ELOUERA SPECIAL SCHOOLelouera-association.com/ESS2017.pdf · senior class for half of the year, our Junior School teacher Leonie Dunn who became the Acting Head Teacher and she did

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Page 1: ELOUERA SPECIAL SCHOOLelouera-association.com/ESS2017.pdf · senior class for half of the year, our Junior School teacher Leonie Dunn who became the Acting Head Teacher and she did



“Preparing for Life”

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Board Members 2015/16

Chair – Peter Hunt.

Vice Chair –Kate Lonergan

Treasurer – Robert Junge

Ordinary Members

Malcolm Edwards

Norma Oddy

Paul Braybrooks

Board Meeting Attendee’s (Non Board / Non Voting)

Allan Young – Chief Executive Officer / Public Officer

Shona Neale – Operations Manager / Secretary


Bush & Campbell Chartered Accountants – Wagga Wagga

Legal Representative

Walsh and Blair

Public Officer

Allan Young – Chief Executive Officer

Management Team in 2016

Allan Young – Chief Executive Officer

Shona Neale - Operations Manager

Elizabeth Verri – Head Teacher Elouera Special School

Sharon Roberts – Admin Assistant.

Julie Young – Employment and Welfare Officer

Jade Hawker – Supervisor Elouera Industries

Gemma Pollard – Supervisor Elouera Recycling Young

James Barrett – Supervisor Elouera Recycling Cootamundra

Sharon Lyons – Supervisor TT’s Café Coleambally

Cathy Ashcroft – Supervisor Elouera Laundry

Andrew Hibbert - Supervisor The Elouera Centre

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Elouera Association Inc

Chairman’s Report

(report as presented at our AGM for whole of organisation)

Elouera Association Inc

Chairman’s Report 2017

By - Peter Hunt

Dear Members,

I am pleased to report we have had another successful year, not however without a few challenges.

I congratulate our Chief Executive Officer Allan Young and his second in command Operations Manager Shona Neale for the way they managed the problems thrown up at them during this time. We are indeed fortunate to have them head a team of very dedicated and capable staff in the Elouera organisation.

Our total workforce now consists of 30 staff and 51 employees with a disability, in addition we have 30 students at the Elouera School and a further 10 day services participants, 8 of whom are former students. We are continuing to upgrade our facilities at the Elouera Special School and the Elouera Centre, and can all be extremely proud of the excellent standards attained at these venues. The staff are of course paramount to our success and they are to be congratulated for their dedicated and professional approach to their work.

One of Allan’s more time consuming tasks this year was dealing with “Wattle Hire” a business we recently inherited with the transfer of the LateHarold Brady’s Trust to Elouera. Whilst we are still in the early stages of taking full control of this business we are confident that with the correct business strategy and by linking it to our existing activities we will be able to run this business as a viable concern.

Our annual 2017 audited accounts reflect an outstanding year financially showing a net profit of $344,126 as against a loss of $52,783 in the previous year. It should however be noted that $76,456 of this year’s profit has arisen from the revaluation of listed investment shares compared to a downward revaluation in the 2016 financial year of $100,518. As we have

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no plans to sell these shares in the short term we view these ups and downs as cyclical. Nevertheless an excellent result.

Our Board of directors remained unchanged during the year with the exception of the appointment of Paul Braybrooks OAM as a director late last year. Paul brings a wealth of experience to our organisation having served on numerous boards and committees over the years.

The Board members have met regularly throughout the year and have also made themselves available at short notice to deal with immediate issues. I thank them for their valuable input and the time they have given.

I would also take this opportunity on behalf of the Board of Directors to thank all the staff of the organisation for their dedication and commitment to their roles which has resulted in another successful year for the Elouera Association.

Peter Hunt Peter Hunt


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(Extract of report as presented at our AGM for whole of organisation)

By Allan Young

The 2016/17 year was a lot kinder on us than the previous one with increases in funding, commodity prices and sales in general. We saw a growth in numbers at the school again as well as the Elouera Centre while employment saw a number of people leave the town or retire reducing


The year saw a number of projects including the tender for our new Recycling Contract in Young and the development of a funding proposal for a new building at the Elouera Special School.

We have seen staff changes with a number of key changes plus staff in acting roles.

The biggest preparation went into getting ready for the NDIS commencement in July 2017.

