Lifestyle Change Weight Program Richard Albright, CHt ASCENT COACHING LLC | 314 S. Fillmore Street, Beverly Hills, FL 34465 | [email protected] Empowering Lives

Empowering Lives - Ascent Coaching LLC · Naturally Lose Weight with Proven Nutritional Changes Read this entire program before starting any portion of it. Let's look at the truth

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Page 1: Empowering Lives - Ascent Coaching LLC · Naturally Lose Weight with Proven Nutritional Changes Read this entire program before starting any portion of it. Let's look at the truth


Lifestyle Change Weight Program

Richard Albright, CHt

ASCENT COACHING LLC | 314 S. Fillmore Street, Beverly Hills, FL 34465 | [email protected]

Empowering Lives

Page 2: Empowering Lives - Ascent Coaching LLC · Naturally Lose Weight with Proven Nutritional Changes Read this entire program before starting any portion of it. Let's look at the truth


Lifestyle Change Weight Program ___________________ 1

Naturally Lose Weight with Proven Nutritional Changes __ 2

How Failed Diets Lead to Discovery _________________ 3

Deep Cellular Fat Cells ___________________________ 8

Time to Embark on a Journey Like No Other___________ 10

Let’s Get Started ________________________________ 16

Empowerment __________________________________ 18

A Nutritional Guide ______________________________ 26

Feed Me _______________________________________ 30

Fats, Carbohydrates, and Proteins ___________________ 33

Vitamins _______________________________________ 37

Minerals _______________________________________ 43

Supplements ___________________________________ 49

Recap/ Time to Start _____________________________ 50

General Food List ________________________________ 52

Height to Weight Chart ____________________________ 54

Sample Diet Plan _________________________________ 55

Values Chart ____________________________________ 56

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) & Disclaimer _______ 57

Hypnotic Sessions 1-8 ____________________________ 58

Ascent Coaching LLC Disclaimer ____________________ 61

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Ascent Coaching LLC

Empowering Lives

314 S. Fillmore St., Beverly Hills, FL 34465 | ascentcoachingllc.com | 352-306-0502

Lifestyle Change Weight Program

Ascent Coaching LLC’s Lifestyle Change Weight Program was specifically designed for those who tried and failed at other weight loss programs. Other

programs target people with promises of success. “Lose “X” pounds in 30

days,” or “Take 5-inches off your waist in 30 days.”

They are offered to the public with psychological marketing plans ones

intentionally including emotional ties to endorsing celebrities and testimonials.

Case in point. Without any disrespect to

Ms. Oprah Winfrey, she has tried multiple diets. After each program, year after year, she appeared to have gained weight months later. What stopped

her progress? Her mindset. No one is immune to negative subconscious thought patterns. She, most likely, went back to her subconscious driven

reality and ate what she wanted and gained all the weight plus more back. In February 2007, Oprah says she put on the first few pounds. Then, as life took over and she began to feel overwhelmed, she turned to food for comfort. "I have known since my early years of working with Bob Greene that for me it is not a cosmetic issue. It is an emotional issue," she says. "When my engine runs down, my drug of choice is food. My drug of choice used to be potato chips. Now, this year, it was organic multigrain blue chips...but a bag of them. So, you eat a bag of those a day, and see what happens if you're not working out." (Source: https://www.oprah.com/health/oprahs-weight-loss-confession/all)

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Naturally Lose Weight with Proven Nutritional Changes

Read this entire program before starting any portion of it.

Let's look at the truth. Dieting sucks. Besides, most of the time people give

up once they lose a few pounds. Afterward, they gain it all back plus a few

pounds. Not good. There is a better way to lose weight, keep it off, and live a healthier, happier life. Is it easier than dieting? Not if you aren't

serious about keeping those pounds off for the long haul. Changes are required, habits must be altered, and you must really just want to end those

crazy dieting routines once and for all.

Why Should You Lose Weight?

Losing weight can be very beneficial for people that are overweight or obese. Why? you might ask if you don't know already. It's a matter of simple

statistics. Statistically, losing weight lowers the risk of you getting Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood

pressure, and even some types of


It's a heck of a lot easier to lose weight and keep it off with proven nutritional

changes than it is to pay an untold amount of money in medical bills if you

get Type 2 diabetes, have a heart attack, deal with the effects of high

blood pressure, or must have treatments for cancer. Do you agree?

Good, let's move on.

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How Failed Diets Lead to Discovery

Diets fail for a variety of reasons. Some of the most important reasons

include the trials and tribulations of your goals. What, you didn't set any

goals? Eureka! You've just made a discovery. First, there is no such thing as a failed diet. Hence, the reason for the strikethrough. Simply replace the

word failed with the word discovery and you'll soon discover why diets that

didn't end as expected are just part of a discovery process or lack of one.

Without a clear-cut goal you can't head on a journey across

your state without a roadmap, so why attempt a diet without a clear-cut goal with dates, times, and a defined

plan? Makes sense doesn't it?

Next are the real issues and facts. The discovery process is used to inform

you of the consequences of not losing weight. You may have missed the big picture. Let's clarify the discovery process versus the plain failed dieting plan

by looking at, discovering, a few facts.

Fact #1: Heart Issues:

In 1997, the American Heart Association (AHA) acknowledged that obesity

was an independent modifiable cardiovascular risk factor. Studies suggest patients with BMIs (Body Mass Index) greater than 30 have significantly

shorter life spans than those who are not affected by obesity. Excess weight, especially central or abdominal obesity, significantly increases the risk for

heart disease. (Source: ObesityAction.org, 2018).

Fact #2: Fatty Liver Disease:

A fatty liver occurs when you take in more fat and calories than your liver

can process. As a result, simple fats build up in the liver cells, making the liver prone to damage. The most common reason for the development of

fatty liver disease is obesity—with obese individuals increasing their chances of developing the condition by about 75-percent. (Source: Active Beat,


Fact #3: Diabetes:

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. If you have Type 2

diabetes your body does not use insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance. At first, your pancreas makes extra insulin to make up for it but

the increased demand dramatically slows production of insulin which in turn

raises glucose levels.

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When glucose builds up in the blood instead of going into cells, it can cause

two problems:

• Right away, your cells may be starved for energy.

• Over time, high blood glucose levels may hurt your eyes, kidneys,

nerves or heart. (Source: Alothealth, 2018).

Fact #4: Bone Health:

Research has shown that obese people have reduced bone density relative to their body weight, as well as an increased risk of fractures even in those

with normal bone density. In addition, type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance

are also associated with an increased risk of fractures.

Fact #5: Sex:

• Men: Overweight men may have a more difficult time having sex than slim men. According to the medical experts at the Obesity Action

Coalition sexual dysfunction is a side effect of obesity. • Women: Several research studies have shown that women with

higher body mass index (BMI) are more likely to suffer from sexual problems. Some researchers believe it may be related to poor

circulation in the genital area. Difficulty with sex may lead to decreased sexual satisfaction and poor body image. (Source:

Endocrineweb, 2018). Access the BMI Calculator here.

Fact #6: Cancer:

• Being overweight or obese can lead to endometrial, breast, colon,

kidney, gallbladder, and liver cancer. (Source Zenya, 2018).

Fact #7: Everything else is impacted, too:

• All-causes of death (mortality)

• High blood pressure (Hypertension)

• High LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, or high levels of

triglycerides (Dyslipidemia)

• Stroke

• Gallbladder disease

• Osteoarthritis (a breakdown of cartilage and bone within a joint)

• Sleep apnea and breathing problems

• Low quality of life

• Mental illness such as clinical depression, anxiety, and other mental


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• Body pain and difficulty with physical functioning. (Source: Center for

Disease Control, 2018).

Let’s get real.

Being healthy is being free from mental and physical limitations. Being healthy is showing respect for your body, mind, and essence. Being healthy

is about staying in harmony with the world and everything in it.

The treasure of life itself is within you. To remain vibrant and constructive,

you must remain healthy.

This program is as much about your weight and health as it is about your


Did you know your subconscious controls your body? The subconscious feeds all the cells within your body and keeps all the organs vibrant and working

properly. It remembers everything. It is the seat of your memory, habits, emotions, reflexes, and it works on autopilot 24/7 day in and day out, year

after year.

The subconscious mind, however, can be fooled with a false reality.

You see, the objective conscious mind controls the subconscious mind. It is the gatekeeper. Whereas, the subconscious mind is subjective in nature, as

such it can take repeated true or false suggestions and affirmations and

make either thought or affirmation a core value.

The law of life is the law of belief. It you believe in something and feel it emotionally with repeated thought, the subconscious takes the suggestions

as true, whether they are true or false.

Negative thoughts bring negative results. Let’s look at a prime example.

A person repeatedly thinks pastries are delicious, knowing they contain way

too many empty calories. After a short while, the pastries gain an emotional

attachment, a good feeling based on the sense of taste.

When that person gets stressed, they may need the comfort, the good feeling they get when they eat pastries, even knowing they aren’t good for


Over time the emotional rationalization is set in the subconscious mind as a

reality. Stress equals pastries and the false sense that everything is going to be okay sets in. Comfort food. Pastries. But it doesn’t stop there, more

negative habits follow.

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The only way to get out of this harmful loop is to retrain and reframe the

subconscious mind. Transform your thinking.

No one really knows the ultimate power of our subconscious mind. However, given the

subconscious mind constantly evolves, creates, and directs our daily lives, we as humans

constantly tap into its resources.

The connections perceived become reality as we gain new understandings

when relieved of the constraints placed upon us by our own conscious


Retraining and refocusing the subconscious mind, therefore, leads to a

positive mindset and new patterns of thinking.

About now, you may be asking yourself, “I thought this was a Lifestyle

Change Weight Program?”

Relax, it is. First, we’re going to find and address all the TEM (Try Everything

Method) programs that negatively impacted your life.

Any attempt to dive right into a weight loss program without first clearing

your mind and easing those corrupt and destructive thought patterns keeps

you in the TEM environment.

