Elisabeth H. Wiig, PhD, Eleanor Semel, EdD & Wayne A. Secord, PhD Explore your students’ hidden strengths

Elisabeth H. Wiig, PhD, Eleanor Semel, EdD & Wayne A. Secord, …images.pearsonclinical.com/images/ca/brochures/CELF-5... · 2013. 7. 2. · Elisabeth H. Wiig, PhD, Eleanor Semel,

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  • Elisabeth H. Wiig, PhD, Eleanor Semel, EdD & Wayne A. Secord, PhD

    Explore your students’

    hidden strengths

  • Extra convenience with Digital Kit optionTake advantage of the new CELF-5 Digital Kit, an option that increases portability and enables you to administer the test from your computer.• All manuals are delivered on a flash drive.• A full set of paper Record Forms, Reading and Writing

    Supplements, and Observational Rating Scales are included in the kit.

    Excellent flexibility and usability• The CELF-5 offers streamlined administration,

    providing a battery of 16 stand-alone tests. • Complete the Observational Rating Scales to

    identify situations in which poor language skills are evident. Strategize ways to improve classroom performance.

    • If the student doesn’t make progress, conduct a diagnostic assessment with the CELF-5; administer only the tests you need to answer referral concerns.

    • For added convenience, all verbal stimuli and item analyses now appear in the Record Form.

    Expanded pragmatics testsThe CELF-5 features a robust assessment of social language skills that is observation-based, unlike many other pragmatics tests. • With the Pragmatics Profile, obtain information about

    a student’s verbal and nonverbal behaviors from teachers or parents.

    • Use interactive communication activities and the new Pragmatics Activities Checklist to identify behaviors that cause the student difficulty in everyday social interactions.

    Examination of reading and writingTwo new tests in the CELF-5 help you conduct a targeted assessment of written language. • Quickly evaluate reading comprehension and writing

    skills with just two tests.• Compare written language skills to oral language


    Accurate scoring made easyThe CELF-5 is available on Q-global™, Pearson’s new web-based platform for easy, accurate test scoring and reporting. With Q-global, you can access CELF-5 results anytime, anywhere!

    Q-global offers you:• On-demand, accurate scoring • A choice of report formats, including

    Summary and Graphical reports• 24/7 secure access from any computer or

    tablet connected to the Internet• Unlimited, secure data storage and retrieval

  • The CELF-5 Screening Test helps you quickly determine if your students ages 5–21 need further assessment to identify a language disorder.

    Exceptional tool for universal screening

    Exciting benefits• Now includes a pragmatics screening task, in addition to

    items that help you screen morphology, syntax, and semantics.

    • Saves you time, with administration and scoring taking only 15 minutes.

    • Reduces administration time for follow-up testing with the CELF-5; screening items are a subset of the diagnostic CELF-5, so that you can simply transfer screening test responses to the CELF-5 protocol.

    • Presents research-based criterion scores based on a standardization sample of more than 2,000 students throughout the United States.

    Coming Fall 2014!

    CELF-5 Test of MetalinguisticsTest higher order language skills of students ages 9–21.• Revision of the Test of Language Competence-Expanded• New Metalinguistics Rating Scale• Subtest target s kills important for classroom success • Making Inferences

    • Conversation Skills

    • Multiple Meanings

    • Figurative Language

  • Hispanic20%

    African American13.8%




    ther 5.8%

    Evidence of Validity Evidence of Reliability Sensitivity & SpecificityCore Language, Receptive Language, or Expressive

    Language Scores

    -1 SD -1.33 SD* -1.5 SD -2 SD

    Standard Score Cut







    * Best balance between sensitivity & specificity measures–the optimal cut score.

    Internal Consistency

    Test Retest Stability

    Inter ScoreAgreement

    Standardization Sample

    Clinical Groups

    Word StructureFormulated SentencesWord DefinitionsStructured Writing

    .75 –.98

    .84 –.99





    CELF-5 Technical Information

    Demographic Information2,380 students ages 5–21 in the normative sample

    Sample by Parent Education Level

    Sample by Region of the U.S.


