Ekalavya - The Real Hero

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  • 8/10/2019 Ekalavya - The Real Hero





    Some wellknown persnalties gives we people courage and inspiration.

    And to lead us a better style of thought current & livelyhood.

    Ekalavya was such a person.

    There is one anciant saying like this:

    Gurur Brahma GururVishno Gururdevo Maheswara

    Gurur Sakshath ParamBrahma Thasmai SriguraveNama:

    In Hindhu way of life .The Teacher or Guru-He who gives us knowledge and courage.

    He is notonly a guide.He is every thing.He leads us to eternal glory.Education is not merely

    literary know how! But it should lead one to all style of pure and perfect knowledge.In behavior

    inability & capability to learn the life for what-why-how and to where.So in anciant times

    the puple surrender to the feet of the teacher-TheGuru.And taking blessings & courage.

    The best & most beautiful Indian Epic The Mahabharatha,there is one Brave young Boy

    & one most reverable teacher.They are Ekalavya & Dhronacharya.Eklavya was young jungle lad.A

    brave, loving smart boy.He is very keen &itelegent.He loves his jungle and the envirement & the

    inhabitants of there.He is very eager to protect the animals.With his presense the jungle atmosphereis always calm and quiet.he behave andbelief like the prince of the jungle territory.

    He loves the calves and the wolves and the rabits.he playing with them.

    The Eklavya is the friend and protector of them.They feels like that.So every creacher.of the forest

    like Eklavya.We can say like that.Eklavya devoloped such a stong affection with all type of animals

    in the forest.

    Most of the forest dwellers and hunters are born archers. Eklavya also like that and he like to

    become master in archary like all young jungle bravo.He is in search of such a capable master- a

    guru for that.


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    Hiranmayi was the mother and the Hiranyadhanu was the father of Eklavya.Hiranyadhanu was the

    cieftain of the fires at that time.In that charming forest they lived in an modest contented

    life.Unfortunately we can say like that hiranyadhanu lost his life in battle.So eklavya become the

    chief of the forest.With guidanse of mother Eklavya attain the noble qualities to lead a brave style of

    life.Searching for a guru Eklavya become restless.

    His mother noticed the restless behavior of her son One day she asked. Oh my lad !

    what happend? I think you are In some sort of treble.

    Ofcourse mother ! yes Iam in dailama! I want to become a Master in archery.So I am in search of a

    fine teacher.What can I do?Invaders and out siders desterbing destructing & destroying

    our poor animals here in our territerry.I like protect our inhabitance..from those cruel hunters.

    And the same time the cruel wild animals like wolf and gaints whom they killing my loving

    calves & sheeps and rabbits.

    The mother felt glad with her sons brave style of affections with his inhabitance.

    she told Dear Eklavya my son .Dont be silly,be bold .There is revered guru Dhronacharya

    in Hasthinapura.

    He is the guru of Pandavas and kavravas under the guidanse of the great Bhishmacharya.

    You go and meet him .Oh mother! How is Dhronacharya? Is he capable to teach me more in archery

    Even with out direct or indirect battle ? can I aim for a target & to shoot sharply Even I cant see thetarget?Defnetly my dear .Dronacharya is such great one.Do you know the Bhishmacharya?

    He is ruler of Hasthinapura.He is son of Gangadevi!HE IS THE GRANT FATHER OF


    Do you know the story which Bhishma

    select Dhronacharya as the teacher of

    Kauravas? Its very interesting.

    How Bhishmapithamaha select Dhronacharya?

    Dear mother please tell me The fact regarding

    Dhronacharya.I like to hear it.

    Ok mylad.

    Once Bhishmacharya with his kids in the nearby

    ground of the palace.Pandavas & Kuaravas are

    playing .Suddenly ball fell into the well.It is very

    difficult to recollect the ball from the well.

    All are confused..What next?How the ball will

    take from the well?

    At that time The Dhronacharya came there..

    He watch the confution of the boys.and asked.

    Oh my boys!what happend?

    Oh revered one our ball fall in to this deepwell.we are helpless.Can you help us?

    Defnetly with pleasure.Becuase I like you people.Then he took some strong grassstrip and shoot one by one to the ball.

    natuarely first one arrow stinch to the ball and next to its up like that a rope and the marshal

    took the from the well.The boys wondered.

    The boys bowved and salute the master. Oh revered one who are you?We are very much

    greatful to you?What can we do for you?

    Dont worry my boys You people go to report your grant father Bhishmacharya that dhronacharya

    is here.Then the boys runaway gave the report to Bhishma-their grantfather.Dhronacharya

    is at there palace ground.And they what they saw the skill of Dhronacharya.

