Kovac, Edwards and Bonar LLP IT697 Project Edward Kovacevich Colorado Technical University MGMT690 Daniel Latort February 9, 2015

EKovacevich-IT697-Phase 5 IP

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Kovac, Edwards and Bonar LLPIT697 Project

Edward KovacevichColorado Technical University

MGMT690Daniel Latort

February 9, 2015

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Table of Contents












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Project Outline

The Company

Kovac, Edwards & Bonar LLP is a medium sized law firm. This firm has 3

founding partners, ten associate attorneys, 10 paralegals, 10 case managers two legal

secretaries, four members of a medical records and litigation support team, one

receptionist, and IT manager, an office manager and a human resources manager. The

firm has multiple areas of focus including family law, criminal defense, personal injury,

employment law, and intellectual property law. Currently the firm has a cross platform

infrastructure and use both Apple computers as well as PCs. They are looking convert

their entire system to a single platform, become more mobile and add several attorneys

and other support staff (repurposed from CTU Online CS651, 2013).

Problem Statement

The three security principles in information security are availability,

confidentiality and integrity (Harris S. , Security Management Practice, 2013). The issue

that we face in meeting the needs of the firms staff in a highly mobile environment;

where people do not want to be chained to an office while assuring the confidentiality of

client information. The question is how to we maintain the security of information while

allowing people to access it from anywhere?

Problem Identification

For many years we have seen a huge shift in technology and the way that people

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manage their communication and data. This is supported by recent reports from

companied liken Citrix who have saw “nearly 100 percent revenue growth in the first half

of 2014” from large scale governmental departments, hospitals and banking institutions

that have turned their mobile platform XenMobile (Citrix, 2014). As the popularity of

mobile devices such as the Apple iOS System (featuring iPhone and iPad hardware),

Android based devices and the multi-device functionality of Windows 8 and the hardware

that supports it, consumers have embraced this technology and have grow to expect the

ability to do more on the go. Because of this business managers have to find ways to

adapt to this new trend, which allows for greater productivity (Strategic Growth

Concepts, 2015). As a growing law firm we are finding that our Attorneys and support

staff are not able to spend countless hours in the office; nor do they want to.

In an effort to meet the needs of our business we must adopt the technology that is

available. In order to meet the needs of our clients and comply with the law and rules that

govern the practice of law we must do so in a way that assures the confidentiality if their

case information. Client confidentiality is at the heart of the attorney client privilege

(Michmerhuizen, 2007). Because of this we must look at mobility from the standpoint of

security. How can we allow our people to access client/case information from anywhere

and still assure that a breach does not occur? Or in the event of a breach what steps

should be taken to mitigate that potential damage.

Assets Reused from CTU CS651

In a law firm there are several assets that need to be protected. Assets include and are

not limited to, client information, case file information, work product, financial

information, various databases, employee records and internal company publications.

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Client Information: Attorney/Client Privilege is the number one rule of law.

Barron’s Law Dictionary defines this as “the right to prevent disclosure of certain

information...especially when the information was originally communicated in a

professional or confidential relationship” (Barrons law Dictionary). The client

information to be protected includes everything associated with the clients of the

firm, including whom the firm represents and all personal information. Within the

firm the various attorneys my know who is working on what case and the names of

the parties involved but aside from that the client information must be protected from

unauthorized external and internal access.

Case file information: When a client retains a law firm they are usually dealing with

some sort of legal action, called a case. During the process of intake the support staff

with open up a case file. In this case file will be all the information related to the

parties of the case, the case information and research material. Additionally there will

be a secondary file associated with the case file that contains the actual court material

or filings. These files remain under the control of the firm but ultimately are the sole

property of the client.

Work Product: Work Product is associated with case files but is not necessarily part

of the actual material that will be filed with the court. This material consists of any

information the client has provided to the firm for any reason and any information

that has been gathered through the process of interviews and research. An additional

asset to be protected can come into play here and that is witness lists; expert or

layperson. As previously stated all material is the sole property of the client when it

comes to the work product in the client file save and “legal material” the firm may

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use in preparation for the case, for example case briefs and internal memorandums.

