ENCATC NEWS is produced by ENCATC Office Editor: Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens Contributors: Caroline Simpson Magdaléna Lišková Design: Gemma Papió Montserrat This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Comission cannot be held respon- sible for any use which maybe be made of the information contained therein. ENCATC is an nongovernamental organisation with operational relations with UNESCO In this issue Latest developments in the European Policy Debate 2 Focus: Cultural Diplomacy 6 Information from ENCATC Brussels Office 7 ENCATC in contact 12 Information from ENCATC members 15 Selected list of events 19 Call for projects, fellowships and papers 20 Research and publications 23 Focus: 2010 in Review and the Hungarian Presidency 5 Information from other organizations 17 Web site: www.encatc.org Brussels Office Address: Place Flagey, 18 B - 1050 Brussels Tel / Fax: +32 2 201 29 12 E-mail: [email protected] A monthly information service for ENCATC Members ISSUE 01 / 2011 (Dec 2010/Jan 2011) ENCATC NEWS nefits of mobility. Other recommen- dations included establishing valida- tion procedures to assess mobility experience and further analyzing the impacts and benefits of moving ar- tists on the economy and on society as a whole. The report dresses a very positive assessment of the impact of mobi- lity on learning and acknowledges that all types of mobilities favour lear- ning. A remarkable homogeneity of tendencies throughout the 10 coun- tries covered by the study is thus ob- served. All artists stress the effect of their mobility on their creative pro- cess, economic abilities, civic compe- tences, social networking, cultural opening, spatial knowledge. The research suggests that the very concept of mobility be applied not only to the individual artists themsel- ves but also to the institutions that are supposed to support and promote the artists. For many artists an initial mobility experience can have “a snow-ball effect” for later mobility. Artists moving & learning” (is a project financed by the European Commission under the framework of the LLL. The project was led by EN- CATC, and coordinated by Mediana sprl. Further project partners are: Inteatro, Centro Internazionale per la Promozione e la ricerca teatrale, and Fondazione ATER Formazione from Italy; Universitad de la Iglesia de Deusto in Spain; the Budapest Ob- servatory ; the Romanian Centre of Professional Training in Culture; and the French Joint Research Unit PACTE. To dowload the full report, please consult the project-dedicated web- site: http://www.encatc.org/moving- and-learning/index.lasso The result of the Artists moving & learning” project, a European report tar- geting policy-makers and educators in the cultural and artistic area, has just been released . How do mobilities favour learning effect for artists? What is their na- ture? Do they match a classical ap- proach of learning in linguistic or technical terms or do mobility relied learning effects have secondary, not intended effect on creativity and culture? In which way (financial, hu- man) do artists build their relationship to mobility? Do specific forms of mo- bility or/ and learning exist, as to for artists are concerned? And how are those learning effects happen? Among the key recommendations related to the impact of mobility patters on learning, the European report recommends that Artists’ mobi- lity should be understood as an in- vestment in human capital for the EU economic market and for increased competences for the labour market by both EU and national policy ma- kers. Other recommendations sug- gested that all levels of government (national, regional and local and at level of linguistic communities) should cooperate with other gover- ning bodies of the EU to get to a common understanding of the benefi- cial impacts of mobility for artists in order to better accommodate the ar- tists’ needs. The report also recom- mends that the learning process en- gendered by the mobility experience should be promoted through the creation of a referential of acquired competences which could help to evaluate more thoroughfully the be- « Artists’ mobility should be understood as an investment in human capital »

ENCATC NEWSLETTER 2011 1 - mdc.hr NEWSLETTER_2… · ENCATC NEWS is produced by ENCATC Office Editor: Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens Contributors: Caroline Simpson Magdaléna Lišková

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Page 1: ENCATC NEWSLETTER 2011 1 - mdc.hr NEWSLETTER_2… · ENCATC NEWS is produced by ENCATC Office Editor: Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens Contributors: Caroline Simpson Magdaléna Lišková

ENCATC NEWS is produced by ENCATC Office

Editor: Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens

Contributors: Caroline Simpson Magdaléna Lišková

Design: Gemma Papió Montserrat

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Comission cannot be held respon-sible for any use which maybe be made of the information contained therein.

ENCATC is an nongovernamental organisation with operational relations with UNESCO

In this issue

Latest developments in the European Policy Debate 2

Focus: Cultural Diplomacy 6

Information from ENCATC Brussels Office 7

ENCATC in contact 12

Information from ENCATC members 15

Selected list of events 19

Call for projects, fellowships and papers 20

Research and publications 23

Focus: 2010 in Review and the Hungarian Presidency 5

Information from other organizations 17

Web site: www.encatc.org

Brussels Office Address: Place Flagey, 18 B - 1050 Brussels Tel / Fax: +32 2 201 29 12 E-mail: [email protected]

A monthly information service for ENCATC Members

ISSUE 01 / 2011 (Dec 2010/Jan 2011)


nefits of mobility. Other recommen-dations included establishing valida-tion procedures to assess mobility experience and further analyzing the impacts and benefits of moving ar-tists on the economy and on society as a whole. The report dresses a very positive assessment of the impact of mobi-lity on learning and acknowledges that all types of mobilities favour lear-ning. A remarkable homogeneity of tendencies throughout the 10 coun-tries covered by the study is thus ob-served. All artists stress the effect of their mobility on their creative pro-cess, economic abilities, civic compe-tences, social networking, cultural opening, spatial knowledge. The research suggests that the very concept of mobility be applied not only to the individual artists themsel-ves but also to the institutions that are supposed to support and promote the artists. For many artists an initial mobility experience can have “a snow-ball effect” for later mobility. “Artists moving & learning” (is a project financed by the European Commission under the framework of the LLL. The project was led by EN-CATC, and coordinated by Mediana sprl. Further project partners are: Inteatro, Centro Internazionale per la Promozione e la ricerca teatrale, and Fondazione ATER Formazione from Italy; Universitad de la Iglesia de Deusto in Spain; the Budapest Ob-servatory ; the Romanian Centre of Professional Training in Culture; and the French Joint Research Unit PACTE.

To dowload the full report, please consult the project-dedicated web-site: http://www.encatc.org/moving-and-learning/index.lasso

The result of the “Artists moving & learning” project, a European report tar-geting policy-makers and educators in the cultural and artistic area, has just been released .

How do mobilities favour learning effect for artists? What is their na-ture? Do they match a classical ap-proach of learning in linguistic or technical terms or do mobility relied learning effects have secondary, not intended effect on creativity and culture? In which way (financial, hu-man) do artists build their relationship to mobility? Do specific forms of mo-bility or/ and learning exist, as to for artists are concerned? And how are those learning effects happen? Among the key recommendations related to the impact of mobility patters on learning, the European report recommends that Artists’ mobi-lity should be understood as an in-vestment in human capital for the EU economic market and for increased competences for the labour market by both EU and national policy ma-kers. Other recommendations sug-gested that all levels of government (national, regional and local and at level of linguistic communities) should cooperate with other gover-ning bodies of the EU to get to a common understanding of the benefi-cial impacts of mobility for artists in order to better accommodate the ar-tists’ needs. The report also recom-mends that the learning process en-gendered by the mobility experience should be promoted through the creation of a referential of acquired competences which could help to evaluate more thoroughfully the be-

« Artists’ mobility should be understood as an investment in human capital »

Page 2: ENCATC NEWSLETTER 2011 1 - mdc.hr NEWSLETTER_2… · ENCATC NEWS is produced by ENCATC Office Editor: Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens Contributors: Caroline Simpson Magdaléna Lišková


Latest developments in the European Policy Debate

CULTURE/COUNCIL: Agreement for Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Culture Programme On 21 December 2010, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) establishing the terms and conditions for full partici-pation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Culture Programme 2007-2013 was signed by Commission's Director Gene-ral for Education and Culture, Mr Jan Truszczyński, and Bosnia-Herzegovina's Minister of Civil affairs, Mr Nović Sre-doje. From 2011 onwards European operators can look forward to cooperating with Bosnia-Herzegovinan partners, whose rich cultural heritage ensures ample opportunities for fruitful projects. Bosnia and Herzegovina becomes the fifth country from the Western Balkans to participate in the Culture Programme, following Croatia (joined in 2007), Serbia (in 2008), Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (in 2008) and Montenegro (in 2009). This agreement is an important step in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s integration into Europe’s cultural diversity and in the pre-accession process for European Union membership. “I am pleased to see that with Bosnia and Herzegovi-na’s we have another Western Balkan country on board to participate in the Culture Programme”, said Director Ge-neral for Education, Training, Culture and Youth Truszczyński. “European integration is not merely a political cons-truct. It is a collective – of institutions, ideas, customs, languages, memories and projects for the future – which draws Europeans together. Intercultural dialogue is one of the long-term priorities of EU policy: to counter any ten-dency to retreat; to encourage positive contact between people; to strengthen fragile communities and individuals.” Read more about relations between the Bosnia and Herzegovina and the EU on: http://www.eeas.europa.eu/bosnia_and_herzegovina/index_en.htm

