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  • BDA 30803 - Mechanical Engineering Design (Lecture Slides)

    Semester I 2012 / 2013


    Course Coordinator : MR. MOHD AZWIR BIN AZLAN

    Lecturer :

    1) Mr. Mohd Azwir bin Azlan (S1, S3 & S6) 2) Dr. Sia Chee Kiong (S2 & S7) 3) Ms. Norwahdah binti Rahmat (S4) 4) Mr. Helmy bin Mustafa El-Bakri (S5)

  • Lampiran A

    RPP-04 / Prosedur Perlaksanaan Kuliah Edisi: 3 / No. Semakan: 0




    : I / 2012 - 2013


    : BDA 30803 / BDA 3083





    Aktiviti Pembelajaran (Learning Activity)

    Minggu (Week)

    Jam / Minggu (Hours / Week)

    Bilangan Jam / Semester

    (Hours / Semester) Kuliah (Lecture) 14 3 42 Tutorial (Tutorial) 0 0 0 Amali (Practical) 0 0 0 Pembelajaran Kendiri (Independent Study) 14 3 42 Lain-lain (Others) 1. Projek (Project)

    2. Tugasan (Assignment)

    32 4


    Matapelajaran Pra-syarat (Pre requisite courses) : BDA 1023 Statik / Statics

    BDA 2013 Dinamik / Dynamics BDA 3033 Mekanik Pepejal II / Solid Mechanics II

    BDA 2042 Pemilihan Bahan / Material Selection Nama Pensyarah (Lecturers name)

    : Mr. Mohd Azwir Azlan (S1, S3 & S6) - coordinator Dr. Sia Chee Kiong (S2 & S7) Mr. Helmy bin Mustafa El-Bakri (S5)

    Ms. Norwahdah binti Rahmat (S4) Disediakan oleh (Prepared by) : Tandatangan (Signature) : Nama (Name) : MOHD AZWIR BIN AZLAN Tarikh (Date) : 18 July 2012

    Disahkan oleh (Approved by) : Tandatangan (Signature) : Nama (Name) : Dr. NUR AZAM

    BADARULZAMAN Tarikh (Date) : 19 July 2012



  • Lampiran A

    RPP-04 / Prosedur Perlaksanaan Kuliah Edisi: 3 / No. Semakan: 0


    Matlamat kursus ini adalah untuk menyediakan para pelajar dengan keupayaan untuk mengaplikasi, menganalisis dan merekabentuk komponen mesin yang lazim seperti, aci, galas, giar dan skru yang menekankan kepada kekuatan, ketegaran, kegagalan statik dan lesu. The goal of this course is to provide the student with the capability to apply, analyze and design of standard machine components such as shaft, bearing, gears and screws etc. which are emphasized on strength, rigidity, static and fatigue failure.


    Kursus ini terdiri daripada analisis, sintesis dan reka bentuk bagi komponen mekanikal asas dan kompleks iaitu galas, aci, giar, sambungan kekal dan tidak kekal, spring, skru dan pengikat dengan mengambil kira faktor kekuatan, ketegaran, keboleharapan serta kegagalan statik dan lesu.

    This course consists of analysis, synthesis and design basic and complex mechanical component i.e. bearings, shafts, gears, permanent and non permanent joining, springs, screw and fastener with consideration of strength, rigidity, reliability, static and fatigue failure.


    Di akhir kursus ini, pelajar dapat :

    Mengira faktor keselamatan dengan menggunakan teori-teori kegagalan statik dan lesu. (C3, LO1) Menganalisa beberapa komponen mesin (iaitu gear, aci dan galas) untuk berfungsi dalam satu sistem

    mekanikal atau mesin. (C4, LO1 & LO10) Mencari sumber maklumat yang paling sesuai bagi pemilihan komponen dalam projek reka bentuk.

    (A3, LO6) Menghasilkan model dan simulasi dengan menggunakan perisian kejuruteraan untuk pengesahan reka

    bentuk projek. (P4, LO2)

    After completing this course, the students are able to:

    Calculate factor of safety by using static and fatigue failure of theories. (C3, LO1) Analyze several machine component (i.e. gears, shafts and bearing) to function in one mechanical

    system or machine. (C4, LO1 & LO10) Seek for the most appropriate information source for component selection in the design project. (A3,

    LO6) Produce model and simulate by using engineering software for project design validation. (P4, LO2)






    (10th ~ 16th Sept 2012)



    1.1 Definasi Rekabentuk (Design Definition) 1.2 Rekabentuk Kejuruteraan Mekanikal (Mechanical Engineering Design) 1.3 Proses Rekabentuk (Design Process) 1.4 Sumber Rujukan dan Peralatan Rekabentuk (Design Tools and Resources)

  • Lampiran A

    RPP-04 / Prosedur Perlaksanaan Kuliah Edisi: 3 / No. Semakan: 0

    1.5 Tanggungjawab Professional Jurutera Rekabentuk (Design Engineers Professional Responsibilities) 1.6 Kod dan Piawaian (Standards and Codes) 1.7 Ekonomik (Economics)


    2.1 Kekuatan dan Kekerasan Bahan (Material Strength and Stiffness) 2.2 Keseimbangan dan GBB (Equilibrium and FBD) 2.3 Jenis-Jenis Daya (Types of Load) 2.4 Tegasan (Stress) 2.5 Prinsip Tegasan untuk Tegasan Satah (Principle Stress for Plane Stress) 2.6 Bulatan Mohr bagi Tegasan Satah (Mohrs Circle for aPlane Stress) 2.7 Asas Tegasan 3 Dimensi (General 3 Dimensional Stress) 2.8 Tegasan Tertabur Seragam (Uniformly Distributed Stresses) 2.9 Tegasan Normal pada Rasuk akibat Lenturan (Normal Stress for Beam in Bending) 2.10 Tegasan Ricih pada Rasuk akibat Lenturan (Shear Stress for Beam in Bending) 2.11 Kilasan (Torsion) 2.12 Penumpuan Tegasan (Stress Concentration)

    Ujian 1 (1st Test)


    (17th ~ 23rd Sept 2012)


    DESIGN FAILURE OF THEORIES) ---- (3 hours)

    3.1 Pengenalan (Introduction) 3.2 Kenapa Perlu Teori Kegagalan (Why Need Failure Theories) 3.3 Teori Kegagalan Statik (Static Failure Theories) 3.4 Teori Tegasan Ricih Maksimum (Maximum Shear Stress Theory) 3.5 Teori Tenaga Herotan (Distortion Energy Theory) 3.6 Teori Column-Mohr (Column-Mohr Theory) 3.7 Teori Tegasan Normal Maksimum (Maximum Normal Stress Theory) 3.8 Teori Pengubahsuaian Column-Mohr (Modification of Mohr Theory)

    Tugasan 1 (1st Assignment), Ujian 1 (1st Test)

    W3 & W4

    (24th Sept ~

    7th Oct 2012)



    4.1 Pengenalan kepada Lesu (Introduction to Fatigue) 4.2 Kegagalan dan Beban Lesu (Fatigue Load and Failure) 4.3 Hayat dan Kekuatan Lesu (Life and Fatigue Strength) 4.4 Rajah S-N (S-N Diagram) 4.5 Had Ketahanan (Endurance Limits) 4.6 Faktor Berubah Had Ketahanan (Endurance Limit Modifying Factors) 4.7 Penumpuan Tegasan dan Kepekaan Takuk (Stress Concentration and Notch Sensitivity) 4.8 Kekuatan Lesu (Fatigue Strength) 4.9 Ciri-ciri Tegasan Berulang (Characterizing Fluctuating stressess) 4.10 Kombinasi Mod Beban (Combination of Loading Modes) 4.11 Faktor Keselamatan (Safety Factor)