Financial Information: Financial Information in a law firm can fall into two main

categories, client and law firm. Often time’s attorneys are made privy to client

financial information, including account and credit card numbers. This falls in to the

client information category. Additionally law firms are required set up many different

types of accounts. For example for Sue Client retains the firm she may be required to

pay a retainer of some specified amount. This retainer is a deposit for services to be

rendered. The firm must set up an escrow account for this client and deposit the

money in there. Once the services are rendered the firm can that with draw money

from that account a place it in a payable account where the money can be used for

firm business. These are just two examples of Financial Information.

Various Databases: Databases are the backbone of any business. They control

inventory, distribution and customer information. In a law firm this in no different.

There are client databases that are used to keep lists of current and former clients.

This database is use, in part to preform what is called a conflict of interest check

(ESuni, 2005). According to the Model Rules Of Professional Conduct Rule 1.7 an

attorney is required to remain free from any conflict of interest. Having the ability to

cross check your clients with potential new clients and parties to actions allows you to

remain conflict free (American Bar Association, 2013). Other databases may include

reference material. Cases are won or lost on legal interpretation based on how the

highest courts in the United States has ruled on any given topic. To find out what

these rulings are support staff will write up short summaries called “case briefs.”

These briefs are collected and stored for easy reference in databases.

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Employee Records: Employee records are the records kept on all staff, both current

and former. Employee information is confidential and includes names, addresses,

contact information, date of birth, social security numbers, tax information and the


Internal Company Publications: Internal Company Publications include but are not

limited to, Employee hand books, internal and external memorandums, case briefs,

legal filings, the firms website and any other information the firm puts together for

distribution by any means.

The research I will conduct for this project will be use to make recommendation

for mobile technology solutions as-well-as offer solutions to potential problems that will

most certainly arise.

Final Topic

I intend to use research, material and ideas that from previous courses, both at

CTU and through my under graduate program, as well as working knowledge I have

gained in the technology and legal industries. Some of the primary subject areas will

include but not be limited to cloud based solution, access controls, risk assessment and

management and mobile platform deployment (high view without discussion of

programing or development). The material I will use will allow for ease of understanding

and well formulated analysis and presentation.

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Problem Identification

Research Methodology


In the modern practice of law there is about to be a paradigm shift in the

way lawyers want to practice law. We are about to see the first generation of law

students and other legal professionals entering the work force who have been

raised in an era where iPhones, Androids, Windows phones and tablets as

powerful as computers have become the norm in popular culture (Warsi, 2014). If

law firms want to recruit and retain top talent it is important for law firms of any

size to adopt this technology and make part of the norm rather that the exceptions.

The biggest concern for most law firms is the protection of case and client

information and mobility and all of the possible risks involved with it make it

hard for some firms to jump on the ship of this mobile world. In todays legal

environment with so many tech savvy people coming into the work force it is

possible to establish a secure environment where legal professionals can use a

cloud computing and application development to meet the needs of people

working in a law firm while adequately protecting the confidentiality of

client/case information.


Looking at what some law firms have done in recent history is a good

research starting line for this topic. This would include looking at various cloud-

based services that are well established. So of these would include the use of

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Box.com, Citrix, IBM, Amazon and the like. Would it be more cost effective to

use one of these services and build a platform within this environment or to

establish the entire cloud bases system in house where it is completely maintained

within the confines of the law firm’s office space.

Additional research will need to be done to determine the application

selection process. There are several companies in the industry that offer client

management solutions for law firms. Some of these companies offer a virtual

environment that allows legal staff to access the firm’s entire network from

anywhere, including mobile applications that allow limited access to client/case

information. Other companies offer a built to suit model that is entirely

customizable and can be altered with little notice base on the demands of the

business. A look at the total solution of these companies would include down

time, customer support, multiple platform availability and cost. Would it be more

effective to hire an IT support team to develop and maintain applications that

would meet the needs of the firm or to use a third party vendor?