CULTURE/ COMMISSION: EU and India launch policy dialogue on culture José Manuel Barroso, the President of the European Commission, and Catherine Ashton, Vice President of the Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, joined Indian Prime Minis-ter Manmohan Singh at a ceremony on 10th December 2010 to mark the signing of a joint declaration to strengthen people-to-people contacts between India and the EU through a policy dialogue on culture. The joint declaration was signed by Jan Truszczyński, Director General for Education and Culture of the European Commission, and Jawhar Sircar, Secretary of the Indian Ministry of Culture. The signing of the declaration formally marks the launch of a culture policy dialogue between the European Commission and the Indian Government. It shows the growing impor-tance of culture in international relations, in particular since the adoption of the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural expressions, to which both the EU and India are parties. Since 2007, the Commission has invested € 2 million through the EU Culture Programme in support of five joint initiatives with India. These included the 'Spice' project which brought together the Attakalari Centre for Movement Arts in Ban-galore and art professionals from Europe. The Culture Programme also backed '2050 Cultures of Living', an architec-ture project where the Darpana Academy of Performing Arts and the Srishti School of Art shared views on design and technology with partners from eight European countries. Text of Joint Declaration on culture: http://ec.europa.eu/culture/our-policy-development/doc/external_relations/joint_declaration_%20with_India.pdf

CULTURE/ COMMISSION: Study on Entrepreneurial dimension of cultural and creative industries The European Commission has just released a Study on the Entrepreneurial dimension of cultural and creative in-dustries (CCIs). The aim of this Study, which was entrusted to the Utrecht School of the Arts in close cooperation with K2M Ltd, is to provide a better understanding of the operations and needs of companies in the CCIs, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The Study provides an understanding of the key determinants for strengthening entrepreneurship for CCIs, such as access to finance; market barriers; intellectual property rights; edu-cation and training; innovation; and collaborative processes. The Study also highlights transversal problems com-mon to all these CCIs and indicates specific challenges that could hamper entrepreneurship and prevent CCIs from benefiting from the internal market and the digital shift. From these key challenges, the Study suggests general ap-proaches for developing a conducive environment as well as specific recommendations to provide support for each determinant, highlighting best practices and taking into consideration sector differences, the different levels of policy as well as the different development phases in which the CCIs find themselves. The Study responds to the growing importance of the creative economy, and more specifically of the role of the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs), as tools to tackle Europe’s current and future challenges. Professor Geep Hagoort from the Utrecht School of the Arts and an ENCATC Member was appointed Research Advisor for this important document. Read the full study: http://ec.europa.eu/culture/key-documents/doc3124_en.htm

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ISSUE 01 / 2010 Page 3

CULTURE/ COMMISSION: Turku and Tallinn launch the Cultural Programme for 2011 Turku (Finland) and Tallinn (Estonia) are the European Capitals of Culture in 2011. Androulla Vassiliou, Member of the European Commission responsible for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, said: "The European Capi-tal of Culture event is one of the European Union's most prestigious culture-related initiatives. It has shown its poten-tial in terms of job creation, urban regeneration and creativity, and its attractiveness at European level." In autumn 2010 the European Commission awarded the Melina Mercouri Prize (worth 1.5 million euros) to the two 2011 Capi-tals in recognition of the quality of their preparations. The Finnish city of Turku and Tallinn in Estonia have decided to cooperate to draw wider attention to the poor state of the Baltic Sea. The Baltic has suffered from decades of pollu-tion caused by untreated sewage and chemical pollutants, including agricultural waste, which causes blooms of al-gae that choke marine life. Among the joint projects to be organised is the Night of the Ancient Bonfires in August. The idea is to join people together in a chain of bonfires with a promise of concrete action to save and protect the endangered Baltic Sea. The two capitals of culture share approximately ten mutual projects to showcase their geo-graphical proximity as well as cultural and ethnic affinity. Find about this year’s European Capitals of Culture: http://www.tallinn2011.ee ; http://www.turku2011.fi/

CULTURE/COMMISSION: Comité des Sages calls for a "Digital Renaissance" The report of the Comité des Sages (high-level reflection group) on Digitisation of Europe's cultural heritage was deli-vered on January 10th 2011 to Mrs Kroes, European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Agenda, and Mrs Vassiliou, Commissioner responsible for Education and Culture. The document urges EU Member States to step up their efforts to put online the collections held in all their libraries, archives and museums. It stresses the benefits of making Europe's culture and knowledge more easily accessible. It also points to the potential economic benefits of digitisation, including through public-private partnerships, for the development of innovative services in sectors like tourism, research and education. The report endorses the Digital Agenda's objective of strengthening Europe's digital library Europeana and suggests solutions for making works covered by copyright available online. Recommendations will feed into the Commission's broader strategy, under the Digital Agenda for Europe, to help cultural institutions make the transition towards the digital age and to search for new and effective business models that accelerate digi-tisation while allowing fair remuneration for rights holders where necessary. Today europeana.eu already offers ac-cess to more than 15 million digitised books, maps, photographs, film clips, paintings and musical extracts, but this is only a fraction of works held by Europe's cultural institutions. The full report and recommendations of the Comité des Sages' can be found at: http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/digital_libraries/index_en.htm EDUCATION/COMMISSION: Croatia joins EU Lifelong Learning Programme and Youth in Action Croatia will participate fully in the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme and Youth in Action Pro-gramme from January 2011. Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, and Radovan Fuchs, Croatia's Minister of Science, Education and Sports, signed a 'memorandum of un-derstanding' at an informal meeting of European education Ministers in Bruges, Belgium, on 7th December 2010. The Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) includes Erasmus, which provides grants to higher education students to study or train abroad, Leonardo da Vinci, which is aimed at vocational education mobility, Comenius for school exchanges and Grundtvig for adult education. The funding is targeted at individual students and learners, as well as teachers, trainers and others involved in education and training. Switzerland will also join the two EU programmes in January 2011, bringing the total number of partner countries to 3 (27 Member States, Norway, Iceland, Turkey and Liech-tenstein currently participate). Memorandum of Understanding: http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-programme/doc/croatia_en.pdf

EDUCATION/COUNCIL: Ministers encourage quality of vocational training in Europe Education Ministers from 33 European countries (EU-27, Croatia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey), together with representatives of employers and unions and the European Com-mission, met in Bruges, Belgium on December 7th 2010 to discuss a package of objectives and actions to increase the quality of vocational training in Europe by making it more accessible and relevant to the needs of the labour mar-ket for 2011-2020. By adopting the Bruges Communiqué, the 33 Education Ministers confirmed their shared objecti-ves for vocational education and training for the next decade and an action plan for the coming four years. The Bru-ges Communiqué is the latest revision of the Copenhagen Process for European co-operation on vocational educa-tion and training, and presents a vision of a modern and attractive vocational training system which ensures: 1) Maxi-mum access to lifelong learning so that people have opportunities to learn at any stage in life and by making routes into education and training more open and flexible; 2) More opportunities for experience and training abroad to boost language skills, self-confidence and adaptability; 3) Higher quality courses, providing the right skills for specific jobs; 4) More inclusion and access for disadvantaged people; 4) Creative, innovative and entrepreneurial thinking. In addi-tion, an action plan with concrete measures at national level and support at European level for the coming four years was also agreed. Read the Communiqué: : http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-policy/doc/vocational/bruges_en.pdf

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ISSUE 01 / 2010 Page 4

The Council of the European Union has declared 2011, the European Year of Volunteering as a mean of promo-ting active citizenship. One of the main objectives of the Year of Volunteering is to highlight that volunteering is one of the efficient means of responsible citizens’ action. For the Commission, volunteering is an active expression of civic participation and strengthens common European values such as solidarity and social cohesion. Volunteering also provides important learning opportunities, because involvement in voluntary activities can provide people with new skills and competences and can even improve their employability. This is particularly important in this time of economic crisis. Volunteering plays an important role in sectors as varied and diverse as education, youth, culture, sport, environment, health, social care, consumer protection, humanitarian aid, development policy, research, equal opportunities and external relations. The European Year of Volunteering should help volunteers and volunteering organisations from everywhere in Europe to meet and to learn what is done best in other countries. The public autho-rities will be able to learn more about volunteers and making volunteering easier. Citizens who do not know much about volunteering should find out more about it, and maybe become volunteers one day themselves. And finally, the European Year should give recognition to the volunteers. Further information available on the EYV 2011 webpages: http://europa.eu/volunteering/en/home2

FOCUS: The Hungarian Presidency

Priorities and programme of the Presidency The Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union wishes to build its political agenda around the human factor, focusing on four main topics: growth and employment for pre-serving the European social model; stronger Europe; citizen friendly Union; enlargement and neighbourhood policy.

