^elerteit -^netrq. Riding in the Stage. Creeping through the valley, Crawling o'er the hill, Splashing through the branches. Rumbling by the mill ; Putting nervous gem men' In a towering rage ; What is no provoking As.riding in a stage ! Feet are interlacing, Heads severely bumped, Friend and foe together, Get their noses thumped ; Dresses act as carpet*. listen to the aagv. Life is but a journey, Taken in ti e stage. Spinsters fair and forty. Maids in youthful charms, Suddenly are cast in. To their neighbor's arms ; Children shoot like squirrels. Darting through a cage ; la'nt it delightful. Riding in a stage. Married men are smiling. They are out of fright. Thankful that the broomstick. Is nowhere in sight. Young men wiah the d 1 Would with fiendish rage Take them, if again they Ever take a stage. Bonnets crash around us. Hats look "worse for wear." Teeth at each concussion, Fly t* take the air ; Shrivelled maiden ladies, Past a certain age.' Groan forlornly." Dreadful Riding in a stage. Jolted.thnmped.distracted. Racked and quite forlorn. " Oh ! " ho writhes." What duti Are now laid on corn ! " Mad.disgusted.angry. In a swearing rage, Tis the very d 1 Riding in the stage 1 'LBit unii iiumur. Power of Attraction. A jovial set of fellows, fresh from a f years cruise, were sitting together, < winter's night, spinning miraculousyai A number of very strange incidents 1 been related. « hnwinrr ..... J UVCUI within the experience of the relators; i after each had told his tale, aave one, w sat with a short pipe in his mouth, others accosted him, 'come, Jim, you'r dry fellow.give us a good yarn.' J; car fully setting his pipe by his side, a 'n itliing, in my long lite, Kas ever <exci any astonishment or admiration, but on and that times was4 when on a cruise noi we had got so far toward.4the North P< that our vessel suddenly ceased to s and by no means, within our power co we get her off. After looking around so time, it was ascetained that the attract of the North Pole, on the heads of Nails in our craft, had become too stro and wc had to abandon the ship, take planks, and spars, and life preservers, t make our eseapc, as best we could: * some poor fellows who had metal butt on their trowsers, or nails in the heels their shoes, are there now, if they hi not been drawn through.' Jim replai his pipe stem between his lips, and groi heavily, for the fate of his shipmates, y. C. Giraffe. The Broadway Quadrilles. Any body who had ever tried for quarter of an hour at a time, and that rain, to cross Broadway, in New Yo just where that brass band on the blac< in front of Uamum's Museum endeav to drown the tumult of rushing otnnib es, carts, drays, cabs, Ac., will appreci the Ijantern's description of the Bro way Quadrilles, as performed by Barnui Brass Band:. First.The two leading couples try cross and back, ItAnd on pavement t wait, ladies chain, half promenade, t ges rijht and left. Secontl.Leading gentlemen advai and retire twice, all set at corners t wait for turn. Third.The leading lady and oppo gentleman advance and retire twice; and bottom couple try again, and ret to place wrathy. The figure repeated the sides. F-.iurih.Poti? sugr and four wsg advance^and stop; carmen do the sai o -uplcs turn and come in oollision; ] lingsgate right and left; M. P. prom ades ami turns the comer, general m and back to places. Fifth.The leading couple waltz mi inside the gutter; four ladies advance i scream; four gontlrnon do the same i swear; grand chain; all promenade places and turn savage; grand chatte cr tee toother side without returning to ] ces; pleasant smiles ove the left promenade for finale with dirty boots. Canine Sagacity. k * **I was travelling," says M. Blaze, "i diligence. At the place where we ch ged horses, I saw a good-looking poo " dog, which oarae to the coach-door, i sat upon hie two hind legs, with the aii one begging for something. " Give him a sou,'said the postilion me, 'and you will see what he will with it-* MI threw to him the ooin; he picked up, ran to the baker's and bronght b » rn'tii ,-,f Kroa/I *hidl hn *t*> Tbrt < hftrl belonged to m poor bHndfnan, la< dw»4; t*Eri no mantar, »n*i « A Hew County. i i A very unworthy member of a church in iigtiruitur = ti^e, Wee torn pat orf this State, was in the , . habit of committing such offences, aa to From the Farmer and make it necessary tor the chnrch to4 have him up' often; and as often did they 'turn TunUp bnltur®hiin out,' and tell him he must do his first Messrs. Editors. As I 1 work over. After joining the church for successful in getting a very fir the seventh time, one day, coming home this valuable vegetable, I have to dinner, his wife was gone.just stcpoed not amiss ^ give you their m into a neighbors, for a moment. On lier return, she was met at the door by her ^urCi good husband, and on leaning forward The lot >n which they arc s to extend him that welcome, ro common in which I have kept my cattl with a devoted wife, ho straightened out time, for the purpose of making his arm of muscles, and thrust her from u wa8 original|y a very infer hun, and with an oath, wished her in Pur- ' I gatorv. The news was soon spread thro' 8°,i» w,th 11 clayey 8iUtH I »l.nt II. I 1 I a J annnrv all flirt mannwi oiwl flirt vv . iiin^V) UIM i'J r. IlltU UVHV, nllU "f""6 "" ",v """ ,-"v cursed his wife, and wished she wan in Pur- the earth was scraped up ai gatory. A meeting of the church was ou^ called ; the offender arrained.he pleaded 0n the 10th August, there hi guilty to the charge of having treated Ins , , , . . wife mutually, hut said he had never wish- a 8Ca8ont * ploughed it t iree ed she was in h 11 ; that ho thought a subsoil gopher.ploughing i 'Purgatory1 was a new county recently directions each time.this tore made in some part of Eastern North the turfs of grass; ot which tl Carolina V lie was restored to member . (,ca, Two or ^ dfty8 ship, upon conditions^ tlwit lio lexirn tlic* , T « . meaning of the word Purgatory!.N. C. ploughmgs, I hitched two str Giraffe. to one of Prouty and Mear's I ing ploughs, and broke it 10 in luniiiUj fmhi\[}. _: I then put it into rows, 18 in< From the Star Spangled Banner. with a short small gopher, the Reflect my SouL then sown pretty thick, and ear ered with iron rakes, I then ru BV R. O. STAPLES. roller over them several times, Reflect my soul! let earth present in a few days, and looked si Her thousand beauties to thee now ; bcaIthy tliree weekg after I tf,j, Behold them as they fade and die. 31 . And learn from them to meekly bow to 8 or 9 inches apart.never 1 Before the altar of thy God. one plant in a place.the gi Look up and view tha arum sky. lhcn aonfl ovop_ Hlltl wdl 8tirrc vmze on me starry vauucu neavcn. 