Information Collection

Research into this topic is more about finding a way to establish secure

mobility and less about establishing the infrastructure behind it. The topic of

hardware and the establishment of an internal managed network have been

discussed in previous papers. Therefore, no time will be devoted to this question.

Information on this topic of mobility is widely available on-line. People from

many industries are making similar decisions and have provided a lot of feedback

and data that can be tapped into. Looking at vendor websites and contacting their

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customer support for additional information can help answer questions. Speaking

with companies that deal with security, LogRhythm for example, can help shed

light on options for development of software for a functional and security stance.

Time Line


Most of this information needed will be garnered through Internet research into

product and service availability. Additional information will be pulled together from past

personal experience and interviews with people in both application development,

software and security sales industries. Legal resources (law) will be needed that are in

place in the jurisdiction where the law firm is located; Colorado. Laws and regulations

are laid out in the Colorado Revised Statutes, The American Bar Association’s Model

Rules for Professional Conduct and the Colorado Bar Association Model Rules for

Profession Conduct.

Risk AnalysisReused Colorado Technical University CS654

There are several categories of risks that must be considered in any industry. For

the purposes of this document we will generalize these risks. Poole Collage of

Week 1 Project OVerview

Identify Industry/Co


Week 2Identify

problems faced

Create Hypothysis

Lay out research


Create research timeline

generate risk analysis

Week 3

Conduct Research and

documentt results

Summerize research

Week 4Proposal and recommendt

aionProject Plan Cost Benefits


Week 5Current and

furute trends analysis

Prepare technical research


Finalize project for submission

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Management lists the following risks and definitions on its library site (Poole Collage of

Management, 2014):

“Internal Risks

The internal risks category is the one area where a rules-based approach to risk

management may be sufficient to mitigate or eliminate risk. For example, in dealing with

the risk of employee misconduct, an employee code of conduct may steer employees

away from behavior deemed unacceptable by the organization. In this situation, a risk can

be effectively managed through compliance with established rules or policies.

Strategic Risks

In the category of strategic risks, the article discusses three risk management

structures that place a person or group of people in a position designed to challenge

decisions made about risk within an organization, and to facilitate the circulation of risk

information across the enterprise.

External Risks

External risks, unlike internal or strategic risks, are largely out of the control of an

organization. Despite the lack of control over external risks, this article points out that

organizations can still manage external risks by generating ideas about the type and

magnitude of external events that could happen, and by developing a plan for mitigating

the negative impact if such an event actually occurs in the future.”

Probability/Outcome/Duration (CTU)

When Dealing with probability we are talking about a likelihood that something

will happen. A good example of this meaning can be seen in the daily weather report

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when we hear the chances of rain or snow. Although this is a very simple explanation it

is easy for anyone to understand. We will use the risk grid above to provide the

probability number.

The next step is to address the outcome of an even if it happens. What this means

is we will look at how bad it will be if (X) happens. For instance if the office in in a high

rise and a fire breaks out in an upper floor there may be smoke damage that could cause

some problem but nothing that would really halt daily operations. On the other hand if a

major power outage happened and the firm, were to not be able to operate for a couple of

days this could be catastrophic.

Which leads naturally into duration. Duration is the actual impact the incident

would have on the firm as a whole. Simply put is a incident has a probability of (X) and

an outcome of (Y) then the duration/impact will be the variable based on those two


A break down of this, using the risk grid above would look something like this:

Physical: 2/3/1

Reduce this risk through preventative measures like locks, alarms. Smart keys and

other access controls.

People: 5/15/2

Avoid this risk through on going training of the staff including but not limited to

the effects and ways to avoid social engineering.

Network: 15/20/?

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Transfer this risk through seeking to procure ne systems. One option would be to use a

cloud bases system but this option presents its own risks and may not be the most viable


Each of these risks needs to be managed in a different way. For example at work

I currently work in a VM with a cloud based environment. Just the other day I was in the

middle of putting a settlement together and my system froze then logged me out. As it

turned out the server I am one failed at the source and the vender could not tell us why or

how long we would be down. The problem is that our phones don’t stop ringing as

clients still want information and adjusters still want to settle cases. This is duration

unknown (?) but has a huge impact on our ability to work (16) and is something that is

assured to happen (15). The solution is to change the entire system but that’s not

something our partners are willing to entertain.