Hungarian priorities for the Cultural and Education Sector With respect to the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy the objective of the Hungarian Presidency will be to discover the areas and instruments, where culture could contribute to meeting European economic and growth targets. In this sense, the role played by cultural and creative industries in social development and the strengthening of cohesion is especially important, just as the synergy effect of linking knowledge-based society, innovation and culture. To this end an expert-level conference will be organized in February 2011 and the topic will also be on the agenda of Ministers of Culture at their informal meeting in March. The Hungarian Presidency will do everything it can to have the Member States formulate culture-based development goals and establish the funds that will be made available to the cultural and crea-tive sectors. The EU Work Plan for Culture 2011-2014 of the Council could play an important role in this. Implementation of this work plan provides an opportunity to discuss issues related to cultural and linguistic diversity at high-level meetings. A good example will be the joint informal meeting of senior officials of Ministries of Culture and senior officials responsible for culture in Ministries of Foreign Affairs. The first occasion for this will be during the term of the Hungarian Presidency in May 2011. Hungary wishes to promote a research to define the factors that impede the mobility of artists and other cultural experts. Budapest would like to establish an information system as well, which supports their mo-bility. On the issue of museum art collections, the main event of the Presidency will be the series of training and presentation events organ-ized by the Hungarian Museum of Fine Arts in the framework of the pro-ject called Collections Mobility 2.0. As part of the project, also a practi-cal manual should be elaborated. The debate on the establishment of a European Heritage Label could be concluded by the Hungarian Presidency with the approval of a politi-cal agreement, with which the Presidency wishes to promote the coop-eration of network of label winner and candidate sites. To this end a European Heritage Forum will be organized (the second after the French Presidency of 2008.) in June 2011. SOURCE: The official website of the Hungarian Presidency: http://www.eu2011.hu/cultural-diversity-and-european-year-volunteering

EVENTS 14/02/2011: Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council

27/02/2011: Conference: The Contribution of Culture to the Implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy

27-28-29/03/2011: Informal Meeting of Mi-nisters responsible for Education Youth and Culture, Gödöllő

31/03/2011: Meeting of the Cultural Contact Points

19-20/05/2011: Education, Youth and Culture Council

6-8/06/2011: European Heritage Forum – meeting of the European Heritage Label sites, Visegrad

23-24/06/2011: Expert conference on the digitalisation of cultural heritage, Buda-pest

22-24/06/2011: Joint meeting of senior offi-cials of the Ministries of Culture and Fo-reign Affairs, Pécs

FOCUS: 2011 European Year of Volunteering

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Page 5

Culture and creative industries gain more political attention In April the European Commission published its Green paper on culture and creative industries. The document is the first ever EC paper on culture and creative industries. It officially acknowledges the economic and social importance of the sector and its contribution to social inclusion and competitiveness. On 26 May, the Competitiveness Council of the European Union (EU), which gathers Ministers from the 27 EU Mem-ber States to discuss policies and actions related to the internal market, research and industry, recognised the role of culture-based creativity as a driver of innovation. Moreover the Innovation Union flagship Initiative endorses a broad definition of innovation, including creativity. It sta-tes:“The creativity and diversity of our people and the strength of European creative industries, offer huge potential for new growth and jobs through innovation, especially for SMEs” 1. DG Enterprise announced a new policy initiative to support SMEs and creative entrepreneurship with the launch of the European Creative Industry Alliance (ECIA) in 2011. In an EP report Dutch MEP Schaake is suggesting that the newly formed external actions service appoint in each delegation in third countries a person responsible for culture. Continued digital shifts at industrial level The “content” industry is experiencing another year of convergence. Hollywood is streaming movies online in the USA now, nearly one month after DVD/Blu Ray release. Watching movies and TV is possible on mobile phones, iPads, videogame consoles, and on the Internet now increasingly accessible through TV sets. The industry still de-pends on the sale of packaged media, as web-based video transactions were worth only USD 711 million in the USA in 2009 (vs USD 18 billion for DVD in 2009 which declined 15% in the first half of 2010). Europe is as large a market as North America for the Hollywood majors with more 3D screens than anywhere else in the world (both markets are valued USD 10 billion each in relation to box office revenues only). In December Sony announced the global roll out of its cloud-based music streaming service. It offers access to 6 million songs through Sony hardware (game consoles, Blu Ray players, internet linked TV, Vaio personal compu-ters). This is another example of music and cultural services being “used” to increase the appeal of devices or inter-net services. Mainstream cultural productions are increasingly sold as a by-product of consumer and ICT goods. The long tail has yet to show its impact on niche and nonmainstream cultural productions. The challenge for Euro-pean productions is how to create scale so that cultural productions, resources and artists get heard and seen glo-bally. It is a question of competitiveness but also of heritage preservation and influence. Europe has yet to find the best economic model for its fragmented cultural industries. EU policy in this field has negli-gible impact. Europe is not making the most of its cultural resources whilst its creators and creative brands are cele-brated throughout the world. At national level the debate is raging over the enforcement of copyright in relation to Internet usage. France adopted the “Hadopi law” to deter consumers from infringing copyright on the Internet whilst Spain has just rejected a softer law “Ley Sinde” designed to achieve the same objective. Legislative initiatives are going in all sorts of directions, ho-wever the European Commission has not yet invoked legislative harmonization to prevent judicial and commercial chaos in the internal market. In September the French MEP Marielle Gallo’s report on the importance of strong copyright enforcement on the In-ternet was adopted by the European Parliament. Culture budgets a victim of the financial crisis? Drastic budget restriction plans affecting culture activities have been adopted in the UK, the Netherlands, Ireland, Flanders, Italy and in most Eastern and Central European countries. A complete rethink of EU financial intervention in the cultural sphere is very likely in the preparation of the 2013-2020 financial perspectives. SOURCE: Philippe Kern, KEA European Affairs Blog: http://www.keablog.com/ 2010 was also the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion Inspired by its founding principle of solidarity, the European Union joined forces with its Member States to make 2010 the European Year For Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion. The key objective was to raise public aware-ness about these issues and renew the political commitment of the EU and its Member States to combat poverty and social exclusion. The guiding principle of the 2010 Year was to give voice to the concerns of people who have to live with poverty and social exclusion, and to inspire every European citizen and other stakeholders to engage with these important issues. This Year also aimed to challenge stereotypes and collective perceptions of poverty. By harnessing the EU’s principles of solidarity and partnership, 2010 represented a clarion call to tackle the causes of poverty head-on in a bid to ensure everyone can play a full and active role in society. Civil society organisations and social part-ners joined participating countries and the European Commission and ran a series of activities throughout 2010. Read more about this year on the dedicated website: http://www.2010againstpoverty.eu/?langid=en

FOCUS: 2010 The Year of Culture and Creativity in Europe review

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ISSUE 01 / 2010 Page 6

FOCUS: Cultural diplomacy: To sell European culture and values globally

The Dutch Liberal Member of the European Parliament, Marietje Scha-ake (ALDE) presented her report on cultural diplomacy at the end of 2010. Marietje Schaake argues that the objective of culture is no longer only to create art or literature. "Cultural Diplomacy" is increasingly being used as a vehicle to promote liberal democratic values and to foster "democracy and participation". Why is culture important in foreign politics? Culture or culture actions are used to foster democratization participation, development, education, human rights and freedom of expression. Culture is increasingly recognized as a vehicle to accomplish other goals that are more value oriented. We see exchanges between students, teachers, journalists, artists and we see elements of development money being used for culture and partnerships with third countries. This report makes suggestions on how these policies can be used more coherently and how we can make a more strate-gic coordination between the programmes. Not only because I believe it's a good idea, but because it has al-ready been said in the Lisbon Treaty and the UNESCO convention that culture should be mainstreamed and be an element of every programme. In the report you propose that there should be a cultural administrator at each EU representation in the world. What would be the job description for this person? Yes, the report proposes one representative in each European representation that deals with the coordination of cultural programmes. This person would know about all the cultural actions and programmes that the EU has and should inform people about it. This can also be done via internet. It is not just about travelling to places and doing on the ground programmes. Actually I think we need to introduce a new strategy on digital diplomacy. You mention that "new media" has a crucial part to play in cultural diplomacy... People interact increasingly over the internet. New media can help to foster values such as freedom of expres-sion, access to information and democratic participation. It is now possible to break through censorship and taboos and it’s really important to engage people in democracy and human rights through these new media. This is also a part of the cultural programmes. Bloggers are basically the journalists of today and people are being imprisoned for the blogs they write or the way they use new media. It's just the reality in the new world - a reality that has not really been factored into the policies yet, and this would be a good moment to do so. How can Europe defend and monitor the freedom of expression over the internet, and do you think that internet - as we know it today - can survive after the recent Wikileaks’ incidents? It is very important that Europe stands for a free and open internet. It’s important for the freedom of expression and it’s important for democratic participation. The Wikileaks’ cases are a symptom of how the internet and technology changes democracy. What we should do is to rethink diplomacy, democracy and governance and see how we can make it much more open. Services like Wikileaks were developed in a climate of mistrust of government. Open government needs to be the standard and secrecy needs to be the exception. So I hope that this moment will be used to create more openness. I hope that trust can be rebuilt effectively between government politicians and people. Your report also mentions the concept of "Brand Europe". How do you think we can do this? We are many member states, we have different cultures. How can we sell ourselves as a one cultural brand? This diversity is precisely what makes Europe so attractive. There is no desire to blend this together, it would not even be possible and it would kill precisely what makes Europe strong. Diversity is an image as well. Brand Europe is just to switch the thinking in terms of "Europe in the World" instead of differences between member states. It’s important to think about our position in the worldwide economy because otherwise we miss opportunities and we risk becoming less relevant on the global stage even though we have the by far most attractive cultural landscape. SOURCE: European Parliament website: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/public/story_page/037-106148-337-12-49-906-20101203STO05908-2010-03-12-2010/default_en.htm (7-12-2010 , REF. : 20101203STO05908) Download the Draft Report online on the European Parliament’s website.

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ENCATC keeps growing in 2011!!!

ENCATC is pleased to welcome 2 new Full Mem-bers into the network: SMartBe_ Association pro-fessionnelle des métiers de la création, based in Brussels, Belgium, and the University of Kent in the United Kingdom.

SMartBe, Société Mutuelle pour artistes, was created in 1998 with the aim of guiding artists, tech-niciens and temporary workers faced with the admi-nistrative complexity of the Belgian artistic sector; The main aim of SMartBe is to professionalise ar-tists and project-based workers. To this end, SMartBe has elaborated tools and services which will assist those working in the creative industry who seek better security and profesionalism in pursuing their artistic activities. Among the services on offer, SMartBe proposes a short training programme enti-tled « Du rêve artistique au projet de vie profes-sionnel ».

