En Route 1. Background Knowledge 2. Text Analysi s 3. Exercises 4. Questions For Discu ssion

En Route 1. Background Knowledge Background Knowledge 2. Text Analysis Text Analysis 3. Exercises Exercises 4. Questions For Discussion Questions For Discussion

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En Route

1. Background Knowledge

2. Text Analysis

3. Exercises

4. Questions For Discussion

Background Knowledge

1. When a person travels by air, he should be aware of several important things. The first is his health. If he has a bad cold causing a stuffy nose, it may hinder the changing of air pressures in his ears as the plane rises and descends. This can cause severe pain in his ears. If one must fly when he is experiencing a bad cold, he should take medicine which will reduce tissue swelling and open his nose and ear passages.


Background Knowledge

The second important thing to know is the luggage limitation. Failure to observe the regulations can result in extra financial charges.

The third thing is to bring something with you to occupy your time while flying. Sometimes the airliner will have magazines available for reading, or will show you a movie during the flight, or have special earphones available to listen to music or entertainment programs. If these conveniences are not available, a person should be prepared to provide his own reading material. More

2. First aid: First aid is simple medical treatment given as soon as possible to a person who is injured or who suddenly falls ill. The most important thing about first aid is to do only what is necessary, but to do that as carefully and quickly as you can. When an accident happens, it is important to keep calm. If the person is in no immediate danger, leave him lying where he is. A coat placed under his head, a blanket over him, is the best treatment you can give while waiting for help. If the person is unconscious, loosen his clothing, especially round his neck. You can do a lot of harm if you try to do too much. If the injured person has stopped breathing, you must give him mouth-to-mouth breathing as soon as possible.

Background Knowledge


1. True/False Questions

2. Multiple-choice Questions

3. Translation



1. “En Route” means on the way.

2. The main job of flight attendants is to serve food and drinks. They have to serve hundreds of meals each day.

3. When there is an emergency, flight attendants must keep themselves and the passengers calm.

True/False Questions


1. “En Route” means on the way. (T)

2. The main job of flight attendants is to serve food and drinks. They have to serve hundreds of meals each day.

3. When there is an emergency, flight attendants must keep themselves and the passengers calm.

True/False Questions


1. “En Route” means on the way. (T)

2. The main job of flight attendants is to serve food and drinks. They have to serve hundreds of meals each day. (F)

3. When there is an emergency, flight attendants must keep themselves and the passengers calm.

True/False Questions


1. “En Route” means on the way. (T)

2. The main job of flight attendants is to serve food and drinks. They have to serve hundreds of meals each day. (F)

3. When there is an emergency, flight attendants must keep themselves and the passengers calm.


True/False Questions


4. Passengers are taught how to do first-aid in case one of them falls ill or gets hurt.

5. The job of flight attendants is interesting but not easy.

6. Flight attendants must offer good service because their good service will attract passengers to fly again on one of their airplanes.

True/False Questions


4. Passengers are taught how to do first-aid in case one of them falls ill or gets hurt. (F)

5. The job of flight attendants is interesting but not easy.

6. Flight attendants must offer good service because their good service will attract passengers to fly again on one of their airplanes.

True/False Questions


4. Passengers are taught how to do first-aid in case one of them falls ill or gets hurt. (F)

5. The job of flight attendants is interesting but not easy. (T)

6. Flight attendants must offer good service because their good service will attract passengers to fly again on one of their airplanes.

True/False Questions


4. Passengers are taught how to do first-aid in case one of them falls ill or gets hurt. (F)

5. The job of flight attendants is interesting but not easy. (T)

6. Flight attendants must offer good service because their good service will attract passengers to fly again on one of their airplanes. (T)

True/False Questions


1. Passenger safety is the main job of flight attendants. However, this does not include .

A) making sure passengers are sitting safely

B) stowing away all hand or carry-on luggage

C) showing passengers how to operate the oxygen masks

D) showing the passengers how to do first-aid

Multiple-choice Questions


Multiple-choice Questions


1. Passenger safety is the main job of flight attendants. However, this does not include D .

A) making sure passengers are sitting safely

B) stowing away all hand or carry-on luggage

C) showing passengers how to operate the oxygen masks

D) showing the passengers how to do first-aid

2. Each of the following proves that a flight attendant’s job is not easy, except .

A) he gets to know different people

B) he has to look after hundreds of passengers

C) he is always on his feet

D) he must be calm if there is an emergency

Multiple-choice Questions


Multiple-choice Questions


2. Each of the following proves that a flight attendant’s job is not easy, except A .

A) he gets to know different people

B) he has to look after hundreds of passengers

C) he is always on his feet

D) he must be calm if there is an emergency

3. What is most important for flight attendants?

A) To know how to use oxygen masks.

