Spring 2017 Bell Tower 1 Be ll Tower ELIM BIBLE INSTITUTE AND COLLEGE SPRING 2017 International Students: The Nations Are Waiting ! New! Next Steps Fair Power for the 11 th Hour Reasons to Take a Summer Class W h y College Hall Must Open this Fall

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International Students:


Are Waiting!

New! Next Steps FairPower for the 11th Hour

Reasons to Take a Summer ClassWhy College Hall Must Open this Fall

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POWER FOR THE 11TH HOURA message from Rev. Gary Ham 05

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTSMore & more are coming to Elim to be trained02

SUMMER SCHOOLTake a full EBI&C course in just 2 weeks 04

REOPENING COLLEGE HALL An expected enrollment increase means more classroom space08

“My experience at Elim allowed me to encounter God on a deeper level, to discover my true identity in Christ, and it revealed my purpose and destiny.” ~ Katie Ye-Jeong Cho, from South Korea

“Elim is life-changing and eye-opening. Elim is not just as any other college where you attend classes and do homework. It is the place where the presence of God

is settled all around and where I got to know His voice and His heart. I will be always thankful for my journey at Elim. I know my identity in Christ and the destiny He set me for, which have become mine!” ~ Nour Billan, from Israel

“I must say I have struggled more than enjoyed my time here, but I am very thankful for that! I was born and raised in Asia. I met Jesus 7 years ago, but I wasn’t sure how to live a real Christian life. I heard about Elim through a friend and I thought it was a crazy idea to go to a Bible school, because I was living a happy, comfortable life with a looking-good career. But the Holy Spirit confirmed it to me. I came with a simple goal of personal growth—“becoming a better Christian.” All I wanted was to learn as much knowledge of God as I could, then move on to my happy, comfortable life. But after one year, surprisingly, now I have the desire of being used by God, wanting to be involved in some form of ministry.”

~ Luna, from Asia (nation & student not shown for security reasons)

“I see Elim as a faith clinic and a place that breeds new generational leaders for the end-time revival. The Lord has been breaking the box I have placed Him in, through His provision in ways that are bigger than my imagination. I have learned to have total dependence on the Lord and how to manage my time well. It has been a great experience.” ~ George Festus Blamoh, from Liberia

ALUMNI NEWS Alumni & Friends Luncheon and alumni updates09

WHAT’S HAPPENING ON CAMPUS New Next Steps Fair, Commencement and other events10

PRACTICAL MINISTRY EXPERIENCEWhy does it matter for our students?06

Elim is not your normal college experience. One demonstration of this is the amazing number of hours our students give each semester to involvement in practical ministry experiences. In three years at Elim, this can add up to a whopping 600 to 700 hours—at least 15 weeks of full-time volunteer service and training! Read more about their practical ministry experience on page 6.At least one floor of College Hall must be opened up this fall because of surging enrollment. Please pray with us that all of the money, materials, and volunteers necessary will be available to help us complete the job on time. This is going to add at least 4 classrooms so we can accommo-date our large incoming freshmen class.We can never stop growing if we want to be used of God. Maybe your spiritual growth needs a kick start? Maybe you have been longing for a vacation with spiritual impact? Consider coming to Elim for two weeks this summer and taking a summer session class! Check out the seven courses offered this May on page 4.

From the


The mission of Elim Bible Institute and College is to “prepare Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered servant leaders for global revival.” There are many people all over the world just waiting for someone to tell them about Christ and then help them grow as His disciples. We believe that, as Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 9:37, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” He continued, “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” We want to be preparing those workers to be sent out—to help bring into God’s Kingdom a harvest of souls from many nations!

From its beginnings, Elim has prepared and sent missionaries to the nations. And as the school became more estab-lished, students from other nations heard about it and came to be trained. Now as cross-cultural communication and travel become even easier, more and more

international students are hearing about Elim and wanting to come. This semester 21 students from 15 nations are seeking God and studying His Word at EBI&C. Already, almost 40 more internationals from 24 nations have applied for Fall 2017.

