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At home, children should just do what they want to and be able to relax - not do homework. That just adds unnecessary stress to their lives and is unfair. Children need to experience things other than constant work; doing work at home lowers their morale and would likely cause them to become stressed, bored and miserable.Making homework compulsory would cause more stress and anger more people will be ill, and cause more household arguments people get enough homework as it is. It is a proven fact that homework doesn't help students under high-school age, and even then it pulls out creativity and free time and puts stress into family lives.Duke Universitys study (by Harris Cooper) concluded that homework does not increase achievement and it often decreases it instead. I spent some time looking at the studies regarding homework and they all point to a correlation rather than a causal relationship between homework and achievement. As a pupil, i find it very difficult to balance my homework with my social life and relaxing. After school hours are supposed to be for family interaction, socialization, extra-curricular activities, part-time jobs, etc. and many students simply don't have the time for homework. A lot of students who are stressed at school just want to come home, unwind and relax, and forget about school, just like an when an adult comes home from a busy day at work, they want to unwind and relax, and forget about work. The average student in the United States goes to school for 7 hours a day, more than enough time to learn the curricula and master his\ hers skills.Also we could be spending more time playing sport and exercising instead of doing homework. Also we could spend time with family and friends instead of being alone. Homework should be limited to a few examples of the things they learned in class. They get 7 hours of schooling a day and don't need to be overwhelmed at home. They might have something on their schedule, a social gathering, or merely a bit of spare time, to relax and enjoy his hobbies. We need REST! If a child cannot learn what needs to be learned in a six hour day, we are expecting too much of a child. We are creating a jam-packed hurried day without a chance to play, reflect and interact. Adding hours to an already busy day is absurd. So if younger students need a chance to play, the reality is that many older students are busy with extracurricular activities.It would take up children's time, especially when they find it tricky so they don't get outside and do some sports during the afternoon. Who doesn't like sports? Kids can get very distracted from things happening in their homes. An example of this would be, If they have younger siblings that they need to take care of, they may find it hard to do those at the same time.