Energy Manipulation Guide

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  • 8/20/2019 Energy Manipulation Guide


    As you begin to explore the metaphysical world you will find your own ways, here I provide the basic understandings. Use these as your bread and butter. Bewareof what you might find.

     Everyone needs to begin somewhere with their training. It is customary to learnEnergy Manipulation. When Learning Energy Manipulation you must build up 'strength' as you may put it. It's basically a mental muscle that needs to be trained and kept healthy. To strengthen this muscle you must USE it. People use their energy subconsciously all the time. The only thing that they don't realize is that is the minimum of strength they need, so their 'Mental Muscle' stays the same size most of their life. Before you start with techniques, you must do what my teachers at school call Skill Builders. You must learn some skills that are used within the technique. You can't do a technique if there are components that are out of your skill level.At least, not successfully.

    So first 'Skill Builder' will be gathering some energy. I'm going to try to explain this part as much as possible without spoon feeding it to you so that your b

    ody doesn't think that only this way works. To Begin to gather energy, we are first going to relax and clear the mind. You want to clear your mind and be focused on the task at hand. Get rid of all the 'Omagawd Im a Dbz character', 'Energy is real, KEWL!' 'I wonder what Tim is doing with Gloria' from your system. Then when you have a focused mind begin to move on. We are going to utilize visualization in moderation. (VIM) when using VIM youneed to first get a clear picture of what you want to happen. In this case you want to get a picture of energy coming into your body, some way, somehow. 

    *Our Piccolo Doing Our Clearing of the Mind* When you get that clear picture of

    what you want to happen, then you actually send the order to make it happen. Some accomplish this by pushing your intent onto the picture and will it into existence. Other's 'give a command' by speaking inside their mind or aloud. So, whatyou want to happen is you want to draw energy in. This is also a way to focus and move energy from place to place. Now that we can gather energy, try to gather a decent amount of energy into your body. (A decent amount is where you feel a whacky change in your body i.e. Heat, Tingles, Fuzzies, Butterflies) After this, use the energy control technique to move energy to your hands. 

    So you would probably want an image similar to this in your head, but the visualization is just like a creativity booster to help you implement this with your actually will power and intent. Now that you can move energy successfully in your body, now this is where people have the hardest time. They are uncertain and have doubts when they are manipulating energy outside the body. Well, at this point if you haven't already, pushall emotions aside. You do not need them. This is harder than it sounds, but with self-control you can ignore your emotions. Now, continue on as if you had been

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     doing this in your body. Push the energy between your hands, and form it into a sphere. This sphere can be hallow and filling up with energy, or full and being condensed with energy. It's up to how you decide to form the energy ball.

    The energy needs to be either pictured and willed, or just be a boss and straight up will that little thing right into existence. After you have your energy sphere, you can maintain it by condensing it and forming a 'shell' where you program the outer layers of energy to contain the inner layers. Therefore you have now successfully created the Versatile Energy Ball.

    Materials: All you need for this is an empty candle jar, the kind of glass jar that the dollar candles come in from dollar general with a rubber sealed glass cap. It is very very important that the jar is glass but not so much that you have the cap.It does not have to be specifically this kind of jar but it has to be glass. Step one: the storing This is a very very simple technique, it is one step. First make you Chi/Ki/ or Psi ball. Then push that ball into the jar, you can keep repeating this if you

    are a beginner or if you have some experience you can hold a steady stream intothe jar, Sub step 1.1: Making a cap. If you do not have the glass cap to your jar. Push all of your negative energyinto a ball between your hands. Mold this into a cork or cap or anything you want that will seal the jar this will prevent the energy from leaking out. The intro: You do not have to be a psi vamp or vampire to do this, it is for quick energy boosts or when you need energy for a bigger Chi ball. It also goes in accordance

     with my article "How to: Store energy" Step one: Finding what you want to drain This can be anything, a person, a plant, TV etc. or like in my other article the energy you stored in the jar. Step two: the drain. . First get focused, then get your object and see the energy flowing into your hands of the object, just imagine light flowing from the object. Sub step 1.1: the feeling.