0 ' » And bend the knee in silent prayer. hoes, as it had become hard That all thy sins may be forgiven, from the copious rains of Augu Ere dM to f,«c thy .ovoreip. Lord, scntterc<| M,lCS 0Tcr .,cm, at, Reflect! reflect, vain worm, and know, 10 bushels to the acre, the asht Yon aun which brightly shines by day, pUt .u over tl,e ground, but Subserves the end for which 'twas made, . And easts its bright refreshing ray round Ul® P,ants» the oarth WM On all of earth : the tiny flower slightly drawn from the mu oa. Which blooms but for a day .then dies! roW8 towards the plants, in ord< Connnendeth its intrtnsic worth, , , , ,, _4 To us that we may learn to whom, the asl,C3> and Prevent them 1 We owe our all, our life.our birth. carried away by the winds. And meekly own his 8ov'reign power The rwu\t of n\\ ti,j8 jgbor, if _ T?."" " a patch of turnips 1 ever looked Thrilling Sketch. , A _ few days after the application c One of my father's brothers, residing in es, they became highly verdant Boston at the time when the yellow fever grown with surprising rapidity prevailed to such a frightful extent, be- The obiect of tlio ashes was r came a victim to the pestilence. W hen . , . ... .^ .1,.. . .j l- _ « » stimulate and promote their gi the first symptoms appeared, his wife sent r . ° the children into the country, and herself I thought they might also pro\ remained to attend upon him. ller friends to the smell of the turnip fly. ol,r warned her against such rashness. They Qf great importance to keep told her it would bo death to her, and no frequeut|y 8tirred about them. ' benefit to Inm: for he would soon be too 1 , ill to know who attended upon him. . ' r j These arguments made no impression on Thk Stino of a Bek.In a her aflectionate heart. She ielt that it person stung can instantan '. would be a long life of satisfaction to her . . ... . , to know wli.> attended l.im, ifh. dkl not Utn relief by piwatng on the ) ? ft She accordingly stayed, and watched with a tube of a key. Ibis, wi with unremitting care. This, however, the pain and the application of *' did not avail to save him. He grew worse monia (common spirits of harts! and worse, and finally died. Those who immediately remove it The po ,' went round with the death-carts had vis- , ., , ited the clinmbor, and seen that the end «f an aeul nature, taatoneet .®] was near. They now came to take tho by tho application of this peneti H! j body. His wife refused to let it go. She volatile alkali. A small quantit u told me that she never knew how to ac- ed into the wound on the point o ion fo,r »*. ho perfectly or fine nibbed pen, and applied ', cold and rigid, and to every appearance ,e rito dead, there we. a powerful intprea- Pos*,U<'' W,M Karwl>' """ fl"'n^' sion on her mind that life was not extinct. . . The men were overborne by tho streagth Collic in IIorsf.s..Mr. Ed of her conviction, though their own reason M in the hnbit of writing to mu was opposed to it. , 7- i u . ons r i/.. . . . a delicacy m doing so.but as ine nan nour again came rounu, ami , * ° aFain, wa8 hQ*& the solemn words, not been able to find the diseas ee<j "Bring out your dead." The wife again remedy, which I shall give in y resisted their importunities; but this time ble paper. I deem it neccssar _ the men were moro resolute. They said giv0 jt publication, to wit: colic the duty ..signed totlicm wai a painful T|,0 tcm<xl perfectly ..fc, one, but the health of the town required . ......... punctual obedience to the orders they re- 8een administered when life ? ceived: if they ever expected the pestilcn:e extinct: to nbate, it must be by a prompt removal Take a handful of Jamestow .a of tlio dead, and immediate fumigation of make a tea of it put into £ the infected npartnient,. Wtck and dreMh , >ny t ' fln P ^ a" oven 1 j, .ppeef. too strong when mat : to them in an agony of tears, continually . b on saying, "I am sure he is not dead." The by putting cold water to it. 1 men represented the utter absurdity of seen given to a horse when < * j such an idea; but finally, overcome by her perfectly helpless, and in half a tears, again departed. With trembling ftnimR, WRR and appearod w haste, she renewed her efforts to restore v w . f him. She rai»cd hi, head, rolled hi. limb. * <""» Rcpoctfelly, W. bj in hot flannel, and placed hot onions on 1,1(1 his feet. The dreaded half-hour again A Creditor's Stratagei ltA* caino round, and found him as cold and rigid as ever. She renewed her entreat- A week or two ago four credit ace ies so desperately, that the messengers bo- from Boston, in thosomo train f?*n to think a little gentle force would be the purpose of attaching the pre necessary. 1 hey accordingly attempted .... . r, . . lite to remove the laxly againtt her will, but certain debtor in Farm,ngton u top she threw herself upon it, and clung to it Maine. He owed each one urn with such frantic strength, that they could and they each were suspicious by not easily loosen her grasp. Impressed t/i/ti r\f fKn nflinv kui « , ^ . f I v* »»»v wnvi | vub \«aivu sivrv I by the remarkable energy of her will, they about it ^ ti,ev acquaii relaxx! the?? efforts. It a.. their wlkl upon cvery tiung e, stranccs she answered, "If you bury hnn, . . , , 1 , , . , . , Uij! you »hall bury mo with him." At last, which they had most at heart. lWl. by dint of reasoning on the necessity of arrived at tho depot at Fanning ujg the case, they obtained from her a promise W(M three miles from where the that, if he showed no signs of life before business, they found nothing to . they again came round, she would make the road" but a solitary cab j no further opposition to the removal. which they all rushed. Thre » Having gained this respite, she hung »nd refused admittance to the I ^ the watch upon the bed-post, and renew- they all started. The fourth . ed her efforts with redoubled teal. 8be and got upon the outside with I kept kegs of hot water about him, forced fie asked tho driver if he want P. hot brandy between his teeth, and breath- hi« horse. He replied that In ed into liis nostrils, and held hartshorn to want to.that he was not w his nose; but still the body lay motionless than $50, but he would not m ami cold. She looked anxiously at the that. He asked him if he w watch, and in five minutes the promised $100 for hiin. "Yes," said half-hour would expire, and those dread- * fourth man' quickly paid over I in a ful voices would be heard passing through took the reins aod cab up to an- the street. Hopelessness came oyer her slipped it from the harness, and die .she dropped the head she had been sus- op so that the door could not b ind taining*. her hand trembled violently. and lumped upon the horse's r of and the hartshorn she had been holding rode off, 'like-a-ty-switch,' whi was spilled on thq nallid face. Accident- aiders were looking out of th< to ally, the position of the head had become feeling liked singed cats. He do sliurhtlv tinned backward, and the nower- I* .1 - ..J- T . " J 0| (»IIU ^Ulr A wni lUmitJ 1 fuf liquid ' flowed into his nostrils. In- ane got back to the hotel just it stantly there was a short, quick gasp.a eiders came out puffing and bio ack struggle.his eyes opened! and when the cab-man soon l>ought back hi« log death-men came again, they found him sit- $50. The 'sold1 men offered tc »iy ting up in the bed! He is still alive, and sum, if the fortunate one who I hns has enjoyed unusually good heal h. perty sufficient to pay his Jif.rt. L. Mi ChiM* would not tell of it in Boston. ah 4 M1SCELLANE0ilS. pebiomcalx& Mi ===== THE PEOPLE'S PAPER! 