B) To be calm at all times.

C) To enjoy taking care of and serving people.

D) To be able to answer all questions about their company.

Multiple-choice Questions


Multiple-choice Questions


3. What is most important for flight attendants?(C)

A) To know how to use oxygen masks.

B) To be calm at all times.

C) To enjoy taking care of and serving people.

D) To be able to answer all questions about their company.

4. What do we learn about Miss Brown and Mr. Green from their words?

A) They are tired of their job.

B) They don’t see the importance of their job.

C) They enjoy living out of suitcases.

D) They like their job.

Multiple-choice Questions


Multiple-choice Questions


4. What do we learn about Miss Brown and Mr. Green from their words? (D)

A) They are tired of their job.

B) They don’t see the importance of their job.

C) They enjoy living out of suitcases.

D) They like their job.

5. Good flight attendants are very important to an airline company because .

A) they can meet all the requirements of the passengers

B) they can attract more passengers by giving good service

C) they can help the pilot to avoid emergencies

D) they can guarantee the safety of the passengers

Multiple-choice Questions


5. Good flight attendants are very important to an airline company because B .

A) they can meet all the requirements of the passengers

B) they can attract more passengers by giving good service

C) they can help the pilot to avoid emergencies

D) they can guarantee the safety of the passengers

Multiple-choice Questions


1.  乘坐飞机的人


Reference Answer

1.  乘坐飞机的人

people riding in the airplane



2.     外出游玩


Reference Answer

2.     外出游玩

travel for pleasure



3.     乘客随身带上飞机的东西


Reference Answer

3.     乘客随身带上飞机的东西

the things passengers bring on the plane with them



4.     没放好的东西会打着并伤着人


Reference Answer

4.     没放好的东西会打着并伤着人

a loose object could hit and injure someone



5.     紧急出口


Reference Answer

5.     紧急出口

the emergency exits



6.     氧气面罩


Reference Answer

6.     氧气面罩

oxygen masks



7.     回答有关该航空公司航班的时刻及服务事项的问题


Reference Answer

7.     回答有关该航空公司航班的时刻及服务事项的问题

answer questions about the times of flights and the services of the airline



8.     了解飞机的安全装置


Reference Answer

8.     了解飞机的安全装置

learn about the safety equipment of the airplane



9.     乘客在该飞机上得到的服务


Reference Answer

9.     乘客在该飞机上得到的服务

the service of the passengers receive on board the plane



What are the requirements for a qualified flight attendant?

Question for Discussion


En Route

Have you ever taken a trip by airplane? If not, read this article and it will tell you about the good and courteous services on board a plane.

Text Analysis

The large airplane is en route to a country which most of its passengers have never visited before. “En route” means on the way. The passengers are the people riding in the airplane. Most of these passengers are tourists — people who travel to see another place, area, or country. Most tourists travel for pleasure. They enjoy seeing different places and meeting other people.

Text Analysis

The long flight, or trip by air, is almost over. The passengers have finished their dinner. Most of them are resting or relaxing — sleeping, reading, or talking. But for Miss Brown and Mr. Green, who are going home, there are still many things to do before their arrival.

Text Analysis

Sue Brown is a stewardess and Sam Green is a steward for their country’s airline (the company that operates the airplanes). Their job is to look after the comfort and safety of the passengers who ride in the passenger cabin of the airplane during the flight. They are also called cabin or flight attendants.

Text Analysis

Passenger safety is the main job of flight attendants. Miss Brown and Mr. Green must make sure the passengers are sitting safely. The things passengers bring on the plane with them must be put away safely so that they will not slide around during the flight. If the plane should move or turn suddenly, a loose object could hit and injure someone.

Before the flight begins, the flight attendants tell the passengers: “Please stow all hand or carry-on luggage under the seat in front of you or in the overhead compartments.”

Text Analysis

The things passengers bring aboard (on) the plane are called hand or carry-on luggage. “To stow” these means to put them away. Carry-on luggage can fit either under the seat or in a special compartment (enclosed space) above the seats over the heads of the passengers. Cabin attendants must make sure these compartments are closed properly during the flight.

Text Analysis

En route, the cabin attendants serve food and beverages (drinks) to the passengers. This keeps the attendants busy and on their feet during most of the flight. On a flight of five hours or more, Miss Brown and Mr. Green walk between 10 and 15 miles — or 16 to 24 kilometers — as part of their jobs.

