Guilford College United Methodist Church Non-Profit Org. 1205 Fleming Road US POSTAGE PAID Greensboro, NC27410 Permit #146 (336) 292-5833 Greensboro, NC Return Service Requested “Elijah! God’s Faithful Prophet” Sunday, May 8 th , 10:00 am Remember to join the children’s choirs on Sunday for their musical presentation of “Elijah! God’s Faithful Prophet”, by Mark Patterson. You won’t want to miss the flying ravens, the amazing vocal trio between Ahab, Elijah and Obadiah, a spirited hoedown dance, a powerful rendition of “Send Your Fire Down” with fire stick dancing, and many touching musical moments offered by the singers. Cabriel Williams stars as Elijah and will capture your heart with his singing and acting. From the youngest 4-year old to the oldest 6 th graders, these children have poured their hearts into preparing this musical for you. We hope you will come with open hearts and joyful smiles to welcome their gifts of song and dance. We appreciate your support; ALWAYS! Join us in the fellowship hall on May 8 th , between 9:30 and 10:00 am for Muffins for Moms. All are welcome to join us for muffins, fruit, coffee, milk and juice as we celebrate mothers and those who are like mothers to us. GuilfordCollege United MethodistChurch strives to be a vibrant Christian community that transforms lives, strengthens believers, and equips disciples to live beyond ourselves in the light of Jesus Christ. Guilford College UMC Living Beyond Ourselves

“Elijah! God’s Faithful Prophet” Sunday, May 8 , 10:00 am

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Page 1: “Elijah! God’s Faithful Prophet” Sunday, May 8 , 10:00 am

Guilford College United Methodist Church Non-Profit Org.

1205 Fleming Road US POSTAGE PAID Greensboro, NC27410 Permit #146 (336) 292-5833 Greensboro, NC Return Service Requested

“Elijah! God’s Faithful Prophet”

Sunday, May 8th, 10:00 am Remember to join the children’s choirs on Sunday for their musical presentation of “Elijah! God’s Faithful Prophet”, by Mark Patterson. You won’t want to miss the flying ravens, the amazing vocal trio between Ahab, Elijah and Obadiah, a spirited hoedown dance, a powerful rendition of “Send Your Fire Down” with fire stick dancing, and many touching musical moments offered by the singers. Cabriel Williams stars as Elijah and will capture your heart with his singing and acting. From the youngest 4-year old to the oldest 6


graders, these children have poured their hearts into preparing this musical for you. We hope you will come with open hearts and joyful smiles to welcome their gifts of song and

dance. We appreciate your support; ALWAYS!

Join us in the fellowship hall on May 8th, between 9:30 and 10:00 am for Muffins for Moms. All are welcome to join us for muffins, fruit, coffee, milk and juice as we celebrate mothers and those who are like mothers to us.

GuilfordCollege United MethodistChurch

strives to be a vibrant Christian community

that transforms lives, strengthens believers,

and equips disciples to live beyond ourselves

in the light of Jesus Christ.

Guilford College UMC

Living Beyond Ourselves

Page 2: “Elijah! God’s Faithful Prophet” Sunday, May 8 , 10:00 am

CROW’S NEST Vol. XVI, No. 8 www.guilfordcollegeumc.org April 27, 2016

A Message from Bishop Goodpaster: Guilford College UMC is part of the Western North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church. The head of our area is Bishop Larry Goodpaster, who will be retiring in September. Before he does so, Bishop Goodpaster is headed for one more time to General Conference, where nearly 900 United Methodists from around the world – in equal numbers of clergy and laity – will gather for celebration and deliberation about the present and future of our church. Some of you may be curious about what goes on at General Conference, so we are reprinting an article from the Bishop here: In just over a month delegates from around the world will travel to Portland, Oregon for the 2016 session of our United Methodist Church General Conference. This will be my ninth General Conference to attend, which boggles my mind more than a little. As a student at Candler School of Theology in 1972, I attended many sessions of that Conference held in Atlanta, admittedly because it was required for a class I was taking. Then I served as an alternate delegate in 1988 and as a delegate from Mississippi in 1992, 1996 and 2000. Finally the last five have been as a bishop of the church. Over the years I have observed and learned several things about General Conference, not the least of which is that it can be very unpredictable. Over the last several months people around Western North Carolina have asked me often what I thought would happen in Portland. My honest answer has been, and continues to be, I do not know. Generally the question posed to me has focused on one of several social matters: human sexuality, abortion, war, guns and violence to name a few. Questions have very seldom been about the overall mission of the church or how the conference will act to provide resources and support that will increase the number of vital churches. Here’s what I hope will happen in Portland. First: that there will be an outpouring of God’s Spirit in and among the delegates and visitors. Since January 1 United Methodist

