Engels op Niveau B1 Workshops – Spreken · 2009-12-11 · presentatie op je werk. Presentatievaardigheden Een goed verhaal Het begint met een goed verhaal. Je moet weten waar je

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Page 1: Engels op Niveau B1 Workshops – Spreken · 2009-12-11 · presentatie op je werk. Presentatievaardigheden Een goed verhaal Het begint met een goed verhaal. Je moet weten waar je
Page 2: Engels op Niveau B1 Workshops – Spreken · 2009-12-11 · presentatie op je werk. Presentatievaardigheden Een goed verhaal Het begint met een goed verhaal. Je moet weten waar je

Engels op Niveau B1 Workshops – Spreken

1 © Instruct b.v.

B1 Spreken




In deze workshop gaan we aan de slag met spreken. Veel mensen vinden spreken moeilijker dan lezen en luisteren. Dat is logisch; je moet nu immers zelf alle woorden bedenken en de grammatica goed toepassen.

In welke situatie je je bevindt en wat je moet vertellen maakt ook heel veel uit. Een gesprek op vakantie is nu eenmaal een stuk makkelijker dan een formele presentatie op je werk.


Een goed verhaal Het begint met een goed verhaal. Je moet weten waar je over praat en alles op een logische en duidelijke manier vertellen. Dat moet je voorbereiden. Verdiep je in het onderwerp, kies goed uit wat je wel en niet gaat vertellen en zet alles in een goede volgorde.


• inleiding • kern • slot

Tekststructuur Heeft je verhaal een begin, midden en een einde? Let erop dat je niet met de deur in huis valt, dat je middenstuk duidelijk en compleet is en dat je de afronding niet vergeet.

Enkele woorden en zinnen:


Welcome to ….

My name is...

Today I am going to talk about...

I will tell you...


Thank you for listening...

Do you have any questions?

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2 © Instruct b.v.

Verbindingswoorden helpen je om de structuur van je verhaal duidelijk te maken. Hieronder vind je een lijst met Engelse verbindingswoorden en structuuraanduiders.

first eerst

next daarna, toen

then daarna, toen

after that daarna

also ook

finally tenslotte

because omdat

why waarom

so dus

Spreektempo Praat je tijdens een presentatie niet te snel? Tijdens een presentatie moet je langzamer praten dan in een gesprek. Voor jezelf is het ook makkelijker als je langzamer praat. Je maakt dan minder snel fouten met de uitspraak.

Volume Praat je hard genoeg? Let er eens op of vraag iemand anders om eens kritisch naar je te luisteren. Het kan ook goed zijn om je volume, intonatie en spreektempo te variëren.

Non-verbale elementen Let eens op je houding en lichaamstaal. Ga rechtop staan, zo kom je zelfverzekerd over. Sta je heel stil of ben je juist heel beweeglijk? Wat doe je met je handen? Je moet niet te stil staan (statisch noemen we dat), maar al te nerveus heen en weer lopen is ook niet goed.

Contact Kijk de zaal in. Laat je blik niet vooraan hangen. Als je dat doet laat je zien dat je aandacht hebt voor al je publiek. Kun je contact houden met je publiek? Hoe doe je dat? Durf je in het Engels een vraag te stellen om je publiek alert te houden?

Enkele voorbeeldzinnen:

What do you think of this matter?

What would you do?

Has something like this happened to you?

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Can you give me an example of ...?

Can you tell me about a time when you...?

Woordenschat Heb je een goede basiswoordenschat in het Engels? Ken je de woorden die bij dat onderwerp horen? Nee? Zoek dan de belangrijkste woorden op die bij jouw onderwerp horen. Op B1 niveau wordt er al aardig wat van je verwacht m.b.t. woordenschat. Controleer of je die woordenschat beheerst. Zie hiervoor de zelftesten woordenschat B1.

Grammatica Weet je de woorden wel, maar vind je het moeilijk om zinnen te maken? Ga dan eens na of je aan bepaalde grammaticaonderdelen moet werken. Je zou hiervoor de zelftesten Grammatica kunnen doen.

Uitspraak Hoe klink je als je Engels spreekt? Klinkt het allemaal heel erg Nederlands? Een accent mag op niveau B1, maar probeer de woorden wel zo goed mogelijk op een Engelse manier uit te spreken. Wanneer je een woord verkeerd uitspreekt, kan dit tot spraakverwarring leiden.