We are thrilled that God is bringing these students here for a season, so they can be better trained as “Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered servant leaders.” Each one is an important key to extending God’s kingdom in his or her nation when they return home.

Leaving their families and homes to attend college in the US can be very chal-lenging for these internationals. For some, this is the first time out of their country and they face the culture shock of differ-ent foods, customs, even weather. Often English is not their first language, which makes conversation, reading and writing more difficult. We try to help them all

with an extended orientation period and assigned hosts when they arrive. Depend-ing on their English proficiency, they may be given extra academic help.

For many international students, the biggest obstacle is financial. They feel God is calling them to Elim, and often He has provided miraculously so far, but with the costs of travel, passports & visas, and other expenses, they still don’t have all $13,800 needed for their school bill.

We want to accept as many of these stu-dents as God is sending, and we offer as much financial aid as possible, including scholarships and work-study jobs. But we are limited by the funds we have to give.

You can help more international students get the ministry training they desire by donating to the EBI&C Interna-tional Student Scholarship Fund (by mail or online www.elim.edu/give).

The nations are waiting! n


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FOUNDATIONS FOR LIFE Are you interested in fulfilling the Great Commission on a per-sonal level, nurturing young Christians, walking in the Spirit, and developing a greater prayer life? Then step on board with Stacy Cline, a man whose love, devotion, and commitment to students is admired by all who know him. PRTH1013; Rev. Stacy Cline; 3 credits.

COLLEGE COMPOSITION A great sense of humor and a flair for the dramatic make Eliza-beth Ose the perfect instructor for this course. Your communi-cative competence will be convincingly challenged and clearly enhanced through her expert guidance. ENGL1013; Elizabeth Ose; 3 credits

WORSHIP LEADERSHIP The sentiment once overheard after a worship service led by Dick Grout: “The master is in the house.” His desire is to teach you how to bring others into the presence of God. You’ll study the technical skills, the nature of biblical worship, and the heart of the worship leader. MUSC2023; Dick Grout; 3 units

HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Through Dr. Miller’s excellent historical analysis of the Chris-tian Church and ability to engage his students in the learning process, you will gain an understanding of the primary leaders, movements, and schools of thought throughout the centuries. HIST2013; Dr. John Miller; 3 credits

Summer Session is MAY 15–26. Each course is 2 weeks and is held Monday–Friday in either the morning 8:00–12:00 or the afternoon 1:00–5:00. Both commuters and on-campus students are welcome.

Registration deadline is April 30. To register or for more info, please contact the Registrar’s Office at 585-582-8218 or [email protected].

BASIC CHRISTIAN COUNSELING Bishop Turner’s engaging personality and educational back-ground in sociology, pastoral theology & human development will open your heart & mind to the hearts & minds of others. His course is designed to facilitate personal healing & growth, and will provide increased confidence to help others with life’s challenges, through the application of Scripture & godly human interaction. PSYC2013; Bishop William Turner; 3 units.

APOLOGETICS Now more than ever it is vital for us to learn how to effectively defend our faith. We need to understand the cultural and intel-lectual forces that challenge Christianity and why biblical faith can hold steady in the midst of those forces. Dr. Sanders, a sea-soned pastor and Christian leader, is equipped to methodically walk you through this maze of objectives. PHIL2023; Dr. Nathan Sanders; 3 units.

BUSINESS MATH Do you need practical help for your personal finances? Would your church benefit from your increased competency handling financial records? Then Mary Lynn Kniley, a Certified Public Accountant with years of experience mixed with patience and understanding, will equip you. MATH1033; Mary Lynn Kniley; 3 credits

Cost for each course is $700, which includes tuition, room & board, and all fees. (Regular semester tuition is $312 per credit hour and does not include room & board or fees, so summer rates offer a big savings.) If you take 2 summer courses (morn-ing & afternoon) for $1300, you’ll save even more! Please note: a course may not be offered if fewer than 5 students are enrolled.