Their duties also include welcoming the passengers aboard the airliner and helping them to find their seats. A flight attendant must show the passengers where the emergency exits are and explain how to use the oxygen masks.

Text Analysis

The flight attendants also give out pillows and blankets to help make passengers comfortable. They give passengers magazines to read. They must be able to answer questions about the times of flights and the services of the airline.

“It’s an interesting job,” Mr. Green says, “and we meet many interesting people. We get to see different places. But it’s not all fun. We live out of suitcases, and we serve hundreds of meals each day. A flight attendant has to enjoy taking care of and serving people.”

Text Analysis

“Even under the best conditions,” Miss Brown adds, “taking care of a plane full of hungry, thirsty people is not easy. But we have to stay calm and pleasant at all times. This is especially important when bad weather makes a flight rough or bumpy, when a plane is late, or when there is an emergency.”

Flight attendants must learn about the safety equipment of the airplane in which they are flying. They must know how to get passengers out quickly and safely if there should be an accident. And, most important, they must be able to keep the passengers calm in an emergency.

Text Analysis

All flight attendants must be able to give first-aid. This is the help that is given to a sick or hurt person before regular medical treatment from a doctor can be obtained. Such treatment can often save a person’s life if it is given quickly. Learning to give first-aid is an important part of a flight attendant’s training.

Text Analysis

“A flight attendant,” Mr. Green says, “has to be able to stay calm and courteous at all times. This is important for the safety of the passengers.”

Miss Brown adds, “Passengers spend more time with flight attendants than with any other airline employee. The service the passengers receive on board the plane determines whether or not they will fly again on one of our airplanes. We want them to continue to be customers of our airline. So it is important that we give them good, courteous service.”

From English for the Travel Industry, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1982.

Approximately 750 words.

Text Analysis


flight [] n. 空中旅行;班机=traveling by aire.g. Did you have a good flight? 乘机旅行愉快吗?

Words to Know


arrival [] n. 到港,到达= the act of arrivinge.g. The arrival of the train was delayed. 那列火车晚点到达。

Words to Know


steward [] n. 男乘务员= an attendant on a ship or an airplanee.g. We thanked the steward for his good service.我们感谢了乘务员所提供的优质服务。

Words to Know


operate [] vt. 经营,管理= to conduct the affairs of; managee.g. It’s no easy job to operate a factory.管理工厂不是件容易的事。

Words to Know


slide [] vi. 滑动= to move over a surface while maintaining smooth, continuous contacte.g. She fell over and slid across the shiny floor. 她跌倒了,滑过了发亮的地板。

Words to Know


loose [] adj. 松动的= not fastened, restrained, or containede.g. The ringleader of the gang had one hand loose but the other was tied to another robber's.匪首的一只手是松开的 , 但另一只手和另一个强盗的手捆缚在一起。

Words to Know


injure [] vt. 伤害= to cause physical harm to; hurte.g. There were two people injured in the car accident. 有两个人在车祸中受了伤。

Words to Know


compartment [] n. 分隔间= a separate room, section, or chambere.g. The ship's hold is built in watertight compartments.船舱建造成许多不漏水的隔间。

Words to Know


aboard [] adv. & prep. 登机;在机上= on board a ship, train, aircraft, or other passenger vehiclee.g. We must not take combustible goods aboard. 我们切不可带易燃物上车。

Words to Know


enclose [] vt. 围住(使与外界隔开)= to surround on all sides; close ine.g. The football field is enclosed by a wall. 足球场被一道墙围了起来。

Words to Know


airliner [] n. 班机,大型客机= an airplane operated by an airline and adapted for carrying passengerse.g. I will go there by a commercial airliner.


Words to Know


oxygen [] n. 氧气= a nonmetallic element constituting 21 percent of the atmosphere by volumee.g. We can not live without oxygen.没有氧气我们无法生存。

Words to Know


mask [] n . 面罩,面具= a covering worn on the face to conceal one's identitye.g. We all wore masks at the party and no one knew who we were. 在晚会上我们都戴着假面具,谁也认不出我们。

Words to Know


pillow [] n. 枕头= a cloth case, stuffed with something soft, such as down, feathers, or foam rubber, used to cushion the head, especially during sleepe.g. He used his boots for a pillow. 他用靴子作枕头。

Words to Know


bumpy [] adj. 颠簸的= marked by bumps and jolts; roughe.g. We had a bumpy flight in the storm.我们在暴风雨中颠簸的飞行。

Words to Know


treatment [] n. 治疗;对待= the act, manner, or method of handling or dealing with someone or somethinge.g. The doctor's treatment cured him. 医生的治疗使他的病痊愈了。