Tot slot Probeer eens voor jezelf na te gaan welke van deze elementen je wel en niet beheerst. Om beter te worden in spreken moet je gewoon heel veel oefenen. Let op de zaken die we hierboven besproken hebben, maar niet op allemaal tegelijk. Kies één of twee aspecten uit om mee aan de slag te gaan en op te letten. Foute zinnen Hieronder geven we je een lijst van foute zinnen; echte beginnersfouten.

My presentation is going about…

That was it (aan het einde van je verhaal).

Then we also have…

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4 © Instruct b.v.



Inleiding 1. Vertel waar je rapport over gaat en waarom je dit vertelt.

I am going to tell you...

I am going to inform you about...

This report is about

We thought it would be a good idea to tell you this, because...

Kern 2. Vertel stap voor stap wat je gedaan hebt. Doe dit in chronologische volgorde.

First, we...

Then, we...

Later we decided to...

Next, we had to...

Finally, we could...

Slot 3. Sluit af met een samenvatting.

Today, we talked about...

We showed you that...

We informed you about

We hope that the information was clear/useful etc.

Voorstel of advies

Voorstel of advies

Inleiding • Geef aan wat het onderwerp van je verhaal is.

Today I would like to talk about…

• Leg duidelijk en gedetailleerd uit wat je voorstelt.

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5 © Instruct b.v.

Kern • Doe dit stap voor stap en gebruik illustraties als dat mogelijk is.

I am going to show you that…

…it would be a good idea to…

…we could improve … by…

This problem can be solved by…

I think we should…

Slot • Sluit af met nog één overtuigende zin. Zeg nog één keer waarom jouw voorstel zo goed is.

So, if we want to… we really should/have to…

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Toelichting reisschema en toeristische informatie

Toelichting reisschema en toeristische informatie

Inleiding 1. Vertel waar je verhaal over gaat en waarom je het gaat vertellen aan deze mensen.

I am going to tell you...

I will explain to you...

Today we are going to...


2. Leg stap voor stap uit wat jullie gaan doen en zien. Zet tijden, adressen en data e.d. op papier en deel deze informatie na je presentatie uit.

At 9 AM everyone should be present at…

We will leave at…

First, we are going to…

Forms should be handed in before …

You will find the … interesting.

• Weet je nog hoe je tijden en data uitspreekt? Zo niet, zoek het dan nog een keer op in de workshop A1 Gesprekken.

Slot 3. Vraag of er nog vragen zijn en sluit netjes af.

Do you have any questions?

Is everything clear to you?

Is there anything else you would like to know?

Tip Zorg ook voor een kaart en illustraties. Dat maakt je verhaal duidelijker en aantrekkelijker.

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Een toespraak houden

Een toespraak (borrel, jubileum, bruiloft, etc.)

Inleiding 1. Vertel wat de reden van het feestje is.

Today we are celebrating…

We are here because…

Today is a special day, because…

Kern 2. Vertel iets leuks of aardigs over de persoon waar het over gaat. Een anekdote doet het altijd goed.

Slot 3. Sluit af met een samenvatting en verwijs nog een keer naar de reden van het feest. Feliciteer de jubilaris/jarige. Geef eventueel het cadeau dat je meegebracht hebt of dat je zou overhandigen namens iedereen.

Peter, I congratulate you on behalf of the whole team.

Peter, we bought you a present. It is a… because we felt that….

I hope you like it.

We hope you will be with us for a long time.

4. Bedank voor de aandacht. Doe dat heel kort.

Thank you.

Tip Houd een toespraak kort! Twee tot drie minuten is voldoende. Bij een toespraak zoals dit mag je je tekst helemaal van tevoren opschrijven en tijdens je speech voorlezen. Zeker als je toespraak in het Engels is, is dat een aanrader.

Voorbeelden Luister en kijk naar speeches.

