, , , , .-' •• '. .. ..... . . .-, e 'O"!." L !'fb. '! .; , , . , " .' ,'.!'''''' _ - , ,. ... Jr., af conc1usi<)no{ mtllfary ttfe. fOr yoUng' ! .man Who- wos slain tn C-opf. Jtlflft said the flag Was from fhi !',•• Idenl of tM 1 Unlt.d SfCile' , "_ ".it " •• ., '. DAN D. SWEARINGIN, Inc. 11IIIuranpe - n'eal Rlliato - . . In Insurance Services and' As.sistance ' , our Is A. .' . Super . , , - .. /r'''- , I," - .." .... ' - .... , 11 ,. , , . " .' •• . , 'r , ", , , . "" ' I, ,.I. •. '. ' .. , , , . .. . . ",' .... __. WOJ!)N yoU l'ou gt:\' It.'froln al! :agep_;' wljq .. plIlY:; thls ..... 'iurancr, ";lent wJIIl PWes tl) . .. . ltl) olle prp)lcrty !ir 1.labJllti t'llltlpan)'-rree III be alyu"r 'rral1y III st:C YU"'l'd'talll,' fl&h' Il'llllrnl'l "crvJre, ... . , ,. :.!' ' . " , I, .... II"'" ,,'''' ,," ·'·i"""·,'··':·. ' ..• .. .' 'j'," 'ii, . ... ·r .... "'1 · ',,, . · , '" ",' v. " .<" ,', " \; , "';" , . , ,'". :' I . Il f' . . J."""' 'M'''''':' ' ·f ",">Ol ",,. ,. , .'0;$. I L' at >, ee ;:; -, .Ie ,'. ,. ;F ..'"··_ ·""', .. .. __.. .. '" '", , - •. "'''',..,. .. _1" - ,. ....-1"'> - ,. .,'" ", .·.:i '67- F'all Festl.val' ... ',.\ .. .......-..-.......--- ... ... " .... 'l' __ I .. _._') :>/lI'_., ....... , \ < ' .. ". " .. ' ." '" •• t" ••• '0., . " , ", \' ,., ,- t\ , ' ',., lo '. .' , '. ,. ,-n, '<', " ' ..... ,' '," c:' 1>\, .. '·"';I.' .;..,'- .. ..", t" '-,.",..! ',''' .' '- F 'P d " "!,,'tl '7 "-+. ,.. t l " . '.; ".. , ., ,.;, .'., '. '" ea ures' ara. e, ." ... .. --H. . P ;. '; ":j "I ... '. . " The hnmlleUI annuli I nuldo-. .1 ' , . . , .- --" "'", , , -- . ','-::;;;t1- '1) .. ftd;;, ..-ffiill-' . .•,.I!., .•• '.j ..•...•..•.. ,w _:;r __ "","-..,..,..-,_.""""", .. .. - ._" - - -"',..,..""----- .-"" ==---- =. . ",,-, {1! t"., "' .. ,.;' M-liI"'l!' J,-V ", .• .. -"" ... J C' .. JocaJ.eti, wIth (inly dll'·t road rlUl" ·'fhrt village boordof nuldOi,mVaUcyCltalnber-ef ·;'l.It.OU/l;i ,own . nlllg I)y It, shown, fl'OIllIl hili· RHS. G. ra. duate.-" IIs!llsted \I)' inan)' · .... k' /lIdo cnlllcl'l\ poInt at the " ....." '" \'llJnmunll)' orl:alllzallomi a 1111 "" ''PJSY nOSeY Iql QCthc5Lutlot1cry . . . V. 'V·..' 10 licclU'C a lal'ge l(rn·rcnt housing' I·lllb!!. 'IIrrc!1i lheblues1 pro- "'.lV": .... '; .. •• .. •••••••••• .• •• . letnam' Icbm, IlroJl'rL fOI', thal community. The gr;ll\l, lIul liarade lind ! 11!I.ol tllC l\IClll. .Whllp Mowlll\ln Jccil Club. III bl'llHI pmjlicd a resolution setting II.\)' 1:1'1'lIlclIl v1nlcl)' lit IIcllvl· I:, .. today, Jlol ClIlIllCCUlIU IUCI\ ,I(mce IIU1CCrll, Burl·ed Monday UI'" lIouslng BOl\rd which will tl\'11 In the cvent'lI hlstor)' tor ,;. J,09kTo.rtwo fa· c:ciIQudcd' search In the arm bc. llIake application COl' federal fWldli HIII1. tJ. $. 'Ja1;1I te head .he tWeril MOIlJeau Lao, kQut tower and •. 'l ht' echo of lanq rolled throU'''h Ihrough the Housing and Ui'balll h.' Ihrl'lJ fun·lII)rd dI1)'1I. bcgll}- . ".t cI 8' d k d t Development admlnlstra,Uon for l\ '" d'" dl "'un p" r-. ,0 •• ar a)' 6 Don.to Loa c'Sun a)' In a hWI for IrnU"QIlHI !tIlls 9f ,Fqrest flml"fl Ihat may- llmount W as Ill'li.! '" pllay 1\11 ton.:..u '.' 'J1l1t'.IIl/f. IIccurcd 'fClr the' a I •. ye.'u.o!il youth who became ccmLl21'V hero' shortly beCore noon i,1lHo w.11 Illllldlcd'l of VI:it- II 'li •• cI 0 ,- d much ltlI 'U!l mUllon dollars. To be I II I II I 'I ... _Il on. nc to l' 10' t. He was foun near Bonito Moneln)' as lhe body oC Pfc. Robert til . til tl' ,'untmUIl )' n par 'I' t' 'I al 'fl'"" evN." f.bc U 8 Lnk wllhlu f'"v "ours after th d ..... /SII. are 'IOW "cnt hoUsing lilllts, I',l: Illl\l'd t.'njo" wl\Ichlllt; l$cvoral II",' I ,,'" ..,... II ' .. II Conza!l'u Montoya, 20, lowere ta cosl about $15.000 each. to Eel've ,·IlIIAI.l lJulIclln, rcceul!y. 'and call rot IlS.elstance WIlS made •• , to Its placo bl the home- ", " ":, t J oi I\ll or rldo t"ll olllcr wal' on 11Ie 11I1Id he loved lind fOUGht ror. He two purposcs-to rent 10 retired and ,j ':";'i""" IIItAlln Ihl' rUjIl('s!' rOllds to vlew-·ute tul' the Normandy Invaliioll on " d.e(.\ or wounds from fragments or clderly people, aud to famllies of ,A,-;,. 1l\llll\llfJ 11I1IIlllc 1t0W Itt Its J)e1\1C of .. 0 ' I"w Ineome-$3,GOO per year or ".' . ". I ..,. l')'.'. •• 1111 Cll:CIlIY Grenade In Vlctnam on I ..... .. 'I.', co 0'" 6 .. css. ""l..:. ,,' 011" uf "I" 111.. ··1\ .. 11.. of Ihe .. . Suml;ay. Ocl. 1 ISaturday, Sept. 30 ':';1.. .,., ..... One ot Ihe many. mallY ox· " ,'.4, RUld.r,o IImuI. IUld tho body WIIS lo11onley John W. Thompson, Who , .. .. .\liIlt'lIudc \\111 btl Ibe _"c;oltll trolliely h,tc:rct,1Jng' IIlKt bl:itorlcal tlown 10 till." t'tatc!l, lllnlllllg In the pl'opal'cd the rCliolutlon the I)ollrd "!-.' IU\lllla' 1;l&lhcrllllt of RuklaH'" 1l.1Iu,on ftt the free mUllcum .' _,.,\;... 'J carly hour- or IIbt Friday on the pa.ssed, tllud he tItought Ule project ,. tIId lllllt'n. tu be IdalCt4 Sat,ur. at the Church or the Holy Mount : ,.r Wellt Const. then flown w EI Paso was well worthwhile. bUl he said U":K ,,_ cI 1\ afh'rllOOIl lit ('arrbo Led.c. iltlro ,dUI'1n3 and SWlday frolll where It was brought hero. Illay not be as large as orIginally 1\". .. ,• ";11 Old 'f1ll1l:ra ,roup wu .... nrj,.·tncOU$ lor the ..... "PCncadc 111 a Romry Wl18 'reclld on sUnday he felt sure that It ,0 I:llnlzl.'t1 hUlt )'car and til expect- dccwncn1 III Frencb, aUcllte'd w by evening Ill. ft, Eleatlol"lI CR.UIollc would a\lloUllt 10 at IClIoIlt $15'3.000- ,.'.. I d III JlrOlv III lIullIbcll'll all4 II .. Iha U,S. consUl., csw,bllshlng the ,hurch for Ule )'oWlllmall wllo was whIch would bo 50 UIlItS. "If Ole ... .. 1 rill h )'Cllt a. It IIbMlrv(!lt r4lblCtll of the early- dl'alted Into UlC service Feb. 7 Ulb proJcct finds acceptance. It mil)' AUTUMN SCENE-In a .,lIing Iyptcal of fhe Blanco Ski Area whoro golden aspol" con,\"III'I\\'lldc •• 1I01llI:l'Ontln, li'I'JtIl famUy ,In coUllty year. llnd Who went to VIetnam on elld up With 100 ulllts," he added. f k d h {o cjc\ctlnlDo UiOtt Mlrablp In prop. July 14, flervlllg Ulere 1.wo tu\d n He 6ald federal JIlOllCy Is avallablc. almosphero of aulumn at Ihis A.poncado Irtlsl wilhtho rod and brown 0 00 on t 0 LIU;)Il' Ihllll'lIll:' tl'f.'n dllncc:t. Willed. 'n1c dQcwnent was Ilalt months wlUt the 14th Infantry. Named by Ula trustees 011 the tlmo, Mrs. Morgan Clough pau.os to enloy green of fir, .pruell Clnd pino. ,1.1:1l'1I:,," til thl' lot'ld r.pow: {oalled MrlI. Dick BellZlCtl, chair. Funeral tlCnice3 were held at houslnlt bOll I'd arc A. O. SCott. C. lhe color in Ihe wood. on the roacllnto SI.rra hI' hlll' Plldlllll; mltllll:· IlIRnlor the mtacwn, by Mrs. Mal'),' 10 1\.m, Monday a'" St. Elcanor:u, n. 8e.twell. Vaden McCruy, Bill Hule ,= " l:ulf tuurllnlllellt!l Uti the Iwo __ . __ .... . V" -11- ... "'T:"-S "'1"1'" -_. ASPENC' AD'E 1'''IIi hor(l('bll4:k rtdlnlt; ,,(.hOol whq Is a '• tilde ervlcclJ, SoldlerlJ ftom Ft. Attending the cOWlclI IIlcollng. 1 age 0 e . .. ... l\\lJ' lUi nh,bll!!. . mcIutlln¥, lbo I{raJlddauchtor !>C CharIClJ FrllZ, BANK T110MPSON BIl!£>. El Pallo.tlCrved as pall. bCSldell 'I!lOmpsoll, were two mem· Mlllh nnlllllli A"Plmclloo art tll\Ow ENDS IN J'rltp., ffatti .\Ato PQler nurd coUoeUon or Year'n Eve, spon:rored by UUldlrJO YOUIlZ Montoya was 1\ graduliltc 1110 action was. taken art.cr Ihp dny e\'enUut th13 week will r('vlew .. t1llca:dllnrl' nml IIlINt':Jt In tlll'I .... PIl\l1t1 by College of ArtC#lA day NeW history Valley C'bambcrof commcrce, arc of RU!doJlO Ulnb Scltc;lOl In the cll\llS trmlcca hall mct on teveral ceCI\' aU (Jq;lll tllwlil a bowlllll; touma- arc IUcludcd. aklag wIth Jots 01 tellIng 110W for $3.76 per per/;Oll. On of 19M. lIe w", tho chlld of 1l10l1!J with Uu:lr planning col\!lUI, bid' Oil the lillie of $62$.000 ot $650.- MURDER :.'!O:h lllmUnl A!\p<'llcudt' III 1\ h.'.' ntU5CUm salurday and 'ttbtt '1!ttch .rtlcle8. Wo recommend Dec. 'I UlQ tlckelB advance to » Mr. and Mrs. Frcd Montoya, Jr,llIt1VJ. and wlUl Olcmn 000 Ihllt vnt(!rs npprovcd recently . . C pml'(Irrd by nUldoro Vl\III')' CIIllm· : 0 Jl ":1\) III the Epl!l(opM I., alld ItoPc )'(XL. fot UJ UO Ulc-Ox- pCl> pctcoo. You CAll t;ave \lOmo. of lton)'wO(id. FoUl' bl'OUICr8 lLild" :Enunons. oflt.','U, 0., reslon,al _ot.. 11l1,"cllofal Oblll;I\UOII bonds, ',' ,"'" •• tlt .. wt'rn Shill 11,111' l:olfUla n' Crt!c MCllclOWlt ""-It -001" by buvb'" •...\lr ·I·"c'· ... or.; " lJ .... In ... WAr'" ,..,. - /'llt:! 411tlUn wm bt<I$SO.ooo of the' . . WCl'k b) Ihe of C oWcC' M fol· 'ou,'" Itll Illr .... traU rld-', n .. '.' ,- '. . .. '... . '0 J", .... t;l!:tor, "'",r,;"" loW .. •• I'" "'.. . '75000 *1 b d I "" ., "t' ,'_. '.,'---' C, or c, oUlce. tine and 'rcrry,\l'8 wcll aaUlo Pf,- 1hqc»poon said 11 maybe a Yelar .. .v 'n rcerea, on OIl:J upprov_ A fight In wh!(h three Ullltt{),-'\O 0\\1. till" toUl'l. n nY'ln brcalc(all Mr/S-"WrUki :Arutlal' toWl Ul!l bc!r 'J,M CbI\PILl'tll1 ConvenUon Comet, tental gralldparc.lts. Mr. aM. Mrs. before tho project Is rcailled dUo cd: S50,OlXJ lIIunlelplll bulldlnlf (nen Wero In\'oh'l"d Bnd thn.t 1\ Vll'W lot In Alto Crest HII Sundl\)' mornln3 I\t Ule mWtlcl. t."'I J .(farlqs. CfUlUUo .. W1IO hal\ -bAd.a tCen!) o,f ·Ute Now Yeat'/J Evo -Ball, Fred MOllloya, Sr. abo survive. to 1\ qreaL dcal of work tn. bond'): ,:nli,OOO wnll'r bond;). alld ntuged frOnl A hOU!;(l to Ii trllll"r UI\'('11 by RUlduoo Land Bud i... 1 n' 1purt. rldlnlJ thl? gondola In Vletniml bW.1l now ill alreAdy rC30rvcd, we no Wll5 bom Aug. 21, volved. $150,000 In gtlnlln.ry oowrr bomb, and III till' S'llr(l or n ntltd Jun Krfll')" \ Illlled at $2.lItI5 SIrna UllllIC'A oklarea all or whleh !Jack, 1rt tho.-tei stiUbni:let 111 VIr. licari, •. Durllll nrrlUlgcmcnl.s wero 1II OUlcr bl1lllncSll before Ute board Beverol bOlld tlOmplUllell nrc ex- then'. trrt all:! mnn dl'nd nnd two A IWll-:AJIl 1I:I! .. '1 10 Slct rn IJInucll <!to' 1Ie.!cd on the offlclld detailed &;tiUI\, -!JlI'dUo- for h1J NIW, * * * cllllr"c of Ule Clta..... of Ro:lCu wan thi:! rcadinjf or two reCOm. I)(!clctl 10 cUk'r bids on tIlt' bond..'1 olh('n fnl'lulf terlou" rh:tflfl'1 Enrl t'kl Art':l 011 P:l.flt' one of Wd:lY's , .......:. r ...... U U 1 1"·'" d' d It" .. I d U r tit latml will mltturtl In from HJ77 to. Soulhl'm. r16. 1\ olll'.tlme A Ptllleo ,lOrl4tl.llr nullo frolll ""'WI' 4,. ':. £1"'" coo .... C1ClnS tu ana"" ... e para e comm - .Mortuary. nen n OIlS rom ep ng com· 19CO d I!d f I I III dllm"u Rndlo & TV .. atlltJld!bcnt8'·1o bq on J)y New tcc held II mectlng WednemJay .. mUlIlolI. one requcsting nil ........ > •• c •• _= on I (' .,°f r;('[\' Oil 1IIl",'1 to HUldo'm l>owlI"! 11 1I p t' ..I-::uL.. bcr 'i'< spcclat elecuon Nov. IlIgbl It\. the cbalhbcr of commerco' (., building pcrmltslor RUldosi1 OOwnJl v .' w " ..... I " .. .... " w ""' ...... .. w 'lItPIi"It lit·. teaatnouoo pubUsb· dUlce to wlbd up lln&t plfUl8 for Accreditation Survey shOUld be ls!lucd in Ute offlce of Ule .'ASOAN IS NEW t:tflll'k hIm wlIh II CUf mltl Uten for UlG3 frolll llulduoo UACIlIII A!'l:m , G40.U100 10 be.> nil' blSKet.t In Ua:t e4 ·UI.:J4' tlhdthls wcek 1II tho to the blggel'rt Set In Novem'L-r clerk. /lnd tbc other recom. C. Of' C. trltJ:l\IRER dro\'1' 11ll:' Cllr,pvcr bls body, c:'Imrlt· A \'nrd IInht 111\'('11 by CiJIIllJlUIl\ly 20 )('nr Ill'llory. to roll OCt SUddC!rth '. .YOUtDJll1l\. want. to yet, anclreportcc1 UtlU colt· A t"am of 10 cdu:'torn r .... re. ",lcndlng U,a\. tin Iirc" plannl!J1l' Mrs d , V. t., Ctu't('r. EI ('1\"0. cit wllh till' Inllrd!'r JlI Cosmo Co UfI\" 1030 a,1Il &llurday up on wern, 'In rtadltleas for cral more flOQts tll&n. bad been en· sentlng North Central comtnl!l!Jlon be set up with lwo IltntnlV till!! nCn t ow ot Rul- 'JoIIlIfIY' Monlo,Vn. Jr. in hb 20'0. 1'1 81 S nSll\'klng"l Uond 'rill11 \\h.1'1I till!! )'1'1\f WIll frulurc at JellSt me volllIg tMf Ju$l1l.tOUOd. the tered pravlOU!lly are fiQW up wlJl be In Ruldo:lO to ;vnluaw to- members .from Ruldotlo DowM, two IOllO 11 ey IIlnl""r 0 COll1l1l('t('o III!d rnclr.,% rlUlI'flIl" of llccn:;sory to lit o·,u 1111' nil "1311111" bamb IUld drlll II ClIJtnc.r, •••. VallOt C'b&m. ror adding w thftblg procession, cal schoob for three da"tJ. Nov. from RUidoso and one from tho area by Elt"hlllIll. Itl'k dlll l\lIll. offlc.· S(!l'rc· l;lU.-d,·r III Molltollc SlUlcllcz, Jr,. I' A., "('.'111(': nll.'fJdlll flight o"r·t>r IIII' .ol!unt!... IIIllnlbllfll of U1rI'c lUllIque IJtr of Cotavncn;e Oon . MrlI. Travllf. 2lj.lIJ), Supt.. Ocot{;e WhIle ra. OUt!lldc the Village limIts of the two lary. II woo , Rlud "houl 30. III ,,0 1 '.11 It tlYbllll (,(lUlltt)' or IWII .lIr \'iULJIl III New MeXiCO mid Tel(- UjoWn a or colOr 10eM artlsl, will gIve: a $25 PAint- ported WcdnllSdl\Y, lte IUld high orlJ!lIIlted VUllLlrCs. cuoui . -IIII' two were nTrestl'd III'nr tho I(0l'l gIVen y 51crtll U1l\llcl\ AVltt· (I., d \lUI!'t)' of lIo:lL'\ IUId lots RlId botoro, cWtorem. LlOllll tllg to GOlUeonc wb!1 Will slIJll'es\. a scltOOl prinCipal PaC. Vaillant at- 1'loyd RcevC!3 Is: bUIldIng lMpec. ' I k CI· 1E rWI w' or Ihl' fight III IlIl' houro be· ! 0 I N- ··t 1 'It 'lIIfr«;'UllCk rtders. clUb!! 1ft tll"" r-. it"_ fD Ama tWe for the Jar"c laJidseann 011 she . lor lor Ruldooo OOVoU!l It was re- LU lOOC Irt!.tll\lI Cotll'r!tI AI'Il· L\\("'II 'ulJdown nml midnIght lMI fl,;PJl wi I 1Jt' aWlInlru· t'i 2)J In 'J 1'0 utlu:'r IJInjor evcllts are tho I"" r,o; _ ...... -', .. ..... tended It. conferenco on lha GubJect Choir wUl be In ItUldoriU 011 'J I d ft SUlld,,)' III Two RJVl'r:J Pnfk. t1l16 1\1Id EI. Paao. Will Bbow hItS uti display at tho Lincoln Coun- In LI\8 Cruces TullSd .. y, ported he has IlOl. bCC1l avallable on lUI"; :I)' It er J1(!ace 0 f1cers .. au UhllU1l1 clluckwl1g011 diluter. to be thel" at. Uto -"-0.1.1' board ty Art Asl..vclatloo'!C downtown gal. . ....... .. _"_ u some occastons for prospective Nov. 12, 1110y will slllg ht!rt, IlL the bl'lon nlcrt!d thnt tllere Wll:l a light l'l \'I'd till!! "'\lear til Two rover!! ",,-'- . CIlUHtl of r'ftt on If MI "Iff' ·f ..•...... lllld " IlIcftln;; or Uta chamber on Mon· lery. 00 by and take a look ••. The Baker- of n.Uld03O. builders W secure bUl.dlng pennlt!l. '"' ....... Ull 1'1'\\'1l)' It otcuned III an Atell " Part: al 1 pm. llud to be catctc1J t. __ . UI '1 f 'L. - ! I'" b'''w th th vl\l'n:u;uulU 111 LM V«:'itL1. Nt'\' day 00"': we¢.. he ', ", Elks ClUb w . Itlve away a sct of "B!lker Is a former roslden\. or erms 0 ...ree membci'll of Rut- clJllllnl!llllon would Il.'I l\ l\ JaU u.:,rc IOC.... .!lOU ltIld up C' lIy tI,(' BIb ClUb. nnd Ule aWllrd1.lY,r * * * JImmy Dctnaret golf clUbs in a Knox City and \lihue here learned dl»lO OOwns plannIng conunlsslrm full panel even tbough two hili from Uuldoso Oown.'1 vtlhlt«' - -_. - .,,- - .. -- <.f II 1111;1 ot ntlendnnce prlte". \no No"",, Wcclt. Wltl be a becUe one fund ralsIpa' drive for Christmas that Uie hospllll' was WUhout omer· lIave llxplred-tbose of sewell. wltl be nBllled to tile propool't1 nr';l1 hall 'fhe 1l:;111 WI\8 reported to po. r \ Illhlmu Q ac('rJlC \'1t'W lot dOllat.cd for our ltuldOso Nn.a crew. We'll baskCts week-end _ •• Joe Me- gency ,power fl\ClIlUcs And offcred Claude Pclcrson and Tom Mal- plannIng comml,:!;lon, Mr'; Dr" .Ie lIel' abouL 7.30 p.m. lllld Ule body ( I ' tw RUldo::o Land SAles 1II Alto print. lVJo papcrs-UK! regutar cdl- KnlghL contribUted ... BarblU'y to dollate the nva kllo\\lI.tt pllUlL thews. ThevUJage's own planning' SC'\I.;cU, vlllaUll cletlc. rl'porlfd of lhe dalll mM WIl!J discovered lit I e:; ...t. llnd t.<l\entt oilier \'Il1uable YoJl, 'lor OOltt week, Frtday, sheep and dame COl1serVaUonI.st that hI!' no longer needed.' - -'-- -_.' ••• . _ 10 3D P III In II VnennL lot III a dc·; ff.l"""" Bw!Ucb. foUowed by the pfescul.ll- Oct. 2), and OPe for \be toUowlng Charles " beAr carcass "County Contmlsldoncr OCorge 20th ANNUAL ASPEHCADE pIO' ... 1\1ItOIllt weeds and £, . tr:JlI or VnrloUtJ lroph1ca 10 wtnnct!l wccl(;dated OCt. 27, wblch we will for tbc Bdy .8COJrt .bIg game sup- Nix went to RUIdoso 4tld brought CAL'ENDAR 'flip} nrr beIng held III the county In lit" lIIall)' conte5t1 beIng staKed. put In tbc }IOStoffice and on news- per contwa- 'lip earty In December. the plant w the hoGpltal here. Ion . Jill' at CarriZOZO. GENERAL HOSPITAL In of lflcloJllt'nt Vo't!ather sun· stallds at. \h() r(!Jll1at time whUe . * * * engineer from West Texas UtWUcs Mr,n:oya Mid &llldlet were at- REPORTS THAT di\)', Uw dllUUlr wlU be served In '. our oUlce b closed to allow Ute Orace SUttoll, longtime RUIdoso together with electrical contractor RUIDOSO, NEW MEXfCO rall!llrd bt'fofe JUllUce of Ule PClIce Nob 11111 cUfeterla. 11 ba..Oj News crew to takelllClr annual rcsldcm., clipped an item from Ute OOyle Oraham are working out. OCT. 13 - 14 - 15, 1967 Prllclwtt Ra.turd:ty after Congratulations 11('111 vacatlcnL 'IIlah1tS w all for your 00- Abilene, . :texas Reporter- - Ncws, plans to hook up tbo emcl'iCIIC)' FRIDAY, OCTOBER. hnnn;; lodgl'd In ARE DUEl Mn." McC:01. Uw eht\mber of operaUon In giving us )'oUr news she tKIW lives. and sent It to UIlIt. seleeUon or J,spcncade Queen ltl Chllparral II " nt. Dall/n., lnll Ihen Ule t'IIunt)' Jail In Mr llnd l):\\'ld 1. Scott. CtllJllnt'H'I''I gflllerll,1 ellalnnan lor and ad copy early ncn week for us thInklD8' our readers like ''ThIs pllltJt was built tor the U, Gondola - RUlUiIng All Day Cart'lzolo, In the 1111P\'(lfltlle-c tJl(l nU!d():«J DnWtn P3fC!flW of 11 0011. tlt::- Ao;jIC'f!cade thb year, said las' both papCrs ••• . to $C¢' Jt:.. S• .Ann}' .1h. 19«. but, was never Golf - Cree Meadows ioU Day IWO mcn were bOund over W dlq· !JtJrn Oct 9. WI. 1 Iba, 1 1 0 ot. Wl'I'It't'1Id Ihnt Ulne lue more than * * * Cypet't.. ac:tmfnlstrawr of Shipped. Baker ACqUIred It 50ItlC HombliCk RIding' - t.oeal Stables All Dl1Y trtct court for II hcurlnu 1.0 be held Illtl1 SCOnE TO DATE tOO Pt'Ople at wort on the varJous to WilbUr CIoe ror lhaKrlOx cOUiI,ty Hospital, announ- years back when It was sUlltn l.hc Art ShOW In Lincoln Co. Art Assn.·s downtown gnllery All Day 1l0111l't1me Illter >tllere WRIJ no bond OlRl,s nORM 30 bl'lnlt held bl U10 PIlS6In(c anotbcr rnUcatoM Wit. ccd \hUI'.week 'that an emergency eratidor sHIpment. College of Artesia ..... , Ofspllay. Adobe Phl7.l\ All Day feollthlutd tn " •• e G-8ee. A) nayS nORN· 42 1('ollllnU"d 10 I'a,e 6-See, 0\) week. MAny hAppy rolUtns... cJeettJeal power- plant has been "'100 estlma.lcd va1tle or We unlt MlnlatUre Oolf Tournament All I\fwmoon « ." ._ ," ..... , ",0_ SJnec thfilis Ute week of Aspcncade. donated to Ihe bl)spll&l by Roy A. lS aroUnd $1,250." nowllng Toufl\llmC1lt. . 1\11 Day #_ .. wo thQUght you'd lIke Lo read" tet- =, SAron.OI\Y, OCTOBER. 141ft-.. . OondllfA - Running All Day I.ei' .thai JosePhA. Bursey, Oolf - Cree Meadows 1\11 Day or·t)to tfcw UlllUCO' Tourist. Art Show In LinCOln Co, Art Akn.'s downlllwn gatll'rv All Day ll\lt(;/lU ",told Oct. 14, 1948, that's CoUIl"c or Mleslll Mt 01..;"11\ .... ArlnlJ!! l'ln1.11 All 1 ft ,.iI.· .... r .. a ..... U·" to M.J&l; ste.·Ua .. .. .. .. 0'- <If .... .. Free' MuseulJ) - EpL'leOpal <'111llch 2 10 li p,m. u:. St)uare OrIJlccrs- Trall.q End !J. 00 un. Plnza Dec .00 saYs: "Con#r&t ulA - Hikes 0'1 UOnll. lou did rtne· job. I Iouto 'tOIJrll' .. ".. All Afternoon more puijliclty ttl Jeop Tour - 1:30 p.m. . .Chl\ltlber of commerce Oltl(lc than any oUtcr MfrtJature Oolf Tournament All A1lerilooll .. U teut yOU got BOwling ToUmatncnl.., All Mternooli nioj'C·'tbf.d, Iltly o'bct town whoSe. Hoi'SC!sMc' ToutnantcnL - 2:00 p.m.. AcrotlS rrom Wlllspcrhlll Pluc l!lCCn. 1 think that ::>x.0 TIMERs REUNION· ... LOOOE: Coffec Shop i. Il!l. .year" g(i lh'. Ws tiUJ event will gtowl.n popWaiil.Y, apd Win. reaUy VIslttng . J:(J() p.m. 'dq.' or SOOd. Uany peo- Business, .. ' .., .. UO p,Jl'i. I t:.:..o. · ......... de PIcnic.. ..' ...,,',, ., ...• . .. 4::lO )),nt. p e mayeome ,,,,rll\ srom VW<" (Otd Timcrs trom .bUkJt-wwra will be iri'et;\.lt. of lOO1l1 members) (M iltate jUs\. 10 \ike part 11i Ute ""ure mnce .... 7:30 P' COI'lv"nllon 'C"nte'" N;P.eucadC, and I may Mlp Lo Mull. Dance.- 9:00 p.m. .... '. .• .. t!:lks tM1 ... Ii!...... ·.".... '. ..our ........e' r tot1t'bt.. ilea- ....... II "0 " "I ........ f ••. vBntie .... :.. p.m •... " " ,PotLct'liltut S().Q•• .. 'll\lldo8o's JUQUOIi Square Dance "":. Work mtop 2:00 )).tn. ,. CotlVlllltlon Cenl.eJ' tJaht 'ID 'Ute yOU WOUld, ,. .8qUlU'e OaJicc .... BUlIltIew McctJilg. 3 p.m,. " 'Collv<mUCJIl CenlCl' doUlkkl8it benefit biol'e '\hab' " tot SUNDAY, OCTOBER I&.- O(qtllei' arc ... rtae coogratu-' PHWi; Fly·In .'. 7 rUll. Alrpott . la!.e- QQ' -.l9b W4o'ildbne.·' . .Ootidola .... Runn!r1g .,,, .. .. . All })ay '. il!o' li\. u.s -see Ii . OOlf ..... Cree Meadows. ,.., .. . . . All OilY pHntcd leaettm.d ·ttie Women's 1'tall nlde ·HOO a.m .... , '.' At lteiICrVl\tloif Etltr,ulce Of Commerce- WIIo1t \lalJ)g' . '. . ",. ,.. BUS TOUt 1l:1lO ".m, ',. . Chamber or Co/llirtetce Otfl(C , ..... .1t., the: J&1e WO'H6 bOo6L ·bID'l"""( WANt TO looK .... Cosmo' (Johnny} Montoya cJo.ed P'rce MU6e'Unt .... l!:p1&COpal .Cbtlreh " (0 IS p.m •. ·f ". fUu'llr8. ,It, to. hii eyel Wh." NeWi.I;Omeraman aifcedhfm'to PQlIe. for pIc- RUIdoso 1leWtl Churdi Dltecwr for 'M fure iriiallcelf ot "R"idosbO'oWris Arl ShOW .... In .... t.ktclo. '. Ifi .. ' 0Cl .• !trt.·.· Mm.-a dO. wnlowti.g.alJery _ . AI.t .m. 'Y hail . L" J .. ... . Pi> ,. . . ' .. .•. l ..... 'i ""' .. " W.Q" -betn" hef.d., .. JOf' oftQ . .-stiOf)ing.1. it ueaUrofEO. ':1$0. . -COUege «Artdli. An. 'L1Ul....lay. -Adobe 1!''''"- .. , .""'" , ,.1>11 ca·' ,fJjM'-. ..;. fl. . .' ., 01 . .., .... " . .04.·· ..... .t...1It:ji w'hbMboiIy Wdi fC;Ufjd r'leai'tl\e. area wh.l'e MotltoyQ and . CbUclc blmer - j:06 p.m.. ,'. ,: '" <.,,, Twolllvcr8 Park « ot Mellle>rie .SdnchU, Jt. were Men fighting wlth 'hIm eQtll'i1' in :.o .... wtil¢a Jor PtIUS .... 2:00 p.m, .", . ...--,., i.e" lolb:U&tut .•· " .." "",. ""'''''' .. <.'' ... ;"", ..... AU ·the .. ." the. ':. i'" t, l ,:' ... ,(1: 1t JJOWuac' .. •••1l:4" ..}All . .',' ... ", ..... , " .. '. ,": ' . , I' II . >;l:itn c;MllK.E ... BtUI.., ..,... ".WNE . ,. , . , ,.--' .... --:,,' C,-' ... .•• flo, , y' " ,. I j .. . . 'ii' ;1",.\::, i:" ,'(1. ". ".4 .t.· Ii ail, •. t... e .( .+" I" '., i ," ' . r. "." I

ENDS IN MURDER - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · II Conza!l'u Montoya, ... It mil)' AUTUMN SCENE-Ina .,lIing Iyptcal of fhe

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Jr., af conc1usi<)no{ mtllfary ttfe. fOr yoUng' !.man Who- wos slain tn Vi.tnam~ C-opf. Jtlflft '~.said the flag Was from fhi !',••Idenl of tM 1Unlt.d SfCile' , "_ •

,:.~,,;i. ".it " •• ., '.