1 lanter. JOUXNAX^^ALL ^ WllAHAM S MAI A Moral Instructor a Social Uuide FOR 186 We been A^tSS^SSS^ THE MAGAZINE OF 1 le patch of BriUiant Arrangement* for the 2d Volume The New Volume of this thought it Commencing in December. popujar Monthly-commenced adeofcul. the uarv numhor-the handsome ILLUSTRATED FAMILY FRIEND. pubhah«L THE most unique, original, instructive a- Tho well esUbJUhed charamusing and beautiful, as well as chea. Mafud,lf' a" thc ,cadl"& Am e for some rEST paper published! Desiring to be judg. fenuerait unnecsaary osc . m..,ro. edbyTln^H. c,JLtlon' Z or ...idy No ^rprnsc ha. or will be spared to nimkc k rav*U,,°a tal soils Lnst this Jonrnni nil that a paper can bo# Its mi»n nrur amfrtpam ««-«<si' id liAtdcd Nouvclttc., the choiceet Poetic offu.lon. , TJ* t*""^ ®f Gib and admirable >»,. on .11 .object, th.t c.n fofbUy^r wl" b. .boot < t interest an intelligent community, contribm orTner living been ^ by writer, of acknowledged standing and by any that has ei er appjr ;imes, with ability. The pencil is also brought to the or 'V.r1(>Pc' . e^cry ^ ' ./ ,r~ . mnA ... era will continne to contnbut n dlfforcnt and the wid.t n.nim of literal Iiou uy ni u-aoi A- UUT £«2VUAA f" , , ... *. V T". > to pieces INQg .n cach numbor ^ world will also Wbronght to lere was a In addition to the labors of its host of tal- "j of the Ictter-pr »ft«p tb»-so ented contributors, the entire time and attcn- wor" * . ~ . , . .... after these ^ |t# Editor, Steuakt A.GoDMAR.are . . C\ P- * ong mules devoted exclusively to its management, and /I he original novel written argo turn- ho will contribute, in the course of the year, p'18hed writer for commcnc ehesdocn magnificently illustrated ORIGINAL SEA- n«ry number,and wUl befou chcs accj, stories! one of which will be commenc- ®ntertaining of the trash, and ^ in the fir9t number of the new volume, b? this universally popular av Dec. 6th, and will run rhrough ten numbers: SPLENDID AND COSTI I . its Title The Opium Smuggler, a talc of VINGS. L ' ' the Chinese Waters. In the department of Art < seed were terms : azine has always been ce efullv cov- Tho Family Friend is published weekly at excellence and beauty of its pi I Columbia, South Carolina, and is the only mcnts far surpass the usual na heavy paper Gf kind in the Southern State-*.. the Monthly Magazines. Tl they came It is furnished at the low price of two dol- and most expensive efforts of '.rong and ''ire per annum, invariably in advance.no of Europe and America gr . . name being entered until tho money is re- Every variety of subject a med tnem ceived. To any person sending five Sub- found in perfection in ' caving but scribers, a copy will be sent gratis. indifierent or interior designs ound was Club Ratf.s :.To clubs of ten and up- but all that taste can sug| wards, the paper will be furnished at the rate command in the way of elegai d with tho cf £i.7o per copy, or ten copies for 017.. in the yearly volumes of tl »n<f baked Specimen numbers sent gratuitously by ap- We ask our readers to take th< f I tbon P'yJng, post paid, to bers of last year and compa 8. A. GODMAN. the same number of any cun the rate of Columbia, S. C. to test the vast superiority » were not Desiring jo afford all the advantages in Magizine in this respect, on and a- our P°wcr *bo readers of the Family The new volume opens in Friend, and being anxious to supply them gance that must convince o then very wjfb some mental aliment, at the lowest pos- "Excelsior" is our motto for Idle of the sible price, we have made arrangements by "Graham" will continue to to cov r w!"cb wo can f""1'"!1 *1' ncw subscribers, VORIT OF THE PUBIJl ; who desire it, and all old subscribers who pictorial and literary charnc rom being renew their subscriptions, with extiraordinary increase of tl The Family Friend reading matter will insure , iu r°r °"e Year» and Sisgle Copies 3 dollars 1 (irahamt Superb Three Dollar Magazine, Five copies'. 10; dollars Eigl at. In a for one yeAr< both for the small sum of dollars and Ten copies for i if the ash- Three Dollars and Fifty Cents. Thus ena- an extra copy to tho persor I i bling our supporters to obtain the most elo- club of ten subcribers. ana have t in the United States, and the GEORGE R. ever since, beat family paper in America, at a trifle more No. 134 Chestnut Street, I _a a^ Imn ihtt nnaf nf tIia Mnnrnyinfl Think nf it_ U.I.J IU . J.UUO HI M IK A rowtb; but Mechanics, Manufac- WANT] e noxious turer* and Inventors. I deem it t^HE %hth Volume of the Scientific for the the ^arth * A*bii8|an commences on the 18th of SOUTHERN tf-WESTEl r It is principally devoted to the TO CASVAM Fon ditfusion o^JuHctiii pmctical knowledge, and NEW WORK BT T ft. is emincnOy calcnlated to advance the great ."tT f . .