Ideally, you should enter any program with a state of mind conducive to achieving success. To do this you must understand the subconscious mind is

the seat of your memory and any negative thoughts only get in your way, consciously and subconsciously. Removing them lets you sidestep those

TEM programs that kept you from meeting prior goals in life, weight loss

programs included.

Another example: Sally Fictitious had a friend who always made snide remarks about Sally’s dress size. The repeated jabs got under Sally’s skin so

much she felt like smacking the offender.

Being a kind and considerate woman, she buried the idea in her mind. The

remarks continued, and Sally started having dreams about her dress size.

The dreams became so frequent, Sally’s stress level skyrocketed.

Sally reminisced about the last three years and the number of diets she

tried. Yeah, Sally lost a few pounds with each one, however, after each time she stopped a l program she gained more weight back than she lost. After a

few months, she entered into a stress storm. She felt horrible. Negative

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thoughts permeated her mind. She felt like a loser. Her performance at work

started slipping.

Sally thought, “I just can’t lose weight; I’ll be heavy the rest of my life.”

What happened here? The idea she couldn’t lose weight was now buried in

Sally’s subconscious mind. The thought became her reality, whether she

realized it or not.

Sally’s subconscious mind was sabotaging any efforts to lose weight.

Until those thoughts are retrained and refocused, Sally will stay in the TEM

environment when it comes to diets. She found herself in a rut of never succeeding, one planted there by a mere subconscious thought, a thought

that solidified in her mind each time she attempted a diet plan.

The same scenario works for anything you may attempt in life. If you harbor

negative thoughts long enough they go deep into your subconscious mind,

and they become your reality like it or not.

Retraining and refocusing is required, it’s you ticket to stay out of the TEM

and succeed at anything faster, while spending less time and money in the

long haul.

Okay. Let’s move on to finding out what stops your attempts to complete a weight program and give you the basis to do whatever you seek to


I believe in you. Let’s do it.

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Deep Cellular Fat Cells (DCFC)

Second, let’s take a look at some hard facts. Don’t believe you will ever lose

deep cellular fats cells. It’s impossible.

Deep cellular fat cells are reformed in childhood. You have “X” number of

deep cellular fat cells and that number never, ever changes. As an adult the

number stays the same, always.

What changes is the size of these deep cellular fat cells, not the number pf them in your body. When you intake more calories than you burn these

cells explode in size. They choke your liver, kidneys, bladder, pancreas, and

all your other internal organs wreaking havoc with your entire system.

Guess what, caloric intake is the same if you eat 1,800 calories a day of donuts, pastries, cookies, ice cream and so forth as you would if you ate

1,800 calories of spinach, kale, celery, salads, and other healthy foods.

The difference is the caloric intake from the donuts, et al, consists of “empty

calories.” These calories help your deep fat cells grow exponentially (a.k.a.,

those unsightly fat cells on your thighs, belly fat, and more, whereas the calories from healthy foods provide your body with the needed proteins,

vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and enzymes it needs to function properly.

You’re right if you think exercise improves muscle tone, endurance, and your

overall appearance. You can exercise all you want but if you eat more calories than you burn, you’ll simply gain weight by feeding your deep

cellular fat cells.

Recent research indicates one enzyme called Adenosine Monophosphate-

Activated Protein Kinase (AMPK) is found in every cell in your body. This enzyme plays a significant part in determining your body fat composition.

(Source: Wake Forest University, Dr. Wang, et al, 2016)

When your AMPK enzyme level declines from the intake of too much food

(a.k.a. too many calories), you experience nutritional overload. Reversing this trend is possible with the proper diet by balancing the proteins,

minerals, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, and enzymes your body requires.

Just realize for now, you can, with the proper diet, elevate your AMPK to shrink the size of those nasty deep cellular fat cells. (Source: UCLA,

Integrative Biology and Physiology, 2017).

Stress is also a contributor to the growth of these cells. Why, you ask? When

people stress out, they go the one of the things that helps them cope- food. Junk food, mostly. Reduce your stress levels and help eliminate the trip to

the goodie shelf at home. Better yet, eliminate your stock of junk foods.

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There are several known enzymes that combat the growth of the DCFCs in your system. These are naturally occurring AMPK activators. The are:

Beberine, Gynostemma, and Quercetin.

Beberine is found in the European barberry plant, goldenseal, goldthread.

Oregon grape, phellodendron, and tree turmeric. It is mostly taken by mouth for diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. (source

(wikihow, 2018)

Gynostemma is a climbing vine in the cucumber, gourd, and melon family. It is popular for tis ability to help control weight., it can help maintain blood

sugar levels and remove harmful blood fat from deep cellular fat cells. Gynostemma is powerful antioxidant and helps relieve stress. (Source:

herblist.net, 2018)

Quercetin is a plant pigment (flavonoid). It is found in red wine, onions,

green tea, apples, berries, Ginkgo biloba, St. John’s wort, American elder, and others. Taken by mouth it is used to treat conditions of the heart and

blood vessels and prevent cancer.

You can read more about Quercetin in the Pharmacognosy Review.

NOTE: The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) states no supplement or vitamin can promise to cure any diseases.

NOTE: Always check with your physician before taking any vitamins,

minerals, and supplements.

We’ll delve more into calories, proteins, carbs, minerals, vitamins, and

enzymes in following sections.

For now, let’s concentrate on the mental aspect of Lifestyle Changes that will

allow you to move forward with confidence, determination, and the willpower

needed to succeed.

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Time to Embark on a Journey Like No Other

Stress starts with a trigger or issue and builds with time. It may take only

one last proverbial straw to impact your life in the most negative way.

In fact, stress is the number one cause of maladaptive behaviors (smoking,

over eating, drug use, nail biting, etc.), and psychosomatic illnesses (hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome, skin rashes, etc.,) and costs U.S.

organizations over $500 billion a year in lost time and wages.

When you are caught in a stress storm, you may fume about it for hours or

days, maybe even longer.

The trigger or issue can be someone making a comment about you, staring at you, or talking behind you back. People always eventually find out what’s

being said about them. And the moment someone else tells what so-and-so said the stress storm starts. It could be anything that initiates anger,

resentment, or elicits negative feelings.

We’re going to curtail, perhaps even eliminate the stress storms in your life.

Do not go to the nutrition section until you are guided there. Doing so may

invite negative results.

Let’s move on.

It’s time to evaluate the events that trigger those negative feelings in you, in

your mind.

Listen to this hypnotic session for Well-Being to set you up for achieving

what has eluded you for too long.

Hypnotic Session 1: Aspirations for Well-Being

To get the most out of the hypnotic sessions it is imperative you learn how

to breathe properly. Yes, you’ve been breathing for years, however, learn

this method and you’ll soon find a difference in how your feel inside.

Breathing should be from the belly, not the chest. The vagus nerve, also known as the pneumogastric nerve, is the longest nerve in autonomic

nervous system of the human body. Without going into a biological description, the nerve is responsible for your heart rate, gastrointestinal

system, speech, lungs, colon, and more.

By belly breathing you stimulate the nerve at is diaphragm location. Such

stimulation is good for the system as the signal is sent directly to your brain.

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In short, the vagus nerve supplies motor parasympathetic fibers to all the organs (except the adrenal glands), from the neck down to the second

segment of the transverse colon. The vagus also controls a few skeletal


Before listening to the hypnotic session try this exercise. Belly breathe in through your nose for the count of four inflating your lungs completely, hold

that breath for the count of seven, and exhale through your mouth slowly while you count to eight, emptying your lungs completely. Do this 5-8 times

while laying down.

You’ll find yourself completely relaxed and ready to listen to the session.

Listen to Hypnotic Session 1 every night for two weeks as you lay down

to go to sleep.

WEEK ONE: Negative Feelings

Start a journal. Keep it to yourself. It will be your bypass around

TEM in a few weeks. Date and time stamp each entry.

Negative feelings have a way of tearing you down. You begin to question yourself. The stress storm takes over your life and makes accomplishing

anything more difficult.

Monday, Day 1

Activity 1: DLFAS

D stands for disempowering as it relates to health. Disempowering

comments, behavior, and comments people make regarding your health

actually starts the stress storm.

Your body initiates the fight or flight syndrome.

What are your unique triggers that make you feel out-of-sort, pulled in many

directions, like you are living with other people, not true to yourself,

powerless, or overwhelmed?

Write them down in your journal. Remember to date and time your answers.

When the stress storm hits your body chemistry gets out of whack. Any

attempt to start a weigh program is pretty much doomed at this stage.

Have you experience a false start before? Write any such experiences in

your journal. Capture more as the week continues.

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Record all the disempowering incidences you encounter during the week.

You might be surprised how everything piles up on you.

Week One, Tuesday, Day 2

L stands for lack. What are you lacking regarding your health? What does

lack take away from your goals? What do you think you are poor in? Lack could be anything from not being able to buy the clothes you admire to

criticizing yourself for not continuing toward your goal, in this case you

would be lacking self-esteem.

Answer the questions in your journal and date and time stamp them.

Continue on for every day of the week.

Don’t focus on what you are lacking when compared to anyone else. You are an individual, unique in many ways. Remember, you can be what you will to


Focus on the ideal you. Close your eyes and see it clearly in your mind.

Focus on who you are.

Week One, Wednesday, Day 3

F stands for fear. Fear of disapproval. Fear of rejection. Thoughts create fear

and fear becomes anger. In this state, your mind freezes and instead of

making good decisions you react or freeze.

Write down your biggest fears in your journal. You know what to do by now.

Week One, Thursday, Day 4

A stands for anxiety. Healthy changes bring anxiety, panic attacks. You may think, “I can’t do this,” but you can. Again, the affirmation, “I can do what I

will to be,” will rescue you from those negative thoughts.

When the stress storm starts in women their serotonin level drops. Serotonin

is made from an amino acid called tryptophan, which appears in many foods.

We’ll touch on serotonin more later.

Mistakenly, some women feed the fire by adding carbohydrates to get feel

good feeling back. The result-deepening stress.

Adding carbs at this juncture can send you into depressed feelings, anxious

feelings, and can lead to chemical imbalance.

How does anxiety impact your health? Journal time.