DAN D. SWEARINGIN, Inc.11IIIuranpe - n'eal Rlliato - l~h"nll ~1"m .

.In Insurance Servicesand' As.sistance '


our .Ag~ncy Is A. B~\llar.' .

Super ~.Market· .





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." ... :\:'it~Seek -~L-o~w-Co-st .. --H.rou.~s~',~ng, .PrO/~ett ~, ,~ ;. '; ":j "I Dan~es, Priz~s~ ...'. ~".. . " The hnmlleUI annuliI nuldo-.

.1 ' • ,~' , • . . , .- --" "'", , , -- • . ','-::;;;t1- '1) &.~.' P~'I-I..ftd;;, IIpo·~~"r-:i-·b ..-ffiill-' .~-'~ .•,.I!.,.••'.j..•...•..•.. ~ ~"'I' ,w _:;r__ "","-..,..,..-,_.""""", .. ~-- .. ~ - ._" - ~ - -"',..,..""----- .-"" ==---- =. . ",,-, {1! t"., ~ "' .. ,.;' M-liI"'l!' J,-V ", .•

.. ~;,. -"" ... ',~1. JC' .. JocaJ.eti, wIth (inly .~ dll'·t road rlUl" ·'fhrt village boordof \.rU8~elll\t nuldOi,mVaUcyCltalnber-ef

·;'l.It.OU/l;i ,own . nlllg I)y It, I~ shown, fl'OIllIl hili· RHS. G.ra.duate.-" ~~II~~~ ~0'Y;:..,~ky 1~Qg~I\..r~l~nO· ~l:~' ('Itllllllerl'l~ IIs!llsted \I)' inan)'· .... k' /lIdo cnlllcl'l\ vallt~lJc poInt at the " ....." '" \'llJnmunll)' orl:alllzallomi a 1111" " ''PJSY nOSeY WAtI:R~ Iql QCthc5Lutlot1cry . . . V. 'V·..' 10 licclU'C a lal'ge l(rn·rcnt housing' I·lllb!!. 'IIrrc!1i lheblues1 pro-"'.lV":.... '; .. •• .. •••••••••• .• • • . letnam' Icbm, IlroJl'rL fOI', thal community. The gr;ll\l, lIul blll'l:Q~t liarade lind! ~~ ",~.ther 11!I.ol tllC l\IClll. .Whllp Mowlll\ln Jccil Club. III bl'llHI pmjlicd a resolution setting II.\)' 1:1'1'lIlclIl v1nlcl)' lit IIcllvl·I:, ~an' ..".rldy~ CItU~' today, Jlol ClIlIllCCUlIU w~th IUCI\ ,I(mce IIU1CCrll, Burl·ed Monday UI'" lIouslng BOl\rd which will tl\'11 In the cvent'lI hlstor)' tor• <t.!t,~i~ ,;.~ J,09kTo.rtwo fa· c:ciIQudcd' ~ search In the arm bc. llIake application COl' federal fWldli HIII1.

IIIO.~' tJ. $. 'Ja1;1I te head .he tWeril MOIlJeau Lao,kQut tower and•. 'l ht' echo of lanq rolled throU'''h Ihrough the Housing andUi'balllh.' Ihrl'lJ fun·lII)rd dI1)'1I. bcgll}-. ".t cI 8' d k d t ,~.. Development admlnlstra,Uon for l\ ' " d'" dl • "'un• ,4!1~,.v.dc, p" r-. ,0 ••ar a)' 6 Don.to Loa c'Sun a)' In a hWI for th~ IrnU"QIlHI !tIlls 9f ,Fqrest L~wn flml"fl Ihat may- llmount W as Ill'li.! '" pllay 1\11 ton.:..u ~., •

'.' 'J1l1t'.IIl/f. '~DUa IIccurcd 'fClr the' a I•.ye.'u.o!il youth who became ccmLl21'V hero' shortly beCore noon i,1lHo w.11 (I,.1t1~t Illllldlcd'l of VI:it-II 'li •• cI 0 ,- d ~ much ltlI 'U!l mUllon dollars. To be I II I II I\'~tlt' 'I ~... _Il on. nc to l' 10' t. He was foun near Bonito Moneln)' as lhe body oC Pfc. Robert til . til tl' ,'untmUIl )' n par c·

'I' t' 'I al 'fl'"" evN." f.bc U 8 Lnk wllhlu f'"v "ours after th d ...../SII. are 'IOW "cnt hoUsing lilllts, I',l: Illl\l'd t.'njo" wl\Ichlllt; l$cvoral• II",' • I • ,,'" ..,... II ' l.\~. .. II Conza!l'u Montoya, 20, ~s lowere ta cosl about $15.000 each. to Eel've • •,·IlIIAI.l lJulIclln, rcceul!y. 'and call rot IlS.elstance WIlS made •• , to Its 1I~.;t r~t1nlJ placo bl the home- ", " " : , t J oi I\ll or rldo horl>cbnc~t"ll olllcr wal' on 11Ie fla~aWp 11I1Id he loved lind fOUGht ror. He two purposcs-to rent 10 retired and ,j ':";'i""" .~ IIItAlln Ihl' rUjIl('s!' rOllds to vlew-·utetul' the Normandy Invaliioll on " d.e(.\ or wounds from fragments or clderly people, aud to famllies of :tt'l~:t,A,-;,. 1l\llll\llfJ 11I1IIlllc 1t0W Itt Its J)e1\1C of.. 0 ' I"w Ineome-$3,GOO per year or ".' . ". I..,. l')'.'. • • 1111 Cll:CIlIY Grenade In Vlctnam on I .....!;(~ .. 'I.', co 0'"

6 .. • css. ""l..:. ,,' 011" uf "I" 111.. ··1\..11.. of Ihe.. . Suml;ay. Ocl. 1 ISaturday, Sept. 30 ':';1.. .,., .....One ot Ihe many. mallY ox· " ,'.4, RUld.r,o IImuI. IUld tho body WIIS lo11onley John W. Thompson, Who ~,. , .. . . .\liIlt'lIudc \\111 btl Ibe _"c;oltll

trolliely h,tc:rct,1Jng' IIlKt bl:itorlcal tlown 10 till." t'tatc!l, lllnlllllg In the pl'opal'cd the rCliolutlon the I)ollrd ':~'"!-.' IU\lllla' 1;l&lhcrllllt of RuklaH'"1l.1Iu,on YI~W ftt the free mUllcum .' _,.,\;... 'J carly hour- or IIbt Friday on the pa.ssed, tllud he tItought Ule project , . •~...t'" tIId lllllt'n. tu be IdalCt4 Sat,ur.at the Church or the Holy Mount : ,.r Wellt Const. then flown w EI Paso was well worthwhile. bUl he saidU":K,,_ cI 1\ afh'rllOOIl lit ('arrbo Led.c.iltlro ,dUI'1n3 Sa~urdaY' and SWlday frolll where It was brought hero. Illay not be as large as orIginally 1\"... , •";11 hl~ Old 'f1ll1l:ra ,roup wu ....nrj,.·tncOU$ lor the ....."PCncadc 111 a Romry Wl18 'reclld on sUnday pl,,""ed-bu~ he felt sure that It ,0 ,,:,~.II I:llnlzl.'t1 hUlt )'car and til expect-dccwncn1 III Frencb, aUcllte'd w by evening Ill. ft, Eleatlol"lI CR.UIollc would a\lloUllt 10 at IClIoIlt $15'3.000- •r~" ,.'.. I d III JlrOlv III lIullIbcll'll all4 II..Iha U,S. consUl., csw,bllshlng the ,hurch for Ule )'oWlllmall wllo was whIch would bo 50 UIlItS. "If Ole ... h·r~..1 rill h )'Cllt a. It IIbMlrv(!ltr4lblCtll t1e~ndatlts of the early- dl'alted Into UlC service Feb. 7 Ulb proJcct finds acceptance. It mil)' AUTUMN SCENE-In a .,lIing Iyptcal of fhe Blanco Ski Area whoro golden aspol" con,\"III'I\\'lldc •• • 1I01llI:l'Ontln,~)' li'I'JtIl famUy ,In ~oln coUllty year. llnd Who went to VIetnam on elld up With 100 ulllts," he added. f k d h "'\'C~IIt.{o cjc\ctlnlDo UiOtt Mlrablp In prop. July 14, flervlllg Ulere 1.wo tu\d n He 6ald federal JIlOllCy Is avallablc. almosphero of aulumn at Ihis A.poncado Irtlsl wilhtho rod and brown 0 00 on t 0 LIU;)Il' Ihllll'lIll:' tl'f.'n dllncc:t.~rJ,y Willed. 'n1c dQcwnent was Ilalt months wlUt the 14th Infantry. Named by Ula trustees 011 the tlmo, Mrs. Morgan Clough pau.os to enloy green of fir, .pruell Clnd pino. ,1.1:1l'1I:,," til thl' lot'ld IIIUI~ r.pow:{oalled MrlI. Dick BellZlCtl, chair. Funeral tlCnice3 were held at houslnlt bOllI'd arc A. O. SCott. C. lhe color in Ihe wood. on the roacllnto SI.rra hI' hlll' Plldlllll; COfllt~!l16; mltllll:·IlIRnlor the mtacwn, by Mrs. Mal'),' 10 1\.m, Monday a'" St. Elcanor:u, n. 8e.twell. Vaden McCruy, Bill Hule • ,= ~ " t~II.· l:ulf tuurllnlllellt!l Uti the Iwo

__ .__ J!lh.n~!l-'-can·IZ9CO-Looel!m~cqt1!l~r..,_JoIIc.W.c;d-.by...oolcnuullllltal#'.gr9oYe..alldDlll~rtPosel· .... . V"-11- ... "'T:"-S "'1"1'" -_. ~F'IG"'H'T" ASPENC'AD'E 1'''IIi \'tlur~,., hor(l('bll4:k rtdlnlt;,,(.hOol Ilupcrln~ whq Is a ' • tilde ervlcclJ, SoldlerlJ ftom Ft. Attending the cOWlclI IIlcollng. 1 age 0 e . .. ... l\\lJ' lUi nh,bll!!. .mcIutlln¥, lboI{raJlddauchtor !>C CharIClJ FrllZ, BANK T110MPSON BIl!£>. El Pallo.tlCrved as pall. bCSldell 'I!lOmpsoll, were two mem· Mlllh nnlllllli A"Plmclloo art tll\Ow

f~::'l~~~~i~IS:~= ~:~~~va:i:YJ30~I~an~J~~~~ ~:~~~~~~u~~ f~~~ ~n~:I~ ~.:~~ ~~:k~~!;~I.a~~II~~ ~m~tlo~: ~u~~~s ~~g~~u!~~~~~ ENDS IN J'rltp., ~~~~~~\tlll:llatc~~~:£~~~)~~~~~~!~~~~1~~~~~~~ffatti .\Ato PQler nurd coUoeUon or Year'n Eve, spon:rored by UUldlrJO YOUIlZ Montoya was 1\ graduliltc 1110 action was. taken art.cr Ihp dny e\'enUut th13 week will r('vlew . . t1llca:dllnrl' nml IIlINt':Jt In tlll'I ....dob~ PIl\l1t1 by College of ArtC#lAdl~!'y'" day NeW Kc~can history Valley C'bambcrof commcrce, arc of RU!doJlO Ulnb Scltc;lOl In the cll\llS trmlcca hall mct on teveral ceCI\' • aU (Jq;lll tllwlil a bowlllll; touma-arc IUcludcd. aklag wIth Jots 01 tellIng 110W for $3.76 per per/;Oll. On of 19M. lIe w", tho cldes~ chlld of 1l10l1!J with Uu:lr planning col\!lUI, bid' Oil the lillie of $62$.000 ot $650.- MURDER )'('llr'~ :.'!O:h lllmUnl A!\p<'llcudt' III 'II~. 1\ h.'.' ntU5CUm salurday and'ttbtt '1!ttch .rtlcle8. Wo recommend Dec. 'I UlQ tlckelB advance to » Mr. and Mrs. Frcd Montoya, Jr,llIt1VJ. and m03~ recen~IY wlUl Olcmn 000 Ihllt vnt(!rs npprovcd recently . . Cpml'(Irrd by nUldoro Vl\III')' CIIllm· : 0 Jl ":1\) III the Epl!l(opM C1t\Irf~I., alld ItoPc )'(XL. fot UJ UO Ulc-Ox- pCl> pctcoo. You CAll t;ave \lOmo. of lton)'wO(id. FoUl' bl'OUICr8 lLild" :Enunons. oflt.','U, 0., • reslon,al _ot.. 11l1,"cllofal Oblll;I\UOII bonds, ',' ,"'" ••1I~r tlt Q1lllltlt'rc~.. wt'rn~d Shill 11,111' l:olfUla n' Crt!c MCllclOWlt""-It -001" • by buvb'" •...\lr ·I·"c'· ... or.; " lJ.... In ...,,~ WAr'" ,..,. - /'llt:! 411tlUn wm bt<I$SO.ooo of the' . . WCl'k b) Ihe {~ of C oWcC' M fol· 'ou,'" Itll Illr.... dn~·~. traU rld-',n .. '.' , - '. . ..'... . ~. '0 J", • ~ .... t;l!:tor, :Ftelklkl1"'CIlil~, .£~, "'",r,;"" loW ..~•• I'" "'.. . '75000 *1 b d I .~. ,,~~" ""., "t' ,'_. ~,#,~''''.''-'.,'---' ~o:ad-ot-tbt1c a~;ibc C, or c, oUlce. tine and 'rcrry,\l'8 wcll aaUlo Pf,- 1hqc»poon said 11 maybe a Yelar .. .v 'n rcerea, on OIl:J upprov_ A fight In wh!(h three Ullltt{),-'\O 0\\1. till" toUl'l. n IllllJ~'!\ nY'ln brcalc(all

Mr/S-"WrUki :Arutlal' toWl Ul!l bc!r 'J,M CbI\PILl'tll1 ConvenUon Comet, tental gralldparc.lts. Mr. aM. Mrs. before tho project Is rcailled dUo cd: S50,OlXJ lIIunlelplll bulldlnlf DtJ~ll!l (nen Wero In\'oh'l"d Bnd thn.t 1\ ',\'~nJI' Vll'W lot In Alto Crest HII Sundl\)' mornln3 I\t Ule mWtlcl.t."'IJ .(farlqs. CfUlUUo.. W1IO hal\ -bAd.a tCen!) o,f ·Ute Now Yeat'/J Evo -Ball, Fred MOllloya, Sr. abo survive. to 1\ qreaL dcal of ~per work tn. bond'): ,:nli,OOO wnll'r bond;). alld ntuged frOnl A hOU!;(l to Ii trllll"r UI\'('11 by RUlduoo Land Hnlr~ Bud i ...1 n' 1purt. rldlnlJ thl? gondola Intl!urof:d_~7~ Vletniml bW.1l now ill alreAdy nboU~ 3~'.{, rC30rvcd, we no Wll5 bom Aug. 21, 1~'l. volved. $150,000 In gtlnlln.ry oowrr bomb, and III till' S'llr(l or n ntltd re:jld~II(,(' Jun Krfll')" \ Illlled at $2.lItI5 SIrna UllllIC'A oklarea all or whleh!Jack,1rt tho.-tei stiUbni:let 111 VIr. licari, • . Durllll nrrlUlgcmcnl.s wero 1II OUlcr bl1lllncSll before Ute board Beverol bOlld tlOmplUllell nrc ex- then'. trrt all:! mnn dl'nd nnd two A IWll-:AJIl 1I:I!..'1 10 Slct rn IJInucll <!to' 1Ie.!cd on the offlclld detailed&;tiUI\, -!JlI'dUo- for h1J~ NIW, * * * cllllr"c of Ule Clta.....l· of Ro:lCu wan thi:! rcadinjf or two reCOm. I)(!clctl 10 cUk'r bids on tIlt' bond..'1 olh('n fnl'lulf terlou" rh:tflfl'1 Enrl t'kl Art':l I,r,,~:ralll 011 P:l.flt' one of Wd:lY's

, .......:. r...... U U 1 1"·'" d' d It" ..~ I d U r tit latml Whl~!J will mltturtl In from HJ77 to. Soulhl'm. r16. 1\ olll'.tlme J()('k~". A Ptllleo ,lOrl4tl.llr nullo frolll ""'WI'4,. ':. £1"'" coo.... C1ClnS tu ana"" ...Spe~lca e para e comm - .Mortuary. nen n OIlS rom e p ng com· 19CO d I!d f I I III dllm"u Rndlo & TV ..atlltJld!bcnt8'·1o bqv~ on J)y New tcc held II mectlng WednemJay ~,'. ~ • .. mUlIlolI. one requcsting ~t nil '~........ > •• c •• _= ,~ onI (' .,°f ttll~Jt~~olC!!Iotllll'l:'r rttln:nIV~llft'~d\('l~ .~ r;('[\' Oil 1IIl",'1 to HUldo'm l>owlI"! '1,,~llal'I""II'lu1,. 111I


M~leat1!l1n 'i'< spcclat elecuon Nov. IlIgbl It\. the cbalhbcr of commerco' (., building pcrmltslor RUldosi1 OOwnJl v .' w " ~ ..... I " • .. .... " w ""' ...... ~ .. w

'lItPIi"It lit·. teaatnouoo pubUsb· dUlce to wlbd up lln&t plfUl8 for Accreditation Survey shOUld be ls!lucd in Ute offlce of Ule J~L .'ASOAN IS NEW t:tflll'k hIm wlIh II CUf mltl Uten for UlG3 frolll llulduoo UACIlIII A!'l:m , G40.U100 10 be.> nil' blSKet.t In Ua:te4 ·UI.:J4' wec~ tlhdthls wcek 1II tho Whatpnnn~ to ~ the blggel'rt Set In Novem'L-r V~lIllgll clerk. /lnd tbc other recom. C. Of' C. trltJ:l\IRER dro\'1' 11ll:' Cllr,pvcr bls body, c:'Imrlt· A \'nrd IInht 111\'('11 by CiJIIllJlUIl\ly 20 )('nr Ill'llory. to roll OCt SUddC!rth

'. 1\UI~~ Ne~~ .YOUtDJll1l\. want. to Jlarad~ yet, anclreportcc1 UtlU colt· A t"am of 10 cdu:'torn r....re. ",lcndlng U,a\. tin Iirc" plannl!J1l' Mrsd, V. t., Ctu't('r. EI ('1\"0. w~ cit wllh till' Inllrd!'r JlI Cosmo PUAlJlI<;,~Stu't\"C(o Co UfI\" 1030 a,1Il &llurday ~'lU1d

~I~ up on wern, 'In rtadltleas for cral more flOQts tll&n. bad been en· sentlng North Central A"Cl1ldJ~tlon comtnl!l!Jlon be set up with lwo IltntnlV till!! nCntow ~~l(,lJlfIWr ot Rul- 'JoIIlIfIY' Monlo,Vn. Jr. in hb 20'0. 1'1 dS~.' 81 S nSll\'klng"l Uond 'rill11 \\h.1'1I till!! )'1'1\f WIll frulurc at JellSt

me volllIg tMf ~ Ju$l1l.tOUOd. the tered pravlOU!lly are fiQW tllgn~d up wlJl be In Ruldo:lO to ;vnluaw to- members .from Ruldotlo DowM, two IOllO 11 ey IIlnl""r 0 COll1l1l('t('o III!d rnclr.,% rlUlI'flIl" of llccn:;sory to lit o·,u 1111' nil t'ldh~ "1311111" bamb IUld drlllII ClIJtnc.r, •••.~ VallOt C'b&m. ror adding w thftblg procession, cal schoob for three da"tJ. Nov. ~_ from RUidoso and one from tho area by Elt"hlllIll. Itl'kdlll l\lIll. offlc.· S(!l'rc· l;lU.-d,·r III Molltollc SlUlcllcz, Jr,. I' A., "('.'111(': nll.'fJdlll flight o"r·t>r IIII' .ol!unt!... IIIllnlbllfll of U1rI'c lUllIque

IJtr of Cotavncn;e ~al"r Oon • . • MrlI. ~UtrynC'Hall Travllf. 2lj.lIJ), Supt.. Ocot{;e p~ WhIle ra. OUt!lldc the Village limIts of the two lary. II woo , Rlud "houl 30. •III ,,01

'.11 It tlYbllll (,(lUlltt)' or IWII .lIr \'iULJIl III New MeXiCO mid Tel(-st~~k.:~ UjoWn a~ or colOr 10eM artlsl, will gIve: a $25 PAint- ported WcdnllSdl\Y, lte IUld high orlJ!lIIlted VUllLlrCs. cuoui TO·8r.";~·I':n'- . ~ -IIII' two were nTrestl'd III'nr tho I(0l'l gIVen y 51crtll U1l\llcl\ AVltt· (I., d \lUI!'t)' of lIo:lL'\ IUId lots RlIdsl.fd~ botoro,l~ cWtorem. LlOllll tllg to GOlUeonc wb!1 Will slIJll'es\. a scltOOl prinCipal PaC. Vaillant at- 1'loyd RcevC!3 Is: bUIldIng lMpec. ' I k CI· 1 E I~ rWI w' or Ihl' fight III IlIl' houro be· ! I~: 0 I N- ··t It)~ 1 'It 'lIIfr«;'UllCk rtders.clUb!! 1ft tll"" 1lL!i~ r-. it"_ fD Ama tWe for the Jar"c laJidseann 011 she . lor lor Ruldooo OOVoU!l It was re- LU lOOC Irt!.tll\lI Cotll'r!tI AI'Il· L\\("'II 'ulJdown nml midnIght lMI fl,;PJl wi I 1Jt' aWlInlru· t'i 2)J In 'J 1'0 utlu:'r IJInjor evcllts are thoI"" r,o; _...... -', .. ..... tended It. conferenco on lha GubJect • l~lIa Choir wUl be In ItUldoriU 011 'J I d ft f"~" SUlld,,)' III Two RJVl'r:J Pnfk.t1l16 1\1Id EI. Paao. ~. Will Bbow hItS uti display at tho Lincoln Coun- In LI\8 Cruces TullSd..y, ported he has IlOl. bCC1l avallable on lUI"; :I)' It er J1(!ace 0 f1cers ..au UhllU1l1 clluckwl1g011 diluter. to bethel" at. Uto ncx~ -"-0.1.1' board ty Art Asl..vclatloo'!C downtown gal. "~~.,._ ~'. ........~_ .._"_ u some occastons for prospective Nov. 12, 1110y will slllg ht!rt, IlL the bl'lon nlcrt!d thnt tllere Wll:l a light l'l \'I'd till!! "'\lear til Two rover!!

",,-'- . CIlUHtl of r'ftt on tJ·~t d~'- If MI ~:Id "Iff' Jak~ ·f..•......lllld Ilr~ "IlIcftln;; or Uta chamber on Mon· lery. 00 by and take a look ••. The Baker- of n.Uld03O. builders W secure bUl.dlng pennlt!l. .~ '"' ~. ....... Ull 1'1'\\'1l)' It otcuned III an Atell ..",~. " ~uu. • Part: al 1 pm. llud to be catctc1J~. t. __ . UI '1 f 'L. - ! I'" b'''w th th vl\l'n:u;uulU 111 LM V«:'itL1. Nt'\'day 00"': we¢.. he ', ", Elks ClUb w . Itlve away a sct of "B!lker Is a former roslden\. or erms 0 ...ree membci'll of Rut- clJllllnl!llllon would \'onllnu~ Il.'I l\ l\ JaU u.:,rc IOC.... .!lOU ltIld up C' lIy tI,(' BIb ClUb. nnd Ule aWllrd1.lY,r* * * JImmy Dctnaret golf clUbs in a Knox City and \lihue here learned dl»lO OOwns plannIng conunlsslrm full panel even tbough two Jll'fE~l1.'l hili from Uuldoso Oown.'1 vtlhlt«' - ~_. -_. - .,,- - .. -- <.f II 1111;1 ot ntlendnnce prlte". \no

No"",, Wcclt. Wltl be a becUe one fund ralsIpa' drive for Christmas that Uie hospllll' was WUhout omer· lIave llxplred-tbose of sewell. wltl be nBllled to tile propool't1 nr';l1 hall 'fhe 1l:;111 WI\8 reported to po. r ~.;:,. \ Illhlmu Q ac('rJlC \'1t'W lot dOllat.cdfor our ltuldOso Nn.a crew. We'll baskCts~ week-end _ •• Joe Me- gency ,power fl\ClIlUcs And offcred Claude Pclcrson and Tom Mal- plannIng comml,:!;lon, Mr'; Dr" .Ie lIel' abouL 7.30 p.m. lllld Ule body ( • I ' tw RUldo::o Land SAles 1II Altoprint. lVJo papcrs-UK! regutar cdl- KnlghL h~ contribUted ... BarblU'y to dollate the nva kllo\\lI.tt pllUlL thews. ThevUJage's own planning' SC'\I.;cU, vlllaUll cletlc. rl'porlfd of lhe dalll mM WIl!J discovered lit I ~.,~ e:;...t. llnd t.<l\entt oilier \'Il1uableYoJl, 'lor OOltt week, da~ Frtday, sheep and dame COl1serVaUonI.st that hI!' no longer needed.' - -'-- -_.' ••• . _ 10 3D P III In II VnennL lot III a dc·; ff.l"""" Bw!Ucb. foUowed by the pfescul.ll-Oct. 2), and OPe for \be toUowlng Charles ~~rell " beAr carcass "County Contmlsldoncr OCorge 20th ANNUAL ASPEHCADE pIO'...~lon, 1\1ItOIllt weeds and rock~.. £, . tr:JlI or VnrloUtJ lroph1ca 10 wtnnct!lwccl(;dated OCt. 27, wblch we will for tbc Bdy .8COJrt .bIg game sup- Nix went to RUIdoso 4tld brought CAL'ENDAR 'flip} nrr beIng held III the county ~RUIDOS()'H(fNDO"';ALiiy In lit" lIIall)' conte5t1 beIng staKed.put In tbc }IOStoffice and on news- per contwa- 'lip earty In December. the plant w the hoGpltal here. Ion . Jill' at CarriZOZO. GENERAL HOSPITAL In (:l~t' of lflcloJllt'nt Vo't!ather sun·stallds at. \h() r(!Jll1at time whUe . * * * engineer from West Texas UtWUcs Mr,n:oya Mid &llldlet were at- REPORTS THAT di\)', Uw dllUUlr wlU be served In

'. our oUlce b closed to allow Ute Orace SUttoll, longtime RUIdoso together with electrical contractor RUIDOSO, NEW MEXfCO rall!llrd bt'fofe JUllUce of Ule PClIce Nob 11111 ~.('hool cUfeterla. 11 ba..OjNews crew to takelllClr annual rcsldcm., clipped an item from Ute OOyle Oraham are working out. OCT. 13 - 14 - 15, 1967 AU~lfn Prllclwtt Ra.turd:ty after Congratulations 11('111 l\lmlJull(~l'dvacatlcnL 'IIlah1tS w all for your 00- Abilene, .:texas Reporter- - Ncws, plans to hook up tbo emcl'iCIIC)' FRIDAY, OCTOBER. 13th~ hnnn;; b('~n lodgl'd In nUldo:~o ARE DUEl Mn." McC:01. Uw eht\mber ofoperaUon In giving us )'oUr news whe~ she tKIW lives. and sent It to UIlIt. seleeUon or J,spcncade Queen ltl Chllparral II " nt. Dall/n., lnll Ihen Ule t'IIunt)' Jail In Mr llnd ~\lfl'I l):\\'ld 1. Scott. CtllJllnt'H'I''I gflllerll,1 ellalnnan lorand ad copy early ncn week for us thInklD8' our readers mlgh~ like ''ThIs pllltJt was built tor the U, Gondola - RUlUiIng All Day Cart'lzolo, In the 1111P\'(lfltlle-c tJl(l nU!d():«J DnWtn P3fC!flW of 11 0011. tlt::- Ao;jIC'f!cade thb year, said las'both papCrs • • • . to $C¢'Jt:.. S• .Ann}' .1h. 19«. but, was never Golf - Cree Meadows ioU Day IWO mcn were bOund over W dlq· !JtJrn Oct 9. WI. 1 Iba, 110 ot. Wl'I'It't'1Id Ihnt Ulne lue more than* * * ".L)'nd~ Cypet't.. ac:tmfnlstrawr of Shipped. Baker ACqUIred It 50ItlC HombliCk RIding' - t.oeal Stables All Dl1Y trtct court for II hcurlnu 1.0 be held Illtl1 SCOnE TO DATE tOO Pt'Ople at wort on the varJous~i'll~U1aUOll5to WilbUr CIoe ror lhaKrlOx cOUiI,ty Hospital, announ- years back when It was sUlltn l.hc Art ShOW In Lincoln Co. Art Assn.·s downtown gnllery All Day 1l0111l't1me Illter >tllere WRIJ no bond OlRl,s nORM 30 ncUvll~t'!l bl'lnlt held bl U10 A."JPtI~

PIlS6In(c anotbcr rnUcatoM Wit. ccd \hUI'.week 'that an emergency eratidor sHIpment. College of Artesia ....., Ofspllay. Adobe Phl7.l\ All Day feollthlutd tn " ••e G-8ee. A) nayS nORN· 42 1('ollllnU"d 10 I'a,e 6-See, 0\)week. MAny hAppy rolUtns... cJeettJeal power- plant has been "'100 estlma.lcd va1tle or We unlt MlnlatUre Oolf Tournament All I\fwmoon « . " • ._ ~ ," ..... ~"" • , ,~,.,~ ~. ",0_

SJnec thfilis Ute week of Aspcncade. donated to Ihe bl)spll&l by Roy A. lS aroUnd $1,250." nowllng Toufl\llmC1lt. . 1\11 Day #_ ..

wo thQUght you'd lIke Lo read" tet- = , SAron.OI\Y, OCTOBER. 141ft-... OondllfA - Running All Day

I.ei' .thai JosePhA. Bursey, dU'cc~r Oolf - Cree Meadows 1\11 Dayor·t)to tfcw UlllUCO'~ Tourist. Art Show In LinCOln Co, Art Akn.'s downlllwn gatll'rv All Dayll\lt(;/lU ",told Oct. 14, 1948, that's CoUIl"c or Mleslll Mt 01..;"11\.... ArlnlJ!! l'ln1.11 All D.~y1ft ,.iI.·....r.. a..... U·" to M.J&l; ste.·Ua .. .. ~ ..