  • 8/10/2019 Ekalavya - The Real Hero


  • 8/10/2019 Ekalavya - The Real Hero


    After some time some youngsters came there with thewounted dogs .seeing them and seeing Eklavya

    they also wondered.What happend who is this young man with wearing the tiger skin and with

    arrow&sword.Eklavya asked himself:who are these young people why they came here ?May for

    hunting my dear poor animals? No its not fair! I nerver allow them to do injustice in my boundry.Its

    my dharma and duty to protect my inhibitance from traiters.Any how its a warning to these

    immatured young group.

    One young man came forward and asked: oh jungle man! why done like this? who are you:Who is your master in these style of uncombitable archery?We are the kuru princes. Then Eklavya

    told.Iam Eklavya The jungle chief .son of late

    Hiranyadhanu.My master is Well Known Acharya Dhrona the great.What ? are you the deciple of

    Dhronacharya.The PandavaPrince Arjuna asked and wondered.Then the kuru princes left back with

    an dejected mood.They came back to there palace .Arjuna met Dhronacharya and asked with de-

    jected mood.Oh my reverd guro.You told me that Iam the best and most brilliant deciple of you than

    any other?Yes ofcourse! even now Iam thinking like so! what happend now ? why you are asking in

    a dejectedmood? Whats wrong with me?Tell Arjuna What happend to you?Oh guro! we saw a

    wonder done in archery by a jungle youth.He told that you are his master.He shoot a bundle of

    arrows within seconds into the mouth og few dogs. Its impossible evenbyyourself.What ! there is nosuch deciple for me in jungle.Come let us move Dhronacharya left to the jungle to Meet Eklavya.


    Ensited Arjuna take Dhronacharya to the Forest with other deciples and his brothers.when they

    reached the deep forest Dhrona saw the dog barking with pain a bundle of arrows in its mouth.

    suddenly Dhrona recoolect the brave youth.That same boy you blessed for the master archer .

    now that boy become the master archer,with his own effert and sincerity.dhronacharya told :my dear

    arjuna what a adventurous and marvelous one .how nice his determination.all will apreciate the

    young man.Dhronacharya told himself :Oh god ! I should these my poor princes Howmuch brilliant

    and brave and intellegent&humble is this jungle one! Eklavya recieved the news that his great master Acharyadhrona is coming to meet him.He

    decorated the whole way to his hut with flowers leaf.He duly recieved his acharya.garlended and

    tuch his feet and gave regard to him.And Eklavya offered milk and fruits to all.

    According to the request Eklavya show his skill in archery.everybody apreciate him.Eklavya

    told Oh my revedGuro!All these are the result of your kind blessings only.I practiesed the archery in

    front of your idol.Then he show the ground.Sir! with the prayer and meditation iam starting my daily

    practice.I think from your genarositynatuarly the whole knoledge coming to me , That was my


    Dhrona charya was thrilledWith full emotion and affections dhronas eyes teared.Dhrona told : Iam

    very fortunate getting like you as deciple.Then Arjuna and aswathama the son of Dhrona asked Oh

    God now what are you saying now we are trailng back to this jungleboy. as your deciples?Hearing

    this Dhrona shuddered in agony.My promise to Arjuna! And this brave humble good young my

    deciple.? any how the I bound to maintain the courage of the princes of great kuru dainasty.that is my

    duty also.Then can only protect the interest of the nation also.so I have done something.Dhrona With

    determination asked to Eklavya .Eklavya my good one! You told that you are my deciple.Ofcourse

    my Guro according to my and my mothers wish you are my Guru.

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    Hearing this Dhrona told. then my boy ! if you are accepting me as your guru you should pay my

    gurudakshina-the fee.OK guro! Its my previlage to offer the proper gurudakshina please ask me .

    Dhrona told .Eklavya your achivement is uncopitable and unparelel.But Iam proud of it also.But my

    dear its depends on my promise ,i dont like to break it.Oh master what are you telling?There is no

    need to brake your promise for mysake.Ask me how can I help you.

    Eklavya If you are capable for that I liketo ask a supreame style of gurudakshina from you.Defnetly my guro!you can askme.Then Eklavya my son pardon me you please give me the thumb of

    your right hand as you gurudakshina.Hearing these words every body shoked ! with out right thumb

    a archer cant do archery.But Eklavya Just turned his eyes to his guru and walk to the idol of his

    acharya.There he salute the idol and with arrow he broken the right thumb with his left hand

    and offer it to the GuruDhronacharya.Oh master ! please accept my fee.Dhronacharya with grieve

    Embrace his deciple with emotions and told: My son You are realy great one.you gurudakshina is

    unmached like your archery.May god bless you.Arjuna and others dumbfouned.Dhrona returned to

    hasthinapurawith his kuru princes.

    The great jungle boy scored eternity in defeat. As a decipleand valuor.

    Eklavya an ideal one.Eklavya an ideal one.Eklavya an ideal one.Eklavya an ideal one.Eklavya an ideal one.