    Tugasan 2 (2nd Assignment), Ujian 1 (1st Test)

    W5 & W6

    (8th ~ 21st Oct 2012)

    5.0 GEAR (GEAR) ---- (6 hours)

    5.1 Pengenalan: tatanama, jenis-jenis giar dan kengunaannya (Introduction: terminology, types of gears and its application)

    5.2 Pembinaan Giar (Construction of gears)

    Projek berkumpulan (Group Project), Ujian 2 (2nd Test)

  • Lampiran A

    RPP-04 / Prosedur Perlaksanaan Kuliah Edisi: 3 / No. Semakan: 0

    5.3 Sistem Gigi (Tooth systems) 5.4 Nisbah Giar (Gear ratio) 5.5 Barisan gear (Gear train) 5.6 Analisis Daya pada Gigi (Gear Tooth Analysis) 5.7 Analisis Lenturan Gigi Giar (Gear Tooth Bending Analysis) 5.8 Analisis Kehausan Gigi Giar (Gear Tooth Wear Analysis) 5.9 Faktor Keselamatan (Factor of Safety)


    Pembahagian Kumpulan, Penerangan Ringkas Projek Rekabentuk. (Group distribution, Short Briefing of Design Project)

    UJIAN 1 (1st TEST) ---- (2.0 hours) (10/10/2012 ; 8:00 10:00 pm)


    (22nd ~ 28th Oct 2012)

    6.0 REKABENTUK ACI (SHAFT DESIGN) ---- (3 hours)

    6.1 Pengenalan (Introduction) 6.2 Bahan-Bahan Aci (Shaft Materials) 6.3 Aturan pada Aci (Shaft Layout) 6.4 Rekabentuk Aci untuk Tegasan (Shaft Design for Stress) 6.5 Had dan Padanan (Limits and Fits)

    Projek berkumpulan (Group Project), Ujian 2 (2nd Test)


    (5th ~ 11th Nov 2012)

    7.0 GALAS (BEARING) ---- (3 hours)

    7.1 Pengenalan (Introduction) 7.2 Jenis-Jenis Galas (Bearing Types) 7.3 Perletakan dan Pemasangan galas (Bearing Mounting and Enclosures) 7.4 Hayat Galas (Bearing Life) 7.5 Hayat Galas Berbeban Pada Kadar Keboleharapan (Bearing Load, Life at Rated Reliability) 7.6 Perhubungan Hayat, Beban dan Keboleharapan (Relating Load, Life and Reliability) 7.7 Kombinasi Beban Jejarian dan Paksi (Combined Radial and Thrust Loading) 7.8 Pelinciran (Lubrication)

    UJIAN 2 (2nd Test) ---- (2.0 hours) (7/11/2012 ; 8:00 10:00 pm)

    Projek berkumpulan (Group Project), Ujian 3 (3rd Test)

    W9 & W10

    (12th ~ 25th Nov 2012)


    8.1 Pengenalan (Introduction) 8.2 Definasi dan piawaian bebenang (Thread standard and definition) 8.3 Mekanik skru kuasa (The mechanic of power screw) 8.4 Bebenang pengikat (Threaded fasteners) 8.5 Penyambung: Kekukuhan pengikat (Joints: Fastener stiffness) 8.6 Penyambung: Kekukuhan anggota (Joints: Member stiffness) 8.7 Kekuatan bolt (Bolt strength) 8.8 Ketegangan sambungan : Beban luaran (Tension joints : The external load)

    Ujian 3 (3rd Test)

  • Lampiran A

    RPP-04 / Prosedur Perlaksanaan Kuliah Edisi: 3 / No. Semakan: 0

    8.9 Perkaitan daya kilas bolt dengan ketegangan bolt (Relating bolt torque to bolt tension) 8.10 Ketegangan sambungan beban statik berserta pra beban (Statically loaded tension joint with preload) 8.11 Sambungan gasket (Gasketed joints) 8.12 Beban lesu pada ketegangan sambungan (Fatigue loading of tension joints) 8.13 Bolt dan penyambungan rivet dibebankan dalam ricihan (Bolted and riveted joints loaded in shear)

    W11 & W12

    (26th Nov ~

    9th Dis 2012)


    9.1 Simbol Kimpalan (Welding symbol) 9.2 Tegasan pada Penyambungan Kimpalan di dalam Kilasan dan Lenturan (Stresses in Welded Joint in Torsion and Bending) 9.3 Kekuatan Penyambungan Kimpalan (The Strength of Welded Joints) 9.4 Beban Statik dan Lesu (Satic and Fatigue loading)

    Ujian 3 (3rd Test)


    (10th ~ 16th Dis 2012)


    10.1 Penerangan Ringkas Fungsi dan Kegunaan (Briefing on Function and Applicatian)

    10.2 JenisJenis spring (Types of Spring) 10.3 Kriteria Pemilihan (Selection Criteria)

    UJIAN 3 (3rd Test) ---- (2.0 hours) (13/12/2012 ; 8:00 10:00 malam)


    (17th ~ 23rd Dis 2012)



    Laporan Akhir Projek (Final Project report)

  • Lampiran A

    RPP-04 / Prosedur Perlaksanaan Kuliah Edisi: 3 / No. Semakan: 0


    Projek rekabentuk merupakan antara aspek penting di dalam kursus ini. Ia membawa pemberat bernilai 40% di mana ianya bertujuan untuk memenuhi kehendak Universiti yang menawarkan pengajaran dan pembelajaran berkualiti berpusatkan pelajar dengan melaksanakan aktiviti PBL (Problem Based Learning).

    Projek ini akan dijalankan di dalam kumpulan di mana setiap kumpulan mempunyai ahli antara 3 hingga 5 orang pelajar. Tema projek ini adalah merekabentuk sebuah kotak transmisi yang bersesuaian untuk digunakan samaada di mesin pemerah tebu, sistem lif, mesin pembancuh simen atau sistem konveyor yang memenuhi kehendak kuasa / daya kilas yang diperlukan pada mesin dan kuasa / daya kilas yang dibekalkan oleh motor. Pelajar juga perlu menganalisis semua komponen-komponen mekanikal di dalam sistem gearbox/transmisi seperti aci, galas dan giar dari segi kekuatan, keselamatan statik dan lesu, keboleharapan, pergerakan dinamik, jangka hayat dan lain-lain seperti apa yang telah dipelajari dalam teori bagi meramalkan sistem fizikal dan tingkah laku sebenar produk. Kemudian, pelajar perlu membuat pemodelan 3D rekabentuk tersebut beserta dengan lukisan kejuruteraannya dengan menggunakan perisian CAD yang bersesuaian.

    Design project is one of the important aspects in this course where it brings 40% of marks. This design project is target to

    meet the requirements of the University which offer high quality learning through student-centered learning by

    implementation of a PBL (Problem Based Learning) activity.

    The project will be carried out in groups where each group has 3 to 5 members. Theme of the project is Designing a

    Gearbox / Transmission System. In this project, students have to design a suitable gearbox / transmission system which

    applied whether at a sugarcane extractor machine, elevator system, cement mixer machine or conveyor system that

    satisfied with power / torque requirement at the machine and power / torque provide from the motor. Students also must

    analyze all mechanical components inside the gearbox / transmission system such as shaft, bearing and gears in term of

    their strength, static and fatigue safety, reliability, dynamic motion, life estimation and others like what have been learned

    in the theory to predict the real physical system and product behaviour. Then students also need to make a 3D model of

    their design include with the engineering drawing by using suitable CAD software.


