Elks Tracks VOLUME 58, NO. 12 March 2015 www.westcovinaelks.org West Covina Elks Lodge #1996 West Covina, California Past Exalted Rulers Association Annual 50/50 Raffle 1 st Prize 25% Proceeds 2 nd Prize 15% Proceeds 3 rd Prize 10% Proceeds Drawing will be held at 6:30pm at our Officers Deep Pit Pork-E-Q March 15th

Elks Tracks Newsletter March 2015 Tracks Newsletter March 2015.pdf · Committee Chairpersons 2014-2015 Accident Claims Advisor Phil Hawkins, PER 626-918-0883 ... Birthday Bash Sandie

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Page 1: Elks Tracks Newsletter March 2015 Tracks Newsletter March 2015.pdf · Committee Chairpersons 2014-2015 Accident Claims Advisor Phil Hawkins, PER 626-918-0883 ... Birthday Bash Sandie

Elks Tracks

VOLUME 58, NO. 12 March 2015


West Covina Elks Lodge #1996 West Covina, California

Past Exalted Rulers AssociationAnnual 50/50 Raffle

1st Prize 25% Proceeds2nd Prize 15% Proceeds3rd Prize 10% Proceeds

Drawing will be held at 6:30pm at ourOfficers Deep Pit Pork-E-Q March 15th

Page 2: Elks Tracks Newsletter March 2015 Tracks Newsletter March 2015.pdf · Committee Chairpersons 2014-2015 Accident Claims Advisor Phil Hawkins, PER 626-918-0883 ... Birthday Bash Sandie

Elks Tracks NonProfit Bulletin Published monthly by

West Covina Elks Lodge No. 1996841 W. Merced Ave., West Covina Ca. 91790

Lodge Lounge(626) 338-8111Lodge Office: (626) 962-0113

Office Hours Tues.-Fri. 9:00am-5:00pmClub Manager & Lease Info:

C(909) 957-6724 O(626) 338-2119FAX: (626) 960-3512The Elks Lodge Website is:


West Covina Elks Lodge #1996 Committee Chairpersons 2014-2015

Accident Claims Advisor Phil Hawkins, PER 626-918-0883Americanism Michael Salazar 626-827-6700 Co-Chair Maria Caballero 626-824-1161Audio/Lighting Lee Schwartz 626-334-8179Auditor Bob Hollis-Brau PER 909-622-9861Bingo Gus & Nancy Kane 909-524-1710 Co-Chairpersons Art BurciagaBLT Judith Lumbreras 626-587-6489Breakfast Chuck Dalool, PER 626-332-6945Bulletin Director/Editor Ben Ortega PER `626-918-7952Birthday Bash Sandie Sesanto 626-675-6565Christmas Tree Lane John Kemp 626-963-3921Clown Association Laffe Happer Jr. 626-332-9672Community Public Relations/ Robert Burke 714-915-2731Crab Crack Ben Ortega, PER 626-926-4046Crab Crack Mike Salazar, PER 626-827-6700Cribbage Club Norm Nikodym 909-319-6488Drug Awareness Joanna Howard 909-392-2685Decorating Committee Julie Gomez 626-222-2935Elks National Foundation Bob Hollis-Brau PER 909-622-9861Elks Memorial Keith Kelley 626-825-3240Flag Day Maria Caballero 626-824-1161Funeral Service Robert Gubrud PER 626-962-1001 Co-Chairman Chuck Dalool, PER 626-332-6945Good Timers Chuck Swayer 909-599-4890Greeters Willie Koskela, PER 626-224-0698Hoop Shoot Julie Gomez 626-222-2935House Committee Chairman Ben Ortega, PER 626-926-4046House Rules Chuck Dalool, PER 626-332-6945Indoctrination Michael Salazar,PER 626-827-6700Investigations Tony Cortez 626-483-3838Lapsation Joanna Howard 909-392-2685Laughlin Trip Chuck Dalool PER 626-332-6945 Co-Chairman Joanna Howard 909-392-2685Lodge Activities Dana Williams 714-240-1647Mail Out Victor Tolle 626-253-7395Major Project Dana Williams 714-240-1647Major Project 50/50 Chuck Sawyer 909-599-4890 Co-Chairman Warren Burton 626-331-1302Membership Joanna Howard 909-392-2685Mobile Pancake Maker Vince McCauley 626-422-2812MDA John Hughes 626-338-9516Mothers Day Keith Kelley 626-825-3240New Years Eve Julie Gomez 626-222-2935Paper & Cans Chuck Sawyer 909-599-4890PER Association Pres. Ben Ortega 626-926-4046Photographer Shirley Schwartz 626-334-8179Presiding Justice Phil Hawkins, PER 626-918-0883Ritual Coaches Chuck Dalool PER 626-332-6945Roamin Elks Dick Canzoneri 626-358.8182Saturday Night Entertainment Sandie Sesanto 626-675-6565Scholarships Michael Salazar, PER 626-827-6700Scouting Maria Caballero 626-824-1161Sickness & Distress Dana Williams 714-240-1647Super Bowl Robert Burke 714-915-2731Super Bowl Dana Williams 714-240-1647Veterans Michael Salazar,PER 626-827-6700Web Site Webmaster Ben Ortega, PER 626-926-4046Youth Activities Julie Gomez 626-222-2935