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Week One, Friday, Day 5

S stands for sabotage. Sabotage includes procrastination, chaos, fear, fights,

and other ways you may mentally tell yourself you can’t do it.

What activity to you engage in when you are sabotaging yourself? Write it


Self-Empowerment is being the authority in your life. It’s taking control. It’s

about taking back you power and steering away from TEMs.

It’s about keeping a positive mental outlook, inspired by affirmations and

love of self.

Saturday, Day 6: Week Recap

Let’s recap the week to see what you learned so far and ask a few questions.

Answer these questions and record your answers in your journal.

How important is your health to you?

Do you feel free from physical and mental limitations?

Do you respect the miracle of your body, mind, and essence?

Do you feel harmonious, peaceful, and unconditionally loving to yourself?

Week 2, Step 1, Monday-Thursday

Identifying What You Don’t Want

Complete these statements in your journal. Include everything you don’t

want to be physically and/or mentally.

I don’t want to be _________________________________________.

I don’t want to be _________________________________________.

I don’t want to be _________________________________________.

I don’t want to be _________________________________________.

I don’t want to be _________________________________________.

You’re doing great. Let’s continue.

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Now write down the things you do want. Generally, they are the opposite of

what you don’t want.

I want to _________________________________________________.

I want to _________________________________________________.

I want to _________________________________________________.

I want to _________________________________________________.

I want to _________________________________________________.

Example: I don’t want to be overweight, so I want to be the ideal weight for

my body type.

Now align your goals (the do wants) with you what you value. You can use

the examples from the Values Chart in the appendix.

Next consider this: How you currently think and feel about yourself will stop

you from getting what you want.

What did you think and feel about yourself? Write your answers down, don’t

forget to time and date your reply. I know this seems repetitious, that’s because it was meant to be this way. You’ll clear out the negativity as you


Finally, before you can be, you need to think and feel differently.

Example: Repeat this affirmation or one of your own daily. “I am the kind of person who remains calm in every situation. I can be all I will myself to be. I

am energetic and happy.”


During the week capture all incidences that feel as though they contain reoccurring themes. For instance, if a particular person or idea sets off a

stress storm four times during the week, it is a reoccurring incident. Journal all of them so you can compare them. Getting rid of these stressors in

batches works great. Don’t rely on your memory, journal them.

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WEEK Two, Friday


During week two, you identified what you don’t want and choose the

opposite for what you do want.

Aligning want you do want helps you set specific goals. Example: I want to lose 20 pounds in three-months. (Note: it’s best to lose wright slowly.

Remember this is a life change not a diet program. Wholesale changes are stressful on the body and mind. Take it easy, you’ll meet your goal and

change your entire mindset for life and be better for it.

What you’re doing by Empowering yourself is giving yourself permission to

be all you can be. You’re taking back control of your life.

Be proud of yourself.


Hypnotic Session Two: Ego-strengthening

Listen to hypnotic Session Two every day this week as you lay

down to go to sleep. This session focuses on ego-strengthening. The

session offers positive suggestions of self-worth, goal accomplishment,

and future visualizations.

Remember to do the breathing exercise after you lay down and

before the hypnotic session starts.

Listen to the session daily in week three so you form a positive attitude

about your goals in your subconscious mind.

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Let’s get started

It’s time to think about your goals. Goals should be set with a specific end

date; however, be mindful this is a Lifestyle Change Weight Program and it doesn’t ever end. Don’t give yourself the idea you can go back to your

former habits. The overall goal here is to develop new habits.

Keep in mind, goals can and should be changed when necessary.

You’ll be using SMART goals in this program. SMART goals are:

• S – Specific (or Significant).

• M – Measurable (or Meaningful).

• A – Attainable (or Action-Oriented).

• R – Relevant (or Rewarding).

• T – Time-bound (or Trackable).

Set short-term goals first. Example: I will lose 10 pounds by date, 201x. If

your overall plan is to lose 50 pounds, set your weight loss goals in increments. Set the first goal at ten pounds, the next fifteen pounds and the

third at ten pounds, all with target dates for achieving them. Remember, you may have a few setbacks, don’t let them stress you out. Realign you values,

and forge ahead. You can be what you want to be.

This short-term goal is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-


When you’ve achieved a goal reward yourself. Buy a book, a new garment,

or take the time to enjoy the satisfaction of having done so. Don’t celebrate

by dining out, or eating those items you crave-the ice cream, donuts, etc.

If the goal was a significant one, reward yourself appropriately. All of this

helps you build the self-confidence you deserve.

With the experience of having achieved this goal, review the rest of your

goal plans:

• If you achieved the goal too easily, make your next goal harder.

• If the goal took a dispiriting length of time to achieve, make the next goal

a little easier.

• If you learned something that would lead you to change other goals, do


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• If you noticed a deficit in your skills despite achieving the goal, decide

whether to set goals to fix this.

During this week you’ll set your goals. Leave enough space in your

journal for the months ahead.

Don’t Start tracking Anything Yet. You have not set up a plan. Doing so

now jeopardizes your success.

With the journal, you’ll be tracking your progress, including weight, what

you eat, the number of calories, grams for each item, number of

teaspoons, and so on. You will review your progress weekly once you get


NOTE: It may be easier for you to invest in an app that tracks everything

for you. There are a lot of them available for both Android and I-phones.

Make it easier on yourself and make this small investment, though many

of the free ones work well, too. All offer premium programs that track

your exercises, number of steps walked, etc., and can be purchased for a

minimal fee. I won’t recommend any one specifically, though I use a

freebee and it works just fine. Pick one and get used to how it works

during the week.

Another hint: Stay off the scale before you get started. You’ll be weighing

yourself once a week once after you start. At that time, you’ll pick

a day, preferably Saturday first thing in the morning. Try to weigh

yourself at the same time every week.

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Empowerment: Week Four

Hypnotic Session Three: Higher Self-esteem

Listen to this hypnotic session nightly during week four as you go to sleep.

Empowerment is the process of becoming stronger and more confident,

especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights.

Empowering oneself is first and foremost a mindset. The affirmation, “I can be what I want to be,” solidifies this in the subconscious mind with

repetition. Say it often with emotion.

Let’s take the empower method one letter at a time. As you go along write

down any positive and negative thoughts in your journal.

Week Four, Sunday, Day 1

E stands for Exchange. You’ll exchange those items you don’t want with the ones you DO want. Those triggers and issues that got under your skin before

will vanish, your stress level will decrease, and you’ll feel fantastic about

your journey to become a better you.

You will exchange one previous behavior that no longer fits in your life. One

that is not in line with who you think of yourself as. Write it in your journal. HINT: Your don’t want list is now your friend, pick a don’t want item and

exchange it with the item you do want.

Example: “I don’t want to squeeze into a size “X,” instead I will easily be

able to put on a size “X” dress by (date) and I’ll look fantastic.”

When describing how you’ll feel and look, embellish the thought. Act as

though you are already there and believe.

You’ve fought past attempts to meet your goals but now you are arming

yourself with positive affirmations, setting the goals and preferences you

desire. It’s important to stay with these thoughts.

I believe in your ability to succeed. Nice job!!!

You will also exchange one belief that no longer fits how you see yourself as.

Imagine the new you and adapt your thoughts and vision of yourself


Again, exchange a belief you don’t want with a positive belief you do want.

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Example: “I don’t want to fail at this Lifestyle Change Weight Program for weight loss, instead I believe I will achieve my goal of losing “X” pounds by

(date). Achieving this milestone is important to my health and well-being. I

feel proud of myself as do my family and friends.”

Again, embellish your do want list. Make it feel real, imagine it as if you have already achieved the goal. Imagine how proud you feel inside. Notice how

you glow when you look in the mirror. Believe in yourself.

Write everything in your journal.

Week Four, Monday, Day 2

M stands for mindful.

Be mindful of a past behavior that is not in line with who you see yourself as today. Write down how that behavior or those behaviors that kept you from

meeting past goals in your journal.

When looking at your list, do you feel that you are in control of the situation

or did the situation control you? Write your answer in your journal.

Example: “In the past, I ate whenever I didn’t get things my way because I was angry and “feel-good” food healed calm my nerves. Instead, I now take

a walk. While walking, I think about the pleasantries of the day, what made

me smile, and how I felt inside.”

Be mindful of a past belief that no longer fits with who you see yourself as.

Write down those behaviors that made you feel angry, sorry, and stressed.

Example: “In the past, I believed I could not lose weight. Instead, I am gaining the confidence I need to move forward with this Lifestyle Change

Weight Program. I know I will succeed.”

Stay the course, we are getting closer to success with every tick of the clock.

I believe in you. Congratulations. Now, go ahead and be mindful of your new

behaviors and beliefs.

Week Four, Tuesday, Day 3

P stands for permission.

The inner beliefs you’ve formed over your life may have given you a feeling of being powerless. Powerless to achieve any goal, be it weight loss, the

promotion at work, or earning that long sought-after certificate or degree.

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You may feel this way if you hold underlying issues to be true in your mind. Defeat these false beliefs by feeding your subconscious mind with positive


See yourself differently. Imagine reaching your goal. Visualize yourself as if

you have already achieved your goals. Place images of the new you in your mind. Yes, occasional setbacks will occur. So, what. Think past those small

hiccups. Your ultimate goal will be achieved. Believe in yourself.

You have permission to use your new behaviors and believes to their full

potential. You have permission to use your new beliefs to make a better life

for yourself, to achieve your goals, and to feel great inside and out.

Imagine how great a person you really are; be that person.

Hypnotherapy session 2 is a self-esteem raising session designed to bolster

your subconscious mind, relax you, and set a pattern of confidence in motion. The pattern emphasizes your future self. Listen to the session often

during the program.

Week Four, Wednesday, Day 4

O stands for Options.

In the past, people may have been unkind to you. You also may have been unkind to yourself. These three options do away with those disparaging

remarks or actions.

Use them as necessary to help you step away from negativity and move

toward a positive environment. Say them kindly both to yourself and others. The aim is to remove the negative connotations and implications and resolve

them with positivity.

