i SMA NEGERI 1 SENTANI ENGLISH AND LITERATURE STUDENT’S HANDBOOK Ms. Inggrid’s Class This book belongs to Name : Class : XII IPA


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Ms. Inggrid’s Class

This book belongs toName :Class : XII IPA

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Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa karena atas tuntunan-Nya lah kita bisa

bertemu untuk belajar bersama di tahun ajaran 2020/2021 ini.

Sebagaimana kita ketahui bersama bahwa tahun 2020 adalah tahun unik penuh

tantangan. Dimana dunia termasuk Indonesia mengalami cobaan pandemi COVID-19.

Pandemi ini membuat semua aktivitas pekerjaan dan aktivitas sosial dibatasi selama berbulan

– bulan. Banyak sektor mengalami dampak dari pandemi ini. Termasuk pada sektor


Salah satu dampak COVID-19 pada sektor pendidikan adalah di rumah kan-nya

aktivitas belajar dan mengajar. Segala kegiatan yang biasanya dilakukan secara berkelompok,

langsung dan bertatap muka, kini dilakukan secara mandiri dan online atau dalam jaringan


Kemajuan teknologi internet di Indonesia khususnya di Papua masih belum bisa

dirasakan oleh semua siswa. Ada sebagian kecil siswa yang belum punya gawai atau alat

untuk mengakses internet dari rumah sehingga hal ini menyebabkan mereka kesulitan untuk

bergabung belajar lewat kelas online dari rumah di tengah – tengah kondisi pandemi COVID-

19 ini.

Mengatasi kendala ini, saya menyusun modul pembelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

untuk kelas XII yang saya ajar agar digunakan sebagai bahan belajar di rumah. Modul ini

berisikan penjelasan beberapa materi di semester ini dan juga diikuti dengan beberapa latihan

soal yang harus dikerjakan guna mendapat nilai akhir di semester ini.

Materi dan latihan soal pada modul ini juga diberikan kepada siswa yang telah

memiliki gawai dan akses internet dalam jaringan. Perbedaannya hanya lah terletak pada

media pembelajarannya saja. Siswa yang tidak memiliki HP, mengerjakan dan menuliskan

tugasnya langsung pada modul ini sedangkan siswa yang telah memiliki HP dan akses

internet bisa mengerjakan lewat kelas online di Google Classroom. Bagi siswa yang masih

bingung dengan penjelasan materi dari modul ini dan ada kemungkinan bisa mendapat akses

internet di mana saja, bisa mengakses YouTube dengan channel bernama Inggrid FH. di

kanal tersebut saya membuat video pembelajaran untuk kelas X, XI, dan XII.

Pada setiap unit materi, saya membuat daftar kosakata dalam bahasa inggris yang

harus diterjemahkan oleh siswa sebelum memulai pembelajaran atau siswa juga bisa

menuliskan sendiri kosakata baru yang ia pelajari dari unit ini. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar

siswa memiliki perbendaharaan kata dalam bahasa inggris yang luas agar bermanfaat di

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iiikemudian hari. Siswa wajib memiliki buku kamus bahasa Inggris – bahasa Indonesia di

rumah. Di akhir unit dari modul ini, ada bagian di mana orangtua/ wali murid wajib

menandatangani halaman yang telah tersedia nilai setiap tugas yang telah dikerjakan dari

siswa tersebut. Bagian ini saya buat agar adanya kerjasama antara orangtua/ wali murid

dengan guru dalam perkembangan belajar anak selama pandemi ini atau bahkan setelah

pandemi ini berakhir.

Modul ini masih jauh dari kesempurnaan. Kritik dan saran yang membangun saya

harapkan demi terciptanya modul yang berkualitas.

Akhir kata sekian dan terimakasih.

Sentani, Juli 2020

Inggrid Fincilia Hukubun, S.Pd


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Preface/ kata sambutan ………………………………………………………. ii

Contents ………………………………………………………. iv

Unit 1

HOW DID IT HAPPEN? …………..………………………………………….. 1

Unit 2

WHERE DID YOU FIND IT ......…………………………………………………... 12

Unit 3

MY WASHING MACHINE IS WORKING …….………………………………...……. 19

Unit 4

IF I WERE A PRESIDENT ....……………………………………………………..