System Design Principles

One of the most vital parts of any security management plan is a stable security

policy. The security policy must address the needs of the firm in very specific terms

(SAN Institute, 2002). As part of this process it is important to come to an understanding

of the risks that the law firm faces in the course of its day-to-day operations. There are

several risks that present themselves in this environment. Before diving in you have to

understand that risks go beyond a breach of some sort. The risk cube is used across

several industries as a way of evaluating various risks that any business can/will face

(LaserLight Networks, 2013).

Evaluating risks can be accomplished buy using a risk cube or a grid similar to the

one shown below. This grid beaks risk assessment into categories bases on severity. The

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left column represents the probability that something will happen the bottom row

represents the severity of the impact. As you are doing your analysis on the possible

event you will give each one 2 numbers, the number that for the probability and then the

number for the impact. This will give you the location on the table where that risks lies.

From here you will have to come up with a way to mitigate and lower the risk.

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Project Plan

Research Execution

In laying out the research and progress a look at regulations that govern the

practice of law on a Federal and State lever is required. Additionally research into cloud-

based options will be addressed and weighed against the development of exclusive

proprietary software. The following will be laid out in a scholastic notation format where

in a very basic statement of findings will be listed nest to a citation or URL. The process

is as follows:

American Bar Association

Rules of professional Conduct

From the home page www.americanbar.org select the Resources for

Lawyers tab and the Model Rules for Professional Conduct link. From

there select Model Rules Table of Contents link kin the center of the


Applicable Rules:

Rule 1.6: Confidentiality of Information

Rule 1.7: Conflict of Interest: Current Clients

Rule 1.8: Conflict of Interest: Current Clients

Rule 1.15: Safekeeping Property (to include finances)

Additional Findings

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Google search using the term “cloud-based solutions for law


Article by Joshua Poji titled “The ABC’s of Cloud-Based

Practice tools.” This provides valid information to consider for

modern legal professionals.


This information will be used in the process of determining if a

possible solution will comply with regulatory standards.

Colorado Bar Association

Model Rules of Professional Conduct

From the Colorado Bar Association home page click on the

“ethics link” then on Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct.

Applicable Rules:

Rule 1.6   Confidentiality of Information

Rule 1.15B Account Requirements

Rule 1.15C   Use of Trust Accounts

Rule 1.15D Required Records

Rule 1.16A Client File Retention

Additional Findings

There is an Article by Cindy Wolf titles “Getting Your Head

Around the Cloud: Does it Meet Ethical Standards of Client

Confidentiality?” This article articulates the advantaged and

concerns that law firms have with regard to cloud computing.

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This information will be used in the process of determining if a

possible solution will comply with regulatory standards.

SANS Institute

SANS Institute is a leading organization dedicated to the training and

furtherance of information Security. In addition to the training that

SANS offers if provides resources for security professionals to tap into

and use for their own research.


The resource will be used to gather useful resources and

information that can help provide a well-rounded


Industry Related Material

CISSP: All-in-One Exam Guide

Net + Guide to Networks


These resources will be used to research and discuss issues

related to networking and security.

Cloud Based v. Proprietary Software Development

Below is a list of several options found through the research process.

Though comprehensive there are a larger list of options. This only

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proves that there are companies currently catering to the needs of law


Google search using the term “cloud-based solutions for law firms.

Retrieved a paper written by Andrew Z. Adkins III titles Law

Firm Management in the Cloud: Leveling the Playing Field for

Law Firms. This paper provides insight into the benefits of

cloud-base solutions.

Trial Works is a VPN cloud-base that offers CRM, outlook,

customizable case file management tool limited access through

a mobile application.