.. 0'- <If ....~< .. Free' MuseulJ) - EpL'leOpal <'111llch 2 10 li p,m.~~:::~h'!.:~r~~b~~u:.'R~: St)uare OrIJlccrs- Trall.q End !J. 00 un. Plnza Dec

meJ't~f .00 .~ saYs: "Con#r&tulA- t:t~: Hikes 0'1 ~~~~ fj~~;UOnll. lou rj!~y did • rtne· job. I Iouto 'tOIJrll' .. ".. All AfternoonbCll(!V(,.'YOUlJ~~ more puijliclty ttl Jeop Tour - 1:30 p.m. . .Chl\ltlber of commerce Oltl(lc)'o.ijr~',AsPcncadcl· than any oUtcr MfrtJature Oolf Tournament All A1leriloolltown~.WO t4ilkl~ ..U teut yOU got BOwling ToUmatncnl.., All Mternoolinioj'C·'tbf.d, Iltly o'bct town whoSe. Hoi'SC!sMc' ToutnantcnL - 2:00 p.m.. AcrotlS rrom Wlllspcrhlll Plucc(l~Ii't~Vo:l!lCCn. 1 think that ::>x.0 TIMERs REUNION· ... ~AR.tuzo LOOOE: Coffec Shop i.Il!l. .year" g(i lh'. Ws tiUJ event willgtowl.n popWaiil.Y, apd Win. reaUy VIslttng . J:(J() p.m.'dq.' lfli;la~ de~or SOOd. Uany peo- Business, .. ' .., .. UO p,Jl'i.

I t:.:..o. · .........de PIcnic.. ..' ...,,',, . , ...• ... 4::lO )),nt.p e mayeome ,,,,rll\ srom VW<" • (Otd Timcrs trom .bUkJt-wwra will be iri'et;\.lt. of lOO1l1 members)(M iltate jUs\. 10 \ike part 11i Ute ""ure mnce .... 7:30 P'.m~ ~ 6~ COI'lv"nllon 'C"nte'"N;P.eucadC, and I may Mlp Lo Mull. Dance.- 9:00 p.m. .... '. . • .. t!:lks tM1...~Ii!......·."....'. ..our ..•......e'r tot1t'bt.. ilea- ....... II "0 "~'tt.~"'" "I........ f ••.~ &~n vBntie.... :.. p.m•... " " ,PotLct'liltutS().Q••~U3e..~. 'll\lldo8o's JUQUOIi Square Dance "":. Work mtop .~. 2:00 )).tn. ,. CotlVlllltlon Cenl.eJ'tJaht 'ID 'Ute~, yOU WOUld, ,. .8qUlU'e OaJicc .... BUlIltIew McctJilg. 3 p.m,. " 'Collv<mUCJIl CenlCl'doUlkkl8it benefit biol'e '\hab' " tot SUNDAY, OCTOBER I&.-O(qtllei' arc... ~ rtae coogratu-' PHWi; Fly·In ~ref\k'agt .'. 7 rUll. ~~ Alrpott

. la!.e-~.sam QQ' -.l9b W4o'ildbne.·' ..Ootidola.... Runn!r1g .,,, .. • .. . All })ay'. ~lU··~ il!o' li\. u.s -see Ii . OOlf ..... Cree Meadows. ,.., . . . . . All OilY

pHntcd leaettm.d ·ttie Women's 1'tall nlde ·HOO a.m•.... , '.' At lteiICrVl\tloif Etltr,ulce~b01" Of Commerce- WIIo1t \lalJ)g' . '. . " , . , . . BUS TOUt 1l:1lO ".m, ',. ~.. . Chamber or Co/llirtetce Otfl(C

, ......1t., the: J&1e WO'H6 bOo6L ·bID'l"""(WANt TO looK.... Cosmo' (Johnny} Montoya cJo.ed P'rce MU6e'Unt .... l!:p1&COpal .Cbtlreh " ~ (0 IS p.m•.·f~i~ ". fUu'llr8. ,It, to. hii eyel Wh." NeWi.I;Omeraman aifcedhfm'to PQlIe. for pIc- ChU~:hr~19urCb~cl:t:CotlStiltRUIdoso 1leWtl Churdi Dltecwr for

~:t0il' 'M ~L)IkB ~ fure iriiallcelf ot "R"idosbO'oWris eatl'y.~tiday rtIOmt~.,H. Arl ShOW.... In....•t.ktclo.'. Ifi..' 0Cl.• !trt.·.· Mm.-a dO.wnlowti.g.alJery _ . AI.t .m.'Yhail~.~:1:¥n'dt~ . L" J .. ... . .~"'~. Pi> ,. . ,,",,~ . • ':"~. . . . • . l..... 'i ""'.. " W.Q" -betn" hef.d.,..JOf' oftQ..-stiOf)ing.1.it ueaUrofEO.':1$0.U;mn-~.'. ~~ . -COUege «Artdli. An. 'L1Ul....lay. -Adobe 1!''''"- .. , .""'" , ,.1>11 ca·'Mql/'~ ,fJjM'-. ..;. ~.. fl. . .' ., 01 . .., • .... "o~,..04.·· ......t...1It:ji ~tt.0Ji w'hbMboiIy Wdi fC;Ufjd r'leai'tl\e. area wh.l'e MotltoyQ and . CbUclcw~ blmer - j:06 p.m.. ,'. ,: '" <.,,, Twolllvcr8 Park'bc'~« ~.........t~ ot Mellle>rie .SdnchU, Jt. were Men fighting wlth 'hIm eQtll'i1' in :.o....wtil¢a Jor PtIUS .... 2:00 p.m, • .", ""~'''''''".""k;TwbJUv..,tBPark..~'I" . ...--,., i.e" lolb:U&tut.•·~'rournam~t. ".." "",. ""'''''' ..<.'' ...;"",..... AU Ane~

·the~1!.~~~" ~..:~~ . "the. ~!9~~. ':. i'" t, l ;.~, ,:' ... ~. ,(1: 1t ~ JJOWuac'~~:.:.;q·,~:r~;J~"' p,..:I,..~~,~,,+uhJl~.,.~1(4t.,,~## ..~•••1l:4"..}All ·~~tl .

;:~ .',' ... ", ....., " ..'. ,": ' . ,

I' II . >;l:itn c;MllK.E ... BtUI.., c;Ml&.~. ..,... ".WNE Z51-~m • . , . , ., ,.--'~'I-NU~;'~lf"i1~N'UUg~ncrffA~ ;;~""'~~,~::....-' .... ;::~: --:,,' ~~:·'R.~O()8(),-lJiN(~OljN'~~()t'lfl!'ToN~;W~bfEXICO",~lIqJ()DEk"'W=_;mubM;JlC'IOBEILl-3,~961:~ ~~NV.ENJ~~Us:=VJA~..Atn"EAm.EMllS" C,-'

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~t 11,. finance company.CaU'abahk.

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'(J:I.~ caUfin4ndM~,,~";.~"'~ .


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. C9~~tfJi1llMd payments ••• lriendlinesi anel~~t.n~ ••• and ask wltat collateral k tequirCd.,.' n~yoube the judge, Fair CJioug~:

' ••,t~ - .~ 4.'

l ancial house·:'"".........a' 'HTERstA't~ SEQURlfl!S'CQMPANY' .•

MSudderUl. " .. , '.' " Dt....... -,

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. Clt.'1'nltl~,. cuUlng ~!'tynng 111, WlllS.P,t1ll willets I~ !I- JlPf*Ia.JIt, at;tt\e .\'~'fJS't,lC BE~t.iTJ;, SJJ~r.'. Our ffve Itl,dtJy 'ti'iil~~, .tiiper..1~lll1ed lllyIL'iut.... our completely•mol1l'rJI IIhoIl Illc{lI:dlnl: color. m,,·· chln-:~Jau:!tf '~.!!Jut1oj1.S-..alr colidk ''--Uuneh&o'Hlltt--d/''1e~la&elit-llUili~­'lonmag'llltlne5-(,'OmpllmentaQ' lOta­

U9ltery....all .10. m!'lIe )'our ap,olnkment at "RTlS'J'JC II< plell!laiii oiJe.Won't ,yoll ..bOl1~ lUtTIl.-\T10 (oryour 'ned appointment?

l ICPPYr1t{h~ 11lG'l /I.d,VlUlCeJ"eatures) • , '


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" ........ "~ ~5~

M.ri. thru"llu~ $-.10 p.m.. .

W., l SU'I'l.U am .....21'Wl, 5-10 pttl. . . '.



Spc¢ializlng in Megican FoodCharcoal Broiled 'Steaks:aanqu~ts and :Patties


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". ':, ,

Ruidoso Amaranth '.,' .'fo InstallOfficers' ..111.0 RuldOl1() ~di!r()IJlI. chapwr -~.+ ,. ", ., ",' •.. •

01 lho Otder t1f AmArant4 willlul,Vl,l - S I HIERS h . 6 6 'ff I .' , 'CJpen 1I1111...lIaUon or .new C1f11cer,. on 01 TR CT f A Off C - T e 19 6· 7 0 I· •Char lne Burrows,. Cosandra Durham, Mary.BlIwrday, ~. H. p,t ,/:30 p.m. at C«Irs attending dIStrict meeting of Future ann Jennings, Ruldo'lo, vlce.presldent, andU10 EalIICI1I Star Jiall In ~...lmer H()memakers of AmerIca In Ruldolo' SahJr· J~n Randle,· Capllan, president. Approxi.

_ • _.. ._ c, •• _, O...teway with 8VUJ'YOIUl 1nvl~ to dCJY are shown (:fbove as meeting was get· . mately 140 girls from Alamogordo. Cloud. _ .. ,.', ,"-=r----'• •.-~K('1I00l. IIIENIIS I>ttend. 'I11d new orfu;:erlS thbo"ln. 11'19 Ol'lderwClY, from loft, front row, Rhonda croft. Coronp, Cgpltan. Carrlzo%o. Tularosa Christian GroupWf'CIk Il' Oct, .8-zt 1IU&1lC!<! Include: Mttf. wr.yBur. Wlilidin., Marlhtl Johnson, Verorllca O.uran,· dnd Ruidoso' allended. 't,]"as Bu'Uet Luncheon

Ml1lJdllY BllU.~.' IlIld Ilravy. Il'ett., rfl}'''. matronl Wri\.'Y J3ur~", ; ..\.:1. U'hom lilY , (,lIbbR{l1l IlOd JXlPperll. hot royal PiltlUH Mr., 1,,()Ulll1tH::o~lUIl 1ttrrl Olascoaga, P,ggy HoHI back rowl ~hl.! WhUe to{OlUltll1n Club Dis·roll... IIllllA" IIw

lC' hUUCII. mUIt. 1Ul1OCl.w 'mac.rbtn )<'t,,* 'J'ltI.'Wof1h." .. ,h_' • lrlcL of Cll.I1sUlln Sorvl~, with

TUH.d!lY 'J'lJrIUI)' plo. lr.ollo 1111. allllOOla\.l Plitrvn~ 'Mrlf. £dtUl Durlnl ri"rco 'Dl'nnCI' Sot rncmbcrIl Irom here. Alamogordo.ad til'" rolll> bU\lA'r. honC1Y, mUk \te~tr. MI'ffI n.•'It, Knox, MICro,' ,1 ... \.i Cl>rrIW1.o. capitan llnd TulArosa,

Wednt'rAII)' 1"rlL'd chICken &tid "1')'; Mra MuyBallJ'llJelJ',~ct. For Visiting Elks had'" bUffeL lllll<;beon 11>1' 40 6uesls,ro")'. l'rl.'llmr:d IlO\fIlOOfJ. ItI"OOll ror..,., )lrll. Ff"llIllC' 'l'J~worLb, lI.'MIO' A I c a dl: h dl 11I lit. 1110 ll'.OUdllY HQU!l(l WedncsdAy\JC'Il.'] hl,l roll" bul«.'1', "ILl'l'd poach. a1atcJ coJ1<\uetrlllSll; Mrn. UcrbCIrt. rCll over<: s nner w noon."II. milk sml\h. tru.rtooi (:IKro Jool.qt, mar. bl' hl?ld III Ute mUttl' Lodge FrIday Prclwnl were offlcern and memo

'IhUIT'.da" IIl1.rnbunrtlm on bUJllJ. ....all In !loa "'A",., ....... "'or" .....t. nlgh~ 'fllm (I lO U, 'nll:1 III tiponsored bel';' Irolll UIt: dll>lrlcL WI well n:; the II I I r' 1 .,,.... ...... 'y' 'J'WU • rl ....... ·'·.IU'" ....,,"=. ..;"'.""•. 00,",,"'. pi""""'. i::', n"".,;;;,i....v.:;V"'; ",,-:v,. b, Vm ,,,.1 D•.• Dn...... "In ''''''''' p"""""'. - N."'" ~,~;':':'un'i'; '...',;;;..;:,"';';: rAU~ _. • ••

""'.... ,.,,.......,. ,..00 ...... 0 (,11". ''''''da'' " _.'" " ., ....... h,",,,?r .n, Elk" D.. w\W mIBb' a", rmm lltn"'.. un, 0"",' .m· ...,....( FHA "'''''.''"''' In .... RluldoftO

N'pwlc,w"'... no'" '''''hi'. p ,., ".. ' •..~ .. VI·.II", ,,, ".,,,"". ro, "'" "'" ",m or "'" >iI. P....·""'".... A"'I0'''' 'oc' ....nn"'. M..'.... p, ''''. """"", 13. ,lr"""rlllHy M.-ll.' Imt'hlln"'4~ -nd ClUJ"'. m..HI "A'H" V"'a L ' J\l'ncut!.·, I~Cl(ld will be t;crved lJur· 'lhcl"o were aL'>O cllLf.5elJ for tJl(l J I . n II dl - " ...-~" _ ,' .' H.... • .-, .. ... _..........._........ ,;,t' ' If~ filyll'. "lid there wlJl be concil memberlJ on mt'>Slol1!l t;Oclll1 serv. enn llIt

ti• aU I OliO; JlUl Ru.n c. CELEBRATING '2lKh

b«.'anll "Illnd RIII''{:.(\ broud. crack. lock, Irutb;J4J'Il. ,JlIWcl Donnell, " .« Ilcrvnl. loll. 1\11 food 18 rree bUt. con· Icc. campus mlniSt.ry and other Capitan. an VOIUlt\. Jo May. Car· mRTJlDAY OCT. 19I'rtl. r1ell puddlf\8, mUlt. IlIlth. Mr.; ti:1Jm. SIll1dttnf.~; ", j, ,( " . , I trlbullon!l WIll be aeccpt.ed, '111111 lOpleli . rl1.ozo. rt'\lOrUcl on tllM meetll\g' Elizabeth Proctor or RUIdoso IIIANNOI'N"V. AIIR,VAI. .,n "ok 'hti"", h"lOti.n, ..". :.1' .'.' '. . • W""" "" ",,,,,,'01'''' will uo to. • ... 'h,""d m... '....11 ...' "".., <o1'b",ttng he, " .. b' ...OP A IIAI'DIITIIR ,,,,,.. "''''. '''''''' Mid"'''' : ." .. l.\ '" '.' • • w", ,he E1',' ""'",.." P'"'' r" . - "'-'-' - .' - "n" "'" ,..,h'''''. .h."..... 0". 19 wllll • at.,i , ." 0 Dob , YO...... C , •..' " '.... • _,p,M,,,,,'d "'"'.... 140 Girl~ Attend Two R.'d ""we ''''''''.to III "''''' car. b\d_

nowl('UlIC UID ,urlVlll of II. dilullllter. ~ ',' .' • " .Aller lIIo dinner FTld:\y ulaht. the FHA M . H d15trlct of1lcel1, sally Stllc:s, ele<:ted, Ruidoso In the cven.ln8'• .she report-narnlld IInU>, Dt>t', Wllll WIlli bom at 'one''''moon t',"L :, "regulnr Elks' Family NI(lh~ games • . eetme: ere pllln~t.. nud l..ynna Phillips, parll..• ed UIllt relre!llunents wtu be servo,.. R..,,'o,~I1"'" .01'0' ,,,,"p'ls' IJ J' .. luU .."c' , .•_. ... . 0.;, . will b, h,!d II". ,."".. ,,,,co. •...""'''''."" ,411' ."Is r....m'hoi ......, ..., "'" "'''''''V<m or ••W ".,1Id ........ " ....''''m. b\ .>here 1'ur!ldray till" wnclt TIle new Mr and Mm Jlnnnio D. Dixon ~,_.~ ~ _ • ... " musIc lo btl proviifeu by'Tmt' umt £UttQWldln;t JlrCll, n1.tended the <11.'1' otllcers con.c;l~ded_~elt1eeUn«. tend the party_

"rr1\'1l1 Wf!lIltwd In llt 0 Ibn. 3 oz,. ot 142G North KlUl.'1IUl. 11;1 Paoo. ·fex. .. -- " .. '" ~ , ,., ''':''':~~::':":~~It \\lIlA rDporwd Ilhf! ID Lbl' \ffand. Ilpont UII,lr tIoncYlnoon a\ 1II1Il! . ==.- .,,---daullhter or Mn nob Cro:;by. Sr of Counl1y lMill! hUlL week, Tho . ..4,._.' :..,',,"::'.. """'--' TO CONFlltl'tl CIULDRENno:>woll aJld llull1lJ,'lO. llnd Ulfl late (lOu!>lt' Wfl. mllrned In El PallO on IU..II ..... ,.- ...".m." .1Id ""pi ,. .,n ""'<m " ,he ...m. PRESENT FHA PROGRAM - Th"e del••ol.. f...m lI.'ol. £pI,,,,.., ."..... or N -,~ 'hoi m,""" "'" do", Cu"""'" i . =........,. Dot> """'b, .,....mal" , ..., .... Sh.w ••, "V,. COIInl, '0 Notlo.al FHA ,""yerillon 'n Loo An.,'o., CollI. on' W,.•, ,,,.... will BL You. """"< 0'" Ill. m""l1nll=. .=KrandpormlL.'f IIrc Mr nnd Mrll, dlluuhtelr 01, Mr. and Mt6. Der\ last summelr pr.sented progrClm for distrIct moollng hero Ann!.'·ll Chllp:!l, 01encoq 'l'h\U""..Aay \Va" the pre..dd~t, Jan Randle, - WI'Y th A d'-=,~,=:"'.:""~k.0._ CO". ::'~.::.:: ..:..~ ~~'=';. =.Cd. 7, from len, J.o ~o.dl•• Coplton, Don.a Jo ,,",y, CO"" ~:J::::~U~:J;,,;' ~~':..tv::: ~..~,~.w:.~.~ S e comes 00 to.e spen~. e ~_ ....~.... __ .. _... ~ , .,,~~~_ Mra 1>. A. DCJQll, 0( •.Ja~ .X!?~O# and Maryann JennIngs, Ruld<>'ld. . Rev. llnCt ,NfO. J(lrhCl:l Etl"·f\!tf'lf ot RUldQ:«r..:: ' =Tn 11m ",.p" ,.".,,,..,..,, ,ar. ._" •• ,,_ •.__ • ~- .---: _.. --' lob",.1n <»wIlY ~r_ Pot """".von will.. =. Wo·..0,.. Veo, 'R•••d ond Aro Anxlo.. •

'un. """,.. III'" .... hero, Monday Afternoon "'.•n.....KII....RNIT. on' _", d_........,~or "': .... ..,."", - ...... d ..... !!! toS....VOIIln All "'"', 5....... . !!8pcndJnjr .Ull'lr t,WOOymoon IIcrCl Lunch nnd Gomes Jon Vnn ~lIberg. Alto. lUl!l and Mrn. Paul Junes. 'J1lo JlUle of, tJIC RuIdOso chapter served Ie- - . • ::


.... I Ir-ilm1.....•• and th Al"mnllordo - Locak'd In O!d .'osloUl~(; BIOC'1( Near )'aut D01f,Ws' omce

carly UUR week alld a\&ylnlf at .', JtOlltCllt',cS for Ule Monday afler- p l'dtlcd Sigma Chi Iraternlty at l\t1!l:J JOnc3 In a fifth generaUon .., '''''''' 0.. VI) = =COOl"" ""on w.rn .r<. and...... ..... I........... "'" ...... at ....m R.w "'..,«> 0.,'...." •• "",,'.,,"~.. " ..p'" had d""llo or III' mix" - Op'" We".V"" • ••m. "" • p.m. - Cleo'" ......,. =ltlchard Atcher or rn 1 L!Ul\1lfi8 .'orllllerl Itcv KJn:'ol"ln wUI ,.~ • It._ period befOre the mceting began. :: -• . .,' tJ\& JtU!dooo WOOllUl'/l Club lor OCt. - '. . .. . • ,." uu (l.. u"" 'Lilt! Corona chapter prC$cnted the l':i'IIIIII'''~~IIIII''~~'''I'''II!IIII~'"'II''~'''"IIIIII~''II''~Tox lho couple WM."1 Jnllrrhld In 10 wm bo !ofn!. .Ellen Sanders. (,'O!(Jr:i. IIt\d~ welcomlnlr talk Wll.9 itUIlIlIU..UIIlIUIIlIIlIlIlIlIl.llllllllllilll.II.....illl..n1M Churcb of Chrltit. In Lamo:JA, on phOJle 2:i1.a2D5. and Mm. Zoe Olas.'l' Illven by Oeon~c White. su....r:lnten· .= HAPPI'NESS'S - . ,', OIl

0(1, '2, nlll brIde 1-1 UICt tormer mlro, phOne 251·22:Ili. Everyone t, ( 0ME' BA(KI·.... .._", Ano co...... ... "Iho' """ .r """' Tho co....• • • • e ; :ISCOUTING NEWS 'p........ III .....d " ..." to . , .." ' SAV' re_.:1 '". =Ma,yln Crall-Area CommLMlelMlr daugllter of Mr and Mrn. Clayton pletllO call cUbtlr 000 or tho 'honk . . . • and the dC\,C)U0I11l1 waS given. by :: HavJngyour watch repaIred at a r.dsonablo pric. and ::

itr Lll\oola CIt. If.hUI Mae. Ifl.:nll 1"Ortenbcrry of Woldl. '1'Olt, 'I1Jo rn'!.«Ia lor rOf.t1tvn1I01I.'. Women 01 the AltUt1ogordo chll..''''t. =with a Full guarant... •br1doltroolll L'I UIO 11011 of W. 2i'l. UIO arOll Me Invited to ullmd tuld a Asp d V·· AId .....:: •....... ,....."..." """m' 0' Wok", ....., ... ......, thn ...-.. r., "". or OneD 0 ,.dors '0 nvlio To a.... """" r" thn m_ • GoIll.. fro. • ••,aYI.. 00 ••y Item pv..ho<ed ot =

1:lJ110rer Troop 69 mootll ever)' 0' • <.,.. oc=~ dIe B k La! Th'• Y f h N Y WIl.9 Mtss LlLDottnlL Rob::on of Ala- =WhitToeWs ::IThurway. 1 P m .\ the Lloo." Hut; ther Inlornudlotl. Car game:J 0 orne Be er IS ear or t e ow car Inog-ordu, otero COunty Home Demo a' ... :. b d t Id =A'''''', D.'. W,... _....... Model Meeting Held bn',............... WIll .. P'''''' ....,.,"'" ",,,,,, r" "",...unll> , Hayo•• yo", Dame em.... 0.0 an y'.' BIble, :I

Boy lk'Out Troop 1\1l meets C1V1lrJ XI 11JI. chllptcr 0 nota Sigma ,!lIUl011woro Mtll. J(I(l McKnIght. 11- .DA N C-E WITH Cnret'rtl. :: GettIng your dIamonds sot in a new mounting by tiro-'I1Juroony, ., P m Soo\It Itul; 8ooUI. 1'111 hllld A modol IIlClCl1nlf Monday l\etW melnbel' of U,o RuldoOO WOo • Fullow!n:;t a relax~r pcrlod W1l1i ='.sslonal dlClmond setters. .~tt'r, Mllrvln Crl\lll, home phone I\1ght Ol.'\. {/ In UIO hOmtt 01Nttl.· • tht' Ct1rrlzo£O chapwr In ehatge. g, =- d W' h d'~.,.:at:ll. bu.1ln(O~ phOl\O ~'l-400II. • .• . • mlUl'w Club. and .Mrn.lAax Ollver. HANK THOMPS'ON buslness meeting was held wIth - Guarantee ate an •Wtn RII..~II, }i'oUow!nlt tho busl. Urn. Tom Walker and Urll. Fayo . ." , ~Ic"llon 0' new (l'n'~rs. Lunch _...... .-. JewelryRepair-a

Cub 8COUta )'ad 60 meelll \hIr4 ne:"'t t:Otu'l~on. Mrlf. Eve J3A1l of Rul· Alexander, ull local. lind Mrs. W. ~.. • • ~ ..-TuUday o. each D1onth, 1:00 p.m.. dooO. wD.1 1u1O'o1o'l1 J.uUwro and h1lI- '1'. Bptll\t!l, AllWl, OIc.1u. 'J1Iero were Sllrvcd bY the Ruld()!l() HIgb SChOOl ::.

........, ",..... ,_ ,,% mill"" ...... ... _ _ ._. • 0-''''' In thn ....... r" "' .... :l' . . . =ca,""" '""'" OJ mHls .... "',.P 1hUt\h .. tbo Guest Day Oct. 18 spo.sored hy ~oldo..Valley Chombarof Com...... , ...'" 0",30 p.m.' =, .... . =

"..oIa. .,'" ., , p.... at tOo 01 Now J{,_.•......, """". .110 _ , m••lInIl .r In Chopa".1 Cooyonllo. Co.Ie, • • • = "'M" - ,..- - - =_ Hili, _ ,. W." " 0 ' r_ tbo HIo a' \ho R.'d W '. Ct.b will bn DO It· _n n I mnnnmIR nnmn'1fItI. p..... "'YO' on thn """ to " held • '.ok """ "'... dUO • 7kho" An $3.15Per Penon Now- .' .. . • ' • _.~- ._.. ..... • .

Capitan ••n, 8\&otoo TroOp W; on UIO cut llt1d lOUth, MI1f. BaU to tho D1!.ltrlct. tV meoWIlf III An· WlJI Be $S 'er 'enon After Dee. 11=~~~~l:~~; :~d'I:~ n:~h~rt~~ =u~: =~~aO:' ~~::~l:l~'::'~~ ~,.~,,~. ~ ~,~.~_.~>_.~ .,~_._.~".~,_dc..IOI,:xI_IOI_m>.Il.or:~XllX,IO__ .lX.lOI~lX._••p.m. In capitan. ltaccd Ule hWO,y C1t tbe UeWtClU tended, '1114 rt"Qular meeting will ;1111111111 1111..111 11 111111..1111 ':1

O&})ttan Troop ,1'~Daltoo JoIOr- .,JoneB fAmilY rrom die Un1e thla be held 00W~y, oct. 18. and ! -.ac,.sooutmuur, bome phone. aM: eatnlly lett. V1rIlIJJli. a\ ~ beftln· will be 11 ~a~ day Wilh mctnberl1 I: =~, b\WDeM pbooe, 16W31O. nlni« U\d Civil War to UlCt Umo of :oolgb1)Orlna '(Ih)QWn'l) clUb~, 1<lcat .. =~~:c~=!:.ManbaU Jef1 w~ri tfltt ramlly Cl.t1\lt. to NoW friend!! abd noW women Of tha com' ! =

. • • M~lt1ClO Ui the lAW UIOO'lI. )l,ro. munUy !nvUc:d to .~'bd M llpcc.lal I: BEST PLACE TO EA IT =ooat, 8cou~r, bOmo pbocie. n-lI'jJ tall( WM enJo"ed'Very t\UIel\ ltUe.tIts, '1'hl!l meutlnU WUl boitln W1I11~. M =4OU~n40 Troop lo-Paul Pacheco, by tncmuetil u.t Ul<f eblptcr. it was 'M b\liltnb!ll'l tneeUlIIl At. 2 p,u\, and E 5IoO\ltmllll~r; pboDo 6U-4i11l m..... rC!pot1«t,. . . . '. \0' be follo....'C:!4 by. PfW...•

mand" III DU'R'I''N'G A'SPE'NCAD'E •

wnt W~IlI1&)' of Mdt JnOOUl at ,ftlkWfwtt U\«t pl'OIrramrofre.tlb· lOa.·tM clubpr<lal4et1', MnI, L. C. altClQdo' 1obOol, m~\a·ijf tiltt.,~, lett·!lb4 Cl'OWJf. !Uld loin,. A.. A. .Prltcl1tlU. . ' .., =.'~blM rot aU add fIOCM. oott~ \\'Oro- 'ili:!tvc<!' . .... o~lrm,,"01 U·W1\IllllllfH.ate 0Qt. 1. =

NOW UNDER NEW. :MANAGEMENT~ OO'iDtit 'WiU lit 1iI6l4' M' , $C)'lltl\arc\Ullly llUppUed..wt.cl\lUldlllo • ::p,i'l. 1110 Wt4 Monday 'CItHoU,'," ltid \(avQ \.hell' Ume c.mderton \.() ::I~th Ib Uij. 00\il'l0U ..... ..... mtIkc;' thO J*1e .~ .ll(lC~ tt. WA!J .p A'·.·Y··'1'0 =IIItM oK1 b&14 ttuUPI - H~aclnUw ttipl>rWd. OIl

, !iI·,A.·..._·f".......,-.·W~~\~...·,~IK'~~nt' " ~~y.;:....•'~~..•.. ,~ asp ·G~~~p'M~\s In §:MWWcTA021' ......;.... ,·f1~,.~~Hospita1ityRoom R"E"ST' A'U' R' A'N"l'"~~~.'~".I~'a.rHI'H,["_".~.'~~ IlmM\Q, "",m!t1l.,1 .=~=U=pJg~t.~~. : " .....•..'.' ..'" .. "'~~.,..~_" .n ~'" . ,.,il~' O:Jil41l.fS ltQliplt.!ilil)'~ of com- -~.12$ ·$C).fn, ..... J)lAJ, ..t4'" _ jt\~l1 PIlbllO' S&tvlt1l:Co. With., onlOTM AT ,.. .' .... ." .... ,lt~.,i4U .)(t(»)' .ll ~el\$ and.

wtMBEtfi:r~CT8lC ~'" ~t~bl11ta.t··· ~~~ ~~. .~,;d_.11/.'.i.,.'o,,;,r._!p~~~~7~.iii=.. -~~ ~,WMhy...e.t~............ - .·~1NjllU\«t.~~OHhi~l.