Unit 5

WHAT ARE YOU DISCUSSING ..………………………………………………….……

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Objectives of the study:

Understand the concept of cause and effect relationship

Identify causes and effects in articles

Understand the using of “So… that” and “Such… that”

Understand the difference of “So… that” and “Such… that”

Fill sentences using “So… that” and “Such… that”

Have you ever read newspapers or articles in wherever media?

You will find a lot of information or explanation about how things around you happen or occur. In this unit, you will learn about cause and effect relationship, cause and effect linking words and also the using of “so … that” and “such…that”

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The following is a list of words that might appear in this unit. To help you understand

it, find the translation in Bahasa and write down the meaning of each words and phrases.

Signal word: Penanda kata

Pattern: …………………………..

Due to: ……………………………

Thus: ……………………………..

Fainted: ……………………………

Dots: …………………………………

Therefore: ………………………… Usage: …………………………

So: ………………………………….

Such: ……………………………….

Such as: …………………………..

For this reason: …………………….

Prohibited: ………………………….

Fire: …………………………………

Falling: ...............................................

Swell: ………………………………

Swollen: ……………………………..

Forest fire: ……………………………

Defect: ………………………………

Fetus: …………………………………

Disease: ………………………………

Fluid: …………………………………

Note: You can write some words with the translation that might be new for you. Knowing vocabulary as much as possible is good for your English learning.

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3A. Understanding Cause and Effect Relationship

Cause and effect relationship may be used to explain or to predict phenomena in

natural or designed systems. A cause is why an event happens. An effect is an event that

happens because of a cause. There are many words that signal cause and effect, such as:

Words that signal causes Words that signal effect

because therefore

since so

due to thus

as consequently

because of for this reason

for as a result

To understand better about patterns of cause and effect, read and study the following pattern:

The following are sentence patterns that show cause and effect:

Pattern Example

Clause – effect pattern:

(clause of clause) (words that signal effects)

+ (clause of effect)

She had no shoes or warm – clothes.

Therefore she was often cold.

Effect – cause pattern:

(clause of effect) (words that signal causes) +

(clause of clause)

She is angry because she has no resources to

grow food.

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Can you write another example of

telling cause and effect to

4B. Cause and Effect Linking Words

Types of Linking



reason or


Introducing result or effect Example

Conjunction As, since,

because, for,

due to

So - I stayed at

home because

it was raining.

- It was raining,

so I stayed at


Transitions - As a result, consequently,

therefore, thus

- This is the

fourth time

that this has

happened and,


we can accept


watches from


Prepositions Due to,

because of, as

a result of

- - I move to South

Korea because of my

new job.

- The plane was

delayed due to the

foggy weather.

Another example: The students of SMA Negeri 1 Sentani still learn at home due to pandemic COVID – 19.

Task 1

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Can you write another example of

telling cause and effect to

5Make 5 sentences that tell about cause and effect! Don’t forget to use the words that signal

causes and effect!

1. …………………………………………………………………

2. ………………………………………………………………….

3. ……………………………………………………………………

4. …………………………………………………………………….

5. ……………………………………………………………………

Task 2Look at the pictures and answer the questions! (If

online, you speak orally through Zoom Meeting)

a. What happen to the kid?

b. How can it happen?

c. What is the cause?


a. What happen to the forest?

b. What is the cause?

c. How can it happen?