Exalted Ruler Judith Lumbreras 626-587-6489Leading Knight Dana W.Williams714-240-1647Loyal Knight Julie Gomez 626-222-2935Lecturing Knt. Tim Conklin 626-827-4465Treasurer Sandie Sesanto 626-675-6565Tiler Lafe Harper Jr. 626-332-9672Secretary Gale Warren 626-331-8481

1st Year Jerry Warren 714-292-13022nd Year Yolanda Garcia 626-826-89383rd Year Don Backofen 626-337-61304th Year Dannie Parker 818-371-52325th Year Gus Kane 909-524-1710

Appointed OfficersEsquire Tony Cortez 626-483-3838Chaplain Keith Kelley 626-825-3240Inner Guard Maria Caballero 626-824-1161Organist Pat Mower 626-962-6221


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Appointed House CommitteeMickey Leivo - Joanna Howard

Roy Kneale - Dana WilliamsBen Ortega, PER

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Leading KnightsLeading KnightsLeading KnightsLeading KnightsLeading KnightsStationStationStationStationStation

Loyal KnightsLoyal KnightsLoyal KnightsLoyal KnightsLoyal KnightsStationStationStationStationStation

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Lecturing KnightsLecturing KnightsLecturing KnightsLecturing KnightsLecturing KnightsStationStationStationStationStation


Hello Elk brothers & sisters,Here we are in our final month of thefraternal year! Many feeling are bubblingin me as I end my final month of service asyour Esteem Loyal Knight. For the pasttwo year, I have had the pleasure to taketwo chairs at our lodge. I know many ofyou are disappointed that I’m not movingon to the next two chairs at this time, butplease know I’ll still be around to help.For personal reasons, I have made thedecision to step aside and return to schoolto further my education. Over the pastfew years, I have had to make manychanges in my life and this is one of them.I have learned a lot about myself and aboutElkdom during these past two years, andI thank you all for your trust, love andsupport. Elkdom is not just a word in myvocabulary; I see it as a charitablebrotherhood and sisterhood missionacross the nation. It’s our way of givingback to those less fortunate. I trulybelieve in helping our Major Project ithas made a huge difference for manychildren’s lives over the years. The MajorProject reaches many children withdisabilities, and I try my best to helpweekly through volunteering at Bingo.The fact that we are able to make a differencein not just one child, but thousands, hasmoved me over these years to trulydedicate my time on Thursday nights toBingo. Bingo is our major charitablefundraiser and working alongside somegreat people, it has been a joy.As the lodge continues to grow and moveforward, I hope and pray that many morepeople will step out of their comfort zoneand give time in volunteer at the lodge.The lodge can only function if we bandtogether to do our part in giving back: bycleaning, fixing, donating, andcoordinating functions that benefit ourlodge. Instead of sitting back andpointing the finger and saying, why don’tthey do this? Or Why don’t they do thatwell? Take a step forward in helping tocoordinate a function that supports thelodge or our Major Project. We need tostay focus on keeping Elkdom alive bysupporting what’s going to be best forour lodge.Finally, let’s remember that Justice meansto be fair with a smile and not with a frown.When we show justice, we show itthrough our actions by being kind, fairand righteous to one another. I know thiscomes easy to many and with God’s helpand guidance, it’s possible for all. Weneed to choose to love one another as wecontinue to make this the best lodgearound! Let’s keep having fun!Your Esteem Loyal Knight,Julie Gomez

News and notes from the chairof Brotherly Love. Life is ajourney, not a destination. Aswe enter the third month of2015, I hope your journey isgoing well! By the end of themonth we will one-fourththrough 2015! Crazy!

