1 Part of the Awakening is a Very Elite Group Called the Blue Ray Beings, That Have Returned for a “Mission”. These are the Ancient Wisdom Keepers and the Spiritual Guardians of the Violet Flame of God and Christ’s Heart and Mind Consciousness’? Archangel Michael is the over seer of the Blue Ray Spirits Beings! This is a Call to the High Priests and Priestesses of the Spiritual Past, the time has come to bring the Hidden Spiritual Knowledge Forward to the World, “Unveiling the Awakening”! Some know them as the chosen ones or the lost tribes of Israel! The Ancient Wisdom Keepers are a circle of individuals who are awakening to embrace their mission in the Divine Plan for our beloved Earth, the “Blue Ray Spirits”. We are uniting to activate Ancient Universal Wisdom and Divine Power which we carefully locked away eons ago to keep it safe from those who would misuse it, and apply different Gods and Spirits to the knowledge. We are the Masters and Keepers of this knowledge and knew that it must be protected at all cost. For there is only one God and his Master Archangels, which Christ (Gods son) confirmed 2000 years ago.

Elite Blue Ray Beings Blue Ray Beings.pdf1" " " Part of the Awakening is a Very Elite Group Called the Blue Ray Beings, That Have Returned for a “Mission”. These are the Ancient

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Page 1: Elite Blue Ray Beings Blue Ray Beings.pdf1" " " Part of the Awakening is a Very Elite Group Called the Blue Ray Beings, That Have Returned for a “Mission”. These are the Ancient



Part of the Awakening is a Very Elite Group Called the Blue Ray Beings, That Have Returned for a “Mission”.

These are the Ancient Wisdom Keepers and the Spiritual Guardians of the Violet Flame of God and Christ’s Heart and Mind Consciousness’?

Archangel Michael is the over seer of the Blue Ray Spirits Beings!

This is a Call to the High Priests and Priestesses of the Spiritual Past, the time has come to bring the Hidden Spiritual Knowledge Forward to the

World, “Unveiling the Awakening”! Some know them as the chosen ones or the lost tribes of Israel!

The   Ancient   Wisdom   Keepers   are   a   circle   of   individuals   who   are   awakening   to   embrace   their  mission  in  the  Divine  Plan  for  our  beloved  Earth,  the  “Blue  Ray  Spirits”.  We  are  uniting  to  activate  Ancient  Universal  Wisdom  and  Divine  Power  which  we  carefully   locked  away  eons  ago   to  keep   it  safe  from  those  who  would  misuse  it,  and  apply  different  Gods  and  Spirits  to  the  knowledge.  We  are  the  Masters  and  Keepers  of  this  knowledge  and  knew  that  it  must  be  protected  at  all  cost.  For  there  is  only  one  God  and  his  Master  Archangels,  which  Christ  (Gods  son)  confirmed  2000  years  ago.  

Page 2: Elite Blue Ray Beings Blue Ray Beings.pdf1" " " Part of the Awakening is a Very Elite Group Called the Blue Ray Beings, That Have Returned for a “Mission”. These are the Ancient


We  are  from  many  points  of  history…we  are  the  High  Priests  and  Priestesses  of  Egyptian,  Maya  and  Inca  Empires,  the  Essenes,  Atlantis  and  the  wise  ones  of  Lemuria  where  it  first  began.  We  carry  the  wisdom   of   the   ages   and   the   cosmos.   In   the   past   they   were   also   the   Secret   Order   of   the   Magi’s,  including   King   Solomon’s   temple.   Today   they   are   also   known   as   Blue   Rays,   Indigos   and   Crystal  Children,  which  are  the  full  family  of  the  Blue  Ray  Spirits.  Now  is  the  time…!  It  is  essential  to  bring  it  forward  once  again.  The  opportunity  to  know  the  truth  has  never  been  fully  revealed  until  now!  

This  wisdom  was  protected  energetically  in  such  a  way  that  all  of  the  individuals  from  each  circle  must  become  aware  of  who  they  are,  and  to  locate  their  sisters  and  brothers.  Together  they  reveal  the  energy  and  wisdom  that  the  Akashic  records  and  humanity  are  waiting  for.  The  great  healing…!  Love  and  the  Great  Awakening  now  and  the  coming  of  the  Age  of  Aquarius!  

We  will  bring  Heaven,  Earth,  Humanity,  and  the  Divine  (God  and  Christ)  together  as  one.  We  are  the  awakening  of   the   radiance,  wisdom,  esoteric   (hidden)  knowledge,   spiritual  magic   (understanding  through   physics),   understanding   of   self-­‐power,   compassion,  mercy   and   justice   to   be   delivered   at  this  time  for  the  healing  and  evolution  of  humanity  to  the  4th  dimension.  

The   knowledge   of   the   “whole”   is   illusive   to   most   of   the   individuals.   Each   of   us   will   bring   our  “knowing”   to   the   circle   and   each   single   piece   of   awareness   fits   together   to   draw   forth   the  connecting  elements  creating  the  “whole”.  We  are  drawn  to  sacred  “power”  places  around  the  earth,  have  a  knowing  about  sacred  geometry,  and  are  drawn  to  find  “our  spiritual  family,  and  we  know  we   hold   the   keys   to   the   divine   knowledge   of   the   “unveiling”.   Of   course   there   are   some   spiritual  masters  in  the  group  with  the  full  knowledge  to  help  guide  us  to  our  full  awakening.  

