LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS | JANUARY 2020 Microsoft’s mission is to empower every Library and Museum on the planet to achieve more Advancements in technology have enabled industries around the world to transform by empowering employees and delighting their customers. The same opportunity exists for Libraries and Museums seeking to understand what is possible and looking to form their own unique digital transformation strategy. Microsoft Digital Transformation Framework for Libraries and Museums offers a holistic technology strategy for addressing critical areas and elements of digital transformation. Enabling Digital Transformation for Libraries and Museums Enhanced Visitor Experience Exhibition Development Beyond the Walls Education and Community Connected Experience Intelligent Environments Safety and Security New Construction Cloud Infrastructure Smart Buildings Dynamic Operations Fundraising Ticketing Collaboration Constituent Management Advanced Discovery Discoverability Research Collections and Library Management Digitization Inspire change Elevate Available Solutions and Technologies Advocate for the Industry Support Digital Transformation Influence Ideas

Enabling Digital Transformation for Libraries and Museums.… · Advancements in technology have enabled industries around the world to transform by empowering employees and delighting

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Page 1: Enabling Digital Transformation for Libraries and Museums.… · Advancements in technology have enabled industries around the world to transform by empowering employees and delighting


Microsoft’s mission is to empower every Library and Museum on the planet to achieve more

Advancements in technology have enabled industries around the world to transform by empowering employees and delighting their customers. The same opportunity exists for Libraries and Museums seeking to understand what is possible and looking to form their own unique digital transformation strategy.

Microsoft Digital Transformation Framework for Libraries and Museums offers a holistic technology strategy for addressing critical areas and elements of digital transformation.

Enabling Digital Transformation for Libraries and Museums

Enhanced Visitor Experience

Exhibition Development

Beyond the Walls

Education and Community

Connected Experience

Intelligent Environments

Safety and Security

New Construction

Cloud Infrastructure

Smart Buildings

Dynamic Operations

Fundraising Ticketing

CollaborationConstituent Management

Advanced Discovery

Discoverability Research

Collections and Library

Management Digitization

Inspire change

Elevate Available Solutions and Technologies

Advocate for the Industry

Support Digital Transformation

Influence Ideas

Page 2: Enabling Digital Transformation for Libraries and Museums.… · Advancements in technology have enabled industries around the world to transform by empowering employees and delighting

Business Applications

Applications & Infrastructure

For more information contact your Microsoft Sales Representative.

Empower Libraries & Museums to improve

discoverability of collections and

accelerate research

Reinvent how visitors engage with your

institution with new and connected experiences

anytime, anywhere

Create a more modern workplace and take

business intelligence to the next level

Deliver safe, efficient, and sustainable

environments using intelligent systems

Advanced Discovery

Dynamic Operations

Enhanced Visitor Experience

Intelligent Environments

Microsoft Computing Point of View

Libraries and Museums Transformation Framework Pillars

Intelligent Cloud Platform

Microsoft Technology Areas

Gaming Modern Life Modern Workplace

Data & AI SecurityPrivacy