Christians around the world have been engaged in a prayer vigil that has been going on every hour. I believe our prayers will be answered and that God will break through the deliberations in Portland. My continuing prayer is that all of us, delegates, visitors, and members will be responsive to that Spirit movement. Second: that we will focus our time and energy on the ways in which we can strengthen the church’s witness in the world. As I have

written previously we are sent on God’s mission into the neighborhoods and communities that surround our church buildings. We are working toward recovering a sense of being a movement, serving God faithfully and fruitfully. My prayer is that the General Conference will continue to point us in this direction and help us align our resources to accomplish that mission. Third: that we will seek to prayerfully create an atmosphere of civility, respect, and honest dialogue in the midst of our deliberations.

There will be hundreds of delegates gathered from around the world, and to think that every one of them will think and see things from “my” point of view is not realistic. There will be many disagreements along the way but I pray we keep our eyes focused on Christ and act toward one another with the mind of Christ, loving and encouraging one another. Fourth: that we will reclaim our Wesleyan heritage of developing and making visible holy habits, claiming as our way of living both

personal holiness and social holiness. Above all that from the opening worship service on May 10 to the closing business on May 20 we will model and practice the General Rules that are foundational for the people called Methodist: do no harm, do good, and attend to the ordinances of God. I encourage every church across our conference to remain in constant, daily prayer for the General Conference. Pray for our own delegation and for the hundreds who will be coming from around the world. Through it all, pray that we will glorify God and advance God’s mission


Prayer Concerns: Becky Archer, Jean Tangen, Taylor

Meister, Russ Hudson, Ilene Cummings, Lilli, Hicks, Beth Carter, David Merriman; Bob Sandee, Jack Kayler, Mike Dawkins, Andy Manry,Don Sharpe, Audrey Staruch; Liz & David Gamble, Anna Gentry and David & Kathy Cosgrove’s daughter, Emily & husband, Zack Griffin who are on the mission field; families facing storms in life, the leaders of our nation and world,and those serving in the military.

Congratulations to Matt and Lauren Blackwelder Matas,, on

the birth of their son, Sawyer Levi Matas. Proud grandparents are Richard and Nancy Blackwelder, and great-grandmother, Gay Fischer.

Speaking of General Conference, we will be praying for this event and our denomination at our First Thursday Prayer Service. Join us on May 5 at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary for a time of prayer & praise.

Page 3: “Elijah! God’s Faithful Prophet” Sunday, May 8 , 10:00 am


In Home and Senior Living Facilities: Friend’s Home Guilford – Jim & Pat Kittrell, Rachel Brawley, Sue Gerringer, Florence Hardison, Blanche Rogers; Friends Home West – Betty Kirkman, Don Beam, Barry & Barbara Jones;Golden Living – Sunny Horner, Jim Frady;Greensboro Retirement Center – Y’WingEnuol;Brookdale – Mike Dawkins, George Holmes;White Stone – Laura Tew; Jim Stone;Abbotswood – Dot Brogan;Carolina Estates – Dot Evans;Heritage Green –

Ellen Lancaster, Jean Wilson, Polly Scott, Colleen McKoin, Gay Fischer;Brighten Gardens – Walter Zur;Well Springs – Barbara Ebert, Lib Joyce; In Home – Tim Thames, Edna

Derrick, Terri Hastings, Jack Kayler, Shirley Stout, Chris Perkins, Barbara Leadbetter, Ann Mills

Prayer Concerns - Extended Family: Audrey Bowman, Teri

Cheek’s mother; Pam Beck’s mother, Barbara Hill, Jayne Morgan’s mother, Pat Blyler; John Moore, Paul Inman’s brother, Jody Martin’s dad, Ralph Martin; Sandra Pearman’s daughter, Sarah Frank; Janet Green’s husband, Jerry; Riley Gobble; Anita Free;Kathy Graham’s niece, Donna; Talmage Durham’s daughter, Elaine Shelton; Nelva Grace; Carol Prevette; Bob Cooley’s brother, Jerry Cooley; Sara Hardin’s sister, Greta; Phil Colvard’s friend, Dan McCanless;Becky Pearce’s parents, Judy & Bill Woolf; Jackie Firebaugh’s sister, Barbara Smith; David Long’s mother, Alene; YbionMlo’s brother, SuanMlo; Dixie Branch’s mother, Kay Wiley;Mildred Mallard’s grandson, Weston; Melanie Crump’s dad, Dale Austin;Harold & Mary Eagle’s son, Mark;Becky Archer’s sister, Mildred Hedrick; Ben Brothers’ son, Robert; our sister church in Kinanduba, Kenya