~t 11 . " : ..•.... . .• ~f;' '1bUl ·a.aptit·.'~l' ~~O~ TO·~· .p$'~C.w~ I, .~' Jj\. UW PI_'~ ~P•.

,.... ., " ..... u' .. ,,,.....1.'llii.il.:.. ,. ' ..:••~....:" 'y \i. " .• fon\Clo\' clUtltilf .f.M.~~do '_t~........,. • ~ ~~ ~m~ '" ""-.. iii. day _iJ~._~ plW. '1 ttilf toM t'tOit 'WblO'l\. au· rout <Nt>" .

. '. .' .' ·toY1l. 'WIll ~"ft ~UWtotA,IMM' •. , '1' Jitb.QM\t~tl~ WO~mI4t. It W",

(t'~~' ;.~~:..:~C:t.;-;~.

t;===:=·t~~ '.. "..". . .~ '" ~, 'lU' .j\: '\bt..t .~«' ..\M...~-~.,..,W4 ttI'~1'~.~.~~.

, > ,"" '<' -.k ,·:·~:r, ,r 4.\ \..' ,~ .



Garden Club MeetSche~duled Oct. 17'The ~eltt mllctlilg of. the- Ruld060

O~:rd(.1l. C1~bwJll be bold '1'Ueooayne,,~ week, OClt. i'1,ai ga.ln. In t1lAf.

· lIQm~ ot Mrw. .~ M~~pdonm,. ",.'· lohe Ed Wlmberlyhome Wltft1 Mrr.· ' ..-. " .. t'1;"""w,;<t,\,t'0:J!':' iS ll~' "·... ·.... \irt"!C'·~·

· MelVJ.n {(nQ" aSllllltlng h(l6Wm,. Mrlf. 'b"l,;~';''''' ;:':"l";"':>l::::,;'~' ;'!,

R. W, Cl1t}1pSv:n 01 141Jltolil WIll ~;" "~;, • ,,: .""f,'give tho prOl'ramWhlch wllH,)c on r5. ~~,~;~':'<.,"1W1W Cul~ul'C I4IUI J\rrangcm¢ntll", . ,il. , .'i",i' .,; " . ':"" '.My n1(lmbcr WJl{ljUi~ rl~ In . ;i~'T;' 1<'.>1'~.;J)ICo'C1ll Ilt 1I1l1t tirol' III fl!jlWd to .. ~;:' :" ;,,1,. ". ,:.• '.. .'-~

IIJf.'U A' 11rlJIH lIwlll 10 be IL~d' In il,:demon.,"tI1Ufffl, Mrll Cumplltem.·Il·~al" will includl' Wlut.er Cllrtf at

}<'16M A~r-----· ~:-:~~~,;~~~r:~.~~!le~~~Membcrll QI tOO club nrc a.!llted .

W al.(1 brln{~ tlewlng lwmn IlUCh 'asthread. zlpPllrll. (22 Inchl, tiape, ,apron 111l4\ drCfl;l mat.erllliu In1n00rlhs 01 CIllO to rlvo 'lards andflOW 8C1'11p:l or materlalll for malt~!nil qulll.'1. dl81ILOWfl13. 01.C.. andwhich are to be glVet1 l,() \.he WQ,mlln lUlU girls At Fort. stanton )fIX" ,. 'plLlI.1 to WAcl, them sewlfl(l.

'l'll!' • club prealdem.. Mrs, ZOO

;Z=====~~;;~:;~ O!u ,~riJlrCl SAid fll10 ljoped U1At tOOr.,, _ Will be A larHO number proocnt. lUI'• ' Lilli,., urn nUll HWrI1I 'cbarteJ'MONEY FOR YOUl U111m/Xll'!. who IUiVl1 JJOt. jl.Ufllle,Wd ..INTERSTATE FinancIal Hou.. lnllllllflH· -- ,- -- ._, ---

Blk. EalR of 1'. O. - U7~"erNul • JI'1U'IIUur. - AlI&o

u4 Uomlt ImprOTOaMllII .......AI.. Ilnance '0111 Dew aA4 -­

alltH aM lumlurll wUb Ul'fEBooSTATE re,.rdlClJl .f "ber. J'.bu,.




• • , •, ••••••• , ••••••••••• t' • , • t ••• '.



, ,l'",(




. '..,


2 Bunchol.. 15c

, .






)~( ",'7 )"!MOUNTAIN PASS - "·Ol.• WUOlE


HUNT'S - NO. 2tl






VANILLA WAFERS 12.01. 37ft

AMERICAN ~~UTV - 10-01. 2' fOl


(OFFEEMATE .18.01.. .- •• , ..8Sf

PEAS Green Giant 2' 4No;! 303 ..... f •• •• • • • • •• •• • For




. . fta", 19t.••

CLOROX '23·.ttQI. - P/aSllc•••••• _ , .'

.DOG, FOO.D 25 $2'litPurina.... lb.. '.,


3 FOR 79c



~~ ~ ~ t5z....f f:S"

~__,_ ... ..20.0z. {' ,FRUIT PIES .. ~-_ .. ,-- - - - - . - ,.- .. ",,-_._. --- :(, .. ~--~ ...._.. ,,.,- ...........-"~"-._,...... ~~-

.._ .Eeach,.Apnln .': _ '. , 'J:UYI--. •

C9coanut Custard

e uce. ' ,


l ' , n

"BANANAS Chiquita, ..••. 2 Lbs. 29~(








,*.Doz. 3SC


3 For 29¢5 Lb•• 49c

No. 300•••••••••• ~ , •••2

Plllibury •••.•••.•••••••

lB·IN. x 25·FT•••••••• , •

. .



SAR"'D"INES Tomalo & 2'9 c, .' . MUitdfrd •• ., •• J ••• , • , , ••• . .

POnED MEAT ~~~~: .. '2 For 27c~

STOKELY'S .... NO. 303 CUT ,

GREEM8EANS.;:..... 2 For :45C




SALT ~~~::~.~~~l~'~ 2 For 19c



CIDER 'VINEGAR Qt••••••••• 2ge



(' THURS. - FRI. - SAT., OCT. 12·13·14




EGGS,iiscUiTs,.. ", ..,.".FLOURPRIDO



-..LlrNC T:-.~.- :,-.-3"~~g~~8CY


'lcnlCS~,~-- _.._.. '" .. _, ."_._-- ..._---~--- ~--'_...--.,--.. -~'--. -_._~~--

por1<13uffs=-t&.~5-'- _. _. --. ,,_. ,,_. . ~ -

GROUND, CHUCK Lb.••• , .•.69c'.

•_ .~ ',J.


-'~; \'. 'J

~ .. w.i" .;">-- ,- - ~. .. .

.. -~c' '~1JI-'«.4;'i\ll~.;;>it. ',",, , e, ~ " , ' _..,. J, ,,'1 e ....

.~, ,'". e, d,._.•" ....-,

•.4Dd Promptty8top ItchIng',BelievePaln In)lostCasas.


In mornlng aervlces Sunday at theChUrdl of the Holy Mount In RUI·doso. Rev. James Eubanks, nUn.lster, wlll celebrate holy commun­Ion. 'using a 120-year-old cba.lIceand paten used by mlnlsters Whotraveled from one for\. to another intbeSOUthwcm serving YOW1(f menIn the old cava.lry divisions In the1840's and later.

nOOKl\1081L..: SCIlEUlILEGIVEN f'OI~ NEXT wt;f;K

'tht' NC!w Mt'xlco Slatt' Llbrary'soookntoblle schedUle for thlll areanext week will be ll!I follow9'

Tttesday-Hondo. 11 :30-1: Lincoln.1:3D-2; capitan. 2:3().3;30. Carri­zoZO. "5.

WcdnCSi1ay-EPNO Lincoln 81&.,9.9;30: COrona-. 10-11 ,30; CampSierra Blancn. 2-2:30; Fl.. Stanton,2~45-3:15.


•are available. Offlee Is opposite ski run road .turnoff on Stole Road t37.

David DeWolflt, John Lucero, 'teddy Zamora and HenryGriego. Front row, Della Davilla, Beverly Cornel/vs, JamieNOlhaway, Kay Ingalls and Alice F!Uinglm•


I •'J

,," ,









~WJii(e-Mtii~:_-,. -Sthool News ",'"

', '\ ' .~ ..'"1-{cdnesd.y this week was report ~""J' ."~t'd ~aYCor all ClXce~ the tim I' . ";'.~d"e. Mrs. McCarty had a )lArent r 't,,onrc..~ncc' Instead of gMng out:,:"

, . ",·catdY. ' "~tll.. Parket's .8Ccond gra~e Is " - ":,'c6rh!ntt aboUt molecules and how'~,' '.; ,." ;\l\yA,work. ,TheY hll.ve learned to ~.' , _~J ' ,,1'. d

· t~ book rj!poiis'Md hl\Ve made ~'j ''('11 J\.'J.1l,co tlls,play with ghosls. Jack'()· l~'- ..,!1!Cni;l. llk<;lctons and other Hal., .'

:C'CA tlllUres. I ".~r&.DUMgan's seCOfld grade has j'pttllng. cl1ar.ts up. Each good. "'[ltd~ cams 1& .star. They Have twoqw, ttlrtlesc In their aquarium.t,(!y werc brpught by Herbie Skin· , '

i!!fts. »cwbrOWJh's third grade'llil flhlsbcd theIr' cxperlmcnt on, .

aIJl!J. 'Ibo ones pJanted Itt the.!U",c dldn·t. grow bUt the ones In

light did. Most oCtbclr work· . . -

~ been rcVfhw bU~ they haVtl~ Ihtl> the study of nouns andeTbs In EugltSb.·'.illrs: fdll1cl"S Utlrd grade hasflilisbcd learnlng' to wrlle smallJCt\crs . lUIdarc studying writing($pttals. In WrlUtlg. They arc'lJL\I~ymg pa.i'J.Ifi'a»hs. subjects.n9UhS anddelelin1neta In English;uplon bf sets lnl\tlthrnetJC; encrgyI(om tnOvlnt All' and water In

.' . .'i ';CAPITAN FIFTH GRADE BAND- Back row from' leh, Ricky .

. •;:~IchQrdsan, .Bill Hightower, 'KayeCarnolius, Richard Phil·Jlps and Mary Ellen Zamora. Third row, Dean DeWolfe.

. . .. qannl$ BIxler and Wayne Ware. Second row, Karen Ingalls ,-l'~u·'''-·'·::'li.::::: '. --- ~:;'~'U=;';=A'--===========::';:-=::.=;;:::.:;::;:;;:;;;;:;:=:::p:;~' ::::::;::::-:;;;:::-::;;::::'::;:::::::::';::;:':;"::--::=--- ",lit: "itt' Itn ~.&:.I&:oliI ""''"'''v ......., t _. ,! " ' -1'1-....·.,..... -~-'»~~~IO-'joI--f"'~., .... -- ._~,_. ,..,,~'<o.--. "'-,p',,:..".,' .,n.. 'u1do,BO N"'w·" . .' ",;, -~'11i '~. : ~ .. ' ~< ,''',,..,:;:'' \ ~ ...,·_.,Jf,~f,.\l(,O\ -01';<~ ,i :',.~ .... '" ;"r .... ~:'i,...'

""<I. ..... ... • -~, • l~ ,". ~ >'), rI' \ -~. 'f,'- ',., - <. X~_·.{~ I;' . ~ _'}. i l' f'l .'" • 1 ..... -, ~.. ~,

• .~ nida)'. October 13. 1967 ' , • .", - '~,.•', • ': :: ':• _..... ~ > If, ,,' , ,

T ". t. .. ',~ -_.'~

-,__ _~ .__~;~-~_ ....._~ __~". __.:._,",.;. :,,,.',, ':';.'i",_. ~ '; .. ' . ..'-

ALTO VILLAGE SALES OFFICE-$ales office forLakeside COi'potatfon al Alta 1$ shown whereAlto· Village lakeview and golf tourse 191~_. . '" ._._'__':-"._._'-...r""i'-''':'''.;... ..:..'_.....,,_.....'..., . ...__. ... =_._"'=-.00 ..... 4 •. orma".

scll'tlcc and the process of wheat and how they can be bent. LillaInto bread In soeJa] studies. They Parks~ a- brqkcn arm and herare learning to check In and oqt classmates, Arc I autographing hertheir own library books. 'Ibe stu. cas~. I;he broke het ann when sbcdent.s are studying a rock With tcll wltlle hors"Cback rldlng.fo<s1l prlnl.o; In It tha~ the)' found. Mrs," MQ$\ey's fifth grade has

Mrs. Spears' fourth grade pupllll started " ~ _eltpcrlment.. It Isare making Hallowc'en masks' from compc.s¢d ()l .....tct. sand and elaypapler mache. TheY haVe finish. and proVe&:hOw llCdlmcnt fonna Incd their puppci5 and some or the the ocean. ..studeni5 will show them on KFUN .•- , " ., " •.

l't (._

Channel 2. on Monday. OCt. 16, at .E;ducation Ia Topic5:30 p.m. .

Mrs. Morrlson's fourth grade Is For Rotary Programexpcrlme.ntlng with light. and how Ruidoso Rotarians heard a talkI\. reacts. Further experimenls prepared by A. E. Hunt. Max Me­coming- up will deal with light ra)'s COY. Austin Pritchett. and George. .._.. ._ ._.~-_-_ _'. White entitled '"Educatlon, the

NEW ARRIVAL- Cluillertge IS Change". The talk was1J01poln£ Model lte 430 400rncb given at th~ tlotarians regular

Tt.tesdAy lunebeohrneetlng.ltan&"e with 'J'eflon QUick Clean 'lhe talk de4i.lt With the changingOvcn, Clock Timer, two storare methodS of education such as the

Compartments, .SO MOIST, SO RICH, . . use of machines to tee.eh. They also

_. Kt. $DCIlEAMYI A GREAT aUY $199 pointed out that edUcators now fcc],.'t. • WIMBERLY ELECTRIC that, a. child ~,the ablUty to grASP -------,--.-'-.---,.--.._ .••~~ ...... .. -;:~-;. "iiii-.".· _.__~ :~j~ve~e:r~~~ag~~:: Now Possible'To

--,,'i/ • • I taught the basiCS' In reading foreign Shrink-. Hemorrhol·ds·It!;, .; ,'. . . languages and tn'atJicrnatics. "rbted-~\::. . I yca~.olds are.. now ptmehlng lcttc:rll;~;~..' I on electrlc'~8. ,.. ' .

l~ ..,v t.. " o Max MCCoy gave :members,a. rWl

·~$~"·'·'·~'H·~'···'E' .D". O~>.··., ..,11 ~~~~':I;:'~~e::" .I.~~~':' "'" ..... . lng. It Wtl!:I a~ sw.tedtMt.mern" ScletlcehU fourtd " illedicaUOllr,T I be etod be . to with the ilblllty,in most caBei-'.t:~t: " " ... . .fa are expe" to Present iD l:e1lenpllln,1teblll!tlllld,hrlllk:(" ,,,~~, . I help serve the ~ca.de chUCk., li.......... 0· 0'1"-, ~'.., A #"-;0 .

'.• ~,'•.•.•.•,.';'••",..,.' ' .' • '. wn.,,"0.. "., '".' r ...,..'.' '.-.,"y". """0' 11 WI .LLI _.... • ~~......It '. " ..., UU""" 0\<1..- .. .. ~ lll.'Oted, whttltpnt1y *"*l\;Fj., '," I Rivers ~rka.f. 11:30 ••m,. . • 1;.....11·Irp..·ll,...wa.·lr....u··etl ',".......:.*.;' ;;' . Visitors bot ihe.-, "J'tiet!t'..... were "u.. '.l,. ~U W\I~

I..~ . place;'The mret 111 Pripartttto7J

II: ' . . Brute Pember, staton, 'J'ex.: l;:obb- " atilO 100'"thes i'r'rl'-'~.i il......•.<'. • OaM, XA.·. vlllgtol1: nUt ViUlder1e.nd, ~., .....u g

t·,,· Ted BOme11,. Mil..................·,· ."". ries aud Lelps preTelit :furthtil'

I ' TH'E I "'''''v,''''' ..... ' hifeetloit.' J'iUltllllk<for I'r""'II'&o.'·

r·> ., . '. . S~Udent RbtariiUlSot tbe,Monthtloll:H.Om.UIiO"tCirSunnOli.~rl". • • • .Allen ~ak¢1' 1Ltld Ida.R1~. _ . . n.

I.,: ", "H,',.1 D'··E···,·O··.'·U'..,.'.' '1" t --i;'If'::', I,...'. ,i•. ' ,WAr'S· co.OK'IN' . =.'··.l~' .. . '. HOUR'II 'I: :HA.PP!NESS IS.,.. i.

,~,~' I • , '$eefil, 1IO nu,n)' P"Oplttbttown for.1ir

, 1;. " '. . . ..".. "" '20thASP~CADE:,. "1'J.[eel,YourFnends .•" 'Wficli )lOll'..., I1jmJhy ...... pop blfor~»lpln' bOt ptale

ar.d EnJoY' Your-W ' ; ,', ... otj'~'~"".h'',FavoriteCocktail.. •

~;L" ., ~':: ,,::6~1~~. ~:ao .. $~aO p.lJ4 .. ' ..' .' '~',,"'~:. 'III".' _" !, 'd."'•.'I1"~:"ij"'"··~fiM .." < "" , ~ " '. • • "· ,," . ,

· '~ .'." .... ',.








,..... ". .'


We Hope You Have a Most Enjq!~bl~ Weelt·~nd, CPIl\~ B~ck Qn~Q ~~~ ..J

-'~1·1~~"~d-Winter-fo ~-M~reBig Events, Including HlUlting,(.~ , ,

Golfing, Winter Sports and tlte HoU4ays ~ ~ .. ·





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, , ,.


, .

I . - '. ,,'

,rATCHEl)-:UP-MeIltOI1. 'Sdnehez. Jr., shot by N.ws co"mera In-." Jo(l' .~ty trldoy moml"g las' wHk. had to, have emergency.: t,..olmtnt \1t ,local hQlpltal before officers placed him In CIIS·.~ tody'~11OW1l\f flgh' In whIch three men engaged and which'·It,. 9'" cftod ,lote. ThurKloy, M.lItOtle. who SI;lid he didn'f~ Want ,hl.·pJclur. mod,. W6ttrs bandage on right chock. Ho'Is charged 'Wfth Q~.tsory to murder In death of Earl South­, .rn.

, '

WIIII!'''~I''' 'Milt yt·.r \hoy dcvolA:!dp lllt,tll 01 o\,('r I'liJ,OOO,OOO hoU~1$ to,1I(,(lI'hlllll tI,1' I'ood nom of CJOd'IJKIIIlldmn III 1/111 I,,"M. Tho Rood"ucel''''''1 of Ihln AcUvlly waa aeon Intlm\ ,wAdy 63,000 new dlticlplO1l",NC Ildlled \0 IlIelr humber 4urlt\lrtht' )'Cllr,

"II ut\ul\\Iy n~qulrel ltu:nd(tdl$ 0&,hullrll III dOl'I' PlUto t>!udy \0 q)laU~I)' /Ill Ollt' 01 JC)hOVllh'lI Wl\n(l/l-llC!'.I ht1lt' nfl' 110 'thol'1 CUtJI' to k:1.m·Itlu 1111' dWUlc WIll of JrJlOVtlh (Joel

t till,')' I(IIY willi a!lll\lrfWCO. lll'bIG'.Iud}' bcrolllC'JS n pArI oC their datly

, /I\1Ul,i and IlplrllUltlly equl~ thomI" wpcll oll1('C'1I Clod'" pUrpo.'IC for

" 1II1111 'I hI')' !J1'1l0Vp Uu,1 Uti", proaen\,I, 111'lllmltllln WIl, c1rarly foretold In, '

Dlb'" llfophl'cy and pcrr.onll noW1 11\ IUtI will Mll' UIO flnll \liar of,1 Armn,wdd(lu 'nloy conlet)(1 tJUloI. DO

0111' Il('rllll 10 die bUI lltal Ood'. sIlLIII I'VNIAi,L1ulI lIIe Oil eArth Iii re_1lUld ,'cry ('vldenl 11\ lUll ~I(fIlrol\l'llt~1I Tblll cllplahl,.'1 their aea·,'lOll?! 111111111111111 Ilr dOOr-«HIool' ,,m'IH'Jllnu lin thtlY IIc.reb for what.,Ihl')' lilly the Dlblo CtI11tl ."'\eOP.''1\1t')' 110 1\11 UIIIl ftelO, No ClC\G InIhNf ('nUre otl;lU1laaUOn teM:ClIv.a"ll)' lor their 1ll11lb1.ry,

'An QUlatlUldll1(l cltatllewr15l1tl ()ttlwlf r,lIth lit !hllir IIttlel adbarmoc 'to Dlblo Iilalldard."1 ot morallly, teoIU<1nu til oompromllW:t Yt1lb ~UICY undcrlltaud to bit c:onUal7 10Uw DIble lUld Ita tcacb1nrS-

''111C)' como to tbc ellY of nut·dOli/) tn 1M t>pIrl\ Of dodly ~CCl.IIralclul tor UMl opportunIty to &II'll(\mble.- here, 'rhoy M\'O ClX~a In·(t tnvltatlon to all realdob\a tolattt:t1d (ttl" l\S.,"'J,'mbly. No coUo<:-­tllln.'i 1Irtl C\'tlr taken."




WED. - SAT, OCT, 11-14




SUN.-MON."';'TUES, OCTI 15·11.


-~.__ ....... ' .. .. """



Interest GrowsIn Assembly ,'I II'? circUIt 1If;:«'ll1bb' "i JqIJOVW'1l

V,'~.ntl>1.ell In nuldollO l~rldk.y, 611J'unlay and !.iunday 01 next wcuk tilallrl\{ tins the IlllOIOlit 01 mo.n)' lOCl.ll ' ,clL:tkll" 'Dunllll UI~ cmmro or tbq'thrcc·da) Cflle,avo I\l tho Chapar.ral COllv.'IIl.on Cl'IlWr, Lhe allo6l1ll1bly -,01 WIlW IiflO \'b.lling dllll!6aUlII WlII­IUl:uh limit IlILt nlloll 011 llle mble

, altu Itr. IYdrlll'ullU' lll"l:>/:.auc 101' ourLimen,

II Ilrer.:,' rel('/llro 011 Ulf~ mcctmw jWill' given Ihe New!' /IoN lollowlI: I

", helS(, cOllvcntlolls I~re' 'II I'cgula.r, fl'l}ll o!,~l!'lr __ wort\hlp Which they'a)' hav" II Iwo.{i;ld'-IIUrIXlSC: '11u,mn11)llrltual 'Il11Cl(19 lire earI'd lor thruthe I1rollram Illlol/, nnd the C()I1Vl.11~

Lion .(fluds R~ opportunity fur Jc­/1o\'ah'" ',flLllc8llCll to "We a wlulwuto (,lad'" Klnlldolll III lUI Imprclll>lvc'wa)', '11'0 colIVcnllollll arc IlrtllllllCdlit their Ir.glll od,"bl\tI~IVC tn·~Mu'lIcllt Ull: Watchtowor, DUlio alld'tnll:l tloclllLY 01 New Vllrk, 811ll'('"Il' )'('I\r 11)93 Ih\! IItlendIHlI:(' ll~their 1I~~('lflbllrll hll/\ IIl'own /tumalJO In 2b.1,1)2'J III 1l)1I1i III 111,' Illtll IIIIc'rnHtlU1l1l1 1I~'wlJlbl)' held III NI{WYork Glt}' "hl/I 1IIf!1\1Il> 1111 IIWII'IlIIf'

01 OVI' f 'iIl,OOO liN' CI'lI~ lJl ()l\- )'I'llt l>

JJ< 1111" ""I'll 1'1\111'11 'ttl!' I,\I.I,'M uiow­Wit ri!lll:llI11 In UIl' world,' Ihe ii"Ie1I,f.' ~/lld '

""'unlf rll',l' Illn'UlClh howI'vrr, I"lI"t thr (,hiI" IUlllurfl ul JC'huVIlh'4


", i"








. I

v ,



0,.,.. _ ..

. .




• ••... '. I:........"'tat''.,1.,

., '.

WELCOME·'To anoth'~~l~


'. ,. '

C & L L8R.,-.




\'181l Illl while In I.~~h16I1P)' hI tAtk aboul bUlldt;t~'A'''~c'IIt1l1n IUlIlIO hcrll In Ute In*~_\l'llll you. ''L


•••tl·thl". -.'




~ ,:: ,tt, tl/"tf

The Weather


, ,

NN UNCING .........The-Opening Friday, Oct. 13 'of


.' . Cornel' of Mechem &: Sudderth

COME IN' FOR A CUP OF COFFEE......and SeG ilie newest in ski colors and fashlonl

ALSO-ON' SALE •• ;.Last Year's Bogner's Ski PantsMen'sWere $54.50 - NOW $28.50Ladies' W~re . $49.95~NOW$25

,; Lbnlted Number of Head SklDemonstralorl

ON SALE ·lttgilterlo Win One 0130:PaiI' 01 Read ~GO'•

. .

. i

., .

", " \.,. .,


,..,.......3· FO* 29¢Li. 23c


1o Roll Pcick 19c. . .

. ,



.} .' ., r '

.... \U 'TJJcEtOOD S1'.A.MPS ...'

-- OpEN SIINDAy-- .

. ,.,'.



.. Ruidoso BowlersIn Third Place

,, .


armacPHONE 378-3370

DOUBLE FRONTIER STAMPS WEDNESDAYThese Specials Good Thurs., Fri., Sato - Oct•.12-13-14

•. ... - - -;



. .·,



,.. . Wh.n you find youml'. t~: keyed up to relax at a,.dtlm., maybe you .

• , h~d Ct. st...ssing day, IS!,,' not .very night ahoutd• ,:, ,be .Ilk, this, When,,-.rsbte,.t " ..pSeunlss keep.

. • _ yOIJ .xftauttect, your doctor CCJ1'l advlM you. W.• ctir; ~.tp~otJ caftY 0\1. 11I1 advIce,

"If •

,0, 'W}}',•


;IIAMS PICNIC.. LB. 39¢ ORANGE JUICE 8':;'l~~ON Gf..." ' Lb. pkg_ ...... $1'9 TURRNOVERS Bru.IM..,.·Appr.·p..ch 4'9~· .L8,'..... ' . . .', .' eACH • , , •• , , •• , , •

··.LO~G HORN' CHEESE' 69c , ROSEOAlE-l0C?t.. ," '. c,~,',': :." ~ ",. 00'" , ..... " • "" " • ~EAF SPINACH 2 plc 25,~fJ.OIIDAPINK , . .. ". ..... Rose·OALE lO·OZ. i ' . ~"PkGS '

·GRAPEfRUIT 2' FOR39¢CHOPP• ., BROCCOLI 49'~.Fil~'N£W' .: . . ' 'LB. MROSEI·DXALEE·....D···1,O()tl' PkG,. " . .' . 5 FOR

,sWEET POTATOES .:....15',,,!EG~TA.~~S 98'

'-, I. . ,t~t", Y'~./'" """ - 11 r i ~ ~ " ..... 4a;....~~":'OO'" S• • ~ > " -. '. ~, '+ .. . ,

, ,1..;'


.~ORY ~.1'MENt

:~'C~,~K'lE, ·R!O'·L·"L5'" .4"9"C.,,.."., '" \) rAeA., ... ~ .• .'1 j .

. ~ •.'.,,,). __ ._, ~ __".~,,_._-1.,. '

·; ,,.

,:';\·i~:,;;*;.~~);~·,:~~ ... :i!::'::·'::~~;':·i' lWarriors' Ta1.:'e PAP.,:Ro....mnU·.ld·.O·so 'NeBECmw"I Olf. ..' "'0" .' '

"~,,;:,', .,~:;;.,I.."\:;':/./r ..'J!!'\',,I·':I,.~,·,~',\~..,' . - . "K., 'J ') I, ~ 'j ~ •••••~'''.\.,';''''.c~'' "'N''!'"" "'. C I' ..". . '. ' .".' n . '.. '. II ',_ ' ~'n.ll?'~')/·' OqtQB~ 13" 1961

,-/",:,,; c, ",: ".'(: I"~ ',:&.;::;.'I~...,,;'~~' ,'::'H '.' ,J 'Si"\,'p'·b..:'0',mo'r'e' C''.I"a··.·s's· ."~. ' ",.. ', '_.>, ... ""~ .', ~ , ,,', ,0 .' ~\ • l < <1", " " <I • 1""~'7' .,' v ",.if' ! " r' ,,4,1" .•~· ,~ ,'" \··~f' "

~ ....-"<:'~';:'~'~:' .'I.::.·:..... :-.~I:~ . Ruidoso'!! Warrlorll Wi,>k, 1\ oru.· 'lha lIop'homo,~ Ql~SS tn.RuldOl;Q .t1W,.,',; ,;r;,~~...~:<,' 'Qlal,Vlctory'm a fPlma' a~ ~tQh JlIsl\. l:!chool wlll. !iIWQ '.11. turkey " .!'o':! ..' '111' ,

'c:. ",;.,;J.l'J·ldIl.Y nilJht to lltay In ~ 015•. $()()t at U1e, 'fl.!{le. ll-angc. at Ced~r , Our f'ra'"'11.'.·trlot 3'l;l race. Tha '1'.6 vlotqrY9y,er Creek next SWlday, OCt.U; 1)clrln· '.

,. t!l~!t9!r!! k~p~ !b9, J't\'\!~~~PJnm i:Ug a~ 1~ ~,m. to rl\.I,5tl money· (or . ' . .'. .~ ~ tile run!$llJ.1ft (Ilstriot QolnI'etit!OI\ . 11\t ·olI\.$S Hallowc en,pl'lncc!i&'" ,-- -,----~,,~ ,-II excellent Iflr'.~ ...¥! glvllXf Ale 10ca:1ll a 1\t.l ~stand1n .'Ibo, eancUdata b, D.lane ~uUcr who ..' . ',' -- ~- :.~-,-'t~ o{ ,6QO (seC. s.J:J I:!til.n<l!tlgs' eIsewbel'~ Will bo Ilscol1ed In tile »allQwe'en . Our ' Incredibly' B' -''!""""!"'....