    1. Kuiz (Quiz) : 0 %

    2. Tugasan (Assignment) : 10 %

    3. Ujian 1 (Test 1) : 10 %

    4. Ujian 2 (Test 2) : 20 %

    5. Ujian 3 (Test 3) : 20 %

    5. Projek (Project) Laporan Akhir (Final Report) 35 %

    Kemahiran Insaniah (Soft Skill) 5 %

    : 40 %

    6. Peperiksaan Akhir (Final Examination)

    : 0 %

    Jumlah (Total) : 100 %

  • Lampiran A

    RPP-04 / Prosedur Perlaksanaan Kuliah Edisi: 3 / No. Semakan: 0


    1. BDA 3083 Lecturer notes

    2. Shigley, J. E., Mischke, C. R. & Budynas, R. G., (2010), Mechanical Engineering Design, Ninth Edition, McGraw Hill.

    3. Hamrock, Bernard J., Steven R. Schmid, Bo O. Jacobson, (2005), Fundamentals of Machine Elements, 2nd Edition, Boston: McGraw-Hill,


    (1) Pelajar mesti hadir tidak kurang dari 80% masa pertemuan yang ditentukan bagi sesuatu mata pelajaran termasuk mata pelajaran Hadir Wajib (HW) dan mata pelajaran Hadir Sahaja (HS). Students must attend lectures not less than 80% of the contact hours for every subject including Compulsory Attendance Subjects (Hadir Wajib HW) and Attendance Only Subjects (Hadir Sahaja HS).

    (2) Pelajar yang tidak memenuhi perkara (1) di atas tidak dibenarkan menghadiri kuliah dan menduduki

    sebarang bentuk penilaian selanjutnya. Markah sifar (0) akan diberikan kepada pelajar yang gagal memenuhi perkara (1). Manakala untuk mata pelajaran Hadir Wajib (HW), pelajar yang gagal memenuhi perkara (1) akan diberi Hadir Gagal (HG). Students who do not fulfill (1) will not be allowed to attend further lectures and sit for any further examination. Zero mark (0) will be given to students who fail to comply with (1). While for Compulsory Attendance Subjects (Hadir Wajib HW), those who fail to comply with (1) will be given Failure Attendance (Hadir Gagal HG).

    (3) Pelajar perlu mengikut dan patuh kepada peraturan berpakaian yang berkuatkuasa dan menjaga disiplin diri masing-masing untuk mengelakkan dari tindakan tatatertib diambil terhadap pelajar. Students must obey all rules and regulations of the university and must discipline themselves in order to avoid any disciplinary actions against them.

    (4) Pelajar perlu mematuhi peraturan keselamatan semasa pengajaran dan pembelajaran.

    Student must obey safety regulations during learning and teaching process. MATRIK HASIL PEMBELAJARAN KURSUS DAN HASIL PEMBELAJARAN PROGRAM (COURSE


    Dilampirkan (Attached)

  • Faculty: Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringProgramme:

    Course: Mechanical Engineering DesignCode: BDA 30803

    No LO-1 LO-2 LO-3 LO-4 LO-5 LO-6 LO-7 LO-8 LO-9 LO-10 LO-11 Delivery Assessment KPI


    C4 C4


    Analyze several machine component (i.e. gears, shafts and bearing) that function in one mechanical system or machine. (C4, LO1 & LO10)

    Compliance to PLO

    Calculate factor of safety by using static and fatigue failure of theories. (C3-LO1)

    Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours

    Course Learning Outcome, Delivery and Assessment Template

    Lecture, Case Study, PBL

    1 Assignment,Test, Project

    Course Learning Outcomes

    Seek for the most appropriate information source for component selection in the design project. (A3, LO6)


    3 PBL Project

    Assignment,Test, Project

    Lecture, Case Study, PBL

    50% of students must get 50% of marks and


    50% of students must get 50% of marks and


    50% of students must get 50% of marks and









    x x - - - x - - - x -

    Level of Learning Taxonomy

    P1 Perception C1 Knowledge A1 ReceivingP2 Set C2 Comprehension A2 RespondingP3 Guided Response C3 Application A3 ValuingP4 Mechanism C4 Analysis A4 OrganisingP5 Complex Overt Response C5 Synthesis A5 Internalising

    Revised date: 10/10/2011 P6 Adaptation C6 EvaluationPrepared by: Engineering Design Panel P7 Origination



    selection in the design project. (A3, LO6)






    Produce model and simulate by using engineering software for project design validation. (P4, LO2) PBL Project

    50% of students must get 50% of marks and








  • Chapter 1Introduction to Engineering Design

    Prepared by: Mohd Azwir Bin Azlan

    Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Notes Mechanical Engineering Design

    Week 1


    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    Learning Outcomes

    At the end of this topic, the students would be able to apply and appreciate the knowledge to:

    understand the basic principles of mechanical engineering and its applications in engineering design.

    recognize the approach and the process of engineering design.

    practice standards and codes, ethics and professionalism of mechanical engineer.

    Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Engineering Design

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    What you will be learn here?

    CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Engineering Design

    1.1 - Design Definition

    1.2 - Mechanical Engineering Design

    1.3 - Design Process

    1.4 - Design Tools and Resources

    1.5 - Design Engineers Professional Responsibilities

    1.6 - Standards and Codes

    1.7 - Economics

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    4Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    1.1 Design Definition

    Word design is derived from the Latin designare, which means to designate, or mark out.

    Websters gives several definitions, to outline, plot, or plan, as action or work to conceive, invent contrive.

    To design is either to formulate a plan for satisfaction of a specified need or to solve a problem.

    Design is an innovative and highly iterative process. It is also a decision making process.

    CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Engineering Design

  • BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    5Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    1.2 - Mechanical Engineering Design

    Mechanical engineering design involves all disciplines of mechanical engineering.


    A simple journal bearing involves fluid flow, heat transfer, friction, energy transport, material selection, thermomechanical treatments, and so on.

    CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Engineering Design BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    6Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    1.3 - Design Process

    CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Engineering Design

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    7Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    1.3 - Design Process

    Recognition of Need

    CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Engineering Design

    Often consist highly creative act, because the need may be only a vague discontent, a feeling of uneasiness, or a something is not right.

    Usually triggered by a particular adverse circumstance or a set of random circumstances that arises almost simultaneously.

    Recognition of need

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    8Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    1.3 - Design Process

    Definition of Problem

    CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Engineering Design

    Is more specific and must include all the specifications for the object that is to be designed.

    The specifications are the input and output quantities, the characteristics and dimensions of the space the object must occupy, and all the limitations on these quantities.

    Definition of Problem

  • BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    9Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    1.3 - Design Process


    CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Engineering Design

    The combination of ideas into a complex whole.

    Is sometimes called the invention of the concept or concept design.

    Generate concept variant concept concept selection concept improvement detailing concept.


    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    10Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    1.3 - Design Process

    Analysis and Optimization

    CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Engineering Design

    Construct or devise abstract models of the system that will admit some form of mathematical analysis.

    Carry out to simulate or predict real physical system very well.

    Analysis and Optimization

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    11Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    1.3 - Design Process


    CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Engineering Design

    Is the final proof of a successful design and usually involves the testing of a prototype in the laboratory.

    Intent to discover if the design really satisfies the needs.

    Is it reliable? Will it compete successfully with similar products? Is it economical to manufacture and to use? Is it environmental friendly?


    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    12Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    1.3 - Design Process


    CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Engineering Design

    Presentation is a selling job.