TAKE a SUMMER COURSE!4 Never Stop Growing

4 Test Drive Bible School

4 Catch Up or Get Ahead

4 Vacation with Impact!In just 2 weeks you can take a full EBI&C course taught by Elim faculty and earn college credits— while growing spiritually and increasing your knowledge & skills in areas of interest or ministry!

POWER for the 11th HOURby Rev. Gary Ham

One thing that I became very mindful of during this recent election was that I am neither Republican, Democrat nor Liber-tarian. Each party held to some values and beliefs that were at odds with my faith. It was a stark reminder that I do not rep-resent an earthly kingdom but a spiritual and eternal Kingdom.

Jesus taught us to pray, “Father, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven…” The Kingdom of God is not only a future inheritance, but it’s a present spiritual reality. The Kingdom of God is God’s kingship, His rule, His authority in the earth. And this is what the conflict in society is really all about; it’s a conflict between two kingdoms—the Kingdom of God and the kingdoms of men. And the Church is in the world to be a witness of God’s Kingdom.

But I cannot be an adequate representa-tive of God’s Kingdom without the power which is associated with God’s Kingdom. The message of God’s Kingdom will not be persuasive unless it is backed up by evi-dence of God’s power. If people see God at work in and through us, if they sense His presence in our compassion, our prayers, and in our houses of worship, then they will be open to hear what we have to say about Jesus.

Our mandate is to proclaim the King-dom that is already here and the Kingdom which is coming, in word and in power. Miracles—the manifestation of the super-natural—are very important signs that point to the character and the nature of God’s Kingdom. I believe that in this day, the presence or the absence of divine power will determine what is of God’s kingdom and what is of man’s kingdom.

2 Timothy 3 says that the last days will be perilous times and that people will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. We are not just talking about people who have gone so far as to deny the truth of God’s word—but to reject or deny the power includes ministers of the gospel who serve without any expectation or faith to see the power of God displayed.

The apostle Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 1:5, “For our gospel did not come to you

in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full convic-tion…” 1 Corinthians 4:19-20 states, “For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power” (NKJV). “For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power” (NLT).“For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power” (Study Bible).

The prime example of this truth is the ministry of Jesus. He announced the pres-ence of God’s kingdom and demonstrated that presence with works of power. Acts 10:38 testifies, “You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.”

The power that Jesus had was then transferred to His disciples when He sent them out. “And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them

power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease” (Matthew 10:1). Luke 10:17-20 describes, “The seventy returned with joy, saying, ‘Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.’ And He said to them, ‘I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning. Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you.’” “These signs will accompany those who have believed in My name: they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues” (Mark 16:17). “And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them, and confirmed the word by the signs that followed” (Mark 16:20).

Jesus told His disciples right before His ascension, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in

Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth” (Acts 1:8). The word power in the Greek is dunamis, which means “act of power” (Young’s); “miraculous power, ability” (Strong’s); “capability of any-thing, ability to perform anything; then, absolutely, not merely power capable of action, but, power in action” (Bullinger’s).

We receive this power in order to be witnesses to the personal, ever-living presence of Christ who overcame death, the grave, and sin. We are witnesses of the ongoing work of Christ and the power of His Kingdom in the earth. Matthew Henry’s Commentary says: “Whenever the gospel is effectual, it comes not in word only, but also in power, by the Holy Spirit, quicken-ing dead sinners, delivering persons from the slavery of sin and Satan, renewing them both inwardly and outwardly, and comforting, strengthening, and establish-ing the saints, which cannot be done by the persuasive language of men, but by the power of God.”

The founding fathers of Elim under-stood that God was calling Elim to a ministry of supernatural power. The book Willow in the Wind describes the vision of future revival that the Lord gave to founder Ivan Q. Spencer, “He saw groups and handfuls of Spirit-filled believers scat-tered throughout the world. God showed him that the purpose of this worldwide diffusion was to bear the light of the supernatural

Gary Ham is an EBI&C alumnus (1980), US Army veteran, former church planter, and author of the book It’s the 11th Hour. He directs Caleb Ministry in Rochester, NY, and Eleventh Hour Christian Initiatives, is the missions director of Faith Temple in Rochester & is a board member of Project Amazon. He served as Elim Fellowship’s Director of International Ministries for 6 years and is a member of the Elim Fellowship Council of Elders. Gary & his wife Harriet live in Rochester, NY.