When you or others are unkind choose an appropriate option below.

Option 1: Respond with a power-punched zinger that says, you messed with

the wrong person.

Example: “I have the right to do what I want. You have no power over me.

Please excuse me.” Afterward, you go on your way.

Option 2: Respond with curiosity.

Example: “That’s great, but please tell me, what qualifies you to make that

judgement on my behalf?”

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Option 3: Be undisturbed. Let them choose to be who they choose to be and ignore them. Don’t seek their approval by justifying your decisions or

explaining yourself. Simply walk away.

Remember: It’s better to be who you choose to be, what you choose to

think, and what you choose to believe.

Week Four, Thursday, Day 5

W stands for work with. Work with your feminine nature.

For the guys who are using this program. Males have a feminine side same

as gals have a masculine side. It’s the way we were built. Go with the feminine side of your being for losing weight, it makes the program easier to

mentally digest and takes nothing away from your masculinity.

Recall your behaviors of the past week. Soul search to make sure you are on

track with those new behaviors. If not revisit week two to reinforce your

positive mindset.

Look at your fears. What do my fears now tell me about my beliefs? Answer

the question in your journal.

Week Four, Friday, Day 6

E stands for energy.

Chakra energy is the energy related to nourishment and creation.

Chakras are the various focal points in the subtle body used in a variety of ancient

meditation practices, collectively denominated as Tantra, or the esoteric or inner

traditions of Indian religion, Chinese Taoism, Tibetan Buddhism, as well as Japanese

Esoteric Buddhism, and in postmodernity, in new age medicine, and originally

psychologically adopted to the western mind through the assistance of Carl G. Jung

(Source: Wikipedia, 2018)

Chakras are an individual’s energy centers that are associated with physical,

mental and emotional interactions. They are the openings in a person’s aura that allows life energy to flow into and out of. The function of a chakra is to

vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of self-


Chakras have been depicted as a funnel of sorts with smaller funnels within the funnel. They are also often referred to as looking like lotus flowers. The

7 major chakras are root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow and

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crown. Read on to learn the colors associated with each chakra and the

purposes they serve.

Root Chakra

Associated with the color red, the root chakra serves to align the mind with

the physical body. In other words, to bring you down to earth when you’re

spacing off. Thus, the root chakra “roots” an individual in earth energies.

This chakra is physically located at the base of the spine. Lower back pain, depression, or disorders related to the immune system may be a sign that

one’s root chakra is imbalanced. If that is the case, foods that nourish the root chakra include carrots, parsnips, radishes, onions, soy products, hot

paprika and cayenne pepper.

Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is linked to the color orange or red-orange. This chakra emanates creative energies that nurture inventive ideas. It is located

between the lower abdomen and the navel. Sacral chakra is also related to

the emotions tied to blame, guilt, money, sex, power, control, creativity and


Solar Plexus Chakra

As you can probably guess from the name “solar,” this chakra is connected

to the color yellow, like a bright sun at high noon. The solar plexus chakra

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cultivates a person’s self-esteem and ego and is typically developed during puberty. Additionally, whenever someone speaks of a gut feeling, that is the

solar plexus chakra at work.

Solar plexus chakras can influence emotional issues such as fear of rejection, sensitivity to criticism and indecisiveness. The spiritual lesson that

can be derived from a strong solar plexus chakra is to accept one’s place in

the life stream and to emanate self-love.

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is associated with green or pink colors. It is the center of love in our physical and emotional bodies. As the name implies, the heart

chakra is located at the center of the chest by the heart organ.

Heart conditions, issues with the lungs, breast cancer and upper back

problems may be symptoms of a wounded heart chakra. Breads, flax seed, dairy products, mints and turmeric are a few of the foods that can help

balance a heart chakra.

Throat Chakra

Connected with the color sky blue, the throat chakra is the center of will and

truth. Being open and honestly expressing oneself can ensure a healthy a throat chakra. On the other hand, being dishonest or false infects the energy

flow of the throat chakra. When the throat chakra shuts down, one loses his or her authenticity. A strong throat chakra can teach one to take

responsibility for his or her own needs.

Brow (Third-Eye) Chakra

The brow chakra, also called the third-eye, is linked to the color indigo.

Wearing indigo colored clothing can remind the subconscious to be more aware of and strengthen the brow chakra. Located at the center of the

forehead, the brow chakra is a center of wisdom and the ability to learn. While this chakra prompts dreaming, it also allows one to separate reality

from fantasy.

The brow chakra influences the brain, neurological system, eyes, ears, nose

and pituitary of the physical body. Berries, red grapes, lavender, poppy

seed, mugwort and red wine are foods that nourish the third-eye.

Crown Chakra

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The crown chakra is associated with the color violet or white. It is the center of spiritual connection and the chakra that ignites spiritual awakening. Often

represented in art as a lotus flower, the crown chakra is located at the top

and center of the head.

The crown chakra can get cluttered, so many turn to fasting, detoxing or

smudging to clear the path of this energy flow. Amber, diamond and

moldavite are stones that can help balance the crown chakra.

Visit https://www.wikihow.com/Open-Your-Spiritual-Chakras for the steps on how to

open your spiritual Chakras.

Week Four, Saturday, Day 7

R stand for reflect.

During these past weeks did you encourage yourself to move past any mental blocks? Answer the question in your journal. Remember to date and

time stamp your answer.

Did you live your life this week as an empowered person, one who is the

authority of your life? Answer the question in your journal, date and time

stamp your answer.

Did you focus on what you value this past week? Yes, it’s journal time.

Do you love your version of being a person who is ready to move forward?

Are you ready to start your journey to a new Lifestyle, one where you are in

command of your actions, mind, and goals? Journal your answer.

If you have any doubts or answered no to any of the above questions, go

back through the previous weeks. It may be a small setback, but it will

assure you that you’ll reach your goal in the long haul.

Review those issues that still haunt you. Redouble your efforts before moving forward. It means all the difference to your success. I believe in you.

Believe in yourself.

If you answered yes to all the questions above congratulations, you are

ready to move forward.

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Lifestyle Change Weight Program

Week 5, Sunday, Day 1

Hypnotic Session Four: Perceptions

Listen to this session several days this week and those beyond as

needed. As always listen to it when you lay down for the night. As

always do your breathing exercise before beginning.

Sweet dreams!

Lifestyle changes are a process that take time and require the support of your

family, friends, and significant others.

As of now, you’re ready to make the change. You are committed to follow

through. Your goals are set. Review them now.

Start with your small goal first. Take things one step at a time.

Don’t weigh yourself yet. First, let’s determine how may calories you require

to keep the weight you are at now.

Don’t panic, you’ll use this weight to determine the number of calories you

require to lose weight. You need this weight as a reference point.

Today, you’ll set a plan in motion by working through the figures and learning about calories, weighing food, foods you should eat and those you

should avoid.

Let’s begin.


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A Nutritional Guide

Plan to eat three meals a day.

Carry snacks with you. Qualifiers include: almonds, walnuts, fruit, or protein


Fats can work for you or against you. Read labels when you shop. Avoid all trans-fats. Most restaurants stopped using them but if you dine out, ask if

they cook with trans-fats. If they do, go somewhere else.

Walnuts and almonds contain good fats. Use them as a snack or on salads. Stable cooking oils at high temperatures include mustard oil, ghee, and

coconut oil. They are very stable at high temperatures when compared to vegetable oil, sunflower, safrole, and cottonseed that grow toxic when

heated as high temperatures.

Supplement your diet with Oemga-3 oils, preferably krill oil where the ratio

is omega 3: to Omega 6: is 12 to 1.

Stock up on fruits and veggies. They contain low calories and are high in vitamins, fiber, minerals, and Phyto-nutrients. If they are in your

refrigerator, you will eat them.

Lifestyle changes take time. Attack you plan with confidence. Use smaller plates and put your knife and fork down after each bite. Get into the habit of

chewing your food slowly. You stomach usually won’t feel full until fifteen minutes after your last bite. Stopping earlier prevents bloating and


Will you be perfect at first – NOPE. Lifestyle changes take time. Enjoy your food. Habits take time to form.

Water, water everywhere. It’s the most important nutrient for your body.

Your body contains 60-70 percent water. Every cell inside needs water. Water them.

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See the chart below for daily water intake

Example: If you weigh 160 pounds you should drink 80 ounces of water

daily. Yes, it sounds like a lot of water, but the water will flush out the toxins in your body, soften your stools, and replenish the water your cells use


Choose your beverages wisely. Water is best. Protein drinks are good, too, as they add necessary proteins to your body. Coconut water is a great

substitute, its low in calories, low in fat, and refreshing.

Tea and coffee in moderation, 2 drinks a day. For tea, green tea is best. Avoid supplementing with processed sugar and substitutes such as Splenda,

Equal, Sweet and Low, and Agave Nectar. The best substitutes contain

Stevia, it’s made from a natural plant indigenous to Peru and Brazil, and it is made with little-to-no chemical additives.

Fruit juices are great, too, as long as they aren’t supplemented with the

about sugar substitutes.

What to Avoid

Avoid alcohol. Alcohol contains 7 calories per ounce.

Warning: drinking excessive amounts of alcohol leads to other health issues and can lead to both over-eating and under-eating. However, an occasional

glass of wine is said to be good for you, and a beer once a week can be accounted for, just don’t go overboard. Cheers!

Soft drinks are killers. Soda is the leading cause of obesity worldwide. Stay clear of all of them, including diet drinks, as they contain the above-

mentioned sweeteners, too.

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Specialty coffees, a.k.a. sugar bombs. Why pay $4-8/cup to ruin your health? Give the money to charity instead if you can afford to pay for 5-10 of

these per week (yes, this may be political, but . . . it’s one of my beliefs!).

Cocktails – bad.

Milkshakes – add these to the bad list.

Sports drinks, sugar bombs 2, and most are full of caffeine.

Fast food establishments. Often, a quick meal here will contain 1200-2000 calories and will easily exceed your daily requirements for the entire day.