The School of Arts of the University of Kent com-bines the four subject areas of Drama & Theatre Studies, Film Studies, History & Philosophy of Art, based on the Canterbury campus, and Event & Ex-perience Design based on the Medway campus. It offers a range of highly successful undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes, having im-portant elements devoted to professional links and practice. It also offers an International Arts Profes-sionals Summer School, an intense week of inspi-rational learning for arts managers, creative practitio-ners and cultural project managers interested in en-gaging with the current debates, innovative practices and advancements in arts management. The Course

Information from the ENCATC office

For further information please contact [email protected] or consult the website: www.smartbe.be

For further information please contact Dr. Roberta Comunian [email protected] or con-sult the website: www.kent.ac.uk/arts

ENCATC has appointed a new Assistant Magdaléna Lišková has recently been appointed as Assistant to the Secretary General, Responsible for Social Networks and Blogs. Magdalena took over this position from Tara Schneider Appriou.

ENCATC Board Meeting

ENCATC held its first Board Meeting of the year on 19-20th January 2011 in Brussels, Belgium. The Board met to discuss potential future projects, EN-CATC’s budget, the working programme and events ahead. It was also the opportunity for the ENCATC board to discuss in cooperation with the Finnish rep-resentative, Pekka Vartiainen, the initial forecasts and preparations envisaged for this year’s Annual Confer-ence. The 2011 ENCATC Annual Conference and General Assembly, as well as the 2011 CPRA and the Young Cultural Policy Researchers Forum will all be held in Helsinki, Finland on 12-14 October 2011.

Do you want to join us? To know more about applying for ENCATC membership and learn about the benefits of be-ing an ENCATC Member visit our website: http://www.encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=11 or con-tact Magdalena at [email protected]

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ENCATC in Las Palmas, Canaries

7th Euro-American Campus on Cultural Cooperation Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain: 30th Novem-ber - 3 December 2010

ENCATC President Cristina Ortega Nuere attended the 7th Euro-American Campus on Cultu-ral Cooperation, which took place in Las Palmas on 30th November- 3rd December 2010. Cristina Orte-ga’s participation consists in coordinating the work-shop entitled “Evaluation of Local Cultural Policies”.

The Euro-American Campus creates a meeting space in which people from all over the world working on pro-jects of institutions with the theme of international culture and cooperation, can exchange, interact and strengthen their relations. It is a great opportunity for the professionals working in the cultural sector to deal with these themes in depths. This year’s programme was designed surrounding the central theme of the 7th Euro-American Campus “Culture, Cooperation and Local Development”.

Further information about the conference: http://www.oei.es/euroamericano/euro_american/index.php

ENCATC in Madrid, Spain

Madrid, Spain: 17 December 2010

ENCATC President Cristina Ortega Nuere participa-ted in the Conference of Culture which took place in Madrid, Spain, on 17th December 2011. Promoted by the Spanish Federation of Associations of Cultural Managers (FEAGC), the Conference sought to summon all the professional and business sectors of culture to reach a consensus on the Social Agreement for Culture and to communicate it to re-sponsibles for the public administrations. Cristina Or-tega Nuere made a brief intervention between third session (consensus on the content of the Agreement for Culture) and fourth (reading and passing of the final paper) to present the point of view of the university sector. Further information about this conference is avail-able on the website: http://www.conferenciadelacultura.net/

ENCATC 2011 Annual Conference: « Forecast Culture »

Helsinki, Finland: 12-14 October 2011 Organised by ENCATC, HUMAK, Metropolia, Novia, Seinäjoki and Mikkeli Universities of Applied Sciences, in cooperation with Cupore, Taku (The Art and Cultural Professionals' Trade Union), the ENCATC 2011 Annual Conference ”Forecast Culture” will take place in Helsinki on 12-14 October 2011.

The ENCATC 2011 aims to offfer possibilities for interaction, communciation and networking as well as for knowledge building. Researchers, academics, cultural operators and students will have the opportunity to work, expeirence and share information during the event. Themes discussed at this year’s conference will include among others the European Capitals of Culture, Production of Sporting Events, Future of Cultural Management, Pedagogy as a Tool for Crossing Boundaries and Networking in Cultural Sector. The ENCATC 2011 Annual Conference will be composed of several components: the ENCATC General Assembly and Election of the ENCATC Board, the 2011 CPRA Ceremony, the Young Cul-tural Policy Researchers Forum, Working Group Meetings and the accompanying Study Visits. Study Vists could include trips to The Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE), the Contemporary Art Museum (Kiasma), Nokia, the Music House in Helsinki, the Finnish Opera, the Nordic Culture Point, Music Export Finland and the Culture Factory Korjaamo. For the second time, ENCATC will organise a Research Session (previously entitled Scientific Committee). This Session will provide the opportunity for ENCATC Members to present Research Papers to be discussed in 1-3 group meetings being held simultaneously. Further information will be available soon on the ENCATC website: www.encatc.org

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ENCATC in Bruges, Belgium

On 9 December, Claire Girauld-Labalte, ENCATC Representative for Heritage was invited by the Belgian Presidency of the EU to speak at the Conference “Cultural heritage: a resource for Europe. The benefits of interaction” in Bruges. The Conference gathered more than 200 participants and resulted in the “Bruges Declaration”, presented by the Flemish Minister for Immovable Heritage, Geert Bour-geois.

Claire Giraud-Labalte, Art Historian and Professor at the Université Catholique de l’Ouest in France, and Chair of the ENCATC Thematic Area « Understanding Heritage », was a key speaker at this event. Speaking on the topic of the importance of cultural heritage and its important challenges in the European context, Claire Girauld-Labalte provided an insight into the potential of heritage for society (from an econo-mic, ecological and cultural diversity point of view). Claire Girauld-Labalte explained that the concept of « heritage » has been evolving over the past 2 centuries, and its scope has progressively expanded. Heri-tage refers not only to prestigious monuments and objects, museums and historic cities, but also englobes tradition, knowledge and natural landscapes which caracterise our daily lives. Reflexions undertaken by the European Union, the Council of Europe, countries and civil society on the concept deserve to be given grea-ter visibility. The ENCATC Chair also talked about the most important challenges facing cultural heritage in the European context: the financial crisis, digitalisation, identity etc.

The afternoon round-table provided the opportunity for Snêska Quaedvlieg-Mihailovic, Secretary General of Europa Nostra and Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines, Member of European Parliament, to engage with others in a discussion on the long-term strategies and on their respective roles. Tamás Fejérdy, Vice-Chairman of the National Bureau for Monument Care in Hungary was also a key speaker at the event, ahead of the Hungarian Presidency of the EU which began on January 1st 2011. To conclude the conference, Geert Bourgeois, Vice-Minister-President of the Flemish Government and Flemish Minister for Administrative Affairs, Local and Provincial Government, Civic Integration, Tourism and the Vlaamse Rand, presented the Declaration of Bruges. The Bruges Declaration highlights the importance of cultural heritage (in its wider definition) and its close links with culture but also a variety of sectors such as agriculture, spatial planning, media, research, environment, tourism, etc., which means that the European numerous other sectors can have direct or indirect consequences for cultural heri-tage. The Declaration is committed to creating in 2011 an international study group with the aim of preparing a European cultural heritage platform to ensure greater collaboration between all parties involved in Europe. To download the Bruges Declaration: http://heritageconference.rwo.be

© Flemish Heritage Institute

© Guido Vloeberghs

Claire Girauld-Labalte et Geert Bourgeois

ENCATC consulted by European Commission on EU Sectoral Councils

On January 26th, Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens, Secretary General of ENCATC, was invited by Xavier Troussard from the DG Education and Culture of the European Commission to attend a mee-ting on “An EU Level Sector Skills Council in the field of Culture“. The aim of this meeting was to present to the participants the idea of setting up a European sector Council for the Cultural Sec-tor. This new European Commission initiative seeks to contribute to the Europe 2020 objectives, which have the ambition of turning Europe into an economy which delivers high levels of em-ployment, productivity and social social cohesion.

A limited number of key stakeholders (employers and employees associations plus education and training provi-ders) were invited for an initial brainstorming. The aim is to get a clearer view of it and how to go ahead and start a mapping exercise as a first step. This is one of the points of the Workplan for Culture 2011-2014. The issue had already been discussed within the social dialogue committee on performing arts, but a wider and deeper dis-cussion may be beneficial to reaching operational conclusions. For further information about these EU Sectoral Councils and to download the report presenting the re-sults of a study that assessed the feasibility of setting up Sector Councils on employment and skills at the European level (EU level Sector Councils), please refer to the European Commission website: http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?langId=en&catId=782&newsId=743&furtherNews=yes

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Special Report on the 2010 Annual Con-ference and parallel events

Interviews, policy pa-pers, insight into The-matic Area discussions and much more inside this Special publica-tion. Also includes updates about the CPRA, Young Cultural Researchers Forum and the Artists Moving and Learning project, and professional photos from all the events!. Now available online on the 2010 Annual Confer-ence pages of the ENCATC’s website: http://www.encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=190

ENCATC Publication 2009: 17th Annual Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Barcelona now available online for downloading!

The richness of the confe-rence discussions from EN-CATC’s previous Annual Conference, held in Barcelo-na, Spain on 21-24th Octo-ber 2009, have been brought together in the recently relea-sed ENCATC publication: ENCATC 2009: 17th An-nual Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Barcelona. The ENCATC 2009 publication is available in the publications section on the website: http://www.encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=34

Are you seeking to promote your pro-gramme worldwide and attract students

from abroad?