Task 3

Read the paragraph and find the causes and effects. Then fill in the chart that follows. Number 1 has

been done for you. Do number 2 – 5

Alcoholic drinking is very dangerous for our health. There are lots of problems caused by this

dangerous fluid. First, it can cause a swell in our liver. This is because it can trigger the liver to work

extra hard filtering the fluid in our body, so that the liver becomes swollen because it contains so much

fluid. Secondly, alcoholic drinking damages the human brain. It will decrease the function of alcohol

addict’s brain, thereby increasing the risk of depression and frustration. If this happens, there will be a

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Number Cause Effect

1 Causing a swell in our liver Can trigger the liver to work extra hard filtering the fluid in

our body so that the liver becomes swollen





C. Grammar “So… that” and “Such … that”

The forms of such … that and so … that actually have some usage and the usage are:

To show a fact

Alcoholic drinking is very dangerous for our health. There are lots of problems caused by this

dangerous fluid. First, it can cause a swell in our liver. This is because it can trigger the liver to work

extra hard filtering the fluid in our body, so that the liver becomes swollen because it contains so much

fluid. Secondly, alcoholic drinking damages the human brain. It will decrease the function of alcohol

addict’s brain, thereby increasing the risk of depression and frustration. If this happens, there will be a

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7It means that is usually has a result or consequences.

Example: Sandra is so lazy that she can’t get a great score in English test.

To show extreme feeling or opinion

It means that it will show an opinion or feeling about something extremely.

Example: Sasa is such a smart student that he can understand the Mathematic and

foreign language faster than others.

The Usage of So … that and Such … that

So and such is adverb of degree that used to show the quality of someone or something.

So (Dalam kasus pembelajaran ini, SO diartikan sebagai SANGAT bukan


The usage of “So” is placing after adjective, adverb (-ly), or noun phrase that start with

determiner many, much, few, and little.

So … that (Artinya SANGAT … SEHINGGA)

So also can be followed by that – clause.

So + adjective/adverb/many, much, few, little …

Example of So:

She swims so beautifully. (Adverb)

They are so creative and active. (Adjective)

I want to share so many stories. (Noun phrase)

So + adjective/adverb + that + clause

Example of so … that:

The little girl was crying so loudly that the

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Such (Dalam kasus pembelajaran ini Such diartikan sebagai SANGAT bukan


Such followed by singular noun with article “a” or plural noun.

Such ... that (SANGAT… SEHINGGA)

Such is used when:

a) There is article "a" or "an" in between the dots and that.

Because the using of So never use article, therefore if there is article "a" or "an" in

between the dots and that, you should answer SUCH.


- Mr. Toha has SUCH A big house THAT everyone can stay there. 

- Corona virus is such a big disaster to us that we still stay and learn at home.

b) There is two words in between the dots and that, while in the first word is not one of

many, much, few, and little (determiner).  Because the usage of “such”

So + adjective/adverb + that + clause

Example of so … that:

The little girl was crying so loudly that the

Such + singular noun (a …)/plural noun

Example of such:

They discussed such a hot issue. (Singular noun)

The man carried such heavy suitcases. (Plural


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9is: Such+adverb/adjective+noun+that. Therefore if there are two words in between the

dots and the word that, and the first word is not determiner, the first word is exactly

adjective/adverb. For this reason, you should answer SUCH.

Example: Cheetah has SUCH long legs THAT It can run fast.


Look at another example below:

 USM STAN 2010 

To solve this question, look at the dots and that clause. There are two words, the first word is

"many" that categorized as "determiner". Therefore the right answer is SO (D).

It’s easy, right?

After your task and quiz got scored by me, show it to your parents and ask them to sign

below. I made this so your parents know that you are study in this pandemic time.

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Objectives of the study:

Understand prepositional phrase as modifier

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10 Understand the function and pattern of prepositional phrase

Make sentences with prepositional phrase

Understand adjective clause

Make sentences with adjective clause

Have you found someone’s stuff? Where did you find it? How did you describe it? You can describe the location or the appearance of the things that you find using modifiers.

Modifiers are words, phrases, or clauses that provide description in sentences. Modifiers can be prepositional phrases or adjective clauses. In this unit, you will learn about how prepositional phrases or adjective clauses provide description in sentences.

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The following is a list of words that might appear in this unit. To help you understand

it, find the translation in Bahasa and write down the meaning of each words and phrases.

Prepositional phrase: frasa preposisi

Pronoun: ………………………….

Adverb: …………………………...

Perhaps: …………………………..

Who: ………………………………

Which: …………………………….

