ENglish 101 Paper 2

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  • 7/25/2019 ENglish 101 Paper 2


    English 101Project 2

    This mid-term is taken from the course text, New Directions: Reading, Writing and

    Critical Thinking, by Peter S. Gardner, and can be found on page 101 of the second

    edition published in 00! by "ambridge #ni$ersity Press .

    Essay Topics

    %rite an essay on oneof the follo&ing topics. Support your points &ith an

    appropriate combination of references to the readings in this chapter as &ell as

    personal experiences and obser$ations.

    1. 'iscuss the extent to &hich you agree &ith one of the follo&ing (uotations)*%hat + &ish for all students is some release from the clammy grip of

    the future. + &ish them a chance to sa$or each segment of their

    education as an experience in itself and not as a grim preparation forthe next step. + &ish them the right to experiment, to trip and fall, to

    learn that defeat is as instructi$e as $ictory and is not the end of the

    &orld. %illiam insser, #.S. &riter and educator/

    or*The purpose of education, nally, is to create in a person the ability to

    look at the &orld for himself, to make his o&n decisions, to say to

    himself this is black or this is &hite, to decide for himself &hether there

    is a God in hea$en or not. ames 2ald&in, #.S. author/

    . "onduct an analysis of t&o of the readings and put them in con$ersation &ith

    one another for a paper. "hoose a side in the debate and prepare an

    argument based on the readings. 3ou may also &rite from a position of


    4. 5naly6e the (ualities of good teachers and good students. "onsider such

    things as goals, $alues, teaching and learning styles, beha$iors, and

    character traits.

    7. 8xplain ho& &ell the educational system in your country prepares students

    for the challenges they &ill face in the real &orld. %hat are the strengths and

    &eaknesses of the education students recei$e9 'o you ha$e any

    recommendations for its impro$ement9

  • 7/25/2019 ENglish 101 Paper 2


    !. 8xamine the pros and cons of using the internet as an educational tool. To

    &hat degree does this mass medium enhance, and to &hat degree does it

    obstruct, students: learning9


    3ou must reference at least t&o of the four readings about education &e:$e used as

    a class. This includes the articles by ;olt, Sadker and Sadker, =1!

    First Draft Due: 10=1=1! three-four typed copies/ Class will be at the Writing

    Center, AUD 442

    econd Draft Due: 10=17=1! three-four typed copies/ Peerre!iew da"

    Final Draft Due: 10=1?=1! one typed copy due at the beginning of class/

    A!solutely no late or emailed "or# "ill !e accepted$

    Total: %0 points