     You should be able to feel a rush into your hands or cold refreshing water going into your body. If you have a friend or a few friends come over this can be fun. First everyone get grounded and centered. Next make a dense Chi/ki ball for this lesson I will call it chi. Program this chi ball not to dissipate in the air and to be easily felt by others. Make a nice, dense, thick shell made out of negative energyaround the ball; this will be like a coating of water proof paint on a wood boat. When you get ready to pass the ball to your friends make sure your breathing

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    is paced and put extra emphasis on the breath when you expel the ball. This game has been proven to be fun around me and my friends. So go ahead grab a chi ball and get "active"!Energy Manipulation lesson 2: Sticky ball. This is an individual technique with the focus on letting go of your Chi/ki/psiball and picking it back up, orientating yourself on knowing what condensed energy feels like. Step one: Relaxation Relax, if you are a beginner this part is crucial if you are able to make a Chiball without meditation then make one now. Step two: Density In this step focus on making your energy ball dense and compact. To do this you do not want to let your hands move apart on the exhale when the energy is projected from your body, but instead let the Chi collect and get heavy and compact between your hands. Step three: The Shell This may be the most important step, as it will prevent your Chi ball from dissi

    pating in midair, or not sticking where you want it to. Start by imagining a led coating wrapping itself around the ball and program the shell, yes I said program the shell, this is actually very important. Program the shell to keep the energy inside from dissipating, along with this you must feel the shell being sticky along with seeing it and imagine it being sticky. Step four: The release. What seems easiest for me personally to do is on your exhale push as much energy out as you can but do not release too much. Prolong your exhale and when you release the energy you should feel it. Your hands will shake a bit and it will feel like water is coming out of your hands. 

    Step five: retrieve. This is the simplest step because all you have to do is go to the location thatyou threw your Chi ball at and go pick it up off the wall, cabinet, etc. You should feel a connection when pulling it off. Sub step 5.1: Centering After this you may want to center and ground yourself as well as draw some energy from the cosmos This has been requested and I stated that I will experiment, on making plasma.This is the first article of the series I will be making. For those of you who d

    o not know plasma is the 4th of 6 states of matter: Solid, liquid, gas, plasma,liquid crystal, and Bose-Einstien condensate. I will not describe the others but for master cyrokinetics ;) Boes-Einstien condensate is created at 0 degrees Kelvin which is as cold as it gets. Plasma is an ion-soup. Step one: Get into a meditative state, just slow your mind and get focused on seeing the electricity jolting through your body. See the center of this electricity in your dan tien. Do this until you can feel you fingers tingling and spasaming from

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    the electricity, this will be very obvious as a sign that you have reached a good state to begin the basics of electrokinesis. Step two: Do something similar to the above step but visualize large jolts of electricityshooting down your arms and into your hands. Instead of seeing that blue ball of electricity focused in your chest see it being split in two and the energy carried by bolts of electricity which stop in your palms and start creating a massof electricity. This will help you get the energy prepared to be released so it is not as far from its source. Think of how electricity is carried along powerlines from the generator. Step three: Stay focusing on these centers but push as much energy as you can into this. Take about five minutes if pulling all of your energy into these. Begin expelling the electricity into a ball between your hands, when doing this visualizes it coming out in big jolts. Take about three minutes focusing on this until you can feel the intense static. Step four: This is the final step which happens to be the key. Once you can feel the elect

    ricity between your hands, see it spinning faster and faster, see the air beingpulled in and the air between your hands vibrating faster and faster. Mix the electricity with ki and see it spinning very fast. Focus on this air vibrating ever faster, getting hotter and hotter. Now in your mind slam all of this energytogether like a big particle accelerator. Smash all the electricity air and kitogether see it exploding in blue plasma. Then slow it down let it hover out in the air a bit and again pull it all together extremely fast, see the energy imploding and compressing. All this time see it spinning faster and faster and hotter and hotter. Now this is a very advanced tech as you are making a lot of heat and electricity this has been tested with a few of my friends who are very advanced in electroand it took them about three hours. So for beginners don't be upset if it takes

     a week or two to feel any heat or see anything remember this is very hard.

    Biokinesis Biokinesis is the promotion of cell growth, cell repair, modifying cells, changing cell format, and healing and doing all of these before on other people. When you do Biokinesis you may experience weird feelings, experiences, and all s

    orts of other things. This is normal; you are re-arranging your body and its components. Some techniques are expected to have weirder feelings then others like when fixing a bone the whole thing must move back in place, but changing eye color will not be as intense. Level one ability. (Minor cut healing) DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, IF, AND, OR BUT GO AND GIVE YOURSELF A LITTLE CUT FOR THIS. 