Whose: ……………………………..

Whom: ……………………………..

Which: ……………………………..

That: ………………………………..

Antecedents: ……………………….

Refer: ………………………………

Begged: ………………………………

Borrow: ………………………………

Lecturer: ……………………………..

Dutch: ……………………………….

Possession: ………………………… Fluently: ………………………………

Record: ………………………….. Recording: ………………………

Note: You can write some words with the translation that might be new for you. Knowing vocabulary as much as possible is good for your English learning.

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12A. Prepositional Phrase

Prepositional phrase is a group of words containing a preposition, a noun or pronoun.

Prepositional phrases modify nouns and verbs. There are several types of prepositional


1. Simple Prepositional Phrase

Prepositional phrases containing preposition followed by noun/pronoun.


I go there with him. (preposition + pronoun)

She loves eating it with chocolate. (preposition + noun)

2. Adjective Prepositional Phrase

Adjective prepositional phrase contains preposition followed by adjective. It describes

noun or pronoun. It can answer questions: what kind? How many? Which one?


Angora is cat with long fur. (long fur is modifying the noun “cat”)

The car in the garage is old. (in the garage is modifying the noun “car”)

3. Adverb prepositional phrase

Adverb prepositional phrase contains preposition followed by adverb. It describes

verb, adjective, or adverb that is put before the preposition. It can answer: How?

When? How often? How long? How much? Why? In what way? In what



Messi will play football at the new arena. (The new arena is modifying the

verb “play”. It is an adverb of place New arena)

Before class , Amira begged her friend for paper. (Before class is modifying the

verb “begged”. It is an adverb of time before)

4. Prepositional Phrase after certain verbs such as look for, call at, insist on, take care of.

Commonly it has function as adverb.


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- in a park- to go home- in pink dress- with her friends- without saying- at me- for interrupting- surrounding me- at each other- with smiling

13 She called at my house last Sunday. (At my house is modifying verb called. It

is an adverb of place)

He is looking for his key. (For his key is modifying verb looking for. It is an

adverb of purpose)

Task 1

Fill the blank with the provided words in the box.

Yesterday, I took a walk (1) _____________. I met a girl

(2) ___________. She was so beautiful. She was having

conversation (3) ____________________. I approached and

greeted her. I said, “Sorry (4) ______________”. The girls

stopped talking and turn her head to look (5) _______________,

her friends did it too. The girls looked (6) _________________

and nodded. After 5 seconds, they left me alone at that place (7)

_______________ anything. People (8) _________________

looked at me (9) __________________. I just wanted (10)

___________________ at that time. I felt so embarrassed.

Task 2

Make sentences with the following adverb prepositional phrase.

1. without you

2. In Japanese restaurant

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143. look for

4. in spite of feeling sleepy

5. during lunch time


B. Adjective Clause

Adjective clause is a dependent clause that functions as an adjective in the sentence.

Adjective clauses modify nouns and pronouns. There are two kinds of adjective clause:

defining clause and non – defining clause.

1. Defining clause

Defining clause is an adjective clause which defines the antecedent (the noun, pronoun, or

noun) that located before the adjective clause. Defining clause is introduced by the relative

pronouns. The relative pronouns are used in a restrictive sense, means that they restrict and

define the antecedents. A defining clause is necessary in a sentence that is used to explain or

identify which person or thing that were talking about. In defining clause, comma is not



I met a doctor who is very kind.

I thanked the woman who helped me.

Mr. Dani has a painting whose value is inestimable.

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152. Non – defining clause

A non – defining clause is an adjective clause which gives us more information about the

antecedent in a sentence, but it does not define or identify the antecedent. In non – defining

clause, comma is needed.


Professor Raymond, who teaches Chemistry 101, is an excellent lecturer.

Mr. Ahmad, whom I met yesterday, teaches business management.

Angel, who speaks Dutch, applied for the job.

An adjective clause begins with a relative pronoun such as: who, whom, which, that,

whose; or relative adverbs, such as when, why, where.

1. Relative Pronouns

Relative pronouns are used to link two sentences that have the same noun or pronoun.