  • Language Content Language StructureOral-Written

    Language ConnectionPragmatics Language Memory

    Linguistic Concepts Sentence ComprehensionUnderstanding Spoken

    ParagraphsPragmatics Profile Linguistic Concepts

    Word Classes Word Structure Reading Comprehension Pragmatics Activities Checklist Following Directions

    Following Directions Formulated Sentences Formulated Sentences Recalling Sentences

    Semantic Relationships Recalling Sentences Structured Writing Formulated Sentences

    Word Definitions Sentence Assembly Observational Rating Scales

    Understanding Spoken Paragraphs

    CELF-5 Test Battery

    Is a language disorder affecting classroom performance?Evaluate language and communication in context using the Observational Rating Scale (ORS) and other authentic and descriptive

    measures to provide information needed to design classroom accommodations, adaptations, and enhancements.

    If the student does not respond to a variety of classroom interventions, is his or her performance due to language skill deficits?

    Administer tests appropriate to the student’s age to answer the referral questions.

    If a language disorder is identified, what do I need to know to plan for intervention?Identify the nature of the disorder by answering the following questions.

    Are there significant differences in comprehension and expression?Administer tests comprising the Receptive and the Expressive Index scores.

    Are weaknesses related to the interaction of language and

    memory?Administer tests comprising the Language Memory index score.

    Are there weaknesses in the areas of morphology, syntax, or semantics?

    Administer tests comprising the Language Content or Language Structure index scores.

    How does the disorder affect written language?

    Administer the Reading Comprehension and Structured Writing tests.

    Does the disorder affect social interactions? Complete the Pragmatics Profile and/or the Pragmatics Activities Checklist.

    Based on the CELF-5 test results and additional assessment information you have collected, what is the best way to address the student’s needs?

    CELF-5 Assessment Process

    Visit the “Resources” page at CELF5Family.PearsonClinical.com for a table showing tests that contribute to Core Language and index scores.

  • Order Information

    For more information or to order, please call 800.627.7271 or visit CELF5Family.PearsonClinical.com

    Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved. CELF, Q-global, Always Learning, Pearson, Design for Psi and PsychCorp are trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries, of Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). 8438 6/13

    Components Kit with Case* Kit without Case* Digital Kit*Hand scoring Hand scoring Hand scoring

    Q-global Q-global Q-globalStimulus Books Paper Paper Flash Drive

    Examiner’s Manual Paper Paper Flash DriveTechnical Manual Paper Paper Flash DriveRecord Forms Paper Paper Paper

    Scoring Options

    Introductory Offer *10 Free Q-global Score Reports Included

    800.627.7271 | | SpeechandLanguage.com

    Kit Options

    /SpeechandLanguage @SpeechnLanguage #CELF5 /SpeechandLang /SpeechandLanguage


    Kits with Case 0158036301

    Kits w/o Case 015803631X

    Digital Kit 0158036360

    Kits with Q-global Scoring

    Kits with Case and 30 Q-global score reports 0158036778

    Kits w/o Case and 30 Q-global score reports 0158036786

    Digital Kit and 30 Q-global score reports 0158036794

    CELF-5 Record Forms with 25 Score Reports

    Record Forms Ages 5–8 w/Q-global score reports 0158036808

    Record Forms Ages 9–21 w/Q-global score reports 0158036816

    CELF-5 Kit Combos without Q-global scoring

    Print Kits with Flash drive

    Kit w/Case and Flash drive 0158036883

    Kit w/o Case and Flash drive 0158036689

    Kits with Screening Test Kit

    Kit w/Case and Screening Test 0158036859

    Kit w/o Case and Screening Test 0158036867

    Digital Kit & Screening Kit 0158036875

    CELF-5, Score Reports, and Screening Combos

    Kits with Screening Test Kit and Score Reports

    Kit w/Case, 30 reports, & Screening Test 0158037340

    Kit w/o Case, 30 reports, & Screening Test 0158037359

    Digital Kit, 30 reports, & Screening Test 0158008200