Het geluidsfragment en links naar filmpjes staan op www.instruct-online.nl

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Belangrijke zaken bij het geven van instructies: 1. Vertel alles stapsgewijs in dezelfde volgorde als je wilt dat de handelingen

uitgevoerd worden: • Step 1: Go to…. • First,… • then

2. Gebruik korte zinnen in de gebiedende wijs (doe dit, ga daarheen, ga nooit…):

Make sure

Go to



Turn left

Use the stairs

Do not use the elevator

3. Vermijd vaktaal en lange en minder bekende woorden. Omschrijf nieuwe

begrippen duidelijk. 4. Zorg ervoor dat je 100% zeker weet dat je de juiste woorden weet. Dit

houdt in dat je ook woorden op moet zoeken die je denkt te weten. 5. Houd je instructies kort. 6. Zorg voor logische overgangen. Een vuistregel is dat je eerst iets vertelt

over de hoofdzaak (of het geheel) voordat je de details bespreekt. Als je bijvoorbeeld moet uitleggen hoe een computerprogramma werkt, kun je eerst in vogelvlucht laten zien wat de mogelijkheden zijn. Daarna ga je in detail op de afzonderlijke functies in.

7. Laat zien (met illustraties of door het voor te doen) wat je bedoelt. 8. Praat niet te snel, wel hard genoeg en let erop dat je alles duidelijk

uitspreekt. 9. Vraag tussendoor of alles duidelijk is:

Is everything clear so far?

Any questions?

Do I make myself clear?

English is a foreign language to me, so please tell me if I am not making myself clear.

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9 © Instruct b.v.

10. Deel de informatie ook op papier uit. Gebruik op papier ook weer korte, heldere zinnen en illustraties.

11. Deel dit uit nadat je je verhaal verteld hebt, anders luisteren de mensen niet meer naar je maar gaan ze zitten bladeren en lezen.

12. Laat iemand anders je instructie lezen voordat je gaat presenteren.

Voor een instructiefilmpje, zie de link op www.instruct-online.nl

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B1 Workshops - Spreken



1 Telling a joke

Telling a joke may seem easy, but is it?

Number of persons: 4-6 Estimated time: 15-30 minutes

1. Find 10 different English jokes on the Internet. 2. Show them to your teacher for approval. 3. Practise telling the two you like the most. 4. Form a group of 4-6 people. 5. Take turns telling your jokes. 6. Afterwards answer these questions:

a. Was your audience amused? Why (not)? b. Did you tell it in the right way? What should you do differently? c. How did the others do? d. Who was the best? Why?

7. Put everything in your portfolio.

2 Free speech

Bijlage 1: Topics

This is your opportunity to be creative! This assignment is about doing, instead of only thinking.

Number of persons: 3 Estimated time: 15 minutes

1. Find two people to work with. You also need a timer or a stopwatch. 2. Download the list of topics. 3. Choose a topic. 4. One of you starts talking about this subject immediately and goes on

for 30 seconds. He/she tries not to stop. At the same time the other two write down the errors they hear.

5. Everyone does this (speaking or taking notes) taking turns. 6. Now you are going to do the same for a different topic. This time you

have to talk for one minute. 7. Repeat this procedure. Each time you add another 30 seconds. Who

breaks a record? 8. Afterwards, answer the following questions:

a. How did it go? b. How long did you talk? c. What does this assignment teach you? d. Should you do this more often?

9. Put everything in your portfolio.

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3 True or not true?

Number of persons: 3-4 Estimated time: 30-40 minutes

1. Find 2-3 classmates to work with. 2. Sit in a circle. 3. The idea is to tell each other both real and invented stories that

happened to you. 4. One of you tells a story. You can for example start with: “When I left

my house this morning....”, ”Last weekend…” 5. The story should take about four minutes. 6. You can use a timer. 7. The others listen to your story. They are not allowed to ask questions. 8. One of them takes notes on what you’re saying. 9. Another person pays special attention to mistakes you make

(grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary). He/she writes these down. 10. When a story has been told, everyone has to guess whether he/she

thinks this story is true. Don’t say it immediately, but write it down or remember it!

11. Swap roles. Keep doing this until everyone has told two stories and took notes.

12. The persons who took notes on the content (inhoud), give a summary (samenvatting) of the stories.

13. Time for the truth! Everyone tells whether he/she lied or told the truth. 14. Everyone counts the times he/she was right. Who wins? 15. Hand the feedback notes to the person you wrote them for. 16. Put the feedback you received in your portfolio.

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4 Advising a tourist

You are going to give advice to a tourist from Canada about what tourist attractions he should see in The Netherlands.