The always popular Pork-E-Que is scheduled for Sundaythe 15th from 3:00-7:00. Themusic for this closed event willbe provided by Susie and theCruizers. So if you like deeppit BBQ, fun and games: besure to circle the date on yourcalendar. Installation of newofficers for 2015-16 will beheld on the 31st. Please comeout and show your support asthey start their journeytogether!

Brotherly Love can havemany different meanings orinterpretations; it is a little likebeauty- it is in the eye of thebeholder. Some look at it in theliteral sense- your immediatefamily members, or thefigurative sense: spiritual lovefor all. I look at in this way:are you a “lift” or a “drag” inlife. Being a “lift” suggests youare a positive factor in yourwork, home life, and withfriends. Those people can feeland see Brotherly Love inaction. Being a “drag”, ofcourse, has a negativeconnotation. The BrotherlyLove vibe is not present.People can see and feel that aswell. “There is a destiny thatmakes us brothers, no one goeshis own way alone; all that wesend into the lives of others,comes back into our own.”Edwin Markham

Have a great month! Stay well!

Fraternally,Tim ConklinLecturing Knight

So as we close the dooron another fraternal year a much biggerdoor opens. I would first like to saythat this year has been an absolutepleasure. As a matter of fact the lastthree years as an officer I’ve seen somegreat things happen. Our lodge sitsbetter financially; Monday nights offeredvolunteer driven No Frills dinners.Saturday night bands and DJ’s havebrought in big crowds. What was onceone of our slower nights, Wednesdaynow is hopping with karaoke and ourgreat Bingo crew as taken theirThursdays to the next level. Our hallreceived a major facelift and rentals haveincreased significantly. Even ourtraditional events such as ChristmasTree Lanes, Pork-E-Ques, Crab Cracks,Valentines Dances, New Years Eves,Monday Night Footballs and SuperBowls have all seen record attendances.As Exalted Ruler next month, I’mlooking forward to building on thesefine lodge accomplishments. But likein the past, nothing can successfully bedone without you… our members. Bothin volunteering to put on great eventsand committees that will surpassprevious years to attending as manyfunctions, visiting our restaurant andbar as much as possible. It’s you thatmakes our lodge a success and fun toattend along with your family andfriends. Our House committee and BODwill continue with the necessary controlsto affirm our financial future. Nancy andGus and crew have agreed to continuewith making Bingo the biggest yearyet. Our new Lodge Secretary will bringa new perspective to our office andaccounting. Our Club Manager Beckywill continue to keep our rental hallfull and provide the best food and serviceto our members. I have a few plans ofmy own and look forward to makingour lodge the envy of not only ourdistrict but Southern California!

On meeting electionnight, I have never been more proud ofour lodge. A huge turnout showed upin support it and its ideology. Myfriends, this is only a part of Elkdomand the beliefs we share in commongoal. The spreading antlers of protectionwere out in full like none other I’vewitnessed before. I wish there was timeI could have thanked each and everyone of you. Through the course of theyear, I will. Now is the time we put ourpolitical differences aside and bandunited as Elks in making our lodge thevery best it can be