Pastries, fast food, and candies are all loaded with false calories. These

demons offer nothing in the way of nutritional value. They do pack help you

pack on the pounds by increasing the size of your deep fat cells. Stay away from these demons.

It’s Snack Time Folks:

Need a quick pick up? Try these tips.

Peanut butter on whole wheat or grain bread. Spread it thin guys and gals.

Yogurts with nuts. A glass of whole milk (good fats).

A salad with vinaigrette dressing. A boiled egg on whole wheat toast.

Carrots. Celery w/ peanut butter.


Blueberries Other fruits, i.e. oranges, apples, and kiwi.

Almonds and walnuts.


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Good Night!

You need at least 7 hours of sleep per night. Sleeping less than that may lead to hormonal changes and an increased appetite.

Sleep deprivation will cause an increased appetite and cravings for foods

high in sugar and fat (the unhealthy fats, to boot).

Power naps are a great way to supplement hours of lost sleep. Power nap for 10-15 minutes a day. If you can’t manage that take time to stop and

breathe deeply (there are breathing apps to remind you to breathe deep. Try this: Inhale deeply through your nose for the count of 4, hold that breath for

the count of 7, and exhale for the count of eight. Do these seven times in a row. You’ll feel invigorated and are oxygenating the cells in your body.

Hypnotic Session Five: Weight Control

Listen to this session several days this week and those beyond as

needed. As always listen to it when you lay down for the night. As

always do your breathing exercise before beginning.

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Feed Me

Nutrients are substances are energy for your body, they build and maintain

tissues, and regulate bodily processes.

Nutrients are mainly categorized into 6 categories: water, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and proteins.

First, let’s look at calories. Calories are consumed by our cells and provide

our bodies energy. A Calorie is a unit of energy.

A calorie is defined as the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water from 0 to 1 degree Celsius.

1 Gram of Carbs= 4 calories

1 Gram of Protein= 4 calories

1 Gram of Fats= 9 calories 1 Gram of Alcohol = 7 calories

All calories are not created equal. The empty calories in pastries, sodas, etc.,

offer no nutritional value, thus are called empty calories; calories that add pounds to your frame by enlarging your deep fat cells, avoid them.

The figures You Need for Your Figure

BMR = Basal Metabolic Rate. It’s the amount of energy in calories your body

needs to maintain the functioning of your body at rest.

Your BMR declines as you get older, at a rate of 1-2% per decade for every year over the age of twenty.

What’s your BMR? Let’s figure it now, it’s simple to do.

1) Simply take your body weight in pounds and multiply by 10!

a. Example: You weigh 150 pounds, your BMR is 1,500, thus you need 1,500 calories per day to maintain your body at rest. But

wait a minute, we walk, work, chase children, play, and engage in numerous activities.

b. This means you must add calories taken in per day to account for your lifestyle.

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2) Use Online Calculators like this one:

calculator.net or use the easy table below.

Activity Multiplier:

Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little or no exercise, desk job)

Lightly active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week)

Mod. active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week)

Very active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/week)

Extra active = BMR X 1.9 (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X

day training, i.e., marathon, contest etc.)

The thermic effect of food (TEF) is the caloric cost of digesting and processing different macronutrients in your diet.

Your body burns calories at the rates listed below.

-Protein: 20-35% of calories burned through processing.

-Carbohydrates: 5-15% of calories burned through processing. -Fats: 0-5% of calories burned through processing.

Let’s get a little technical, but not too much.

What it all Means

TEF is the Thermal Effect of Food. The thermic effect of food is the caloric cost of digesting and processing different macronutrients in your diet.

Let’s say you eat 100 calories of protein. Your body will use 20–35% of them

for digestion.

Make it easy, TEF can be figured to be 10% of your total caloric intake per day (includes carbohydrates, protein, and fats).

Example: If your BMR is 1500 calories, you need to consume 1650 calories

to account for the thermal effect of food (TEF). 1500 calories x 10 = 1650 calories.

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Lean mass: Lean mass is calculated by multiplying the percent of body fat times your weight, then subtracting that figure from your weight. If you

weigh 160 pounds and your body fat is 40% then your lean mass is 160 x .4 or 160 – 64 = 96 pounds.

TEA (Thermal Effect of Activity). To figure your TEA, multiply your BMR x the level of activity you engage in during the day.

Example: You weigh 150 pounds. Your BMR is 1500. Add the TEF (thermal effect of food and get the number of calories you consume at rest. For the 150-pound

example your TEA is 1650 calories. Now multiply that number by your activity level.

Example: You have a desk job and get little to no exercise. You simply multiply your TEA by 1.2 for the sedentary lifestyle. That’s 1650 calories x 1.2 or 1980 calories per day.

Now you have your TDEE, your total daily energy expenditure for the day, or the

amount of energy in calories you need to maintain your current weight, 1980 calories.

Next up, before you start your Lifestyle Change Weight Program, you need this information to plan your goal effectively.


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Let’s Continue and Learn about Fats, Proteins, and Carbs.


Let’s keep it simple. If a fat is a solid at room temperature, it’s called fat. If a fat is a soluble at room temperature, it’s called an oil. Simple enough, yes?

There are good fats and bad fats.

Types of fats: Saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated.

Saturated fats include ghee, coconut oil, butter, and red meat. Monounsaturated fats include olive oil and coconut oil.

Polyunsaturated fats include all vegetable oils like corn oil, soy, and saffola. Good fats are found in avocados, egg yolk, coconut oil, extra-virgin olive oil,

salmon, flaxseed, almonds, ghee, and walnuts.

Bad fats are found in margarine, donuts, pastries, cookies, corn oil, soy oil, trans-fats, and processed vegetable oils.

30 – 40 % of your calories can come from saturated fats.


Carbohydrates are sugars that break down into glucose; they include sugars,

starches, glycogen, and cellulose. Carbs are used for energy in the body and provide your body with fiber.

Carbs are classified into three types.

Monosaccharides are simple units of carbohydrates and the simplest form of

sugar. Examples include glucose (also the main blood sugar), fructose (found in fruits), galactose (found in milk), and then there is deoxyribose

and ribose found in our genetics structures like DNA AND RNA.

When you combine two molecules of monosaccharides, you get disaccharides. You get sucrose when you combine glucose and fructose. And

you get lactose when you combine glucose and galactose. You get maltose when two molecules of glucose are combined.

Polysaccharides are large molecules often combining 10 s thousands of

monosaccharides. Starch (found in plants), glycogen (stored in muscle and

liver), and cellulose (fiber).

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Examples of polysaccharides are simple sugars are found in fruits, honey, sweets, honey, candies, white bread, white rice and soft drinks, and complex

carbs include all the starchy plant-based foods like beans, lentils, potatoes, brown rice, whole wheat, etc.

The glycemic index (GI) ranks carbs in food as to how they affect blood

glucose levels.

Generally, low GI levels are found in vegetables. Eat them as these carbs have GI levels below 55.

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Proteins are made up of amino acids, which are like building blocks. There are 20 different amino acids that join in various combinations to make

all types of proteins.

Functions: Proteins are essential nutrients for your body. Proteins are the

building blocks of body tissue and can also serve as an alternate source of fuel when needed. Your body uses protein for growth and maintenance.

1 gram of protein contains 4 calories.

Currently, the RDA for protein intake is 0.8 grams per kilogram of

bodyweight, or .37 grams for every pound of weight, which is based on the needs of sedentary individuals; this represents an intake level necessary to

replace losses and avert deficiencies.

Example: A 150-pound individual would require .37grams of protein x 150 pounds = 55.5 grams of protein daily.

Active individual can double that intake (reference the TEA (thermal effect of

activity mentioned earlier)).


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Vitamin A

Pre-formed vitamin A is found in animal products.

Pro-vitamin is found in fruits and vegetables. Beta-carotene is one common example. It’s called a pro-vitamin because it’s a precursor and the body

converts it into its usable form.

Vitamin A plays many roles in our body including regulation of the immune system, a role in bone & tooth development, reproduction, vital for hair

growth, and essential for maintaining the light-sensing cells in the eye.

Vit A is found in animal products like milk and liver and in some fish. Plant-based foods like carrots, sweet potatoes and green leafy vegetables

have this vitamin too.

Vitamin A deficiency is rare, but it may result in diseases known as xerophthalmia. Night blindness and very dry skin are other signs of Vitamin

A deficiency.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means it can be stored in the body

for a long time, just like vitamins A, E and K.

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When exposed to sunlight, your skin produces Vitamin D and sends it to your liver. From there, your liver changes it to a substance called 25(OH)D.

It then gets converted to 1,25(OH)2D, mostly in the kidneys.

This is the active steroid form of Vitamin D. The active form of Vitamin D travels through the body, affecting almost every cell.

Functions of Vitamin D:

One of the most vital functions of Vitamin D is regulating the absorption of

calcium and phosphorous, which is important for normal growth and development of bones and teeth.

There is also strong evidence for a protective effect of Vitamin D, not only

against several types of cancer but also against multiple sclerosis and type 1

diabetes mellitus.

Here are two ways to get more Vitamin D: The sun is the best way to get adequate Vitamin D. Moderate exposure to the sun during appropriate times

is recommended. If possible, expose at least your arms, legs, and back for 15 to 20 minutes two or three times a week. Put sunscreen on after twenty

minutes to prevent excessive sun exposure, failure to do so may cause premature aging and increase your risk of getting cancer.

If you work a night shift or live in an area where there is no sun most of the

year, taking a supplement can help ensure that you get enough Vitamin D.

Remember that Vitamin D is fat soluble, so it is possible to overdose, as it can accumulate over time and potentially become toxic. This is extremely

rare, however.

A note about Vitamin D and food: It’s close to impossible to get enough

Vitamin D from food.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a group of related compounds divided into tocopherols and tocotrienols. Alpha tocopherol is the most common type. It makes up for

90% of the Vitamin E in the blood.

Vitamin E's main role is to act as an antioxidant, preventing oxidative stress and protecting fatty acids in your cell membranes from free radicals.

These antioxidant properties are enhanced by other nutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin B3 and selenium.