Relative pronouns are used to introduce adjective clause. In English, there are five basic

relative pronoun forms:

Relative Pronoun Use Example

who Subject or object pronoun for


- She likes the singer.

- He is singing jazz song.

She likes the singer

who is singing jazz



Subject or object pronoun for

animal or things

- The ball is from plastic.

- The ball is mine.

The ball which is

from plastic is


Referring to a whole sentence - She couldn’t read.

- That surprised me.

She couldn’t read

which surprised me.

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16whose Possession for people, animal,

and things

- I know the man.

- His motorcycle was


I know the man

whose motorcycle

was stolen.

whom Object pronoun for people,

especially in non – defining


- We met Miss Inggrid.

- You told your teacher


We met Miss

Inggrid whom you

told yesterday.

that Subject or object for people,

animals, things in defining


- The pillow is soft.

- I use it.

The pillow that I

use is soft.

2. Relative Adverbs

Relative adverbs are used in replaced to relative pronouns plus preposition. Relative

adverbs often make the sentence easier to understand.

Relative Adverbs Meaning Use Example

When In/ on which To modify a noun of


- I’ll never forget the


- I met you then.

I’ll never forget

the day on which I

met you.

Where In/ at which To modify a place - The building is very


- He lives there.

The building is

which he lives is

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Meilani thought that speaking English is difficult. She had to open dictionary which is thick and has a lot of pages when she doesn’t know how to pronounce some words. She also met a friend whose electronic dictionary and borrowed it. She did not know how long someone can speak English fluently. Someday her friend asked her to come and join speaking English group house where people usually practice speaking English.

She met friendly friends who can speak English well. Finally, she can speak English fluently. The group is the reason why she can speak English well. In the group she can practice speaking English with her friends. The term which says practice makes perfect is true. Meilani becomes someone who can speak English fluently now.

17very old.

why For which To refer to a reason - He refused to sing.

- Can you tell me the


Can you tell me

the reason why he

refused to sing?


Actually adjective clause sometimes functions as modifier in prepositional phrase.


In the room, which is very dark, is rather scary.

After seven, which is usually after dinner, is a good time to study.

You must clean under the sofa, which is covered with dust.

Task 3

Read the following text and then record your own voice in your mobile phone and then post it

in Google Classroom’s in part “Recording”.

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18Task 4

Combine both sentences with whose.

Example: I have a friend. Her brother is a sailor.

I have a friend whose brother is a sailor.

1. The girl is so popular. Her face is on school magazine.

The girl ………………………………………………………

2. The woman is my mom’s friend. Her daughter is so clever.

The woman ………………………………………………..

3. The man is my teacher. You meet his wife.

The man ……………………………………………………

4. The girl is so friendly. I borrowed her bicycle.

The girl ………………………………………………………...

5. I thanked a classmate. I borrowed his laptop.


I thanked …………………………………………………………..

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Objectives of the study:

Understand the function and pattern of finite

Make finite clauses

Understand the function and pattern of non – finite

Make non – finite clauses

Have you ever told about someone’s activities? Do you often say verbs which sound –ing or –ed in the end of the verb? Have you ever told verbs which are related senses such as smell, listen, watch, see, touch? Have you ever told verbs which describe functions some tools or goods such as washing machine, sewing machine, boiled egg, fried rice? Well, you realize or not, you have ever practiced finite and non – finite in your daily life.

In this unit, we can learn differences of finite and non – finite verbs further.

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The following is a list of words that might appear in this unit. To help you understand

it, find the translation in Bahasa and write down the meaning of each words and phrases.

Play: ………………………………….…

Cricket: ……………………………….....

Lend: …………………………………….

Pull: ………………………………………

Drawer: …………………………………..

Put out: …………………….……………..

Gas stove: ………………………………...

Convey: …………………………………..

Consider: …………………………………

Washing machine: ………………………..

Forward: ………………………………….

In charge: …………………………………

Might: …………………………………….

Cannot afford: ……………………………

Affordable: ……………………………….

Deny: ……………………………………..