The Elouera School

After returning from maternity leave in February 2016 Liz Verri again took Maternity leave in August 2016 and Leonie Dunn was again acting Head Teacher for the first half of 2017. This is a role that Leonie does well and I would like to thank her for being a true professional and for her significant contribution to the Elouera Special School.

In 2016/17, the Elouera Special School continued to grow with 25 students at the end of 2016 and 30 by the financial years end then 32 by years end. The Fourth class that we introduced in 2016 continued in 2017 with the decision made to move to five class rooms mid year. We now believe that the School has a capacity of 32 students and we are very close to hitting this mark. Our Teachers included Liz Verri in a senior class for half of the year, our Junior School teacher Leonie Dunn who became the Acting Head Teacher and she did an amazing job. Kylie Rowan, Emily Harris, Tisha McTavish and Kerry Blackman For the last two terms of the year Luke Piotrowicz joined the Teaching Team.

Our teachers are supported by five full time SLSO Nancy Doubleday, Jennifer Roberts and Stacey Hardy, Nadia Johnson and Charlotte Thompson. We added a sixth SLSO when the fifth class is introduced. The aim of the sixth SLSO was to assist class SLSO with personal care duties and support more students one on one.

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With the growth in the School early in 2017 the I started work on a grant application for a new multi purpose hall at the school and funds to convert the existing smaller hall into the fifth class. Graham Nixon again was asked to design the building and as part of the application process a Master Plan for the school was written.

The new building will have a much larger hall, toilets that will be easier to access from the playground area and a much higher roof line so we can install indoor activities and equipment. It will have a room behind the stage area with a ramp for easier wheelchair access to the stage plus a small canteen with a serving hatch to the playground. All up the building will be around 350 square metres and we will place this at the rear of the school near the all weather covered area. We will join this to the rest of the school with a covered walkway that will double up as access to the covered playground in poor weather.

The great news is late in 2017 the I received a call from local member Michael McCormack who informed me we had received a grant of $300,000 towards the new building.

The education program continues to improve each year with creative activities, better equipment and our retaining smaller class groups even though we are growing. We meet all requirements of our accreditation.

In 2016/17 only a single student, Angus Pennington left the school and moved to our Elouera Centre to participate in the Community Participation Program. He joined a number of friends that had left the Elouera Special School in previous years.

One change that occurred this year was the roll out of the NDIS in our region from 1 July 2017. Many families will now have access to funds to provide professional supports such as speech therapy and better equipment. We will work with the professionals and families to ensure that people maximise the benefit from their plans funds.

Accounts at the school are audited twice per year with the need for a calendar year audit for its funding bodies and inclusion in the financial year audit for the whole of the organisation. The financials in this report are a School only audit for the 2017 school year.

The future for the Elouera Special School is looking great, in 2017 we commenced a fifth class and this will continue into 2018 with enrolments

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already exceeding our maximum of 32. In 2018 we will be starting the preparations for accreditation in 2019.

Service Improvements

Staff have attended training in preparation for the NDIS commencement in July 2017. We developed a Pre Planning booklet and have met with many individuals to hold a pre planning meeting so once the real NDIS Planning meeting occurs, people are better prepared and know what to ask for. Elouera Association (Inc) will provide staff to assist you through this process if you like.

Teacher Accreditation is being overseen by the AIS who we have signed an agreement with. One teacher completed her accreditation in 2017 with several due in 2018.

The Board

The Elouera Association (Inc) is an Incorporated Association and as such has a Board representing the members. The Board is responsible for setting the direction of the organisation, its goals and ensuring it is run well and meets its legal obligations. This year we worked on many major items including the planned vesting of interests from the Harold Brady Trust to Elouera Association (Inc) on 1 July 2017.

The Board appoints the Chief Executive Officer who then employs the staff and sets about achieving these goals with that team.

Our Board has seven positions plus regional members from areas such as the one from Coleambally. The regional members are elected by the members in that local community in a process separate from the main Board election process.

The constitution of the Elouera Association (Inc) has five of the seven Cootamundra region positions as recruited positions to ensure the Board has the correct mix of skills and two elected positions that members can nominate for at each AGM. These positions are elected for two years with one coming up for election each year.