Those  who  are  members  now  are  a  very  enlightened  and  talented  group,  and  some  are  renown  in  their   fields;   Dr.’s   in   the  Metaphysical   Sciences,   Knowledge   of   Ancient  Mysteries,   Speakers   on   the  Power   of   Body,   Mind   and   Spirit,   Lawyers,   Computer   Techs   and   Designers,   Photography,   and  Renown  Vocal  Singers,  and  many  more  different  professions  are  coming  together  with  their  talents.    

There  is,  of  course,  much  more  to  the  unfolding  plan.  Those  who  have  awakened  to  their  “mission”  are  in  the  loving  flow  of  seeking  each  other.  Where  are  the  others?  This  website  was  created  to  assist   us   in   that   effort.  This   is   an   elite  membership   only,   that  will   come   together   to…be   a  leading  force  to  awaken  the  world.    

The  Home   Base   is   in   the   Palm   Springs,   CA   area,   The   Coachella   Valley   (Coachella  means   –   in   the  Hands  of  God).  The  foundation  is  called  Esoteric  Institute  –  Education  Spiritual  Center.  Everyone  around   the   world   will   be   invited   to   attend   and   receive   great   knowledge   by   great   teachers,   and  several   times   a   year   there   will   be   seminars’   on   the   different   topics   with   renown   speakers   from  around   the   U.S.,   including   the   great   spiritual   energy   vortex   of   the   coming   of   the   Blue   Ray   Spirit  family   coming   together.   Each   week   there   will   be   many   different   classes   offered,   from   Ancient  Mysteries   Revealed,   to   Astrology,   Numerology,   Body,  Mind   and   Spirit,   Energy   Vortexes,   Charkas,  Reiki,  even  Spirituality,  and  many  more  topics,  which  are  The  Ancient  Akashic  Records  and  Esoteric  Knowledge.  “Enlightening  Your  World  with  Knowledge”  Feed  Your  Intelligence  and  Soul!  


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Daniel  12:4  KJ  

4.  “But  you,  Daniel,  shut  up  the  words,  seal  the  book  until  the  time  of  the  end:  many  shall  run  to  and  fro,  and  knowledge  shall  increase.”  (2000  thousand  years  ago,  man  did  not  know  how  to  read  and  write,  when  you  talk  about  the  masses.  To  understand  the  book  or  the  tree  of  knowledge  it  takes   the   knowing   of   great   universal   knowledge.   That   knowledge   is   called   Esoteric   (the   hidden)  Knowledge  of  which  man  would  not  be  educated  enough,  until  the  end  of  the  5th  cycle,  or  the  end  of  the  Piscean  Age  to  understand  physics,  geometry  and  positive  vibrational  energies.  

Ephesians  3:  4-­‐5-­‐11  KJ  

4.  By  which,  when  you  read,  you  may  understand  my  knowledge  in  the  mystery  of  Christ.  5.  Which  in  other  ages  was  not  made  known  to  the  sons  of  men,  as  it  has  now  been  revealed  by  the  Spirit   to  his  holy  apostles  and  prophets.  11.  And  He  Himself   gave   some   to  be  apostles,  some  prophets,  some  evangelists  and  some  pastors  and  teachers.  (The  Blue  Ray  Beings  have  always  been  spiritual  warriors  through  the  ages  of  time,  and  have  been  given  this  knowledge  to   carry   and   guard   until   they   were   called   for   their   service   of   mission   through   the   ages,  including  now  at  the  end  of  the  Piscean  Age.  

It   is   with   love   and   honor   that   we   embrace   our   family,   our   sacred   service   to   humanity   and   our  mission  to  awaken  the  world  to  advance  technical  spiritual  knowledge;  one  central  place  where  you  can  be  a  part  of  this  amazing  unveiling  knowledge,  to  receive  and  to  give  back.  

Please  click  on  the  e-­‐mail  address  below  to  tell  us  your  “story”…your  knowing  &  beliefs  about  who  you  are.  Come  and  be  a  member  of  this  very  spiritual-­‐elite  group.  We  will  create  a  great  team  for  the  awakening  world.    With  Love  and  Light  Dr.  Clarice.  

All  Members  will  receive  a  membership  card  each  year  like  the  one  below  upon  payment.  With  this  card  you  will  receive  a  discount  on  all  classes  each  week,  which  are  normally  $30.00  dollar,  a  class,  instead,  for  $20.00  dollars.  Including  you  will  receive  a  30%  discount  on  seminars  held  each  year.  


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Founder of Awakenings

Dr. Clarice Barrett, Msc. D.

Dr.  Clarice  R.  Barrett,  Msc.  D,  is  a  Holist  Minister  

 (Author  of  16  e-­‐books  on  Ancient  Mysteries)  Renowned,  and  Award  Winning  Mystic,  (aka)  Dr.   Clarice   Barrett   has   a   degree   in   Metaphysical   science   she   is   an   International  Astrologist/Numerologist/Existentialist/Lecturer   and   Inventor,   Including   Newspaper  articles,   Columnist,   Radio  and  T.V.   Personality,  with  4   decades   of   experience   in   teaching.  She   has   over   16,000   readings   to   her   credit,   including,   the   Astrology   and   Numerology  monthly   columns   for   the   In-­‐Times  Metaphysical  Paper,   the   longest   running  Metaphysical  Publication,   in   Las   Vegas,   Nevada.   She   is   listed   with   the   Library   of   Congress   and  Smithsonian  Institute  for  her  visionary  products  in  Solar  Electricity.  And  has  been  Honored  a  Day  in  her  name  by  Palm  Springs  Mayor  William  G.  Kleindienst  2-­‐19-­‐97  and  Mayor  Lloyd  Maryanov  Honorary  Citizen  Award  2-­‐16-­‐94  Palm  Springs,  CA.,  where  she  makes  her  home  today.  She  is  a  Blue  Ray  Spirit  herself  and  was  given  great  knowledge  from  childhood.  She  has  dedicated  her  whole   life   to  humanity  and   loves   sharing   the  Esoteric  Knowledge,   and  intends  to  continue  her  mission.    