Number of persons: 3 Estimated time: 35-45 minutes

1. Find 2 classmates to work with. 2. Everyone in the group should prepare a 5-minute talk in which he/she

advises a tourist in the Netherlands. 3. Talk about the following:

a. How to move about using public transport b. How to rent a car/bike c. What are the nicest things to see in a city of your choice in the

Netherlands and why? d. What are the nicest things to do in a city of your choice in the

Netherlands and why? e. Recommend one or more restaurant(s) f. Is it easier to use public transport or is it easier to rent a car in

this city? Why? g. Where to park your car h. Etcetera (use your own ideas)

4. Write down a few key (not too many!) words for your talk. 5. Tell the people in your group what advice you would give a tourist from

Canada. 6. When you’re finished the people from your group write down a positive

and a negative comment on a piece of paper and hand this to you. 7. Repeat this until everyone has given a ‘speech’. 8. Now everyone is going to decide which of the three talks was the best

one. 9. Answer these questions:

a. Which talk had the best information? Provide examples of this. b. Which talk was the clearest and why? c. Which talk was told in the most enthusiastic way?

10. Put everything in your portfolio.

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5 Television soaps

You are going to give your opinion on television soaps.

Number of persons: 3 Estimated time: 30-35 minutes

1. Find 2 classmates to work with. 2. Everyone in the group should prepare a 5-minute talk to explain why

you love (or hate) television soaps. 3. Prepare the talk using the following ideas:

• Television soaps are nice to relax by. • Actors in television soaps are usually terrible. • The storyline in television soaps is always very interesting. • Television soaps on commercial tv channels are just a way to

sell advertising. • The situations in television soaps are extremely unreal. • Television soaps are a good way for young actors to become

famous and get bigger roles later on. • Etcetera (use your own ideas).

4. Write down a few key (not too many!) words for your talk. 5. Tell the people in your group why you love (or hate) television soaps. 6. Answer these questions afterwards:

a. Which talk was the most convincing? Repeat a few arguments.

b. Which talk was the clearest and why? c. Which talk was told in the most enthusiastic way?

7. Discuss which of the three talks was the best one. Do you agree? 8. Give a summary of your presentation. 9. Put everything in your portfolio.

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6 One sentence stories

Voor deze oefening heb je een Internet-aansluiting nodig.

Sometimes someone tells a whole story using just one sentence. This may be a very impressive story, too. Can you explain such a story in more detail?

Number of persons: 2 Estimated time: 20 minutes

1. Go to the following site: http://www.onesentence.org/ 2. Select 5 different one- sentence-stories. 3. Find a classmate to work with. 4. Read the five sentences you selected to your partner. 5. Ask him/her to explain to you what happened exactly for three of the

sentences. He/she should tell a more elaborate (uitgebreid) story. 6. Help your partner by asking questions like:

a. Who is this story about? b. How did this person/these person feel? c. What happened earlier? d. How does the story continue? e. Etc.

7. Afterwards, write down which of the three stories was the most impressive.

a. What was it about? b. What happened in the story? c. Why do you like this story the most?

8. Add your own story. 9. Put everything in your portfolio.

7 What are your ambitions?

Bijlage 2: Ambitions

Everybody has ambitions but what are yours?

Number of persons: 2 Estimated time: 25 minutes

1. Think of what your ambitions are. What would you like to achieve in your life? Write this down.

2. Take annex 2, “What are your ambitions?” and read it. Are there ambitions that correspond to your own?

3. Take some time to prepare a monologue about your ambitions. Use a dictionary to translate some words for example.

4. Find a classmate to tell your ambitions to. Make sure you tell and don’t read it!

5. He/she takes notes of what you say and writes down any mistakes he/she hears.

6. Swap roles. 7. Give each other feedback. 8. Compare your ambitions with the ambitions of your partner. Are they

the same/ completely different? 9. Put everything in your portfolio.

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1 Speech!

Bijlage 3: Judging a speech

Have you ever given a speech before? In English too? Well, you are going to give one now.

Number of persons: 6-8 Estimated time: 20-30 minutes

1. Make a list of occasions where a speech might be required, like a wedding, a funeral, your grandma’s 99th birthday, your colleagues anniversary, the christening of a boat, your inauguration as the president of the US, etc.