±L, ' interests of industry.Mechanical, Manu- W ^ 1 CrIf' # . . most cases facturing and Agricultural.the genius and » . £in®i °! eouslv ob- masterspirit of the nation. <*« w.th ^ finely It is unrivalled a- a Journal of the Arts |ng-,«nd a Portrait of the Au part stung and Sciences, and maintuins a high character 'y'>ound> Price Two Dolli ll extract at home and abroad. discount made to Agents. nmia am "Th® Publishers pledge themselves that Each Agent has a district i aqua am- ^ Vo,umM» §h*n #t loMt b| or more coun .es bv whjrh .orn) will not surpass their predecessors. Among the cIU!"ve control ofisale, ison being subjects chiefly brought forward and dis. By enclosing #3 to the] i/Mi. .. cussed in IU columns are, Civil Engineering, P"* » »P«;>nien copy of the icutrahzed Arehitoctur((i Railroads, Bridges, AgricultS- forwarded to any part of the rating and ral Implements, Manufactures of Metals, 'ree °t P°*taKf- Address, v introduc- Fibroua and Textile substances, Machinery _ J 1,1 f ti for th« Porposo, Chemical proce> sea, Distil. "*8 North Fourth atree a needle, Coloring, &c. Steam and Gas En. unvPUtC 1TVIVT as soon as gines, Boilers and Furnaces, Mathematical MhiirjKo HiNiVl! Philosophical and Optical Instruments, Cars, by Charles J flnrrinffi'K. Wind and Grind. lag Mill's Powers, Planing Mnchineo, Tools I ^ , periodical, publishec itort.Not f°r Lumber, Brick Machines, Farming, Fire Jj"y» semi-monthly. T. , Arms, Electricity, Telegraphs, Surgical In- V,*^H ° , moi,t remarks!) you, 1 feei gtrumenta, 6lc , besides Claims of all the Pa- ®difieea, in every zone and < yet I have tents, Reviews, Notices of New Inventions n®nt, accompanies by lettei a with the American and Foreign. The work is in ll°ns, w-hich while conveying ' . form for binding, contains teceral hundred' r*t® xnd trust-worthy inform) our valua Enffravingt, over four hundred pages of to clothe the dry details of fi V that you printed matter, and a copious Index. Nearly w''th something of the vitality in hnr«*« ftN the valuable Patents which issue weekly eoable the raeder, while h from the Patent Office are illustrated with historical and political phen as I have Engravings in its columns, thus making the com® insight into the caus< vas almost paper a perfect Mechanical Encyclo|iedia for , y spring. Extensive and future as well as present refeiencc. ir0,! "RVf been made to pit Valuable Premiums ore offered for the fullest collection,of>iewa, no n Leaves largest list of Subscribers to this Volume. **7 ®f the United 81 a common It is published weekly by MUNN & CO., all parw of the continent F< i ie at their Patent Agency (Jmcc, 12b Fulton St, past artists have been engi mmal. If j^ew York. 'ifiT *h* most romantic regioi le, weaken TERMS! TERMS! TERMS! try Canada, and Cental An his I have 1 CoP>' ?ne y^J" a 00 ,. .. 1 copy six months 1 00 and the engraven are W*' [>n his side 5 eop(M for n\x months 4 00 hove one hundred view* 6f h n hour the 10 copies for six months 8 00 scenery slone, which In due ti 10 copies for twelvemonths.. 16 00 before our subscribers in a< 16 copies for twelve months.32 00 engravings of European, Asia DENT. 30 copies for twelve months. .38 00 Austnllan Cities and Lnndsc . always ix advance. ted by aaimatod and interestn : 1 .the most popular authors. * To the Reading Pnblio. bem will comprise a volume. « will contain four steel engrai *>rs started 1AA AAA Corr" now P«nt«d of in a high style of art, with al Of car. for 1W.UUU HARPER 8 NEW ge. oflettef press, of can, for MONTHLY MAGAZINE; and more than 8 We put the work at the I. >pcrty of a Fiftf.es Hundred Dollars are paid to he semiannual volume, or i the State Am«ri«*n Editors, Authon, and Artista, for tingle number. All sobacri ' labor betowed upon the prepantion of a T0lumc 1, in advance, will h separately, single number. The Magazine in probably Ceive as a premium, the aubcr of the ob- read by a greater number of persons than ^ on steel, size imperial foil *av a word *"* ot,'«r periodical published in any psrtot fice," after the celebrated pict / the world; and more money is expended up- .eer, engraved by G. Melzen stances all, on it, for Original Articles and Pictorial Em- ^ publisher will suonly cept that bei 1 ishmenin, than upon any other Magazine bers gratuitously to agents'a LVhnn ihnv ' ued the United States. And will make liberal errs y The Publishers beg to renew their thsnks them for the circulation of ton, which to the public, for the extraordinary favor with |fe w;|| *!»<> supply clubs of debtor!did whkh " h®60 r®eelved- No Ubor or ex- * half year, of five pers< "Dut 'over P6"*® wlH 8l>Ared 40 render 11 more of a larger number at the sai , worthy of the unparalleled succeas it has HERMAN J. !! Or"? 'hlered. No. 164,Wy^m pu tf"1, The series or paper* commenced in the 38.3t fourth, and present number, entitled Memoibs or the * ran after, IIolt Lard, will be continued, with other _ __ _ the driver. Articles of special moral and religious inter- T H JB W ed to sell est, in the successive numbers of the Maga- A ro. it n0t 2T«u£S 12&ES# CADETS W TEW] *11 I * m^r* trations of permanent interest and unrivalled PuMi'M Semi-monthly at W >11 him for BY FRANC. M. PAUI I oil Harpers's New Monthly Magazine, read Is offered to the patronage o he. The amore than Half a Million persens evety ance public, the money, bnth, has reached a circulation unparsllel Terms: For single capias 5 a bank. moin the history of similar undertakings. ffg. 1 ft copies $8* 20eitoic* I tripped it «* «* iU money murt aoo^ipaTyT opened. sonaZnding clubs <Jf nine, __J Motion ILI6AIT Hffi « knurw raw . r iSrfL : '*»" onyoiherjnMkatiam that it* liters *7 wiU 0D« °°P7 f j ,n" n content# have met the want* of the mat r~ urUr; G0DEJ'S \t?J ind eerred, (free hitherto unequalled. Every possible - ._ , JLBA" j u the in- eflbrt will be made to increase ita merit in ArthlUTI "An>f wing. The In proportion to its constantly increasing eir- OMR YEAT COT**"».Three^DolUr* a jeer, or two WiH *>e SenttO any ou^pro- ^ *°d P6 01* receipt o own deH Addrew HARPER * BROTHERS, pnce of the two aepar !wngQ5 *) Now York be Fiyc Dollar* > «£» .* U;axixbs MEPIHNKS&PERIODICAL LIVER COMPLAIN' AHm JAUNDICE,DYSPEPSIA.CHRONIC < rfc I NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASES * 1 OF THE KIDNEYS, rHX UNIOH amd all unrivaled and diseases aki1 with the Janu- sino from a disorit number ever dered Livsr or Stomach, such AS CONSTlPAo :tcr of Graham's tiok. Inward Piles. Fullness. erican Monthly, or Blood to the Head, Acidity or forth its merits the Stomach, Nausea, Heart-burn, It has won Disoust tor Food, fullness, or weici w, to the front in the stomach, sour eructations, sink iow universally or fluttering at the pit of the st "AC1I, SWllZsSlssC OF THE n£ADt !IUn!lI£D MAGAZINE. and difficult breathing, flutter X)R 1862. ino at the heart, choking or suflinm's Magazine focatino sensations when in a loublo that of lying posture, dimness of book unrivaled vision, dots or webs ed in America before the American writ- sight, e to its pages, Fevers and dull pain in the head,deficii lure of the old cr or perspiration. Yellowness of t aid the worth skin and byes,fain in the side, back, che ess contents ol limbs, &c., sudden flushes of heat, bui ing in the flesh, constant imaginings 18. evil and great depression of spirits, c by this accom- be cffecutally enred by es in the Jan- DR. HOLLAND'S nd to be one 01 CLEBRATED GERMAN many romances BITTERS. lt"0r,< prepared by Y ENGRA- DR. C. IW. JACKSON, r.r»h*m'. Mn«r AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STOR