Continue  reading  to  know  if  you  are  a  Blue  Ray  Being?  

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 Are  You  a  Blue  Ray  Spiritual  Being?  



By:  Dr.  Clarice  R.  Barrett,  Msc.  D    

The  Blue  Ray  Beings  Mission  and  Message:   to  have  been  able   to  connect   to   this  vibrational  plane  and  returned  to  claim  this  domain  in  the  Natural  Laws  of  God,  in  order  to  awaken  the  world.  How  do  you  recognize  these  beings,  and  are  you  one  of  them?  It  is  also  the  time  of  the  crossing  over  from  the  Piscean  Age  to  the  Aquarian  age.  The  Piscean  Age  was  called  the  Dark  Ages,  due  to  the  fact  that  knowledge   was   kept   from   the   masses,   and   they   only   had   faith   and   the   heart   to   lead   with.   The  Aquarian   Age   is   the   Age   of   Enlightenment   of   all   knowledge,   from   physics,   math,   science   and  technologies,  to  include  ancient  text,  and  ancient  spiritual  knowledge  etc.  We  have  been  under  the  influence  of  the  Age  of  Aquarius  since  1857.  But  the  full  Age  of  Aquarius  is  still  20  to  30  years  off  yet.  This  knowledge  of  revealing  is  to  enlighten  man  to  the  fact  there  was  a  Divine  Creator  behind  this  creation.  

The  Family  of  Archangel  Michael:  The  Blue  Ray  Spirits.  This  Group  came  in  at  3  layers  of  time  those  born  during  years  listed  below.    

Born  during  the  30’s  to  the  50’s,  the  first  group,  were  the  Blue  Rays  themselves.  

Born  during  the  60’s  to  the  80’s,  was  the  second  group,  were  the  Indigos.  

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Born  during  the  90’s  to  the  2000’s,  was  the  third  group,  were  the  crystal  children.  

The  Blue  Ray  children  were  the  forerunners  of  the  new  root  race,  were  from  the  ‘mental’  plane  of  existence,  whose  color  vibration  was  ‘blue’.  They  were  the  souls  from  the  ancient  land  of  Lemuria,  whereas  the  Indigo’s  predominantly  were  Atlantean.  The  Indigos  laid  the  groundwork  for  the  Blue  Rays,  which   enabled   them   step   into   their   roles   as   teachers.   The   Indigo   and   Blue   colors   are   very  close  in  the  color  spectrum  and  this  can  be  seen  as  a  natural  process  of  movement  through  subtle  vibrations.  Blue  is  the  color  of  the  throat  chakra,  therefore  these  children  act  as  a  voice,  or  use  some  kind   of   creative   media   in   helping   and   teaching   the   world.   These   Children   ‘evolve’   very   quickly:  “They  are  teaching  others  by  the  age  of  four  or  five.  By  the  time  they  reach  their  twelfth  year,  the  Blue  Ones  would  be  equivalent  to  an  average  adult  who  has  spent  perhaps  twenty-­‐five  years  as  a  teacher”.  They  also  have  telekinetic  powers,  a  ‘knowing’  of  their  mission  on  Earth  and  many  traits  associated  with  all  the  other  categories  of  Children.    The  Blue  Ray  Spirit  Beings  are  an  ultra-­‐sensitive  empathic  soul  group,  Spiritual  Light  Workers,  or  Warriors.   They   came   from  many  different   ascended   light   realms   to   enlighten   the   genetic   code  of  humanity  and  raise  the  God  consciousness  on  Earth.  They  return  every  26,000  years,  or  when  they  are  requested.  

“Shekinah”,  a  Hebrew  word  in  the  “Language  of  Light”,  is  a  mentor  of  the  Blue  Ray.  Shekinah  is  the  lost  aspect  of  the  Sacred  Divine  Feminine  of  Creation  that  is  the  embodiment  of  God,  the  ascension  process.   The   Blue   Ray   is   the   soul   group   consciousness   of   the   highest   aspect   of   all   Blue   Rays.  Together  we  give  you  these  transmissions.  

As  a  Blue  Ray  Being  you  came   to   transform   the  damaged,  mutated  DNA  of  humanity,   and  set   the  stage  for  the  other  rays  to  come.  You  were  not  recognized  for  your  unique  divine  light  and  had  to  recognize  yourselves  in  the  beginning.  It  was  tricky  spiritual  business  as  you  were  super  sensitive  beings,  though  you  had  the  spiritual  power  tools  to  be  victorious  in  your  mission.  

For   less   than   100   years,   the   Blue   Rays   have   been   incarnating   to   create   a   vibrational   shift   to   the  higher  dimensions.  You  the  Blue  Ray  Spirits  are  the  overlooked  and  forgotten  ones,  and  have  been  essential  in  clearing  and  setting  the  stage  for  humanity’s  ascension.  Because  of  you,  Blue  Ray  Spirits,  earth  will  be  able  to  take  her  rightful  place  in  the  universal  councils  of  oneness  and  peace.  