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In high amounts, vitamin E also acts as a blood thinner, reducing the blood's

ability to clot. Best sources of vitamin E are vegetable oils, nuts and seeds.

Vitamin E deficiency is uncommon and is never detected in people who are otherwise healthy. It happens most often in diseases that impair the

absorption of fat or vitamin E from food, such as cystic fibrosis and liver disease.

Symptoms of vitamin E deficiency include muscle weakness, walking

difficulties, tremors, vision problems, poor immune function and numbness.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is a family of compounds. The main dietary forms are vitamin K1,

found in plant foods, and vitamin K2, found in animal-derived foods and fermented soy products.

Vitamin K plays an essential role in blood clotting.

Vitamin K has other functions as well, including supporting bone health and

helping prevent the calcification of blood vessels, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease.

The best dietary sources of Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) are leafy green

vegetables like spinach, kale, whereas vitamin K2 (menaquinone) is mainly found in animal-sourced foods and fermented soy products.

Without vitamin K, your blood wouldn't clot and even a small wound could

cause unstoppable bleeding. Fortunately, vitamin K deficiency is rare, since

the body only needs small amounts to maintain blood clotting.

Low levels of vitamin K have also been linked with reduced bone density and increased risk of fractures in women.

Water Soluble Vitamins

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 also known as Thiamine and affects nearly every cell in the body.

Its functions are that it is used as a co-enzyme to metabolize food for energy, it helps maintain proper heart and nerve function.

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Basically, without enough thiamine, the molecules found in carbs and proteins cannot be properly used by the body to carry out various important


A thiamine deficiency can cause weakness, chronic fatigue, heart complications, psychosis, and nerve damage.

Common food sources for thiamine include whole grains, beans, nuts and


Vitamin B2 is called Riboflavin. It an important Vitamin that also acts as an antioxidant.

Functions of B2 are that it is responsible for maintaining healthy blood cells,

helps boost energy, protecting skin and eye health.

All B vitamins help extract energy from the food you eat into usable energy that is in the form of ATP.

The richest Food sources of Vitamin B2 are meat and organ meat, eggs,

green leafy vegetables, beans and legumes.

Vitamin B2 deficiency can cause fatigue, nerve damage, a slow metabolism.

Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 is also called Niacin. It’s very important for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system, especially balancing blood cholesterol levels. Niacin

also helps with brain function and healthy skin formation.

Niacin food sources include beef liver, chicken breast, tuns and sunflower


Niacin deficiency is rare. Although when it happens, it can result in skin rashes, diarrhea or dementia.

Vitamin B5

It is also known as pantothenic acid.

It has plenty of functions including converting nutrients from food into energy, balancing blood sugar, lowering high blood pressure, preventing

nerve damage, and preventing heart failure.

B5 vitamin sources include both plants and animal foods such as meat, organ meat, beans, legumes, raw milk and eggs.

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B5 deficiencies may include symptoms like fatigue, depression, stomach


Vitamin B6

B6 is also known as pyridoxine. All B vitamins including B6 play an important role in regulating metabolism, nerve function, skin and eye health and

helping boosts energy levels.

Functions of B6 include maintaining a healthy nervous system, making hemoglobin to carry oxygen to red blood cells throughout the body, boost

mood and create antibodies.

Best food sources for B6 are beef, tuna, avocados, chicken breast,


Symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency include muscle pains, confusion, changes in mood, such as anxiety and depression.

Biotin or Vitamin B7

B7 play a major part in maintaining the health of our hair, nails and skin. Manufacturers of cosmetics products like shampoos and skin care products

add biotin.

Biotin can be found in foods like organ meat, eggs, avocados, legumes and mushrooms.

Biotin deficiency is rare. If you have a B7 deficiency your skin can become dry, you may experience hair loss, and you may feel a lack of energy.

Folate or Vitamin B9 does not participate in energy metabolism

B9 primarily helps the body make new cells, by playing a role in copying and

synthesizing DNA. That’s why it’s the first nutrient recommended to pregnant females.

B9 also helps the body utilize Vitamin B12 and amino acid.

A folate deficiency will cause anemia, poor immune function, and poor


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Top food sources of folate are chickpeas, pinto beans, liver, lentils, and spinach.

Vitamin B12

B12 deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world,

affecting vegans and the elderly.

Symptoms of B12 deficiency are fatigue, weakness, poor moods and low concentration.

B12 is only found in animal foods like organs meats, fish, dairy, chicken and


B12 plays a major role in forming red blood cells, play a role in DNA/RNA

synthesis, helps with the production of hormones and helps with the synthesis of hemoglobin.

Vegetarians should supplement their diet with B12 tablets to complete

the recommended dose.

Vitamin C. Also called ascorbic acid.

Vitamin C health benefits are immense. It helps promote healthy skin and with collagen formation. It helps with a mineral formation, lowers risk of

gout (it’s an arthritis condition mainly afflicting the big toe).

Vitamin C is one of the many antioxidants that help protect against free radical damage, it also fights colds and flu.

Best food sources of Vitamin C are guava, green and red peppers, oranges and strawberries.

Deficiencies in Vitamin C may cause swollen and bleeding gums, dry hair,

rough and scaly skin and weakened immune system.


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Your body uses minerals for many different jobs, including keeping your

bones, muscles, heart, and brain working properly. Minerals are also important for making enzymes and hormones.

Macrominerals are inorganic nutrients that the human body requires in large

quantities because they carry out several critical bodily functions. The most important macrominerals include potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium,

chloride, sulfur and phosphorus. The recommended daily allowance of each of these in the human diet varies widely, from 320 mg each day for

magnesium to 4,700 mg each day for potassium. If a person has a balanced diet, he typically consumes the macrominerals required each day


Functions of calcium are not just limited to bone health and go far beyond it. Calcium is needed to regulate heart rhythms, aid in muscle function and

regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Calcium is mostly found in bones and it literally constitutes 2% of your total bodyweight, therefore you need it in high dosage.

Food sources like milk contain calcium, but it can also be fond of green leafy

vegetables like kale, spinach and collard greens.

Calcium deficiency would give you brittle bones and weak bones, osteoporosis, weakness and fatigue, and it can delay your child's growth and


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Phosphorus is involved in hundreds of cellular activities. The brain, heart, kidneys and liver rely on it to keep the body functioning properly.

Phosphorus is an essential mineral primarily used for growth and repair of

body cells and tissues. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, all body cells contain phosphorus, with 85 percent found in bones

and teeth. There, together with calcium, phosphorus provides structure and strength. Phosphorus is also required for a variety of biochemical processes

including energy production and pH regulation. Phosphorus also helps in balancing hormones in the body. Phosphorus is the second most abundant

element in the human body and makes up for 1% of an adult body.

Some common phosphorus deficiencies are weak bones, joint and muscle

aches, numbness, tingling, and anxiety.

Foods rich in phosphorus include sunflower seeds, raw milk, beans, tuna, almonds, brown rice, and eggs.


Potassium is the third most abundant mineral in the body.

It’s needed for numerous cellular functions, including regulating heartbeat rhythms and nerve impulses, allowing muscles to contract, preventing

muscle aches, supporting digestive health and boosting energy levels.

Potassium is the main compound that interacts with sodium to perform a number of important functions every single day, especially balancing fluids

and mineral levels within the body.

Low levels of potassium can result in increased blood pressure, higher risk of

kidney stones, fatigue and trouble sleeping.

Common food sources include beans, avocado, broccoli, and sweet potatoes.


Sodium is a very important mineral in our bodies because it plays a role in maintaining fluid balance. It's essential for muscle contraction and nerve


Deficiency of sodium is not common, as processed foods today contains a lot of sodium. The top source is common table salt.

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This important mineral helps regulate calcium, potassium, and sodium in the body. It's essential for cellular health and is a critical component of over 300

biochemical functions in the body.

Top food sources are spinach, yoghurt or kefir, black beans, avocado and banana.

Common magnesium deficiency symptoms include leg cramps, insomnia,

muscle pain, and anxiety.


Manganese plays a role in numerous chemical processes, including synthesis

of nutrients like cholesterol, carbohydrates, and proteins.

It’s involved in bone formation and helps balance hormones naturally.

Food sources rich in manganese are sprouted grains, legumes, beans, nuts and seeds.

Manganese deficiency can result in bone loss, muscle and joint pain, and

mood swings.


Iron deficiency is one of the most common deficiencies in the world. It’s a trace mineral found in every living cell in our bodies.

Iron helps prevent anemia (which is caused by a low production of red blood cells and hemoglobin). Helps support ongoing energy by helping enough

oxygen to reach cells. Assists with the metabolic enzyme processes the body carries out to digest proteins and absorb nutrients from food.

Top iron food sources are liver, beef, lentils, spinach, and raisins.

Symptoms of iron deficiency include lack of energy and fatigue, pale skin,

shortness of breath.


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Zinc plays a role in more than hundred enzymatic reactions in the body. It’s needed for healthy cell division, acts like antioxidant, fights free radical

damage, and slows down ageing process.

Foods rich in zinc are lamb, pumpkin seeds, beef, chickpeas, cashews.

Zinc deficiency can cause digestive problems, hormonal imbalance, nerve dysfunction and weak immunity.


Selenium plays a protective role as an antioxidant. It helps lower free radical

damage and fights inflammation. Selenium defends against heart disease

and fights off viruses.

Food sources that are high in selenium are brazil nuts, eggs, liver, tuna and sunflower seeds.

Deficiency can cause poor immune function, cognitive decline, increased risk

of mortality.


Copper deficiency causes fatigue, arthritis, paleness, anemia, brittle bones.

Copper supports a healthy metabolism, provides the body with energy, and is needed for proper brain function.

Best copper foods are beef liver, cashews, chickpeas, kale.


Chromium helps control blood sugar and prevent diabetes, reduces high cholesterol, and may help prevent weight gain and overeating.

Best food sources are broccoli, grapes, garlic, orange, apples.

Chromium deficiency can include poor glucose control, weak bones and bone

loss, low energy, and fatigue.

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Iodine supports thyroid health by making the hormone thyroxine. It also helps prevent cancer and prevents impaired growth and development

in children.