2. Write a short speech for one of these. Make sure the speech takes about 3 minutes by practising it.

3. Form a group of 6 to 8 people. 4. One by one you are going to give your speech in front of the group. 5. The others are going to listen to the speech and rate it. Take annex 3

and fill it in. 6. When everyone has given his/her speech, you are going to decide as

a group by voting (stemmen): a. Which speech was the most original? b. Which speech was delivered in the best way? c. Which speech was the best?

7. Put your speech and the comments of your fellow students in your portfolio.

2 A different way

Sometimes you think you know a better way of doing something. Can you convince your colleagues to do things your way?

Number of persons: 3-4 Estimated time: 30 minutes

1. Make a list of things that might be improved at your school or work. 2. Think of some improvements. 3. Prepare a short presentation on this. 4. Form a group of 3 or 4 people. 5. Present your idea to your team mates. 6. They are going to rate you on the following:

a. Is this a good idea? Why (not)? b. Did you tell it in a convincing way? c. Was everything clear? d. Do they have any tips for you?

7. They have to write their ideas down on a piece of paper and hand it to you after the presentation.

8. Everyone in your group is going to give their presentation. 9. Collect the notes your team mates took and put them in your

portfolio. 10. Put your presentation in your portfolio too.

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3 A film review

Number of persons: 4 Estimated time: 30 minutes

1. Think of a film you have recently seen. 2. What happened in the film (the plot)? 3. Did you like it? Why (not)? 4. You’re going to give a presentation (5 minutes) on this film. 5. You have two minutes to think about what you’re going to say. 6. You can bring a piece of paper but only with catchwords

(steekwoorden) on it. 7. Find 3 classmates to work with. 8. One by one you give your presentation. 9. Mind your body language. 10. After the four presentations, everyone makes up his/her mind about

which of these films he/she would like to see. 11. Write the title of this film down and explain why you’d like to see it. 12. Put your notes in your portfolio. 13. Discuss you preferences with your teammates. 14. Which film is the most popular? Why do you think this is the case?

4 A book review

Number of persons: 4 Estimated time: 30 minutes

1. Think of a book you have recently read. 2. What happened in the book (the plot)? 3. Did you like it? Why (not)? 4. You’re going to give a presentation (5 minutes) on this book. 5. You have two minutes to think about what you’re going to say. 6. You can bring a piece of paper but only with catchwords

(steekwoorden) on it. 7. Find 3 classmates to work with. 8. One by one you give your presentation. 9. Mind your body language. 10. After the four presentations, everyone makes up his/her mind about

which of these books he/she would like to read. 11. Write the title of this book down and explain why you’d like to read it. 12. Put your notes in your portfolio. 13. Discuss you preferences with your teammates. 14. Which book is the most popular? Why do you think this is the case?

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5 Rules of the game

Number of persons: 5 Estimated time: 35-40 minutes

1. Find 4 people to work with. 2. Prepare a 5-minute talk in which you are going to explain the rules of a

team sport of your choice to a group of people. 3. Prepare the talk using the following ideas:

a. Are you allowed to touch the ball with your hands/kick the ball?

b. How many players are there in a team? c. Is the coach allowed to switch players? If so, when and how

many? d. Does your sport work with yellow and/ or red cards, or other

sorts of penalties? e. Etcetera (use your own ideas).

4. If you don’t know that much about the sport you choose look for some information on the following websites:

a. Soccer: i. Soccer ii. Soccer2

b. Basketball: i. Basketball

c. Cricket: i. Cricket

d. Hockey i. Hockey ii. Hockey2

5. Write down a few key (not too many!) words for your talk. 6. Give a presentation on the rules of the sport chosen. 7. The audience (publiek) is going to evaluate your presentation on

paper. 8. They should answer these questions:

a. Did your talk succeed in explaining the rules of the sport clearly? Why (not)?

b. Was the talk well-structured? Why (not)? 9. They have to give a mark for: body language, eye contact, vocabulary,

grammar and pronunciation. 10. They should also give a compliment and a tip. 11. Evaluate your own presentation. What went well and what could be

improved? 12. Put your evaluation and the comments of your fellow students in your


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6 Stressed out!