“Advologix PM includes group calendaring, docket and

activity management, client management and marketing,

project and matter management, time and billing, document

management, account management, mobile access workflow,

customization and integration features. It costs $90 per month

per user, and $75 per month for each additional user up to 5

users (Kimbo & Mighill, 2011).

“Clio offers a dashboard where you can see your upcoming

tasks and schedule at a glance. Users can monitor billing

targets, link tasks to specific matters, bill time directly from

tasks, and run billing, productivity and client reports. It

includes a “client connect” feature for sharing documents with

clients online as well as online invoicing and bill payment.

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There is a 30-day free trial and attorney users pay $49 per

month after the trial period” (Kimbo & Mighill, 2011).

Amazon Web Service this would allow the firm to develop an

entire system of needed tools and deploy it within this virtual


Cisco, Citrix (Connectria Hosting) and IBM all have HIPAA

compliant cloud-based file management options with technical

support. These services very in capability but do offer local

computer as-well-as mobile application support.

Box and Drop Box offer cloud-based file syncing and

management. Both have mobile app support and both have

similar drawbacks.

Log Rhythm is a company based in Boulder Colorado. This

company can aid in the development of application, security

and other needs of the law office.


This Information will be used to make an over all

recommendation as to the directions that the firm should go

with its test environments and then with the final


Research Results Summary

This research showed that there are a lot of options that are available for cloud-

based solutions for law firms. The biggest concern with using a cloud-based solution is

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that you cannot be 100% sure id the SaaS is a Managed environment or if the company is

self-sustaining. This difference is that a Managed options is one that will develop their

entire environment using an environment like Amazon Web Services to build their

software and service into and a self-sustaining company will have the hardware and

software completely managed and owned. There are por’s and con’s to both. The

downside is security of information and ownership with either option. The upside is that a

lot of these companies will offer multi-platform accessibility and pre-developed

application for mobile use. Just like every SaaS company there is significant start up cost

and the time to recoup your investment is longer with a subscription model; so cost

becomes a major factor.

Companies that have sensitive data lean much more towards on-premise software.

It is a long educational process to convince a whole industry that they should take

advantage of secure data centers and services (Totally would start with Amazon Web

Services) and that they ultimately will have better security by in essence outsourcing

security to Amazon.

Good and bad that it is a very targeted market.  There are a dozen decent sized

firms in every market and 3-4 of them are National like Sherman and Howard, Holland

and Hart, etc. That means it is actually pretty easy to get in front of your target audience.

The downsize is that your market cap isn't going to be that big... will need to look

towards architects, accounting and professional services firms like Accenture to be big

enough to sustain a business.

The culture of law firms is set up in such a way that it actually inhibits innovation.

The big firms (the target market) actually like their younger lawyers tied to the office.

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The partners actually could give a shit about anything that increases efficiency because it

would just reduce billable hours in most cases.  The more time it takes them to get stuff

done, the more billable hours they have.  Lastly, they hate to spend money on anything

that they can't bill back to the client.  It is totally crazy, but as an industry they spend less

on marketing and IT than any other industry as a percentage of revenue.

The research done for this project is measurable in term of what has been done

and how toe process was completed. Time was not kept for the purposes of knowing what

could be considered billable hours so there is nothing tangible related to time that can be

tracked. Overall however, the research furthered the end goal of the project.

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Project Execution

Proposed Solution

At this point all the research has been conducted and possible solutions are ready

to be offered. Before we get to these possible solutions a look at the actual issue being

addressed is appropriate.

Problem Statement

The three security principles in information security are availability,

confidentiality and integrity (Harris S. , Security Management Practice, 2013).

The issue that we face in meeting the needs of the firms staff in a highly

mobile environment; where people do not want to be chained to an office

while assuring the confidentiality of client information. The question is how to

we maintain the security of information while allowing people to access it

from anywhere?