iebratcd The 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. ctorial appoint- 7J«r V0 OXtrjheab<rw, disease, is : adornments ot <*ceiled-,fequalrd.by any other jnrejn he very finest tn the InUetl ^ates, as the cure* attest the first artists rate'afler phustesans had/ml . wnpL These Bitters are worthy thcnttcntion nd ,,f atvl,, i* invalids. Possessing great virtues in t < Graham*' No ,rectific,,1tl®ll of the liver a mar its beauty 'etl8er exercising the most searehi . rnnii.il powers in weakness and affections of t nee is to be had digestive organs, they are, withal, safe C( i.;« and pleasant, rtwelvc num- REAR AM) BE COEVISCED. ire them with From the " Boston Bee." ent |>eriodical Tho editor said. Dec. 22d, of Graham's Dr. lit/land's Celebrated German Biltt for the cure of liver Complaint, Jnundi< a style of ele- Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, ur menus mat deservedly one of the most popular me 1852, nnd that cines of the day. These Bitters have be be THE FA- used by thousands, nnd n friend at our e'b< both in its says he has himself received an effectual a tor while the permanent cure of liver Complaint from t le amount of uso of this remedy. We are convinced th it a still wider in the use of these Bitters, the patient ec Cwo copies 05; stoutly gains strength nnd vigor.a fact w< lit copies, 015; thy of great consideration. They are ph 10, dollars and sant in taste nnd smell, and can be used i sending the persons with the most delicate stomnc with safety, under ony circumstances. V GRAHAM, *re speaking from experience, and to t 'hiladcphia Pa. aftficted w e advise their use. .GENTS 44 Scott's Weekly," one of the best Lit . . ary papers published, said, Aug. 25 : * Dr. Ho/land'* German Billeri, munufi tured by Dr. Jackson, aie now recommend <? V «7'i TV « ky ,om<? t',e most prominent members the faculty as an article of much efficacy i A cases of female weakness. As such is t ARTHUR. case, we would advise all mothers to obu AND CHAR- a bottle, and thus save themselves imt er 400 pages, sickness. Persons of debilitated constil inted Engrav- tions will find these Bitters advantageous hor, handsome- their health, as we know from experien xrs. A liberal the salutary effccta they have upon we systems." dlottod of one MORE EVIDENCE, he has the ex- The HoIU c . Hineline, Mayor of t ,,, . City of Camden, N. J., says: " IIooflasd's German Bitters..V t u°a « have seen many flattering notices of tl United . tates, roe^jcjne) tj,c Hource from which th IAD1 FY came inducod us to make inquiry respecti ! i)»!'i j 'i us its merits. From inquiry wo were persi c^* ded to use it, and must any we found it >q 11) 011 \f cific in its action upon diseases of the li\ liKoUM. and digestive organs, and the powerful inf L Tien a ence it exerts upon nervous prostration I fmm *Ka i » rcAl,y It culms and strength* 0 , . the nerves, bringing tlieni into n state of | V . Cwn|,'!n pone, making sleep refreshing, le cities, pub ic * ulf thU J^icim, Wfclj mor^ hJ, ,.( >n every con i- we arM satisfied there would be less sicknt r press eacnp- u from the Stomach, liver, and nervous s; e roosaecu- ^j,e great majority of real and iningii J}0* *«£ ry diseases emanate. ' llave them in a L J!!* thy condition, and you can bid defiance r of nature, and cpidcmic)l generally. This exlraordinr eo mrvea e medicine we would ad\i*e our friends w oinena, o fl* ^ a|| indisposed to give it a trial.it w ;a rom v, iic i recommend itself. It should, iti fact, be cos y prepare- every furnily. No other medicine can p «ent it in the duc/8u,h e\id(.nci.a .f nu.rit.. »°n 1 r»"r CV Evidence upon c* idence has been rocc tu rom ed (like the foregoing) from all sections ,r 5 i >0ft )Lnr the Union, the last three years, the stroi * r?M**P « * testimony in its 'avor, is. tl. t there ns or liscoun- moro 0f it used in the practice of the ret lenca, ror e jar physicians e f Philaaclphia, than all oil an i s re era, noatnims combined, a fnct that can easily occupied on a- publish*!, and fully proving that a acien ortn American c preparation will meet with their quiet i outs*'. ,l' proval * hen presented even in thU form. Saw a That thia medicine will cure Liver Co *nd plaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt ,u*lra" ter using it aa directed. It acta specifica 3?_ari upon the atomach and liver; it la prefern e!v® nu " to calomel in all bxliout diaeatrt.the eff hach number jg imn,ediate. They can be adminiatered rings, executed fernale or infant with aafety and reliable b bout twelve pa- efit at any Unu,. . t mi Look well to the marki rf the genuine. ®°I * They have the written signature ofC. 20 cents for a jaCKmON upon the wrapper, and his ns dtSito r^ b,own ,n tho bott,e' wUkotU *>kick lkey ui» tjmriout. o "Jnckdn'olr- ^or "*1® Wholesale and Retail at the are ofF land- GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, a a Vn 1 fKl Ar#k etroof aha dnnr knlntv HL« necimlne nam- I and by respectable del thn Universum. To enable all cImm of invalids to en two persons at the advantages of their great restorative p< ma at #10, and ers. no rates. Single Bottle 75 Cents. MEYKR, Also, for sale by HAILE dt TW1T7 street, N. Y. Lancaster, C. H. Wholesale Agents for S. C., S. C., Gi HAVILAND, IIARRAL, 4* I DROP* Charleston, 8. C. MJ x.IWX". jQ|y )4 aa eow THE LIFE OF ROBERT EMMETT, Vadesboro N. C. ^ Pmtriu and Mar j, U. W. 1. With his Speeches, <fc- an Appeni f the Temper- containing xaluable portions of Irish I tory, by John W. Burke. 0 eta.; 0 copies rn|||H work is one of the most reads #8. jEyTh* 1 biographies ever offered to the Ann II orders. Per- eMn reader, and will be hailed with ioy fifteen or twen *rw] "!mir*r of distinguished but OO 144tod ItlbjteL Besides the life of Rohcrt Ehmett n r»rvc\¥r ilvi* minute detail of the varioua im S BOOK reetionaand outbreak# of the Iriah In after ivf) ting to free themselves from English b n i * . d*ge. Also the Life of Theohald W< WWW Tone, the trial of Mitchell, (FBrien, Meagl and their compatriot*. nernon or AH ***** tor 80011 wM F°»l peiBO O attended, liberal deduettoa nude to age f $4 The who will aril the w«t for as For mle kt«ly would o. si s, _J fl ANOTHFR SCIENTIFIC WONDER ! 0. CHEAT I I UK 1 OR I r- DYSPEPSIA. 