Avoid: …………………………………….

Expect: …………………………………...

Watering flower: …………………………

Stalking: ………………………………….

Picking: …………………………………..

Endure: …………………………………...

Defer: ……………………………………..

Polish: MenyemirBring: …………………………………….

Owe: ……………………………………..

Auxiliaries: …………………………….

Refuse: ………………………………… Surrender: ……………………………

Note: You can write some words with the translation that might be new for you. Knowing vocabulary as much as possible is good for your English learning.


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21Finite verbs are verbs which depend on time of activity, both present and past activities.

There are various types of finite verbs. They are:

1. Transitive verb

Transitive verb is a verb as a predicate in a sentence which is able to be followed by



2. Intransitive verb

Intransitive verb is a verb as a predicate which is not followed by object or without

object in a sentence.


3. Action verb

Action verbs are verbs which show someone’s activities, such as studied, cook, give,

work, read, play, take, etc.


4. Non – action verb

Non – action verbs are verbs which mostly show the use of sense, such as smell, taste,

see, hear, listen, watch, love, hate, etc.


Task 1

Henni studied hard last night.

Mrs. Wanda cooks every day.

I smell coffee before I drink it every morning.

This waffle tastes good.

Mr. Sinaga reads newspaper every morning.

Subject + predicate + object

Rena went.

Subject + predicate - without object.

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22Make sentences with these words below using transitive verbs and objects! Look at the

example first.

Example: sent – postcard

Natasya sent a postcard from Australia.

1. play – cricket: _________________________________________________________

2. lend – jacket: _________________________________________________________

3. pull – drawer: _________________________________________________________

4. put out – gas stove: _____________________________________________________

5. bring – fan: ___________________________________________________________

6. keep – document: ______________________________________________________

7. polish – shoes: ________________________________________________________

8. break – glasses: _______________________________________________________

9. read – magazine: ______________________________________________________

10. convey – opinion: ______________________________________________________

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Non – finite verbs are verbs which are put after or before certain words. The words cab be

non – action verbs, modal, noun, or adjective. There are various types of non – finite verbs.

They are:

1. Participle

Participle verb is a verb used to explain word nearby. There are two participle verbs. They are

present participle (v – ing) and past participle (v – ed).


- My washing machine is new. (present participle: wash+ing= washing)

- My favorite food is boiled potato. (present participle: boil+ed= boiled)

2. Gerund

Gerund is the –ing form of a verb used as a noun. A gerund is used in the same ways as a

noun. Some uses of gerund are as follows:

a. Gerund as the subject, object, or subject complement of the sentence like nouns,

gerunds can be the subject, object, or complement of a sentence.


- Swimming is excellent exercise. (Gerund as subject)

- I look forward to seeing you soon. (Gerund as object)

- Shella’s passion is writing. (Gerund as subject complement)

b. Gerund as the object of preposition

When a –ing from a verb is used following a preposition, it is always a gerund.


- Susi is in charge of organizing the meeting.

- I look forward to going home next month.

c. Gerund after certain verbs

We sometimes use more than one verb in a sentence. The second verb can be in the

to-infinitive or –ing form or gerund depends on the first verb. We use gerund if the

first verb are as follows: admit, appreciate, avoid, carry on, consider, defer, delay,

detest, dislike, endure, enjoy, escape, face, feel like, finish, give up, can’t, help,

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24imagine, involve, leave off, mention, mind, miss, postpone, practice, put off, report,

resent, risk, can’t stand, suggest, understand.


- He admitted having driven too fast.

- Jessica is considering buying a new car.

d. Gerund giving passive meaning after special verbs

Gerund can give passive meaning after some special verbs. The special verbs are

want, require, and need.


- The wall needs painting. (The wall needs to be painted)

- The room wants cleaning. (The room needs to be cleaned)

- This letter requires signing. (The letter needs to be signed)

3. The Infinitives

The infinitive is the base form of a verb. The infinitive has two forms: to-infinitive and

bare infinitive.

a. To-infinitive (to + verb 1)

To-infinitive is used to express the purpose of something or someone’s opinion about

something. The following are some functions of to-infinitive.

