ENDEGRA . Dresden 11. - 17. August 2013 . Grafikwerkstatt Dresden . Junghansstraße 3 . 01277Dresden Germany . www.handpressendrucke.de Grafikwerkstatt Dresden European Network for Development and Education in Graphic Art Welcome in Dresden Galerie EINHORN Exhibition Officially Presentation Arrival meeting place Brücke Most Guesthouse Meeting place Grafikwerkstatt Dresden Etching Letterpress Algraphy Lithography Alte Feuerwache Loschwitz Etching – Gabi Schluttig +49 176 62176993 Dorothea Hunziker +49 173 5765043 Lithography – Volker Lenkeit +49 174 8105411 Riesa efau Etching – Bärbel Voigt +49 174 3449543 Lithography – Wolfgang Bruchwitz +49 176 50489626 Digital – Harald Schluttig +49 176 21996145 Photography – Andreas Seeliger +49 163 1492938 Königstraße 15 01097 Dresden + 49 3514888939 Mo-Fr 12:30 - 17:30 Sa 12:30 - 15:00 Tram 3/6/7/8/11 STOP: „Albertplatz“ Reinhold-Becker-Strasse 5 01277 Dresden + 49 351 433140 +49 174 6226323 Bus 61/63/65 Tram 4/6 STOP: „Jüngststraße“ STOP: „Schillerplatz“ Junghansstraße 3 01277 Dresden +49 351 31905030 Peter Stephan +49 176 62360551 Torsten Leupold +49 179 1430560 Udo Haufe +49 157 79397069 Bus 61 Tram 4/10 STOP: „Pohlandplatz“ Fidelio-F.-Finke-Straße 4 01326 Dresden +49 351 2678626 Bus 61/63 STOP: „Körnerplatz“ Adlergasse 14 01067 Dresden +49 351 8660211 Tram 1/2/6/10/ STOP: „Bahnhof Mitte“ Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Residenzschloss Taschenberg 2 01067 Dresden +49 351 49142000 Tram 4/8/9 STOP: „Theaterplatz“ Kupferstich-Kabinett Pillnitzer Landstraße 57 01326 Dresden Hanif +49 151 26861212 Bus 85 STOP: „ Künstlerhaus “ Künstlerhaus european network for development and education in printmaking Monday 12 th Brücke Most 8:30 Breakfast 10:00 – Guesthouse Brücke-Most Tour through all printshops: – Alte Feuerwache – Riesa efau – Grafikwerkstatt 14:00 – Grafikwerkstatt Demonstration: Ernst Hanke (Switzerland) „3-dimensional view lithogaphy“ 19:00 – Guesthouse Brücke-Most Dr. phil. Anke Fröhlich (Dresden): „Topography – Typography“ Lecture Art-landscape and place of landscape art – Dresden / Typography as a tool for intellectual and emotional knowledge / Printmaking-role since the 15th century in Saxony 20:00 – Brücke Most „Open Table“ Discussions Talks Presentations … free buffet Sunday 11 th Arrival Galerie Einhorn !!! Printshops are closed from 12:00 Arrival in Galerie Einhorn Königstraße 15 01097 Dresden Meeting Organization Contacts Structure of the exhibition 17:00 – Galerie Einhorn Something to eat 19:00 – Galerie Einhorn Welcome Program Informations Discussions Talks Presentations … Tuesday 13 th Brücke Most 7:00 Breakfast !!! Printshops are closed 8:00 – Guesthouse Brücke-Most Excursion – Thematic guided tour Full day hike in the Saxon Switzerland („Sächsische Schweiz“) ! Important, you need: hiking boots, backpack, snack, drinking bottle! Thematic guided tour with Frank Richter (Dresden), Photographer and climber, „On the Painter-way in the Saxon Switzerland (Sächsische Schweiz)“ Afternoon: LandArt-Garden-Restaurant with Gallery and Atelier in Wehlen, Sächsische Schweiz Evening: (at the same place) Atelier guiding, Christopher Simpson, (Painter, UK/Saxony) Wednesday 14 th Brücke Most 8:30 Breakfast 13:00 – 18:00 Individual work in all printshops 10:00 – Typostudio SG E.SchumacherGebler (Munich) Guiding through the printshop with famous historic Monotype- collection Demonstrations: 13:00 – Grafikwerkstatt 13:00 – Riesa efau 13:00 – Alte Feuerwache 19:00 – Guesthouse Brücke-Most Eckehart SchumacherGebler (Munich): „The so-called Janson, alias Holländische Antiqua“ – Lecture and impressive stories on the history of typography in Saxony 20:00 – Brücke Most „Open Table“ Discussions Talks Presentations … free buffet Thursday 15 th Brücke Most 8:30 Breakfast 10:00 – 14:00 Individual work in all printshops: Printshops are open: 10:00 – Grafikwerkstatt 10:00 – Alte Feuerwache 10:00 – Riesa efau 15:00 – Kupferstich-Kabinett Dr. phil. Anke Fröhlich (Dresden) Presentation of selected prints and expert discussion 19:00 – Galerie Einhorn Officially Vernissage Possibility for speakings Contacts with press Conversations with Guests Friday 16 th Brücke Most 8:30 Breakfast 10:00 – 18:00 Individual work in all printshops: Demonstrations: 15:00 – Grafikwerkstatt Christoph Wischniowski (Dresden) 3-colour-viskositäts-printing 17:00 – Künstlerhaus Hanif Lehmann (Dresden) Book-artist with small printshop 19:00 – Guesthouse Brücke-Most Discussion with Guests „Perspectives in the ENDEGRA-Network: - EuropeanPrintmakerEducation? - Discovering of junior-printers? - Artist-residenc-programs? 20:00 – Brücke Most „Open Table“ Discussions Talks Presentations … free buffet Saturday 17 th Brücke Most 8:30 Breakfast 10:00 – 18:00 Individual work in all printshops: Spontaneous demonstrations at: (???) – Grafikwerkstatt – Alte Feuerwache – Riesa efau Galerie Einhorn is open from 10:00-14:00 to get back your things from exhibition 20:00 – Brücke Most „Open Table“ Discussions Talks End of meeting ENDEGRA Dresden 2013 ENDEGRA·Dresden 2013

