English for International Relation Lecturer : Dwi Sloria Suharti, M.PD Rezah Yusniaroh 1188203075

English for International Relation

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English for International Relation

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English for International Relation

English for International Relation

Lecturer : Dwi Sloria Suharti, M.PD

Rezah Yusniaroh1188203075

1Lesson PlanSubject: English for International RelationSub-topic: Press ConferenceLevel: Vocational High SchoolTime Allocation: 2 x 45 minutes Skill: Speaking2The Aims of TeachingStudents are able to use expressions that can be used in Press Conference.Students are able to present formal Press Conference.3Learning OutcomesAfter following this course, students are able:To know the vocabularies in English for International Relation.To use the expressions that can be used in formal Press Conference.To understand the ways English speakers to handle self in front of a press corps..4Materialsblurb- A brief description of the speaker or of an event.briefing- A short press conference where there is generally no chance to ask questionsdoorstep interview- A type of 'ambush' interview where the media encounters a member of government 'on the doorstep' and an informal press conference materializes.follow-up- An update on a previous story or a second question a journalist may wish to askfull lid- A message sent by a press secretary to indicate there will be no more news that day on the Government's actions or President's movements.5Materialsblurb- A brief description of the speaker or of an event.briefing- A short press conference where there is generally no chance to ask questionsdoorstep interview- A type of 'ambush' interview where the media encounters a member of government 'on the doorstep' and an informal press conference materializes.follow-up- An update on a previous story or a second question a journalist may wish to askfull lid- A message sent by a press secretary to indicate there will be no more news that day on the Government's actions or President's movements.6headlines- main news items of the dayhearsay- When someone relates a story without evidence to back it up.leading questions- A question that contains the predicted answer within the question.off the record- Comments made that are not intended for publication or to be aired.op-ed (opinion editorial)- A feature, usually by a prominent journalist, presenting an opinionated story.press release- A brief written statement given to members of the press about a specific event.7puff piece- A news story that presents its subject in a favorable light, ignoring any controversial issues.recap- A repetion or review of material that has just been announced or covered. Both syllables are emphasized.roundup- A sampling of news from around the worldtip- A source that provides information upon which a government or ministry has acted, or may act. (ex: Acting on a tip from the local police, the government raided the factory)soft ball- A very easy question, one that may appear to have been crafted by the speaker herself. We usually say "to lob someone soft balls". (to throw very gently)

8Learning ActivitiesSteps :a. IntroductionGreetingPrayingChecking the students attendance listIntroducing the topicAchievement of the goals: informing the goals of the lesson.

9b. Core activitiesExplorationThe teacher explains the definition of Press Conference.The teacher introduces the terminology or vocabularies related to the material.The teacher gives some tips about how to be a good speaker in Press ConferenceThe teacher shows video about tips for hold Press Conference. ElaborationThe teacher asks the students to make a group that consist 4 students.The teacher asks the students to read the text about trading economic.The teacher helps the students if they have trouble in reading the text.The teacher asks the students to have a role play where each group has to hold a mini Press ConferenceConfirmationThe students and the teachers summarize what has been learned.Giving confirmation about the results of exploration and elaboration of learners through a variety of sources.

10c. ClosingHolding a reflection on today's learning activities.Giving homework.Delivering material for the next meeting.Praying.

11Media, Tools and References of LearningMedia :Powerpoint, video related to the topic.Tools: ProjectorReference:http://www.normalesup.org/~blevins/recruit/careers/language-tools/press-conferences.htmlhttp://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/press-conference.asphttp://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/participation/promoting-interest/press-conference/main

12DEFINITION OF 'PRESS CONFERENCE' A meeting organized for the purposes of distributing information to the media and answering questions from reporters. Normally the press conference is led by the company's executive management or their appointed press liaison. Given the media's limited resources, it may be difficult to attract major media attention to a press conference unless the company has a truly unique or newsworthy announcement to share. Press conferences can also be issued in response to addressing public relations issues.13WHY SHOULD YOU HOLD A PRESS CONFERENCE?You can give more information than in a press release.A press conference is interactive; you can answer questions from the press, and emphasize points you might not otherwise have a chance to make.You can announce an important development, and explain its significant local and wider implications.You can set the record straight if your group received negative publicity.You can often generate the kind of notice or publicity a spot on the 6:00 TV news, for instance that youd otherwise have to pay a large amount for.When many media representatives are present, it makes your conference seem really newsworthy -- the media presence itself adds to the importance.A successful media conference can not only generate news, but can also boost the morale of your own group -- that is, your group can take pride in knowing that the press will really turn out to hear what you have to say.14WHEN SHOULD YOU HOLD A PRESS CONFERENCE?When the event includes a prominent individual to whom the media should have access.When you have significant announcements to make, such as a campaign start-up or a lobbying victory.When there is an emergency or crisis centered around your group or the issues it deals with.When a number of groups are participating in an action, and the show of support will emphasize that this action is news.When you want to react to a related event; for example, when a national report relevant to your issue is released.15Basic tips All advice given forMedia interviewsgenerally applies to a Press conference. The Press Conference has some specifities however: Know if it's a 'gaggle' or a 'conference': American media have two kinds of press conferences when dealing with members of any government: the "gaggle" which is an informal, unrecorded meeting with journalists where you can stipulate what is on and off the record, and the actual "Press Conference" or "Press Briefing" where everything you say is recorded and subject to quotation. Avoid saying 'I don't know': Prefer alternatives like: "I am unable to provide that information at this time," "I am not aware of this issue," or "This information has not been communicated to me in this form". If your ministry or embassy doesn't know this information and you have been informed to let the press know, then be very clear and use "we.16Basic tips Recognize the journalist's point of view before you begin your answer: This cannot be emphasized enough. In Anglophone culture it is rude in any setting not to recognize the right of a differing or questioning voice to exist along with your own. English speaking journalists can become very agressive if this is not done, so save yourself some grief and possible embarrassment with a simple, "I can appreciate your concern about this," or "I understand your point of view on this, however" Look straight at the journalist you have selected and do not let yourself be distracted by other members of the media.Especially in a crisis situation, journalists can act a little like mobs seeking information and will compete with one another for the right to speak. You have to get on top of this quickly by choosing questions and then engaging only the person you choose.17ExerciseMake a role play as you will hold a Press Conference in group based on this situation. Perform it!If an education funding bill were introduced in the state legislature, you might want to convene a press conference that same morning to react to the bill's implications.18Thank You


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