Electro Chemistry Unit 5 Chemistry 12

Electro Chemistry Unit 5 Chemistry 12. Introduction Electro chemistry is concerned with the conversion of chemical energy to electrical energy and visa

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Page 1: Electro Chemistry Unit 5 Chemistry 12. Introduction  Electro chemistry is concerned with the conversion of chemical energy to electrical energy and visa

Electro Chemistry Unit 5 Chemistry 12

Page 2: Electro Chemistry Unit 5 Chemistry 12. Introduction  Electro chemistry is concerned with the conversion of chemical energy to electrical energy and visa

Introduction Electro chemistry is concerned with the

conversion of chemical energy to electrical energy and visa versa.

Electrochemical reactions involve the movement of electrons;one reagent gains electrons, the other reagent looses electrons

Like acid/base reactions you can think of electrochemical reactions as a combination of 2 half reactions

Page 3: Electro Chemistry Unit 5 Chemistry 12. Introduction  Electro chemistry is concerned with the conversion of chemical energy to electrical energy and visa

Acids/Bases (In the rearview

mirror) Arrhenius: Acid donates H+ ions

Base donates OH- ions

Bronstead-Lowery : Acid proton donor Base proton accepter

Lewis : Acid is an electron pair accepter Base an electron pair donor

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Electro Chemical Reactions

2 types (oxidation and reduction)Oxidation 1/2 reaction in which the

reacting species looses an electro

Reduction 1/2 reaction in which the reacting species gains an electron

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Memory Trick

“LEO the lion says GER”LEO: loss of electrons = oxidationGER: Gain of electrons = reduction

We say Fe2+ is oxidized We say Cr3+was reduced

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More Definitions

Oxidizing Agent: is the species that gets reduced (because it is what causes the other species to loose electrons)

Reducing Agent: is the species that gets oxidized (because it is what causes the other species to gain electrons)

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Identification of oxidized/reduced


Species that have been oxidized become more positive, because they have lost electrons (** the oxidized species is the reducing agent)

Species that have been reduced become more negative, because they have gained electrons. (** the reduced species is the oxidizing agent)

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Positive species will likely undergo reduction

Negative species will likely undergo oxidation

Neutral species will either undergo oxidation or reduction depending on their electron negativity.

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Oxidation numbers

Oxidation number: is the charge that an atom would posses if the species containing the atom were made up of ions

Oxidation numbers are a useful way of deciding if a species has undergone oxidation or reduction

If the oxidation number of a species increases, then the species was oxidized

If the oxidation number of a species decreases, then the species was reduced.

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Guidelines for Assigning

Oxidation Numbers For ionic compounds (including acids/bases) the

oxidation number is the charge on the ion Group 1 have an oxidation # of plus 1

(hydrogen is sometimes an exception) Group 2 have an oxidation # of plus 2. Group 17 usually have an oxidation # of -1. Group 16 usually have an oxidation # of -2.


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Strengths of Reducing/oxidizing

AgentThe relative strength of

reducing/oxidizing agents are measured against the Standard Hydrogen 1/2 cell (often called the SHE electrode)

Standard potential tables are written from a reduction perspective

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Spontaneity of Redox Reactions

For reagents to under go a redox reactions they must be on opposite sides of the std. reduction potential datasheet. (ie. One reagent must be able to under oxidation and the other reduction)

The reaction will be spontaneous if the reduction 1/2 cell is above the oxidation 1/2 cell in the reduction potential tables

The potential (voltage) of a spontaneous rx is always positive

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Balancing RedoxReactions

1. Break the reaction into the two 1/2 cells

2. Balance each 1/2 cell3. Use a stiochiometric ratio so that

Total electrons gained=Total electrons lost

4. Add the two half reactions together canceling out species that appear on both sides of the reaction

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Balancing 1/2 Cells (acid)


Balance Major ions firstBalance oxygen by adding H2O ’sBalance the hydrogen by adding H+

Balance the charge by adding e-

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Balancing 1/2 Cells (basic)

MAJOR OH-(+water)

1. Balance Major ions first2. Balance oxygen by adding H2O ’s

3. Balance the hydrogen by adding H+

4. Balance the charge by adding e-

5. Use the dissociation of water to convert H+ into OH-

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Preferred Redox Reactions

If more than one redox reaction is possible, the reaction which has the highest voltage potential will occur first. ( Farthest apart on the standard tables using “DISCO RULE”)

Example Rust protection using Zinc as a “sacrificial anode”Zn -> Zn+2 +2eFe -> Fe+2 +2e1/2 O2(aq) + 2H+

(10-7) +2e -> H2O

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Cells An-Ox Ca-red

An-OX Ca-Red

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ElectrolysisDefinition: is the process of supplying

electrical energy to a molten ionic compound or ionic solution to produce a chemical change. Electrolysis supplies energy to non-spontaneous electro chemical reactions in which E0 is < O

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Electrolytic or Electrolysis Cell

Electrolyte is a molten salt or ionic solution

For Electrolytic cells, The Redox reaction with the least negative voltage will occur first

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ElectrowinningElectrowinning: Is an electrolytic cell

that causes the electro deposition of metal from metallic ore/ liquid leach solution. The metal is deposited on the cathode. Usually oxygen is produced at the anode.

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Electro-platingElectro-plating is a process in which a

metallic ion is reduced or “plated out” onto a cathode of a different material

The Electrolyte contains the metallic ion to be plated out.

The anode can be an inert electrode or the same material as the cathode

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ElectrorefiningElectrorefining is an electrolytic

process in which impure metal is purified by oxidizing the impure metal at the anode and reduce the metallic ion produced at a cathode this process is voltage regulated such that only the reduction of the metal being purified plates out

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GottchasNon-standard potentialsAqeous solutions vs. molten salts