Update your profile in the Members Area! As an ENCATC Member, take the opportunity to update your institu-tion’s information online. Informa-tion about the cultural management programmes on offer in each EN-CATC Member’s institution is avail-able in the Members’ Profiles Section on the EN-CATC website. To enhance the information about your institution, simply log into the Members area with your personal username and password!

ENCATC contributes to European Com-mission online consultations for Culture

On behalf of all its mem-bers, ENCATC participated in the online public consul-tations on the Future of the Culture Programme and the Future of the European Capitals of Culture.

With regard to the Future of the European Capitals of Culture, ENCATC has extensive experience on the subject given that EN-CATC President, Cristi-na Ortega is jury mem-

ber for the selection of the ECoC city in Spain 2016 and ENCATC Board Member Svetlana Wa-radzinova was a jury member for the selection of the ECoC city in Slovakia 2013. ENCATC believes that the ECoC should not be an isolated initiative but should be part of a broader fra-mework (for example, within the cultural strategic plan of a city). One of the major problems is that there is always a political issue. The preparation phase of the project never corresponds to the length of the local government and parliament, so it´s very hard for the organizers to keep the strategy.

ENCATC is also of the opinion that the Ecoc title should be the means to improve the present reality, and should not be a series of cultural events. Cities should bear in mind an aim related to human deve-lopment. There is also the problem with the authenti-city of the project. Some of them are “very Brussels-like” without taking into account the local and national perceiving of arts products, the tradition, to keep the positive local background, based on the best of the city and region to introduce to wider Europe. More opportunities for exchange of information and best practices should also be made available. There should also be new methodologies and tools to moni-tor the evolution of the ECoC. One notable example was the Impact08 research programme used to intro-duce the ECOC Liverpool 2008. Concerning the Future of the Culture Programme, ENCATC believes that the EU should fund fewer pro-jects at a higher rate. The results of these online consultations will be ana-lysed and summarised in a report that will be publis-hed on the DG EAC website in the first quarter of 2011: http://ec.europa.eu/culture/index_en.htm

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How to access these blogs?

Simply click on the BLOGS icon in the red-

hand side of the ENCATC webpage….

Page 12: ENCATC NEWSLETTER 2011 1 - mdc.hr NEWSLETTER_2… · ENCATC NEWS is produced by ENCATC Office Editor: Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens Contributors: Caroline Simpson Magdaléna Lišková

Why did you decide to organize this course? Fabio Donato: For years, in many University post-graduate courses art-related subjects (economics and management, humanities, science, social

sciences, architecture and design) have been addressed separately, without an integrated approach. Thus, the University of Ferrara, in co-operation with AN-MLI, has decided to organize a course that intertwines many subjects, encoura-ging the exchange of knowledge and experiences that is also one of the most important objectives of the ENCATC network. Anna Maria Visser: I totally agree with Fabio. It is also important to underline that the need for an integrated approach is felt not only by academics, but also by professionals. This need is also felt by the members of the Italian and Inter-national Associations (i.e. ICOM International) of which I am a member.

What makes this course innovative compared to other cultural management courses? AMV: An innovative aspect of EcoCult is its teaching approach: As I have just said, we aim at intertwining diffe-rent art-related subjects, such as humanities, economics, management. EcoCult follows the path of our post-grad

course in Economic and Management of Museums and Cultural Services (MuSeC) held in Italian, that has become very successful during its past seven editions (the 8th edition is currently being held). FD: Another innovative aspect of Ecocult is its accurate analysis of the international scenario; this could help both students and professionals from all around the world to enhance their career in cultural organizations.

Why should cultural management students (or professionals) apply for this course? FD: Our starting point was the idea of giving a good preparation in the field of Cultural Management and Econo-

mics, but within the above mentioned integrated perspective; thus, students will approach the complex situation of cultural organizations and heritage institutes, both in and outside Europe, with high-level competencies and outstan-ding training. AMV: We believe that the idea of organizing the course in Italy is an advantage since students will have the opportu-nity to study the cases of well-known cultural institutions with site-visits to successful cultural organizations that co-operate with us, such as the Galleria degli Uffizi in Florence, the Venice Art Biennale, Verona Museums and the Tea-tro Regio in Parma. The course, indeed, will combine lectures with visits, so that students will analyze in person the most significant examples of Italian best practices in the field of conservation and management of cultural heritage.

How will this course help students to find a job in the cultural sector after graduating? AMV: We all know how difficult it is to find a job in the contemporary internatio-

nal scene, especially in the cultural sector whose resources and funds (both in public and private organizations) are constantly decreasing. Therefore, our objec-tive is to give to our students a better and more practical preparation that could be particularly appreciated both in private industries and in the public sector. FD: In this sense, the course aim is to create a “business attitude” towards the job market in the cultural sector. Our mission is not only to provide our students with “tools” that they can use to better understand cultural organizations from the in-side, but also to give them an overview of the international cultural scenario; this approach will help them to find their way in this scenario, creating a successful and satisfactory career. For further information: [email protected]; Tel +39 0532 455025; www.ecocult.it

ENCATC in contact: Interview with Fabio Donato and Anna Maria Visser


NEW Post-graduate course in Economics and Manage-ments of Cultural Organizations and Heritage (EcoCult).

Ecocult aims at offering to its students an excellent preparation in the field of manage-ment of cultural and heritage institutions by

combining different learning experiences and activities. Start of course: May 16th 2011; Deadline for application: April 4th 2011

Fabio Donato Professor of Cultural Management at the Department of Economics of the University of Ferrara and Board Member of ENCATC Anna Maria Visser Past-President of ANMLI and Board Member of ICOM Italy

Past edition of the Università de Ferra-ra’s other post-graduate course MuSeC

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“Museums & Municipalities in Europe: Working relationships, perspectives and manage-ment” Conference on 9-10th December in Brussels, Belgium


O rganised by the University Paris I Sorbonne, the Louvre Museum and ENCATC, in partnership

with the Manchester Museum (The University of Man-chester) and the municipality of Split, the European Poli-cy Grouping “Museums and Municipalities” Confe-rence brought together eminent museum managers, cu-rators, local authorities, researchers, educators and ex-perts from across the European continent and abroad. The relationship between Museums and Municipalities was at the heart of discussions held on 9-10th December 2010 in Brussels, Belgium at the Bilbiothèque Solvay. As Museums and Municipalities gain an increasingly prominent role in territorial development, they are assuming additional responsibilities, endorsing di-verse management methods and facing new challen-ges. How is this relationship between Museums and Municipalities evolving? To what extent are they sha-ping the economic and social development at the re-gional level? Which benefits derive from this rela-tionship and how could the partnership be further enhanced? The day’s discussions were organised around four plean-ry sessions: 1) Why should we analyse the relations bet-ween museums and municipalities? 2) Sustainable deve-lopment: a common issue for museums and municipali-ties 3) Mutual expectations from museums and municipa-lities 4) What kinds of partnerships? Which recommenda-tions? This conference marked the final event after a full year of activities, and was the opportunity to present the results of the European Policy Grouping “Museums and Munici-palities”. The results and conclusions from the two online ques-tionnaires, launched in the summer of 2010 by Ms Anne Krebs, Responsible for the Studies and Research De-partment at the Louvre Museum and by Professor Xavier Greffe, Programme Coordinator and Professor at the University Paris I Sorbonne, to which over 200 museums and 50 municipalities participated, were openly debated at this event. The full report of these two online question-naires will be available shortly on the ENCATC website. This Conference was also the opportunity for the audi-ence to share best practices, identify concrete proposals and formulate recommendations which will be integrated into the White paper on “Museums and Local Authori-ties” to be published shortly by the policy group. Stay updated with the "Museums and Municipalities" Policy Grouping BLOG: http://www.encatc.org/museums-and-municipalities/

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Does cooperation between museums and municipalities differ across the Euro-pean countries? Is cooperation easier in smaller cities? Should the public pay to enter museums? How should museums be funded? Does a museum have a social role? How does public financing affect the independence of a museum? Can mu-nicipalities also be dependent on museums?