We  Wish  to  “Thank  you”,  from  the  ones  that  can’t  articulate  your  divine  presence,  all  of  humanity,  your  star  sisters  and  brothers  of  light  and  the  sacred  higher  realms.  We  are  in  constant  praise  and  support  of  you!  Remember!  Blue  Ray,  there  is  much  more  coming  for  you,  for  your  time  has  come.  


The  Blue  Ray  Mission:  

To  infiltrate  the  system  in  a  normal  capacity,  always  remembering  who  you  are  and  where  you  came  from,  planting  the  seeds  of  peace,  love,  light,  knowledge  and  higher  awareness.  No  matter  how  painful,  long  or  arduous  the  job  was,  it  was  your  mission  and  you  had  the  spiritual  tools,  insight  and  divine  light  to  see  it  through.  The  older  you  get  the  more  of  your  awakening  transpires.  

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Blue  Ray  Traits:  

1. Transformers,  using  alchemy  (science,  physics,  geometry)  to  naturally  transmute  lower  energies  to  higher  energies.  

2. Average  age  range:  Late  30’s  to  70’s.  3. Tend  to  be  water  and  air  signs  combination:  Pisces,  Scorpio,  Cancer,  Gemini,  Aquarius,  and  

Libra  with  some  Virgo.  The  more  of  these  signs  you  have  in  your  natal  chart,  shows  the  level  of  the  Blue  Ray  energy  in  the  group.  

4. Ultra-­‐sensitive,  intuitive,  can  easily  communicate  with  the  higher  realms.  You  carry  sacred  knowledge  and  wisdom.  

5. Very  adaptable  and  empathic,  feelings  that  goes  deep,  with  natural  intuition  and  psychic  abilities.  

6. Blues  Rays  are  more  reserved  and  quieter  than  the  Indigoes  and  seem  mystical  in  the  way  they  look  like  an  old  soul  may  appear,  and  are  more  ethereal  looking  with  the  eyes.    

7. You  are  about  communication  and  expression  through  the  creative  arts  and  spirit.  It  is  very  important  for  you  to  express  yourself.  It’s  part  of  your  mission.  

8. May  have  taken  many  years  for  you  to  be  able  to  speak  up  and  be  seen.  9. Have  blue  in  your  aura  or  have  lots  of  blue  around  you.  You  will  also  have  violet  to  help  with  

transmuting  lower  density.  10. Your  higher  Family  is:  Archangel  Michael,  Saint  Germaine  (Merlin)  and  the  Violet  Flame  

Guardians  of  God  and  Christ  knowledge  and  energies.  11. Most  of  you  are  energy  or  spiritual  healers  as  you  wish  to  heal  and  help  others.  12. Why  associated  with  water  signs  and  air:  Water,  flowing,  emotional,  not  static  and  

associated  with  the  divine  feminine  traits  and  archetype.  Music,  sound,  movement,  dance,  and  nature,  and  very  important  to  you.  

13. Learned  how  to  hide  your  supernatural  abilities  and  gifts,  stood  in  the  background  waiting,  watching,  observing  and  always  in  the  knowing.  

14. The  waiting  Star  Seed  Time  Line  Encodement…the  blues  have  been  preparing  for  when  events  and  an  inner  knowing  will  activate  you  to  reset  your  course  to  take  a  higher  path.  This  activation  will  attune  you  to  your  core  essence  and  will  affect  your  career,  hobbies,  goals  and  relationships.  

15. Most  of  you  were  not  born  to  enlightened  consciousness  spiritual  parents.  16. You  had  to  heal  and  transform  much  family,  genetic  damage,  emotional  trauma  and  

dysfunction  first.  17. Feel  connected  to  the  terms:  Light  Worker,  Ancient  Esoteric  studies,  and  to  the  existentialist  

of  the  evolved  human  race.  18. The  Blue  Ray  spirits  are  from  Lemuria  and  the  Indigo  spirits  and  the  rest  are  from  Atlantis.    19. Have  amazing  latent  spiritual  gifts  and  talent  which  are  not  fully  activated  until  the  right  

timing  of  activation  as  you  level  out  and  balance?  20. Some  will  feel  out  of  place  in  their  family,  feeling  your  biological  family  is  not  your  true  

origin.  You  will  feel  you  are  from  heaven,  or  a  different  dominion  of  evolved  spirit  beings.  21. You  can  become  frustrated  to  negativity  around  you.  

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22. You  are  the  peacemakers  with  your  family  and  with  friends.  23. You  are  very  sensitive  to  foods,  chemicals,  the  environment,  noise  and  electricity  (like  

thunderstorms)  or  the  electromagnetic  energy  of  the  earth  that  operates  at  60  Meg  HTs,  etc.  24. Need  to  drink  lots  of  spring  water  that  still  has  the  life  force  in  it,  and  be  connected  to  the  

deva  of  water,  like  oceans,  lakes,  springs  and  other  bodies  of  water.  25. Defenders,  warriors  of  truth,  Sovereignty,  Liberation.    

