Encountering Encountering Christ Christ Jesus Encounters The Broken Jesus Encounters The Broken Luke 7:36-50 Luke 7:36-50 Grace Community Church November 16, 2008 Grace Community Church November 16, 2008

Encountering Christ Jesus Encounters The Broken Luke 7:36-50

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Encountering Christ Jesus Encounters The Broken Luke 7:36-50 Grace Community Church November 16, 2008. Luke 7:36-37. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Encountering Christ Jesus Encounters The Broken Luke 7:36-50

Encountering Encountering ChristChrist

Jesus Encounters The BrokenJesus Encounters The BrokenLuke 7:36-50Luke 7:36-50

Grace Community Church November 16, 2008Grace Community Church November 16, 2008

Page 2: Encountering Christ Jesus Encounters The Broken Luke 7:36-50

Luke 7:36-37Luke 7:36-3736 36 One of the Pharisees asked him One of the Pharisees asked him to eat with him, and he went into to eat with him, and he went into the Pharisee’s house and took his the Pharisee’s house and took his place at the table. place at the table. 37 37 And behold, a And behold, a woman of the city, who was a woman of the city, who was a sinner, when she learned that he sinner, when she learned that he was reclining at table in the was reclining at table in the Pharisee’s house, brought an Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster flask of ointment, alabaster flask of ointment,

Page 3: Encountering Christ Jesus Encounters The Broken Luke 7:36-50

Matthew 11:28-30Matthew 11:28-3028 28 Come to me, all who labor and Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. you rest. 29 29 Take my yoke upon Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. will find rest for your souls. 30 30 For For my yoke is easy, and my burden is my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”light.”

Page 4: Encountering Christ Jesus Encounters The Broken Luke 7:36-50

Luke 7:38-39Luke 7:38-3938 38 and standing behind him at his and standing behind him at his feet, weeping, she began to wet feet, weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears and wiped his feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head and them with the hair of her head and kissed his feet and anointed them kissed his feet and anointed them with the ointment. with the ointment. 39 39 Now when Now when the Pharisee who had invited him the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, “If this saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would man were a prophet, he would have known who and what sort of have known who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him, woman this is who is touching him, for she is a sinner.”for she is a sinner.”

Page 5: Encountering Christ Jesus Encounters The Broken Luke 7:36-50

Luke 7:40-43Luke 7:40-4340 40 And Jesus answering said to him, And Jesus answering said to him, “Simon, I have something to say “Simon, I have something to say to you.” And he answered, “Say it, to you.” And he answered, “Say it, Teacher.” Teacher.” 41 41 “A certain “A certain moneylender had two debtors. moneylender had two debtors. One owed five hundred denarii, One owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. and the other fifty. 42 42 When they When they could not pay, he cancelled the could not pay, he cancelled the debt of both. Now which of them debt of both. Now which of them will love him more?” will love him more?” 43 43 Simon Simon answered, “The one, I suppose, for answered, “The one, I suppose, for whom he cancelled the larger whom he cancelled the larger debt.”debt.”

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Luke 7:43-46Luke 7:43-46And he said to him, “You have judged And he said to him, “You have judged rightly.” rightly.” 44 44 Then turning toward the Then turning toward the woman he said to Simon, “Do you see woman he said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you this woman? I entered your house; you gave me no water for my feet, but she gave me no water for my feet, but she has wet my feet with her tears and has wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. wiped them with her hair. 45 45 You gave You gave me no kiss, but from the time I came in me no kiss, but from the time I came in she has not ceased to kiss my feet. she has not ceased to kiss my feet. 46 46

You did not anoint my head with oil, You did not anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with but she has anointed my feet with ointment. ointment.

Page 7: Encountering Christ Jesus Encounters The Broken Luke 7:36-50

Luke 7:47-50Luke 7:47-5047 47 Therefore I tell you, her sins, which Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven—for she loved are many, are forgiven—for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.” loves little.” 48 48 And he said to her, And he said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.” “Your sins are forgiven.” 49 49 Then those Then those who were at table with him began to who were at table with him began to say among themselves, “Who is this, say among themselves, “Who is this, who even forgives sins?” who even forgives sins?” 50 50 And he said And he said to the woman, “Your faith has saved to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”you; go in peace.”

Page 8: Encountering Christ Jesus Encounters The Broken Luke 7:36-50

Common ObjectionCommon Objection““What bothers me about What bothers me about Christians is the idea that you Christians is the idea that you people think everyone must have people think everyone must have Jesus as their savior. Jesus as their savior. I think the I think the message of Jesus is what is message of Jesus is what is important, not the messenger. important, not the messenger. That we are to love others, etc…”That we are to love others, etc…”

Page 9: Encountering Christ Jesus Encounters The Broken Luke 7:36-50

When the gospel is When the gospel is believed it:believed it:1.1. Leads to a public display of Leads to a public display of

affection.affection.2.2. Leads to intimacy.Leads to intimacy.3.3. Leads to complete trust.Leads to complete trust.

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All I OweAll I OweChosen not for good in meChosen not for good in meWakened up from wrath to fleeWakened up from wrath to fleeHidden in the Savior’s sideHidden in the Savior’s sideBy the Spirit sanctifiedBy the Spirit sanctifiedTeach me Lord on earth to showTeach me Lord on earth to showBy my love, how much I oweBy my love, how much I oweAll I owe You paid for meAll I owe You paid for meFrom all I owe I’ve been set freeFrom all I owe I’ve been set freeAnd all I owe proves Your great mercy And all I owe proves Your great mercy to meto me

- Robert Murray McCheyne - Robert Murray McCheyne