The Board appoints an auditor to look at both the financial position of the organisation and any Risk we may face. Bush and Campbell fulfil this function with two audits being conducted each year. One whole of organisation audit ready for the AGM and one of the School as this is

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done calendar year. The Board receives a full report including recommended changes to reduce risk.

Management and Head Office

Our Head Office has undergone a number of changes in the past year. It is headed by This the Chief Executive Officer (myself) and I am assisted by the organisations second in charge Operations Manager Shona Neale. Sharon Roberts took over the Admin Assistant role from Hongyan Zhao who moved to Canberra late 2016.

The Chief Executive Officer Allan Young has over 32 years in the disability industry, the last eighteen years with the Elouera Association (Inc). He also has served as a Management Committee member for National Disability Services and is currently the Chair of the NDS NSW Disability Enterprises sub committee and a member of the National Disability Enterprise Committee.

The Chief Executive Officer attends Board meetings (as a non voting member) and also acts as the organisations Public Officer. The Chief Executive Officer as head of organisation is also the legal head of the Elouera Special School hence why we don’t have a Principal as such and use a Head Teacher that reports to the Chief Executive Officer.

The Operations Manager Shona Neal acts as Secretary on the Board, a position like

the Chief Executive Officer that is non voting.

Elouera Association (Inc) for its size has a small Administrative team and we keep administration charges to the various services to under 10% of their income.


Chief Executive Officer

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Elouera Special School Report

By Liz Verri - Head Teacher

At the beginning of the school year Liz Verri was still on maternity leave and Leonie Dunn was acting Head Teacher.

There were several changes to class sizes due to new enrolments. Initially the Power Primary and Jazzy Juniors classes were combined until the new students settled. Once students settled, classes morphed in to 4, the Super Seniors (Emily Harris 4 days, Tisha McTavish 1 day, Support Staff - Nadia Johnson), the Mighty Middles (Kylie Rowan 4 days, Tisha McTavish 1 day, Support Staff - Jenny Roberts) the Power Primary (Kerrie Blackman 4 days, Tisha McTavish 1 day, Support Staff - Nancy Doubleday) and Jazzy Juniors (Leonie Dunn 4 days, Tisha McTavish 1 day, Support Staff – Stacey Hardy)

In Term 1, the Senior Students enjoyed swimming and a fantastic class reward of a picnic day at Bethungra Dam. They also organised a whole school party with Tisha and Nadia which everyone thoroughly enjoyed.

The Mighty Middles were a hard working class who loved sharing new information with others. They have absolutely enjoyed participating in Gecko Sport activities and learning many new skills.

The Power Primary class had several new students, so Kerrie and Nancy were very busy settling into their new school routines. The class also started to enjoy listening to stories at the Cootamundra Library.

The Jazzy Juniors have enjoyed getting messy with Art and Craft activities. Music has also been another favourite activity with puppets, props and instruments going everywhere.

Charlotte Thompson was also recruited as an additional Support Staff member and began work in Term 2.

Also during Term 2, some students participated in RDA, a PCYC sports day in Young and continued Community Access Activities. All Students travelled to Wagga Wagga to enjoy a music concert. The Senior Students began participating in Gardening. Kylie Dickinson made initial contact with Bunning's who sent out a representative to the school to work out a way to set up a garden for students. Kylie also organised garden beds at her home for Elouera students to use.

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In Term 3, Liz returned from maternity leave and back in to the Head Teacher Role. Leonie Dunn was employed in the Junior Section as Senior Teacher. Three new students were enrolled in Term Three, Joshua Surman (Year 2), Shanice Minchin (Year 5) and Kayla Cook (Year 9). The school had grown to 30 enrolments

which lead to a fifth class, and the employment of two new staff members, Teacher Luke Piotrowicz and support staff member Monika Palczewski.

The five classes were the Cheeky Leopards (Leonie Dunn 4 days, Kerrie Blackman 1 day, Support Staff - Charlotte Thompson), Noble Tigers (Tisha McTavish 4 days, Emily Harris 1 day, Support Staff – Nancy Doubleday), Noisy Kookaburras – (Kylie Rowan 3 days, Kerrie Blackman, Support Staff - Nadia Johnson), Snazzy Lions (Luke Piotrowicz 4 days, Emily Harris 1 day, Support Staff – Stacey Hardy), Jumping Lizards (Liz Verri 5 days, Support Staff - Jenny Roberts). Monika was utilised by every class at some stage each week.