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    This is only for real purposes, if you accidently cut yourself, DO NOT CUT YOURSELF TO TRY THIS TECHNIQUE. 1.) Obviously locate the inflicted area, see how deep and wide it is this will help you determine the time and number of reps required. 2.) Build Chi, ki, Qi, whatever you call it in the hand that is easiest to reach the area, (for some injuries like on the back or back of upper thigh where youcannot see the cut, just flow the energy there) let this energy flow into the area visualize the cells going from broken, shriveled up, and cut to plump, filled and healthy. 3.) Once you have repaired the flesh see the skin reaching across the cut and merging with the other side visualize it, see it feel the skin healing. Congrats minor cut Healed! Level one ability (Pain block) This is more of a mental thing instead of physical. 1.) Make a wall of energy between the area and the rest of your body ex. If youhave a pain in your hand visualizes the wall near your wrist. 

    2.) In your mind make your subconcious realize pain is just an electric signal to my brain, I can stop the signal. Visualize the nerves stop firing try to feelthe pain go away force the pain to stop. 3.) This technique is not for major pains like breaking your back just things like you hurt your wrist when you fell or jammed your toe. Learn these two simple abilities before continuing to level two. Yes they are few and simple but master these, be able to do them quickly without much practice. Take a week or two to learn these and master them.

    What is aerokinesis? Aerokinesis is nothing but the manipulation of wind or having control over it to some extent. Newbies dont get carried away. If you think that you can make a storm or something, without much practice, well youre wrong. Only very advanced aerokinetics can summon a lot of wind. So, in this article I shall tell you a very basic tech on how to fuse your chi or psi with the wind. The technique Ok, before we proceed, it might be beneficial if you know at least the basics of

     energy manipulation since all kinesis are nothing but energy manipulation. In order to control wind, you must first be aware of it. If you like, meditate and do whatever you need to relax. When youre ready, follow this technique: 1) Sit down in a quiet room. Close the windows. This small tech will require very little air. 2) Next, close your eyes and imagine yourself flying like a bird in the sky. Then, visualize the air as a cloud of white energy. Visualize it around you. Hold out your hands and imagine the energy as a stream breaking apart. Then, visualize

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     it forming 3 chains which clamp down on each of your hands. Keep on visualizing this and after a little while, you might feel a heaviness and coolness on yourpalms. 3) Imagine the connection growing stronger and air circulating throughout your body. Raise your palms and you should feel little air on your palms. This means you are doing it right. This shouldnt take you long to master. I got it on the first try. If you dont get it, dont worry Just keep on trying. Once you have mastered this, move on. 4) Ok, now its energizing time. Charge yourself with energy using whatever technique you wish. Then, make it come out of your body, mainly from your palm. Then,visualize it mixing with the air. This is your chi. Feel it mixing with the wind and feel yourself becoming one with the wind. Just remind yourself that the wind is now your chi and that you can move it as easily as you can move your own chi. Will the wind to come to you. You will know that you did this right when youfeel some air around your fingers and when you stop thinking about it, it will dissipate. This might take some practice.

    So, this is similar to a psi ball except we are going to fuse the psi with the air. Thats why it is important that you perfect the tech which I gave in my previo

    us article. Here, use whatever technique you wish to absorb energy. Then, form a psi ball (read my article if you cant make a psi ball). Make it as strong as possible. Then, visualize the psi ball spinning in your hand. Imagine it spinning faster and faster and as it spins, visualize it sucking air into it like a vortex or something or imagine the rotating earth attracting objects into its orbit. Whatever technique you use, make sure that air is being sucked into the psi ball. Keep this up for a few minutes. Now, imagine the air fusing with the psi completely. Then, imagine the air ball floating and smashing into your face. If you feel air on your face while doing this, then congratulations, you have made the air ball. This will take some practice though. I will post more techs later.


    Quartz crystal is one of the most well-known crystals in the world. It can comein many different colors and shapes, and I will be concentrating on shapes in this article. Point A crystal with a single point can be pointed away from the body to draw off unwanted energy. Pointed towards the body, it aids in taking in energy. Double-termination This crystal has points at both ends, and absorbs/channels energy at both ends simultaneously, and is a stone of balance.

     Cluster This has many points. They are especially useful for cleansing. Geode This is hollow with crystals inside. On the outside, it may appear as a normal rock. Geodes hold and d amplify energy. They assist in breaking addictions. 