Problem Identification

For many years we have seen a huge shift in technology and the way that

people manage their communication and data. This is supported by recent

reports from companied liken Citrix who have saw “nearly 100 percent

revenue growth in the first half of 2014” from large scale governmental

departments, hospitals and banking institutions that have turned their mobile

platform XenMobile (Citrix, 2014). As the popularity of mobile devices such

as the Apple iOS System (featuring iPhone and iPad hardware), Android

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based devices and the multi-device functionality of Windows 8 and the

hardware that supports it, consumers have embraced this technology and have

grow to expect the ability to do more on the go. Because of this business

managers have to find ways to adapt to this new trend, which allows for

greater productivity (Strategic Growth Concepts, 2015). As a growing law

firm we are finding that our Attorneys and support staff are not able to spend

countless hours in the office; nor do they want to.

In an effort to meet the needs of our business we must adopt the technology

that is available. In order to meet the needs of our clients and comply with the

law and rules that govern the practice of law we must do so in a way that

assures the confidentiality if their case information. Client confidentiality is at

the heart of the attorney client privilege (Michmerhuizen, 2007). Because of

this we must look at mobility from the standpoint of security. How can we

allow our people to access client/case information from anywhere and still

assure that a breach does not occur? Or in the event of a breach what steps

should be taken to mitigate that potential damage.

Over the entire discussion the has been going on with the partners of Kovac,

Edward’s & Bonar we have looked at creating a self contained network that will

allow for the firm to maintain control of its data while allowing for the adaptation

of mobile technology. In recent discussions we have talked about and looked into

remote services as well as cloud-based options wherein we can develop a platform

that meet the need of the business. The proposed solution may be a combination

of maintaining a foundation of the network in house, procuring or developing

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tools for client, file, data management, time keeping as-well-as using a cloud

based service to act VPN that will allow staff access to needed resources from

anywhere. This would rule out the use of a service that would essentially leave the

ability of the firm to function in the hands of a third party (i.e. TrialWorks®).

Solution Strategy (repurposed from CTU Online CS661)

This far, we have dealt with several aspects of the firm’s information assurance

needs. In this section we will deal with the implementation strategy and the high level

recommendations of this implementation. To recap the needs of the firm:

The majority of the firms IT needs are outsourced and a great deal of time is lost due

to denial of access.

The firm would benefit from bringing the majority of it information technology in-


The infrastructure needs to be put in place to meet the current needs as-well-as meet

the demand of future growth.

Separation of resources, employee and client information as well as documents so as

not to allow for unauthorized access.

Separation of servers based on content, firewalls to deny access, sniffers to monitor

traffic, IPS/IDS to send alerts in the even of some sort of intrusion.

Strong password policy with time specific expiration.

Regular log reviews and time frames for the updating of software to ensure that anti-

virus/anti-malware software remains current.

Review software that is being used to decrease the likelihood of risk through

undetected vulnerabilities.

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Set in place policies that comply with State and Federal Regulations (HIPAA and


Participate in PCI DSS to ensure the best possible compliance with a well establish

standard of payment card security.

Project Plan

Recommended Priorities (Repurposed from CTU Online CS661)

Recommendations are to begin with getting all of the hardware in place based on the

PCI DSS standards. Setting up the foundation has to be the first priority because it is

from this foundational level that everything else is established. After all of that hardware

is in place I recommend that we deploy the monitoring system on all necessary systems

and individual clients, that we deploy all IPD/IPS mechanisms, that all firewalls are

established as well as the network DMZ. Once the hardware and security mechanisms

have been put in place the next priority is to establish servers to maintain various data and

resources. This will allow for easy transition from what is being replaced to this new

system as part of this entire set up my recommendation is to establish the system wide

server that will manage users with a single sign on (SSO). The SSO will make it easy to

see who is accessing what and to trace back to a source if an incident happens. Once all

systems are in place it should be tested to assure that it complies with HIPAA law. This

can be done by looking at the guidelines within the law and systematically testing the

network for compliance gaps. After this has been done the next thing is to install and

configure all necessary software, which has been tested. Once everything is in place and

configured it becomes time to populate all servers, databases and software and then soft

test the system by putting it through its paces on a small number of clients systems. I will

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also test the network to see where things need to be hardened up. After it has been

established that the network, its security and the flow of information is working correctly

the firm will go completely live with the system.