 Challenges  or  Warnings  for  the  Blue  Rays  of  Cosmic  Pulse  Ascension  Symptoms  

1. Escape  tendencies,  being  in  the  other  realms  or  being  alone  too  much,  feeling  lonely  and  different.  

2. Addictions:  or  addictive  tendency  in  earlier  years  of  life.  3. Chronic  fatigue  at  times,  from  always  transforming  energies  or  leaving  the  body  too  often  

and  too  long.  4. Some  may  have  learning  disabilities.  5. Difficulties  and  frustrations  in  communicating.  6. Were  told…You  were  different,  you’re  just  imaging  things.  Get  Real!  7. Had  genetic  damage  to  transform.  8. Can  have  entities,  spirit  attachments  and  negative  thought  forms  come  to  you,  because  the  

Blue  Ray  transforms  and  shows  them  the  light.  9. Some  have  past  health  issues.  10. Powerful  emotional  releases.  11. Core  issues  resurfacing.  12. Times  of  not  eating  much  to  being  very  hungry.  13. Not  being  able  to  speak  or  think.  You’re  being  recalibrated  at  a  higher  level;  this  is  an  

adjustment  period  that  will  end  shortly.  As  Star  Light  Beings  you  are  accustomed  to  communicating  through  telepathically  and  kinetically  and  need  times  to  be  in  this  way  for  balancing.  

14. Extreme  fatigue  from  purging  and  raising  your  frequency.  15. Anxiety.  16. Times,  of  increased  body  heat,  similar  to  hot  flashes,  where  you  are  burning  through  layers  

of  issues  and  karma  issues.  17. Retrieving  lost  aspects  of  yourself,  your  humor  –  lighter,  joyful  and  playful  aspects.  18. Symbols,  images,  sacred  emblems  and  geometry  that  come  to  you  that  instantly  expand  

your  consciousness  connecting  you  to  your  ascended  selves.  19. Having  powerful  dreams.  20. Dreams  of  death,  and  dying.  21. Loved  ones  that  have  crossed  over  and  meeting  old  friends.  22. Old  family  issues  and  dynamics  that  create  powerful  emotions  of  healing  or  releasing.  23. Sometime,  being  unable  to  calm  the  mind  down,  not  able  to  sleep  



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Ascension  to  the  4th  Dimension  or  the  Day  of  Rapture  

For  those  who  will  be  taken  on  the  day  of  ascension,  the  most  significant  detail  is  that  our  DNA  is  transforming  right  now.  Carbon  12,  the  very  basis  of  the  human  body,  will  transmute  into  carbon  7.    

Carbon  12  is  currently  composed  of  6  protons,  6  neutrons  and  6  electrons,  lending  it  the  energy  of  666,  which  the  book  of  Revelation  in  the  Bible  renders  as  the  “number  of  the  beast.”  Until  now,  due  to  carbon  12’s  frequency  in  the  natural  world  of  the  3rd  dimension,  we  have  been  greatly  influenced  by  this  energy,  which  has  manifested  itself  throughout  human  history  in  war,  hatred,  killing,  and  a  tendency  toward  destruction.  Very  soon,  however,  the  components  of  carbon  within  our  DNA  will  change  into  6  protons,  1  neutron,  and  6  electrons:  6-­‐1-­‐6,  the  components  of  carbon  7.  Just  as  carbon  12  influenced  our  DNA  negatively,  carbon  7  will  affect  us  in  a  positive  manner.  This  change  in  our  genetic  makeup  will  amplify  multi-­‐dimensional  thought  and  lead  to  higher  levels  of  understanding.  Thus,  we  will  begin   to   see  death  as  a   transition   to  a  new  plane  of  existence,   and  once  and   for  all  decipher  the  mystery  of  life  after  death.  




History  has  referred  to  this  interesting  element  in  symbolic  ways.  The  concept  of  Metatron’s  Cube  contains   13   equal   circles:   six   circles   are   placed   in   a   hexagonal   pattern   around  one   central   circle,  

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while  the  other  six  extend  out  along  the  same  radial  lines,  DNA.  Further,  in  Leonardo  da  Vinci’s  The  Last  Supper,  Christ  sits  at  the  center  of  the  table  with  six  disciples  on  one  side  and  six  on  the  other.  


The  Understanding  the  Blue  Ray  Energy  

This   energy   focus   is   reaching   at   level   of   critical   mass   has   been   with   the   Galactic   frequency,   its  connection   which   opens   various   vortexes   into   the   planetary   grid   structure   itself.   This   energy   is  known  as  the  photon  encounter  of  the  full  age  of  Aquarius,  2000  thousand  years  of  Enlightenment.  When  this  energy  peaks,  we  will  be  in  the  center  of  our  own  Galaxy  and  which  is  also  known  as  the  full  alignment  of  the  4th  dimension  of  the  Pleiades  and  the  full  Age  of  Aquarius,  “The  Zodiac  Symbol  of  Aquarius,”  ”The  7th  Key”.    

The  Pleiades,   the   Seven  Stars   are   connected  with   the  Female  Principle,   (the  bride  of  Christ).   The  Symbol:   is   the   7th   Key   of   Peace,   and   Love,   the   Heart,   and   to   the   Center   of   our   Galaxy,   and   the  Precession  of   the  Equinox.  The  Pleiades  representation   is  of  Air  and  Water  elements.  The  start  of  the   rainy   season,   a   theme   associated   with   them   around   the   world.   Water   is   essential   of   The  Aquarius  Age  (The  Water  Bearer)  to  cleanse  the  world  with  enlightenment  for  2000  years,  which  is  the  air  element.  We  are  entering   the  Pleiades  Constellation  soon.   In  Mark  14:13   and  he  sent  out  two  of  His  disciples  and  said  to  them,  “Go  into  the  city,  and  a  man  will  meet  you  carrying  a  pitcher  of  water;   follow   him.     This   is   the   Age   that   Christ   will   rule   for   one   thousand   years.   For   the   first  thousand  years  of  the  2000  years  the  veil  is  being  removed  to  all  knowledge,  before  the  actual  event  takes  place.  Then  after  the  Age  of  Aquarius,  the  earth  will  transfer  to  the  Age  of  Capricorn.  But  the  Blue  Ray  Beings  will  leave  with  Christ  after  his  reign  of  1000  years  to  the  Fifth  dimension  of  pure  spirit.    