(continued on page 8)

“For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.”

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WHY DOES STUDENT PRACTICAL MINISTRY EXPERIENCE MATTER?Practical ministry experi-ence is an integral part of an Elim education. Each fall our sophomores gather on campus, say goodbye to the staff and remaining students, and then board a bus to travel to the New York School of Urban Ministry (NYSUM) in New York City, which will be their home for the next 5 weeks. At NYSUM the students receive teaching and training from experienced leaders who have been ministering in New York City for decades.

Then they put what they’ve learned so far into real life practice. They are sent out in teams to serve in a wide variety of ministries all around the city—with the homeless, soup kitchens, after school min-istries, kids ministries, outreach events, street evangelism, food pantries, rehab centers, and homes for the elderly and those sick with intense diseases.

The NYSUM internship is a large part of our students’ development as “Christ- centered, Spirit-empowered servant leaders.” But it’s definitely not the only practical ministry experience that is intentionally designed to be a part of the EBI&C programs.

Each semester, every student is assigned to a weekly student ministry nearby, based on their past experience and cur-rent interests. Recent student ministries have included children’s, youth & college ministries; prisons, soup kitchens, and pregnancy centers; ministry to victims of sex trafficking; working with adults with developmental disabilities; church and traveling worship teams; evangelism; tech, video recording & producing; and event & chapel services planning.

They gain even more practical ministry experience through both required and optional involvement in campus activities. They see what is involved in putting on large youth, college & young adult conferences through participating behind-the-scenes with Elim Fellowship’s Saturate Conference and BASICcon. They can get involved in Student Council, Wor-ship and Prayer events, and hosting pro-spective students during Discovery Days.

Each year, students are given more opportunities in leadership. Seniors help minister to the underclassmen during Foundations Weekend, and many seniors are resident advisors (RAs) in their dorms. They move from being team members to team leaders. By the time a 3-year senior graduates, he or she will have gained the equivalent of at least fifteen 40-hour weeks of practical ministry and leadership experience!

What is the purpose of these practical ministry experiences? Our mission is to prepare “Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered servant leaders,” and these experiences contribute greatly to their development. They learn practical skills in organization and administration, and how to work with leaders and teams. They develop in specific ministries such as leading worship, pastoral, children’s and youth ministry, or working in an urban setting. They learn how to depend on Christ and seek the Holy Spirit’s power in their ministry. They learn how to serve others selflessly and how to be better leaders.

What happens in the lives of Elim students, as a result of their practical ministry experiences? God uses all different aspects of the expe-riences—getting along with teammates, the responsibilities of being a team leader, fear of the unknown, stepping out in new types of ministry. Let’s hear from some of them. It can be truly life-changing!

1) They learn to depend on Christ in them. He deals with both their insecu-rities and overconfidence in themselves. They learn to rely on His grace, strength and leading.

“I came to NYSUM with a bunch of insecurities and doubts. I put all these walls in front of myself assuming that God wouldn’t be able to work through

someone like me. Little did I know that I was completely wrong. God showed me that I have a lot more to give than I thought.”

“The key is not reading your Bible, it is not prayer, it is not trying harder or just ‘sucking it up.’ The only thing I was able to do was give up and say, ‘God...do some-thing because I cannot do this.’ When we come to the end of ourselves, we realize that it was only through God Himself that we were able to accomplish what He has called us to do.”

2) They learn to seek the Holy Spirit’s power in their ministry.

“There were many extremely stretching experiences for me, some of which were homeless ministry, starting conversations about God with strangers, and speaking in front of a congregation. Confidence to speak and being assured that what I have to say is worth saying was something God strengthened me in.”