1' D«- J. 8. HOUGHTON'S I |PjP > The true Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice* v i prepared from Jlrnnet, or the fourth sionacheof the Ox, after directions from Baron Liebig, the great Physiological Chemist, by ' I J. S. Houghton, M. D., Philadelphia, Pn. This in trulv a wnnitorfnl ft.. J KM IIIdegestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, liver Com- J plaint, Constipation and Debility, curing af- K tcr Nature'" own agent, the Gastric Juico. EIU Haifa teaspoonfui of Pepsin, inftia. W j, * ed in water, will digest or desolve Five ST Founds of Roast Beef, in about two hoursf y 1!f' out of the stomach. v~ Pepsin is the chief element, or Great Di' ,nn gesting Principle of the Gastric Juice.tho Solvent of the food, tho Purifying, Preserv-- * ing and stimulating agent of the stomach nndl intestines. It is extracted from the digestive stomach of the ox, thus forming nn artificial digestive fluid, precisely like the natural Gastric Juice in its Chemical powers, nnd / furnishing a complete nnd perfect substitute ,W g for it. By the aid of this preparation, the ' pains and evils of Indigestion nnd Dyspepsia ^ are removed, just as they would be by a M healthy stomach. It is doing wonders for Dyspeptics, curing eases of Debility, Emaci^ ation, Nervous Decline, nnd Dispeptic Con- I ()j. sumption, supposed to be on the verge of J he the grave. J'he scientific evidence upon K n(j which it is based, is in the highest degree ^ curious nnd remarkable. . 7 J" SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE. ' ' er. Baron I.iebig in his celebrated work on , Animal Chemistry, says: "An artificial digestive fluid, analogous to the gastric juice, may be readily prepared from the mucous membrane of the stomach of tho calf, in J( which various articles of food, as meat nnd vrt eggs, will be softened changed nnd digested, just in the same manner as they would be V in the human stomach." di- I)r. Combo, in his valuable writings on the en « Physiology of Digcsti n," observes that "a )W diminution of the due quantity of the grand trie juice is n prominent nnd all prevailing I10 cause of Dyspepsia ; " and he states that " a nb distinguished Profi ssor of Medicine in Lon,n* don, who was severely r.tllicted with this l,r* complaint, finding everything else to fail, had a- recourse to the gastric juice, obtained from by the stomach of living animals, which proved b* to be perfectly successful" Dr. Graham, author of the famous works he on u Vegetable Diet," says: " It is a remnrkable fact in physiology, that the stomachs of cr. animals, macerated in water, impart to the fluid the property of dissolving various nrticlea of food, and of effecting n kind of arlificud digestion of them in no wine different from ' he natural digestive process.'1 jn Call on the Agent, and get a depcriplu> live circular, gratis, giving a larye amount of tjn aeientifie evidence, similar to the above, to gether with reports of remarkable cures, from all parts of the United States. to AS A DYSPEPSIA CURE, lCC Dr. Houghton's Pepsin has produced the most manelous effects, in curing cases of dc- bility, emaciation, nervous decline, nud dyspeptic consumption. It i* impossible to give *' the details of cases in the limits of this ad*10 vertiscment; but authenticated certificates have been given of moro than tiro hundred *.e remarkable cures in Philadelphia, New* York. "H and Boston alone. These were nearly all e)' desperate cast s, and the cures were not only "K rapid and wonderful, hut permanent.. I,u It is a great nertous antidote, and pnrticu- larly useful tor tendency to bilious dtsmder, 4'r liver complaint, fever and ague, or badly trea'V ted fever and ague, and the. evil effects of 1111 iiuinine, mercury, and other drugs upon the l,H digestive organs, after a long sickness. Alru* so, for excess in eating, and the tvvofroqui nt use of ardent spiiits. It almost reconciles health with intern: era nee, M OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS, L There is no form of old stomach cirmvlaints "J" which it not seem to reach nml remove * at once. No matter how bad they may bcit gives in*lnnt relief! A single dnao n 'r-N move* all unpleasant symptoms;and, it only ?JJ needs to be pea ted for a short time to make ! these good efliet* permanent. I'mity of ,n bmly ami riffi<r < fbl< ml follow at once, it is ro" p.-irtieulnrlv excellent in case* oftinuaea, vom! i:ing, cramp*. soreness of the pit of the ,v" I stomach, distress after eating, low, cold state " of the blood, heaviness, lowneae of spirits, despondency, tendency to iuiuuiity, suicide, l* <&c.. die. fu' Dr. Houghton's Pepsin is sold by nearly Y'r all the dealers in fine drugs, and popular med icines throughout the United States. It Is 1 ' prepared in powder and fluid form, and in 'P" pr. scription vials for the use of physicians. Private circulars for the use of physicians, nj.~ may be obtained of Dr. Houghton or his a* f. * gents, describing the whole process of pre. .- paration, and giving the authorities upon which the claims of this new remedy dip luised. As it is not s secret remedy, no Jp ° jections ngainst its use can be rsisen by pMH* en* cians in respectable standing and regular practice. Price one dollar per bottle. Obterte lki»! Every bottle of the genuintfr.. > » PEPSIN, bears tbo written signature of J ^ mv S. Houghton, M. D.t sole proprietor, Phila are delphia, Pa., Copy-right and trade mark so cured. Aokut*..Hails 4i Twitty,Iancestor C. II.; W. A. Morrison 6l Co..Winnaboro ; I)r. F. Curtis, Columbia ; Dr. J. A. Reed, CheU« lenillo ; P. M. Cohen, Charleston. YOUTH 4 MAHHOOD. A VIGOROUS I JFK OR A PREMATURE. ] joy DEATH. ,w- Kinkelin on Self-Prelerutium.oniy 25 ernt*.. rpilIS BOOK, JUST PUBLISHED, IS ja. nuea wun uaomi information, on *y the infirmities and diseases of the human sj atem. It addresses itselfalike to Youth, Manl>0 t hood and Old Ago.to all who apprehend or ;0n' Buffer under the dire consequences of early or prolonged indiscretions.to All who feet ) the exhaustive effects of baneful habits.to _ all who in addition to declining physical onenrv, are the victims of nervova and mental debility and of moping and melancholy deafar. pondsney.-to all such Dr. K. would aay. fix, READ THIS BOOK! fit- The valuable advice snAppreaidve warning it gives will prevent yuMtof misery and su' ble fering, and save annually thousands of lives, eri- |Q§T A remittance of 35 cents, enclosed by in aletter, addressed to Dr. Kinkelin, Philsill- dolphin, will ensure a book, under envelope, per return of mail. , it Dr. K.. 16 rears niHiwt PhvaieUw. inr- N. W. corner of 3d and I7nloo Street, be* np- Iween Sproce and Pin?, PjtitkwWphla, may on- be eonaulted eog^dtnljiiiljf^r i >1fr He who phtM hiiuaelf ynder the tare of itt. Or. K. may religiowBtttt^te feto honor aa a geatiaMn, apott My his skill physician. ^ nU Persona at a distance may address Dr K. Jm by by letter, (prepaid) and be oared at hom ^3 jlyf Packages of mad&ih©e»dlreetk»n»du ?.for > by remittance, and B pare from damage