Meetings for Teaching Staff were held after school twice in Term 3 and nearly every second week in Term 4. Support Staff and the Head Teacher had one meeting in Term 3, and then Support Staff were included in combined staff meetings in Term 4. The goal of these meetings was to discuss individual student needs, classroom programming, report writing, plan for upcoming events and activities, resources to purchase, staff timetables, feedback from staff who attended Professional Development Days, Positive Behaviour Rewards and other relevant issues which may affect the daily running of the school, staff or students.

RDA, Gecko Sport and Ms Wishart Dance lessons were continued in Term Three and finished early in Term Four. Community Access activities such as Library and Shopping Excursions also continued in to Term 4.

Sarah Nielsen began transitioning to the Elouera Centre on Mondays in Term 4. A Transition Plan for Year Four student Mark Argento was being

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organised to start early in 2018. The goal of the plan was to support Mark attend an MC Class in a mainstream setting at Young North Public School, until he felt comfortable to attend the class independently, with his eventual enrolment there as an end result.

Max Tracy (Year 6) and Kirstie Hennock (Year 7) were two new enrolments who started in Term 4.

2017 was a very successful year, and the continued increase in enrolments demonstrates that the school is providing a valuable service for students who are unable to thrive in a mainstream environment.

Thank You

Liz Verri

Head Teacher

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Where we came from, a Brief History

Elouera Association (Inc) grew from the Elouera Special School which was commenced following a public meeting held in 1969 that set up the committee to form a school.

From humble beginnings in a local church hall the School in its current location was built in the mid 70’s. We have had as little as just four students up to our highest level of twenty one students in 2007.

Early in the 1990’s our employment arm commenced with four employees that came to us from an ADHC program.

In 2007 we started providing day services, a full circle so to speak from the Schools early history with the opening of the Elouera Centre.

Today the Elouera Association (Inc) has a turn over of over of 4.1 million per annum, we provide employment to 55 adults with a disability, our School has 32 students and we have 17 individuals attending Day Services, an area I am sure we will see grow in the near future.

We have become one of the regions largest producer of timber pallets and our recycling division provides services to four shires turning in excess of four thousand tonnes of waste into usable product.

We even have branches in other towns with a recycling plant in Young and a Café in Coleambally and a new Elouera Centre in Coleambally is planned for 2018 plus we provide transport services to many other locations so they can access our services.

Elouera Association (Inc) is looking forward to many changes and opportunities for students as the NDIS rolls out in our region we will be offering Plan Management for families that require this.

About the Elouera Special School

Elouera Special School is a School of Kind which means students must have a moderate or severe disability, multiple disabilities or autism (with a Moderate developmental disability). We offer the life skills curriculum which is aimed at maximising the independence of students in their future years. The curriculum follow the NESA requirements

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The school has five class rooms that are divided on an age and ability appropriate level, each class has its own resources to best meet the needs of students who all have their own individual plan that is developed with family participation. Teachers are supported by SLSO who strive to meet the individual needs of students.

The School Name

The name, the Elouera Special School was first used in August 1970, nine months after the formation of the committee to start the school. It was chosen as it was the aboriginal word for pleasant place or happy place. It also means meeting place near the sea but I doubt that has much relevance in this case.

Elouera then went of to be the commercial name for our Disability Enterprises and our Community Participation Program as well as the parent organisations name. Elouera is recognised in the

region as an organisation providing quality and life long services for people with a disability.

Contact Details

Elouera Special School

Liz Verri Head Teacher Leonie Dunn (Acting Head Teacher in 2016/17) Phone 02 6942 2064 Fax 02 6942 4464 Email [email protected] [email protected]

Head Office (Which undertakes the administrative and funding needs of the school)

Allan Young Chief Executive Officer Phone 02 6942 6586 02 6942 1505 Fax 02 6942 4833 Email [email protected]

School Address

19 Scott Avenue (PO Box 271) Cootamundra NSW 2590

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The Elouera School Motto

“Preparing for Life” based on the fact our primary goal is to maximise a students independence later in life.