Food sources include yogurt, milk, eggs, and tuna.

Iodine deficiencies include muscle pains and weakness, increased risk of thyroid diseases, and skin problems.


Molybdenum is an essential constituent of two enzymes found in humans:

xanthine oxidase, which is involved in uric acid formation, and aldehyde

oxidase, which catalyzes the chemical oxidation of aldehydes. Molybdenum

is an essential trace mineral.

It is very good for regulating pH balance in the body. For each pH point

increase, the oxygen level is increased ten times, thus increasing the

metabolism and enhancing the body's ability to burn fat.

Molybdenum is necessary to the body's ability to carry out the metabolization of fats, carbohydrates, copper and nitrogen. It also makes up

part of the enzymes responsible for metabolizing purines.

Molybdenum has important role in human body, it helps cells to function properly. In addition, this mineral helps the body fight off nitrosamines

which have been linked to cancer development.

Molybdenum also plays a very good role in purine metabolism. It converts

purine to uric acid.

Molybdenum has also been helpful in those struggling with excessive copper in the body. Molybdenum also play a very good relationship with iron. It

plays a role in enzyme dependent processes involving this mineral.

Molybdenum has been used to decrease incidences of dental carries and

brings female hormones into balance for the control of premenstrual


Deficiency of molybdenum may lead to several conditions. Some of them

include, acne, AIDS, eczema, allergies, metabolic disturbances, and

neurological changes.

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Molybdenum plays a role in nervous system metabolism, in particular the metabolism of the nervous system, messaging molecules

(neurotransmitters) epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and melatonin.

Molybdenum is also known assist in the information of unique proteins called amidoxime reducing component proteins or mARC. These proteins play

important roles in mitochondrial function.

Top food sources include kidneys beans, peas, lentils, oats, tomatoes.


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Whey protein

Not all whey proteins are alike. Some whey products contain cadmium. Cadmium accumulates in the kidneys and can damage them over time.

Your whey protein should come from grass-fed cows and be hormone and soy free. The processing should be done at low temperatures and processed

w/o artificial sweeteners such as sucralose, acesulfame, artificial flavorings, and soy lecithin. Companies that use stevia as a natural sweetener are good.

There are three types of whey products on the market: concentrates,

isolates, and hydrolysates.

Whey isolates are 90-96 % pure protein with very little fat, lactose, and mineral content.

Whey concentrates are between 29 – 89% pure protein, with the most

common being 80% pure. They have higher concentrations of fat, lactose, and minerals.

Hydrolyzed whey proteins are isolates that undergo hydrolysis to break the protein down into smaller groups of amino acids that are predigested. They

contain small amounts of fat, lactose, and minerals and are the most expensive.

The best of the three are concentrate whey protein mixes. They taste better

and have more health benefits than their counterparts.

NOTE: Use the whey isolates if you are lactose intolerant.


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What we learned and how to start you Lifestyle Change Weight Program.

It’s Time to Start

First, you’ll figure your TDEE. Remember TDEE is your Total Daily Energy


Step 1)

Figure your BMR (your weight times 10) Example: You weigh 170 pounds. Your BMR is 170 x 10 =1700

That’s 1700 calories.

Step 2)

Figure your TEF (Thermal Effect of Food)

Example: TEF equals 10% of your total daily caloric intake (your BMR). 1700 x 10% = 170

Now add 170 to your BMR: 1700 + 170 = 1870 is your TEF.

Step 3)

Figure your TEA (Thermal Effect of Activity) Example: You have a desk job and get little or no exercise. Your TEA

multiplier is 1.2 Multiply your BMR x 1.2

1700 x 1.2 = 2040

Step 4)

Figure your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)

BMR + TEF + TEA = TDEE Example: BMR = 1700, TEA = 170, TEF = your multiplier,

Add your BMR and your TEA 1700+170 = 1870 Multiply 1870 x 1.2 (TEA) = 2240 calories.

This figures the number of calories you need to maintain your current


The best way to lose weight is slowly. Reduce the calories for the above TDEE by 10% to lose weight (No more than 15% if you are going to be

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aggressive). This gives you 2240 – 224 calories/day, leaving you with 2,019.6 calories/day (1,904 calories if you reduce your TDEE by 15%).

Now you can see why it’s important to weigh yourself only once a week. You

can’t chase your weight loss. Your weight will vary day by day as much as three pounds.

Ideally, you’ll change your BMR, TEF and your TEA figures once every two

weeks as you lose weight. Don’t expect radical changes. Take it slow. Relax.

Get your calorie counter out and use it. You’ll soon become an expert at weighing your food. Don’t skip or guess at the number of grams in your

veggies. It doesn’t take a lot of time to weigh them.

The above Protein, Card, and Fat categories all have suggested foods.

Supplement w/vitamins as necessary.

NOTE: If you are under the care of a physician seek his or her advice first. You may have medical conditions that require a special diet. Let your

physician approve of any plan you put together in this instance.


Drink plenty of water. Most people fail here. Every cell in your body relies on water. Keep them happy. Check the chart and make sure you drink, drink,

drink your water.


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General Food List

General Caloric Intake

25-30 percent of calories from proteins. 25-30 percent of calories from fats.

30-50 percent of calories should come from carbohydrate sources.

Calculate your protein requirement first.

It should roughly be 1.4 – 2 grams/kg of body weight, or roughly 25-30 percent of your caloric intake. For a 2000 calorie diet, proteins should be

about 500 grams/2.2 pounds of weight

1kg = 2.2 pounds 1gram = .035 ounces, or 1.7g = .06 ounces for the mid-point.

For a 150lb. person, with a 2000 calorie TDEE, that equates to 116 grams of protein for the day at 1.7g protein/kg body weight.

If you get confused use an online converter. There a many to choose from

on the internet.

Carbs Proteins Fats Herbs/Spices, and Condiments


Oat Meal, Whole grain multi-seed bread, Brown Rice, Whole Wheat French Bread Baguette, Whole Wheat Penne

Eggs (free range if possible), Chicken breast, Turkey, Fish, Tuna (Water packed), Cottage Cheese, Full Fat Cow’s Milk, Black Beans, Cowpeas, Lentils, Beans, Mature Cow’s Milk, Mature Cheddar Cheese, Swiss Cheese, Whey, Red Meat

Oils, Desi-ghee, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Almonds, Walnuts, Figs, Raisins, Dates, Cashews, Flaxseed, Pumpkin, Sesame,

Herbs & Spices: Basil, Oregano, Parsley, Thyme, Mint, Celery, Cilantro, Jaggery, Sugar, Dark Brown Sugar, Salt, Ground Cinnamon, Black Pepper, Thyme, Mint, Celery, Cilantro, Jaggery, Sugar, Dark Brown Sugar, Salt, Dark Ground Cinnamon, Black Pepper

Veggies: Artichokes, Asparagus, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrots, Cucumber, Green Beans, Lettuce: Iceberg and Romaine, Garlic, Avocados, Jalapenos, Mushrooms, Onions, Peppers: Red, Yellow, Green, Peas, Olives, Potatoes, Okra, Eggplant, Cauliflower, Bitter-guard, Spinach, Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Zucchini

Water Water Water Condiments: Unprocessed honey, Low-fat canola, Mayonnaise, Salsa, Lime Mustard, Maple Syrup, Apple juice, Hummus dips, pesto sauce, Red Wine Vinegar, Hot Pepper Sauce, Pasta Sauce, Thai Sauce

Fruits: Apples, Bananas, Oranges, Strawberries, Honeydew Melon, Watermelon, Mangoes, Pomegranates

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Just remember: 1 Gram of Carbs= 4 calories

1 Gram of Protein= 4 calories 1 Gram of Fats= 9 calories

1 Gram of Alcohol = 7 calories

It looks like this for a 150 lb. woman with a TDEE of 2,300 calories and reducing her daily caloric intake by 15% to lose weight, for an intake of

2000 calories/day.

Proteins: 150 grams = 600 calories (approx. 30% of TDEE) Fats: 66.5 grams =598 calories (approx. 30% of TDEE)

Carbohydrates: 150 grams = 800 calories (approx. 40% of TDEE)


The best of the bunch – walking and drinking, you guessed it, water.

Going to a gym or working out at home with Pilates, or Yoga, or free weights

is great, or other equipment is great but the easiest exercise for weight loss in my opinion, is to walk it off.

You get to go outside, enjoy the weather (rain or shine), sunrise and/or

sunset, and see other people.


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Height to Weight Range Chart

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Sample Diet Program Plan

Adjust your plan and ingredients to meet the number of calories per week and per meal for your TDEE. Substitute from the general food list to suit

your taste. Choose what you like and weigh your food. Write it all in your journal and don’t forget the weekly weigh-ins.

Encourage your family, friends, spouses, and significant others to support your efforts.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Breakfast 2 Pancakes w/butter /2 tbs maple syrup. Water

Stone-cut oatmeal, 1 cup whole milk. Water.