“During the first half of the internship, God would speak to me but I was afraid to speak it out. Finally I had enough of ignor-ing His Spirit. That Sunday, the pastor asked me to give my testimony. I had no fear to do so! That was completely God’s strength.”

3) They learn how to serve others. “It encouraged me to be more inten-

tional in reaching out to people, as I was reminded of all the people who reached out to me in my darkest times.”

“Through conversations I had during homeless ministry, I met individuals that God used to enlarge my heart for the bro-ken ones He loves.”

“During my internship at NYSUM, not only did I help others, but I met others who have dedicated their whole lives to serve their community.”

“God showed me the hurt of the world, and how He is the only hope in this world. Through helping others and working with others, God opened my heart to love others, and gave me more perspective on how God sees all of us.”

4) They become better leaders. “I am definitely not the same person I

was. I am much bolder, more confident,

Photos, clockwise from above: Sharing food and the love of Christ on the street; practicing for a kids’ puppet show; sorting clothing for a giveaway; praying with a food truck ministry leader before serving in NYC; preparing food at the Bowery Mission.


Each year at EBI&C, students gain many more hours of practical ministry and leadership training through required and optional experiences.

A Year in the Son graduate will have 300 hours.

An AAS graduate will have over 500 hours.

By graduation, 3-year students will have 600–700 hours of practical ministry experience.

and sure of God’s faithfulness after going to NYSUM.”

“I am discovering passions that have been placed in me, and how to use the talents I have been given.”

“NYSUM helped me to realize that I want to serve Him and that I will never be fully satisfied with my life if I will not be where He wants me to be.” n

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To give FINANCIALLY to the College Hall project, you can make donations through the Carlton Spencer Memorial Campus Restoration Fund—online at www.elim.edu/give, by mail or by phone 585-582-8310.

To volunteer your TIME & SKILLS (individuals or groups), please contact Volunteer Coordinator Jack Thorpe, jackthorpe @elim.edu or 585-582-8306.

For more info about campus projects, please contact Facilities Director Ephraim Allgyer, [email protected] or 585-582-8231.

HEALTH REPORT: STACY CLINELong-time Elim Dean of Students gives an update on his health and what God has done so far. Please continue to pray for Stacy’s healing.

In November 2015, I was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma cancer. My body was being filled with tumors and the cancer had invaded my ribs. In March 2016, I underwent major surgery to remove one of the largest tumors in my neck and shoulder. By August, I was feeling very sick and the prognosis was grim. The oncologists frankly told me not to plan on seeing Christmas. In September, I qualified for receiving treatment with two new oral chemotherapy drugs. The results at this point have been nothing short of miraculous. In 25 days one massive tumor had disappeared com-pletely. I was also feeling good again. I will continue on the treatments for a year and in February 2017 will undergo more PET scans and MRIs to determine the extent of the medication’s success.

Right: Terry Kelley volunteered on campus to help with some mechanical needs. Here he works on a backhoe with senior John Yeschick.

THANK YOU to our Fall & Winter VOLUNTEERS! Terry Kelley, Mike Kniley, Joe Nettleton, and Jack & Darlene Thorpe.


We are expecting an increase in enrollment this fall! This means we need to reopen College Hall, which will provide several more needed classrooms on the first floor. We’ll be working on Phase 1 this summer, which is the minimum necessary to be ready for use when students arrive in late August.

◆◆ Construct an ADA compliant ramp on the north side of the building (facing Watson Hall)

◆◆ Add an ADA bathroom on the first floor ◆◆ Paint the interior of the first floor and basement

(paint has been donated!)◆◆ Install LED lighting◆◆ Prepare classrooms — clean rooms, purchase

tables & chairs, install wifi & tech equipmentTo complete this project on time, we need both funds and labor. Can you donate financially or volunteer some time for this critical campus project? Volunteers especially needed are construction workers, electricians, plumbers, and painters.