Fraternally,Dana W. WilliamsLeading Knight

Hello My Dear Members and Family,While I’m sitting at my computer writing mylast article as your Exalted Ruler I have nothingbut a great deal of nostalgia and so emotionalto think that my term to leave office is going toend and I want to thank you all for giving methe opportunity to serve you and the lodge asyour Exalted Ruler. I would like to give a greatthanks to all P.E.R.’s for leading me throughthe year, but I have especial gratitude to P.E.R.Chuck Dalool for being my #1 mentor. As yourExalted Ruler I could not have asked for a betterstaff, my Corps of Officer’s that every time thatI had an idea (good or bad) I received nothingbut a big smile and a great answer “Let’s go forit!” what a great feeling, our club managerBecky THANK YOU FOR A GREAT JOBDONE and her staff the House Committee for anexcellent job in our financials, all my committeechair persons for their excellent job in their areasof expertise, all volunteer’s thank you for yourdedication and contribution to our lodge it isvery appreciated, and last but not least you mydear members who come down over and over tosupport and continue the tradition and fightfor Elkdom in our lodge. As I reflect back to thebeginning and think to myself if I accomplishedsomething which I believe I did it’s not aboutme, IT’S ABOUT ALL OF US. Our successand accomplishments is because all of you whostepped forward to lead a committee or a specialevent, which I would like to send a specialthanks to BINGO volunteers, “Down In FrontCrew” who made every Monday Night Footballa great success, Monday Night “No FrillDinner’s”, Paper and Cans every month, SundayBreakfast, members who helped deliverydictionaries to the 3rd graders, decorationcommittee, entertainment committee, all of youmade this lodge the best in the San GabrielValley District. Also don’t forget to check theElk Track for the many events starting with ourAnnual Officer Pork BBQ. I would like to senda special invitation to honor us with yourpresence to the Installation of the New Officer’sMarch 31st and our Inaugural Ball April 4th.Remember our Veteran’s and all that they do toinsure our freedom in our country. I respectfullydedicate my year to all of these great men andwomen who served for our country.I was very fortunate to be your Exalted Rulerand Leader during this year as busy as I am letme tell you I enjoyed every minute of it, I servedyou with all my heart, remember “Semper Fideliswith Elkdom”. In closing I would like to askyou to keep our new officers in your prayersand may God give them the wisdom to lead ourlodge. “MAY GOD BLESS US ALL!”Semper Fidelis with Elkdom

Your Exalted Ruler,Judith Lumbreras

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The Faults Of Our Members We Write Upon The Sands,Their Virtues Upon The Tablets Of Love And Memory....

March Officers Duty Schedule

March Fridays Greeters Schedule

In Memorium

Bro. Donald L. SoperMember #6515

Born: March 31st, 1939Passed On: February 11th, 2015

6th John Kemp & Chuck Dalool13th Tony Cortez & Maria Caballero20th Julie Gomez & Judith Lumbreras27th Ben Ortega & Filbert Trujillo

06 & 07 Sandie Sesanto - Gus Kane13 & 14 Gale Warren - Keirh Kelley20 & 21 Lafe Harper Jr. - Maria Caballero27 & 28 Tony Cortez - Pat Mower

We Thank All Of OurMembers for your

Generous Donations

PAPER & CAN DRIVEMonthly Paper &

Can DriveFriday & SaturdayFriday & SaturdayFriday & SaturdayFriday & SaturdayFriday & SaturdayMarch 6 & 7, 8-12 noonMarch 6 & 7, 8-12 noonMarch 6 & 7, 8-12 noonMarch 6 & 7, 8-12 noonMarch 6 & 7, 8-12 noon Comesupport your by dropping off yourpaper, cans, & bottles tell yourfriends too!

Saturday March 28thin the Elks Lounge

Did you know that?February 16th 1868

The Benevolent and ProtectiveOrder of Elks

was organized inNew York City

CALENDCALENDCALENDCALENDCALENDAR PAR PAR PAR PAR PARARARARARTYTYTYTYTYExalted Ruler Elect DanaExalted Ruler Elect DanaExalted Ruler Elect DanaExalted Ruler Elect DanaExalted Ruler Elect DanaWWWWWilliams Calendar Pilliams Calendar Pilliams Calendar Pilliams Calendar Pilliams Calendar PararararartytytytytyFFFFFridaridaridaridariday Mary Mary Mary Mary Marccccch 6h 6h 6h 6h 6ththththth 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:30pmin the Elkin the Elkin the Elkin the Elkin the Elkooooovvvvve or Main Halle or Main Halle or Main Halle or Main Halle or Main Hall