As  we  come  closer  to  this  planetary  alignment  the  waves  of  this  energy  of  the  Photon  encounter  of  the  energy  of  the  Pleiades,  allows  for  more  in  depth  revelation  of  the  problems  existing  within  the  structure   integrity   of   the   planetary   body   and   therefore   the   human   body.   Once   we   (Guardian  consciousness)  can  see  where  the  problem  exists  we  are  then  able  to  reconcile  the  problem  through  the   healing   of   the   template   of   giving   that   consciousness   a   choice   directly   to   rehabilitate   that  damaged   portion   of   it-­‐self.   The   Choice   must   be   made   by   each   being   on   its   own   cognizance.   All  choices  with  intention  have  a  consequence  and  these  consequences  are  amplified  at  this  time.  

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These  energy  vortexes  and  their  circulatory  system  have  anchored  into  the  planetary  grid  and  as  a  result-­‐collapse   (and  will   continue  ongoing   to  collapse)  many  of   the   layers   that  had  existed  as   the  planet’s   multidimensional   (time   and   space   field)   architecture.   Each   of   these   “layers”   is   a  dimensional  plane  of  existence  that  has  a  Law  of  Creational  Physics  that  governs  the  movement  of  that  particular  energy   field  (i.e.  consciousness   life  stream)  that  exists  within  that   frequency  band.  We   understand   this   reality   is   a   holographic   projection   (like   a   movie   projected   onto   a   theatre  screen).  We  begin  to  see  the  layers  that  make  up  the  mass  consciousness  fields  and  see  all  patterns  and  coding  as  an  architectural  blueprint  of  human  and  planetary  consciousness.  

There  is  no  such  thing  as  Random  Creation:  

This   is   similar   to  saying  when  we  are  able   to   “witness”   the  hologram;  we   then  get   to  see  WHO   is  behind  the  curtain.  We  are  then  able  to  see  who  is  producing  the  movie  and  all  the  beings  behind  the  movie  that  are  controlling  or  “making”  the  movie.  Then  the  question  becomes  who  do  you  want  controlling  your  movie,  Negative  forces  or  Positive  forces?    

Ascension  is  a  physical  science  that  governs  the  movement  of  energy  (i.e.  consciousness)  through  a  time/space   field  matrices.   Currently  we   have   a   huge   change   underway   systematically   happening  within  our  Astral  Gate   (4  Dimension  Giza)  and   therefore   the   layer  of  our  Aura   that   is  our  human  emotional   body.   The   reconstruction,   and   the   shift   occurring   in   the   Collective   Human   Emotional  body  (2  Dimensional  and  4  Dimensional  –  planetary  dimensions)  is  unprecedented  and  will   likely  accelerate  for  many  of  us.  Participating  with  this  awareness  at  this  time  will  prepare  your  being  to  align  to  these  future  changes  as  they  happen  much  easier.  

 More  on  the  Deeper  Understanding  of  the  Blue  Ray  Spirits  

 The   Blue   Ray   is   a   Gestalt   of   Four   Universal   Harmonic   Layers   of   the   Families   of   Blue   Ray  Consciousness.   There   are  Three  Primal  Order   Sound  Fields   that  make  up   the  Ray  Aspects   of   our  Universal   creation  and   the  Blue  Ray   is  of   the  First  Order  of  Emanation.  The  Highest  Order  of   the  Blue  Ray  Family   emanate   from   the  13th  Circuitry  Gate  which   is   the   first   layer  projected   from   the  (Zero  Point)  Universal  God  Core.  This  First  Order  Blue  Ray  Family  is  the  Ancient  Esoteric  144,000  Genetic  Timekeepers  of  our  Universal  System  and  is  also  known  as  the  “Code  of  the  Blue  Nile”  due  to   the   Great   Pyramid   of   Egypt.   Many   spiritual   wars   through   human   and   extraterrestrial   history  have  been  waged   for   this   code  which   is   essentially   every  KEY   to   the  KINGDOM  OF  GOD.  Not   the  same  144,000  that  is  mentioned  in  Rev.  in  Israel.    

Within  each  of  the  four  layers  exists  the  higher  harmonic  of  the  original  blue  octave  however  as  the  consciousness  fragments  itself  to  manifest  into  the  lower  octaves  (the  3rd  dimension)  of  time  matrix  it   has   been   greatly   dissipated   or   damaged.   This   distortion   happens   from   its   time   spent   within  spaces  that  have  been  damaged  within  the  matrixes  where  the  polarity  system  exists.  This  damage  has  also  been  caused  by  deliberate  enslavement  programs   imprinted   in   the  blueprint   that   impact  and  harm  the  level  of  consciousness  that  exists  there.  The  13th  Gate  Bio-­‐Circuitry  system  has  been  connected   and   is   being  held  down  by   a   very   small   group  of   embodied  Cosmic  Ascended  Masters  that   can   hold   one   or   more   of   the   Aqua   Ray/Blue   Ray   levels   of   coding.   These   are   the   Blue   Ray  

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Holders   and   those   of   the   First   Order   are   very   few   in   numbers   embodied   on   the   planet.  Systematically  Indigos  with  the  genetic  coding  capability  are  being  circuited  and  linked  to  become  links  or  holders  of  this  Aqua  Ray  out  of  necessity  to  stabilize  it  permanently  into  the  planetary  field  and  the  Earth  Core.    