Wear some Elim Swag! Share your love for Elim with a new T-shirt! “Elim Bible Institute and College” in grey heather with lettering on front or “Discover Your Destiny” in beige with brown lettering on front & back. $10. Sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL. Order online at elim.edu/store or contact [email protected].

Take a photo! Elim alumni from all around the world, email us a photo of you on location wearing your Elim shirt (new or old), along with your names, years of Elim graduation or attendance, and location where the photo was taken, to [email protected]. Then we’ll share them in upcoming issues of the Bell Tower magazine!

ALUMNI & FRIENDS LUNCHEONCatch up with Elim friends, eat yummy food, reminisce and be inspired for the future at this annual luncheon, Thursday, May 18, 12pm in the I.Q. Spencer Taber-nacle. This year’s theme is “Then & Now,” and we’ll weave together some “Old Elim” and “New Elim” with a dash of humor and fun. We’ll also hear from Elim alumnus Joseph Mophat Kilioba, General Overseer of PEFA Church in Kenya, and honor him as our 2017 Alumnus of the Year. Cost for the Luncheon is $10/person; $30 max/family. Register at www.elim.edu/oasis-meals (also register here for on-campus housing and other meals during the Elim Fellowship Oasis Conference, with special discount housing & meal packages). Questions? Contact EBI&C Campus Life Director Emily Sanders at 585-582-8205 or [email protected]. We hope to see YOU there!


ministries that He had given them to the people of their localities, and to intercede for greater things for them” (page 42). Then God spoke to Ivan the part Elim was to have: “I want you to open a training school for young people for the supernat-ural ministry of the last hour” (page 59).

In Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians, he is reminded of the monumental calling that lies ahead of the church, and he prays for them—not at the end of this letter but in the middle—to live in and to be filled with the power of God. “For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glori-ous riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you,

being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen” (Ephesians 3:14-21).

What are the essential points in Paul’s prayers for the Church, related to God’s power?

1) That the church might be strength-ened with the power of God through the Holy Spirit. This should be our constant prayer for the Church of Jesus Christ—to

possess and live in God’s power. 2) The power of God has to be rooted

and grounded in love. We learn from 1 Corinthians 13 that even if we have the faith to move mountains, the gift of prophecy and knowledge to understand all things, but have not love, “I am noth-ing.” The power of God without the love of God puffs up and leads to vanity and religious pride. The power of God must always be rooted and grounded in love if it is to reflect the Kingdom of God rather than the kingdom of man.

3) The power of God is made possible by the fullness of God within us—God’s power is never disassociated from His personhood. The power is not some divine energy that the Holy Spirit pro-vides believers, but it is the actual power of the Spirit Himself at work in the life

of believers (Renewal Theology, page 243). Ephesians 3:20 says, “Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”

In conclusion, the power of God is the visible sign of God’s Kingdom at work. Jesus stated in Matthew 12:28, “But if I am casting out demons by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has arrived among you.” I believe that the end-time church is called to walk in the spirit of Elijah. It is a spirit for the preparation of the coming of the Lord, for the restora-tion of all things, and for the manifesta-tion of this truth, that God’s Kingdom is coming with power. “Then the seventh angel sounded; and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever.’” (Revelation 11:15) n

POWER FOR THE 11th HOUR, continued from page 5


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ELIM BIBLE INSTITUTE AND COLLEGE Chairman: Rev. Ron BurgioPresident: Rev. Mike CavanaughVP of Academic Affairs: Mrs. Danuta CaseDean of Students: Rev. Stacy ClineDirector of Admissions: Mr. Wayne HedlundDirector of Administration: Mr. Chris LampsonBell Tower Editor: Mrs. Terri Cavanaugh

Admissions: 1.800.670.ELIM Other calls: 585.582.1230

Website: www.elim.eduEmail: [email protected]

ROBERT JOHANSSON 1/4/36 – 10/19/16Rev. Dr. Robert Johansson was the visionary co-founder, with his twin brother Paul, of the New York School of Urban Ministry (NYSUM). He was born and raised in Queens and he maintained a heart for ministry to New York City. After a few years in upstate NY to attend Elim Bible Institute and Roberts Wesleyan College and then pastor a church in Rochester, he returned to the city he loved. He became the pastor of Evangel Church, which had been started by his grandfather, and also started the largest evangelical high school in NYC. They founded NYSUM to help train others to minister in urban settings (photo of Rob & Paul on the NYSUM roof). He leaves behind his wife Jan. You can watch Rev. Johansson’s memorial service, held at Evangel Christian Center in NYC, at vimeo.com/192029119.