Whey protein shake (1/2cup whole milk) w/1/4 cup fruit, water

Soft boiled medium egg on multi-grain bread. Water

Whey protein shake (1/2cup whole milk) w/1/4 cup fruit. Water

Soft boiled medium egg on multi-grain bread. Whey protein shake w/whole milk. Water

Whey protein shake (1/2cup whole milk) w/1/4 cup fruit. Water

Lunch Spinach, cauliflower, 1 boiled egg, 1 tsp. Flax seed, 2 tsp vinaigrette dressing; Whey protein shake w/whole milk. Water

1 tbs. Peanut butter on 1 slice of whole wheat multi-grain bread, whey protein w/1 cup whole milk. Water

Lettuce, flax seed, ¼ cup raisins, broccoli, turkey slices (not processed turkey lunchmeat). Water

Spinach, cauliflower, 1 boiled egg, 1 tsp. Flax seed, 2 tsp vinaigrette dressing; sprinkle of chopped carrot and raisins. Whey protein shake w/whole milk. Water

Fried egg on multi grain whole wheat bread. Medium Apple, Water

Tuna w/avocado, cucumber, and tomato salad. Whey protein dink w whole milk. Water

1 boiled egg on bed of Lettuce, flax seed, ¼ cup raisins, broccoli, turkey slices (not processed turkey lunchmeat). Water

Dinner Baked fish of choice, tossed salad, with flax seed and dressing. Green beans. Water

2 boiled eggs, on bed of spinach, 1 tsp. flax seed, 2 tsp. vinaigrette dressing. Water

Baked chicken, tossed salad, with flax seed and basal dressing. Mushrooms. Water

Baked pork chop, tossed salad, with flax seed and vinaigrette dressing. Water

Bell pepper stuffed with finely chopped steak & swiss cheese. Water

Chicken, steamed broccoli, w/cheese, chopped spinach salad. Water

Baked fish, sautéed with spinach, apple slices, broccoli. Water

Snack Celery w/peanut butter

1 medium Orange

Water melon slices

Cantaloupe slices

Apple w/ peanut butter

1 cup yogurt w/fruit

Honeydew melon

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Values Chart










Being the best




























Inner Harmony













Making a






















































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EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

EFT Disclaimer The information presented in the videos, audio files, documents, website, and tapping

circles, is intended as general information for educational and entertainment purposes only.

By reading this program and listening to these resources, you understand that EFT and

Meridian Tapping Techniques are considered experimental and that you must take complete

responsibility for your use of them.

You agree to assume and accept full responsibility for any and all risks associated with: your

use of EFT and Meridian Tapping Techniques, reading this document, listening to audio files,

and joining the tapping circles. You understand that your choice to use EFT or Meridian

Tapping Techniques is of your own free will and not subject to any outside pressure. You

further understand that if you choose to use Tapping, it is possible that emotional or

physical sensations or additional unresolved memories may surface. Previously vivid or

traumatic memories may fade, which could adversely impact your ability to provide detailed

legal testimony regarding a traumatic incident.

The information contained in these audio files and videos on this website is not intended to

diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or psychological disorder. EFT or Meridian

Tapping is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment. Consequently, using

Tapping on yourself does not replace health care from medical/psychological professionals.

You agree to consult with your health care provider for any specific medical/psychological

problems. In addition, you understand that any information contained in the program is not

to be considered a recommendation that you stop seeing any of your health care

professionals or using prescribed medication, if any, without consulting with your health

care professional, even if after using EFT or Meridian Tapping it appears and indicates that

such medication or therapy is unnecessary.

Any stories or testimonials presented in these audio files, videos, documents, or webpages,

do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an

individual using EFT or Meridian Tapping for any particular issue. While all materials and

references to other resources are given in good faith, the accuracy, effectiveness, or

usefulness of any information cannot be guaranteed. The authors and publishers accept no

responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained in

these audio files, videos, documents, and webpages. The authors and publishers strongly

advise that you seek professional advice as appropriate before implementing any protocol or

opinion expressed in these audio files, videos, documents, and webpages, including EFT or

Meridian Tapping, and before making any health decision.

By continuing to read this website, documents, listen to these audio files, and watch the

videos, you knowingly, voluntarily, and intelligently assume these risks, including any

adverse outcome that might result from using EFT or Meridian Tapping, and agree to

release, indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the authors and publishers, and their

respective heirs, agents, consultants, and employees from and against any and all claims

which you, or your representatives, may have for any loss, damage, or injury of any kind or

nature arising out of or in connection with reading this website and it’s documents, listening

to these audio files, watching videos, and using EFT or Meridian Tapping. If any court of law

rules that any part of this Disclaimer is invalid, the Disclaimer stands as if those parts were

struck out.

Medical/Legal Disclaimer: The information in these audio files, videos, documents, and

webpage, is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care

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professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended for educational and

entertainment purposes only. We strongly encourage you to discuss modifications in your

diet, lifestyle, exercise program, nutrition, or use of EFT or Meridian Tapping with a qualified

health care provider prior to making any changes, and never discontinue or reduce

prescription medications without consulting your doctor or pharmacist.

This presumes you have read and agree to the above statement. Should you choose to

continue, Ascent Coaching LLC, and Richard Albright, CHt, will be held harmless for any

conditions and/or negative health or mental impacts that arise as a result said person or

persons using EFT for their personal or professional use.

The diagram below shows the location of the most used points during an EFT treatment.

These points are in fact at the ends of energy meridians and are located just beneath the

surface of the skin, responding to touch rather than having to use needles.

Whilst each energy meridian relates to a specific organ or part of the body, in EFT we do not

need to be aware of this, as we simply tap on all the points since there are so few.

Below the diagram you will find the standard procedure for doing EFT as well as the

anatomical reference for each point.

Most meridian points are located where the nerves enter the muscle, where the muscle joins a bone, or the center of the muscle. The meridian points used in Tapping are particularly effective at healing symptoms associated with emotional distress and fear. Even though we are often unaware that we carry emotional distress with us in our bodies, it is stored in various organs and other locations in the body. Physical ailments are often attributed to external causes (such as diet or environmental pollutants) but much of the issues most people face are in fact due to stress – and stress is due to unchecked fear and unconscious fear-based choices (or, seeing the future based on a worst-case scenario). In acupuncture, these points correspond to “gateways” or “transfer points” of energy in the body. There are hundreds of these points throughout the body running symmetrically on both sides. In cases of stress or chronic negative thought energy, some of the meridians become congested or blocked while others become depleted as they do not receive proper energy flow.

There are eight points used in Tapping. Most of them are in the area of the face; exceptions being the karate chop point (on the hand), the collarbone and under the arm. (Source: Projecttapping.com, 2018)

The karate chop points the eyebrow (inner eyebrow)

The side of the eye Under the eye

Under the nose Chin

Collarbone Under arm

Top of head

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Hypnotic Sessions 1-8

Listen to these sessions in the weeks ahead. Use one for a few days,

and then choose another. As always listen to it when you lay down for the night and always do your breathing exercise before

beginning each session.

The MP3 files can be transferred to I-pads, cell phones, Windows players, your PC, and most

any program that plays mp3 recordings. It’s best to listen to the recordings with a good pair

of headphones.

Hypnotic Session 1: Aspirations for Well Being

Hypnotic Session 2: Ego-Strengthening

Hypnotic Session 3: Higher Self-Esteem

Hypnotic Session 4: Perceptions

Hypnotic Session 5: Weight Control

Hypnotic Session 6: Eat Less

Hypnotic Session 7: Eating is an Art

Hypnotic Session 8: Intervention for A New Life

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Ascent Coaching LLC’s Lifestyle Change Weight Program does not guarantee you’ll lose weight, as Ascent Coaching LLC and Richard

Albright, CHt do not monitor an individual’s ability to stay on track with the suggested program. The material present herein is for

your sole use and it is each person’s responsibility to monitor their progress.

The information presented in the audio files, documents, website, and podcasts is intended as general information for educational purposes only. By reading this program and listening to these resources, you understand that any Lifestyle Changes are your

complete responsibility.

You agree to assume and accept full responsibility for any and all risks associated with: the reading documentation provided and

listening to the audio files. You understand that your choice to use this program is of your own free will and not subject to any

outside pressure. You further understand that if you choose to use and listen to the audio files contained in the Lifestyle Change Weight Program it is possible that emotional or physical sensations or additional unresolved memories may surface. Previously vivid

or traumatic memories may fade, which could adversely impact your ability to provide detailed legal testimony regarding a

traumatic incident.

The information contained in these audio files and videos on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or psychological disorder. The Lifestyle Change Weight Program is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.

Consequently, changing your diet by yourself does not replace health care from medical/psychological professionals. You agree to

consult with your health care provider for any specific medical/psychological problems. In addition, you understand that any

information contained in the program is not to be considered a recommendation that you stop seeing any of your health care

professionals or using prescribed medication, if any, without consulting with your health care professional, even if after using the

Lifestyle Change Weight Program it appears and indicates that such medication or therapy is unnecessary.

Any stories or testimonials presented in these audio files, videos, documents, or webpages, do not constitute a warranty,

guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using the Lifestyle Change Weight Program for any particular issue.

While all materials and references to other resources are given in good faith, the accuracy, effectiveness, or usefulness of any

information cannot be guaranteed. The authors and publishers accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse

of the information contained in these audio files, videos, documents, and webpages. The authors and publishers strongly advise

that you seek professional advice as appropriate before implementing any protocol or opinion expressed in these audio files, videos,

documents, and webpages, and before making any health decision.

By continuing to read this website, documents, listen to these audio files, and watch the videos, you knowingly, voluntarily, and

intelligently assume these risks, including any adverse outcome that might result from using the Lifestyle Change Weight Program

and agree to release, indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the authors and publishers, and their respective heirs, agents,

consultants, and employees from and against any and all claims which you, or your representatives, may have for any loss,

damage, or injury of any kind or nature arising out of or in connection with reading this website and it’s documents, listening to

these audio files, watching videos, and using the Lifestyle Change Weight Program. If any court of law rules that any part of this

Disclaimer is invalid, the Disclaimer stands as if those parts were struck out.

Medical/Legal Disclaimer: The information in these audio files, videos, documents, and webpage, is not intended to replace a one-

on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended for educational

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purposes only. We strongly encourage you to discuss modifications in your diet, lifestyle, exercise program, nutrition, or use of the

Lifestyle Change Weight Program with a qualified health care provider prior to making any changes, and never discontinue or

reduce prescription medications without consulting your doctor or pharmacist.

This presumes you have read and agree to the above statement. Should you choose to continue, Ascent Coaching LLC, and Richard

Albright, CHt, will be held harmless for any conditions and/or negative health or mental impacts that arise as a result said person or

persons using EFT for their personal or professional use.

This Disclaimer shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the internal laws of the State of Florida regardless of any

conflicts of law. The forum for any dispute shall be limited to courts within the State of Florida. Writer expressly consents to

personal jurisdiction of Florida.

Ascent Coaching LLC, 314 S. Fillmore Street, Beverly Hills, FL 34405 | E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved, Ascent Coaching LLC