Bijlage 4: Background information

Number of persons: 1 Estimated time: 20-25 minutes

1. One of the assignments for English is that you have to give a presentation about matters that occur in society.

2. Since a lot of your classmates suffer from stress – you have decided to give a talk about being stressed out.

3. Download the background information about stress and read it. 4. You could also surf to the sites below for additional information:

• http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/brothers/365794_joyce621.html • http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2008/jul/20/stressed-out-

teens-piling-plates-too-full/ • http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20322801

5. Your presentation has to include the following: a. introduction to the topic b. explanation of stress c. what stress does to your mind d. what stress does to your body e. examples of stress f. own experiences with stress g. how to deal with stress h. how stress can be avoided i. good closing line - this may be a conclusion or a resolution

(een voornemen) 6. You can bring a piece of paper but only with catchwords

(steekwoorden) on it. 7. Put your notes for the presentation in your portfolio.

7 Safety first

Do you know what to do in case of a fire? A gas leak? When someone faints? If someone has a heart attack?

Number of persons: 4-6 Estimated time: 30-40 minutes

1. Form a group of 4-6 people. 2. Make a list of safety procedures everyone at school and at work

should know. 3. Divide the group into pairs and divide the different emergencies. 4. Find out what people should do in case of this emergency. 5. Write a clear step by step instruction. Add illustrations. 6. Prepare a short presentation. Your presentation should above all be

clear! Your aim: people should know what to do (and what not to do) in these cases.

7. Give the presentation. Ask your teacher if he/she has time to listen as well.

8. Your listeners are going to take notes. At the end of your presentation they should be able to tell you what they have to do in case of an emergency. They should also be able to show you their notes.

a. Did they listen well?

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b. Did they get it right? c. Was your presentation clear to everyone?

9. Put everything in your portfolio.

8 Planning a school trip

Your school wants to organize a trip to Oxford in Great Britain. The students are asked for help in the form of a competition. The best idea wins. You decide to enter.

Number of persons: 4-6 Estimated time: 40-50 minutes

1. Start by writing down a list of things you need to do to prepare this. Think of things such as: transportation, a place to stay, things to see, indoor or outdoor activities. Use the internet for background information.

2. Prepare a presentation of your plans to some of your fellow students. You have to convince them of your ideas. You must also mention why you made these choices.

3. Form a group of 4 to 6 people. 4. One by one you present your school trip in front of the group

(maximum time: 5 minutes). Ask your teacher if he/she has time to listen as well.

5. Your listeners take notes, because afterwards they have to decide which idea for a school trip wins. They have to write down:

a. What your choices were b. Why you made these choices c. If anything was unclear to them d. If they have any tips for you

6. When everyone has given a presentation, everyone decides for himself/herself which idea for a school trip he/she prefers and why. Write this down.

7. Vote on whose idea is the best/most fun. 8. Put everything in your portfolio.

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Engels op Niveau B1 Workshops – Spreken – Bijlagen

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Bijlage 1: Topics

The United States Dream job Politics Sport events The ideal relationship Blunders Your favourite holiday Soccer

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Bijlage 2: Ambitions



July 2nd, 2002, 06:36 AM

How about writing an idea for a computer game? there's so many excellent games out there, but

personally, I think they're running out of ideas. people tend to concentrate more on books, but there's so

much more to writing than novels, although I have to agree, they are the best form and the most non-

restricting. but still, think about it and tell me, I really wanna know - has anybody done any work for the

movie (or TV) industry in the way of writing, or tried to write for anything else except books?


July 2nd, 2002, 10:57 AM

I've written a screenplay, but I am yet to send it off anywhere. Ii am told its even harder to get a script read

by a studio than a book in a publishers. So, I'm just going to send my manuscript to an agents. I have put

together a long list of the companies im going to send it to - lets just hope one of them takes some notice


I'm part way through a book as well. It will be my second completed novel, although I never really wanted

to get my first published so much. I think the one I am writing now has an excellent plot and fairly unique

style, sort of like j.d. salinger. Also, it isnt a fantasy novel, so appologies!




July 8th, 2002, 02:26 AM

My ambition is simply to see my work in print and know someone other than myself is enjoying it.


July 8th, 2002, 05:56 AM

I have very little ambitions. Basically, they are to get my book finished, and learn to slam dunk with a

basketball. Whoops, well, not exactly writing, but my book is very important to me.

I started out writing this book, in collaboration with a friend of mine, thinking that I will make it into a film.

Someday, when it is finished, I shall re-write it as a script, get mark de-cascos as my lead character, and

I'm off.

But that's about it. Writing is also helping my speech skills, and confidence. I will probably be able to write

great presentations for whoever I will be working for...


