher

    himself #y using reference oints of the interview. Tracking information from resondents that

    one to the ne't resondent and validation using triangulation techni"ues )3asution, +2CMoloeng, +.

    +.(. S#,'*"

    Testing samles of water mass for the determination of density and measurements of

    grain material transort is carried out in the la#oratory of hysics (M$&9 U3$M9 in Tondano.Time measurement and samling carried out #etween the months of /cto#er +1 through to

    March +11 deending on water conditions. 8ay o#servation is determined deending on thelevel of flooding and tidal conditions

    +. R"u*t" o) H&'ot$"i" T"tin-

    $n this research it will #e discussed further the analysis of research hyotheses that have

    #een mentioned earlier. =omarison of three models of the influence of the imact of flooding to

  • 8/11/2019 Ejsr i a Letter 8892


    changes in varia#le seed in estuary Tondano on ;ocation Ternate in flood levels 1, + and 2 are

    resented grahically as follows:

    Fi-ur 1 The imact of flooding on varia#le seed change

    ;ocation in Ternate on (lood ;evels 1, +, and 2

    8escrition: The green line is the flood level 1 )low, yellow is the flood level +

    )medium, and red is the flood level 2 )high$t can #e seen from (igure 1 that the flood levels and flood levels +, the osition of

    ma'imum velocity shifts toward the surface #y the rising water level. This haens also at flood

    level + and 2. To test whether there are significant differences in the seed of change of the three

    levels of flooding are resented in 9endi' 17 using 9nalysis of Eariance )93/E9, showsthe ( value of 4 B

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    Fi-ur 2 The average seed in Ternate ;ocation on (lood ;evels 1, +, and 2

    (rom (igure + shows that the average seed at flood level is 4.+ cm!det 1-1, the

    average seed of the flood level is

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    Fi-ur % The imact of flooding on the varia#le density changes

    ;ocation in Ternate on (lood ;evels 1, +, and 2

    (rom (igure 4.1+ shows that the grah of curvature flood level 1 )green is more curved

    than the flood level + )yellow. 6hen comared to the flood level + and level 2 flood )red, chart2 more gentle flood level with flood level + which indicates that the growing flood or rising

    water level of the river #ed sediment concentrations to the surface evenly.

    To test whether there are significant differences in changes in density at three levels offlooding are resented in 9endi' 1=. 7y using tool 9nalysis of Eariance )93/E9, it shows

    the ( value of 12 B?, and ( for .1. 9s Sig (J .4 )4G error rate indicates that there are

    significant differences #etween the change in density resulting from the imact of floods at

    different levels.(igure 4.12 resents a comarison of the average density difference resulting from the

    imact of flooding on level 1, +, and 2 in the estuary Tondano on ;ocation Ternate.

    Fi-ur ( The average density in Ternate ;ocation on (lood ;evels 1, +, and 2

    y = 1,158 0,0001 x +2

    y=1,1116 0,0001 x +


    y =1,0! 0,001 x +

    0 00006 x2

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    (rom (igure 4.12 shows that the average density of the flood level was 1.2 kg!lt 1-1, the

    average density of the flood level was 1.B kg.lt +-1, and the average density of 2 flood level is1.11 kg. lt-1. To e'amine the differences in the three flood level continued testing of the 93/E9

    Tukey Test or commonly known as ;S8 )least significant difference, as follows: Testing

    differences in density at the level of the flood 1 flood level + with a density difference was .+1kg.lt- 1, the value of .1 t Sig. 7ecause the Sig tJ .4 )4G error rate indicates a significant

    difference in density at flood levels 1 and +. $t can #e seen that the flood level + has a higher

    density than the density at flood level 1. Testing the density difference at the level of the flood 1flood level 2 with the difference density is .2 gr.cm

    ma'imumnya-+.det.-1 at the deth of ? cm from the #ottom of the river. (lood level + )yellowat the deth of 14B cm from the #ottom of the river, momentum is >+.14 gr.cm ma'imum -+.det.-

    1 and ;evel 2 flood )red at the deth of 1B cm from the #ottom of the river, is the momentum

    with ma'imum >>.2? gr.cm-+.det.-1, which indicates that the high rising flood surface )waterlevel the #iggest momentum shift osition or move from the center to the surface of the imact

    on the damage art of the river #ank, #uilding oles, talud and so forth.

    y=2,#3 + 0.!33 x 0,002 x2

    y = 22,1 + 0,!26 x 0,003 x2

    y = ,!15 +1,33 x 0,008 x2

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    To test whether there are significant differences in the change in momentum of the three

    levels of flooding are resented in 9endi' 18.Menggunakan tool 9nalysis of Eariance