    When designers sell a new idea, they also sell themselves. If they are repeatedly successful in selling ideas, designs and new solutions to management, they begin to receive salary increases and promotions; in fact, this is how anyone succeeds in their profession.

    Undoubtedly, many great designs, inventions and creative works, have been simple lost because the originators were unable to explain their accomplishment to others.


  • BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    13Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    1.4 - Design Tools and Resources

    Today engineer has a great variety of tools and resources available to assist in the solution of design problems:-

    Computational Tools CAD (Computer Aided Design) AutoCAD, I-Deas, SolidWorks, ProEngineer CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) Cosmos, Algor, Fluent, ADAMS CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) MasterCam, UniGraphic, SolidCAM

    Acquiring Technical Information Libraries Encyclopaedia, Monographs, Handbooks, Journals Government sources U.S. Patent and Trademarks Office, SIRIM Professional societies ASME, SAE, SME, ASTM, AWS Commercial vendors Catalogs, Test data, Samples, Cost information Internet the computer network gateway to website associated with most of the

    categories listed above.

    CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Engineering Design BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    14Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    1.5 - Design Engineers Professional Responsibilities

    Required to satisfy the needs of customers and is expected to do so in a competent, responsible, ethical and professional manner.

    The way to develop professional work ethic and skills: Sharpen your communication skills either oral or writing

    Keep a neat and clear journal / logbook of your activities, entering dated entries frequently

    Develop a systematic approach when working on a design problem

    Must keep current in the field of expertise by being an active member of a professional society, attending meetings, conferences and seminar of societies, manufacturers, universities, etc.

    Conduct activities in an ethical manner.

    CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Engineering Design

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    15Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    1.6 - Standards and Codes

    Standard is a set of specifications for parts, materials, or processes intended to achieve uniformity, efficiency and a specific quality.

    aim to place a limit on the number of items in the specification so as to provide a reasonable inventory of tooling, sizes, shapes and varieties.

    Code is a set of specifications for the analysis, design, manufacture and construction of something.

    aim to achieve a specific degree of safety, efficiency and performance or quality.

    CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Engineering Design BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    16Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    1.6 - Standards and Codes cont

    Some organizations or societies that interest to mechanical engineers are:-

    Aluminum Association (AA) American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) American Welding Society (AWS) American Bearing Manufacturers Association (ABMA) British Standards Institute (BSI) Industrial Fasteners Institute (IFI) Institution of Mechanical Engineers (I. Mech. E.) International Bureau of Weights and Measure (BIMP) International Standard Organization (ISO) Society of Automotive Engineer (SAE)

    CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Engineering Design

  • BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    17Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    1.7 - Economics

    The consideration of cost plays such an important role in the design decision process. Some general concepts and simple rules of cost factor study involves:

    Standard Sizes Use of standard or stock sizes is a first principle of cost reduction. Specify a parts that are readily available. Select a part that are made and sold in large quantities because of

    usually the cost is somewhat less.

    Large Tolerances Tolerances, manufacturing processes and surface finish are

    interrelated and influence the producibility of the end product in many way.

    Large tolerances can often be produced by machines with higher production rates; costs will be significantly smaller.

    CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Engineering Design BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    18Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    1.7 - Economics cont

    Breakeven Points Use when two or more design

    approaches are compared to cost.

    The choice between the two depends on a set of conditions such as the quantity of production, the speed of the assembly lines, or some other condition.

    The point corresponding to equal cost known as the breakeven point.

    CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Engineering Design

  • Chapter 2Analysis and Synthesis

    Prepared by: Mohd Azwir Bin Azlan

    Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Notes Mechanical Engineering Design

    WEEK 1


    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    Learning Outcomes

    At the end of this topic, the students would be able to apply and appreciate the knowledge to:

    perform and analyse load, stress and strain, which applied in standard machine components.

    Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    3Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    What you will be learn here?

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    2.1 - Material Strength and Stiffness 2.2 - Equilibrium and Free Body Diagram 2.3 - Types of Load 2.4 - Stress 2.5 - Principle Stress for Plane Stress 2.6 - Mohrs Circle for Plane Stress 2.7 - General Three Dimensional (3D) Stress 2.8 - Uniformly Distributed Stresses 2.9 - Normal Stresses for Beams in Bending 2.10 - Shear Stress for Beam in Bending 2.11 - Torsion 2.12 - Stress Concentration

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    4Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    2.1 Material Strength and Stiffness

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    A typical tension-test specimen. Some of the standard dimensions used for do are 2.5, 6.25 and 12.5 mm and 0.505 in, but other sections and sizes are in use. Common gauge length lo used are 10, 25 and 50 mm and 1 and 2 in.

    The standard tensile test is used to obtain a variety of material characteristics and strengths that are used in design.

  • 5Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.1 Material Strength and Stiffness cont

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    Stress-strain diagram obtained from the standard tensile test for Ductile material

    pl Proportional limits Curve begins to deviate from a straight line No permanent set observable The slope of the linear known as Youngs modulus or the

    Modulus of elasticity; E.

    el Elastic limit Beyond this limit, plastic deformation will occur and material

    will take on permanent set when load is removed

    y Yield point Strain begins to increase very rapidly without a

    corresponding increase in stress Point a is define by offset method usually about 0.2% from

    original gauge length ( = 0.002) Stress at this point known as yield strength, Sy

    u maximum stress Stress at this point known as Ultimate or tensile strength, Su

    f fracture point Stress at this point known as fracture strength, Sf

    6Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.1 Material Strength and Stiffness cont

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    Stress-strain diagram obtained from the standard tensile test for Brittle material

    y Yield point Strain begins to increase very rapidly without a

    corresponding increase in stress Point a is define by offset method usually about 0.2% from

    original gauge length ( = 0.002) Stress at this point known as yield strength, Sy

    u maximum stress Stress at this point known as Ultimate or tensile strength, Su

    f fracture point Stress at this point known as fracture strength, Sf

    There is little deformation occurs for brittle material before it fail.

    For brittle material ultimate strength is sometimes called as fracture strength

    7Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.2 Equilibrium and Free Body Diagram

    = 0F

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    = 0M


    Assume that the system to be studied is motionless or at most have constant velocity then the system has zero acceleration.

    Under this condition, the system is said to be in equilibrium.

    For equilibrium, the forces and moments acting on the system balance such that:

    8Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.2 Equilibrium and Free Body Diagram cont

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    Free Body Diagram (FBD)

    Use to simplify the analysis of a very complex structure or machine by isolating or freeing a portion of the total system in order to study the behaviour of one of its segments.

    Thus FBD is essentially a means of breaking a complicated problem into manageable segments, analyzing these simple problems, and then usually putting information together again.

  • 9Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.2 Equilibrium and Free Body Diagram cont

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    FBD Example Gear reducer


    Input Shaft

    Output Shaft

    Info given:

    Input torque, Ti = 240 Ibf

    Pitch radii of gear ;

    G1 r1= 0.75 inG2 r2= 1.50 in

    Gear pressure angle, = 20o

    10Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.2 Equilibrium and Free Body Diagram cont

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis


    To = 480 Ibf

    RAY = 192 Ibf

    RAZ = 69.9 Ibf

    RBY = 128 Ibf

    RBZ = 46.6 Ibf

    RCY = 192 Ibf

    RCZ = 69.9 Ibf

    RDY = 128 Ibf

    RDZ = 46.6 Ibf

    11Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.3 Types of Load

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    Tension load

    Compression load

    Bending load

    Torsion load

    Shear load

    12Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.4 Stress

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    The force distribution will not be uniform across the surface.

