Project Description - For this project you will be creating a very Zen Coloring page. Your design will Focus on three elements of Art/Design - Shape, Color and Scale / Proportion. Your design will also demonstrate three principles of Art/Design - Pattern, Rhythm,and Movement. Elements of Art / Design Line - Shape - Color - Value - Texture - Space / Perspective Principles of Art / Design Rhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis

Elements of Art / Design Principles of Art / Design...Principles of Art / Design Rhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis Step 1: Open a new Adobe

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Page 1: Elements of Art / Design Principles of Art / Design...Principles of Art / Design Rhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis Step 1: Open a new Adobe

Project Description - For this project you will be creating a very Zen Coloring page.

Your design will Focus on three elements of Art/Design - Shape, Color and Scale / Proportion.

Your design will also demonstrate three principles of Art/Design - Pattern, Rhythm,and Movement.

Elements of Art / DesignLine - Shape - Color - Value - Texture - Space / Perspective

Principles of Art / DesignRhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis

Page 2: Elements of Art / Design Principles of Art / Design...Principles of Art / Design Rhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis Step 1: Open a new Adobe

Elements of Art / DesignLine - Shape - Color - Value - Texture - Space / Perspective

Principles of Art / DesignRhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis

Step 1: Open a new Adobe Illustrator document - 8” x 10”

Step 2: Select the Rectangle Tool

Click once on the art board to open a box toset the size to 7.5” x 9.5”

Step 3: Window > Align

Show Options if they are not available - Align the rectangle to the center of the page.

Demo Directions - In the shared folder in Dropbox, there is a template with premade motifs that our class will use to learn the basic skills required to create a Zen Coloring Page.

To complete your Demo on your own - Please refer to “How to Make a Brush” and “How to Make a Fill Pattern” in the instructions on Pg 8 and 9.

Project Directions

Page 3: Elements of Art / Design Principles of Art / Design...Principles of Art / Design Rhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis Step 1: Open a new Adobe

Elements of Art / DesignLine - Shape - Color - Value - Texture - Space / Perspective

Principles of Art / DesignRhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis

Step 4: Window > Layers

Lock the first layer and rename it “Frame”

Add a new layer above “frame” and name it Motifs

Drawing Motifs

Motif - a decorative design or pattern. a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition

Synonyms: design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

For our project we are going to use simple shape on shape designs or simple line work to create an idea that the computer will repeat over and over.

Examples -

Page 4: Elements of Art / Design Principles of Art / Design...Principles of Art / Design Rhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis Step 1: Open a new Adobe

Elements of Art / DesignLine - Shape - Color - Value - Texture - Space / Perspective

Principles of Art / DesignRhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis

African Motif

African MotifAztec Motif

Page 5: Elements of Art / Design Principles of Art / Design...Principles of Art / Design Rhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis Step 1: Open a new Adobe

Elements of Art / DesignLine - Shape - Color - Value - Texture - Space / Perspective

Principles of Art / DesignRhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis

Asian Motif

Mexican Motif Colonial Motif

Page 6: Elements of Art / Design Principles of Art / Design...Principles of Art / Design Rhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis Step 1: Open a new Adobe

Elements of Art / DesignLine - Shape - Color - Value - Texture - Space / Perspective

Principles of Art / DesignRhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis

Tips for Drawing a MotifShape Tool -

One way to draw your motifs could be to use the shape tool and layer shape on top of shape.

Example - Next - Select all the shapes together.

Window > Pathfinder > Unite

Your shapes should be made-up of STROKES - DO NOT USE FILLED SHAPES

yes no


Page 7: Elements of Art / Design Principles of Art / Design...Principles of Art / Design Rhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis Step 1: Open a new Adobe

Elements of Art / DesignLine - Shape - Color - Value - Texture - Space / Perspective

Principles of Art / DesignRhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis

Tips for Drawing a MotifPen Tool -

Another way to draw your motifs could be to use the Pen Tool to drop points. Make sure to use closed areas of space.

Pencil Tool -

Another way to draw your motifs could be to use the Pencil Tool to draw flowing shapes. Make sure to use closed areas of space.

Page 8: Elements of Art / Design Principles of Art / Design...Principles of Art / Design Rhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis Step 1: Open a new Adobe

How to Make a Brush

After you have created your motifs - Make sure none of the motifs have a Fill color.If the motif consists of many shapes make sure they are grouped.The Stroke should be around 1 pt. - 3pts. thick.

Step 1: Window > Brushes

Step 2: Drag your motif into the bottom of the Brush Palette.

Pattern Brush OK New Brush

Page 9: Elements of Art / Design Principles of Art / Design...Principles of Art / Design Rhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis Step 1: Open a new Adobe

How to Make a Brush

Step 3: Use the Shape Tool to draw a stroke (no Fill)

With the shape selected - Click on the New Brush to apply the motif to the stroke

Adjust the weight of the stroke to adjust the size and number of the motifs.

Stroke - 0.25 pt. Stroke - 1 pt.

Page 10: Elements of Art / Design Principles of Art / Design...Principles of Art / Design Rhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis Step 1: Open a new Adobe

How to Make a Fill Pattern

New Swatch

Step 2: Use the Shape Tool to draw a Shape - It is OK to have a fill on this shape. The color fill will be replaced once you apply the new pattern.

Step 1: Window > Swatches

With the shape selected - Click on the New Swatch pattern to apply the motif inside the shape.

Tip - Make sure the Fill ison top and the Stroke isbehind

Page 11: Elements of Art / Design Principles of Art / Design...Principles of Art / Design Rhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis Step 1: Open a new Adobe

Expanding an Object

Expanding an object (from a stoke, that has a brush applied to it) changes the object into a vector object that has points that can now be adjusted and moved.

Object > Expand or Expand Appearance

Before Expand After Expand

Page 12: Elements of Art / Design Principles of Art / Design...Principles of Art / Design Rhythm / Movement - Pattern - Balance - Scale / Proportion - Unity - Emphasis Step 1: Open a new Adobe

Designing a Zen Coloring Composition

Required Pieces for your Zen Coloring Composition

1. Use a variety of different types of strokes.

2. Apply a variety of different brush motifs to the strokes.

3. Adjust the size of the strokes to effect the size of the motifs.

4. Use a variety of different shapes to apply a fill patterns.

5. Expand your objects to continue adjusting your composition.

1. Your composition must have a minimum of 5 different motifs as a brush or a fill.

2. Your motif patterns must fill the whole 7.5” x 9.5” frame.

3. You must print out your art work.

4. Use colored pencils to color in your project.