Vision & Mission Statement

The organisations vision and mission statements are:-

Vision Statement of the Elouera Association (Inc)

Elouera Association (Inc) aims to ensure children with a disability are fully prepared for their life and that once they become adults they achieve their full potential in the most independent way they can.

Our aim is to provide services and supports that meet the needs of our current client base while always striving to meet unmet need in the region.

We aim to see people with a disability fully accepted in their community as people first and their disability only seen as a part of that person, we aim to provide whole of life services and supports to a level that meets the needs and wants of individuals and their families.

Mission of the Elouera Association (Inc)

“The Elouera Association (Inc), based in Cootamundra provides quality

education, employment, training, and other support services for people

with disabilities and their families, based on their individual needs in

Cootamundra and surrounding regions”

Review of the Mission and Vision

In 2018/19 Elouera Association Inc will move from an Incorporated

Association to a Company Limited by Guarantee and this will also see the

Board and Management review the mission, vision, logo and corporate

identity to ensure we are relevant in today's NDIS world.

Staffing Structure

Head of School

The school does not have a principal as such on site; being part of an organisational structure the legal head of school is the Chief Executive

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Officer of the Elouera Association (Inc). The most senior staff member at the School is the Head Teacher.

The CEO while not a teacher has extensive experience in the running of and management of an independent school having now served in this role for 19 years.

Head Teacher

Currently Liz Verri, the Head Teacher is responsible for the educational requirements of the Elouera Special School and all staff at the school are guided by Liz. Liz reports to the Chief Executive Officer, their two positions work closely to ensure the smooth running of the school. In late 2016 Liz took Maternity Leave and in her absence until mid 2017 Leonie Dunn was acting Head Teacher.


We currently have two full time teachers; one responsible for the junior school and one in the senior school. We also have two four time teachers who job share responsibility for the various class rooms.

Our senior school teacher is our Head Teacher Liz Verri and in 2017 the junior school teacher was Leonie Dunn. The other classes have Tisha McTavish and Kylie Rowan; Emily Harris, Luke Piotrowicz and Kerry Blackman and as its teachers. This was the first year the school operated 5 class rooms.

School Learning Support Officers

The school currently has six School Learning Support Officers and these positions report to the teacher that the head teacher assigns them to. We also have a casual SLSO hat can be called on when required.

Qualifications of Staff in 2016

Head Teacher: Ms Elizabeth Verri: Bachelor of Education- Australian Catholic University, Canberra, 1993 with 19 years full time at Elouera School.

Teacher Mrs Leonie Dunn Diploma of Teaching Armidale C.A.E. in 1988 and Bachelor of Education (Special Education) Canberra University in 1989 with 6 years full time at Elouera School.

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Part Time Teacher: Tisha McTavish- Bachelor of Social Science – Habilitation Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) 2013 Charles Sturt University with 4 years part time at Elouera School.

Part Time Teacher: Kylie Rowan- Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) Charles Sturt University 1998. Bachelor of Education (4th Year) (Primary) Charles Sturt University 1999 with 4 years full time at Elouera School.

Part Time Teacher: Emily Harris – Bachelor of Arts/Diploma of Education. – Special Education Minor. Emily has served many years in various roles

Part Time Teacher: Luke Piotrowicz - Bachelor of Teaching / Bachelor of Arts Degree Conferred in the specialisation of Social Sciences / Special Education at The University of Newcastle 1999 with 6 months part time at Elouera School.

SLSO: Ms Nancy Doubleday- Nursing Degree- 1980: Albury Base Hospital, Certificate 3 Teacher’s Aide Special with 20+ years of experience at Elouera School.

SLSO: Mrs Jennifer Roberts – Teacher’s Aide Special with 20+ years of experience at Elouera School.

SLSO: Ms Stacey Hardy- Certificate 3 Teacher’s Aide Special Certificate III Disability Work with 10 years of experience at the Elouera School

SLSO: Mrs Nadia Johnson- Certificate 3 Teacher’s Aide Special Certificate III Disability Work joined our team in 2016.

Plus one other who served at the school for a short time.

School Hours

The school hours are 8:00am to 3:30pm.

Teachers arrive at 8:00am and prepare for the day; they depart 15 minutes after the last student leaves or at a time that they chose beyond this.

School Learning Support Officers arrive for work at 9:00am and they depart at 3:00pm

Students can arrive from 8:45am.