    The force distribution at a a point will have components in the normal an tangential direction giving rise to a normal stress () and tangential shear stress ().

  • 13Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.4 Stress cont

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    Stress components on surface normal to x direction

    General three-dimensional stress

    Plane stress with cross-shearsequal

    If the stresses in one face is zero, the state of stress is called plane stress.

    14Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.









    Stress components on surface normal to x and y direction

    Maximum and minimum normal stresses are called principle stresses which have zero shear stresses

    Maximum shear stresses have average normal stresses

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.5 Principle Stress for Plane Stress


    21 22, xy

    yxyx +

    += 2


    21 2, xy

    yx +


    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis




    15Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.6 Mohrs Circle for Plane Stress

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    16Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    In design, 3D transformations are rarely performed since most maximum stress states occur under plane stress conditions.

    But if there is need to be countable, make sure the principle normal stress are always ordered so that 1 > 2 > 3

    Therefore max = 1/3 where

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.7 General Three Dimensional (3D) Stress


    2/1 = 2



    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis


    3/1 = ; ;

  • 17Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    Simple tension, compression and shear loads that always perform this uniform distribution of stress which results

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.8 Uniformly Distributed Stresses


    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis


    : tensile and compression stress

    : shear stress e.g. a bolt in shear

    F F




    18Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    Bending stress, is directly proportional to the distance, cfrom the neutral axis and bending moment, M.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.9 Normal Stresses for Beams in Bending

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis


    where;M momentc distance from neutral axisI second moment of area

    19Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    Bending Moment DiagramIs sometimes needed to determine:-

    location where moment is maximum

    moment in specified location.


    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.9 Normal Stresses for Beams in Bending cont

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    A B

    Loading diagram

    Shear-force diagram

    Bending-moment diagram

    A B


    Mmax =

    20Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    Maximum shear stress exists when y1= 0, which is at bending neutral axis

    As it move away from the neutral axis, the shear stress decrease parabolically until it zero at the outer surfaces where y = c

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.10 Shear Stresses for Beams in Bending

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

  • 21Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    Formula for Maximum Shear Stress Due to Bending

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.10 Shear Stresses for Beams in Bending cont

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis


    max =

    A 2max =


    max =

    Beam Shape Formula Beam Shape Formula



    Hollow, thin-walled round

    Structural I beam (thin-walled)


    webA =max

    22Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    Any moment vector that is collinear with an axis of a mechanical element is called a torque vector or torsion.

    For solid round bar, the shear stress is zero at the center at maximum at the surface.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.11 Torsion


    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    where ;T = torquer = bar radiusJ = polar second moment of area

    For noncircular cross-section members especially rectangular b x csection bar which use to transmit torque, maximum shearing stress is:



    where ;b = is the longer sidec = is the shorter side

    23Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    Obtain the torque T from a consideration of the power and speed of a rotating shaft

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.11 Torsion cont


    000,33TnTnTnFVH ====

    TH =

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    nHT 55.9=

    where ;H = power (hp)

    (1 hp = 33,000 ft.Ib/s)T = torque (Ibf.in)

    where ;H = power (W)T = torque (Nm) = angular velocity (rad/s)

    When USC units is used, the equation is :

    When SI units is used, the equation is : The torque T corresponding to the power in watts is given approximately by

    n = shaft speed (rev/min)F = force (Ibf)V = velocity (ft/min)

    24Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.12 Stresses Concentration

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis


    B B

    A A



    Stress trajectories

    Stress distribution

    Stress distribution near a hole in a plate loaded in tension. The tensile stress on a section B-B, remote from the hole is

    = F/A where A = wt and t is the plate thickness. On a section

    at A-A, through the hole, the area A0 = (w-d)t

    and nominal stress,o = F/Ao.

    Note that the stress are increases when move towards to the hole and maxsimum stress occur at the edge of the hole where the load lines become very compact there.

    Stress distribution near a hole in a plate loaded in tension. The tensile stress on a section B-B, remote from the hole is

    = F/A where A = wt and t is the plate thickness. On a section

    at A-A, through the hole, the area A0 = (w-d)t

    and nominal stress,o = F/Ao.

    Note that the stress are increases when move towards to the hole and maxsimum stress occur at the edge of the hole where the load lines become very compact there.

    = F/A

    0= F/A0

    A = wt

    A0 = (w-d )t

    max >0 >

    Any discontinuity in a machine part alter a stress distribution in the neighbourhood of the discontinuity

    Such discontinuities are called stress raisers, and the regions in which they occur are called areas of stress concentration.

  • 25Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    2.12 Stresses Concentration cont



    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    A theoretical or geometric, stress concentration factor Kt or Kts is used to relate the actual maximum stress at the discontinuity to the nominal stress.

    The factors are define by the equations:

    where Kt is used for normal stress and Kts for shear stress.

    The stress concentration factor depends on the geometry of the part which cause difficult problem since not many analysis of geometric shapes solutions can be found.

    However stress concentration factors for a variety of standard geometries may be found in Tables A-15 and A-16.

    In static loading, stress concentration factors are applied as follow to predict critical stress;

    x Ductile material (f 0.05) not usually applied since has a strengthening effect in plastic region Brittle material (f < 0.05) applied to the nominal stress before comparing it with strength



    26Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    Example 1:

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    Figure below shows a crank loaded by a force F = 300 Ibf that causes twisting and bending of a in diameter round bar fixed to a support at the origin of the reference system. In actuality, the support may be an inertia that we wish to rotate, but for the purpose of a stress analysis we can consider this is a static problem.

    a) Draw separate FBD of the shaft AB and the arm BC, and compute the values of all forces, moment, and torques that act. Label the directions of the coordinate axes on these diagram.

    b) Compute the maxima of the torsional stress and the bending stress in the arm BC.

    c) Locate a stress element on the top surface of the shaft at A, and calculate all the stress components that act upon this element.

    d) Determine the maximum normal and shear stresses at A.

    27Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    Solution :

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    (a) The results are:-

    At C ; F = -300j Ibf, T = -450k Ibf.in

    At end B of arm BC ; F = 300j Ibf, M = 1200i Ibf.in, T = 450k Ibf.in

    At end B of shaft AB ; F = -300j Ibf, T = -1200i Ibf.in, M = -450k Ibf.in

    At A ; F = 300j Ibf, T = 1200i Ibf.in, M = 1950k Ibf.in

    28Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    (300 Ibf)

    (450 Ibf.in)

    (300 Ibf)

    (1200 Ibf.in)

    (450 Ibf.in)

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    Solution :



    4502 =







    Mc ===



    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    (b) Maximum torsional and bending stress at arm BC

    The bending moment will reach a maximum near the shaft at B which is 1200 Ibf.in


    For rectangular section having torsional stress



    )1200(62 ==

  • 29Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    Solution :

    500,14)75.0()1200(163 ==













    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    (c) Stress element on the top surface of the shaft at A

    The bending is tensile and is


    The torsional stress is



    3 ==

    (300 Ibf)(450 Ibf.in)

    (300 Ibf)

    (1200 Ibf.in)

    (1950 Ibf.in)

    (1200 Ibf.in)




    xx xz


    30Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    Solution :



    01.47 +



    1 22 xzzxzx +

    ++= 22

    1 2 xzzx +


    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    (d) Maximum normal and shear stresses at A.

    The maximum normal stress is given by


    The maximum shear stress is





    01.47 +


    2.51= 7.27=

    31Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    Example 2:

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    The 1.5-in diameter solid steel shaft shown in figure below is simply supported at the ends. Two pulleys are keyed to the shaft where pulley B is of diameter 4.0 in and pulley C is of diameter 8.0 in. Considering bending and torsional stress only, determine the locations and magnitudes of the greatest tensile, compressive, and shear stresses in the shaft.

