Electroanalytical Measurements of Uranium and Plutonium in Molten LiCl-KCl Eutectic M.M. Tylka, N. A. Smith, J.L. Willit, M.A. Williamson Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division Argonne National Laboratory

Electroanalytical Measurements of Uranium and Plutonium in

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Electroanalytical Measurements of Uranium and

Plutonium in Molten LiCl-KCl Eutectic

M.M. Tylka, N. A. Smith, J.L. Willit, M.A. Williamson

Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division

Argonne National Laboratory


� Overview of methods used to ensure high precision measurements

� Improvements in experimental setup

� Importance of proper cleaning procedure

� Method used to control working electrode area

� Selecting a preferred electroanalytical method

� Results from U3+ and Pu3+ concentration measurements

– Compare electroanalytical with ICP-MS results

� Voltammetry at higher concentrations

� Examination of new techniques to improve data analysis


High Precision Measurements

� Methods and approaches used to improve precision of the


– Developed a pre-treatment protocol to ensure representative solution

conditions at the interface and reproducible electrode surface

– Control of the active electrode area by standard area addition

– Counter reaction that does not interfere with the reaction occurring at the

working electrode (ex. U0→U3+)

– Improved precision of the equipment used for varying immersion depths

– Using a wide range of immersion depths

– Stable and durable reference electrode

– Selecting proper electrochemical method


Experimental Setup

� Three electrode configuration:

reference, working and counter


� Improvements made:

– Adding a vertical translator allowed

for a simpler and more precise

adjustment of the working electrode

immersion depth.

– A variety of reference electrodes

were examined and changed to a


• Very short lifetime of Vycor tube

• Additional redox peaks present after

introducing mullite tube to the salt.

• Both tungsten wire and Pt wire used

as a quasi-reference and both

showed similar performance.


The addition of the new vertical translator

and the change to a quasi-reference

electrode allowed for greater control of

electrode area and eliminated the

extraneous voltammetric peaks due to the

presence of Vycor or mullite in the cell

Importance of the Proper Cleaning Procedure

� Developed a pre-treatment protocol to ensure

– reproducible electrode surface

– representative solution conditions at the interface

� Two-step protocol

– apply an appropriate cleaning potential

– rest for defined time at open circuit

� A modification of the protocol is required at each salt

composition by changing the waiting period and/or

modifying the time and amplitude of the cleaning step.

� Proper choice of the cleaning potential is very


– selecting inadequate cleaning potential also results in

irreproducible data


With pretreatment

Inadequate pretreatment

Controlled Working Electrode Area

� Determine working electrode area in

situ – using Cyclic Voltammetry

– Current peaks measured at different

immersion depths (under constant

concentration and scan rate)

– Linear relationship between current and

immersion depth allow us to calculate the

height of the electrode

– Area calculated from the height and known

diameter of the electrode.

– Both peaks in U-Pu voltammogram give the

same initial surface area

– With sufficient measurements over a range

of immersion depths, relative error in slope

is extremely small

• Wide range of immersion depths

• Multiple runs


Preferred Method – Cyclic Voltammetry

� The proportionality between peak height

and concentration constitutes the basis of

electroanalytical methods.

� Theory is well developed for several

electroanalytical methods: CV, SWV, NPV,

DPV, etc. - they can be used as long as

the linearity between concentration and

peak height is confirmed.

� The CV selected as a preferred approach

since it consistently gives the most

reliable data over a wide range of



Berzins-Delahay CV peak current equation

(reduced species is insoluble)


πRTvDnFACi Op =





Concentration Measurements of U3+ and Pu3+


Compositions Studied

• With a 99.9% confidence

interval, the error in

measured concentrations

averages ~1%.

• The in situ electrochemical

concentration measurements

have a higher degree of

precision and are in

agreement with sample

analysis by ICP-AES.

Working with Higher Concentrations

� The higher the concentration of the

electroactive species in the salt, the

more extensive the cleaning protocol

has to be applied:

– Longer and/or repeated rest periods.

– Additional oxidizing steps.

� Delahay equation is valid only for the

reaction limited by mass transport

– A distinct peak has to be observed in the


– A peak height has to be a linear function of a

scan rate 0.5

– Almost always the case for relatively low


� At higher concentrations additional

steps may be required to ensure mass

transport limitations:

– Increasing the scan rate

– Using electrode with higher surface area


Example of CV – 10wt% U with and without mass

transfer limitations (different electrode areas):

Linear plots obtained after applying proper cleaning

procedure and ensuring reaction is limited by diffusion

Improving the data analysis

� Accurate peak height measurements require

a reliable baseline from which to measure

the peak heights.

� Determination of the baseline for the U3+/U0

peak is straightforward and reliable because

it is the first peak in the series.

� The baseline for the Pu3+/Pu0 reduction peak

is affected by the tail from the U3+/U0 peak.

� New method of data analyzing is being


– Increases the peak height/width ratio

– Provides a better baseline for the

Pu3+/Pu0 peak.

– A semi-integration of the current is

followed by a first derivative:

• dI/dE – convoluted current differentiated with

respect to potential (E)

• dI/dt – convoluted current differentiated with

respect to time (t)
















-1.10 -0.90 -0.70 -0.50 -0.30 -0.10





Voltage (V)




Example of current vs. voltage plots of the original cyclic

voltammetry data, the semi-integral data, and the semi-

differential (dI/dE) data.

Using Nernst equation and definition of semi-integral

of current an equation for a peak height can be








Concluding Remarks

� Voltammetry (CV) is a very promising tool for in situ process monitoring of

pyroprocess operations

� Voltammetric experiments were completed for a range of salt compositions

� Using the methods developed in combination with electrode area control,

high precision measurements of U3+ and Pu3+ were obtained.

� With a 99.9% confidence interval, the error in measured concentrations

averages ~1%.

� It was shown that the in situ electrochemical concentration measurements

have a higher degree of precision and are in agreement with sample analysis


� Using voltammetry at higher concentrations is possible when proper

procedures are applied.

� New method for analyzing CV data is being investigated.




Government License Notice

� The submitted manuscript has been created by UChicago Argonne, LLC, Operator

of Argonne National Laboratory (“Argonne”). Argonne, a U.S. Department of

Energy Office of Science laboratory, is operated under Contract No. DE-AC02-

06CH11357. The U.S. Government retains for itself, and others acting on its behalf,

a paid-up nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license in said article to reproduce,

prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and

display publicly, by or on behalf of the Government.

� This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear

Energy, under Contract DE-AC02-06CH11357.