historicnewspapers.sc.edu€¦ · ^elerteit -^netrq. Riding in theStage. Creeping throughthe valley, Crawlingo'er the hill, Splashingthrough the branches. Rumblingbythe mill ; Puttingnervousgemmen

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  • ^elerteit -^netrq.Riding in the Stage.

    Creeping through the valley,Crawling o'er the hill,

    Splashing through the branches.Rumbling by the mill ;

    Putting nervous gemmen'In a towering rage ;

    What is no provokingAs.riding in a stage !

    Feet are interlacing,Heads severely bumped,

    Friend and foe together,Get their noses thumped ;

    Dresses act as carpet*.listen to the aagv.

    Life is but a journey,Taken in ti e stage.

    Spinsters fair and forty.Maids in youthful charms,

    Suddenly are cast in.To their neighbor's arms ;

    Children shoot like squirrels.Darting through a cage ;

    la'nt it delightful.Riding in a stage.

    Married men are smiling.They are out of fright.

    Thankful that the broomstick.Is nowhere in sight.

    Young men wiah the d 1Would with fiendish rage

    Take them, if again theyEver take a stage.

    Bonnets crash around us.Hats look "worse for wear."

    Teeth at each concussion,Fly t* take the air ;

    Shrivelled maiden ladies,Past a certain age.'

    Groan forlornly." DreadfulRiding in a stage.

    Jolted.thnmped.distracted.Racked and quite forlorn.

    " Oh ! " ho writhes." What dutiAre now laid on corn ! "

    Mad.disgusted.angry.In a swearing rage,

    Tis the very d 1Riding in the stage 1

    'LBit unii iiumur.Power of Attraction.

    A jovial set of fellows, fresh from a fyears cruise, were sitting together, Tbrt <hftrl belonged to m poor bHndfnan, la<dw»4; t*Eri no mantar, »n*i «

    A Hew County. i iA very unworthy member ofa church in iigtiruitur

    = ti^e,Weetorn pat orf this State, was in the,.habit of committing such offences, aa to From the Farmer andmake it necessary tor the chnrch to4 havehim up' often; and as often did they 'turn TunUp bnltur®hiinout,' and tell him he must do his first Messrs. Editors. As I 1work over. After joining the church for successful in getting a very firthe seventh time, one day, coming home this valuable vegetable, I haveto dinner, his wife was gone.just stcpoed not amiss ^ give you their minto a neighbors, for a moment. On lierreturn, she was met at the door by her ^urCigood husband, and on leaning forward The lot >n which they arc sto extend him that welcome, ro common in which I have kept my cattlwith a devoted wife, ho straightened out time, for the purpose of makinghis arm of muscles, and thrust her from u wa8 original|y a very inferhun, and with an oath, wished her in Pur- '

    I gatorv. The news was soon spread thro' 8°,i» w,th 11 clayey 8iUtHI»l.nt II. I 1 I a J annnrv all flirt mannwi oiwl flirtvv . iiin^V) UIM i'J r. IlltU UVHV, nllU "f""6 "" ",v """ ,-"vcursed his wife, and wished she wan in Pur- the earth was scraped up aigatory. A meeting of the church was ou^called ; the offender arrained.he pleaded 0n the 10th August, there higuilty to the charge of having treated Ins , , , . .wife mutually, hut said he had never wish- a 8Ca8ont * ploughed it t ireeed she was in h 11 ; that ho thought a subsoil gopher.ploughing i'Purgatory1 was a new county recently directions each time.this toremade in some part of Eastern North the turfs of grass; ot which tlCarolina V lie was restored to member . (,ca, Two or^ dfty8ship, upon conditions^ tlwit lio lexirn tlic* , T *« « .meaning of the word Purgatory!.N. C. ploughmgs, I hitched two str

    Giraffe. to one of Prouty and Mear's Iing ploughs, and broke it 10 in

    luniiiUj fmhi\[}._: I then put it into rows, 18 in<

    From the Star Spangled Banner. with a short small gopher, theReflect my SouL then sown pretty thick, and ear

    ered with iron rakes, I then ruBV R. O. STAPLES.roller over them several times,

    Reflect my soul! let earth present in a few days, and looked siHer thousand beauties to thee now ; bcaIthy tliree weekg after I tf,j,Behold them as they fade and die.31 .And learn from them to meekly bow to 8 or 9 inches apart.never 1Before the altar of thy God. one plant in a place.the giLook up and view tha arum sky. lhcn aonfl ovop_ Hlltl wdl 8tirrc

    vmze on me starry vauucu neavcn. 0' »And bend the knee in silent prayer. hoes, as it had become hardThat all thy sins may be forgiven, from the copious rains of AuguEredM to f,«c thy .ovoreip. Lord, scnttercought back hi«log death-men came again, they found him sit- $50. The 'sold1 men offered tc»iy ting up in the bed! He is still alive, and sum, if the fortunate one who Ihns has enjoyed unusually good heal h. perty sufficient to pay hisJif.rt. L. Mi ChiM* would not tell of it in Boston.

    ah 4 M1SCELLANE0ilS. pebiomcalx& Mi===== THE PEOPLE'S PAPER!1 lanter. JOUXNAX^^ALL ^ WllAHAM S MAI