. .}~~ on U1ISpalJe.l.. ....., ~~~tl:~~lcs py :ello -H~ll, It wallre. '. '., . .' Ir .;, ,.:;~~i/;:' RUidoso came from behind to . . "'", . . , BUller ."dlble "

. ~'!ij#~j gain, the' vlc;tory, with lady lUQk ,,' . ' ' .. ,~:'if:;;..1.lenditlilllt bl(J ha~d, The loeaill Werl,l B ',I' INN III '

. "~~~};. \l dOlJged wlUl fUmbleltls UlNugh Q'AI 'f"9 . ., ,,~~~~;J~ parL'ofthematch":"llunlnOOflnaI-~~ ~ - - =.y~ ~ 7''1''" - ----"--- dlREDIBI"C~~~. ~:~~ , '., quarter llqueaked out a Ol\o.pol1lt .,' U . ~">:.~l"'f'J'I;.ti'!v,?'f'.~~ mal'gln with tile ,aid of a penllJty... Tl1u~day Men', Learae ". '~;'\i~;'.l:'"·tf'W Tommy :Valliant ~coredthe I(me Resu,ltlI of Oct. 5 -, '., •:>';';,. . \{(~ touehdowll for n\lldo&o iii. tho 'fo~1l1 W L, , ',~~ "~",;..l:,;t? ,i; ': .},rl fourth, then on a kick for !Jie 9xtn Smokoy BOIU Motel. I 8.. .;'.1i;t'i'~~t;\/:.'l1.~' '!:!: point, ~aw t~ ball go crazy. An off. Manana. .. : ', 8 4:~~~ .• ~ """".] ,':"/ ..~,.I llide penalty 00:. Hatch pve lJlo C. & L. t::mber•.•: , .., 8 4

/.~.,.~ .":;.;,.. ,,' :.;.; "",~,. Warrlorll a 5eCOll(l cbaUee and Val. Oatoway "hen : ' 7 5,> .:;,l.:~~i;: , . .;.,.,.i1'.·· ':.' lIam toosed to ll-Ic.k Steven"",n to Hall. COllst , 6 6 _. , . • ,-. -- . .._-', - q );,:. .. , " '"',.. .. " " k .. .......... Ch . _..-".-,.,_._._.~~_.~-~-'.~_.- ,

-,j,;J!, : f'f'~;;t:~:,:,:t: , ,'~ Ina c Ule big fat one point edgo, aparral Hotel 5 77

", Fres}lme'n Rep~at ' .. ,~- "',.,.. ~ "' .. ,~. ,~~,;. ~.ltf~~~.;'P~:/i!.. Hawh's Tom HeMley had scored Jone'S Const•.. , ,.. , 5 7',' Win Over 'Zozo C·t D .Imd Arthur Ohavez, All were eiu{.~";'. , t ' 'ii;.:..: ~ l~:.:c' ,: early In the game, recovering a Ruidoso Na~W'al Gall 5 . apl an rops in~omPlelc Qr IDtel'eep~d. ...

l".!.ItASS " BI:~I"'''l'' ,".' '< • ~ .' ,. ".' •. ;" '. , , ,~.w.::~, Rqldoso fwnble and golll8' 59. yar¢i HolHum Bread ~ 5 7 nuldO\>O's fresbl~an football lenm .' " Ihc-re Wll.ll somo 11'004 yardaj;e, ;' _,~, ,__~~rr ~~,l1nlcu;RS. SlOP.f Slerr.a Blclill;Q--Jott), ,It- -snowsgross--,wlllbm w d ,Wh 10 PIlY cilrt. The score was 6'() for N. M, 'Olalls Co. 1· ,.. · 3 9 !.CQtlld ·J\no\bel'. vlctol1' here. Il\.'l~' N· ",C··of ' .gained by ;Buddy Hall, the freen· ~."... ~~I.J!'__$$:thas planled Ihl~ hlghgcsu.5. on hll.__. .coYer.ed...w1Jh..5no.w..1hl J,i o.~. r en Hat«:ll faT mo.snif1!.lI,l':'evenlrnr;W1th- - ,1iIQ'h--tcam---3·lJan1e---.serles~ C. ",~~~.!'.sJllnst __~!:rJ~Qr.«>, 19·12.._' JUI-_0, erence man flillbacK for' Clip/tan. 'anCl Jhn··'-t.. ~rmer5' I$lope to Improve skiing, Slones and U t b 'f k" !-Vi __pr.ov-! e:.on ,ex.. Ruidoso heldlnthelr"«>WnterrHory!--,.I.,Ulll.be!" .~60:MaIlQllll'- :ul31; -- No~man Kahze SC01'ed Ute flrllt . M ~. - M"\ I l.esll17i>I,,)'Ins--defel1lllve-en(kplay,~~-4

."roeks W1Ire removed ,the I d B' ce en o.seor sling. . or In midfield all Qf ~ flt&t j.h~1' Smokey Bear Motel, 2823. High unrCUdoW!I fol''Rutdoso 11) 1henrst ... a4.ch''''o··· 'e" t':O'S~ ..... d.SOn,e-lJ09d-dCfet!$IVe-baI1:- 4-_....1.'(,;, :.~l," .:, .. ~. ~ g~a55 .~..onte '. e. quarters. team game:' Jones Const., 1030; C. quarte... • ll' II I' '" 'nils week-end Ollpltall will GO'tel ..~Zozo Takes 18-0, "Penalties co.;;~ ustv..o ·t~uch. do b" h'"j'n:;:a k "'$'" .,,,. In the firfit quarter, the Bears III L. Lwnbcr, 1010, PB7, ' Carrl~zo'll Ray Roper 5core4 a Capltan'!I'Jlgers railed to Seem: Curom\ for a Dlstrlct20C gamowtth ...;..;' , ,.' downs" Cloudcroft Coaeh Everet f wn y a c James HaYllCll l1lt«:rcepted a warrior PQ8ll and ran lUgh individual 3'(Jame ser1es~ touch~wn In the liecond quarter, durIng a nOIl·conferellce game wltli ·tht'-Cl\rdlnals. At present'oapl~'!s""loudcr~U Win . Bannt;ter dec~red, "We 1)lCd. an 85~ ::~~1I::;:nlwzo ~.yal'd ll.ne v::"8 for a. touchdown, but It wa~r called Jl\~k KlUIDady, Sr.. 613j Oone SCott, Then Ruidoso's Kl\zhe thl~W ~ :10· Melrose last Friday there. Penal· on top In the dlllU'let III gamell wqn•••~~ ClOUdcroft, Bears were de. yard kickoff re'turn tou<:hd C en 'We were offside. back for clipping. 1190, .peral4 'l'ully, 585. High indl· )'ard PllSll 10 Wayne Fulsom WhO ties, Intercepted passes and bad '.-_. ". "fe~(~" 18-0, Friday night at Cloud. halfback Robert Cope call~a~~ fir .~r~zozo. 6C01'~ 11\. each of the In defense aio Hatoll 1l1lebacker \'jdua\ gamo: Oene SCO~t, 236; Oer· I'an the plgskfn another 20 yanIB to breaks Against Capilall helped Mol, lHS'fJUCT 3·8 STANDINGSCl!Y1~ b}' Carrizozo's Orlzzllell. on a cUpping penalty 1U1d a touch. co~ ert:-C~quILt' rse:ut faUed tel Rick stevenson W'IlG hAUed as out. aId 'Iully. 235; Jack Kallaady, sr.. paydlrt, Steve. Halladay ran tho ex· rose whiP them U.(). 'J'eam . W L_, 'J,"." _ .. :_=. ~~=•..•"'_~ _=-._._.. __=___ ar~s t ey BOQr. from threo Elandlng player tor the Warriors 2'lO, ,1I:a point, Melro~e scored tholl' first TO In Lon!Sbul'g .. . "" 2 0

'~ 'i: . ~uarte:ac~::e ~~r~~~~r :I~ When Hatch tbrcatened .after RUI: TI1ursday Men', Leallltl dOFulml1m'hl'l'll, ovrtehr another toueb· tlhe openlnlC qual·tel·. Capitan got TR, °ldr

C. 1I0t Springs .. 1 0 .• ,. cd WlUI th h d f " doso fumbled on lboir 15, ll-Ick RClluU, Ilf Sop~, U wn n '. e.OU quarter, Then nto trOUble Rnd nUempted t.o punt u IFO .• . 1\6, H~

, • the B a' oy a a ourtll down on made two tackles bdlInd the llno 'feam W L wl;h ~Iy ten ~conds to go III the from tholt' 10'YArd Uno With tho reo Tularosa .•. 2 2 'ond f:a 18 f~UrYard U::C In too B~C. of llcrll1lmago to -throw the ,Bears uawway Shell. ' ~ 7 1 Q'~l11o. Jl.oper made anothcfj- (OUell' !lults Uu\t Melro:lI! fleored II two· Cllrllzoleu \6 1~tel' nndm:sse:~c seo40nit over cen· for 8.yards loss. He played hea¢i. l:imo:tey BcIU' Motel .., ".,5 3 down for CarrllIOzo. 1'01llt IinfC'I)'. The score Willi 8·0 l\l H1ltch ., 0 1dowll la p e or a ·yard touch· up througbout U1e match. MlllllUlI1.. •• , P........... 4 Jimmy Barcus. RUidoso hallUack, tho half ' .. -•. , .- .t1lc 'orl~III~,heq:::~~=~a;,when '1'hls week lhe local eleven goe8 C. & L. Lumber, .. ". 4 picked up aome ltOOd yardage with 'fhe TIKers held Melrose until lIontlnl' IICllllUn III JUlI& annm' &lleMonrreal fh'ed I . anny out of town aGain, playlnlr at Canu. Chaparral Hotel, , ' " .. hI:. hard. running, Danny Bell, three mlnutefl before the l'nd or tlI11 ('urner - l,"d ,we weloome )'8. 'le

, Orlulle halt a ong one to a tl1lo wltll the klek-off set for 7:30 Jon~;j COll~t. .." ', ,,,.. 4 flanICer baek, mllde some oUlHtand, gt\IllC when Melrose scored again 1I111ke 'Gamble- In Rukl.... ,.0.,_ • p.m. 111111 COn/lt." .,. ,~ ,4 'lIng rUlllJ also. eteve Miller's tough but didn't make tho cdr" point. IIcatlquartera for your JlcelUJe, " ••

Coach Newton Bald oanutWo was N. M. 0111.511 Co. ".. ,' 3 6 defel1llO 11l' left guard position got El'Vln AIOOz at qu'nrterbllck. lIIunlUoll, clImplnlr equlpm~I, :rated thtrd In ,Class AA tealll8 I1l Ho15um Bread. " ,,, ~ ,.2 tI fa\'orablo mentIon by coaches Dub threw four pMsclI W DaM)' Salas I'llon ~~- ' •TeJlas Ih~ week, and will be tIIo High. Ieam 3'll'amcserles: Oate- WUllanu~ Dean Holman, _ _ _ _ _ ~ Ult your nil'''' &a U~ ~Iilrollll'CSi "ll'grepUon the Warrlorll way ISheU, 285ol; Hall COnt;t., 2833; Tho team (1 nexl challenge III by 21111••11 11 111 .

In Travelers League will face I1l 1D6'l gridiron' wars, Smokey Bear Motel, :n89. Hlll'b Dexter at 5 p.m. hore Thur&day. ::: " .Tho Ruidoso team, Alto VUlagc, Canutillo 18 undefeated th1lI tlca· team ~aI1lCl: Hall COll$t.,1l92; Oate· • ::: HOLIDAY' BO'WL .'.•

placed third In tbo SoUthell8tem flOll, beaLlng such teams as cathe, way Shell, llGa: Chaparral Hotel, Lordsburg Downs ::: . 'New Mexico Men's Traveling Bowl, dral of EI PallO 42.(); Anthony Oads. 9GO, :::lUll League which played on the den :la.(): Demlt18 1400, and let .1,,1 lUgh Indlvldual 3·gamc IIcrlell: Tularosa, 14-6 ::: OPEN B 'IIollday JJQwl lnnell bore on sept. 8core the Oll1y touohdO'wn aplnst Jerry KanlU1dy, 586: Jlerb Ford, Tailback Freddlo Livingston at ::: OWLING DAILY .."24 when eight teams of fIve men them thlll year I1l beating them 21. 5:l'l: Van Hobbs. 6M. HIgh Indlvl· UIO Tularosa Wlldcattl plwllled over ::: .each parUclpawd 'In the touma. O. Jal had defeated TuIlU"ooa I1l a dUal iamo: Jerry' KaNady, 2B: tho center of tho Mawrlck line In:' • . •

. , _m~t, Mcmb(!t'lJ '9t thg;. R~ldg,w wp.heavy llcorinB battlo prior to John lJeeman. 213: Bud 8tafkoy the lIecopd quarter for the only : Try 0 ~ k B'team arc Jerry KaMady, V

lrsll llUIiJO!o'o lOOlllO lhC WIRJcl.1!l;" ···ltnd-Tommy-fl"I1,--il1;-------- .~ -~ __Wll~Aill~c:.g( IhoO\'!1.n!l!lr_Frl.. ::: ur IW nac ar

Reynolds, John lJccman, CUrry Newton lidded the canutillo Wcdneaday \\Ilxed 4-Sllm ,.day at Tularo'4L when Lordsburll::: .--..~ .-------" - ---'---.~.- ,--~,-- ,Reynolds lind Jack Kannady, Jr. team outweighs Ruidoso, and has Tealll . W L won A 3·8' dl8trlct gamo, 14·6, Tho::: 'Sign Up For the Aspencad'e Tournamant

An orgnnitnUol\a1 meeLIng WILlI one of the nClltCllL passing attaclt4 lIall's Conm. . II 2 Iry for elltra ~Ilt by COOklo 1-0. ::: ..held bore before tho wumament of any team III th1lI area. Whl1lperlng 'Pine Coft~ Shop II 2 pel wenL wide. LIVIIl311ton went for ::: Sept. 3D to Oct. 15bcgnn on tlCPt. 24 and oUlcertJ ot ~-~-<- ~-, .. -- NWIley Drug 4 4 61 yards durlnl the game. ::: .the traV~ll1lg lclLllue were clected AREA GRID DaVlti Dcvelopmcnw' .. ., '.3 6' LOrdllbura acorcc1 In tho UUrd and ::: Fas followu: Hnnlt llarral, Roawell, Apllclle MUSiC . '.3 S fo~rth qua,rterlS and kicked for tho a or Informal.·prellident: Roy Crow, ArtesIa, \'lee. " NavaJO Splrlb .' ,..•. ~" . .2. two Clxtra polntll. 1bclr first mark· :: . onprc:lldcnt. lind JUn Va1dc~, Roll. DE!!LrS l11Qh., team 3·game &erIe!' NUn- er ~amo when quarterback ItUbcll • Call 257. A!l7A '

• •• . well, c~Ctcttt)', ,p. c ••~ .' Ie,~ "'23~~J.·biivefo- .aalM<tftrew...~hdo'Uf'P**from .' .. , 'fL, 'i .. ''Jl1lt lCllguo-boW1lf once .a inonth, tJ1DOSO '1, lt~ J. ~!.a) Jllet1L!1 135:1: WhisperJn(t PJncOoJt tho lO<flu"d Une. • = . '

Rnd thll next boWlmg date wll1 be HoL Springs 01 Trull1 or COllI:C' tce Sbop 2214 Htlrb kam pm' 'Iho aeeondLordsbul'lt flcorC--Wa.'l· nllTiUnlllln-------'- .. -- ----, .' ..... ------------ ' -0c122, III Roowell. The oU1er soven qucnccs ~, Lagtma.Acoma S, O..vlo ~veJop'mcnttl, 138; Nutl1:; mado by StIR Who went over on .. ....-~.-,-.-~••! •.!!!~!.~!,!..!!!!.~ •.•!!!.~.~~~III ......I il..1

team!'! arc from ltolIWell. 2 teams; LOrdsburg If, Tularosa. G. Drug 819' Whlspct1n[t PI.no Collee keeper pia)' ato'Und Ute TullLrosa'Artcsln. 2 tcainll; Cl.rllSbad, 2 kama Ft. Sumner 18, Dexter 13. 81wp: 1101.' (!nd,and Lovlngtufi, 1 team, '1bc Jctgue Carrizozo 18, Cloudcroft O. "Iih indiVidual 3-p.me series' safdtyback CoOkla Lopez rccelv·bowls l1U1c games each Ume and MclrotC If, capitan 0, Jerry Kllnnady, 680: Jack Kama: ed II. ,.!lIiM QOnCU!I!llon ,,~ U10 startthe tournament SClbcdU1e wUlton. VaullM 39, Corona 19. dy, Jr., 613; Joe ElJtc:J, 495; EltJle OJ.tho second quarter and did notelude WIUI Ute last. nine games Williams, f52: .AnnIe Keith, 46ol; set to ftnlsb tbo aame.b~Ulg bowlcd In Arlcala on May 23. HUN TEIt SI WaIL AvcriU. 4M. lllgh !nd1vldual d-'- ~~> =1!168 Jock Kalmady, Jr. f1J eaIMln Ruidoso Bo)' Scouts welcomo nalOe: Jerry Kannady, 204, un: 8th Grader. Scoreof thc RuJdu:;o Alto 'Vlllagc team, your rift ., elk, bear, .eer, alto Jack Kannady, Jr" 193; Annie Another WIn

~. lelllPil meat tor 81, aame Sup- Keith, 17\1: Marale KAnaady, 111:rlan Ie reUre In allldONI per No•• 1. a~ Elks 11,11. A4u11l1 Erma Siovemon, 176. OVt1' ClpUati.. ~ ~ =__ , . . '1.15, chlklren "$c, all y." can Oddity: Hall's COO3t.r\lct.lon t.elam RUldol:o', lI1#htb aradorA IIcorcd'

~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r:~~M~~~'~O~II~r~Hn~m~m uL~~~~~~ ~~~ac~~moleam~~~r~b~W$~hc~~~I '-'~=$"= , = ='"~-_.~---~ .=- . :~~ ~c::tl~~~11l~[~~~~ ::~(!:g~~;h~~~ ~tl :I\~serle!) all the week before. scoro of 13·12,

MonU,. Mhll4 Lea,ue Capitan's team scored flm, but aTeam W L didn't hlako thCl oxtra point. In 'Ulo'C1Uton Keith Irt!J. 10 2 IICcotld quarier Ruidoso's Mal'VlnLl1ldy'o store BItt 2'11 Barcll!J, playlnr fullback, ran thoWhnberly Eke. 7 6 nrat touchdown tor the Iocal$•CUtIt11niham Ldr)'. . 7 6 At halftime the score wu tlcd upDart sweartnaln. Inc. . 1 (j at st" all. rA. compllt'd by C, A. CllIyu for11, "J. P'oo(U3askeL 6 Cl Kent Skarda. ll-uldoao halfback, U. if. Wealher Bure..)Holiday £OWl , , __ • • 6 !!COred for RuIdoso In tbe UtJrd III Lo rredp.RUIdosO New ,., .. _. 6 '1 qUll~wr Iltld S&tc\1lI ran the extra 4 76 46 .0RtdtrllW1 TV.~,. . ,... $ '1 po..:' & • 18 39 .0RwnbtaUld1 Real Estate $ 7 uoorcu.<t threw two pe.ues to lUck IJ 15 39 TTeam No, 1. 2'''' ll~~ pre<:tori, ~~~ back. dur~ the 1 GtJ 42 .0Wlii. Place, Show 2 10 lrRClnO'I'" u nc der WL'I successful. 8 74 28, .0

High wam ,.game sertes: Swear- ap ..n ,&COre one more TO bUt 0 7" 31Iniln, Inc., ll53: Wimberly Electric. didn't make the extra point. 10 G4 33 *803,792. Wah team game: Sweartn••'~dl~lofn~ ~uonl for ,their out- Ptcclp, !llnce Jan. 1. 16.G4

. gin, In<l•• 2)13: "oUday Bowl, 2339; ............ .enau,e pity were Steve Preclp thl'l MonU, 'tWimberly Electric. 232a. Halladay and l)arwlll neal. Puttlntt (W. Do 't W , All Th I

Il1gh indivIdual 3.game series: In. good defensIVe g-ame were AI. n HI on • Ius n.ss , , , W. JUI' Wan' Yeun)~: ~t,~~~ ~:..:~ ~,~~~~~~~~YNelson. lXKXJlj(XJlxuwXX:~';;:;;:X;=::UWk£«Wini'Keith 4ll3' Dec Von R08enberg.,,~~-~it.:x:Di.411; Matg1c KlUu:1ady, 4G4. High 11l.dlvldual g-ame: Butch Muon, 255:

·000lle SCOU, 211: Dick l"uIfer. 200;Annk! lCelth, 178: Evelyn Kannady.1lS'7; ltorit1Ie Hewlett, 165.

a.wo. LadJClI' Lealueacau"_ of Om. .1



;,;-;;-":'--;;;;-;--- ~ .",,!".-~.








1 '



" ,."

'~ ,.";,.'" : .' ,0



.. .

Ruitloso, N. M.


•\ . ~ .,•.,



Is the Tinuffo Get Your CarReady For WinterWE HAVE ANTI·FREEZE

Uc.nsed ContrattorPhone 257·2241

HOLLYWOOD CAR PARTSHughl. Waterman· Hiway 70 .. Hollywood .. Pho. 3184417

•• 1•••• _._._ ,,_ _ I.a" ._a_ ~._.r.._._._"


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- , .

• •

,.., .

'. \,


Sid·Courvelle- Plumbing .& HeatingPhone 257..2055

Ko1,ller offo.rs'yo.u fixtures in a wide 'choice of colors: Avocado,

five pastels and white. • • , Flv:e bold aCCJ3nt colors. '


UcenMd & Bonded EteetrIcq{ Contr(l~rComl'Mrclat.aM R.s1cHnilalWIring

EstablltMd stnat 19~smart AppdanCHRepal~

Phone 257-2021 '!"" p. O.lox 612j luklo..Ne~Door To T!I CaJlla OIf~~: .1...._' :1Z .• ¢'!I"t_"~,_~;_"~~""",",,".·~"r'$- :eli.'~'








.' <' 1," ,.

. ,

1VJ.H•." otaa. • 8~ ........ • Mlrftra• ..........JI.u. D..... • .... OleNCom~Olo. Servlc.


PH'ONE 251.-4243 -lOX 1072-:-~IDOSO,N. M.


Se'-'g Famous Texaco ProductsSPecial CH'I new &"*'tim and whM&

. . .. Dowmewn lu.... en Stkfdttrlli DtlvtPhOne 2$7.2*21 ......IIc.Ia~ anelJo'''n Ietft,- Ma....

(lor.lnlo TIle •liJltfterDMf1l

.. .. . " ' .•' ~~~~_..•~ _jj~.~"~. ~,,,,,,,.~,,,,~~_,;,,.,',.; ~ ".~ ,.., -1 ~ .-~ .. ~ .., _ r;:~~"-?-9~' !'!"9","'~,'" .~!"".~.""'oi~.!""""'!"".·~lIllO~~.-,,!~~·""';·""9"~-.Il!!"~'~.'''~'''.l!l'' :,,;,- .: .. ~,.. ,';' ..'.'. ,~ •..•,. '.. • "'."" ,.'. ..',.' .."".'. , • .'. .'l:" " 'I" .'''' " '. .' '.'." '.' ' .'.', " .' '. ' ,' . .", (, .' 'i':.e~.' .' .".'.' .'..".'.' .' ,.' .' L ' ' " , ' •" ... _".' .' j(' 11.... ." .' ' .' .' . ', , ,." ,". ' '. "1 ,,'

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~~~~"'".,;..~~.,..e-.. ; ~~ · . "; . ., "'" ,,',' . ":. .;' . '~', . . ' ": ; I ' .'

>, ."

<.~ _ ~ir.=~"f I til


" , •. .', J

..._._._._._1_.~._._ ..._

Tommy Perteet.DaVid antiD'udetfeScott Win Contest '.'fhrclr cor-tl:l:tanttr ·-gucuScd the

wlnnertl or 10 of the 20 hIgh /lchool,collcge and prolcs$lonal footballRltlllCll or lallt weck-end In the sixthweek or Ule RlIldollO NewlIannualFootball guell!Jlnu conte:;t, but jUdgeswcre ublll to pick lJ, flrat, necondulld Lhlrd pluco winner on the balll"01 u lIc·breaker ooore Uw threetrIed to gutltlll on the BUffalO 1'1.Denvef 14 match,

'rommy Portoot won '10 firstprl~lt, nnd hI!! clleck awnltll him a(,Allen'lI Auto PUNI: David Scott,

II k Ihal yuu 1,'lld WIUI mil l\ chap- IlcCllnd pluccr, enn pick, up Ii '5IN 1'1I('\I,lIllY I hllVI' bl'l'Il 1'l'IUUIlIt . check Ill. H. at J. Food Btulkct. &my NI'w I,·r.lnml'nl wlilch Uw cbap. Vllrlcty IIlld Dudllttc SCOtt can get1/1111 IfnH' m,' rmm UI(J ArnorlelUl ber ,2,50 third pll.lcu check at Nun-)Jlull' t!<x'Il'Ly •• A~cordlllll to I"y Uroi' ' .I),. JtUll ..t !1 Z Nl!utnRn, 8ccretary AU but OUt! or UIO oovcru.l dozen .. "'ILL RAKOC"Y PAINTING-P I b B'III k d ~w_=,:_:.:::_:.:_=:r.:.·:'_=II_~.:_:.:?~.J':_=o_=$l_=':_:.::_:.:_:::J.:·:u_:::,:_:.:-:.:-::-=._==•.-=~:-:.=-:.:-:.:.!:!.~:.=~-=.:-::.:-:.:_=._='_=i:_::':_:'~"lilt NlItiounl r>1~trll,ultorl. "LJa~t conte3Lunlli picked RUldO!lO to beat B a ntlngs y. Ra °Cf, art Iror. - ••Ian -til-;~"iI;;I-;iru";o";;i-d- ,-' .=-~-~- - ,)'I'llt "wrr tlllln 6JO.OOO IICrlpturctl Hatch OIl! IIl'1lt limo an Il1most tor of CollegC1 of Artesia, and work by some of his student', _~ _~, 0'. 'e .. ' , • ;;, ,.~.- ••_.__• __,'_ _,..-- -_.-~••_ __ _ __•__• __ , __.-_.__ _ __._~••

":('11\ III 1111'111"'."1'11 of Uw Arnllld unlmlt'nOU!J gUMlI luufbl....nllot.cd 111 or.c on dIsplay fhls week-end at Adobo Plaza as part of As- ,NEW ARRIVAL- Commercial - Uomri -Addition.I' lint';" 1.11 lew.1 100.000 to Viet' tht! Judti'1n« of -the weekly football pencade attraction•• ThIs work by RakoCf, is Italian Stone Repalrl - Remode,nngnnm J,tIUlle1l~ 1.11 n1J . IIlJhlQll1~ l\fudcl nc 430 4o-Inell

Ihlnr••i~IJI'llk~~lhlt. WWIII"I~~~:W~~ro~f~~~:':~:~~~~·~w~o~'~k~e~~~======== • ._~~~ ~l~~~I~~~.~th~~IIQ~*m~nIIIVN"llr)' III till' 11ot'It'1)' II dOIlUtlotl of '~wn fOf 1ft wec"'t'. com Uon UVCII, ~1ii'er.r.--T.I\i'j\uii"""l'5.tuiii'ilili''ir--t-~----J I I I loU • , L16n Do:u Sid' MIller reported tbls (;I't lh~t bllt lJuck with Ii "un ltlJdlint (I·.\rl JIIUOII III llcrlplurM to tlO plull a bu..'Jhcl of COUfIlO from 100 w~_k. 1b" "un, a. '""'olal mako that 1.I1l11ll0 fr6, In Olllllblr.tl-and ('IIJoy II (!GllIl'arlIllCJlt!l.mllltnty. \\1l1ch IJefJtUl witb (l. lim c.l·f""~' , """ D ~.. w A G'''' AT B.UY $199

1M 11 I" u.- ........ wUl make a fino r.ouvenlt, Will be cnmrortatlle I'amp with I'llnlpblK' '""""0..... III rn to ..10 crcwml'tl of "Kl .. " WIMBER-L''V ELECTRICUB.'i JOIUl AdllllUI III 181'1, glyon away 11.1. 'the football gamo c:qulllmrlll from thll larlellt lilc~k i A.

,.A '111I1I1Iy' of Dlblll rlllldcrn hall Lions'Offer Gun hert: . Oct. 21 When RUIdoso high In RuldotlO. •• It'lItt't! II bplritulli bond by read. In Sch 1 hi D &Chodl WArtlOfn play hoot to Jccull :;::::;====:'======= •._._,-,-,..-....-.-._..•.•o arl .p rlve or rill PAllO. ,...""'._._._n. ,.. - _._.-... Brown Flyrne gIhll 1111' tIline 1iI·ltcllOllll ll~ch day nuldo:Jo Lions Clu6 memberll are USED FREEZERS,dill UlIl Worldwldo DIble 1lc1U111ll&," -(nltl F'rnnk CroWlI, "wIKm mUilon.1 llOUcll1tllr cot1tt1~Ullot\.'J or '1 caeh REFRIGERATORS, CHAIN SAWS '8·pUll ,f' IIl1d LUOI Loward U1r:olr Cn!a. towardll tho club IJ lI0h0l&rllhlp fWld SHOP at Uftup HOUSE WmING eroceIIIr .. . .., In 4 -CiClnlc:.t..m. whlch .a...$260..modeJ. ,-

~ ~_ CII CC~llt'nnlllllfWl,.'!J be,~~,of(ered,i.:OOAL STOh. HART'S' . WAYcNhE~~tDeErRWSOerOvDl:c·oeWNt ., .Up C'olnfurt.IJ'r. In canlp-Itl 1';=:==============_:.:_:,:_:.:·_::,_::,.:·:,:_:·:_:·:·.=-=,:.~ ......

f AIIIIlln; t!lJUlplIllmt from Oalllblea E & M Amb.ulance Service'''r .hl' hunUm: "1'.81011. We haYIl Home - BUILDER - Commercla1 •• Scenic Tours:,:~~nUIIJlI"1I And IIUlllllI& IlctlllfK!'. Remodeling _ Roof Repairs Repatrl and ServIce On Phon. 257.-4305

Rofrigeratlon~ ~'-r'v'-lc"C'e' - Flbor SanQing - Floor & Uphol8tery Cleaning Household AppUance. :;~h;I~;rA~::r'III \'our 11011110 or ~.II\(\Ii. RUidoso Maintenance Co.. 'hH~~~;1;:~~ 37~~~~05 Slat. Roact 37 - Rutdoso

e)r r" Our"""p ••--_._._-_.-••'_••'$-'_•••,..._tt&. 1_~_b_"'.'''._'''_·_I.n IV ' 'C • .-I...... IIIc('RAftY lIcenMd Contractor Ruidoso, New Mexico ...- _._._._....-._......_.,•• _ .... ;, "_·_·_'··_'-"·'-1

1':II)(!r~:c~ :;:::~llC'rn.. _,~~~n.-.J.~·~~~ ..i_...._._._...._._~.:.~.~.~~:~. _ ••, INS URA N:C ECAN.tlX.tTJ ' ..,,', , . ,. , , ; =-_._ _ ••••_ ••_., •• *•••• _1_1_ .__ __ ..

WIMBERLY ELECTRICI'h<lhfl 2~'t-:!IlD - a.ll1o..

c· ... , , .......

. -' ,-- . -_.__.. -----------H<'IUJlIlll ,. ,

WfJrldwlllf,. Whl,' Ttl'fldllllt WilDllflru III UIt' InwllJl 01 OUI,dAlcllIIOIl4 ~"attl IIUU "1 alii wrlllnll you,MfllII, . r.ll.d Il IlIrwly MIIMnlJ, "to




.- ,.--~.-


Clo h1/...II ('h....""\\' 11 ".t r "II I( I"d.

K.,. ".d•. - I f hl....~d ,,'U .. I'" Ir.. II

....n .. ,.•• "~,. ... .-'a.... II .. , ..r NI....I I ,It \ \1 II

, .......\l\1~1· I.IU 'K "1101'11.. , iii"!'" -e n ......u.p .

I"hu !~1 \Y~IQ ..... " •• b. U1 =~Ct

s•• u. for a

The Federal Land .BankAs.oclation of Ho.w.n

GIVEN PLAQUE For I", ,orvico al chief of Ruldolo Volunteerf iro Dl1pOrIIlH"" lor' I,vo yoon. Wayne E.,c'l WOI givenplaque JUri/HI "'("111 IUllllly picnic program VFO "<:Joed tnIwo fI, ....,~ I'ur~

LAND . . ,


Picture Framing


\\<1 ba"r • la'l;r knlfr "harpen­ht. ma(·bhle to l\landl.. lUI)' killd ufknllr.