Archangel  Michael  

You   are   leaving   3rd   dimensional   reality   and   existence  which   limited   your   divine   expression   and  holy   sovereignty,   to   be   in   complete   sacred   union   with   the   Universe.   Master   Light   Bearers   of  Creation,  Blue  Rays,  you  are  in  the  process  of  bringing  into  complete  alignment  all  your  ascended  selves   from   the  many   places   of   enlightened   dimensions,   realms   and   planetary   systems   to   create  wholeness  and  divine  power  in  your  life  and  world.  The  time  of  miracles  is  upon  you!  

The   codes  of   light  within   you   are  being   accelerated  by   a   cosmic   alignment   activating   the   ancient  sacred  technologies,  placing  you  in  an  energetic  space  for  your  evolutionary  spiritual  Initiation.  You  are   being   supported  by   a   profound  Universal   planetary   alignment   that   no   one   currently   alive   on  earth  has  ever  experienced  before.  

The  pathway  is  through  the  Sacred  Heart  and  Shekinah  frequency  of  the  Divine  Mother,  resonating  through   the   Crystalline   Earth   Christ   Grid.   You,   in   cosmic   unison   of   the   Light   of   Creation,   have  already  created  this  Christ  Heart  with  Gaia  for  the  New  Earth  and  Angelic  Human.    

Leaving  the  Old  World  ~  the  End  of  3rd  Dimension  

Not   all   beings  will   be   choosing   to   be   in   the   higher   frequency   dimension   bringing   forth   the   new  earth.  What  is  important  to  know  is  that  each  being  has  a  right  and  will  be  honored  for  what  they  

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choose.  Your  ascension  process  of  purging  and  clearing  the  energetic  bodies  has  activated  a  higher  embodiment   of   your   core   essence   of   your   Divine   Original   Blue   Print   God   DNA.   You   are   now  resonating   at   a   higher   vibrational   frequency   that   may   not   be   compatible   with   your   current  occupation,  partners,  family,  friends,  groups,  location  and  institutions.    

You   will   be   leaving   the   old   world,   and   sometimes   it   will   not   always   be   subtle   as   you   may   be  instantly  cut  off  from  circumstances  you  once  were  a  part  of.  Family  and  friends  can  become  angry  and,  mostly,  it  is  that  they  feel  threatened  by  the  higher  energy  that  they  cannot  articulate.  A  surge  of  divinity  coming  from  your  sovereign  self  will  emerge  that  will  support  you,  where  your  body  and  being  will  not  be  able  to  tolerate  lower  energies  and  negative  behavior  or  treatment.  

Your  Body  Cannot  Tolerate  Lower  Energies  and  Negative  Behavior  

Your  body  may  protest,  where  before  you  were  able  to  act  like  everything  was  okay,  now  it  will  be  screaming  “no  more”  and  you  will  speak  and  react  from  a  higher  truth  and  not  be  part  of  situations  that   take   away   your   power.   You   are   seeing   this   occurring  more   in   your  world   and   in   your   close  relationships.  

A  special  note  for  The  Blue  Ray  and  ultra-­‐sensitive  empathic  Light  Bearers:  your  tendency  had  been  to  shut  down  energetically  when  you   felt   threatened  or  overwhelmed  by  energy.  This  can  have  a  direct  effect  on  your  immune  system  and  may  appear  as  a  drop  in  your  energy,  fatigue,  anxiety  or  brain   fog.  This   tendency   is  changing,  as  you  are  now  experiencing   the  realignment   to   the  cosmos  and  your  sacred  lineage  and  higher  immunity.  Where  you  were  once  without  a  voice  quietly  in  your  inner  worlds  doing  the  holy  work  of  creation,  you  are  now  stepping  into  a  sacred  sovereign  power.  Your   light   is   becoming   brighter,   stronger   and   more   notice   able,   your   God   alignment   frequency  resonance  is  more  in  tune  with  the  cosmic  support  of  Creation.  

Misconceptions  of  a  Light  Worker  

On  your  ascension  path  there  may  be  times  that  you  wonder  if  you  did  something  wrong,  and  how  you  arrived  at  certain  places  of  your  journey.  You  may  have  had  perceptions  and  thoughts  that  your  life  would  look  physically  perfect.  From  the  white  picket  fence  of  your  home  and  your  completely  stable  and  secure  life,  you  would  look  out  from  your  curtains  as  all  the  upheaval  settled  and  never  touched  you  as  you  only  had  felt  love  and  light.  

If  you  have  dedicated  your  life  to  the  light,  and  are  a  Blue  Ray,  a  transformer  through  the  Goddess  Gaia,  most  likely  ascension  will  bring  you  to  the  depths  of  the  dark  night  of  your  soul.  This  may  also  occur  a  couple  of  times,  as  you  reach  a  deep  soul  core  purging  that  touches  most  all  aspects  of  your  being.   From   the   true   essence   of   your   soul,   a   profound   transformation   of   your   reality   brings   an  awakening  of  holiness  and  compassion  for  all  life,  and  clarity  like  never  before.  You  are  on  a  path  of  divine  love  and  light  that  transforms  negativity  from  the  cells  of  your  body.  This  innate  mission  of  purpose  within  you  has  been  guiding  your  emergence  as  an  angelic  human  for  the  unveiling  of  the  new  earth.    