    32Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    Solution :

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    (a) Figure below shows the FBD of the net forces, reactions and torsional moments on the shaft.-

    Although this is a 3D problem, the components of the moment vector is perform in a two plane analysis.

  • 33Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    Solution :

    22zy MMM +=

    565740004000 22 =+=CM

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    Thus the moment are label as My versus x for xy plane and Mz versus x for xz plane:-

    The net moment on a section is the vector sum of the components. That is

    824680002000 22 =+=BM Ibf.inIbf.in

    34Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    Solution :



    334 ===== dM





    334 ===== dT








    1 =+


    ++= xzzxzx

    CHAPTER 2 Analysis and Synthesis

    In this case where the shaft diameter is same along the axis, maximum bending stress occurs at location where the bending moment is maximum which is at point B.


    The maximum torsional shear stress occurs between B and C and is:


    Maximum tensile stress 1 is given by:





    1 =+


    = xzzx


    The extreme shear stress 1 is given by:


  • Chapter 3Static Design Failure of Theories

    Prepared by: Mohd Azwir Bin Azlan

    Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Notes Mechanical Engineering Design

    Week 2


    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    Learning Outcomes

    At the end of this topic, the students would be able to apply and appreciate the knowledge to:

    explain and apply the various static failure theories, including the use of safety factors and reliability in mechanical engineering design.

    Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    3Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    What you will be learn here?

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    3.1 - Introduction

    3.2 - Why needs Failure Theories?

    3.3 - Static Failure Theories

    3.4 - Maximum Shear Stress (MSS) Theory

    3.5 - Distortion Energy (DE) Theory

    3.6 - Colomb-Mohr Theory

    3.7 - Maximum Normal Stress (MSN) Theory

    3.8 - Modification of Mohr Theory

    4Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.1 Introduction

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    Tacoma Bridge Failure 1940

    It was built with shallow plate girders for the aesthetics purposes.This vibration motion lasted 3 hours and the bridge collapsed. The failure caused millions fund loss.

    In 1950, the bridge was rebuilt and truss-girders were used to increase the stiffness of the bridge.

  • 5Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.1 Introduction cont

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    Static Load:-

    is a stationary force or couple applied to a member the force or couple must be unchanging in magnitude, point or points of

    application, and direction.

    can produce axial tension or compression, a shear load, a bending load, a torsional load or any combination of these.

    Safety and Failure:-

    Failure can mean a part has separated into two or more pieces and become permanently deformed

    Why parts fail stresses exceed its strength. Can be categories : under static loading

    under dynamic loading

    6Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.2 Why needs failure theories?

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    To design parts or components that meet it requirements and functions as it suppose to be.

    It suppose to test the real components exactly the same loading conditions to obtain precise information => increase cost

    7Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.3 Static Failure Theories

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    Actually, there is no universal theory of failure for the general case of material properties and stress state.

    Over the years, several hypotheses have been formulated and tested, leading todays engineering practice.

    Being accepted worldwide, these practices are used as theoriesas most designers do.

    8Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.3 Static Failure Theories cont

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    Static Failure Theories

    Ductile Materials



    05.0fyycyt SSS ==

    Brittle Materials


    - ucut SS &05.0

  • 9Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.4 Maximum Shear Stress (MSS) Theory

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    predicts that yielding begins whenever the maximum shear stress in any element equals or exceeds the maximum shear stress in a tension-test of the same material.

    also known as Tresca or Guest Theory. for a simple tensile stress , max. shear stress occurs on a surface 450

    from the tensile surface with a magnitude of:

    or at yield,2maxyS=2max =

    10Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.4 Maximum Shear Stress (MSS) Theory cont

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    2231 y



    11Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.4 Maximum Shear Stress (MSS) Theory cont

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    Therefore, taking N as safety factor;

    ysy SS 50.0=


    3131maxmax ====yyysy SSSSN

    StressorLoadAppliedStressorLoadAllowableMaximumUsually safety factor, N is defined by;

    12Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.4 Maximum Shear Stress (MSS) Theory cont

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    The maximum-shear stress (MSS) theory for plane stress, where A and B are the two nonzero principal stresses

    Case 1 : A B 0. For this case, 1 = A , 3 = 0.Case 2 : A 0 B. Here, 1 = A , 3 = B.Case 3 : 0 A B. For this case, 1 = 0 , 3 = B.

  • 13Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.5 Distortion Energy (DE) Theory

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    Predicts that yielding begins when the distortion strain energy per unit volume reaches or exceeds the distortion strain energy per unit volume for yield in simple tension for the same material.

    Ud at element in specimen Ud for yield in simple tension. Also known as von Mises or von Mises-Hencky Theory

    Developed by studying a unit volume in a three-dimensional stress state

    14Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.5 Distortion Energy (DE) Theory cont

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    (a) Element with triaxial stresses; this element undergoes both volume change and angular distortion.

    (b) Element under hydrostatic tension undergoes only volume change.

    (c) Element has angular distortion without volume change.

    U = Uv + Ud

    15Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.5 Distortion Energy (DE) Theory cont

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    1U =2

    ( )1 1 2 2 3 3 + +1U = 2( )1 2 31 v vE = 1( )2 1 31 v vE = 2( )3 1 21 v vE = 3

    ( )2 2 21 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 32v + + + + 1U = 2E

    strain energy =

    for 3-D analysis;


    ------- (1)

    16Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.5 Distortion Energy (DE) Theory cont

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    3321 ++=av

    ( )vE

    U avv 2123 2 =

    The strain energy for producing only volume change Uv can be obtained by substituting av for 1, 2, and 3 in Eq. (1). The result is:-

    ------- (2)

  • 17Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.5 Distortion Energy (DE) Theory cont

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    ( )2 2 21 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 32v = + + + + 1


    2 2 21 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 3


    + = + + ( ) 21

    3d yv

    U SE+=

    vd UUU =( )








    --- for element in speciment

    --- for yield in simple tension where 1 = Sy , 2 = 3 = 0

    18Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.5 Distortion Energy (DE) Theory cont

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    Von Mises Effective Stress

    ' 2 2 21 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 = + +

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2 2 2 2 2 2' 62

    x y y z z x xy yz zx + + + + +=

    ' 2 21 1 3 3 = +

    ' 2 2 23x y x y xy = + +

    (for 2D principal stress)

    (for 2D plane stress)

    19Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.5 Distortion Energy (DE) Theory cont

    2' yS

    [ ] 2313221232221 3131 ySEE ++++

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    Ud at element in specimen Ud for yield in simple tension.

    yS++ 313221232221

    Therefore, safety factor N is:'ySN =

    20Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.5 Distortion Energy (DE) Theory cont

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    2 2 2 2 21 1 1 1 1 max3 3yS = + + = =

    1 max0.577 3y


    SS = = =

    For Pure Shear:



    averageysy SS 577.0=

    maxsySn =

  • 21Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.5 Distortion Energy (DE) Theory cont

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    The distortion-energy (DE) theory for plane stress states. This is plot of points with

    = Sy.

    ysy SS 577.0=

    22Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.6 Coulomb-Mohr Theory

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    - used when Syt Syc- based on Mohrs theory, whereby the failure line is assumed to be


    Three Mohr circle, one for the

    unaxial compression test, one

    for the test in pure shear, and

    one for the unaxial tension test,

    are used to define failure by the

    Mohr hypothesis. The strengths

    Sc and St are the compressive and tensile strengths,

    respectively, they can be used for yield or ultimate strength.