------- ---- ----_ ..... _----

Ruidosoans UrgedTo ParticipatoIn Ntl. Bible Weck• "J hi' If·... luh HI (JIlt t HIU' uud

Ow dn) '4' IllS, til-II.UIH!. lIS (Jurlutluw,l) tlar 1I11U lAm Id It'lluln' at"'o"rv,,1r ,,1'111' ,111,,1 . Irt'lI11lh lindIt'W \linl uulh ' ..r r.unlvlIl IIml1/I,'aUIlIII luI II v IJlIl 1"HUlII L'tOWIi.I). I1I1r.\A·t 01 1"w,I' I'll' .11)1.... lUll(1,un'JI ••&11. I"d.. ) II. II/IllUW ,'1\1~·n."J ur Uuulu"J'4' tt, J).,rtU .p:. ....' 11&I\"llInml 11.1111 WH'1t (II I 1'1 lJJ 2JIUoU WurW"It1.· UllJil' HU\llul1! wlurhr'fiTiUImr"--; imtrt ffmn1c:',.·a\ UlS~ --"It'\1"'1 U&l~· d'~f I' "~'I'" I.f uru( IW)' Uml.IJuU\'nh..t hu ·tlw· fl •• H lIJ (·u'nl('thr Ln)'l'"'ll' NtH.Olllll ('o/lllllllu·('.1111' , w1ur'lI \\ 111 1"1', Il1f("'" waUl thl'AlJlerlnUl IJlblt, IIIK II I) IJlh )"'nrIII pubUI'UUIIl WUI IrIWld,' U1bll'



Let Ua Help!ConlOlldllto nnd pay ahort­


Bank loan on your land.

lAid IOllk Loans may 0110ba Uled to buy land, makeimprovementl and lor olb·., pwpolea,




, .


!,, I\




PHONE 257..-4262



,.. .


, .







,I' ,j







. -

, ,

.... :CountyA·' .' t',geAS;Report

,~:,>__.......,.,t'r'" ,t_~..t .• , •

, .


',1'U}lIroSM Pr.csl(l,lll\. Tr\1.J\llQ. J.i'or~S~ntOl\. DI:;ml~cd - J.j'loyQ flal!.',

.'l'h!lll'id\ ·ID:\It;>lds. . ,Admlt.leu Oct, 9~·nelell Jay, ~r·

P!\l1\ C'rqslw, RuldQSo: DUdettll .scott. m~ILlCIso Down.s: LOl'e,ll wn-. ..son. Dlli':l\llss( d,~·:al'<mc;lq.,· "ErVet.l.







Reservntions for Pnrlics257-2720


l"hmgs to Do - Where to Shop

f1 The. Playground of the Southwest

-Open 24 Hours-

BISCUIT HILL CAFE'rrT 0 ... OJ, P ..Jol.... 8..-10,••10,

n....lliad. BJjnll. WIl.. H.-. PJ.r'. A ....... ..r...r ....x..e.le<l.•• "I,...., 11 - • MU". Z.d .r a.ee Tr••k

JIIthway 3'1 .~ the Turn-Otf to SlrrrA ntahell SkI Area, ....~~#...~~,~#...~~~,###,.,##.,~##;#**#####;~

~##,~.~~.,#..~.~..~##,#.,~~~.~##~*'...~.,,,.,,~~~...... ~

...~~;;~~~.~>-: ru·=·"";~'".' -~.......... ~ '..,r- '"tu~~ .j; ~. -... ""<

llobge Il1b ~urmd"Ruidoso's Year Around Resort"

Swimming Pool- Tennis Court



'..,, ,"

•• t

'"The flnflf Food In Ruldosol ,

Mott Charmtng Spot"

*Charcoallrolled 5mb

III &lao BeereaUeIl .... 8ceaI9 AreseI BldtI_. N!ilW lIIuf~

oae ID1Jll .1:101'8 P... 0ffI0eTelepJaeftO tl1 II"

*VWt Our Rainbow ROOM

Cru;Ie e~I.e~~ Milo Off State Road 37 at Alto

luxurIous - ScenIc ,leo ami lee FlemIng .. p, O. Box 1017257·2856 _. _ Rutdoso; NftI" Mex,~.~••~'....~.,.,...,,~**.,##..~..,.,.,.,~.,..,

BENNEn'S DOll't M/.. Rulltoa'. 0"" 1a-

INDIANSHO° p, diaD Tl'MlJAc PMt - AaUaesaUoJewel l'1. Navajo .Ruc., A..aclao

O",YMr~•••"-W""IU••, tI Crafl,,,. Rockl. Arr.wlle .,......."...,...,....,,."""""~,.,...........,.,,,.~,, .....*,..~ _.......

** *LINCOLN COUNTYPHOTO ,ALBUM. N--'-~-- 3-'7' ~l;.': r: ~.~.>: . .,1

..- - . --"': , .. , n.•.-1-.. ..:'::, ::/ve ,I .... 'I.~_.', ~.' . ;,".'

CHE'/{ WITH A VIl=W"':'P[ole r ,; '.,,'glan windows looking ovlof , . r.~: :.. '....I:horming dining room on for r. .sld~ pf Nob Hill restovront!:Ind not shown in 'his photo,give 0 view of Sierra Blancamovntain range .1hrovgh all,seasons. Cofe, one of RuidQ­'so's londmarks since the lote19040'5, is operated by Beaand' Hank Grot.


, ,


• •All Courta Dave FlreplaClel,

TV'. - KUcbraeHesPbo. 257·2521 - Box 255

RuidosoOD Mechem ~rJve all the Wa, to

UJe· SId Area aad Ruidoso Lake.. -. '",,~aua-Mra:. Cad larreA;.iiiin~'- ...~.

" .



'.' PA~J!l,RIm.dQ~Q, tierIa.Ott ~ ~t~t!tfl: llo6m/ill. . , Fr di\o"/ Ol(~~ ~3, 1967 Vi 1'\" .. to' . 6', .~ . ". ~ • ,0,1:' ••\lUr!H.. . ~ ~,m,! ..•0

~-l" :" )".\" j;,~·:aP~:nl_t.,:. ' -..', ,'Canifo'rnldi3w'S .. ' Admlt~d OQt; 3-Th~lml\ Shlel<\s,

,..,. ': .",I,,7{,..\ . HQ»Yw~.,P.l~&ed~. D. PAVis,:Capltati LlQM 'enjo~ II' pl'Qgram Lana V~<:~. .' "

op: 'a.r~h~19gy I~t. ~~ay'ev¢ri- . Adffl,Itte4 . Oct•. 4-Hel~1\ CJ:l\tg..'. Ing,Tlle.P!Wr.MnWAAglY~n_!>,y VM~ ~lqup, .~~dQSQ:I1~rry

i.';;t', .f, ' :. ;l{ql:l.'L11gero wM .Is the ,!Iort tnstruc. S~nc~ea,' PlcachQ.DIsml~ - ..~<~"<;':;'\. . tor M Sierra: ~lanca,~yl,l'·CllomP. ¥al~e;rM Skl~(!'$, MIchael 'SlIi~, .

. . ·:j;~:;"..;jl~' , '", ., The Caplw.n l.!/<m§ m~t. tJ}e flrll~I<:Mert otero.· .' ..'. . . . ..- - - - "'~\:~l'1~,: ;;:.' , • 7' . {.' "1l:J}dthil'd MQnda~.;at llwSW~k~;y .A4n}tt~ Oct., l)..,..RlItlUe WIlson;

"..;1Ii,~.," ~. . Bllll!, C!\f(l. lp ca.,plt",n" _' . AJ,.ahl,08'ordo;,Nllllle Bapa.'~, stan'.•. ~r~~if1;}¥ MI',~ctMrlJ, Herman -'Olel"O ton;' Nettle LaMa~, cnpltam Bea..

F'tti1~:~ ." . .were UtI;! gue$t$ of Governor DIlVid trJce QrM. RWd(ls<i~ Dlsml$,c;ed- ..i '.,;, '.~. - 1\1 -~---=~'~"U...,.. 'ft" .. ~;;: , .•.•. '0. "~"" ". . qargo at a meeting of S(?hQOl board RosIe qlaml>ers.1 AombroQla. G(m~ 'r' .~, .. J'f~~ I' -. I,'''.IIo ....;t~· ·:~... ~,0 ...i:~;':".·!",.':'·';:; .';·.~·\'~··~:·.,t,·,·. representatives . from tJm)ugh t zl\les Mlnnle Cornelius ' , "'I I ....,.

. ' (~i':":.t;··, i·2p:':.,:,:....·::- :'~(:':'{" .;;:,.;'.'>-. '. . : ...• ou :··t'··.·. . ILi i: ".(\-. '.';;' IlI'N1."".. . "" ."'T""'''''''''-' '.'" ..., ....,.. . ......, ~ .,""".'_:, .,;~,;;., ..:1 Ute state last Monday in Sat}ta Fe, Adlnl tfi!ll oct,. 6~ Viola stege., X attendt'd par, or tile Fol't Stan- ,_,~~(i~Tp.:N .. ~~I.VE~ ,~DU.CI\~IE~..eil Bergmcm..of. Caelffin , There w,ere 16 reP~~tattves in RWQ~. Dl$ml~ed - pur~ .Mc... ton rnw/) ,toyr conllul'tt'c fol' the:

Higb $c;hP91 fOl;V.lty .expIQin$ Workings.. of car ,to..$tod.·~nts...0=.. ===:=a1l9iUen(fing =the·COriJerenc-e. ==-Teti\ll!, "'TJ'jpmas' iJorden;--'1Wffite S1;cii. ,~, ()fl'ia.Ug~t\;l\ollg~mlent. -.... Hub Harris 1s t\ new member or \yllsQn. '1 h 'I'll wer~' oome IntNcsUug ldC'l\S

•. part of Driver I;ducCltloo ~Ol,lrse, Fr.Clm left, 13.0bb)',' Zamoro, the Cp,pltao SqIlool Board. Jphn R. Aqmitte<\ Oct. 'f-Oeol1Tc Bond. broughtO\l~.vJdck- Robinson, Bergmon.onc,f Danny Sala$,' Driver Edvcatlon ~cll~u~;':[ed~eIlIQll~dj' The vacancy C~P1ta.n: Edna ScbJeren~rl1, Oleo- Fcr:.IIlMlg l'l\lvJe l'p'nss Wl!J,l 6Q • .. '~"~,15 .compulsory $ubject to 011 sophomores in Capitan school , by t\ vote or the other coe. .Plsmtsseq ... Lenol'!\- 8aros l pouuc.ls Q( nltrtltjC'1l per llero, dOUb-system. ,Bergmon 1s olso indvstriol arts teacher,ond wrestling ~o/!.~,~e~erll.!ll,rrlsIs errtpl~y~porothY MOOt'e, Jetl'ry SllncMl'l, ltd' fQl'Ul,re produc:con, To be effec-coach. Auto Was donated by Dr. and Mrs. A; N: Spencer. ~rest se rtao DI.$tr1ct \?r the GeOt'ge Bond, '.. ." the l.h\' fertilize" lll::c<.ls/>ome rools.

:'. . rv ce. ., Admitted Oct. s.-;.EdM, Goforth. ture to pu~ It in tIlt' ground: 'l1lcI'e. " seeU\s to be a I<llm!1 (,lln'~·.o\'er ·.of

!(;rtlllzer I'ftecls to the next yeM"'tht' fl'rtllh:el' \'ust about $'7.00 pqr

" .'," Alire, Ilt lln'S!'Il~ I- not economical ;0" -.,~

~)! Ii> u~e, TO BE IN eXHIBIT - Mr~. Kothryn Willloms, made 0110, made of reeds and seoled with... ~. Bum:n(! or gra·...,rt'«u~d ·I>r.o· " . home econo.micsteochllf In Rvidoso hlg~, tree gvm 10 hold water! in front 0/ 'f3onniec

f·.ductlon·fm: IJllU yt'ill' AUd l.!U.'nll. I,C- ortd.o de~ce"danlof Emil Fritz one of Lin.' Rue, dovgh!er of the George. Rl,Ies., Mrs. Dickl Im'md to nQl'Ilhll, CIII>I1;~ <':Iclus I J I' I ' k~~~....~ .~.. - -.,. • - ~ - .. - .. _.c --- ·-co n-c.ollnty~·eor y-ploneers .00 s over two Bennelt;. choirmoni soid mony -pione.el' faml~; erAdlcntlull did 11(.1 mcr(.'l\S{' iUl'lIlI6 . . . . . ,

pr<)(,\licUull but (11(\ lnl\k~ mon,(or. Items with c:hlldNtn of two long·tlme area· lies have provldod 0 lorge numbercif ItemsMo llvnillllllt:l to 1IH'$toc~,resldentst a framed certificate issued In 1843 for the free mvsevm being staged os a port

'1,.';1 wal' o!d hl'l!t'\il rt>d two to John Tl,IlIy by ..GrondRoyal Arch Chapter of the ASPllncado, and to be opon Soturdoy~, ,Pi)Ulld~ III ~\,Ittll'l'.'d lmal prodUCNI of Ireland, hllid by Pom Tvlly, daughter of and Svndoy, 2 to 5 p.m. ot 'he Episcopal:r l;l0 Hltllal, h a';!t'1' ,',1 \\'I'!; than heU- d . 1.1 T d d h .

, erll tI~d ott,' \;ulllld or eoUonsct'11 Mr. an Mrs. Gera u ully, on an In Ion churc. ' "~ -.. t."~="_"_·=" ""'"", ,. -"t_ -..,.". ,~_. " . ""'~""'-"-~_

• \ Ioon1. studytng the vO)"l1ges of Marco went 10 El P&sn \.he t1rllt or the tI\llil('r~! nefQfc )'OU head for til,, NI,.l1'~~· aU Ilk WUl'k ,at r"ll'" Stnn- 1'010. the Vikings lind COlumbull. wcek where Mrs, Barrett will 1!1l- \\'Odlls, 1I\'lul tor Gambles for tll.l

IOn II. ,n ,\,.,. h':,\ ~{'nl' AmI lltl:i Is They nrc hnvlng n pillY on Thurs- ler the hospltal tor' eyo surgery, 1Ir'I'lllil', 1';ulIl1lllll' eQulJlm'ent, 'Illb

...... \only Pil·l1hIUlM~'. dllY, Ci>lumb~ Day. 11M also are 10 Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Fuller w1l1 111111 lIl\1nulIIllhm.• ~ ='~ - llC<\ $OlllC mm IItrl~. They are arrive Friday from TUba. Olcla.. ~======

IU .J.. U':II ('.1. ,I making ,1\ cltl.'l.' postel' that shows to spend. the wintClr ~ 8\ICIIUl at '1IIlIIiiilflfffilTIITfillllllllllllllllllllllll'''aU ,1111 dellOU, thl.l "i»'lllfC of Columbu.'l. Cree Mnnor, Mrll, Fuller 1... a Ills·MI':,. Jon:'( (:1''>: Ilmdti pupll1 nrc 1MI'. McNNl'll fifth uradI.' received tel' of Mra, T. C. Delaney, Jr. • •

IVQritillti en 1'1\.un·:I tQ 1llustrnt(l 1\ leller from James DaVid cartier, George Risley WIl.'1 R bWJlnl':~l OPERATING(~,,~unwu" 1),.5'. 'fhc)' h(l\'(' bl'('u l\ mlh grade student l\t Weather- V'IlUOI' from no..,v.-ell the f1rlltofu,Mn lUi, of 1Ilu,lratlllU with IlIe- tord. TI'Xll:l He wrolc 1'I9klng tor \.he wcek.tl.lrc'i 'Umy 111'1' lito worklnc on informutlon 011 our vllll1gc. They 8tuclllY Hcnderoon W68 ht'rc 011 NOWIt 1;'('1' I f'Uj,Ul ...(,:' and round, urI' writing lellcrtl to blm this bU!JblC'SlI bUll Frida)' from Aillmo.

Ml"j <:.llll;il1l:'I,:Ull':, /.I'C'olld urndc w('~k.· Gordo.PUIJII. I1n' lIW'hlrl pUllIplIln.'l for All UII' r.1.\ldc:'UL'\ of Nob HlII ex:·) hltlOWI"f'Il- 'll~ ~ Ita '\'I' HI'\\' 1l111l100r ,"ellt the flrlit' Urlldl!!l. took homo n...acl allcl' \lall wau&.alb rr,uiarly. Puckett'sI), ,tt illl .... ' .,1' ' 1;(' lll.d lUt' ","orlt. Ihl."r nrl'.t report cnrcl'i of tho year • ,

~::;:Il Itn (,;, .• , !·I:.;\:. 111111 '~wr· W(ldll(':'.(IIl~._thJ~_~~:~:~ HEADACHE PAIN Merchant PatrolMn. M ..tJ.t 1:.111 ·iT~dl' I!J IltUd)-·. H II d N t

in:: 0,"'" .'1.,. ,:'<. II cm \('~i. potnt'! 0 YWOO ' 0 es STANBACK Ilvu you fAST rellif W'll G d Y H1I:,tl ,:.. II ,J ••!,..I",m' In /,Ocla' , from paIns of hudldl., n.ural,l., 1 uar our orne. 'Ill.' . }.c.\ M(' .•1UtlYlllU ellfU3 l.h and Mr", Fred lofwnm trom nlufllI$,.nd miner p.lrlsof arlhrill~f or Bus'lnellS for

, '. . , l'~1 1"11 (l wrre h"re IMt wcck-end rh.umaIISnl. Because STANBACK ~

'~~:::~:~=.~~do 31.~:;d~~.:'.~: -:?::::~:: -¥YF:!~i.!fi!,~~___$l~~'!! .~--~-'-_A d P 1 68 H i fllnul)' from ROlIwt'1I nrc r;pcndlnlf 'It:""" FIRE

vocu 0 air 9 otpo nt r;('wml dll)'ll tn Ihelr home In Rul- ITAl:~~eK ~t.Mt /IIIWModol CTA G 212 Rofrlgeralor dOSll .,IInll .ny2 Door Combination, Snowfrost 1<1; aM Mrn, Lclroy SChuller and ~~~r:;·~~~ : I

,--AND- Ir'Nub w,'re hl'rc from El PAI'IO IIutlRBG 525 30.ln. Ronge o\,('r n1l' wC!ekoend ~ljoylllll the1r .,...•...~..~..·S CotiItIn"~~~

GET B,OTH AT" ~~~;C',lJt the 8cbullcr'lI RUidoso ~:::=~ ~~~J

,?,I~E;!I:-~ ELE~~C c~s~r_~n~~d"_._~~r_ll,=_W_n"_~~~~, ~.~=~~.rc_~ .__.1_0~~,......&: 6~"""'~_9I....,,~-.._~'. ...."=_,lIllllllllllllllllllllllJ!llIllillnll!!J.l!tlll~

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. ,J.;.. "',. '.• " ··',f."'. " c,.', .. ·, ,,', ," .1 ' ._ DIAL257-40U.... .•

I'l.' 1 .'~efQm,Jly .tor. f~ the G~t.w~y-' . ,"'f:' .. ' Sie.rra BIClII~a' :MofOf,:·Co. ":,;:. "ll , . Q~~P 8;;10 a,m... i;~p'IfI,WC!ikD"YS, ,'I• T U i OJ A k ' ..••' , "',.,' '.' .',', ... "." "" C'·' '. ,.,." ." . 1"1"'" '>Jl,nd9:00 a,m. -1,00 p.m. SlUlcJay •o,xas n versa y V.B. r an.a. ':" . . ·W""'h•. lIgY."owltoof~'~ "., •.··'1· . '.Wf;Ii"Comp,. ~r,jtie~~~n' ."!,"'. ,.'.' '. ' . \ " ' ..' .",'

•• '.' I. " ~""ONE,~57.2'35 .... · ..· ' •. '.011 H'ahWaY,70 \:,!,;-,;;".<,'·'·,~Nt~,25'~i· " I~. A'I,'A.'LEYi~ [)DI.·'G.I. '.. ".. '.', '. " , I IV UIV· .:I, AU' I

• Anlhony Gadsden al Tularosa .J: ' fTlE:.EilKEIl- ESTIMATESCQIISJ '.. ., .' . " :. ":,' ...", '. ._ ·P hDlC/l B!\OPPINO ,,""__ ,\1",,060' .. :,.• . .. :f., Tt!xa,k" 8( 1'4.,( ) VB. T. C. U. () '.. I' .' ..:Mte~a.a~c;.~lb~<I:". ",.' .." . . ' .. ,..',.

- • - - - - • - • - - • • - • • • • ' ' • • ,JIll! • • - • III • • ,~,"•• , ,,,;.~,,,,,. 1IIIIt· ,_, " .. . POrfal~~.at LoVUlgton '_', ,..=.!.'!,..=._

•.. •• .. ' .' ." ", ~ _,__"_".__,.__,,,_,_JL'!t_.k~,..~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - • - "'," ,,,,L '_",,,_., " '_" __ . , _'" _,,, __ ..." _,_. ._' " • __.__. _"_, .'''_'. .',

'. '. -.. ".. ,.'"""'-.'---"-'.-=-'-- ...... ,:.- ..--........,,----,,.-'-----',:"""-'--:"., "., ., .. "",; . -" ';.' ,JIII! •••••• _ •••••••••,....• Come In snd R.gisler Now : ,:,," • ' '" ~ • .', )"1:~~~: niNoI ".. i· WARM V'lINTER CL.OTHES .. :,• For the Winter Bowling Leaguol .) 'r.~'lrt~· .. . .. . :' ";,... ,,... , ," .(;Ioves '" Mittens I• HOLIDAY BOWL .. '1t.~~:::~" * AtfVQ~,ClN E~R~", Sweatera. '" Ear M".ffs •• Drop By Aller Iho Gsmo lor eOulck .,' , > . 1;( NO'/-'IIiNQ ''r(!, BUYI , . . :• Snack or a Cup 01 Colfe. in 0... J .," " •. ..' H. & J. FOOD BASKET ' •.: Snsck Bar. . .~": . BEN FRANKL1N VARIETY •I In lho Galoway - Phone 257.4274 , • .'I ' " ' ..• i I ., - PLAZA DEE - . , ,I '.. '. ---,,~'-.--,-_...,-~... -,- .. ,.. .. -, -- ... _- __ -, .- ---- I_

ll. of Texas at El Paso vs.. 13r1gham ¥oung-- - ,-1-- ·l:'~ , ," .. ..... " ... "~--"-·---I. . T. or C. Hot Springs at Carrizozo •~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - •• - • • ... ~~", "".. .'>""", . ,.. . f'" '~ '... . , _~_ ••• _ ~,••••••••••••••••••••• I, i. , g' .••••••••••••••••••••.


~ . " . .~-

BUFFETT • t~j('::;') ':' . 'SCOUTS , :: ..}~~: <.:'. '. . ",~) II 1-:,'('1".' S'd IIrclBV uJ 5::W p.m. • I ,),;., ';'£:.'11',:' • New and Used I

- STARTINO MONDAY - ~":I ..,..' ~'Y'" .' ,.

1 ' Located Midtown Chevron

!.'. !,~st..T:,x: ~I:!O':~r:':.1'!e~c~~.~e•• ; ,'" ':' i:"'· · "Ii".;", 'ill( . , '. " ••••••:.s.:g::. ~ ~s: ...... ~.. " . . . .

•• -------.---- ••••••• ~ '" • f ,ti _ ,

: HOLIDAY MAGIC COSMETICS :. All You Do Is PICK rHE .wINNERS. ~ • .::' .' .' '.:" : . PHONE25742ll.S •

: w. HavSltvI'IItpliclean:: ' . . . . . , ;..,' 1'Im1T~_ . : ely I . on :• Df and D. BEAUTY SALON:• DOROTHY AND JAMES SAM'L! • _." ,

: ~~~c:I::;t~:.~;n~:~~c~;.::~c~C1~=:' I Ad e e e Just Circle Your-C·hoice, and "", .. '.','''~ ~.. ,.,. .1 POSTOfRCEaLOCK-.RUIDOSO,N!MEX.. : "'hone 257·27~~ I ." ,.~.." •. "" •. '..... :SP;COND",

I -. . <"" , • ~.." • I KaYll your doctor phOll1l u.s your JireacrJpUoD, or .~, I"'W' N.ed Y.ur Heacl In Our lulln,,'" r S liT' 'S'· 'Ie II G ".'" ,'" .'. '$5"'" "0" . bl will, It and WCl.'ll fill 1& ~rompUlaJlcl acclUatelT. I

: . Ulah vs. ArIzona .• Guess. core on e· rea er ~me·...' .,: '. ',. V. l'IIountalnalr at Capitan ...._.. • .,f" • - •• - • !!Il - ••••••••1II .,." ."' , ,., " • • '. • " •. ' ." ~. , ••••••••• _ •••••• _ ••••- - - - - - - ,- - - • • - • .. • • _••, , t .• . 'f"" • :. ." ' •. ' • ••••. I • .. • • • • • • .~}•• - •••• - ... r..'

i For Any Occa.lon • .ilS ruc,lons: ' , ' " 't8UtD'PitIts 1 We're Warrior Booslers!.

11I1hdaya - Annlve,.arle. - Sp.dallv.nt. - H.t1d.,. I Conl.:ut -.11/ rUn tl1.f ten WIl6C1CU- • DAN D. SWEARINGIN, INC.I W. Have Iouquel" CenterpIece., Cena... I "~::tI'!Wt::I::'Cbwt~elc.~ :t'~ on whpre fo tUl'n in your coanpletea.eIUI1' ;'. ~'. INSURANCE _ REAL ESTATE

W,oath., ~'ranD.m.nt. '. . . 1 '• • ~rrl:ekll. nllt'tCld tilth and evorl "turn.tn" In.. 011 W.mchang, '.ch·'w"lc! , ", f' ••

t IInH.It" C\N Ill' ClllnEtum t'OK nv,LIVy.a, .. .. I':' ." U- S I ffOmlt. -Bustn." Propertl.l- fclf'ms _ f1tanch"


Al ROM" 10\\N nn ,\{'nOAA TII~ NATION I".OM .' TH.·IS· ,W'·.·EE~,"Tum' In· Th'·.·s· 'pa,,;' : .w PL.·. ".,.i...'~I'.2, 'tbr!rll are TWEtrrY 'luMs \0 .. ~~ C6,."p'." 'nIOrane. S.rvlce _ Auto _ FI,. _ Calua'ly

• Theda's Flowers &Gifts • ",k ."....... 0........ will B f 500 Tb d $" • - PHONE 257-425501257-4075 _ •I rllnn. m~:z.. - 11,,11''''"111. N, M. - On Hlwa, ,. I :~I!:::I,.m.dCl::C::I~t~(!:~I: e ore,: p.m. nextur~ ,ar' ·2'5· •0 O.. • 1

: San DI.go al Denv", (Pro) ~ :'''~ ,;~~.::n.:::: ~~ alone of the following slores: : Amona Slata vs. Washinglon Slat~ .. :oA • - - - - - - - - __ • • • • • • • • onll ••mll dOlllKnaled as Ihtl "Uo. ' _ • _ • _ ••••• _ .

~. - • - - - - - - - - • • - • • • • • • :~:~cr'" IUClitllhe lKlOrCl Of tM Strong Co. Plumbing BONUS Each i' •••••• __ •• _ ••••• _ ..: Allen's Auto Parts, Inc. :. 2 Anyone can titter (oYer il(4I13). Ruido~o Muoi,cipal Airp·on Week' See You at the Games! . I

Only one enll')' per porlOD. More • The Warrfors Fight Their Belt When •I J "" ttllllJl.~. Mlf. • th.n OI\Clentry will dl:lqu.ur, all Gambl·es Off.red by , Tho Who" Town', Th.,. Boo.ting Th.m. II • your ttlltles, 'I For S.rvlce with a Smlfct- I'

IS YOUIt CAl READY FOR WINllR? , , ~. I For 5--"y Dependabl. C'eanln" IC. l:nll'lea tnuM be lUnled III 10 dea- .A.n..a- ~. •1 Tlu'rl1lllst ills Anl i·li"r£leze lanaled pl,OIlS Mllater than 1:00 ••~.H ' ..N ~.U..".U•••••H H _ u..... I For Pidc.Up and Delivery, Hpnlt'r I Imil' I':nginc Helllcrs • . p.m, UHl f~1k1wlnl' TbUred'a, be- • , .- H..................•.. ItUIDoSONE'WS 1 THE ClEANEST NUMIIEfit IN TOWN IS I,.

'Tin' Chnins • fort! UIo lamea, !:nlrloa tna,be . '_ 257.2725 _

I maJl6d to tho Ruldoao Ne... but If V p. .k I •' .....m. Ow,," • H.m. O,..rottd Aut. 'am S..,... I mua~ be w.tmarltCl4 before ':00 - WIN N E R S - . . I OU Ie I E5TE5 CLEAN ER5 I• I' a.m. MOD"'. .. I I' Oakland at Bolton (Pro) I 5. Be .ure Clnll'Y .. correctlY nllod fiRST Pft'ZE .... C~ot~ r.r $10 can bepfdted up tit Af1en;. EVERY G~e I Florida State vs. Texas Tech •1_. • - • • - • - -.... 0\11; and.~ wtU\)'OUt D&mO Aut,'.rt.by Temmy hrtMt. .- . '.. C" " 1I·· r r.!II •• -III!" ••••••_•• ..,•• •••••••••••••••••• :: ::-=-..:.m: :"'.: .SECOND PiI'ZE - Chock for $5 on loa kk... .. H. & • • orrllt y. " ~..... • •..:;,~....~ "~~.;.. ":'~,~~~~~I-"~-~-_-<:' .. '_.. .' -~~'" "" ..!-,~_ ......._'=_,.M-;_~.I.n~~~ '. . "liiftT'Il11a ety., v· cett. _. . ".., ". ere Denind the Wal'11ors AU the Way! i• MALCa NO. 10 I .. :1~~=u.. coa&oaW2t 1\1.. 'tHl«O Plun, _ Ch,ecll ,., $2.50 con 1M .plclEW II' of f(1f... .':':~~=.~:'::.I.. Famo~ Deer.O ,Paint - Qualify Bldg.!4alerlall.I C I A Mal ' I 11\1 ~t 40 &.be 'comet IlCClrele, Q«UI ..., Ouchtte SCott .' '.. '..~. ., ..,. .. tie' ~... • 'V C . II omp 01, uto nt,nanee Ion," .iUf,bJjikerit Writ WUl '. ~ '.. '.' t...., fIriU .......... I ~1'VJC' .1.ouan Depend On I'

King Korn Stamp. ". ()CI U:It ,,&MIt. 'ni caltt otldontJ.. ....., ••~~~iAw~.iJJ.......,..H••i ......H ...~"W,.••";.H.,..~H.'·~~ . ... "~ ..' I I'I. UNo Flat RefUHd" '1'" tal k9......prtae mooe1 WUl bt , , .. ~. ~~:i:a..;:.. C. & L. LUMBER CO. ..'

. dlvlde4, S'I"GN'" .y".... ..... . . , '...' ectl7/~, .~ I'" .... . .• .EGlsn. IACH WlEK lOa .. 'l• .....p!i........".~. tht NoWi ~n4 t.bcb: .. ,'. .our ~l· .., '.; ,;, ," ',;; " .o. . .. ' , :;~. to ·tIWt iCtrricit . .; , " I''.