The speakers from the “Museums and Municipalities” Conference answered these ques-tions and many more... Watch ENCATC’s bilingual videos on ENCATC Youtube Communication Channel, accessible from the ENCATC Homepage: www.encatc.org or on the Conference webpage: http://encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=189


Mr Jordi Pascual

Coordinator, Committee on Culture of UCLG – United Ci-

ties and Local Governments – Agenda 21 for Culture

Mrs Emiko Kakiuchi

Professor at the Universi-ty of Tokyo, Graduate Re-search Institute for Policy Studies, Japan

M. Busine,

Directeur du musée des arts contemporains, MAC’s, Grand-Hornu, Belgique

Mrs Visnja Zgaga,

Director of the Centre for Documentation, Museum f Zagreb, Croatia

Mme Sueur,

Administra-trice générale adjointe, Mu-sée du Louvre,

Mme Gloanec-Maurin,

Membre du présidium de la Com-mission culture, éducation, jeu-nesse de l’Assemblée des Ré-gions d’Europe, Vice-présidente de la région Centre, France

Mme Gutierrez,

Membre du Par-lement Européen

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ISSUE 01 / 2010 Page 15

Information From ENCATC Members

Euromed Management: 5ème édition du Forum Média 16 et 17 mars 2011: Marseille, France

Les 16 et 17 mars 2011, Euromed Management organise la 5ème édition du Forum Média avec l’IUP AIC (Université Paul Cézanne) sur Marseille. Vous pourrez assister et participer à plusieurs ateliers et conférences déclinant la thématique «Faire l'événe-ment» avec de grands acteurs des médias et de l'événementiel. Cette édition aura le plaisir d'accueil-lir l'équipe organisatrice du projet "Marseille 2013, ville européenne de la culture". Cette édition qui abordera la question des rapports entre les grands événements et les mé-dias proposera sous l’égide du club Galilée des cas d’évènementiels médiatiques à la réflexion du public. Ce forum sera traditionnellement composé à part égales de professionnels et de membres de la com-munauté académique venus des écoles et des uni-versités. La journée du 16 mars se clôturera par l’in-tervention de l’équipe de Marseille 2013 en pré-sence très probablement des mécènes de la mani-festation. Pour plus d’information contacter Lucien Vé-ran. [email protected] Professeur Agrégé des Sciences de Gestion à l'Université Paul Cé-zanne. IUP Administration des Institutions Cultu-relles en Arles ou consulter le site http://forum-media.euromed-management.com/

Call for Participation: Tandem: Cultural Cooperation Placements Moldova – Ukraine – European Union Preparatory study visits: 10th to 15th April, 2011 (Moldova), 16th to 21st May, 2011 (Ukraine) Application deadline: 15 February 2011 Are you looking for new partners in Europe or interested in trans-national co-operation with coun-tries outside the European Un-ion? The project “Tandem”, which was initiated by the European Cultural Foundation and MitOst, makes it possible for cultural insti-tutions from all EU member states to get a profound insight into the cultural scenes of Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. Make your organisation a part of a new European cultural network and build long-term cooperation with a partner organisation from Ukraine or the Republic of Moldova during a one-year collaborative effort! The project will be launched by study trips to both countries for which employees of cultural institutions that are interested in participating in the project „Tandem“ may apply until February 15th, 2011. The Tandem project is run in cooperation with the Centre for Cultural Management in Ukraine, ECF, Culture Action Europe, MitOst and Soros Foundation (Moldova). The Centre for Cultural Management in Ukraine (www.kultura.org.ua) is a member of ENCATC. More information and application form on: http://www.mitost.org/arbeitsfelder/kulturaustausch/programme-und-projekte/kooperationsprojekte/tandem/basistext-englisch.html

Il museo oltre la crisi Dialogo fra museologia e management Fabio Donato e Anna Maria Visser Travagli Editorial Mondadori Electa The book offers a provocative, a starting point for a fruitful reflection and dialogue around that urgent cul-tural heritage that is the first resource, civil identity and growth of our country: the museum. The public recog-nition of the value of the museum, a place of dialogue and synthesis between museology and management.

Fabio Donato from the Univer-sity of Ferrara in Italy is a Board member of ENCATC.

To buy this book please con-sult the website: http://www.amazon.it/crisi-Dialogo-museologia-management-Electa/dp/8837077084/ref=pd_nr_b_7?ie=UTF8&s=books

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ISSUE 01 / 2010 Page 16

Culture Box Cultur al Policy and Management Pro-gram of the University of Barcelona Cultural Box is a virtual library spe-cialized in manage-ment and cultural policies, a deposito-ry with more than one thousand recor-ded references. It is devised by the Cultural Policy and Management Program of the University of Barcelona, who is also a member of ENCATC. Its aim is to make a large catalogue of online videos available to the professio-nals in culture. Thanks to the search engine and an exhaustive se-lection process, it becomes more easy to locate all kinds of reflections, experiences and good practices of institutional advertisement in support of culture. Each file contains a summary of the video, technical information, a link to the Connect CP curriculum vi-tae of those professionals who take part in it, as well as a direct link to the original portal for the complete visualization of the video. Our idea consists in sha-ring this resource freely among all professionals, students or experts interested in the matter. Access these videos on http://www.culturalbox.org/

11th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC 2011)

Antwerp, Belgium: 3 – 6 July 2011

Organized by the Master Cultural Management of the University of Antwerp in collaboration with the Antwerp Management School, AIMAC 2011 aims to provide a space for management of the Arts and the creative industries. Professor Dr. Annick Schramme, an ENCATC Member, is Coordinator of the Master Cultural Management of the University of Antwerp and a key organizer of the event.

This conference will address various sectors of the arts and cultural industries (performing arts and festi-vals, heritage, museums and visual arts, film produc-tion and distribution, book publishing, recording, broadcasting, audiovisual media and multimedia, design…).

AIMAC 2011 warmly welcomes participants to Ant-werp, the city of fashion, diamants and Rubens in the heart of Europe.

Further information: (www.aimac2011.org) or contact [email protected]

 Perfil i reptes del gestor cultural Bonet, Lluís (coord.), Novembre 2010 Català, Editorial Gescenic, Lluis Bonet

Is the profession of management culture firmly estab-lished? Or, as in many other contemporary activities, is it in a continuous process of mutation?

For cultural managers who began down the path of pro-fessionalization in the late seventies, the degree of social acceptance which the profession of cultural manager has progressively gained is a pleasant surprise. But when does it cease to be an emerging profession and when does it reach maturity?

This book is the result of the Collaboration agreement between the Association of Cultural Management of Catalonia, the Department of Culture Media and Universi-tat de Barcelona.

Lluis Bonet from the University of Barcelona is a member of ENCATC and a former President of the ENCATC Board.

Information on Lluis Bonet’s blog: http://lluisbonet.blogspot.com/2010/11/nou-llibre-perfil-i-reptes-del-gestor.html

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Page 17

Information from other organizations

European Commission: New Website for cultural funding possibilities DG Culture and Education has prepared an informa-tion site about other funding possibilities for organi-sations active in the culture sector. This page informs about Culture-based interventions for local & regional development, about how Euro-pean Cohesion policy works, how to establish the main funding sources available and whom to contact in order to prepare a successful project pro-posal. Also available in this connection is the study "The contribution of Culture to Local and Re-gional Development". The website is available on: http://ec.europa.eu/culture/eu-funding/doc2836_en.htm

The United Nations recognizes the role of culture for development On 20 December 2010, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on culture and deve-lopment, which emphasizes the important contribu-tion of culture for sustainable development and for the achievement of national and international deve-lopment objectives, including the Millennium Deve-lopment Goals (MDGs).

This represents a major breakthrough at the inter-national level in so far as there is no explicit men-tion of culture in the MDGs. This new resolu-tion will encourage stake-holders to more fully inte-grate the cultural dimen-

sion into development processes thereby ensuring their sustainability.

This resolution comes in the wake of the United Na-tions MDG Summit, which took place in September 2010. The outcome document adopted by the Sum-mit explicitly recognizes the links between culture and development by insisting on the importance of culture as a factor of development and encourages international cooperation in the cultural field for the achievement of development goals.

As a side event of the Summit, UNESCO organized, in collaboration with the African Union and the Euro-pean Commission, a High Level Round Table for the purpose of raising awareness of the international community on this issue. Among the participants in the round table were the Heads of State of Senegal and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Available for download on the UNESCO portal are the following documents: http://portal.unesco.org/culture/en/ev.php-URL_ID=41466&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html

- Resolution text adopted by the UN General As-sembly - Outcome document of the MDG Summit, Septem-ber 2010 - Summit High-Level Round-Table on Culture for Development - The Power of Culture for Development (Brochure, PDF) - The Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund (MDG-F)

Latin-American Network on Cultu-ral Management In order to set up a meeting point between cultural agents working in Latin America, several professio-nals, organisations and academic institutions from this sector have launched the Latin-American Net-work on Cultural Management (RedLGC).

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Spain, Mexico, Uruguay and Chile are the founding countries of this network that has been created with the aim to develop collective action in order to gene-rate and disseminate knowledge in the field of cultu-ral management and cultural policies, in a constant dialogue with managers, associations and institu-tions around the world. For more information, please see redl-gc.blogspot.com

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First EUROMEDINCULTURE network Forum—Hammamet report and Decal-ration 25-28 November 2010

From 25th to 28th November 2010 took place in Hammamet, Tunisia, the first EUROMEDIN-CULTURE(s) network Forum. Organized in part-nership with the Tunis City of Culture and under the patronage of the Tunisian Ministry for Culture and Heritage Preservation, the Forum gathered members of the EUROMEDINCULTURE(s) net-work and Tunisian cultural professionals in order to discuss on future perspectives for cultural cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean area. Taking as food for thought the topics brought up by the European Agenda for Culture in a Global-izing World –such as the place for culture in edu-cational systems, the relations between the cul-tural and economical worlds, culture in diplomatic Euro-Mediterranean relations, cultural diversity and dialogue between cultures, etc.–, the forum aimed principally at enabling cultural operators from both shores of the Mediterranean to meet and exchange practices and experiences, as well as fostering the development of partnerships and cultural cooperation projects. The founding importance of this first EU-ROMEDINCULTURE(s) Forum was sealed by a common declaration, symbolically entitled “To go further in the Mediterranean”. The Hammamet Declaration, translated into English, Arabic and French, will aim at raising the awareness of the Euro-Mediterranean popula-tions, medias and decision makers on the Forum participants’ commitments to promote cultural cooperation in the Mediterranean, and especially with regard to artistic exchanges, training and mobility of young culture professionals, and definition of the region’s future cultural poli-cies. To download the report of the Hammamet Fo-rum discussions and the Hammamet Declara-tion: http://www.euromedinculture.org/

Page 18

“Culture: Fourth Pillar of Sustainable De-velopment” - Policy Statement

Agenda 21, December 2010, Spain

The members of United Cities and Local Govern-ments share the vision that culture is the fourth pillar of sustainable development. Building on the longstanding work of the UCLG Committee on Culture and UNESCO's Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2001) and Convention on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005), the Executive Bureau of United Cities and Local Governments agreed at its meeting in Chicago (April 2010) to mandate the Committee on Culture to develop a Policy Statement on Culture as the Fourth Pillar of Sustainable Development.