Our end of year concert and presentation was held outside this year due to the hall now being used as our fifth class room. The hall was only small as you know and when it was built in 2004 it was deliberately built

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so that this could occur as the school grew. We have now started the process of building a new school hall and making some modifications to the fifth class to finish its transition from hall to classroom.

School Administration

As with all services of the Elouera Association (Inc) the administration is conducted from Head Office at 91-97 Wallendoon Street, Cootamundra.

The Head Teacher is responsible for local administrative requirements with the assistance of school and head office staff.

Head office staff also assist with the Post School transition program organising job sampling, work experience and transition to day services where required.

The Head Teacher and Senior Teacher of the Junior Section also are provided non

class days to allow them to complete administrative requirements.

Parents Survey

We conduct a parents satisfaction survey every few years asking the same ten questions to gauge any drift in service satisfaction. The questions cover a range of topics all relevant in the accreditation of the school and ensuring the best outcomes for students. The last surveys results are recorded below for your interest.

On the next page we have a chart of the results, we received 21 surveys back from the 28 sent out.

The overall satisfaction level is very high and the highest ever achieve in this surveys history.

Strongly Strongly No

Survey Questions 2014 Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Opinion

1 My Child is receiving quality educational support 19 2

at the Elouera Special School

2 I receive information regarding the school and my

child in a timely manner 17 4

3 I believe my opinions and concerns are or

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be given proper attention by the Head Teacher 18 3

even if I might not always agree with the decision

4 The Elouera Special School is a safe place for

students 20 1

5 I feel welcome when I come to the Elouera

Special School 21


I am invited to participate in the development of

of Individual Education Plans for my child 18 3

7 The Education program at the Elouera Special

Special School meets the special and individual 16 5

needs of my child

8 The School facilities and equipment meets the

special and individual needs of my child 17 4

9 Elouera Special School is a well run School that

meets the needs of children with a disability 20 1

in the region

10 I would recommend the Elouera Special School

to other parents of children with a disability 21

187 23 0 0 0

Teacher Standards & Professional Development

During 2017 Elouera Special School maintained an enrolment of 28-32 students. These students were placed in 4-5 classes, the breakdown was age appropriate and skills based to maximise learning opportunities and supports. Each class was supported by a full time teacher and full time SLSO with a spare SLSO.

Meetings were held with staff after school on a regular basis with Teaching Staff and once per term with SLSO. These were to review individual students needs, classroom programming report writing and

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plans for up and coming events. We also gave staff that attended PD days time to discuss their learning's with others.

Teaching staff Attended the following Professional Development

PEC's Training

Maintaining Teacher Accreditation

So Safe Training

Maintenance 2018 and Beyond, Accreditation

Autism Spectrum Disorder training

First Aide Certificates

Picky Eaters vs Problem Feeders SOS

In house training was also held on pupil free days and this included sessions on the Child Protection Act, investigations of a complaint and preparation for the NDIS in our region.

Teacher Attendance & Retention

Two full time teachers plus four part time teachers and five SLSO were retained during 2017.

There were 43.5 days sick leave taken by teaching staff throughout 2017 and 41 days sick leave taken by the School Learning Support Officers.

All current staff are to be retained in 2018.

Performance in State and National Tests Elouera School students were exempted from these tests due to their moderate or severe intellectual disability. This decision was made with parent support and agreement.

Student Retention and Attendance

In 2017 the school commenced the year with 28 students. We saw a number of changes and we finished the year with 32 students.

Our School had an attendance rate of 87.65% for the year by students.

We have a 100% retention rate for years 11& 12 largely due to the nature of the school and transition from School to Employment and Day Services occurring following the students 18th year.

Retention rates in Primary School

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Year Year K&1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

2016 2 0 1 6 5 2

2017 3 1 2 6 6 3

Year Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12

2009 1 0 3 1 3 1

2010 2 2 2 1 0 3

2011 1 2 2 2 1 0

2012 1 1 2 2 2 1

2013 2 1 1 1 2 2

2014 3 1 1 1 1 1

2015 0 3 1 1 1 1

2016 3 0 1 3 1 1

2017 2 0 2 3 1 1

Post School Destinations

One student received her Life Choices HSC at the end of the 2017. Sarah Nielsen then went on to attend the Elouera Centre Day Program in 2018.