, ...,,, "...... . . ': ~ .". "Ii\1oti',' "liii' .;·~tiitetU. (\\'.I)en'tWClnt.llth.IU.t..... -W~Ju.fW.n.Y.uri) .'1 1000 flEE KINO KOlttU'AMK Ilatnlll...ro.~, ~llalbittocIQtot. ,.'~,' ,..... .;:.',;(.~llv't:.. '.~".......'i. J.,,"",,'~'".i.. "..... . ~, •I I ()wncti~ 'dJDt>lOm. 6t~ot.. ' " ".", " v~«moU:~~. ,..' .ltteettU'nHollyWoOd .... ,hon.311-2t1$

: GrHn Bay al New '(otk CPtq) : .."1"....~.. "'"J......i.EntrY~erer ~i " 'c.;; ..'.,.~\ ..:.,~. f I'IIlcIdg.n Stain.. M!nIteo\lIa :N. • • • • • • • • • •• • • • _ • 'ill IIiI ' J.~ ••••••••••• ~ ,_ "':':~:M--:'.:'::- III ••••• i· ~.• ~ l1li_ _ .,"-. ,- ~-, .- iIII-:- 1 ~ •• "

I RU 1005'0 . ., . Chft.OVrs.tYIce ~~ . \ I I.. ,II . .. ~UlDOSOS I• ,I.. .NtWf ••.....,'It.,.lt uc..,.....~ _I. 1,1 "'-·"'U··I'y'Comm'·er.J... '·P···rl··.... '. 'I',. . .... .. 1 w. Ate ..~Detlhf ferC."..~ inti .• .... '. ..... • ...' ""WI '-O.lCI.l, &&.181". . .

: MUNICIPAL AIRPORT •• .. "....c~. •. _ : ..:• ()f11..1'_-~I.':at~~fClrlll.,:• GAS Be OIL - HANGAR SERVICE' ", '=211"-2...I'r1 ' ' ..• '. .'A .Mo'Law.k' "Barwidc"'~' .' Busin_. CUdIj " , ,'" •..

" . ' . •• .. f .. , .... ' '. . u· " I Ie HEATING ' I I Pr t,.fIi ..........1· .t ' 0.. I" :: :; 'J' ,I '.ANK POnIIt ~r. - 01. 251__'1 ... 122.. ".M •. •............ '. ., '" .Oletl101Q11 . , . . :,." '. ' ..•••' RUI~SO""'. p.R"~·I···N'···.,.. '1" N""G'·.....• ",..... ,I.. ",:. r. ..' . j 1 ,,,' " / " '. :. >. I .'1 'I '...~. .'~ .....' . .. , ....: . '. . ....~. I• Wyotning va. Wlchlla U~. . • I PM.delphli at St. LoW. (Pro), ., .. ' '. • • . ,.'~.'aI.~~) . ,.. ~ ',_ S, M.,U~ '18. RiCe " '. ' I'.:•• 111!111 ~,•••, - _ "* ' * ~ It , "

' ",)" jI, . ...





, ",", ,', ......



• •





Spanish Rice

Rcrd~d Beans





Green Onions· . Relish Tray

, .

Beef Tacos



. ,


Chili Sauce

, 'J

• -__, ._ ~__ ~_~_--'==---- - ,_c .. _c . . _


Delicious Mexican

s..,.ed frQm 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 9p.!J4. ,


Chili Rcllenos '


Red Enchiluda~.'"" t ~ ..

Gt~n '~UchilaaEiS• ,<'-


Chicken Enchilada:;, ~,.f

Meat EnchUadas

Jtllapeno Chili

. ..; ...'


••i •• • uuauu·." . ',. - .

" .' c.,.). , '

Iluldo_o -Lod.t No11 mlHltll eacb ftl'llfMonda, la tb. O. 1':S. nail, 1:110 fl..

O. n. "Ioaama"" W.M• .Jake IIcDollald,Scq.

nurdolo Dlatrfct .tunlorCbambtr ot Commen.-em....lnlf ••er" Tullllday.7180 lI,lII. In tbll Corif.,...aea noom at CIr~llarrat

.Motor HolaI.



L;......~-~:R-lmH}lli9--..... .. '-"'0.'" ~ -:: __~

" It P. O. JIIJ I' "Ho. ~1It)(eet. Meh __nil .l1lifourlb Monda,. 1.1 n••1':1111 Club buDdlq 0'1Hllfb".., 10 " .... 'IOG~~ , .

LLOYD dOI!lExaltlld Rul.r

Don lllark, 8eo'y,


.' .

, "


l-P ·BA,.•

•e appy'fo see our

Friends and Customers Again.~ours: 11 a.m•.to 7 p.m.

.' ..

," ;".. ,

. , ••


THE BURGER TROLLEYS~r,h Drive - W.. 01 the Old Mill

'. " .. . .

.F<»r,H'lgbf .8eMe.. CaIl·1S1·29~.01',2S7 ..224S


. ""

. .

Ruidoso' ., -. .,"


. ....,...,.


.' Froin Your Appllancu

FOR COMFORT' .'When You Want WIl'JDth


, "


Now you can enjoy that "new-<:ar 00" lor Ictrpl by!imply IwitcblnJ to potinzon wlth Z,1. 1001. purePenn~)'Jvanla 011, pllll PctU'lZOlJ'••xclusive additive, Z.7.Insures a clean, amooth·nlMiOl tDjiM.

• •

,. . ., .

~ \' ,.• •, .,



restores horsepower FOR KEEPS


. '

, ;

R. Jack Stewart

fo '.'.

, '.. •. , ", J

',' '" ' . ,,,d~ .


•• ,


" '

I '

f ..~

! .,



. ' ..., ~, ~" ~~ "1.' j', , .,,"., ~:t*'~'.~ ~! .Io"', ',*,11. '

, , .,," , • ~:'~I~:"~flil!.'" il• ' .4 .1! "'.' . ~<t ~ \ ."~ ft.

. '. " .' .··t· ~r~.· ." ~. .,,'c, " , , • ,_".- . .,. " ,,~

.• ". ~ • • . ' • " ... i~~", t·· ."""'- " , , " ' " ' . --,' .(f~J.~•• to' .

". " ' ,! 'I " '. t , lit't

'~"'.P%'If r':fl. '.~ .', . ., .•• . I ", _ ~. . ,'~., ,r";'" . _o~f. : .. _.~~ , {' '!"',. . . .' • I ,.~~J/~1i ,,' .~'~'"

leg'a"·N(J';ee,'''~~;ton~. Th~ am~ndmenfJlnl- :Yaf:=:;'::=~':a~::,:U~=::~~~: ~.~~p~ffe~~:~hJ:=~~ :~:iQf:o~e~~~•.,"" . """. ,: " .'. ,'. ·l>\>:;edl)>,thll! re~oh.UO!l pilaU be QC, aPJlQltltc". $aU hJl,~ ~cIlm~ Jaw.·.. · . ' . " " ". ,M,I pa~rs·ft1ed wl~the.(loJtlQ\llI. theJ'!laIUler. tlm",a!1~p~f;QCi.

,. , CoUliUMlo~"1 ="ttl~ndmllllts ~Q b~ llubmut~ tQ lhe people: 1<11'· their er amI spall P9.rlorm such' duYes> . f3ect~oQ 3.~.","~IJmem...,ro-I1I01l or \ts m~s.tlml, @Ild Procc:edtnglf InQ'•. TI),(l . leg,lllhl.f1Jr.~_I\;: .,ot~d ,1m at ~e, ~PCQI!\J .Elllctloll, approv!ll OJ' reJeotlon at t~ next ~ u)ay- be ptovldtm ~y law. No~,pose~ ,by ~ r~l~, .u tic before the commission (lr Its .JlUlS! sllch laws M win 6e(l"'~~ the 14.1<1,...~oV~Il~\ler '1,. llffi'1, m t;Iie Stato 01 general elecUon or at II.llY special Wlthsl.-!lnl\hlll t.Ile provlslQnS ()l .~rU•. sUbmitted. to ~.~IOlo*, f:helr41rs, are conlJdeQtlal. 'nle lIJ1rii.. QI .of the I1I\Uot. 9le. PurltY« e . .,.~ew Mel«co. . ckotlO!1 prior to that date whloh Clc Ii. ~ectlon 5. or thf: cOllStUUUon @]lpl,'QVal. or, ~J.~llOJl, ..t~;, ~xt ~r's'Rn~glv.tngOI toslJmony bc- and~rd llllamsHheabuse~ ~.

F~ SESSION. mll.¥ bQ called for thaL purpose,. 01 New Me>;lco. stJl,te ~ghW!Ly:"eneraJe\ect!o.ll,or~t~. special, rorlftbe cQmmlsSl?n or It.$ mMters~ve lranchlse. ~ot m9re•.•.~~'. -rW N1.~·~qw.t'H;FIRSTSESSIO~ comm!slllone.-s shalt onlf be t'e· elect1~ prlor'~ th~t date which IS privileged in any acUon for der. members 01 the bOard, of, ..

J..EOISLA'J'PRE '" ' TWl'!)NT!l'.EIOHTH moved tiS pl'pvlded by ~w.", may be C8~1CdJor\h,a.t PIn:PlISe. ~matlon, except that. the I'QCQrd tloll. apd not more~ twC! " ., ..' ?TATE OF N;elW ~IC",. J..l'!)G16I,ATURE. Slr:t!on 2. 'rhe amcQ~nent pro-, ~$~01':f . _'ll~<! by 100 !:'Qmtn1s,,"iQIl.in.too .llU. ;.pfcl~Uon.~llbelongtO'~.~'.,.,§.I;)~""1'E JOIN'l'RF.sOJ..UTION STATE OF NJiJW MEXICO I>Plictl by Ihls resohltlon ~aJl ~ TW,EN'l'Y.EIGIfl'H" .' pl'cme cour~ continueS pr1vllllgll~POlltlcal part~ at the.tiJne',1H~f.;"''i. It NOi1~l . 'Y llQuSmJO~NT RF.sOLUTIO~ 1;1Ibmltkd to lho peoplo fOJ:: ,thQlr LE1Q~~1'l1J;\m > ) . but. upon Ils flIlm:.loscs Its con~ appOintment.' .., .,:""'.J!

I~~T 0.0. ED B , ·NO. 17 I\pprov,al 0\: roJc,ctlon Ilt the .nell,t ST....~ 9~ NP,lW MEXICO t1dentlal elu\tacwr, and a wrlt1tlg SCctllm 2. The am~i'PN!K ~EpNA'l'°GRa' o' INTRODUCED ;ijY general cldctlou 01' at any SPecial 1t0U~EJ.QlN'J'RESO~UTION which wall prtv:lleged prior' to .11.'1 posc<! by Uus resolUtiOn ~.~..~'OlON~ i\N.....r.K SAND ItEP. JOW B. MATTSON elcctlon pl'lor 10 tilat. C\lf.te which .' NO.2" filing with the commlj;SIQI1 or Its 5ubmltted io 1Jle peoplerti!,"'l1

A JOSEPH R. SKIDE'N A JOINT RESOLUTIOJl 11Ia~' be call1Xl ror that puJ'pose~ Uf!'R.ODUqED ~¥ ml\St(lrs doc5 not lose its prlvjlell'e approval or rejectIon at '~A~~PROP~OI~&a...~~~~M N 1'ROPOSING AN AMENDMENT FIRST SEB.$ION RF,1P. DAYlD L. N9RoV,EI'I, by the 11l1ng. The commission ~aJl general election or \\t ai1Y,~ :. . SI. . l'!) T TO ,ARTICLE 24 OF THE CO~· TWENTY-EIGHTH FOR THF.l:l'U~m(;IAL . prom¥18ate '_ rClJU\!1tl~ns es:labllM!' ~1l~UQll-P.r.-lo~tei'-;~

,TO ~RTICLE: P. S~O~ 14 OF 'fI'1'U11()N~OF-NEW-MEXIeo"WO Ll!:GISI>A1'URE SYS~ a-;nroVCO~E lllg procedl\res .101' hearIngs. under ml\Y be called for theP.~1i'ifW . .•THE CONSTITUTIO 0 NEW ~LLOW L·EM:lES,. RESl'!)RVING A ~1ATE OF NEW MEXICO . A .JOINT, JU!:SOljtrnON this secUon.· N9 Justice or Ju~e_, . FIRST SESSION", ;;,.,.d;o/,~ tMEXICO TO AJ..LQW USE OF ROY~LTY TO THE STA'fE, FOR SF...·U.Tl'!) JOINT ~ESOl,UTION PROPOSINo AN ~DME.NT whol:; ameml,le~"'of the commlssfoll T\VEN'tY.1!1Iotrnr'I" ~";;' 1

STA:I'E FtlNDS FOR L?ANS TO THE DEVELOPMENT "'ND OP. ,NO.7 'to A~TICLE "6 OP THJ!}, CONST.I. or suprctue court shall partlcJpate . LEGISLATURE ," .,H.... 'AID, ECONqmc DE'VELOPMENT ERATION 0 F OEOTltERIMAL INTIWDVCED BYTUTION OF. NEW· MEXICO BY In any proceeding involving his OWII STATID OF NEW.~t.,O~'H~~:tfs~'VEO BY TH STEAM AND W.ATER ON LANDS SENATORS WM• .c. ~UER 4DDINqA. ·NEW·SECTIO~ 32 discipline. removal or retirement. HOUSE JOINT RESOLtJ119W-+;'

'" . E ORANTED OR CONFIRMED TO AND S. U. CAVIN PRQVU>INO J,I'ORDi8CIPLINl!l ThIs section bJ alwrnative to, and . NO.;l3 , :;;~,LEOI~LATum;: 0: TIlE STATE 'UIE 51'ATE; UNDER AN\ACT OF A JOINT RESOLUTION . AND REMOV.A1l OF JUDICIAL oumulatlve With. the removal of INTRODUCED BY ' '''d;~OF N W MEXICO.. CONGRESS. PROPOSING AN ....M.Ii.lNDMENT OFFICERS.. Justices. Judgoo and magistrates by. REP. CARTER W.~ .. ";.:,,

Section 1. It 1.0; pro~d to amend BE IT RESOLVED BY mE '1'0 ARTICLE 16 OF TIlE CON· '.'. Impeachment and Uw orighlal h-U. A JOINT RESOLtrnO~ i"~IArUoleP. Seotlon~ or the oonstl· LEOISLATURE OF THE STATE STITUTIONOF NE~ MElXICO BY BE IT RESOLVED BY mE perln~endlngcontrol 01 th9 supremo PROPOSING AN~~tUtiOIl of New Mexico to read: OF NEW MEXICO:'" .' . ADDINO. A NEW SECTION Ii TO LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE court." TO ARTICLE 8 'sEcTION :aJ'()I;

'Nelthe~' the stato nor any coun· .. PROVIOE FOR TRIAL DE NOVO OF NEW MEXICO: , '._' . . ty sohool district o~ municipality Section. I. It 15 proposed to amend '. Section 1 ~t Is propt)!led to amend SCctlOI\ 2. .tI1lC amendmen~ pro· THE CONSTITUTIO,N OP,t~"'"

qUTsfANPING STUDENT - Shirley Jay,· c;laughter.ln.IQw of ex'cep~ as othetwlse provlded,in liil; MUole 2. of the constltullon of ~ew', IN :>rAPPEALS RELATING T<? ArUcle 6 oi the consttiution 01 New posed by this resolulJon ~all be ME~CO TO .RESTlUCT VQ1..1tf9I" AI.~"J'()aYJ Ruido~. holds outstanding stude,nttrophy which. constitution shaU dl;el,lUy or Indl. Mexico to read: : . WA E;lR. RIGHTS. . Mexico by addJnI' a IJ!)W SCOtIon 32 submitted to the people lor' their ON ADDITIONAL ~PJm'tr .

I I . SOOW<>I:,' ·for h.flr· work ot Southwest Beauty College ·In EI recIly lend'" Qr . 'pledge' its cre4lt. "Leases and other contracl.s, reo L:~si~T~~O~~ED. BY THE to~a.<l~approvalor rejection M the next TAXES OUTS.I?E~,~ __-, ." .-.-.---- Daso," M"k',og "'''''.eientatIoIL lL'!exas, State. Repr.osentatllo'c -£lC :make-any'-dopat!on---to- or-·In'aldllervlns:-~ .rQY-l!lty. JQ,tbe..A!.atet-for ·0" . '-N·- ..--_.-...... -- TRE..BT.AT.EL. --"'!bCre 18 "toated -Uie "jUdicial general election or at nny Rpcl)IIlI LlMlTA'TION 'T 0 QV~

. . ~ -_. - '" - ~ .' the development "nd prQductlon 01 F EW MEXICO. .' '_ . .... .. .. eleotlon prior to UlI\t date Which ELE.'CTORS OF T,AXtNqi 1Ifl!lI""R'glpo W. Sl;Qggio~J_ right. Mrs. JI1Y, the wjfe of CIQrence Jay, fr an}' .P<lr~(mL ~ftlon or pub. any and all mInerals 01' for the dc- Sectton 1. It Is proposed to amend standa!ds' collQnl&ilon , COl18lstlng may Ix! call1Xllor that purPOsc. 'I'RICT WHO PAID APRO_~ .won fl'ophy for all;around flxcellflnce In all phases of cos· lc or private corpora Ion. or in aid velopmenl and oPeration 01 geo!.her, MUcic 16 of the cOUlltUutlon 01 New 01 two Justtcell or judges and two FIRST SESSION TAX THEREIN pURlNO.~i'"

,meto.lo,gV'. C""Yeral hundred 5tudents from all seotIons of the 01 nny prIvate ente!'P.rlse lor !.be mll,1 steain nnd wawr$ on lnnds Mexico by adding a now section Ii lawYera 1I01ected. as may Ix! pro· TWENTY.EIGHTH CEOING YEAR .<.:)t' ¥'" Y con~uQtlon 01 ll,ny railroad: pro· I. 10 read: vlded by Jaw to serve lor torms 01 . • M\'=',.$Ou,"wo~t,co/l'Jpete for trophy. She works In Ihe Thunderbird vlded noUllng In thIS secUon shall ll'ranted or confh,metl W.,the lltate lour fellre and nve cttlscnB 00bC . L~'OISL~TURE BE IT RESOJ..VED BY:; ..

Bea~ty S~'Qn In EI Pa50. • '. be Qonstrued to ProWbl~ the state or New Mexico by UI~. i~~ 01 c?ng. "In ILIIY appeal to tho dl8trl~. 01 whom lit a J~lce, JUdge o~ mag. STATE OF·NEW MEXICO LEGISL;'TURE OJ!' THiI: _, .,. '"'·i·..... lj.~~~.~,,· '_.-_.~,,-=_..~._._-~ .... _-.. - or any Qounty or municipality from I'ess or .June 20, 1910, enUUed An oourt lrom tOO decision. act or reo IStrate 01 any couri or llcensed to HOU8E JOINT RESOLUTJ;Q.N OF' NEW MEXICO:. "_~ ',,:,1

SECfION- B - , PAGE P'lVE drlvtng. lined $125 on rcckleSl: ,making proViSlotl lQr the care and act to ~nable the peoplfl 01 New lusal to nct of any. state executive pra(:tk:e Jaw In 'this state who &haJI NO.7 SCction 1. It Is pto'PQ6ed to..~·Ruidoso New. dt;lvlng chat·SC, I>~. dUiml~~d. malQtenance o_r :alc~ and Indlgent Mexico to rorm a <:<>IVrtltutlon and ortlccr or body In fn:ll~tera relaUng be appointed by the ~emor IQr' INTRODUCED BY Article 8, Section 2 or Ute~- ... JOIm Allen Tanner. vagrancy, Perso~. and nothing shall be con. stille 1I0vernmentn.and ~e admJtted to wa~r riRhUl. tho proceeding up. llve.year stall'iCred terms as may REPS. JOHN B. MATTSON. JR., lion of New ,Mexico to reacl: ',;~•.~

. ~ F~I~aYr ?~er 13, 1961 sentenced to 30 days .in Jail! sen· strued to prohibit the. atate lrom Into tl)e union on I\n eCl,~al looting on appeal llhall Ix! de novo &8 ClBeG be provided by law. If a po$1tlon J-AMES A. CAUDELL. EUOE~E "Taxc.'1 leVied upon real ~,.•

. , ;'. ..',"'. - - .' , tcnce suspended. creating new Job opPOrtunlUes, de· wilh the Orlg~nl\l slatos • may bo CLUB C ............-, II D Oil lhe COlllmlssJon becomC8 vacant' W. PlimtCE, JR.. HARRY F. lional property lor st&ten~\leC· H II B I CUrtis WlIIlnms, reckleS5 drlv· creasltlg unem.,loymcnt or lmprov. made Wlder such provlllions relat- ~UAD lor any reason. the s!toccssor shall SCHRAM. DP;:NNIS ~OWE. THOM· l>lmll no~ exceed lour mtlls'~frIty' a eat lng, fined $75. Ing the state·s economy wltb loans mg to the neccS5lty or ~~Ulrement Ix! selected l>y the original appoint. AS W. HOOVER. GEOaoE R. on each dollar 01 the~~,~_.-'1.F-.NCES ECK£RT- Water I\lclcr COlmectlonll to encourage ecollOmlc develop· lor or the mode and miller Qt ap· " P&rd~e:c::r f:.u'l.::: tng authority In the same manner 0M:l,E. SR., ROBERT D, JORDAN, uallon thereor except. for tW tllJllir'

u ..,.. Dbb Ellison, lots 57, 58, blk. 3. ment. Such 10alU,l shall only be pralscment., advortlsement lind r_nlh. Ino.. m..te 41b as the orl$lnal Ilppointmcnt. was OREGORY J. Ml'!)RRION, CAR· po!'t or UIO educational, \penal.:",,~'. . ~. I', C9ul1 Paradlb'U Canyon. made in compllancC' and,in accord competltlvo bidding. and containing TlllUIday 0 t IIVIlr7 made and IlbaU BtlrVet ror tbcl reo TER W. KIRK. H. MERRILL TAY. charllllble InstltuUons or UMt

C1IJtonPateJ:$On, littering hlBh· Edward. Yegge. lot 3, blk. 6, with law. and' tho Jeglsillture shall EUch terms and ·provlslons, a5 may . m::t~. ~':r Bit. lit malnder or. tbcl term vacated. No LOR, CARL ENGWALL & BltAD· payment IIf UIO state'debt aa<lWay, fined $10; . Flume Canyon, provJdc lor adcquate salelfUanJs for be. provided by act 01 the legtsla· act ot the commweloo is vaM un. FORD H. PRINCE. lere6~ tllereon; l\nd tbcl tot&J. .

SlchlCr DavIs, speeding, lmed $10. Pollee Report the protccUon 01 publlo money uaed ture; the renlals. royaJtJea and Je8ll concurred 1n by .. majority 01 A JOINT RESOLUTION lax lovy utwin auch property lOf tn·C951no' Mouloya, Jr.. oharged There was II. breaktng and enter· for such purpose." olher proccc<b' therclrom to be ap· RuhtollO.ROftl!O Val. t~ memlx!rs. 'I1lc Commi:lslob shall PROPOSING TO AMEND ARTJ. state purposes exclUltve of.~

with murl1.er 01 Earl Southern, tn Ing reported Monday morning. Po· . SCction 2. '!bo amendment pro- plied and conserved in aecordanee . IllY Rotary Ch.." III"" Ilelect oDe 01 Ulc memlx!ra apP01nt- CLE 1. SECTION 1 OF THE CON. slIry levle3 Ipr thct 81ate de~.~JaIl witbout bond. lice investlgated and round the posed by this resoluUon shall bo with the proVlsfons ot said act 01 ;~~ur.r:icla, ~oo" at ed by tbcl' sovemor to llClrve as STITUTION OF' NEW MptICO TO lIot exceed ten nilllI; Pto~

Melltone Sanche:, Jr•• accciJSory back door llnd window open on the SUbmitted to the people lor their c9ngrcIl.5 for the support or in aid chairman. ALLOW ABSENTEE VOTINO AND howevor. Utat taxet\ levl~ u.piItlt_10 Inur~~r, 1IJ Jail wIthout bond. CUff DaJe .cllbln. ThC window had approval or l'ojeC\jon at the next 01 the eOllUllon schools, or for tho . ,In Ii 1111 thJs aect10n TO REMOVE RESTRICTIONS ON or POrsonal tanaiblo Pl'O'Pllrtt

Wayne" ~...rc\\ lmattl:ndlXl ve· been broken and the door oPened. general election or at any spectal altalnmcnt or the respective pur· DJ:~.Wr:l:~:·'otc~.I~I~dl')'.fJ~~~orr J&Cc:r ~n:will' THE n.tGRT OP WOMEN AND IN•. 1\11 purpoees. except. apeda'hlcle" fined $20. The cabinet and cJosct. door/J were· eleotIon prior to that dat4 which poses lor W~ICh the several grants .tbll montb at 6:30 .m. at tbll WomeQ·. :~ :Ur'~a; .,:~'r~~~: DIANa TO ·VOTE. on sf)CcJllc CIU5C!8 of l'lros»rC«

Chllrles pramer, speeding, fined open. '!be IIquor·cab~was empt.y. may be call1Xl for UiaiP~. were made. :.\u.llla".1.1Ial1 In Rulltplo POWlUl. moved 10rwllllUl m1Ilconduot In of. .BE IT RESOJ..VED BY THE excePt neccsaary IoVlea f1)r _~$2,0, ..' NOlhlng was missing, to the olll· F'IR8T SESSION SCction 2. nlo amendment pro· "bit. )foulltaia lice or wlJltuJ and pel\'lt.stent. faU. LEOI8I,;ATURE OF THE STATE debt. shall not exccecl tweMY .

1tfunlclpal Cilul1 cers' knowledge. TWENTY·ElGHTH • posccl by Uilir relloluUolI shall be .:.~g tbcr~bTU:~" • Ure to perform his duUM or habt. OF NEw MEXICO: Ilnnul\lIy on each dOllar of ~ ,Ray SCrna,DWI and reckless , MEGIBLATUR-E submltled to the people for theIr at 1:00 p.rn. at tbt tual Intern 0 bet be Bectlon 1. It la propoocd to amend tiClmCd valuaUon thoreor. bUi "''-'

• . '. Jlunk-rll' Bel,ore you head lor the. STATE. OF NEW MEXICO approval or reJeclion at tho next Cb~c~:'~ n~~f:.d _... .llilW1.10~L~=y -In ArUcle '1. SCction 1 0( UIo COlwtltU. lIIay !!!Lj)R~~:;-~__.~-- -------IP·.--'L--~--2T. ...:IDHHtH~-lil!j[i1.:ror--GJUnbrcg...(or __Urat -- - ·HOUSE-JGlNT-aESOliUTION .. "'encrlll -elecUon--or1\(;-anY<lDCclaJ----Ctmr Bifa'-'ltarlc. tIIIl .,IIt"S qllllll tcrferlng wl!.h Ibe ~rforma~ o(U'0nOTNil\iT1;feXlCO'to read: tlonal taxes to be JoVied OIJ~

OMEN AST license. camplnlr equipment, rWIIl • NO. 11 .:Iccllon prIor to UUl.t date whleb 1110. 'Ws duties WhIch 11 or I.Ikely to be. "Every citizen 01 I.bo UnJk-d tluch limitation when awrove4 ~andall1munltlon. INTRODUCED BY may be called for that P\lrPOSCl. TuLlO!, 1Uf.tr ...~ corne 01 a ~~nt character 8tatoll, who 18 oVer the age 01 twcn. at leMt a lnaJorlly of tho qUI.UftW

WITH BLADDER IRRITATION - - I " REPRESENTATIVES - FIRST SESSION 1.t::. a.{ur~ ~~\a~t 'I1le c'omml881on may alter tnveetl: ty-one yeai'll, and haa fe/llded In ~Iectorll 01 the taxinlr dJW1~ ~'.S ff M..I. - T bl ARTIiRITlS·RHEUMATISM RAY D. McNEILJ.., TWENTY·EIGHTH h~LockDr.'::·....~rn4 gatlon n deems necc~ order a New Mexico twelve monthll. in the paid a property tax tbereln(d~u.r uny rou OS T. E. BROWN. JR.. LEGISLATURE tbe Maylalr Wa.h. hearm to be bald Ix!IO~ It con- COtl1Hy ninety day., and lJt tho pre. the prectldJng year voUnc CIa~

}J~ 21, common ,K.ldaey or Bladder ,When it .rem. lhlt nothing "'111 gin' 11. MERRILL TAYLOR AND b'TATE OF NEW MEXICO lerla. cemJn: the d1l1Clpline ft'mov&1 or clnct In which ba offol'll to voto proposition." .. t'. M

'~.JII:~V=:~:::~n~:a ~:,~,:~~~~!r~~f:STA~'ni~c~~AD: At.FONSO F. VIOIL SENATE JOINT . lI.~Y:·'1:,~B~~:f[ tt~~r "f:~" retirement 01 a Jue~. Jud;e or thirty ct.yll. next pl'fl:edlllg the SCctlon 2. 1110 ,.amenwtltU\'.,..,.~OLII trom too rrequent, bumJnr or un'S or ,~ STANBACK. POWDEIlS' A JO~NT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION NO.3· of th. monlb It 1111O p-lIL, 1111.0:" ~ magistrate. or tbocommlaMon may election. oxcept, Idlota, .imanc per. po:ICd by tbls fe!lOJuUon llti&tl'"

·~ urinallon both day .nd nllh!. ,n.l U~ .. .littered, Esp(tience Ihe CUt. PRQPQJ3ING AN AMENDMENT INTROOUC~IJ'lI:.. allallunead. appoint. threo muterll who are llO!lII. and ~1'IlOI\lI coclVleted of a Ilubmllted to Lhc people lot,.~·~rt~J'.I~a~~.'r:e~~,fe :~~ comr~lIinll. lemrorarJ. !cJie~ S"nbs(k - .TO ARTICLE ,I, SECl'ION , OF SENATOR UAROLD J.., RUNNELS 6lI~g~~~o'i'N~t~!f~ JuaUce Or JUdallS or court& at rec.Ie~oU8or lnlamOl;llJ .cr~e ~C1l5ap{l!0~a~or ~~ ~..Jlf_,J·oJd. tired. depressed. Jn such Irrl· (,nj;lVeyou )(Jou (all 10 I:trrel1er,'it..., THE CON'5TITOTI0N OF THE FOR THE LEGISLATIVE era ~laa:",,='i'iit--OidTo liclar and taio 4WSdebOt,tn rellt&Ycd101!blmctf rfiihw-, wJt1io lm\el'a'rcleCUon or "aD)'. iji!ietUI~..CYSTBX U'UlllY.brinl~ last. IU1(Illie IInused "alta",1 rour purch"e.. STATE OJ!' NEW MEXICO TO FINANCE COMMlTrEE :~~ mntil~. .ay .;,r UIC tter and to It.tbelr find. qualltled to votct at aU elccUOlI.'I lor election prior to tbli.t~ ..'Ed IJ comfort bycurbin. ImtalJn; prICewdl bcrerun.led.SlanblCJc hubetn PERMIT DEPOSIT OF PUBLIC A JOINT RESOLUTION Eutern 8tar ,UI1'I/I": 1"_ ': tho~ Mior boAt public ofllccrlS. Tbe Jealfjlat.uro may nlay be called lor thft. iJ'I . ,1<1C!p.!sIn.,ron,, au:1d urine and byan.l. j;ranled the Good J/ou~ketpint ~atMONEY8lN8AVINGS AND LOAN PROPOSING TO REPEAL ART. OIl~a7. I Vk(illl, ;:'~11 •• . ~ enAct lawa provtdtng lor l\bscntetl Witnellll IllY hand and ~ , .ae.... P!lnreUd.OetCYST.EX.ldru.. ScrCol)'ourseIChowl.c1l,ruIStanbHkcan ICLE 5 SEOTION t4 OF ~E tntlD .,.. "tCOIII, ... or ..ter 0008ldClrtni Ulo roeord tl b ".'UI 1 I . ~...pit. Soo how fut it can help )'ou. be. Slanback Com~nr. 5.1Jubury. N. C. .ASSOCIATIONS. • n.lA IIl.ma Phi chut.... 111_ And the tlJidlnrIJ and replitf. of tho vo ng y q.... ed (! ectorll. All seal 0 UlC Stato or Now

• DE 'IT RESOLVED BY THE CONSTITUTION OF NEW MEXl· _1tCI and tourtla lIfoaday a"'l1~ matlClrtl it tbo c:ol'iU1\.l8tllon ttncllI IIChoOI ck!cUDn:1 Ilhall be held at lJll!I 'Uh day 0(~.,j.., -------...;,:;'.------~-------- LEOISLATORE OF THE STATE CO: AND TO ENACT A NEW Cb':j~m-r~' t~ort~~~.~ .rer.w""M good ea~, U flblUl reeomihend to dlUerent tlme" from oYler olec· SllntaFc, New 'Multo. .!:J,'

OF NEW MEXICO: "ARllCLE 6. SECTION 14 OF THE tVednellda, of tbe mOlltla at tbe the iJUpremc .C:OUrt. lbo d1sclpUno Uons. ERNmMHE D• .-v/WYOSCotion 1. It Is Pro~d to amend CONSTITUTION OF NEW MEXI· cbih~_"""'bitai1a. "'om.. of Ul rClTiovlU or reUr6tnentof lbo Jus: "The leglldature Shall have !.he sccretary of SUIte ~

Article 8' section 4 of the c:onaUtu· CO; CREATING A STATE HIOll· Cburclll ra.... Neb _a4 TuM4., .t tlco JUdga or mlUtlbttt.k' power to reqUIre the' regL'ltration ., l"~lion 01 N~'W Mexico to read: WAY COMMISSION AND PRO- ~n'::m· 1::';:10 Po... ,laM ~.,. '-The &tltlr ciJUri. ~U Jew .-_' _-,-- _,~. , _~.~__ .. _. . , ....