The first draft of the Policy Statement was circulated to the members of the Executive Bureau and to the UCLG members active in the field of culture. The final draft of the Policy Statement contained the comments received.

The Executive Bureau of UCLG, approved the Policy Statement on 17 November 2010, in the framework of the World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders - 3rd World Congress of UCLG, held in Mexico DF.

Mr Jordi Pascual, Coordinator of the Committee on Culture of UCLG – United Cities and Local Govern-ments – Agenda 21 for Culture, discussed the content of this policy statement at the « Museums and Municipalities » Conference on December 10th in Brussels (see

pages 14-15) The Policy Statement « Culture: Fourth Pillar of Sustainable Development » is available to down-load in English, French and Spanish on the Agenda 21 for Culture website: http://agenda21culture.net/index.php?op-tion=com_content&view=article&id=44&Itemid=58&lang=en

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Culture in Motion Conference and Stakeholder Consultation Meeting for the future Culture Programme Brussels, Belgium: 15-16 February 2011 What is the added value of transna-tional cultural coo-peration projects supported by the EU and what does European fi-nancing enable the cultural sector to achieve that would not have been possible otherwise? The Eu-ropean Commission is organising its third Culture in Motion Conference 15-16 February 2011 in Brussels in order to help answer these and other questions. A sample of projects funded by the Culture Pro-gramme 2007-2013, by the Pilot Project for Artist Mobility and by other EU programmes will help show concretely how funding is making a diffe-rence on a European level, as well as, underline the significant role of culture in enhancing smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and supporting other EU policies. Deadline for registration: 31 January 2011 Register now: http://www.culture-in-motion-2011.eu/

ISSUE 01 / 2010 Page 19

Selected list of events

5es Journées d'économie de la culture et de la communication

8 février 2011 - Centre Georges-Pompidou - Paris

Le Groupement d'intérêt scientifique « Culture-Médias & Numérique », le Département des étu-des, de la prospective et des statistiques (ministère de la Culture et de la Communication) et la Chaire « Innovation & Régulation des Services Numériques » (École Polytechnique, Té-lécom ParisTech et Orange) organisent les 5èmes Jour-nées d'économie de la culture qui auront lieu à Paris, au Centre Pompidou, le mardi 8 février 2011.

Cette nouvelle édition des Journées d'économie de la culture s'intéressera à la manière dont la révolution numérique recompose les réglementations et régu-lations - en particulier les politiques de la concur-rence - des secteurs, modèles d'affaires et mar-chés du domaine culturel et médiatique. Pour s’inscrire: http://innovation-regulation.enst.fr/fr/accueil.html

Cultural Diversity: Routes Princess Margriet Award Brussels, February 8, 2011 The European Cultural Foundation, in partnership with the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, organises The Routes Princess Margriet Award that aims to award artists and cultural professionals whose work contributed in understanding the value of cultural diversity and exchange in Europe. Two visual artists Sejla Kameric and Kutlug Ataman will receive their awards from Princess Margriet of the Netherlands in whose honour the award was named. In the days following the ceremony, there will be additional events in Brussels and Rotterdam at which the artists will speak and show their work. For more information see http://www.eurocult.org/

The European Opera Forum

3-6 March 2011: London, United Kingdom

The European Opera Forum, organised every two years, dif-fers from usual RESEO confe-rences. Being the result of a partnership with Opera Europa, this event brings together 400 opera professionals for work sessions focusing on more ge-neral issues, rather than focu-sing on education work.

The 2011 edition 'The Opera Experience' will be orga-nised in partnership with three London institutions: Royal Opera House, English National Opera and the National Theatre.

Deadline for registration: 1st February

Further information, including the Programme and Practical information : http://www.reseo.org/site/index.php?lg=en&aid=&pg=conf&mbrid=&mbrmd=

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Call for projects, fellowships and papers


Call for projects: Young Mediterranean Lea-ders

Deadline to apply: 20th February 2011

The YML aims at encouraging and developing concrete projects in the Mediterranean. Our answer to this ambi-tion will be this year to offer a platform to the leaders of concrete initiatives, seeking contacts, skills or financial support, during our YML Forum 2011 in Marrakech. The third edition of the YML Forum will take place in Marrakech, from the 10th to the 12th of March 2010. The theme of the Forum is "Building the Mediterranean Modernities". The YML Forum is the milestone of the network. This event is the opportunity for our members to meet and exchange ideas on issues related to the Euromed zone, with the help of prestigious experts and speakers. During two days, the YMLs reflect together on concrete ways to bridge the two shores of the Mediterra-nean. The YML Forum is upon invitation only. People who have not received a formal invitation can register only after their profile has been approved by the Orga-nizing Committee.

The YML committee will select 9 projects, whose lead-ers will be granted 30 minutes to introduce their mission and exchange with the young leaders of the Forum. These projects should present a creative aspect and have positive consequences on society, while helping the Euro-Mediterranean rapprochement.

As a multidisciplinary platform the YML will chose pro-jects from multiple fields of action such as culture, edu-cation, business, technology, sustainable development, etc... The important criterium is to contribute to the rap-prochement of the two shores.

For further information contact [email protected] (+33 (0)9 64 11 42 79) or go to www.ymlforum.org/

Call for Entries: Online Arts Festival 3.0 for young artists up to 30 years old

Deadline to submit artistic entries: 15 March

For its third edition, the Online Arts Festival of the Euro-Med Young Artists Network (EMYAN) comes with a new direction, showcasing the innovation and the creativity of the young ar-tists of the Euro-Med region. Since its establishment, EMYAN Online Arts Fes-tival advocates web 2.0 models of producing and sharing artistic creativity. And by showcasing the richness of artistic practices, it tries to strengthen cultural exchanges in the Euro-Med region. Online Arts Festival 3.0 accepts artistic entries from young artists (up to 30 years old) from Eu-rope, the Mediterranean and the entire Arab world produced after January 1st, 2009 in all fields of arts that can be published on the web. Artistic en-tries can be submitted online till March 15th, 2011. The activities of the third edition of the online arts festival will run, for the first time, throughout the year 2011 starting on April 1st, 2011 till December 31st, 2011. Not only having a virtual presence, for the first time, the festival will have also a physical existence taking place, as a festival with a mobile nature, around the Euro-Med region. The special feature section of this edition is based on the concept of ‘f l u x u s’ which aims at encou-raging stimulating the uses of new tools and new materials that foresee the challenge of creating art within a multidisciplinary context. Entries addres-sing the festival’s special feature should not only inspire the creators’ vision and ideas, but also re-flect the tools and materials used to produce the artworks as well as artistic collaborations. For this year; EMYAN is launching EXPO, an ini-tiative to feature the creative and innovative work of organizations, individuals and groups that uti-lize new media tools to promote artistic and cultu-ral activities via social media in the Euro-Med re-gion beside hosting debates and discussions on the current cultural and artistic trends, inviting ex-perts and intellectuals to present their ideas, views and opinions. For more information, see the website: (www.emyan.org/onlinefestival/3/)

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Page 21 ISSUE 01 / 2011 (Dec 2010/Jan 2011)

European Commission: Culture Programme Project Opportunities for 2011 Strand 1.1: Multi-annual Cooperation Projects Foster multi-annual, trans-national cultural links by encouraging a minimum of six cultural operators from at least six eligible countries to cooperate and work within and across sectors to develop joint cultural activities. Deadline: 05/10/2011 Strand 1.2.1: Cooperation Projects Actions shared by at least three cultural operators, working within and across sectors, from at least three eli-gible countries. Actions that explore means of long-term co-operation are especially targeted. Deadline: 05/10/2011 Strand 1.3.5.: Cooperation Projects with Mexico – Documents now available online Support cultural cooperation projects aimed at cultural exchanges between the countries taking part in the Programme and Third Countries, which have concluded association or cooperation agreements with the EU, provided that the latter contain cultural clauses. Every year one or more Third Country(ies) is/are selected for that particular year. Mexico has been selected for 2011, and South Africa for 2012. The action must gene-rate a concrete international cooperation dimension. The cooperation projects involve at least three cultural operators, from at least three eligible countries and cultural cooperation with at least one organisation from the selected Third Country and/or involve cultural activities carried out in the selected Third Country. Deadline: 03/05/2011 Strand 1.3.6.: Support to European cultural festivals Grants allocated by the European Union in this field aimed at promoting within the Festivals the circulation of cultural works by giving access to non-national European cultural works to the largest possible audience, promoting intercultural dialogue encouraging exchanges of experience through the mobility of European pro-fessionals in the cultural field. Deadline: 15/11/2011 More info: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/culture/programme/strands1_en.php