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    Ball Best known for crystal balls, these emit energy in all direction equally and can move energy through time. Square A square shape, these are good for anything when anchoring and grounding are needed. Cathedral Quartz This is shaped like a Cathedral, they are usually very large, and when meditated with, can allow you access to the Akashic Records. It is believed they make themselves known every two thousand years to aid the evolution of consciousness.

    For millennia, crystals have been used for healing through vibrations and resonance. They are still used today. One way crystals heal is through the minerals they contain. For example Malachite contains copper, which is good for aching joints and muscles. Placed on the area, tiny amounts of copper are absorbed. Crystals are safe because they administer tiny vibrational doses that would be harmful in large amounts. Crystals are Piezoelectric, meaning that when they are compressed they give out

    electricity and sometimes light. It is used to create ultrasound. A tightly focused beam of ultrasound can cauterize wounds deep within the body and blast apart tumors. Rotating a crystal point on the skin causes compression, and a focusedbeam is released to the organ below, so to heal rotate on the appropriate place. Please be careful which crystals you use as some have opposite effects and can therefore cancel each other out.

    Crystal lesson  Scrying. Scrying is the art of seeing the future, past or present in an object. It is anart in itself, but can easily be done with crystals (as I do) which is why I post it.

     Scrying will show you images, which usually must be decoded like dreams. They are rarely exactly as they appear. Crystals, mirrors, even bowls have water have been used. Crystals are the traditional Scrying tool. To scry, one must first choose their crystal. Any will do if you have no choice, but it is best to use one suited for Scrying if possible. Ball-shaped Quartz is good (hence the term crystal ball), as spherical crystals have the reputation ofbeing a window in time. Anyone can tap into this amazing power. 

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    First, lower the lighting. This makes it easier to see as you will not be blinded by bright lights. This goes for darkness also; you want to be able to see still. Think of what you want to see, and gaze steadily into the crystal. Do not stare, but do not let your eyes go completely crossed. You will see a thin grey mist appear, possibly throughout the whole crystal, likely throughout just a portion. This is your cue to concentrate harder, while relaxing your eyes. The mist will fade, and images will start to appear. They may be symbolic for you, they may be exact. It varies person to person. These images can change fast, so have someone to write down what you see by youspeaking aloud, or record yourself speaking. If you have a good memory though, you can just remember. Scrying is an ancient way of foretelling the future and revisiting the past. Please be careful and do not strain your eyes. (If you do, you cannot hold me legally responsible)


     This is cleansing the crystal, and removing any bad or foreign vibrations and energy from it. To do this, you have quite a range of options. If you have a smudge stick or incense, you can simply pass it through a few times. You can hold itin clean running water such as a spring, or pass it through a candle flame a few times. Dedication This is ensuring that your crystal works for the best of all concerned; if you have a religion you are dedicated to you may have some ideas here. The aim is todedicate the crystal to helping others and yourself in positive ways, your words and thoughts shaping the outcome of your crystal workings.

     A basic outline of something to do is: Sit and get in tune with your crystal. When you feel it is right, speak to your crystal. Here is an example of what to say, but you are encouraged to create yourown. I dedicate this crystal to the highest good of all. May it be used in light and love. Programming This is not always essential but can be very useful in focusing a crystal toward

    s the desired goal. To program your crystal, hold it and consider the purpose for which you intend to use it. Be very specific. When you have formulated your program, attune to the crystal. Ensure that this is exactly the right program to use and say out loud: I program this crystal for [your purpose]. You may need to repeat the programming several times.

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    The first thing when starting is to be calm. Meditation is not as necessary with telepathy.

    First thing to learn with telepathy is to get into your own mind. Sit or lie down on a bed. Close your eyes for a few second then imagine a tunnel with a pulse or wave going towards you. Hold this for about 10 seconds on your first go. Then enter the tunnel. The tunnel can be any color. When you go through after a few seconds you should see somewhere. Like for one of my friends mind I saw a garden and one other person a beach. This place is somewhere they have seen ether on TV or in real life.

    You can walk around it but it can be hard at first explore the mind and you will see more memories. The sky should represent emotions and the whole atmosphereshould represent how you felt at that memory.

    You can find more details about yourself if you search around a bit. Past lives, elements and other information can be found. This method may only work for some people as I and people I am teaching are theones that have tried it.