"Any public QllIcor making any VIOINO FOR THE APPOINT· etle~:rl!} Couat, Ali AM'. ...u the record oft:~IJ':' tho ,. • • • • • ,~',profit out of public moneys or uslng MENT A-SID REMOVAL OF MEM· p.m. I"aoob~ol1l~:~n::~~onlb, 11N law atl1t lact41 and'shay permit Ute . N .Ihe same lor a~y pqrposc not auth, B~ B LAW. '0- I Tbll nuldPllo.ltondo Ve...., ct. It ",. IntroduetJon of 'ddlUOMI evidence, , MO JEAU (AFEorlr.ed by Jaw shall be deemed DE IT RESOLVE BY THE :r rf Commeroe "'fleta neb tblrd and It lthall ordc tho dlttolpUn I"Ullty of a lelo~y and shall Ix! pun. LEO~"'.:'Ii:.R:'IcJ:r TIlE STATE J'I:~~Itfo t~ ~~no':l~~. ¥b:::eefj~ removal or roure~ as it tm:;Ished 118 provJded by, Jaw and 8ball OF E: I_ 0110" to Ibe pUblcl. Just and proper or wholly re.Je~ the IIx! disqualllled to hold public oUlee. 8cctlon 1. It is propo5Cd. to repeal Olrlt ft~~,= recommencktloo. Upon u order tor I NOW OPEN 0 •.-

All publIc moneys not InvC3tcd in Article G. SCcU~ 14 of the cont.'tl· blot mtflt_ ..eb his tatlremmt. ady JUSUc:o, JUdieInterest-bearing securities shall Ix! tUtion 01 New Mexico, and to en· tint and tbl~ or magltrttatl> -partlclpat!nl' In a I .deposited In nallortal banks l1i tfus Act A new ArtIcle 5. SCction 14 or ~t::"'~.~.'. I statutory rtUreme~program llbaU I and will ..rv. fr•• coU•• anti doughnuti •• • • If!taUl. in banks or trust coJn!>&nJes the colI.~lIluUon or New McJ;lc:o to 8. Hall la ra. "'.....U....d 'Wl'''' n._ ........ rtn.l..- A. I • ...1 b d _.

' dIll .' •• ,,, "'., Oata.a,. IN ,...~... au ..... -"~ <aUl<>.... . lIet-acqua ntOKl gll.tur•• Drop y an m." '-" JMI".CO~JlIJrltted tmdt!r the lAws 011he rCA as 0 OWll: Ralnbo" Ad- If he had rcUrod purSuant to the I h M V_I 5 ..th'c 8tate or in lederal saVIngs and "There Is created a'''sta~ hIgh.. arMlll "eta nl'lt TIlIs::Sc..r: .ro~~ retirement J>rOlJl'am. Upon an order I t. n.w manager, ra. uta fron.. i IJoan associaUons In U1Is state or 10 - ----~- . ... ,~ .• - mOlllb. ome place lor removal thct JuMioo Judge or FeaturIng FIne Food. _ Fall' ,ric.. and Friendly $ervte. .,'*.savln"s and Joan &llSOCIaUOns In- NEW ARRIVAL- Ltlnc~tlOn aad card .aarM at t.. ~.h· iI .•

.. '-d .._.I ,"'- I t \Yomaa. ClUb .wn 1oIoada t lJ:. magistrate t.bereby be remov. " ~corpora.., uuucr u"" awa 0 Ws 1I0tpoint Model RC 431 41.lncb Don" , . ,_ . u_===::=:~===~~~~~~;:state whose d<!posll!J' are J.nsured R~e with Tcf10n Qllfck 'Cleal1 ....~l:'~~~o:., .Anon)''Wul~ mE'tllllf ..1.......nm..llllnnnlllllllllllllllllllllllll..1l11l111l1l11l11l1l1111n.lll1n..by an agency of UIo Un1ted Sta((lS. Oven. Clock Timer, two SCorace pbon. :na.uot, J:;mo. B':t.o::.. OW114and the tnterest derIVed tberelrom cemparlmcnl••f;hl\ll be applied in 1ho manner pre. A GREAT BUY $19

L llcrllx!d by law. 'I1le c:ondltlOM 01 9Ilueh deposits maD Ix! provided by WIMSERLY ELECTRIC












ht", ,,,


f I





. i., ~I';,KI


'\l i .






, "




I.n.c.,, . .


;..:..-;:..............., .....-_----. ... , ,,,,' . .._,~._._:~.~---

mittee, and Chvc:k .GoywJth th4t. uI11versl1y, ..progi'Qm comml11ee and chalr~n of- tb.'youth ac:tlvlth" commltt-.. GtQuP a~.nd~ :.bvffetdlnner meeting at H]gh CqynttY~.~ ,la~Thursday evening. Frldot thcw,,~It[-:~•••;duc:ted on tour of Fort Sta"ron 'Cooperotlv4t "Range Experiment Itatlon. Some of sublec:ts ~of tour were a grazIng stvdy, rltSultl of burn­Ing and fertilizer stvdy and Ct choll~ controlstudy. Seventy·flve attended.



".' '

olea Nobl. -

TWO 1965· SCOUTS­4 Whe"- dtl"ft,one wU" snow pl()w' e' •••••••••• .,

1966 IMPALA SPORT COUPE-327 V-S ehgln&, standard shift, radio,heater, new whilewall tires.local owned ••• - .

'1963 OtDSMOSlIS SEDAN­>+~"j l~ded; 'p,ow."st..ril'l9'r' pOw.t',,t~l(..;> Qit~&i'ldltlon.a '>c'r "'.- "

...............,•••••••••••••••.••••••••-~'WE GOOFED'

:01'1& Without· Snow plow ••••••••••• , ••••• ,$1295:'1962 BISCAYJre', CBB'lIlOq:r- ,"·0001' Sedan 6.cylirldors, radio , $495''heater, aOtoO'latlc fta"lmlsaiol1 '•••••• • • • • ... ' ,


v.e, Stdndard Shih.. .. •... .. ••. .. •••• .. . ••..$895

,1986 CHEVROLET Vi-TON PICK.;UP;.;; '-, LongWh..lbose, Stepslde, 292111g6 ' $''1lL195'

Engi.,e-,.,c.Spee-d·Trcinsmlsslon • • • • .. • • • • • • • • 'U . .

1965 CORVAIR' 500-i -4-door sedan; 3 speed, radio and heat~r, white

sidewall tires, extra dean, low mUeage,. $~1'09'5'local owner " OJ ..

THESE OVERLate Model Used Cars - Pitk·Ups

One. 1961 Oldmtobile Delmont 88-425Left on Hand - We ordered one too manyl

thts 4-cf00t' is loadedl Ust at $4,326.92

$1,000 DISCOUNT!!***.********..*****••***.*~*** •••**.******,....


iNIC;e" 3.;Qf1drf\)Qtl'1 home Inyelw 'rQUnd )ocatlQIl, wIU1I u~·c!J.~- ,I, •

pe~s. LANe laml (lrellotlul1 hilS nn tlp~rtmE:p~, for, yourmotl!er or,"W~ " , !l~n~ ., _,_, ,~,-.'-'~,-~=-...~,=~~I-'L

, Iq J,>a!Jn!)f OAteWllY' we have a lar~e lovelY hQ~~WIUi3.;lliid. rroom!!, de~ WI~1t IltepllWe" e/ttr{\ lafltl: ,lq.f. 1111d prlva~e' offi~; , .'\'

"W!l!ll, lQ live II) Cree I\fClldOWs? a·bedroom home v.;1.t)J.Jlreplllt,:e I~nd 3 .lnrB'e. IO~$. Prle~tI. to mm. ' "

., ,


J.ell: /:Ilddetta-

..--.. - ,.. -

, ,


Swearingln.,Tommy PortOeL. ~1e"Ublllll!r' .o,





• RANGE MANAGEMENT BUFfET _Mo.tlng-atHigh Covntry LO,dge are membe,.. of NewMoxic:o Sec:tlon AmerlcOn ~c:lety of Rang. ~Management. from left, aUI Cvrrler with theForest Sel'vlc(! In Albuquerque,' seC:l'etary oforganlzotionl Chrll Zamora with the ForeStServlc:e/ Don D. Dwyer wJth New Mo~JcoState University, Program Chalrmon, Ro~ D.

. Pieper with the unlv.r.slty~ .program com­mlttce and chairman of Icholarshlp com-

~arr.:lc Wltltl!lct -


• •

,.1> ...'n











"_:1*\ -

2.I3edrooJl) fllmlslled Cllbll1 In tnll pilles, Close In an(l only.,$5.25Q nnd good terms.

H;3edroom cablIl wIth !Il'eplnce. All furnIshed ilnd will tllkecnr 01' pIckUp for equIty, ~

A lovelY 2.Bedroom Redwl.l0d capm In Sun Valley, Large livingroom wllh fireplace. plllyroom alid Ilxtl'U large lot. prl¢cd 10 /leU;

Wallt to malte wmc monl'y. nuy OUi' mnnll l'N:\wood Cllbln. fill,'Jsh Im;illc nnd It'l (III l'e'Filll for you.

PAINFUL COR 51,,'AMAZING LIQUID .'RELIEVES PAIN AS '('tUrY'­IT DiSSOLVES CORNS AWAYNfIW "mtlfl' rOlnt .~ ·'att. I'll' "'"'...lIb 1""'Ofl~, LiqUid ',_IIM ,e,Ilt'\o I'lin In~unrl,. w(tlb bdftllt Ihl',kll" hne {() dl.~h. (tI'," .way ,n iu\!d.~Gee 1"rt'IUM".at.U dt!!& (OUn~11o,

-.~ ,=$~_.-=,----=,---~--,------_.=*-

J!AliJ'; I:lIX~~· -=~ ..-SEC'.L'ION »Ruidoso News

F'rlt!IlY. October 13, 1007


, . '

. , . :. '

. .... .

fa .



(let tilt! tllf'JllillltC" lIC'TnlJ!1' wltlta",al\load III Ute Ruh,O!lO News.

, ,

. '


" ,.,



We R'nt Moa' Everylhlng ,

_ -.: ~_a

$399 WITH TItADE aUYS. Avocado .Pat.. 1961 Halpolnt~ eTA 0 :l12 Refrlgeralor2 DttOr Comblnot-lon, Snowfrost -- '0 '

ItIO 5U~~n.ltang. LOOK OUT .for YOLJ~ElFlou 10TH AT


SOLOs.:-Jlnx Gr~ham; :rlght,~p~rQto~ of (:i1ru~klj,9b~sinC:$sh,re, an~ whet h<Jlbv,lneu inlerp,sts 10 EI Poso as well (IS

F!Q!11 of Now Mexic:!), ~Io",d aftfllr Instrvc:tion from MarkSloan, Sr., and loit hl$-$I1frttall rQr~ay:rre-l5Ougll:rl":""-1the Trl-Pac;erln bac:kgroul1d for hili bUJlness, Sloan SQlp.

M.I. 01<' COllN1'Y'!:t1'.1l' N Ul\tU£JtS

Zll>' IIUIllilcrs lbnt Mould be plnced,IJJrlt'r Mlmu of communlly on relurnlIddrC~ilJ, upp~r left corner 01 the('I.vI1Iopc, lllulled I"1~OM that com·IlWltH)'. or !ltter Ultl Ilumc ur Ulll('f/mll/unltY fOf nil Il'lt('r!l addrer.::t'd'1'0 01:11 communlly. 11m lill followl.\:

'nllllif' ., lIIl3lil.<:.1111Iml-' lIIl3l fl.ComltlL EID:llll. .AItn . UU:1l2,Ittudo';o Down,') .- IIIl'J.6.Uullywood - tlll'J3ltAlIeM .- llU313.Ohmcoe - 8ll3'.!4.NOjfal - 8Il3U.~un Patricio - 88348.UondO -- 88330,

, Pl Silltllon - 88323.Cuy llaU III RlIldor.o, NoW M(!xlco f .Ilkln·~ tool Picacho - 88343•10 Ihe hlghet:t blddlll' for clClh. lho JI''Nl'lIml tool, Lincoln - 88338.luUowllli detlCfl6i!llprollCfty":":~~~Jr'IIt"iTrmllJmj:f~uro)(l;ut;-I.~~--~~~--~-·J~ll~J1(~lo~~~o:",-~Ba3~i?:5.:-;-~__~ .

Wiltch 1x.«h. CI y~,lul f1Uln,.; pn''','}. CIlrrl1.ozo - 88301.Jewelry bent'll. Cryr.tnl T/·movC'r.:l talllC).'). Wl1l('rproo{ ClUlC wrNlf'h. •2 lamp!l. Ml~:r(>lIt\n(,{ltl'l hand t/)ol~, ~wlltdl

Oodrawcr cabinet. f(·J131r.SwIvel Chair. lIfl':('('J1l111('()l1ll hnnd tool5 Jewf'l-Watch MAwrl'" cabmol'J. yy r('palr5.000.Lb. uteel hafo. , RNlllllllloll adclillt! mlll'hlne.Wakll Timing' Mltchlno. tlll't'l dl'!lk.Ultra Sonlo Jewclr)' c:lea.nln" Stl't'l CIlllla CllbllU'l.

lOOlJr. ,,0_. -- - ---,-----..n~mlrll!t.ol1-_typc.w~IC1';..- - '.Poll'lblni ma.chlno. 2 af!t'WrltN {nblt"'.EIec:lronloC dett\llPlltlur, Nl'W JlI'rtl1l'fl ('IIgrllvIIlU m(\chlm·. •• News' Want-Ad;~W~rk W~"ndeTII-WalCh Cleanlnll Jdach!M. UllTlL Bonl(' "It'nnillr. mnehll1e.Jewelcrll lathtr IUld motor. Sale!' buok ft°lf!<.lt·r.

° , BlUn' flxlure!}•Mt;cell:lI1('otl..'l smnll olflce ItNnll.IUlla [,,11.lns II\nf'IIU1«'.

till' 11rolwrty of tilt" lwfl'lId:mt.'Illl' l1mol1nt dul' 011 the dllte of

~nlt' III Ihl' nnlOlUlt of .$1-4.200. to·fwllwr Willi Gourl (O~t'J nnd the('IY1l1 or I1lt\'1'111!:t'Jn(lut nnd !l:'llc.

.:< lA.'llndro Vn:a, Jr,. Sht'rllf 01 I.lnooln County.

.New MexIco


, "'" =~-"" ---_.~.- ~

" ••=~==-~-.....~-=:::r-~,


. ,..-- .

Real EState........ - - / - ~

('uurt of 1.lOcolll county. New Mex· 'I'" Ull tllIt 26th d~y of AUKuM. 1007.III MI \.1('11011 for dIlPL. II.lCalnl,ll the1l1:!4·IId\.lI,t,< ror 'tJ11' /lum of $14,200,lIUW'(' Itl hlOrd,y Kivell th~t -41101.l1ltll'l~II\1ll'd lihl'rlU of LincolnC·(jUllt)· N,·w Moltloo. wllJ, on lht';1UlJ, tillY "r Olwl)l!r•.IOO7 ut 10;011.. (Iut'li II JIl , ,"UI'r ror /lull: 1I11d 0011.. , 11U1J11I ',nl,. (Ill th', Illt·pn of til('




Lydia D. Pinkham-I alJlru amll.lqulJ Compound


Both the RuldolO and ll\llclolQ Dow~ Branch Bank.Open Monday Thru Friday 9 a.m.untU 2 p.m.Wlilt IhO'RUldbaO' Drlve-In Open 5 Day. a',,"k'

from 8~30 a.mi untl13:30 p.m.

1111 r I" lin' h (JIII'1I S~V('I Y Day

Easter}'pla Easter - 'rom Jasper

Your Friendly BrQker~__ Mt.mbl'r MI.B _ - Notary PUbllo.-

1'IlIt'phonrfl 2Cl7-t37() - 267-2106 - 2&7-:1«8

N&w open and closing Umes adopted beginning the week Itart­Ing Monday, Sept:-lS-and to be In ef ~t untl te rice Beason

opens In 1968 are,

f;lllhlq ('{it hrlln !lnlr.. I't'tr.onnrl Jllck lll[',,~to

\Vii; NF.:k."tJ YOUn t.urnNos NOW

I'hnnr :lA'J·2U1 Dolt 2il1 nUldot.o, Nt'\\' Mllxlco

Then, tht·rt·'s that once" month•wlwll a ~irl Willet II...• a lttJod old·fl1shioned

ull'difim' .MJtl,r ,,,.. 1..1 I'''' 1,1~1Il It,,.lllIrll. Or

"IJ~I.... I,ul. J....,ly ..".J ...1. I,~r y"l1 lUuld liS,. II JllIlr of."61· oJJlJtlh.j ~tl1'

.......... Wrll, .... I.... ,. JIIU lit.. 11.11111 for tillS unee arn"..rI, I,tnr I ~clld I' "1n~ 1.3111 'I'..hlru. 'nley',e ",~dll wnh£.n,I•• n~llu ..1mg,tJlrnl•• llulUJllIll ont Ih3t wotb to htlp,rl.. "ghlrn..1 trllI.. I.., tI,d' give you crampl. (JlUI II little•,..n .1.41 ~ SUlllflllJ lor al a IIIne Iak,. tim. And, you don't,u" .lIt d.Am r ..I lI.e klllJ of unl'lraulll s,de efi'eCIJ you•",,1.1 gr. I rum "om" of ct.r nrwcr drugo.

\'(,~,Ito ali j,titfnhlullraTJfilbIrm-trlcnhi., ---,-"n,I,I,,', you loI~,r .n old " ..llIonrd rnrJlune. .



Lot 111 t :111 PIl1PS, ;) InllC's from Ruidoso, ncarAltu. good' \\'('11, pn'ssuf(' p U III p, running',In',Ht1. \'pry m'('('sslblt,. $2.050.

1.000 ocr. valloy. Really Boauliful. Good ,hollow wa·t", [O(<,lIonl pculur" land Clolo in. $60 on aero.

16 uletlonl of gromma gran. Clo'O In.Mnny ICtlnic lolt, $50 down, low payments,

OFFERED BY• ~ . --



nusnu;:ss OPPOlt1't1NIT'Y ,I l.lorklll Lot,dge, ldeall)' located wIth Main street nnd riVer

frontfWI', IUTlII' colcHlul lobby. 17 bedroomso 15 bMhll, fumlsMd.•Plle-I'd ,.nly S3lJ uO() and ownpr wl1l nnancc.

FOUn DEDltOOMS'11'1" I"v..ly 4 hNlru()m tUlITlE' III w~1\ located on large comer

d"f'fINl jill. ~ ha'h {lmlll". ,.rpplace, central hent. carp<.1ed. cicc­I I'll k Itt'11I'1I JIll" l.aT!!1' FHA commllment Bee lhls toc:lny.

UPPEn CANYON"'1\'" t",dT()()lm 3' bath'!. ruml!'.hed. f1repln<:c, IocaJed ()ll

I>:lV' IlWIII and "xlr" hUll(' cI('l'dl'd lot with lotll or tl\.1l plllt:l!. nllarIIII' HV" OWI"'1 will 1I/l\.lnCo 11' fl', lJlWI'Clll,


,, .

Legal "Notice"lIIWI; ,,,.. HIIJ;;rUPl~'fl flAl.l~

J'111' UIlI ,I \0 II .1 ulIl!tr",nl 1'/I\l'r('(1II' I 'lilt'.· Nu 111Ill!. ('Ivll. ('1111111"(1IllllJllt' M Wlolllntk. MIHI:11l1'l /';

.... '",I..'\< 10. "110' I'lu'IoIIII' v'.f .;a II P CtJ" 11111' 'I1U-ff'·.tl MLr"'II", I., ""f. ill 'Ji' IJI'tllt-\

. , . .' ...MOUNTAJN' lWl'REAT:

TItree bedroomll , bIlth, fireplace. fum1rlbc<l, ,10ClU.ed:' (In largl1I dE't'ded lot III thE' tall plnclI Priced below COIlt, and owner says '

SEfJ1.. lmllloolate POIlIlCSIIIOIl.



. '

, '•



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A. '"

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. DALTO. "'- ' , '.' . : K -"I" •

.,- ",.'

.. , I.,

, -' ..

. ,

Ji'oR ShLE o~ mhDE:-2 Bedroom, fUrnish·ed cabin WIUl fh..eplace. C19~ In. OWner will tAl:e•truck or pickup and camper In t.rade. Total priceonly $7,500.

RENTAI..S-One furnished 2·bedJ"oom for ~Ilng

sellSOri.... One" 3·bedi"OOm on ~ar around blllSls.. '

EXTRA NJP~-2 ~rQQm hOme. wltb fjreplace And garage,lIl(,c~sslble Ylll\r 'roWld. On the pII.Vl,!metl~. Prll;ed to fit your needs.

'. RESIDENTIAL .- If you IIro 11\ ttle" mariet Cor a 3·bedroom,2,bllUl home - You wO\lldregrei not scclJlg this famne-beCore-youbuy.


....... '

• •', ..

• •

". .










i. 'I,~ -}






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_---.- _,-,_. ._ 'T __


:Prices ~flectlY8·'.r.fItmS. if f"EtL',AND· SAt'

, - ,.




$1 35. 3 us.


•-- ---- -- ----- ----- ----- ------- - ~ ---- --~-

t~ Gal.. , . , . , . , ••••3 For $1




DOZEN •• '.• _. , f • , •••••• ,,, ,' ••

LB. '61t2 LB.



..,L1PTON~ -!4 LB, PKG•

Hunl's 32c20,0%. Bolllo .. , •• '••• t" •••••' ••••••••• "•••••

,,' -


•,er-FleS--=a_-- -'LB$

, .

If'·"'"........." .... ' v_If". . .", ',,,...,,,

CHILI Plain - No Beans 5'9 cSwift's - 2~·oz. Can II tl



COLD POWER Dolergonl 64c, , Giont Box~ ••••••• , . • • • • • •• • • • .

--'--~._---- ----- "----~- --~---- --,

__ ' ~ 1 .


" , • :h' '", " ,,' GKG" .





- ,





'VEGETOLE-, '" "",










STEAKS .. for ...65c

TtooSwHt 7 n6'0%. Con, • • • • For Y.ORANGE JUICE




Morton'. 2 fORAssorted 7'9'CPkg...... ,. f •• " ..... i


....'.".' .'.- t'• <'



H. & J. LONGHORN - 12 0%. Pkg·

CHEESE .. __ ..... 49C



WIN THOUSANDS of- .' " -. . .


, '

. ,



FISH STICKSIoo'h. 3 $1'.01. ~kg .• f ". • for







-BEN*FRANKLIN~VAR'ErY SPECIALS,-.--,---- ,,---- ...----..-.", --,~..---"1IS£OU~'IA-Y-AWA-<rP1AH--... -------------- ... -.--.--'-~~




·Dl::. ·.·Ol8S: .." PKG.6·FOR $1·Wl tiLAOUES · 98¢&·tt98

HDDED JACKETS- IOY5' ~8.9'.·100%. "COTtON' -1lEG.$S.99 .

lA .IE"I£NI DRESSES Q~y...: ...$3.49'", • .~, ilft'i.'tl'\~ , " ',: '. -

~. ~~WtDLf- , . ,

Nil'DRESm';LV....:::.:.=~;:.:~.::..~t": '...•• < - " < " • _ ' • ., • -,',. 1_, ' • .. 'fi--- --, _..


• •

.', '


" -' ,

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HpPilIJ' All Makt,s Chain Saws

Midtown Chevron

Ruidoso, . .

Natural. Gas Co........Nc:....

LOSES SHIRT TAIL- Aftnr four and a half hOUri of JOllOnl,S'a'e Polic~man C. R, IConn) Brown 10" hi. Ih!" tall Thurl­day morning lai' weck' 10 Ins'ructor Mark Sloan whon holucceufully modo 0 iolo flight in plano Ihown In back·

d.-,-~-.. _----- ----------- -- ~ -~-

grou!", '

w. welcome you ,. ,,',h our .ffiWt loco.... ..- U.s."~70 Mar ,h. HolIvwood "yH, to dlte"'" the econemy,....... .........."Ice and cffonUnm.f natural aai fer~ ~ ....ltln,. tt'. v.ry limp" t. convert te 'Ollt,,"'" .... w iii .ehHIte ••pI.ln. .


.. -.,.


.............I.IIIII••••I.II••II.IIII~I.I••'II.l•••"'.I......~t;'j" II i "jiii I i f' .. ii' ,,''i':' 7 IFFIZZ lib • ",,~



Fino" C1ennlng Sorvlco ~ Bucholor Sarvlceloca'ed Nox' to Uollday Hou.. In Ih. Gal.wav

lip' and Toars Repaired - Buttonl R.storMJ, H, TAYLOR, Ownor- Pho, 257·2062 .

-:"' - ,='.,.-""-q,,,••~,.1III' II • . ,.,...,...





" ' ,,-,.


_ ." _""""'",,,,"'__ ,-- ;, I ,.oF- .. 'r

Variety of Services OfferedBy Red Cross In Lincoln ~ounty6lnc'(' Iu. bC'11111111111( 1/1 1lI00, nil' IIYIII/IIl. noWII reloatiell; D" v 0

AmrrU'1l1I Rc'd Crc>:I~ "'Iml Aid f'1I r k II, b('hool prOlfram, _tid6cl1'vlcr hUb hnd. u "IIIIPIC' ubJc'l'lIyt, CIIl\l'Il!/j 1"lndlcy, nUllnCe,

--UIO COlllwrvlLUoll 01 hUlIlllll II/I' ' AI Turner, Albuquerque, 'Stt,to.Ihroc/l(h Ihe prrvc'nllUl' 01 u('c'ldl.'1I1tl 'Dlrt'dor of AH8; Jim Oberbolz,To rf'Uch lib lIonl lIw Hc'r VIc I.' 01· n"llllllllll WilIer 81l1c:1)' D1rec(Qr,''''l> Il IlrollllulI IhlLl Iwlll:' rvdul'c ('01" 1;;111 John 'Drlver, lIeld rep.lU'cll1env, 011 Ih" hlllhwaYIl 1/1, Oil, " ..... 'JtnllVC' lor /jonthem New Mext.(If abolll UII.' woo·r. III hunll't>, UII I" flO:'WI'J1, wcrc prCIICIlt. to h4;lpfllrm. und III IIldw,lrWu '111c' pm luh".,· IIl1d c'oordlmtA.c Uio /lowlyIlrRIIl In Iwolold, c{>lIllHAlrll( 01 /lrnl '0"111'11 I:ollllnlllcc,Bid trlllllll," illYi'll 1IIrllUllh lormul 1"IIr,t Aid hl:llrUcwrll In LincolnolJlIlJl /lUoUUC'UOIl lind Ihroullh IIrlll ('''lIl1ly 1lI'l! Mm, Vlr"lnla Spall,llld dC'lnollhll utlollll, IIlIn1l, Imd Mr" (lilyle PCltl)'. Otlrrc1t AlI&t.In.OUHlr nlliM cducullon IIIc>(III\, Rlld ,11m I-,hlllll, Andrew BeneVldel 'andar.UvIUt't> In wblch JIClOPlt, c'lm pllr· Chll/ !l'll Murl'll)'..tlclp&tc III II IIlillon·wldCl cflort \.(1 I""dUCCl IKJCldcmt" RIIII 1111/1111I11.0 Iht! Ob.'1 boll; III lIIukltlU IltlwitlJrlIulf(lrlnll of uc"ldt'lll \,loUI/II\ Ill/Ollllh Itllt> IUI'U, l",vUIIl JUAt. fln·

'1110 1.llIcllln COIUlLy (:lmplc'r 01 I h''11 C'(III1'lIt':l !Il 11'11'111 AId And W,,:'.'lohc AIU' 1110\ In flUldl]l{(J, nl UIII I", tlnll'lY III lfobbll. vllllt.l"'f A'l"1\llIh . ~hool Ilbrury, Ol't 0 '1111' 1lI1111111 elo IIml RUldOllU, Ulcm on;~PI/rpor.o to [l(J~ up lIil ILt'ltlvI' !"Irnl nU\U'1I IlIr I'olllcrtmcc/l with chap·"Ilt tlcrvlt'C' Comlllltte.c', 01111'.'," \.1:," ,bl lhl' C.11l1l11t1f nrt' Mm Mnl'loll "")0')(' IIIINCfjled '" Flrll~ Aielf3petlU!l. ClllUlOlIIU \lemon l'elty, In~!rtK1tllll'1J'IJJ.d_'CRl/rMJtL-91r9JIB!L~"'VlfJt' ltJ mllllul y 111mIll"", nub ,I 1.111,,1 1Jr("lrllmmI1l8, or scheduledO<:rtbllrr, h4"rvWc ltJ //lllnary lluIII· I Ill'," IIL~lrl/llUOl1, IAlOUl~ contact.Ilcli Challlll~/l M'II Jlll'k 8111LII, 11lIru'II AUll111l III Uw.cap ttm are­tlrllL AId LWrv.c;cn .'halr/lln/l, Urlh nr M'" Jllck 6P11t1 '""U RUldollO,$Mdl!'r. ut'n.'1tarrr a 11'11 ('11111'\('11 In P'lrll~ Aid WIU be·

. nIl' 'olloWltI1l "IVIl kallNII wI'rn Illl' 10 be' r,clwdulod 111 Novomber"MppOlllIC"d 10 \Jar I" Atl <:«nnIllIUt'C': 'I II" IlCtllllll In UIO Llnooln CouIl"y,31m ltdl. In, WIIII'I "nlrty 111...10/(" (,hllJ11N llrl' working on a at.tfeuy&or, WaY/l.' l';mc.n, 1111111111' Ulll"', \llll/n\c'c'r bl\lllll, "Irough lJlO AUUoo.Dub Wllllamo, ('lvlI dl'lalll\(l, D M 111('",. 01 tho American ned (.'rON',4S1ml1\Jl. 1nC'dlcal cul\'I:.or. Wllr rim 10 lull luulhclp Itl any local d1uu\.ctr1Uft1;OrJ. pollOO dl'JllIrtml'llt nHt 1':cl or "",,,nl/nUy mrvlctt. '

" , "" '-:!:Ii -"'""" _


Make Us Prove "Mirro-Sheen ..is the Key to Your Success."

, ,

-r ;,



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