European Commision: International Grundtvig in-service training courses The “Initiative Fund” Foundation in Lublin (Poland) is organising the following adult courses in 2011 “Staff management in adult education institutions” : 25/09 – 01/10/2010 http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase/index.cfm?fuseaction=DisplayCourse&cid=20666 Course Reference Number: PL-2011-094-004 Application deadline: 27/04/2011 “Modernity and tradition in adult education”: 25/09 – 01/10/2011 http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase/index.cfm?fuseaction=DisplayCourse&cid=26160 Course Reference Number: PL-2011-095-004 Application deadline: 28/04/2011 Persons willing to participate may apply for a Grundtvig grant. The National Agency in each country may pay the course fee for you. Find your NA here: http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-programme/

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Opportunities for production and touring programmes

Deadlines: 1st January, 1st May and 1st Septem-ber. The Young Arab Theatre Fund (YATF) encourages young artists working in contemporary arts, through different artistic disciplines, to apply for the production and touring programmes. PRODUCTION—YATF supports young artists living and working in the Arab speaking countries in reali-zing their artistic projects. YATF is encouraging artists who explore links between different artistic disciplines including video, installation and music performances. TOURING—Through the touring programme, YATF offers financial support for young artists living and working in the Arab speaking countries to tour within the region. YATF offers financial support through three open calls for applications per year and encou-rages venues and artists to apply to obtain touring grants. Find more information on the Production and Tou-ring programme at www.yatfund.org

Call for Proposals for short audiovisual productions Languages through Lenses Deadline : 15 February—25 March 2011 ELIA - European League of Institutes of the Arts - in cooperation with CILECT- International Association of Film and Television Schools - is issuing a Call for Proposals for the production of new short audiovi-sual productions (minimum 60 - maximum 90 se-conds) promoting multilingualism in Europe. The competition is organised on behalf of the Euro-pean Commission and in partnership with PRIX EU-ROPA. Applications will be accepted from students in their third, fourth or fifth year of study at ELIA and CI-LECT member institutions in the 27 European Union Member States and in Norway, Iceland, Liechtens-tein and Turkey. Successful applicants will receive a production grant of 5000 €, will be invited to a 2 day workshop in Amsterdam and to the PRIX EUROPA Festival in Berlin where the finalised audiovisual productions will be presented. A DVD will be produced and distri-buted to television stations and festivals. What kind of proposals are we looking for? The European Union has a strategy on multilingua-lism with a focus on cultural diversity, based on the motto ‘United in Diversity’. Linguistic diversity and intercultural exchanges enrich as well as complicate our societies. Through this competition we invite stu-dents to give a contribution on the benefits of lan-guage learning, the value of speaking several lan-guages and the richness of intercultural exchanges, using the language of the arts. We are looking for proposals for new audiovisual productions that are innovative, witty, creative, unexpected, motivating and that explore the potential of multilingualism and the challenges it creates. The proposals should deli-ver a clear message, be self-explanatory and easily understandable to a broad public with different back-grounds and mother tongues. Applications can be uploaded on www.languages-lenses.eu.

Call for Applications for 2011: Nordic-Baltic Culture Mobility Fund Various deadlines: consult website The Nordic-Baltic Mobility Pro-g ramme fo r Culture provides funding for the mobility for individuals; network building for artists and cultural operators; and residency centres. Application times for 2001 have just been published. The pro-gramme is open for professional: artists; producers; and cultural operators in all fields of art and culture. During 2010 the budget for the Mobility Programme is € 1,5 million (11 million DKK). Of the funds € 345 543 goes to the residency module and the rest is divided between the mobility and the network modules. Further information:http://kknord.org/lang-en/cu l tu re -p rogrammes /nord ic -ba l t i c -mob i l i t y -programme-for-culture

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Research and publications

ISSUE 01 / 2010 Page 23

Measuring the value of culture A report to the Department for Culture Media and Sport DCMS December 2010, England There has been recognition, both within central gov-ernment and in parts of the publically funded cultural sector, of the need to more clearly articulate the value of culture. As a result DCMS has established a partnership to co-ordinate a programme of work on measuring cultural value, and to provide leadership.

DCMS is the lead partner, with the support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), with Hasan Bakhshi (NESTA), Alan Freeman (GLA), John Davies (English Heritage), Rachel Smi-thies (Arts Council England) and Graham Hitchen as advisors.

The overall programme is aiming to take a role in leading a step-change in understanding and metho-dology regarding the measurement of the value of culture.

Measuring the value of culture: a report to the De-partment for Culture Media and Sport is the outcome of the first phase of this programme. The report ex-plores the debates around cultural value, conside-ring the meaning of culture and the reasons why valuation of culture is such a difficult task. The report considers several solutions to the problem of how to value culture, giving an overview of techniques from environmental and health economics, arts and hu-manities research and recent studies on subjective wellbeing. Overall the report concludes that, in the context of HM Treasury’s Green Book, the economic valuation techniques supported by the Green Book should be used by the cultural sector when articula-ting its value to central government.

Download the report here: http://www.culture.gov.uk/publications/7660.aspx

Le nouvel âge des musées Les institutions culturelles au défi de la gestion (2e édition) Jean-Michel Tobelem, Collection « Sociétales » Longtemps considérés comme n'étant pas soumis aux « forces du marché », les musées : bien que re-connus comme relevant du secteur non lucratif : connaissent à présent dans leur fonctionnement l'influence grandissante de la communication, de la commer-cialisation de la culture, de la globalisation et de la financiarisation de l'économie. Les institutions muséales devenant des organisations hybrides évo-luant entre le service du public et l'insertion dans le marché, le scientifique devrait alors se muer en « manager », l'érudit en stratège et le lettré en vi-sionnaire. Il s'agit donc d'une somme de réflexions utiles aussi bien aux professionnels des musées et de la culture qu'à tous ceux qui se préoccupent des mutations fondamentales du secteur culturel dans le monde contemporain.

Acheter : h t tp : / /www.armand-co l in .com/livre/353865/le-nouvel-age-des-musees.php

Opera, dance and music education for and with people with special needs across Europe. Reseo Integration of people with spe-cial needs- a key issue for our societies, and an inspiring chal-lenge for opera and dance! Creativity and artistic inspiration thrive upon diversity, and people with special needs are an impor-tant part of this diversity. But how do we facilitate the access of people with different special needs to opera and dance? What possibilities exist for working with people presenting specific needs? What education approaches and formats are there? How can the world of arts make the most of this creative potential inherent in every-body? This kaleidoscope of stimulating examples and projects from throughout Europe will inspire and guide you. Further Information: http://www.reseo.org/site/index.php?lg=en&pg=INSPUB

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ISSUE 01 / 2010 Page 24

Any comments about this Newsletter? Would you like to submit an article and promote your programme worldwide?

Please send an email to [email protected]. We look forward to your email! ENCATC is the European network of higher educational institutions and training organisations in the area of cultural management and cultural policy. Founded in Warsaw in 1992 in the context of the fall of the iron curtain, ENCATC today brings together 135 members in 38 countries across Europe and beyond. We have the status of an international non-profit organisation, an NGO with operation links with UNESCO, and of “observer” to the Steering Committee for Culture of the Council of Europe. We are a lively and expanding European platform encouraging serious exchange of knowledge, methodolo-gies, experiences, comparative research and regular assessment of the sector’s training needs in the broad field of cultural management from a European point of view through a wide range of working groups, projects, acti-vities and events. We voice the views of our members through our dialogue with international and European institutions and orga-nisations on legislation, policies and programmes impacting on education and training in cultural management and cultural policy. We cooperate closely with our partners at UNESCO, the Council of Europe, the European Commission and the European Parliament as well as with networks worldwide concerned with the teaching of cultural policy and cultural management, in particular in Africa, the Asia–Pacific region, North America, Latin America and the Ca-ribbean.

Cultural Policies in Algeria, Egypt, Jor-dan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia: An Introduction

Produced by the European Cultural Foundation, Boekman Foundation and Culture Resource (Al Mawred Al Thaqafy).

The publication presents for the first time in English, cultural pol-icy frameworks of Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Pal-estine, Syria and Tunisia. The content is organised in a compre-hensive format, profiling the eight countries with analytical and in-dependent points of view by in-ternational experts. The book is a pioneering tool for policymakers,

researchers and practitioners in the region and in the rest of the world. The research is based on the meth-odology of the European Compendium of cultural policies and trends, applied for the first time in the Arab region. The book has been released in the framework of a regional project for building knowledge base for cul-tural policy development and cooperation in the Arab Mediterranean region - a joint initiative by the ECF, Culture Resource (Al Mawred Al Thaqafy), Boekman Foundation, DOEN Foundation and the British Coun-cil.

Purchase this book:www.boekman.nl , Amazon.com

Publication of the report “Towards a Strategy for culture in the Mediterranean Region” November 2009, Fanny Bouquerel, Basma El Hus-seiny With the objective to draft a demand driven strategy responding to the needs of the cultural field in partner countries, the European Commission requested a report to Fanny Bouquerel and Basma El Husseiny to identify strategic areas for both the public authorities and the civil society. This report aims at giving food for thought to the EU, including practical information and recommendations that would contribute to desi-gning the EU strategy. MOBILITY was reported by the authors as one of the relevant issues to be considered within a cultural poli-cy for this area: "easy mobility, and networking dyna-mics between all cultural players are indispensable features to guarantee a more fluid and vibrant cultu-ral scene in the Euro-Mediterranean region", they argue. Mobility in most cases is becoming increasin-gly difficult, caused by stricter conditions imposed by European and Southern Mediterranean countries for obtaining a visa, insufficient infrastructures and high travelling costs between some countries, or volatile political situations. Download the full report and recommendations: http://ec.europa.eu/culture/key-documents/doc/