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PAST EXALTED RULERSRalph Gaither* 1956-57Hugh M. Bagley* 1957-58William T. Tanking* 1958-59Albert E. Lindbeck* 1959-60James R. Yost*, Jr. 1960-61James L. Morgan* 1961-62Harold Z. Dobbs* 1962-63Laurence R. Tillman* 1963-64Enrico (Hank) Salvo* 1964-65Thomas E. Curtis 1965-66Jack Cleveland* 1966-67J. Paul Studer* 1967-68Roy Williams, Jr.* 1968-69Raiden V. Peterson 1969-70Donald M. Huff 1970-71Albert D. Davis 1971-72Milo G. Summerhays* 1972-73Robert E. Carlson *1973-74H. Richard Harbert* 1974-75James J. Andert* 1975-76Anthony R. Mickols* 1976-77John Asmundson 1977-78James E. Smith* 1978-79Larry Henderson* 1979-80Frank Rehor* 1980-81Carl Mou 1981-82Richard Marble* 1981-82Robert E. Gubrud 1982-83James Moseley* 1982-83Al Putman* 1983-84Dick Delauder *1983-84Manny Zamudio* 1984-85William Heller* 1984-85Art Willard* 1985-86Renee LaRose* 1986-87Fidel Nieto Jr.* 1986-87Charles Dalool 1987-88, 2011-12Michael Sirchia 1987-88Walt Doran* 1988-89David La Sage* 1988-89Bob Hollis-Brau 1989-90Jerry Kober 1989-90Ernie Gilbert 1990-91Pat Shea* 1990-91Ron Conger* 1991-92Dave Southard* 1991-92Gary Holmes* 1992-93Roy Simes 1992-93Bob Schachner* 1993-94WM Ziegenbein 1993-94Rick Dana 1994-95Matt Jessup 1994-95Roy Long 1995-96Tim LaMarca 1995-96Ed Lima* 1996-97Bernie Auld* 1997-98Ben Ortega 1998-99, 12-13,Vern Campion 1999-00George Lunsford 2000-01Phil Hawkins 2001-02Don McMahon* 2002-03Scott Matthews 2003-04Ralph Garcia 2004-05Willie Koskela 2005-06Juan Diaz 2006-07Lisa Ryken* 2007-08Patricia Gilliland 2008-09Michael J. Salazar, Jr. PER 2009-10-11Charles “Chuck” Dalool, PER 2011-12Benjamin L. Ortega 1998-99, 2012-13, 13-14

By Affiliation: Judge Al Miller*, Orville Miller,Robert Cortez, Joe Lozier, Frank Berry PER,Jess Nelms, Charles Lein(*Deceased)

Propositions For Membership / Affiliation

Proposer Applicant

Page 5

3/06 Jon Destry3/13 Don Goethals3/20 Rex Berry3/27 Bobby “Z”

March Friday Night Entertainment

March SaturdaMarch SaturdaMarch SaturdaMarch SaturdaMarch Saturday Nighty Nighty Nighty Nighty NightLLLLLounge Entounge Entounge Entounge Entounge Entertertertertertainment Scheduleainment Scheduleainment Scheduleainment Scheduleainment Schedule

(Ent(Ent(Ent(Ent(Entertertertertertainment Schedule is Subject Tainment Schedule is Subject Tainment Schedule is Subject Tainment Schedule is Subject Tainment Schedule is Subject To Change)o Change)o Change)o Change)o Change)

Sickness and Distress

07 Member Lease Out Entertainment14 Member Lease Out Entertainment

“Birthday Bash”21 Member Lease Out Entertainment28 The Mighty Mojo Prophets

Jim Ivins Rhiannon BritneyJohn Valencia Dominic ValenciaJohn Valencia Deborah HollandPhilip A. Hawkins Michael Keith ZookDave Navarro Adam OliverDannie A. Parker Michael A. PelletierMichael F McMillan Howard John Letzkus

Bro. Jerry Warren: Has been umdergoing many test trying to diagnoseproblems within the brain area. As of February 20th he was moved to ICU,please keep Jerry in your thoughts and prayes.

Bro. Don Soper: Memorial Services for Brother Don are scheduled forSaturday March 7th at 11am in the West Covina Elks Elkove and Lounge

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ELK’s of the Month forMarch 2015

Al & Betty LammensAl & Betty LammensAl & Betty LammensAl & Betty LammensAl & Betty LammensThank You for all your hard work and dedication in

making our Lodge a fun and better place!Exalted Ruler Judith Lumbreras

Make a donation to theElks NationalFoundation


Club HoursMonday 4:00pm to 11:00pmTuesday 4:00pm to 11:00pm

Wednesday 4:00pm to 11:00pmThursday 4:00pm to 11:00pmFri. & Sat. 4:00pm to 2:00am

Sundays Check Your CalendarAll Closing Hours Are Subject At TheAll Closing Hours Are Subject At TheAll Closing Hours Are Subject At TheAll Closing Hours Are Subject At TheAll Closing Hours Are Subject At The

Discretion Of The BartenderDiscretion Of The BartenderDiscretion Of The BartenderDiscretion Of The BartenderDiscretion Of The Bartender