April 17: Dwight & Becky Thomas; Neal Rowland; Tom

Waynick; Jenny El Najjan; Jill Capano; Ken Rehg & Kimi Mlyagi; Michelle, Caroline & Lauren Hilton; Joshua Turner; Ed & Barbara Kapinus; Bernadette & Blair Price; Chil & Cabriel Williams; Pat Ross; Linda L. Hendricks; Margaret Watson; Eric, Jackie & Samantha Morgan; Betty Sue Newsom; Dixie L. Brady; Grace Murphy; Barbara & John Blust; Jenny McCallum; Lane Dunlap; Bob & Anita Free; Jeff, Lauren, Zack & Lindsay McRae; Christopher McLaughlin; The Steens; Joe & Janet Watson April 24: Tom Waynick; Jessica, Kyra & Jacques Dalton;

Maleyah Lash; Olivia, Guiliano & Mateo; Ken Rehg; Christopher McLaughlin; Courtney Andress; Adam Daufeldt; Dick & Penny Stein; Bette Franken; Kathy Earl & Adam Naquin; Miguel, Katherine, Tommy, Emilio & Tristan; Lindsey Jones; Linda L. Hendricks; Jackie Dougherty; Dwight & Becky Thomas; Tim, Liz, Marissa, Hailey & Mackenzie Kota; Chet, Emma & Virginia Carpenter

SENIOR PROM will meet on Tuesday, May 2, at 11:30 in the Rock for a covered dish lunch & program. All seniors are invited to attend & invite someone to come with you.


Girl Scout Sunday will be observed on May 1. Eleven

different troops meet at our church. To find one that meets your daughter’s age and schedule contact Esther Bringman at 336-274-4491 ext. 3141 or [email protected].

Graduates and families: Our church would love to celebrate and honor your achievement, please contact Robert Martin if you would like to be included in the upcoming festivities: High School Senior banquet May 25; Graduation Sunday (college and high school) June 5. Our prayers are with you during this huge transition and congratulations!

Wednesday Night Out

5:15-6:30 pm

May 4

BBQ Pork & Chidken Sandwiches, peas & carrots, salad bar Volunteer Group: Ladies Class

May 11 – Last WNO for Spring

Hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans & slaw, Cake & ice cream

Volunteer Group: Bible Discovery Class

Adults $5.00, child $3.00; $15.00 max per family

CAMP GUILROCK DAY CAMP July 11-14, 2016 Rising 1

st through 4

th Graders

Registrations now available through May 31 Contact Donna Ford for more

information on this AWESOME camp!

FAITH FRIENDS – Current Grades K-3 Wednesdays from 6:45-7:30 p.m. in Room C15, Second Floor, Children’s Building.

Children enjoy a Bible story, games, puzzles, activities, prayer, and lots of fun!

FAITH FILES – Current Grades 4-6 Wednesdays from 6:45-7:30 p.m. in Room C11, Second Floor, Children’s Building.Games, Bible story, activities, and more! Tons of fun!!

Page 4: “Elijah! God’s Faithful Prophet” Sunday, May 8 , 10:00 am


Outing for Families with Young Children Some of our families with children who are preschool-aged and younger are having a gathering at Lake Daniel Park (411 Mimosa Drive) on Saturday, May 21. They’ll be at the tables close to the tennis courts from 3:00-6:00 PM, although folks are welcome to come late or leave early as needed. Fried chicken, drinks and paper products will be provided. Your family is welcome to bring a side dish or dessert and join them. Contact Mike and Amy Moriarty for more information at 336 763-2006 or [email protected]. Some of those in attendance are part of a Young Family Sunday School Class that meets on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM, to which others are always also welcome

Boy Scout Eagle Court of Honor

Boy Scout Troop 109 proudly announces Achievement of the Eagle Award by

Logan James Woodrum Alexander Thomas Follo

Presentation of the Awards will be made at a special Eagle Court

of Honor at Guilford College UMC, 1205 Fleming Road, Greensboro, NC on Saturday, May 14, 2016, 2:00 pm.