    23Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.6 Coulomb-Mohr Theory cont

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    131 =ct SS

    nSS ct131 =


    ycytsy SS

    SSS +=

    From the diagram, equation developed can be simplified to:

    Incorporating the safety factor;

    For pure torsional shear strength;

    maxsySn =

    24Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.7 Maximum Normal Stress (MNS) Theory

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    - states that failure occurs whenever one of the three principal stresses equals or exceeds the strength

    1 > Sut or 3 < - Suc

    - where Sut and Suc are the ultimate tensile and compressive strength respectively

  • 25Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.7 Maximum Normal Stress (MNS) Theory cont

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    Graph of maximum-normal

    stress (MNS) theory of

    failure for plane stress

    states. Stress states that

    plot inside the failure locus are safe.

    26Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.8 Modification of Mohr Theory

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

    a) Brittle Coulomb Mohr Theory

    b) Modified I-Mohr

    c) Modified II-Mohr

    - 3 modifications of the existing Mohr theory are applicable in analyzing brittle materials.

    - by limiting the discussion to plane stresses, those theories are as follows:

    27Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.8 Modification of Mohr Theory cont

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories



    Brittle Coulomb-Mohr

    Modified I-Mohr

    Modified II-Mohr

    0 BA BA 0 BA 0


    A nSS ucB


    A 1= nSuc








    Autuc 1)( =
















    28Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    3.8 Modification of Mohr Theory cont

    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

  • 29Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design


    CHAPTER 3 Static Design Failure of Theories

  • Exercise 1: Problem Certain stresses are applied at one object which 1 = 200 MPa and 2 = -50 MPa. This object is made by steel that it has a yield strength of 500 MPa. Find the factor of safety of this object by using DE and MSS theory. Solve FOS by using graph method. Answer



    - 500

    - 500




    - 50 A

    B C




    200xnMSS =

    200ynDE =

  • Exercise 2: Problem Determine the safety factors for the bracket rod shown in figure above based on both the distortion-energy theory and the maximum shear theory and compare them. Given: The material is 2024-T4 aluminum with a yield strength of 47 000 psi. The rod length l = 6 in and arm a = 8 in. The rod outside diameter d = 1.5 in. Load F=1 000 lb. Assumptions: The load is static and the assembly is at room temperature. Consider shear due to transverse loading as well as other stresses. Answer

  • Element at point A 1. ( ) ( )( )1 000 6 0.75 18 108

    0.249xFl cMC psi

    I I = = = =

    ( ) ( )( )1 000 8 0.75 12 072

    0.497xzFa rTr psi

    J J = = = =

    2. psixyzx 15090120722




    max =+



    psizx 24144090152

    181082 max1


    02 =

    psizx 6036150902

    181082 max3


    3. 23312

    1' +=

    psi66127)6036()6036(2414424144' 22 =+=

    4. 7.12766147000


    ySN ------------- DE theory

    5. 6.115090



    === ySN --------------- MSS theory

  • Element at point B

    6. psiAV

    bending 755)767.1(3)1000(4

    34 ===

    psibendingtorsion 1282775512072max =+=+=

    7. 1.212827



    === ySN --------- DE theory




    === ySN -------- MSS theory

  • Exercise 3: Problem A 25-mm diameter shaft is statically torqued to 230 Nm. It is made of cast 195-T6 aluminium, with a yield strength in tension of 160 MPa and a yield strength in compression of 170 MPa. It is machined to final diameter. Estimate the factor of safety of the shaft. Answer MPa


    JTr 75


    33 ==== The two nonzero principal stresses are 75 and -75 MPa, making the ordered principal stresses 1 = 75, 2 = 0, and 3 = -75 MPa.




    ycyt SS

    n Alternatively;


    ycytsy SS

    SSS += 10.175



    === sySn

  • Chapter 4Fatigue Design Failure of Theories

    Prepared by: Mohd Azwir Bin Azlan

    Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Notes Mechanical Engineering Design

    Week 3 & 4


    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    Learning Outcomes

    At the end of this topic, the students would be able to apply and appreciate the knowledge to:

    explain and apply the fatigue failure of theories, including the use of safety factors and reliability in mechanical engineering design.

    confidently apply this technique in the selection and analysis of machine components, and make decision on material selection.

    Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    CHAPTER 4 Fatigue Design Failure of Theories

    3Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    What you will be learn here?

    4.1 - Introduction to Fatigue 4.2 - Fatigue load and failure 4.3 - Life and fatigue strength 4.4 - Stress Life Method 4.5 - Endurance limits, Se 4.6 - Endurance Limit Modifying Factors (Marin Factor) 4.7 - Stress Concentration and Notch Sensitivity 4.8 - Fatigue Strength 4.9 - Characterizing Fluctuating Stresses 4.10 - Combination of Loading Modes 4.11 - Safety Factor

    CHAPTER 4 Fatigue Design Failure of Theories

    4Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    4.1 Introduction

    CHAPTER 4 Fatigue Design Failure of Theories

    Cause by the action of static load or load that acts only once until a component destruct such as in tensile test. However this phenomena is rarely occur.

    Cause by the action of variable, repeated, alternating or fluctuating load and this load are often found in many failure cases that occurs.

  • 5Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    4.2 Fatigue Load and Failure

    CHAPTER 4 Fatigue Design Failure of Theories

    Often, machine members are found to have failed under the action of

    repeated or fluctuating stresses; yet the most careful analysis reveals

    that the actual maximum stresses were well below the ultimate

    strength of the material, and quite frequently even below the yield

    strength. The most distinguishing characteristic of these failures is

    that the stresses have been repeated a very large number of times.

    Hence the failure is called a fatigue failure.

    6Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    4.2 Fatigue Load and Failure cont

    CHAPTER 4 Fatigue Design Failure of Theories

    1st Case Bending a steel wire repeatedly 2nd Case Impact and Vibration on vehicle axle

    3rd Case Steel Bridge 4th Case - Vehicle Suspension



    Too much repeatedlyBending that beyond the limit will break the steel wire

    Too much repeatedly Impact and Vibrationwill break the axle

    Example of repeated load

    7Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    4.2 Fatigue Load and Failure cont

    CHAPTER 4 Fatigue Design Failure of Theories

    1st Case Continuously bending the steel wire

    Stress : Bending stress;



    Wire is bend from the top

    Top of the wire is suffered toTension (+)

    Meanwhile the bottom is suffered to

    Compression (-)

    Graph plotting for overall wire bending process:

    This type of stress is known as Completely Reverse Stress

    Wire is bend from the top

    Top of the wire is suffered toTension (+)

    Meanwhile the bottom is suffered to

    Compression (-)

    Graph plotting for overall wire bending process:

    This type of stress is known as Completely Reverse Stress


    m = 0



    8Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    4.2 Fatigue Load and Failure cont

    CHAPTER 4 Fatigue Design Failure of Theories

    2nd Case Vehicle Axle

    Stress : Bending Stress and Shear Stress Torsion shear stress: is cause when power

    from the engine is transmit to the tire. Torque are required to overcome tire

    friction and vehicle weight and this stress is always assume as constant.

    Shaft axle is suffered to bending and shear stress while running.


    Shear Stress cause by torsion

  • 9Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    4.2 Fatigue Load and Failure cont

    CHAPTER 4 Fatigue Design Failure of Theories

    Fatigue failure of a bolt due to repeated unidirectional bending. Fatigue failure start with small crack that unseen with naked eyes and also difficult to detect with X-ray at the thread root at A, propagated across most of the cross section shown by the beach marks at B, before

    final fast fracture at C.