The   old   world   perceptions   of   staying   in   one   place   and   accumulating   material   possession   were  thought  to  be  the  ultimate  wealth  and  stability.  As  you  may  have  material  possessions  and  comforts  on  your  path  of  ascension,  this  will  not  be  wealth  or  stability,  as  you  are  seeing  this  occur  in  your  world.  In  the  new  earth,  you  will  anchor  your  sovereign  self,  a  sacred  communion  with  creation  of  divine  love,  light,  power  and  glory.  This  will  surpass  any  perceptions  you  have  had,  where  you  can  rise  above  and  see  beyond  any  chaos  or  confusion;  the  Universe  will  be  at  your  command.  

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Ascension  Acceleration  Signs  of  the  New  Humanity  

Life  Review  in  the  Living  

Life   review   in   the   living   comes   when   you   have   reached   a   significant   level   of   consciousness   to  experience  a  higher  infusion  of  your  core  soul  essence.  This   is  the  activation  of  your  star  essence,  your  ascended  selves,  God  DNA  in  human  form.  It’s  as  if  you  are  living  many  lives  in  the  current  one  you   now   reside   and   do   not   need   to   die   and   be   reborn,   as   you   are   doing   it   continuously   and   at  accelerated  speeds  that  are  beyond  time  and  space.  

Your  life  review  comes  to  show  you  that  perhaps  you  have  been  accelerating  at  such  great  speeds  that   you   may   not   have   noticed   your   grand   progress   and   who   you   are   now.   Past   events   and  memories  are  brought  to  you  but  no  longer  trigger  you  –  the  trauma  fields  have  been  healed.  It  is  to  show  you  are  ascending  and  evolving  to  a  higher  divine  state  of  being.  

On  your  ascension  you  can  experience  such  immense  downloads  of  your  higher  dimensional  fields  from  your  soul  matrix  that  you  feel   like  a  new  being  or  walk-­‐in.  A  soul  braiding  of  your  ascended  selves   is   now  able   to  merge  with   you,   forming   an   expanded   consciousness   and  higher   embodied  frequency  to  maintain  a  divine  expression  of  your  God  Self.  

Your   expanded   ascended   selves   bring   higher   knowledge,   wisdom,   soul   and   spiritual   gifts,   an  enhanced   expansion   of   your   already   healing   and  psychic   abilities,   and   activate   energy   centers   in  your  body  and  energy  fields  giving  you  support.  

Planetary  Alignments  and  Living  in  a  Dream  State  

At  times  of  planetary  alignments,  new  and  full  moons,  the  Solstices  and  Equinoxes,  you  may  feel  you  are   in   a  dream  state   for   a  day  or   two.  You  may   also   feel   sluggish,   have  difficulty   in  moving,   as   if  through  density,  and  you  can’t  wake  up.  These  are  transitional  periods  of  being  put  in  sort  of  a  void  dimensional   time-­‐space,   still   living   your   life   and   very   much   having   a   powerful   connection   with  Source.  Go  with  the  energetic  flow  and  rhythms  the  best  you  can,  slow  down  and  enjoy  being  in  an  awakened  dream  of  the  Photon  energy  encounter.  

The  Ascended  Life  of  Divine  Love  

You  will  come  to  know  that  what  you  wish  for  more  than  anything  is  the  clarity  of  your  soul,  your  true  full  expression  that   is  Divine  Love,  and  all  has  been  a  ploy  from  your  higher  heart  to  get  you  there,  to  the  ultimate  divine  power  and  glory  of  the  Universe.  All  of  God  and  life  have  been  serving  you   to  bring  what  you   truly  wished   for.  From   this  place   that  many  are  already  experiencing,  you  will  enjoy  a  higher  experience  of   life  and  spirit.  Wherever  you  go  and  wherever  you  are,  a  divine  harmony  of  Peace  will  meet  and  greet  you  and  say  this  is  who  you  are.  This  peace  we  speak  of  is  the  truth  of  your  soul  and  spirit;  it  is  beyond  peace;  it  is  the  Divine  love  of  joy  that  holds  all  of  life,  the  Universe  and  Cosmos  together  and  this  is  who  you  are!    


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The  Genetic  Star  

Among the hundreds of variations of the human form throughout the universe, the most cherished is the Genetic code of humanity’s original, perfected blueprint. This genetic code has been the basis for the creation of all universal lineage of humankind, although it has been hybridized and tampered with throughout the ages for various divine and evil purposes. This Genetic Star code image is both a gift and a rare glimpse of the perfected genetic human matrix; which will ultimately transform our Earth – human bodies into their ascended form. It is the ultimate human species to return to the original perfection of their race before moving on to new and wondrous experiences. Meditating on this image will bring awareness of the original genetic codons, mathematical matrixes and ethereal essences, the “Quantum Physics of Light” that are an important part of which we truly are, “The Royal Priesthood,” for God’s kingdom. (Revelation  20:6)  

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I am the soul, I have a physical body, but I am not my physical body. My physical body is a part of me, I am the soul. I have emotions, but I am not my emotions. I am soul. My emotions are a part of me. I have a mind, but I am not my thoughts and opinions, I am the soul.

God Bless and Prosperity, One of the Ancient Wisdom Keepers of the Blue Rays,

By: Dr. Clarice Barrett, Msc. D.

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