Reception following


Guest Preacher on Sunday, May 15th

Myron Wilkins, the new director of Greensboro Urban Ministry, will be our guest preacher on May 15


Please join us. Among other celebration that day, we will present Myron with a check for more than $9,000 that you all gave to support Urban Ministry during our Easter Mission Offering.

SUMMER WOMEN’S STUDY: “ARMOR OF GOD” This 7-week study is an action plan for putting on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory. Workbook $13 Thursday mornings June 23-August 4 –

9:30-11:30 a.m. - Room A4. Contact Vita Alligood to register, [email protected]. [The Journey: Bible Understanding – Beginning, Growing & Christ-Centered Levels]


From Greensboro Urban Ministry: On behalf of the staff & volunteers at GUM, we wish to express our appreciation to GCUMC for the cooperation and support of our Spring Food Drive The Drive was a huge success and we are pleased to report that we received over 65,000 lbs. of canned & packaged food items and $3,248 in monetary donations. According to our records, volunteers from GCUMC collected 643 lbs. of food and $421.00. Please extend our thanks to your volunteers who worked so hard to make this food drive a success. Your support is making a difference in our community every day.


We will be having another Potato Drop on Saturday, May 14. The drop location will be Western Guilford High School. We’ll begin bagging at 9:00 am and continue until noon. If you would like to join us, please let Pastor Matt know at [email protected] or 336-292-5833. You may also let Matt know if you have a truck or SUV in which you are willing and able to make deliveries.

The Society of St. Andrew, a

ministry that works to reclaim produce that would go to waste otherwise, has been the organization that has organized the Potato Drops. Another gret service opportunity that SOSA helps organize are

“Gleanings”. Gleaning is when volunteers go into a field or orchard, usually after it’s been harvested, and picks what is leftover to be delivered to soup kitchens, food pantries or chuch ministries that serve hungry people. SOSA is aiming to offer lots of “gleaning” opportunities in the Triad area this summer and fall. If you would like to find out more, join us for an informational meeting in our church fellowship hall on Thursday May 12

th, from 6:30-7:30 pm. This is a great

serving opportunity for a small group or a Sunday School class to consider.

Summer Backpack Food Drive Sunday, May 15

th, is Collection Sunday for our Summer

food drive for our Backpack Families. There are two lists of food that are included in this newsletter. Please plan to participate in this much-needed food drive.

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Volunteers for May 1, 2016

8:30 service: Lay Reader: Pat Browne Stephen Minister: Harry Tangen Ushers: Larry Glover, Captain; Jim Holmes, Manuel Perkins, Terry Weatherford, Derek Young 11:00 service Lay Reader: David Guion Acolytes: Anna Manry, Katie Gillman Nursery: Katie Howard Children’s Worship Shepherds: Mark or Elizabeth Hepler; David or Juliet Grove Ushers: Jim Drum, Captain; Phil Black, Lauren Drum, Mark Gorham, David Grove, Paul Ingram, Nick Lindsay, Andy Manry, Tom Patterson, Michael Stone, Larry Strader Stephen Minister: John Hanner Counters: Mike Ballard, Pam Beck Van Driver: Bob Beasley Altar Guild: (Apr. 25-May 1): Crystal Drum, Carol Ingram

Volunteers for May 8, 2016

8:30 service: Lay Reader: Dee Davis Ushers: Larry Glover, Captain; Jim Holmes, Manuel Perkins, Terry Weatherford, Derek Young Stephen Minister: Sandy Pearman 11:00 service only Acolytes: Amelia Hicks, Savannah Benoist Lay Reader: Juliet Grove Nursery: Mike & Amy Moriarty Children’s Worship Shepherds: Lisa Shaw, George or Emily Meister Ushers: Jim Drum, Captain; Phil Black, Lauren Drum, Mark Gorham, David Grove, Paul Ingram, Nick Lindsay, Andy Manry, Tom Patterson, Michael Stone, Larry Strader Stephen Minister: Nancy Munday Counters: Vicki Kendrick, Bobbi Peabody Van Driver: Mike Garcia Altar Guild: (May 2-8): Emogene Stewart, H’Ne Enuol


2016 Total Projected ….…………………………...$ 979,000.00 Amount needed weekly ……………………………….19,196.00 Amount needed to date………………………………307,140.00 Amount received through 4/24/2016..…………….. 309,930.09 Difference to date……………………………………….2,790.00


April 17, 2016

Worship…………………………………………………………414 (8:30 – 119……………...…………………………...11:00 - 295) Sunday School…………………………………………………268