Words to Know


training [] n. 培训,训练= the process or routine of one who trainse.g. Nurses have several years of training. 护士要经过几年的培训。

Words to Know


courteous [] adj. 谦恭有礼的;殷勤的= characterized by gracious consideration toward otherse.g. He is noted for his courteous behavior.他因举止谦恭而闻名。

Words to Know


determine [] vt. 决定= to reach a decision; resolvee.g. He determined to go at once.他决心立刻就走。

Words to Know


on the way 在途中e.g. I met him on the way to town.我在去镇上的路上遇见了他。

Phrases and Expressions


make sure (that) 设法确保e.g. Make sure that he writes it down.确保他一定把这点写下来。

Phrases and Expressions


put away 放好e.g. The boy put the food away in the cupboard after he finished his dinner.小男孩吃完晚饭后把食品在橱里放好。

Phrases and Expressions


hand luggage 手提行李e.g. I’ll carry this suitcase on board as hand luggage.我将把这个提包作为手提行李带上飞机。carry-on luggage 随身携带的行李e.g. You should put your passport in your carry-on luggage.你应该把护照放在随身携带的行李中。

Phrases and Expressions


get to (do) 有机会,能够e.g. You get to learn much from this experience.从这个经历中你能学会很多。

Phrases and Expressions


“En route” is a French phrase meaning “on the way”.

Phrases and Expressions


can fit: can be put

Phrases and Expressions


on their feet: standing and walking

Phrases and Expressions


the emergency exits: ways out of a plane at the time of an accident

Phrases and Expressions


We get to see different places: We have the chance to see different places.

Sentence Explanation


live out of suitcases: are always travelling.

live out of suitcases 总是旅行在外e.g. He lives out of suitcases because of his business.他因为生意原因总是旅行在外。

Phrases and Expressions


The things passengers bring on the plane with them must be put away safely so that they will not slide around during the flight. If the plane should move or turn suddenly, a loose object could hit and injure someone.布朗小姐和格林先生必须保证乘客带上飞机的随身行李全部安放好,这样在飞行途中就不会有东西滑落下来。不然万一飞机突然起动或转向,没有放稳的行李就会掉下来打在乘客头上。

Sentence Explanation


Before the flight begins, the flight attendants tell the passengers: “Please stow all hand or carry-on luggage under the seat in front of you or in the overhead compartments.”飞机起飞前,乘务员告诉旅客:“请把你随身携带的物品放在您前面座位底下或头顶上的行李柜里。”

Sentence Explanation


This keeps the attendants busy and on their feet during most of the flight.这使乘务员在大部分的飞行过程中非常忙碌,来回走个不停。

Sentence Explanation


“We live out of suitcases, and we serve hundreds of meals each day.”我们三天两头旅行,每天要供应几百份饭。

Sentence Explanation


“But we have to stay calm and pleasant at all times. This is especially important when had weather makes a flight rough and bumpy, when a plane is late, or when there is an emergency.”但在整个飞行途中,我们必须保持镇静,情绪饱满。如果碰到坏天气,飞机上下颠簸,或飞行误点,或出现紧急情况,这种镇静的情绪尤为重要。

Sentence Explanation


Their job is to look after the comfort and safety of the passengers who ride in the passenger cabin of the airplane during the flight.他们的工作是在飞行途中服侍乘客和负责其安全。

Sentence Explanation


oxygen masks:covering for the face which provides oxygen at the time of an emergency

Their duties also include welcoming the passengers aboard the airliner and helping them to find their seats. A flight attendant must show the passengers where the emergency exits are and explain how to use the oxygen masks.他们的职责还包括迎接乘客登机,引导他们入座。飞机乘务员必须告诉乘客紧急出口的位置和使用氧气罩的方法。

Sentence Explanation


They must know how to get passengers out quickly and safely if there should be an accident.他们必须知道万一发生事故,怎样使旅客迅速并安全地撤离(飞机)。

Sentence Explanation


All flight attendants must be able to give first-aids. This is the help that is given to a sick or hurt person before regular medical treatment from a doctor can be obtained.所有的乘务员必须学会急救处理,也就是在伤病员被送到医院治疗之前对他们进行救护。

Sentence Explanation


The service the passengers receive on board the plane determines whether or not they will fly again on one of our airplanes.旅客在飞机上得到的服务将决定他们是否再乘坐我们航空公司的飞机。

Sentence Explanation


Have you ever travelled by air? What do you think of air travelling?



Can you pick out two words from the text to describe the job of flight attendants?



Why are good flight attendants so important to an airline company?