    . The first thing when starting is to be calm. Meditation is not as necessary w

    ith telepathy. First thing to learn with telepathy is to get into your own mind the others. Sit or lie down on a bed for the first time. Close your eyes for a few second then imagine a tunnel with a pulse or wave going towards you. Hold this for about 10 seconds on your first go. Then enter the tunnel. The tunnel can be any color.When you go through after a few seconds you should see somewhere. This place issomewhere they have seen ether memories, relates to their life or in real life. This is one of the main stages for any telepathy tech taught by me. Telepathy lesson 2 

    Thoughts First you must have learnt lesson 1. First you will need to do that tech then do this. So when you have made the connection and youre in the mind of the person focus. You will see a memory but this time concentrate on what the person is thinking. Relax and dont put any pressure on yourself. You will see or hear words and numbers. These can be very hard to pick up. The easiest way is to see them. Wait and watch. Numbers are more likely to appear before you. Keep focusing and push all thoughts from your mind and suggestions back. Let them appear and hold them there by thinking about it.

    Lets start with a simple saying that dont really involve the topic but is my favorite saying ever made.

    Mind over Matter This saying is actually quite famous but how it was originally made for I thinkis only a little bit of what it means. It affects everything we do and say. Would you rather have a soul or physical body? In many peoples opinion their soul.

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    The mind is more precious than their body as the body will die but the mind or soul will live on. I will go more into detail about this another time. 

    Songs, Chants and Words that give power. 

    This is something I stumbled upon a few months ago. I heard something whisper in my ear a chant. How stupid I was I repeated what it said. This gave me a subconscious intent. It was like a chant and it had a tune too. This chant made my leg open up. It would not stop bleeding for 10 minutes. Force craft includes words that help give the intent.All through history spells are famious. They were used by witches and wizards through every religions and cultures. Many languages use them Latin, French, Japanese, Arabic, English, Chinese and so on. Many seem to work but much sceptisism is put towards them. Lembranca Do Senhor Do Bonfim Da Bahia A voodoo spell in Portuguese I believe. In words and it works. It is written on

    bracelets for good luck.

    Talking to people and enchanting them with words. 

    This is not just the metaphysical. What you say to people probably can enchant people better then spells and chants. Like saying someone looks nice today can make them feel differently about you. If you say someone has nice hair today theywill care for it more and like you more. Its like a halo effect as sociologists call it. 

    Words that make you feel things Chants, sentences and words can make you feel things. Some words you can feel have power. These words you may be cautious of due to caution over what they may do. Other words will make you positive. These are affecting your subconscious I believe. 


    Probably the most effective control that can be done with words. This affects your subconscious and mind creating suggestion. Resisting it can be easier than you think many people are immune because they resist it naturally. Its an amazing thing to study and be able to do. All done by the words you use and the tone of voice. Even the government, spies and the CIA use it.

    Also dangerous and in the past been reported to have been used to commit murderers, assassinations and many other things. Words are amazing. Love them or hate them they are there and all hold power to b

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    e unlocked.

    This is the ability is the ability to see the past of an object. This can be done just by touching or it or looking at it. This can be a very useful ability but not the easiest ether. I find the people who are best at it are the ones who are born with the ability to do it. This is not too well known as ability but many it will be one day. The word psychometry comes from an American physician and Professor Joseph Rhodes Buchanan in 1842. Joseph worked with his student which he taught by giving them drugs in a glass and asking each person to work out which drug was which justby holding the glass. Due to their accuracy which he highlighted in his book 'Journal of Man' He says objects have souls and remember things. Well I believe objects dont have souls but they do retain memory. This ability works usually by as you touch an object you leave behind energy signature whether it is emotions thoughts or what the object has been through and then the reader will pick these up later whole using psychometry Psychics today sometimes use this ability to connect more with their client. Usually they do this using an object the client is wearing, holding e.g. clothes and jewelry. Family heirlooms would be the best as they would hold the most history for the psychic to use. 

    How to use this ability I use a smile method mostly when using this ability. What I do is when holding or looking at an object I read its energy. Basically focus on the object. This is a hard ability so it will take time. I get it naturally and usually in flash like visions in which I can slow down. 

    Famous psychometric The most well-known psychometric I can think of is Gerald Croiset who was a psychic born in Holland, 1909. In 1949 he was asked by the police to use his abiliti

    es to find the impressions left on a sealed box. He was able to tell them the box had in it a blood stained shoe and also who was murdered and who was the murderer. Later the police found and confirmed Gerald was right and went on to help the police in many other cases till his death in 1980.

    This ability is still used by the police today in some cases