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Bijlage 3: Judging a speech

Judging a speech

1. What is the purpose of this speech? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Give a mark for:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 originality structure of the speech intelligibility (verstaanbaarheid) body language eye contact vocabulary grammar pronunciation

3. Give some tips. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Bijlage 4: Background information

Stressed out! It's four o'clock in the morning and your little baby brother won’t stop crying. Both of your parents are trying to keep him quiet. You hear them quietly telling the baby that they don't want him to wake you up. Too bad you've been up, you have been working on that English paper since midnight. You would've started earlier if you hadn't had to finish your report about your apprenticeship, hadn’t had to work out the minutes of the meeting of your volleyball association, and hadn’t had to organise a get together with your classmates before the summer break.

Not to mention the fact that your friends are all mad at each other over something stupid, and you seem to be the one trying to end the quarrel. Your (boy/girl) friend is angry at you because you have so little time to see him /her. He/ she wonders what your relationship is worth.Typing as quietly as you can so nobody will know you are awake, you start to think about just forgetting the paper and going to sleep. You stop typing and put your head on your desk thinking, “Why can't everything just go away...”

Everyone gets stressed out. It's a part of life; sometimes you've got too many things to do and not enough time to do it. Or maybe there's a lot of pressure on you to succeed. Or maybe it's something entirely different. Whatever it is, stress is one of the hardest things to cope with. When it feels like the whole world is on your shoulders, it's hard to think clearly. Hopefully you'll find a few helpful hints in this article so that you can deal with your workload and with stress.

1. Don't try and do too much! Soccer practice, band practice, karate, debate club, basketball practice, student government, violin lessons, piano lessons, drawing classes, driving lessons, being tutored, and of course, doing assignments. Does this look like your daily schedule? If so, it may be time to cut out a few activities. It's easy to be stressed when there's not enough time in the day to do everything. It doesn't mean you are less of a person; it means that there are only 24 hours in one day and it's not possible to fit all that stuff into it! If your schedule is turning out like this, find the things that you enjoy the most and stick with these. Even though you may enjoy the other things, you're probably not enjoying anything because you're so stressed out. It's better to stick with a few things then to try and do everything at once. If your main goal is to try and impress your school teachers, then you may be trying the wrong thing. School teachers like seeing students that are involved, however they also like to have their students alive by the time the school year ends! This also doesn't mean cut out everything from your schedule. Being a little busy isn't bad. Being so busy you can't sleep is!

2. Write it out! Sometimes we feel tons of stress but if we look at it logically, there really aren't that many things to do. Sometimes it can just feel that way. If you're feeling particularly stressed at one point, it may help to write down everything that is causing stress. Even the things that may seem less important at the time; may cause stress. Getting used to your professional training may be a big stress. But a (boy / girl) friend, mad at you, may be even a much bigger factor of stress. After writing everything down, you may notice that there weren't that many things that were causing stress. At the very least, you'll have a list of things that are causing stress. This way, you can go down the list and do everything in whatever order you please. It helps to just have one task instead of many.

3. When you feel out of control, stop. Stress can be a leading factor in drug abuse, alcohol abuse, self-injury, and more destructive behaviours. If it feels as though you can't deal with the stress, the best thing to do at that moment is just stop. Remove yourself from whatever environment you are in and find a new and safe one. Go outside and take a long walk. Move into a different room and watch TV. It’s also a good idea to meditate. The work will still be there when you get back from your little trip, and ten minutes to save yourself from doing something dangerous is definitely worth it.

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4. If it can't be done then it can't be done. If you physically and mentally have no way of completing a certain task, don't stress! Sometimes we schedule too many things into a certain time period and there simply isn't enough time to do everything. If this happens and you've tried to take note of the advice given in this article then it's okay not to complete everything. Even better, maybe even ask for help. Figure out what things are most important for you to do and do these first. If you can't do all the jobs then you're not a bad person. Learn your lesson from it and do your best to make a better plan next time.

Remember this!

It's important to note that you are allowed to have stress, even if you think other people can deal with it better. Everyone stresses about different things; what may be a huge problem for you may not be for someone else. However that doesn't mean it's not important. If your friend just got kicked out of the house and you’re stressing about finishing your homework, that's okay. Your stress and your problems are just as important as someone else's.