ENDEGRADresden2013- Preliminary program englisch · • Digital – Harald Schluttig +49 176 21996145 • Photography – Andreas Seeliger +49 163 1492938 Königstraße 15 ... Bus

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Page 1: ENDEGRADresden2013- Preliminary program englisch · • Digital – Harald Schluttig +49 176 21996145 • Photography – Andreas Seeliger +49 163 1492938 Königstraße 15 ... Bus

ENDEGRA . Dresden 11. - 17. August 2013 . Grafikwerkstatt Dresden . Junghansstraße 3 . 01277 Dresden Germany . www.handpressendrucke.de

Grafikwerkstatt Dresden


Grafikwerkstatt Dresden

Grafikwerkstatt Dresden

European Network for Development and Education in Graphic Art

Welcome in Dresden

Galerie EINHORN• Exhibition• Officially Presentation• Arrival meeting place

Brücke Most• Guesthouse • Meeting place

Grafikwerkstatt Dresden• Etching• Letterpress• Algraphy• Lithography

Alte Feuerwache Loschwitz• Etching – Gabi Schluttig +49 176 62176993 Dorothea Hunziker +49 173 5765043• Lithography – Volker Lenkeit +49 174 8105411

Riesa efau • Etching – Bärbel Voigt +49 174 3449543• Lithography – Wolfgang Bruchwitz +49 176 50489626• Digital – Harald Schluttig +49 176 21996145• Photography – Andreas Seeliger +49 163 1492938

Königstraße 1501097 Dresden

+ 49 3514888939

Mo-Fr 12:30 - 17:30Sa 12:30 - 15:00

Tram 3/6/7/8/11STOP: „Albertplatz“

Reinhold-Becker-Strasse 501277 Dresden

+ 49 351 433140+49 174 6226323

Bus 61/63/65Tram 4/6

STOP: „Jüngststraße“STOP: „Schillerplatz“

Junghansstraße 301277 Dresden

+49 351 31905030

Peter Stephan +49 176 62360551Torsten Leupold +49 179 1430560

Udo Haufe +49 157 79397069

Bus 61Tram 4/10

STOP: „Pohlandplatz“

Fidelio-F.-Finke-Straße 401326 Dresden

+49 351 2678626

Bus 61/63STOP: „Körnerplatz“

Adlergasse 1401067 Dresden

+49 351 8660211

Tram 1/2/6/10/STOP: „Bahnhof Mitte“

Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Residenzschloss

Taschenberg 2 01067 Dresden

+49 351 49142000

Tram 4/8/9STOP: „Theaterplatz“


Pillnitzer Landstraße 5701326 Dresden

Hanif +49 151 26861212

Bus 85STOP: „ Künstlerhaus “Künstlerhaus

e u r o p e a nn e t w o r k for development and education in


Meeting 11.-17. August 2013 / Contact: Grafikwerkstatt Dresden / Junghansstraße 3 / 01277 Dresden, Germany / www.handpressendrucke.de

