Emerging Technologies You Need to Understand Bill Puncer, Esq. LexisNexis Patrick DiDomenico, CKO, Gibbons PC

Emerging Technologies You Need to Understand Bill Puncer, Esq. LexisNexis Patrick DiDomenico, CKO, Gibbons PC

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Emerging Technologies You Need to Understand

Bill Puncer, Esq. LexisNexis

Patrick DiDomenico, CKO, Gibbons PC

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PartnerSave me gobs of

money, but make sure we’re in tip-top shape

PartnerSave me gobs of

money, but make sure we’re in tip-top shape

The Chorus In Today’s Law Firm

EveryoneI want Google for

my firm data!!!

EveryoneI want Google for

my firm data!!!

Fresh from SchoolWhaddya mean I can’t

use my brand new, $400 IPhone?!?

Fresh from SchoolWhaddya mean I can’t

use my brand new, $400 IPhone?!?

CustomerSave me money, anddon’t forget about the


CustomerSave me money, anddon’t forget about the


Significant OtherWhat do you mean

another #$!@ weekend migration? It’s

Valentine’s Day!!

Significant OtherWhat do you mean

another #$!@ weekend migration? It’s

Valentine’s Day!!

AssociateWhy can’t I get to

Facebook? Where’s my IM?

AssociateWhy can’t I get to

Facebook? Where’s my IM?

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Stated Another Way Volume has grown exponentially

Content repositories have multiplied Subscription services have proliferated

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Knowledge Management

KM resources are not fully utilized– After a few unsuccessful searches, people stop looking– Subscription services not fully utilized– Reliance on personal precedents is dated and not scalable

Untapped expertise within the firm– Insight on precedents are not being shared

Dedicated people are expensive– Many US firms cannot afford to replicate UK-style KM– ROI is hard to calculate

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Technology to the Rescue (We Hope)

• Emerging trends and technologies will help us cope

• But … cost consciousness will continue, forcing us to pick and choose what will give us a big bang or leverage our existing investments

• Key areas we’ll focus on

• Finding Information: The Search is Over…

• Personal Collaboration: It’s not just for tying a Windsor knot anymore!

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Changing User Expectations

Why use this? When you are used to this?

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Knowledge in Action: Familiar Examples

Google: Intelligent Spotlighting

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Knowledge in Action: The Amazon Approach

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Imagine… Work Product Recommendations

Attorneys who viewed the document Microsoft Anti-Trust Motion for Leave to Intervene also viewed:

- Microsoft Hotmail Acquisition Agreement- Apple Patent Infringement Research- Microsoft Intent to Acquire Google

Attorneys citing 346 U.S. App. D.C. 330 also frequently cited:

- 367 F. Supp. 258- 466 U.S. 2-609 F.2d 843

Attorneys researching the topic Intellectual Property and China suggest the following experts:

- Al K. Seltzer- Anna Graham- Marty Graw

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By any name, Web 2.0 smells as sweet

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iPhone Collaboration

15,000+ ApplicationsAre any business collaborative?

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iPhone Hits (or Misses?)





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Light on Collaboration


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Interesting Concept

Cisco WebExMeeting Center

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Social Networking - Where

• ~ 50% of attorneys are members of online social networks • 59% in private practice• 76% < 36 years old

• Over 40% of attorneys believe professional networking has the potential to change the practice of law *

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Social Networking

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Keeping in touch with friends

Making new contacts

Career advancement

Personal hobby

Identify new referral sources

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Social Networking by Corporate Counsel

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Access to information

Exchange info/experiences

More quickly select

Find "right" attorney


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What do you mean by Productivity?•Gibbons

– The 3 R’s – Right information to the Right people at the Right time

– Enabling Self-Service – Give a fish & Teach to fish

– The 4th R – The Right Tool for the Job

– Enhance workflow, eliminate disruptions