Implementation Recommendation (repurposed from CTU Online CS661)

The recommended implementation was briefly covered supra. This has to be done in

phases. You never want to just launch something before it is fully tested in a work

environment. Deployment of a system is no different than assuring the smallest patch is

going to work. Testing the system as it is built and then when it is completely functional

is vital to the success of the firm (Harris S. , A Layered Approach, 2010). The basic

premise would be to set everything up and run it parallel to the system that is already in

place. My recommendation is to establish a single team out of the entire firm that is

performing their duties entirely off of the in house system. This team will work arm in

arm with the network and security admins to report problems and to find the necessary

fixes. This team will go through training on any new systems, processes and software that

may be used. This soft launch of the system will allow the firm to see the new network in

action. This initial phase would ideally last 90 days and then would be launched to the

remainder of the team. Education is the first stem in the second phase of the process.

Once it is established that the network functions as it should it would be fully

integrated into the firm for full use. My recommendation is to have a dedicated training

session that would allow the remainder of the team to learn how the new systems work.

The experienced team would then take on a support role to handle any other questions

that may arise as the other staff starts to use the new systems and software. An additional

part of the training will include security policy and other related issues. The system and

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security admins will be responsible for maintaining these systems as well as assuring that

training has been delegated and completed. It is at this point that the network monitoring

to reduce risks and maintenance really starts. Some of the tools addressed above will

allow the admins to see what is going on in the network from a performance stand point

and will allow then to shift resources where needed. They will also have the ability to

read network logs and view traffic from with in and attempted connection from outside

the network. The next section will address this from a high level view.

Cost Benefit Analysis

Recommended Budget (repurposed from CTU Online CS661)

A plan such as this will require resources to be delegate for the initial establishment

of the infrastructure. This includes all hardware, software and services that surround the

needs of the firm. Once everything is in place there will be an initial cost in man-hours

for training the staff and then for continued education on things like security policy and

system use. There will also be the cost of security and network administrators to manage,

maintain and monitor the network. The following list reflects a recommended budget in

no particular priority order.

Wall-mount Server Rack House individual servers $525.00

XSERVE 2X G5 2300 1U Server interface device $1,300.00

ZyXel Firewall 2 are recommended $3,000.00

EdgeMax (Ubiquity) Wi-Fi access control (x4) $1,500.00

Rack Server with HD Behind the firewall $15,000.00

Rack Server with HD DMZ and Web Server $5,000.00

Raid System Back up and fail safe $900.00

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Server Software This reflect all needs $2,000.00

IDS/IPS Switch & Router System $1,100.00

Snort monitoring Network Monitoring No Cost

Cisco Remote access Mobile access control $1,000.00

Initial Training Entire Staff 2 hours each Undefined

On going Training As needed Undefined

Security/Network Admin May be a single person $80k-$120k annual

Cloud Access Can be established in house

Initial software deployment Developed or ad hoc $5k-$20k

Software assurance Falls in the scope of admin Factored into salary

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Current and Future Technology Trends


In August of 2014 the International Legal Technology Association held its annual

conference. In one of its seminars they provided some very good statistics about what law

firms are doing in regards to technology. Some of the good things include an increase in

the number of firms that are using a matter-centric environment (Gerlach, 2014). “Matter-

centricity is an approach in which information in multiple repositories is either unified

within centralized data stores or linked together with a common identifier such as the

unique matter billing number” (LiVecchi, 2008). Matter-Centricity is exactly what this

project is about. In essence we are trying to find a way for the firms staff to be more

efficient and productive in order for the firm to grow. With that said we are trying to

make the changes needed without compromising th3e information that needs to be

securely protected. All of the options that have been considered have been with the

protection of client information as the number one concern.