"Topography and Typography" ENDEGRA Dresden 2013

August 11-17Final program

Monday 12th

Brücke Most8:30 Breakfast

10:00 – Guesthouse Brücke-MostTour through all printshops: – Alte Feuerwache – Riesa efau – Grafikwerkstatt

14:00 – Grafikwerkstatt Demonstration:Ernst Hanke (Switzerland)„3-dimensional view lithogaphy“

19:00 – Guesthouse Brücke-MostDr. phil. Anke Fröhlich (Dresden):„Topography – Typography“Lecture Art-landscape and place of landscape art – Dresden / Typography as a tool for intellectual and emotional knowledge / Printmaking-role since the 15th century in Saxony

20:00 – Brücke Most„Open Table“ DiscussionsTalksPresentations …

free buffet

Sunday 11th

ArrivalGalerie Einhorn

!!! Printshops are closed

from 12:00 Arrival in Galerie EinhornKönigstraße 1501097 Dresden

MeetingOrganizationContactsStructure of the exhibition

17:00 – Galerie EinhornSomething to eat19:00 – Galerie EinhornWelcomeProgram Informations DiscussionsTalksPresentations …

Tuesday 13th

Brücke Most7:00 Breakfast

!!! Printshops are closed

8:00 – Guesthouse Brücke-Most Excursion – Thematic guided tour

Full day hike in the Saxon Switzerland(„Sächsische Schweiz“)! Important, you need:hiking boots,backpack, snack,drinking bottle!

Thematic guided tour withFrank Richter (Dresden),Photographer and climber, „On the Painter-way in the Saxon Switzerland (Sächsische Schweiz)“

Afternoon:LandArt-Garden-Restaurant with Gallery and Atelierin Wehlen, Sächsische Schweiz

Evening: (at the same place)Atelier guiding, Christopher Simpson,(Painter, UK/Saxony)

Wednesday 14th

Brücke Most8:30 Breakfast

13:00 – 18:00Individual work in all printshops

10:00 – Typostudio SG E.SchumacherGebler (Munich)Guiding through the printshop with famous historic Monotype-collection

Demonstrations:13:00 – Grafikwerkstatt13:00 – Riesa efau13:00 – Alte Feuerwache

19:00 – Guesthouse Brücke-Most Eckehart SchumacherGebler (Munich):„The so-called Janson, alias Holländische Antiqua“ –Lecture and impressive stories on the history of typography in Saxony

20:00 – Brücke Most„Open Table“DiscussionsTalksPresentations …

free buffet

Thursday 15th

Brücke Most8:30 Breakfast

10:00 – 14:00Individual work in all printshops:

Printshops are open:10:00 – Grafikwerkstatt10:00 – Alte Feuerwache10:00 – Riesa efau

15:00 – Kupferstich-Kabinett Dr. phil. Anke Fröhlich (Dresden) Presentation of selected printsand expert discussion

19:00 – Galerie Einhorn Officially Vernissage

Possibility for speakingsContacts with pressConversations with Guests

Friday 16th

Brücke Most8:30 Breakfast

10:00 – 18:00Individual work in all printshops:


15:00 – Grafikwerkstatt Christoph Wischniowski (Dresden)3-colour-viskositäts-printing

17:00 – KünstlerhausHanif Lehmann (Dresden)Book-artist with small printshop

19:00 – Guesthouse Brücke-Most Discussion with Guests„Perspectives in the ENDEGRA-Network“: - EuropeanPrintmakerEducation? - Discovering of junior-printers? - Artist-residenc-programs?

20:00 – Brücke Most„Open Table“DiscussionsTalksPresentations …

free buffet

Saturday 17th

Brücke Most8:30 Breakfast

10:00 – 18:00Individual work in all printshops:

Spontaneous demonstrationsat: (???)

– Grafikwerkstatt– Alte Feuerwache– Riesa efau

Galerie Einhornis open from 10:00-14:00 to get back your things from exhibition

20:00 – Brücke Most„Open Table“DiscussionsTalks

End of meetingENDEGRA Dresden 2013

Meeting 2013 August 11-17 / Grafikwerkstatt Dresden / www.handpressendrucke.de

Grafikwerkstatt Dresden


Grafikwerkstatt Dresden

Grafikwerkstatt Dresden

e u r o p e a nn e t w o r k for development and education in


ENDEGRA·Dresden 2013