Meeting nights are first 4Tuesdays of the month 7:30pm

Members Only after 7:00pm

Chris R. Gonzalez 2Raymond L. McVeigh 2Walter W. Robinson 2Raymond F. Howard 3Jack L. McCarty 3Harry F. Rodriguez 3Garry E. McMullan 5Shirley Schwartz 5John Asmundson Jr. 6Donald Cogswell 6Richard L. Amborn 7Joseph J. Maresh 7Gilbert Becerril 9David Delgado 9William R. Morrow 9Ray C. Ware 9Curt Bancroft 11Lettie Jaramillo 11Anna S. Martinez 11Bruce Mercado 11Jack F. Rhodes 11Grace La Fargo 14David Miller 14David A. Kubes 16Gary Sommerville 16Patricia F. Bryant 17Steven S. Potts 17Dee A. Galbraith 18Gale Warren 20Lewis A. Cowan 22Margaret Nava 22Anthony Nobili 22Lois M.Alston 23Dolores Ochoa 23Richard M. Canzoneri 24Robert E. Gubrud 24Chris Hughes 24Robert Vasquez 24Clifford G. Hacker 25Fred Duran 26Nicholas F. Goclon 26Ricardo Beltran 28William W. Metcalf 28Emmanuel Williams 28Lafe Harper Jr. 29Pete Deruyter 30Pete Holguin 31

Come join us as weCelebrate

St. Patrick’s Day aday early


March 16th

with a fine dinner from ourMaster Chefs Alfonso & Jesse of

Corn Beef & Cabbage, CornBread, Salad

Dinner Served 5:00pm to 8:00pm$10.00 per person

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Delinquent Members List as of 2/20/2015Members names listed below will be dropped from our membership rolls on March 31st 2015

If your name is listed please call the Lodge office at (626) 962-0113 to pay your dues orcorrect any discrepancies and to re-instate your Lodge privileges

William O. Alexander #6297John E. Anderson #5562Jose A. Azucena #7020Craig Beshore #6511Nicholas A. Cabrera #6327Felipe M. Cortez #6995Christine Costantino #6987David A. Cox #6705Phil D’Adduzio #6800Fred Duran #6997Steven Esquivel #7039Hilda Flores #7043Carmen R. Goler #6672Gregory A. Haase #6933Matthew “Matt” Hayes #6936James J. Hazelton #6881Fred Hermosillo #6516Henry V. Hernandez #5711Dan Hughes #4168Danna Jessup #6911

Joshua Long #6730Larry Makorow #4019John Marinakis #5855Gerard McCartan Jr. #4391Christopher McDermott #5942Bruce Mercado #7021Collette Mohr #6724Vincenzo J. Moretti #0758Mr. Anton Novak #6789Samuel C. Oropallo #6980Maria E. Ortega #6968Richard E. Pepper #4496Peter Romero #6512Rupert Del “Bert” Rosario #6989James D. Salazar #6780William Sandoval #6636Jim Santangelo #6983Eldon Sawyer #6962Robert A. “Rusty” White #6875Larry Wood #5826Marco Zea #5546Richard Zimlich #6771

We regret that yourmembership is inthis category andmust, therefore, beconsidered for sus-pension before theclose of the Lodgeterm on March 31.We sincerely hopethat you will be ableto pay theoustanding amountin the very near fu-ture, perhaps it wasa simple oversighton your behalf.Please contact theLodge office Tues-day through Fridaybetween 9:00am and5:00pm at (626)962-0113

West Covina ElksGolf Club

We had 15 players for whispering lakes the weather was alittle chilly to start with but warmed up nice. Three of the 4par 3’s were reached by the players, no one on #3 #7 waswon by Garry Larson, #13 was won by Bob Gubrud and#16 was Herb Sampang. the winners for the day were 1stplace Scott Matthews net 62?lol 2nd place was Bob Gubrudnet 64 3rd place was Ernie Kaai net 69 and 4th place witha net 71 was Herb Sampang. Next month will be February23rd at Sierra Lakes golf course cost is $51.includes cartprize fund and closest to pin chances.

see you on the greenBob Gubrud(626) [email protected]


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COME PARTY AT THE ELKS LOUNGEON SATURDAY NIGHTS…….I am glad to announce that 2015 Saturday Night Entertainment iscontinuing to bring in such great crowds, meaning extra income to ourLodge. So please come out and enjoy the bands and have dinner whileyou are there. Continue to read your bulletin to see what type ofentertainment we will have to offer.