Matter-Centricity is a trend that has been around for a long time. As stated supra, the

issue before us is the ability to manage the matter the staff needs access to in an

environment that is continually becoming mobile. As has also been stated, there are a lot

of companies that are offering services that will help centralize the data and make

accessible. The recommendation that has been made is not all cloud or all in-house

control, but is a combination of both. With in matter-centricity you will find other trends

like file tagging email communication. This is where an attorney or support staff can link

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an email or email thread to a specific clients file. Additionally from within the specific

application an email can be generated from the clients file. Further rules can be set up

that will send all email from specific users or that contain specific subjects to the clients

file. This makes the need to actually open a mail client unnecessary unless it is to send

inner office memos. Along these same lines you have something called file tagging. Just

like tagging email and linking it to a specific file you can move documents form one

location on a hard drive to the clients file. Software’s such as TrialWorks already have

something similar to this in place within the platform they offer.

In an era where less and less information about a case is coming into the office in

paper from it has become increasingly important to find ways to secure and manage the

information in a digital format (LiVecchi, 2008). For this reason and this reason alone

Matter-Centricity will be a trend that will have long lasting effects on the legal industry.

Mobile Me

Mobility is not a new trend but it will be one that will be around going forward. To

speak of mobility as if it is a new idea would be an insult the intelligence of anyone with

a functioning eyeball. A person can turn on the television on any given channel and will

be faced with computer companies like Apple and Microsoft touting their latest mobile

devices (Surface Pro, iPad, iPhone, Galaxy). What this says is that people what to be able

to get things done on the go. They what the functionality of their desktop computers in a

device that they can fit in a pocket or in the least a back pack. The biggest trend that a

company has to face with this is weather it will provide devices for the staff or if they

will employ a BYOD model. “The BYOD model is what is recommended for the firm in

that is will not generate any additional costs that have to be considered. To put the BYOD

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movement into perspective, consider that a recent industry study found that 44 percent of

firms had a BYOD policy in place in early 2012, and that number increased to 94 percent

in 2013. There are several reasons for this rapid embracement of BYOD” (Blaho, 2013).

With in this model there are several ways to implement this. The firm would not prohibit

staff from using their own devices so long as they agree that the firm is not responsible

for any damage or loss of data associated with the individual using their own devices.


“Law firms are surprisingly weak on security, and a full 25 percent of firms have

no security policy at all. Encryption is greatly underutilized. Even at large firms with

resources, less than 50 percent use encryption of files.

Many firms allow a “bring your own device” system where employees’ personal

technology is used for work. “It’s unsettled what kind of security fallout will come from

using personal devices,” Unger said, adding that individuals will have to take on personal

responsibility for security with their devices.

Panelists cited existing concerns that law firms could be a weak link when it

comes to protecting information. “The FBI has already expressed concern about law

firms being a vector into a client’s most-personal information,” said Dennis Kennedy,

MasterCard vice president and senior counsel” (American Bar Association, 2015).

The biggest consideration for training is to stay up on what the latest attacks are

and how to detect them. Additionally the need to keep updated on the latest security

methods, software and training is highly important. There are several programs that a

person can get this training including SANS Institute, Cisco, Oracle and the like.

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Financial Impact

From an impact standpoint, depending on how the firm structures its contracts (it

would be advisable to pay for on going training of its IT staff) the brunt of future costs

will go into keeping security up-to-date. For instance CCNA training costs can vary

widely depending on where a person goes. The exams, in the other hand are consistent at

$250.00. SANS Institute has a wide range of programs for security professionals. These

trainings are generally in the $2000-$2500 range but the trade off is that SANS will

usually provide the tools for free or as part of the training session.

In terms of the ability for staff to bring their own mobile devices and use them for

work purposes. There is no future cost impact to this for the firm. The individual staff

will incur the cost based on their own timeframe of purchase and the cost driven by the

current consumer market.

Finally, because the firm is already in a matter-centricity model the cost here

would be dependent on the final decision. If the recommendation is followed then the

firm would incur the man-hour cost to staff an IT group that will address the needs of the

firm’s technology. If the firm decides to go with a fully cloud-based option it will have a

presumable lower overhead but may run into other issues that will cost the firm in terms

of efficiency and productivity. In all the lesser of the two evils would be to employ a

group and factor in an annual budget for this team of $500,000.00.

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