    Fatigue failure of a bolt due to repeated unidirectional bending. Fatigue failure start with small crack that unseen with naked eyes and also difficult to detect with X-ray at the thread root at A, propagated across most of the cross section shown by the beach marks at B, before

    final fast fracture at C.

    Crack often start at weak part geometrieswhich have discontinuity in material such as at holes, keyways, notch, fillet and others (at

    this location, the stress is high because of high stress concentration)

    Crack often start at weak part geometrieswhich have discontinuity in material such as at holes, keyways, notch, fillet and others (at

    this location, the stress is high because of high stress concentration)

    10Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    4.3 Life and Fatigue Strength

    CHAPTER 4 Fatigue Design Failure of Theories

    Three major fatigue life models

    Methods predict life in number of cycles to failure, N, for a specific level of loading

    i. Stress-life method9 Least accurate, particularly for low cycle applications9 Most traditional, easiest to implement

    ii. Strain-life method9 Detailed analysis of plastic deformation at localized regions9 Several idealizations are compounded, leading to

    uncertainties in results

    iii. Linear-elastic fracture mechanics method9 Assumes crack exists9 Predicts crack growth with respect to stress intensity

    11Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    4.3 Life and Fatigue Strength cont

    CHAPTER 4 Fatigue Design Failure of Theories

    Fatigue strength also have its maximum limits.Fatigue strength also have its maximum limits. R. R Moore Test

    Procedure of rotating beam testProcedure of rotating beam test

    Constant bending load is applied on test sample and rotate it at high rpm.

    Stress that have been applied on first test is an ultimate strength value Sut




    Sample ujian

    Test samples are rotate until failure and the failure number of cycle is then be record.

    The tests are repeat with new stress that lower than before.

    Then S-N diagram graph which indicate number of cycle (N) and Fatigue Strength (Sf) is plotted.




    Rotating Beam Test

    12Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    4.4 Stress Life Method

    CHAPTER 4 Fatigue Design Failure of Theories

    An S-N diagram plotted from the results of completely reversed axial fatigue test. Material UNS G4100 steel, normalized. S : strength, N : cycle

    An S-N diagram plotted from the results of completely reversed axial fatigue test. Material UNS G4100 steel, normalized. S : strength, N : cycle

    S-N Diagram

    Low-cycle fatigueHigh-cycle fatigue

    Endurance limit , Se or known as fatigue limit

  • 13Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    4.5 Endurance Limit, Se

    CHAPTER 4 Fatigue Design Failure of Theories

    Basically, the fatigue endurance limits Se are determine through the test. Yet the data are also available on these standard:

    i. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM)ii. American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI)

    iii. Society of Automotive Engineer (SAE)

    Basically, the fatigue endurance limits Se are determine through the test. Yet the data are also available on these standard:

    i. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM)ii. American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI)

    iii. Society of Automotive Engineer (SAE)

    It is unrealistic to expect the endurance limit of a mechanical or structural member to match the values obtained in the laboratory

    It is unrealistic to expect the endurance limit of a mechanical or structural member to match the values obtained in the laboratory

    So, the values obtain from lab test are known as Rotary beam test specimen endurance limit, Se . However there is a relation exist between Se and Sut .

    So, the values obtain from lab test are known as Rotary beam test specimen endurance limit, Se . However there is a relation exist between Se and Sut .

    Value of a mechanical or structural member to match the values obtained in the laboratory after considering other factors that influence the fatigue life is known as endurance limits, Se .

    Value of a mechanical or structural member to match the values obtained in the laboratory after considering other factors that influence the fatigue life is known as endurance limits, Se .

    Se refer to the endurance limit of the controlled laboratory specimenSe refer to the endurance limit of an actual machine element subjected to any kind of loading

    14Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    4.5 Endurance Limit, Se cont

    CHAPTER 4 Fatigue Design Failure of Theories

    Graph of endurance limits versus tensile strengths from actual test results for a large number of wrought irons and steels. Ratios of Se /Sut of 0.60, 0.50, and 0.40 are shown by the solid and dashed lines.

    15Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    4.5 Endurance Limit, Se cont

    CHAPTER 4 Fatigue Design Failure of Theories

    Assumption of Se value for steelAssumption of Se value for steel

    For student application:

    Se = 0.5 Sut Sut 1400 MPa [ 200 kpsi ]Se = 700 MPa [ 100 kpsi ] Sut > 1400 MPa

    For student application:

    Se = 0.5 Sut Sut 1400 MPa [ 200 kpsi ]Se = 700 MPa [ 100 kpsi ] Sut > 1400 MPa

    For real engineering practice:

    Se = 0.4 Sut Sut 1400 MPaSe = 550 MPa [ 84.1 kpsi ] Sut > 1400 MPa

    For real engineering practice:

    Se = 0.4 Sut Sut 1400 MPaSe = 550 MPa [ 84.1 kpsi ] Sut > 1400 MPa

    16Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    4.6 Endurance Limit Modifying Factors

    CHAPTER 4 Fatigue Design Failure of Theories

    Factors that influence the fatigue life and endurance limits.Factors that influence the fatigue life and endurance limits.

  • 17Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    4.6 Endurance Limit Modifying Factors cont

    CHAPTER 4 Fatigue Design Failure of Theories

    A Marin Equation is therefore written the endurance limit Se as:A Marin Equation is therefore written the endurance limit Se as:

    Se = kakbkckdkekfSe

    Where,Se = rotary beam test endurance limitka = surface condition modification factorkb = size modification factorkc = load modification factorkd = temperature modification factorke = reliability factorkf = miscellaneous effect modification factor

    Where,Se = rotary beam test endurance limitka = surface condition modification factorkb = size modification factorkc = load modification factorkd = temperature modification factorke = reliability factorkf = miscellaneous effect modification factor

    18Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    4.6 Endurance Limit Modifying Factors cont

    CHAPTER 4 Fatigue Design Failure of Theories

    Surface Condition Modification Factor, kaSurface Condition Modification Factor, ka

    The surface modification factor depends on the quality of the finish of the actual part surface and on the tensile strength of the part material. The data can be represented by:

    ka = a Sbutwhere Sut is the ultimate strength and a and b value are to be found using below table

    TABLE 4-1: Parameters for Marin surface modification factor.

    Surface FinishFactor a Exponent

    bSut, kpsi Sut, MPa

    Ground 1.34 1.58 -0.085

    Machine or cold drawn 2.70 4.51 -0.265

    Hot-rolled 14.4 57.7 -0.718

    As-forged 39.9 272 -0.995

    19Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    4.6 Endurance Limit Modifying Factors cont

    CHAPTER 4 Fatigue Design Failure of Theories

    Surface Condition Modification Factor, kaSurface Condition Modification Factor, ka


    A steel has a minimum ultimate strength of 520 MPa and a machinedsurface. Estimate ka.

    SolutionFrom Table 41, a = 4.51 and b =0.265. Then,

    Answer ka = 4.51(520)0.265 = 0.860

    20Department of Material and Engineering Design,Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Johor.

    BDA 30803 Mechanical Engineering Design

    4.6 Endurance Limit Modifying Factors cont

    CHAPTER 4 Fatigue Design Failure of Theories

    Size Factor, kbSize Factor, kb

    ~ there is no size effect, so size factor kb = 1.0 ~ there is no size effect, so size factor kb = 1.0

    Size factor for ROTATING ROUND bar is given by below equation :

    whered effective dimension

    ( )

    Any discontinuity in a machine part alter a stress distribution in the neighbourhood of the discontinuity

    Such discontinuities are called stress raisers, and the regions in which they occur are called areas of stress concentration.

    Existence of irregularities o