Management of Non Attendance

Elouera Special School

Attendance Policy

The Education Act requires students to attend school. All students who are enrolled at school, regardless of their age, are expected to attend that school whenever instruction is provided.

Regular attendance at school is essential to assist students to maximise their potential. The Elouera Special School, in partnership with parents, is responsible for promoting the regular attendance of students.

Parents and Carers

Parents and carers are responsible for enrolling their children of compulsory school age in a government or registered non-government school, or for registering them with the Board of Studies for home schooling.

Parents and carers are responsible for ensuring that their children who are enrolled at school attend regularly.

Parents and carers are required to explain their children’s absences promptly to the school.

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Elouera will provide clear information to students and parents regarding attendance requirements and the consequences of unsatisfactory attendance.

Elouera will advise parents promptly when their children are absent from school without explanation.

Elouera will ensure that accurate records of student attendance are maintained in an approved format.

Elouera will ensure that all cases of unsatisfactory attendance and part or full day absences from school are investigated

promptly and that appropriate intervention strategies are implemented.


No later than 9.45 am teachers mark the roll and check attendances. The roll will be noted in line with DET marking codes. These making codes are attached to the back of each roll.

Phone calls from parents or carers referring to a child being absent will be noted in office diary and relevant teacher’s classroom diary.

The IN/OUT board displayed in the foyer is adjusted by staff and responsible senior students to reflect children who are absent for the day.

The Head Teacher will make a judgment as to whether a phone call to the parent is necessary (e.g. repeated and regular absences).

This phone call is registered in the office diary notes.

If the student has been absent without explanation for an extended period and efforts to contact the parent by phone are unsuccessful the following are to be put in place:

o Registered letter sent to last known address

o Registered letter sent to HSLO Wagga Office with student details

o Notation made in Student Record Folder with copies of letters

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o Notation made in admissions record

o Where the destination of a student under 17 years of age is unknown a fax will be sent to Wagga HSLO with details of the student to be investigated.

Rolls will be collected by the Head Teacher and checked during Week 5 and Week 10 of each term

Rolls will be finalised at the end of each term and attendances sent to the Head Teacher to be added into the ‘Attendance Sheet’ for the appropriate term.

This record is transferred to the Student Record Folder for each child

A summary sheet of all attendance is sent to Head Office Elouera-Association for ‘off site’ filing as well as in the school’s filing cabinet under “Attendances”.

Extended Approved Leave

A family may apply in writing to the Head Teacher to remove the student from the school for an extended period of time for a specific purpose such as an over seas holiday. The Head Teacher may agreed to or reject this request as per section 3.1 of the act.


Elouera Special School – Enrolment Policy


The Elouera Special School is registered with the Board of Studies as a School of a Prescribed Kind. As defined in the Board of Studies Manual for Registration and Accreditation of Individual Non-Government Schools in New South Wales. The Elouera Special School has been recognised as a school for children with a disability. The Board of Studies assumes that a school seeking registration for education of a prescribed kind, will have only students that meet that criteria. Therefore to be eligible for

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enrolment at the Elouera Special School a student must be assessed as having a moderate to severe or multiple disability including Developmental Disability, Autism (with a moderate developmental disability) or Mental Illness of certain kinds where this is managed or any other significant disability.


All enrolments require an Enrolment Form to be fully completed. Eligibility to attend the school will be based on our Eligibility criteria document

In certain cases the Head Teacher in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer may accept a new enrolment without an assessment of intellectual ability if they believe that the school may be able to meet the education and support needs of the student and the parent or caregiver is willing to have an assessment done as soon as possible. In these cases the student will be accepted on a trial basis only pending the outcome of the assessment . The trial period commences from the start of the students enrolment with sufficient time allowed to an external assessment to occur and to allow the school staff sufficient time to assess the

education and support needs of the student and if the Elouera Special School can meet those needs.

If, at the end of the trial period there remains some concerns about the eligibility of the student or whether the school can provide an appropriate level of support to meet the educational needs of the student discussions between the Chief Executive Officer, parents and care givers plus other relevant professionals will be held.


Where the recommendation by the Head Teacher in conjunction with the Elouera Association (Inc) Chief Executive Officer is, that the student does not meet the eligibility requirements of the school, or that the school can not provide the appropriate level of supports to meet the personal and educational needs of the student, then their enrolment trial will be terminated.