Our 2nd Annual Valentines Dance held on February 14th was a BIG Success.The band Soulful Qwest played to a Sold Out Crowd, who danced thewhole night long. Their guest singer Gil Stokes and DJ Steve Perezadded to the party atmosphere. Thanks to Band, DJ and my ValentinesCommittee for helping me and for doing a fantastic job, I know howhectic it was and I truly appreciate your patience. Everyone loved theFood and the Candy Bar along with the Chocolate Fountain which wasthe icing on the cake. Thank you to our fellow Elk friends from Ontarioand San Gabriel who came out to support this event. Just a BIG THANKYOU to everyone….for coming out and making this event happen.

Our February Birthday bash with DJ Cesar playing the tunes brought ina good crowd and the birthday babies all partied the night away.Sorry to say…...we are only going to be able to bring in one band duringthe month of March because we have Elkove Lease Outs the rest of theSaturdays.In March, we have three Elkove Lease outs lined up back to back, withtheir own entertainment

March 7th – Elkove Lease OutMarch 14th – Elkove Lease OutMarch 21st – Elkove Lease OutMarch 28th – Mighty Mojo Prophets – a Blues Band

As always, please keep spreading the word to all your family and friends,that the New Place to be is The West Covina Elks Lounge on SaturdayNights…..the more you come to our Lodge the more profitable our lodgewill be!!!

I would like to THANK ALL of you guys for supporting my Saturday NightEntertainment events and for getting me thru the first 7 months ofdoing Saturdays….Remember, they are only as successful as you ourElk members make them.


Sandie Sesanto

Saturday Night Entertainment Chairperson

West Covina BWest Covina BWest Covina BWest Covina BWest Covina B.P.P.P.P.P.O.O.O.O.O. Elks Lodge. Elks Lodge. Elks Lodge. Elks Lodge. Elks LodgeNNNNNo 1996o 1996o 1996o 1996o 1996

Cordially invites you to attendCordially invites you to attendCordially invites you to attendCordially invites you to attendCordially invites you to attendTTTTThe Ihe Ihe Ihe Ihe Installationnstallationnstallationnstallationnstallation

OOOOOfffffExalted Ruler ElectExalted Ruler ElectExalted Ruler ElectExalted Ruler ElectExalted Ruler Elect

Dana WDana WDana WDana WDana W. Williams. Williams. Williams. Williams. Williamsand the newly electedand the newly electedand the newly electedand the newly electedand the newly elected

Corps of OCorps of OCorps of OCorps of OCorps of OfficersfficersfficersfficersfficersFFFFFor the Fraternal Year 2015-2016or the Fraternal Year 2015-2016or the Fraternal Year 2015-2016or the Fraternal Year 2015-2016or the Fraternal Year 2015-2016TTTTTuesday the 31st of March 2015uesday the 31st of March 2015uesday the 31st of March 2015uesday the 31st of March 2015uesday the 31st of March 2015

841 West Merced Avenue841 West Merced Avenue841 West Merced Avenue841 West Merced Avenue841 West Merced AvenueWest Covina, CaliforniaWest Covina, CaliforniaWest Covina, CaliforniaWest Covina, CaliforniaWest Covina, California

NNNNNo Host Cocktails 5:30 Po Host Cocktails 5:30 Po Host Cocktails 5:30 Po Host Cocktails 5:30 Po Host Cocktails 5:30 P.M..M..M..M..M. Dinner 6:30 P Dinner 6:30 P Dinner 6:30 P Dinner 6:30 P Dinner 6:30 P.M..M..M..M..M.

Dinner NDinner NDinner NDinner NDinner Not Determined at time of Printingot Determined at time of Printingot Determined at time of Printingot Determined at time of Printingot Determined at time of PrintingIIIIInstallation of Onstallation of Onstallation of Onstallation of Onstallation of Officers 7:30 Pfficers 7:30 Pfficers 7:30 Pfficers 7:30 Pfficers 7:30 P.M..M..M..M..M.Grand Exalted Ruler, Ben Ortega, PERGrand Exalted Ruler, Ben Ortega, PERGrand Exalted Ruler, Ben Ortega, PERGrand Exalted Ruler, Ben Ortega, PERGrand Exalted Ruler, Ben Ortega, PERBen Ortega, PER Master of CeremonyBen Ortega, PER Master of CeremonyBen Ortega, PER Master of CeremonyBen Ortega, PER Master of CeremonyBen Ortega, PER Master of Ceremony

Please call for Dinner ReservationsPlease call for Dinner ReservationsPlease call for Dinner ReservationsPlease call for Dinner ReservationsPlease call for Dinner Reservations(626) 962-0113(626) 962-0113(626) 962-0113(626) 962-0113(626) 962-0113

Inaugurall BallTTTTThe Inaugural Ball Honoring DanaWilliams and his Corps of Officers.