    )93/E9, shows the ( value of B>

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    =omarison of three models of the influence of flood imacts to changes in varia#le drag

    force Tondano estuary on ;ocation Ternate in flood levels 1, + and 2 are resented in the

    following grah:

    (igure 4 3ewton and

    flooding ;evel 2 )red at the deth of 1B cm from the #ottom of the river, ma'imum drag forceis ??B.> 3ewton, which indicates that with the increase in high-level flooding )water level

    osition of the largest drag force shifted or moved from the center to the surface of the imact on

    the damage art of the river #ank, #uilding oles, talud and so forth.To test whether there are significant differences in the three drag force changes in flood

    levels are resented in 9endi' 1*. Using the tool 9nalysis of Eariance )93/E9, shows the (

    value of 4B ?>, and Sig ( for 1. 7ecause the Sig (J .4 )4G error rate indicates that thereare significant differences #etween the change in drag force of the imact caused #y flooding at

    different levels.

    (igure 4.+2 resents a comarison of the difference in average drag force due to the

    imact of flooding on level 1, +, and 2 in the estuary Tondano on ;ocation Ternate.

    y = -1441 + 125.3 x 0.383 x2

    y = -1380 + 121.1 x 0.392 x2

    y = -980 + 103.8 x 0.631 x2

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    (igure ?9verage drag force on ;ocation Ternate on (lood ;evels 1, +, and 2

    (rom (igure 4.+2 shows that the average drag force on 1 flood level is ++>4. 3ewton,

    the average drag force on the flood level is 4>?.> 3ewton +, and the average drag force on 2

    flood level is B42

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    of the river #ottom at the study site to #e volatile and su#ject to change due to relationshi of

    flood. Material deosited on the river #ed can #e easily carried #y the flow, and even at the time

    of the flood, there was a shift #etween sections with a more shallow in the direction of the widthof the river .

    =hart seed and momentum shows that the increase in flooding caused increase in flow

    velocity and momentum, and the layer had a greater increase is the middle layer close to thesurface. $ncreased seed and greater momentum flow on the middle layer close to the surface,

    giving the conclusion that increased flooding, more otential to cause erosion of the cliffs on the

    river #ed erosion. &hysically it can #e seen that the erosion of the river #anks around the studysite is high, even when enlarged flood level fre"uent landslides and damage river #anks include

    talud construction, ga#ions, and suort #uildings and so forth.

    The relationshi #etween drag force with momentum )unity distance and seed

    e'ressed in the e"uation: ( L v to the conclusion that if an increase in flooding, increased totaldrag force and the total force working lines shifted toward the surface of the river )corresonding

    shift momentum curved grah, seed and drag force. $n such conditions, the drag force moment

    of the construction or o#jects that are ut in the river rose sharly either due to increased style

    and arm style )due to shift work line style.5esults of researchers o#servation from the location, social imacts resulting from

    increased flooding occurs when the floods rise over and a#ove +.4 meters, due to the high landa#ove the river water level of .4 meters. Susected cause of the flooding e'erienced #y a

    minority due to natural factors, and artly #ecause of the damage caused #y the activities of

    eole. Most of the residents showed a ositive attitude towards the environmental imactcaused #y the activities of eole that look of attitude arove, give e'lanations, suervise and

    rerimand, and even reorted to the government.

    /. Su,,#r& #nd Conc*u"ion

    (rom the results of this research on the hysical condition and social condition to

    increased flooding, and attitudes ! #ehaviors in the community ha%ard mitigation and flood

    control can #ring conclusion that the results of analysis of hysical varia#les flood modelingshows that increasing the ma'imum seed of the flooding river flow will #e shifted toward the

    surface, so with the momentum, #ut the density of the river water is almost evenly on all levels

    of the river water, #ut the drag force will #e more large, #ecause the drag force deends on theseed of the river flow.

    *nvironmental conditions of the settlement are visi#le from a distance the condition of

    rivers and creeks, high residential land on the surface of the river, and the condition of the

    surface of a ool of residential land in a state of #eing, yet still in the dangerous category. /flinkage analysis, it shows that the influence of the distance from the river to the high surface area

    of the surface of the river and the settlement of land surface water level during the flood. This

    means that the home away from the river, it will result in higher residential land from the riversurface and the lower the height of the flood )inundation on settlement land.

    (lood imacts e'erienced #y eole living along the #anks of Aag Tondano river is an

    interactive ro#lem #etween hysical factors, social, environmental, and resource utili%ation.Solutions to ro#lems should #e #ased on a series of interactions #etween the four factors

  • 8/11/2019 Ejsr i a Letter 8892



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