Where it is deemed that the students personal and educational needs can be met and eligibility clearly meets the requirements for enrolment at the school, the student will be offered full and ongoing enrolment.

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Dignity and Respect

Elouera Association (Inc) has developed a program on Dignity and respect that comes with easy to read resources and posters that discuss with all students and service users issues such as greeting people, treating with respect and not being a bully etc.

The posters are used to remind people when they may doe something that impacts on others, that this is one of the times we are talking about.

It is a successful initiative.

2017 Goals (Achievement of)

Achievement of Goals for 2017

Maintain Student Numbers Growth

While we have seen significant growth we now are in sight of having the fourth teaching position funded and would like to achieve this in 2017. This would require 28 students.

Result - We exceeded this goal retaining 28 but increasing to 32 through the year.

Complete the All Weather Cover over the Menzies Playground.

We did build the cover however we now need to install the furnishings and seating to the area.

Result - All tables and bench seats were installed under the all weather covered area and are used by students and staff in breaks and lesson times.

Consider the possibility of Five Classrooms

For the first time in the Elouera Special School's history we are introducing a fourth class in 2016. With continued interest in the school, we should consider at what point do we add a fifth class room.

Result - A fifth class was added to the Elouera Special School in term 3 2017 and this will continue into 2018

Look at New Multi Purpose Hall

We built the current hall in the Brady Building in 2003/4 and we are

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outgrowing this with increases in student numbers. Consider BGA Funding for a new project and design options for such a building.

Result - A design was drawn up of the new facilities with comments and input from all stakeholders. An application was submitted by Allan Young - Chief Executive Officer for funding and this was granted towards the end of 2017, an excellent outcome.

All goals for 2017 were achieved.

Goals for 2018

Maintain Numbers for Fifth Class

We aim to keep enrolments above 29 so the fifth class at the Elouera Special School can be maintained and we receive Supervisor Subsidy for four of the teaching staff.

Start the building Project for the New Hall

Finalise the design, tenders and commence the building process for the new building at the Elouera Special School with a completion date target of 30 June 2019.

Increase SLSO Numbers to Seven

With increased student numbers increase the SLSO numbers to seven so we have two spare for personal care needs and one on one work so there is always one SLSO left in the class room with teaching staff.

Train Staff to Drive Bus

We have a nice 22 seat bus at the school but only two current staff can drive it. Increase this to at least four.

Teacher Accreditation

Have the arrangements with AIS on Accreditation completed and staff requiring the Accreditation process supported through the process.

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By Allan Young – Chief Executive Officer

The 2017 year produced a great financial outcome with a $195,080 surplus after all activities. This includes a share revaluation, dividends and input credits of $73,017. Operationally we did show a healthy surplus of $122,063 if you take out the change in the investment funds share portfolio.

The share portfolio is a part of the investment fund and it consists of shares left to the School by the Late Arthur Menzies. We have a long term strategy of holding onto the shares and using the dividends so while they may raise and lower in value over the years this is a paper valuation and has no impact on the operational funds of the school. Dividends from the shares are used for maintenance and capital projects.

Our income in 2017 was $1,306,777 an increase on last years $1,052,236 due to an increase in student numbers and the new school funding model working in our favour. Our expenditure was $1,111,697 an increase on last years $883,359 for the year or $38,555 per student.

Our largest expenditure items were wages and related costs totalling $839,951 for the year or 75.5% of our total expenditure. .

Government funding for the entire year was a split between State and Federal Governments, a combined total of $1,225,016 with the balance coming from shared dividends, donations and fee's.

Our auditors Bush and Campbell audit the whole of the organisation each financial year and the Elouera Special School each calendar year. This effectively means we audit the financial position of the school independently twice every year.

The accounts that follow have been audited by Bush & Campbell Chartered Accountants of Wagga Wagga. They represent a true and accurate position of the Elouera Special School as at 31 December 2017.

Any specific questions or enquiries relating to these accounts can be directed to Allan Young on (02)6942 6586.


Chief Executive Officer

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Page 41: ELOUERA SPECIAL SCHOOLelouera-association.com/ESS2017.pdf · senior class for half of the year, our Junior School teacher Leonie Dunn who became the Acting Head Teacher and she did