Saturday Evening April 4th, 2015Dance to the Musice of

“Skyline Express”

Price and Menu not availableat time of printing

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Thank You for your generosity and supportin making 2014 a tremendously successful

year for MDA

Look for up coming eventsnext month!

John Hughes and the MDAVolunteer Committee626-338-9516 Home626-786-4853 Cell

Monday’s “No Frills” 5:30-7:30Tuesday’s 5:00-7:00Wednesday’s 5:00-7:30Thursday’s 5:00-9:00Friday’s 5:00-9:00Saturday’s 5:00-9:00

Sunday’s on Special Events OnlyYour Family, Friends & Guest are always Welcome


10 YearsPete ArandaFrank ColucciChris CratchAlice DiazClaudeen C. DiazAlice GoethalsCheryl GrimmRudy GutierrezEugene HolcombWanda HortonJoanna HowardAlbert LammensBetty LammensAnthony MaddoxPat E. MowerFrank Sanchez

15 YearsLuis A. GarciaMichael V. HerreraGary NicholsonPete P. Sabatino Jr.Gary Sommerville

20 YearsRobert E. BellesVictor L. FusanoSteve HerfertChris HughesDwayne L. KoskelaMichael Touhey

25 YearsArthur G. BensonJohn EngDee A. GalbraithJames D. GalbraithPhilip D. HawkinsMartin L. Kullman IIIRonald E. RayRay B. RenkinLee H. Schwartz

30YearsJean P. AdamRaul BarbosaRoger A. ClarkJames H. GilbertJohn H. HeaterPaul F. LiputBradley J. McFaddenJim SkinnerEdward A. Soderblom

35 YearsCharles E. BrownRobert J. CalderaJames T. ConkleRobert DuranMatt JessupJack L. McCartyAlfred B. RaineLinn E. RickardDon C. RoelleWilliam Ziegenbein

40 YearsPete DeruyterJohn B. RaffertyRobert L. SanchezDean Sheldon

45 YearsFred E. Cianfrocca Jr.Wilbur M. ClarkEdward A. CrawfordEugene H. ReitzHarry F. RodriguezHarold L. Roy

50 YearsNicholas F. ConclonJohn J. Hughes Jr.Charles K. SavoleRay C. Ware

55 YearsJames F. CavanaughDonald M. HuffJames LopinaLarry SparingEdward G. Tocatlian

60 YearsRobert BergJohn M. DillonWilliam E. MillerJoseph S. YottiJames R. Zulegar

This is an open meeting nightall Members, family friendsand guest are welcomed to at-tend this special AnnualAwards event as we willpresent awards for Elk of theYear, Officer of the Year, Citi-zen of the Year, Tall ElksAwards, amoung other veryspecial awards.

Dinner Served 5:30-7:00pmAwards 7:30pm

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Tuesday Night Dinner Specials Friday Night Dinner Specials Saturday Night Dinner Menu

3/03 Chicken Fried Steak3/10 Chef Choice3/17 Tips Over Noodles3/24 Chef Choice3/31 Menu to follow

BUNCOWednesdayMarch 18th

7:00pmIn The Elkove

Order from our


Become a recruiterask a friend to join

the Elks

3/06 Bacon Wrapped Shrimp3/13 BBQ Ribs3/20 Rib-Eye Steak3/27 Bourbon Pork Chop

Emblem Club#299 Corner

Presidents Message

Thank you everyone for electing me asyour president. On March 8th 2015 Iwill be installed. All are welcome toattend. Come Fly with me through Emblemwith our socials every 4th Monday at7:30 PM and our many communityservice events throughout the year. Weinvite everyone to join us. I look forward to working with myofficers and chairman in making this agreat year.

Come Fly With Me

Sandy WoodsWest Covina Emblem Club President

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March 2015 Elktivities






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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


































































