    A Moral Instructor a Social Uuide FOR 186We been A^tSS^SSS^ THE MAGAZINE OF 1le patch of BriUiant Arrangement* for the 2d Volume The New Volume of thisthought it Commencing in December. popujar Monthly-commencedadeofcul.the uarv numhor-the handsomeILLUSTRATED FAMILY FRIEND. pubhah«LTHE most unique, original, instructive a- Tho well esUbJUhed charamusingand beautiful, as well as chea. Mafud,lf' a" thc ,cadl"& Am

    e for some rEST paper published! Desiring to bejudg. fenuerait unnecsaary osc. m..,ro. edbyTln^H. c,JLtlon' Zor ...idy No ^rprnsc ha. or will be spared to nimkc k rav*U,,°a talsoils Lnst this Jonrnni nil that a paper can bo# Its mi»n nrur amfrtpam««-«Pc' . e^cry ^'./ ,r~ . mnA ... era will continne to contnbutn dlfforcnt and the wid.t n.nim of literalIiou uy ni u-aoi A- UUT £«2VUAA f" , , ... *. V T".> to pieces INQg .n cach numbor ^ world will also Wbronght to

    lere was a In addition to the labors of its host of tal- "j of the Ictter-pr»ft«p tb»-so ented contributors, the entire time and attcn- wor" * . ~ . , . ....after these^ |t# Editor, Steuakt A.GoDMAR.are . . C\ P- *ong mules devoted exclusively to its management, and /I he original novel written

    argo turn- ho will contribute, in the course of the year, p'18hed writer for commcncehesdocn magnificently illustrated ORIGINAL SEA- n«ry number,and wUl befouchcs accj, stories! one of which will be commenc- ®ntertaining of thetrash, and ^ in the fir9t number of the new volume, b? this universally popular av

    Dec. 6th, and will run rhrough ten numbers: SPLENDID AND COSTII . its Title The Opium Smuggler, a talc of VINGS.L ' ' the Chinese Waters. In the department ofArt sea, Distil.

    "*8 North Fourth atreea needle, Coloring, &c. Steam and Gas En. unvPUtC 1TVIVT

    as soon as gines, Boilers and Furnaces, Mathematical MhiirjKo HiNiVl!Philosophical and Optical Instruments, Cars, by Charles Jflnrrinffi'K. Wind and Grind.lag Mill's Powers, Planing Mnchineo, Tools I ^ , periodical, publishec

    itort.Not f°r Lumber, Brick Machines, Farming, Fire Jj"y» semi-monthly.T. , Arms, Electricity, Telegraphs, Surgical In- V,*^H ° , moi,t remarks!)you, 1 feei gtrumenta, 6lc , besides Claims of all the Pa- ®difieea, in every zone and <

    yet I have tents, Reviews, Notices of New Inventions n®nt, accompanies by letteia with the American and Foreign. The work is in ll°ns, w-hich while conveying'

    . form for binding, contains teceral hundred' r*t® xnd trust-worthy inform)our valua Enffravingt, over four hundred pages of to clothe the dry details of fiV that you printed matter, and a copious Index. Nearly w''th something of the vitalityin hnr«*« ftN the valuable Patents which issue weekly ,® eoable the raeder, while h

    from the Patent Office are illustrated with historical and political phenas I have Engravings in its columns, thus making the com® insight into the caus<vas almost paper a perfect Mechanical Encyclo|iedia for , y spring. Extensive and

    future as well as present refeiencc. ir0,! "RVf been made to pitValuable Premiums ore offered for the fullest collection,of>iewa, no

    n Leaves largest list of Subscribers to this Volume. **7 ®f the United 81a common It is published weekly by MUNN & CO., all parw of the continent F<

    i ie at their Patent Agency (Jmcc, 12b Fulton St, past artists have been engimmal. If j^ew York. 'ifiT *h* most romantic regioile, weaken TERMS! TERMS! TERMS! try Canada, and Cental Anhis I have 1 CoP>' ?ne y^J" a 00

    ,. .. 1 copy six months 1 00 and the engraven are W*'[>n his side 5 eop(M for n\x months 4 00 hove one hundred view* 6f hn hour the 10 copies for six months 8 00 scenery slone, which In due ti

    10 copies for twelvemonths.. 16 00 before our subscribers in a<16 copies for twelve months.32 00 engravings of European, AsiaDENT. 30 copies for twelve months. .38 00 Austnllan Cities and Lnndsc

    .always ix advance. ted by aaimatod and interestn:1 .the most popular authors.

    *To the Reading Pnblio. bem will comprise a volume.« will contain four steel engrai*>rs started 1AA AAA Corr" *» now P«nt«d of in a high style of art, with alOf car. for 1W.UUU HARPER 8 NEW ge. oflettef press,of can, for MONTHLY MAGAZINE; and more than 8 We put the work at the I.>pcrty of a Fiftf.es Hundred Dollars are paid to he semiannual volume, ori the State Am«ri«*n Editors, Authon, and Artista, for tingle number. All sobacri' labor betowed upon the prepantion of a T0lumc 1, in advance, will hseparately, single number. The Magazine in probably Ceive as a premium, the aubcrof the ob- read by a greater number of persons than ^ on steel, size imperial foil*av a word *"* ot,'«r periodical published in any psrtot fice," after the celebrated pict/ the world; and more money is expended up- .eer, engraved by G. Melzenstances all, on it, for Original Articles and Pictorial Em- ^ publisher will suonlycept that bei 1ishmenin, than upon any other Magazine bers gratuitously to agents'aLVhnn ihnv ' ued the United States. And will make liberal errsy The Publishers beg to renew their thsnks them for the circulation ofton, which to the public, for the extraordinary favor with |fe w;|| *!» supply clubs ofdebtor!did whkh " h®60 r®eelved- No Ubor or ex- * half year, of five pers<"Dut 'over P6"*® wlH h® 8l>Ared 40 render 11 more of a larger number at the sai

    , worthy of the unparalleled succeas it has HERMAN J.!! Or"? 'hlered. No. 164,Wy^mpu tf"1, "» The series or paper* commenced in the 38.3tfourth, and present number, entitled Memoibs or the


    ran after, IIolt Lard, will be continued, with other _ __ _the driver. Articles of special moral and religious inter- TH JB D£ Wed to sell est, in the successive numbers of the Maga- A ro.

    it n0t 2T«u£S12&ES# CADETSW TEW]*11 I * m^r* trations of permanent interest and unrivalled PuMi'M Semi-monthly at W>11 him for BY FRANC. M. PAUI

    I oil Harpers's New Monthly Magazine, read Is offered to the patronage ohe. The amore than Half a Million persens evety ance public,the money, bnth, has reached a circulation unparsllel Terms: For single capias 5a bank. moin the history of similar undertakings. ffg. 1 ft copies $8* 20eitoic*I tripped it «* «* iU money murt aoo^ipaTyT

    opened. sonaZnding clubs fwing. The In proportion to its constantly increasing eir- OMR YEAT

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