Function Example

The to-infinitive to indicate the purpose or

intention of an action

I came to find my lost watch.

I am calling to ask you about this


The to-infinitive as the subject of the


To visit the Grand Canyon is my life-

long dream.

To be or not to be, that is the


The to-infinitive to indicate what something

can or will be used for

I don’t have anything to eat.

Would you like something to drink?

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25The to-infinitive after certain adjective:

disappointed, glad, sad, happy, anxious,

pleased, surprised, proud, unhappy

I’m happy to be here.

It’s better not to smoke.

The to-infinitive to make a comment It was the right thing to do.

What you said was a rude thing to


The to-infinitive after question words Do you know what to cook for

tomorrow morning?

She doesn’t know how to answer the

math question.

b. Bare infinitive

The bare infinitive is infinitive without the marker to. The following are some uses of

bare infinitive.

Use of Bare Infinitive Example

Bare infinitive is used after verbs bid, let,

make, see, hear, need, dare

Let him sit there.

He made her cry.

Bare infinitive is used after auxiliaries: will,

would, shall, should, may, might, can, could,


I will not wait.

He can speak five languages.

Bare infinitive is used after expressions had

better, would rather, sooner than, rather than

You had better ask his permission.

I would rather die than surrender.

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26Task 3Make sentences with combining the words below. Use “she” as subject for each sentence.

Use whatever tenses.

Example: love and read

She loves reading horror books.

1. try and play guitar: _____________________________________________________

2. can’t afford and finish: __________________________________________________

3. stop and sing: _________________________________________________________

4. deny and run: _________________________________________________________

5. forget and water flower: ________________________________________________


Choose the correct answer by putting a cross (x) on a, b, c, d, or e

(Can be online in Google Docs)

1. You........ to go home soon.a. Haveb. Hasc. Hadd. Havinge. To have

2. She........ the rope yesterday.a. Cutb. Cutsc. Cuttedd. Cuttinge. To cut

3. He ....... his key under the table five minutes ago.a. Findb. Findsc. Foundd. Findinge. To find

4. We still …… his face.

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27a. rememberingb. rememberedc. remembersd. to remembere. remember

5. The people in this town are so friendly. They always............

a. To smileb. Smilec. Smilesd. Smilinge. Smiled

6. My hair need ………. soon.a. washb. washedc. washingd. be washede. washes

7. I hate ……….. spicy food. It always causes stomachache.a. eatb. eatsc. be eatingd. be eatene. to eat

8. Please, stop ………… my social media. I don’t like it.a. stalkb. to stalkc. stalkingd. be stalkede. stalks

9. After knowing that her friend gets offended easily, Cici stops ……… another theme of conversation.

a. pickb. to pickc. pickingd. pickede. picks

10. He started ………. my bicycle this morninga. repairb. to repairc. repairedd. be repairinge. repairs

For questions 11 to 15, choose the word that is used incorrectly in the sentence

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2811. She love cooking fried chicken by herself.

a b c d e

12. Last week I meeting him in the office. a b c d e

13. Fransisca catch the ball few minutes ago. a b c d e

14. If you prefer to watch movie at home to seeing the concert, you must tell them first. a b c d e

15. Did you remember locking the door when you left? a b c d e

For questions 16 – 20, read the text and fill in the blanks with correct words!

16. a. Fallb. Fallenc. Felld. Fallinge. Felt

17. a. Cryb. Cryingc. Cries d. Was cryinge. Cried

18. a. Know

Tina (16) ………. down and her shoes were torn yesterday. She (17) ………. Because she felt ashamed with surrounding people who were watching her. Yuni saw her. (18) ………. That she is her friend, she approached her and help her (19) ………… up and lend her shoes. Yuni preferred (20) ……………. Her new sandals that she just bought from shoes store nearby.

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29b. Knewc. Knows d. Knowne. Knowing

19. a. standb. to standc. standingd. stoode. stands

20. a. wear

b. wore

c. wearing

d. to wear

e. wears

Date Checked: September 2020Score :