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The purpose of this new event is to provide EBI&C students with tools and resources to help them keep moving for-ward and take their “next step”—while they are still at Elim or after graduation. Whether they feel God is calling them to pursue a ministry position or intern-ship, missions, a job with a local Christian business, or further education, we want to show them the available opportunities. Students can make meaningful decisions about placement by networking with churches & ministries, employers, and colleges at the Fair.

Join us at EBI&C’s first annual Next Steps Fair! It’s Tuesday, March 21, 3–5pm in the Student Life Center.

Representatives from churches & ministries, employers and colleges, you are invited to participate! Do you have opportunities to offer our students? Come share them!

4 Churches, Ministries & Missions: Churches, ministries & missions organiza-tions that have openings in internship, volunteer, or staff positions: to meet with our students about available opportunities.

4 Employers: Local Christian busi-nesses that have job opportunities for part-time or full-time, summer, entry level and leadership positions: to give students information and receive resu-més and do on the spot interviews if interested.

4 Colleges: Colleges that accept EBI&C credits: for students interested in con-tinuing their education after Elim.

If you are interested in participating or have any questions, please contact Nicky Gibbons at [email protected].


Everyone is invited to come celebrate with our graduates during our Com-mencement Weekend, May 12–13! Both services are on the Elim campus at Elim Gospel Church, 1679 Dalton Road.

Baccalaureate Service — Friday, May 12, 7pm. We’ll recognize our Year in the Son Program graduates and honor other certificate and special award winners.

Commencement — Saturday, May 13, 2pm. Students who have earned AAS degrees and Applied Ministry Program certificates will be recognized.

Do you know a young person whom God might be calling to Elim? Tell them to check it out at a Discovery Days! Discovery Days is a FREE, 3-day retreat for high school students and young adults. Guests stay in dorms with EBI&C student hosts and experience life at Elim. They sit in on a class, experience a chapel service, eat meals in the cafeteria, participate in fun campus activities, and meet key leaders & faculty. They attend special sessions, where they get a comprehensive overview of Elim’s aca-demic programs, admissions requirements and financial aid, and can ask questions. www.elim.edu/discoverydays

Rev. Bob Sorge will be our speaker at both the Baccalaureate and Commencement Services. Bob is an Elim alum (1981), and he served as our Director of Music 1981-84. He also served as a senior pastor for 13 years and as a Regional Representative for Elim Fellowship. He has published over 20 books through Oasis House Ministries, including Exploring Worship, A Covenant with My Eyes, and The Fire of Delayed Answers. He now travels and speaks at a variety of conferences and churches, domestically and internationally. Bob is known as “the speaker who can’t talk”— he is reduced to a whisper because of a debilitating vocal injury he suffered over 20 years ago. Through the journey, God has burned into his soul a passionate mes-sage of God’s ways and how God walks us through the darkness to the highest heights of grace. Bob and his wife Marci now live in Kansas City, MO. They have three children and six grandchildren. oasishouse.com bobsorge.com


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Why take an EBI&C class this summer?Are you a new believer? Study the basics in Foundations for Life.

Attending another college? Learn how to defend your faith in Apologetics.

Lead worship in your church? Grow in your ministry with Worship Leadership.

Thinking about applying to Elim? Take a course and check out the college.

Pastors & ministry leaders, set aside two weeks for a vacation with impact.

Current or new students, make up courses you missed / get a head start on next year.

Full courses in just 2 weeks! May 15–26 Mon-Fri, mornings or afternoons. See p. 4.