April 24, 2016

Worship…………………………………………………………382 (8:30 - 129……………………………………... ……11:00 - 253) Sunday School…………………………………………………238

Calendar for May 1-14, 2016

Sunday, May 1 8:30 am Early worship 9:30 am Confirmation Class (D4) 9:45 am Learning Groups 9:45-10:45 am “The Story” Class Study (C1) 10:45 am Bible Exploration (C13) 11:00 am Worship 12:00 noon Kenya Team (A6) 12:30 pm Puerto Rico Team (Rock) 1:30 pm Mnong Worship Service (Sanctuary) 5:30 pm UMYF (Youth Wing) 7:00 pm Narcotics Anonymous (C1)

Monday, May 2 8:00 pm Narcotics Anonymous (Sanctuary)

Tuesday, May 3 11:30 am Senior Prom (Rock) 7:00 pm Church Council (C1)

Wednesday, May 4 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study (B6) 5:15-6:30 pm WNO (FH) 5:30 pm Children’s Choirs (Sanctuary) 6:30 pm “Armor of God” Study (B6) 6:45 pm NO Children’s Small Groups (C11 & 15) 6:45 pm Youth Small Groups (Youth Wing) 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, May 5 7:00 am Morning Bible Study D5) 6:00 pm Children’s Musical Acting Rehearsal (Sanctuary) 6:30 pm Prayer Service (Sanctuary) 7:00 pm Handbells

Saturday, May 7 9:00 am Confirmation Class leaves on Retreat 9:00 am Children’s Musical Dress Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

Sunday, May 8 – Mother’s Day

8:30 am Early Worship 9:30 am Confirmation Class (D4) 9:30 am Muffins for Moms (FH) 9:45 am Learning Groups 10:00 am “Elijah, God’s Faithful Prophet” (Sanctuary) 10:45 am Bible Exploration (C13) 11:00 am Worship 1:30-3:30 pm Mnong Worship Service (FH) 5:30 pm UMYF (Youth Wing) 6:00 pm Trustees (A10) 7:00 pm Narcotics Anonymous (C1)

Monday, May 9 8:00 pm Narcotics Anonymous (FH & Rock)

Tuesday, May 10 10:00 am Eve Rebekah Circle (A3) 7:00 pm Stephen Ministers (

Wednesday, May 11 10:00 am Alzheimers Support Group (A2) 5:15 pm Last WNO 6:30 pm “Armor of God” Study (B6) 6:45 pm Children’s Small Groups (C11 & 15) 6:45 pm Youth Small Groups (Youth Wing) 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, May 12 7:00 am Morning Bible Study (D5) 9:30 am “Filled to Spill” Study (B4, B5, B6) 7:00 pm Handbells

Friday, Mary 13 6:00 pm New Discovery Movie Night (Rock)

Saturday, May 14 8:00 am-2:00 pm Spring Plant Sale 9:00 am Potato Drop (Western Guilford High School)

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In Memory of Nellie Clifton In Memory of Ike Efird Barbara H. Burton Carrie Gowen

Carrie Gowen Austin and Helen Phillips Austin and Helen Phillips


In Honor of the Passages Sunday School Class Carrie Gowen

Birthdays for May May 1 Abigail Carr, Gary Crockett, Watson Crump, Davis Derrico, Dot Forsythe, Gary Glover,

Becky Saunders

May 2 Cyndi Allen, Caleb DeBrew, Barry Jones, Amanda Parker, Simon Hudson-Smith

May 3 Will Corcoran, Meghan Lawton, Mollie Rider, Selma Villella

May 4 Cory Blackwell, Alex Smith, Renee Stabler

May 5 Kelly Fish, Michael Foster, Margie Glenn, Amy Moriarty

May 6 Trevor Beck

May 7 Justin Bondurant, Josh Brown, Lisa Elmore

May 8 Bob Branch, Bill Royal

May 9 Jeanne Brothers, Travis Gordon, Keith Gunn, Joe McDowell, Jacob Rider, Bill Watkins, Caroline Wells

May 10 Scotty Allen, Phyllis Dandison, Rod Hewitt, Colton Laramay, Jan McMinn, Morris Newlin, Elizabeth Partridge

May 11 Larry Cline, Dorothy Crews, Andy Manry, Brooke Medinger, Polly Scott, David Zales

May 12 William Cline, Robbie Hancock, Kyle Joyce

May 13 Lorena Hall, Chloe Perkins, Matt Smith, Steve Sumner

May 14 Bob Harper, Sara Owens, Larry Stevens

May 16 Robbin Bryant, H’Nen Enuol

May 17 Morgan Coleman, Tim Dawkins, Dylan Francisco

May 18 Brenda Formo, Lauren Hamlett, Eden Justad, Lenn Nelson, Cathy Taney

May 19 Martha Fogleman, Bruce Hamlett, Jim Kittrell, Martha Sacrinty, Carolyn Voss

May 20 Kate Kemmerer, Todd Shelton, Sydney Turner

May 21 Chris Alan, Evan Carr

May 22 Shelby Adams, Jessica Francisco, Erica Francisco

May 23 Thomas Gillman, Paul Inman, Tony Jones

May 25 Jeff Graham, Susan Hardison, Gray Joyce, Randy Kohn

May 26 Mandy Branch, Kayler DeBrew, Donna Jackson, David Owens

May 27 Damian Adame, Cheri Bulla, John Groff

May 28 Nathan Kohn, Hillary Stone

May 29 Jillian Bacon, Talmage Durham, Debra Owens

May 30 Andy Overton, Don Sharpe, Joel Sutton, Marizell Thompson

May 31 Tom Gibson, Regan Hall

Page 7: “Elijah! God’s Faithful Prophet” Sunday, May 8 , 10:00 am

Summer Backpack Food Drive

Sunday, May 15,

Is Collection Sunday

In order to support our Backpack Club kids and their families over the summer, we are asking you to go shopping with your family for the following food items. There are 2 menus to select from this year to enable us to provide a variety of

foods throughout the summer. No glass containers.

Please choose one of the above menus for your shopping. Please use paper

bags with handles and double-bag the food items. If you cannot be present at

Worship on May 15, you may bring it by the church office anytime.


1 beefstew

1 can fruit

1 can vegetable(green


1 can spaghetti sauce

(no glass) 1-lb.spaghetti pasta

1 can soup (chicken noodle

or vegetable beef)

1 canned tuna 2 packs instant oatmeal

1 bag of white rice

1 bag dried blackbeans 1 bag10-count of tortillas

(check expiration dates

please; we will freeze &

pull for delivery)

1 canned tomatoes


1 chili with beans

1 canned fruit

1 can vegetable

1 spaghettios/ravioli

1 box macaroni &


6 pk. Ramen noodles

1 can chicken

1 lg. box of cereal

1 box shelf ready milk

(almond, soy, no dry)

1 box saltines or graham crackers

1 16 oz. Peanut butter

1 jam/jelly in plastic


Page 8: “Elijah! God’s Faithful Prophet” Sunday, May 8 , 10:00 am

Guilford College UMC SPRING PLANT SALE 2016

Saturday, May 14 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Guilford College United Methodist Church Front Lawn (Adult Hallway if raining)

Great selection of bedding plants, accent plants, potted plants, vegetable plants, hanging baskets,

perennials, and patio pots! This sale supports Children's Ministry.

Here is how YOU can help!

VOLUNTEER FOR A 2-HOUR SHIFT - Sign up sheets are available online at

http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0a4aa9a62ca1fd0-spring. You may also contact Donna Ford at

292-5833 to sign up.

Please consider helping as a cashier or, if you have a green thumb, as a garden assistant to assist our

shoppers with advice on planting.

WAGONS - Do you have a wagon that may be borrowed to transport plants to cars as they are

purchased? If so, you may drop them off at the church on Friday, May 13, prior to 12:30 PM. Please

clearly mark your name on your wagon. Wagons may be picked up on Sunday, May 15.

BOXES - We need shallow boxes (2-3 inches deep) suitable for carrying plants. Paper ream box tops are

ideal. Boxes may be delivered to the church prior to 12:30 PM on Friday, May 13.

BUY, BUY, BUY! Come out and shop!

Questions or to sign up, please contact Donna Ford at [email protected].

Page 9: “Elijah! God’s Faithful Prophet” Sunday, May 8 , 10:00 am

The UMYF is sponsoring a Mother’s Day Bulletin. If you would like to recognize a special mother,

please complete the following form and return it to the church office. A $2.00 donation is

requested for each mother’s name submitted. Checks can be made out to GCUMC. All proceeds

go toward our summer events. The deadline for submitting dedications is by noon on Monday,

May 2nd.

To ensure proper recognition, please print all names. Thank you!!

In Honor of: __________________________________________

In Memory of: _________________________________________

Given By: _____________________________________________