Manish Suryawanshi English IC33 Chapter 1 Mock Test Question 1 Risk transfer through risk pooling is called _________ A Savings B Investments C Insurance D Risk mitigation Question 2 Which of the below insurance scheme is run by an insurer and not sponsored by the Government? A Employees State Insurance Corporation B Crop Insurance Scheme C Jan Arogya

English ic33 chapter 1 to 5 with answers

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Page 1: English ic33 chapter 1  to 5 with answers

Manish Suryawanshi

English IC33 Chapter 1 Mock Test

Question 1

Risk transfer through risk pooling is called


A Savings

B Investments

C Insurance

D Risk mitigation

Question 2

Which of the below insurance scheme is run by an

insurer and not sponsored by the Government?

A Employees State Insurance Corporation

B Crop Insurance Scheme

C Jan Arogya

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D All of the above

Question 3

Origins of modern insurance business can be traced

to _________

A Botta mry

B Lloyds

C Rhodes

D Malhotra Committee

Question 4

When was Lic formed?

A 1956

B 1999

C 1976

D 2000

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Question 5

Which of the following statements is true?

A Insurance is a method of sharing the losses of a

'few' by 'many'

B Insurance is a method of transferring the risk of

an individual to another individual

C Insurance is a method of sharing the losses of a

'many' by a few

D Insurance is a method of transferring the gains of

a few to the many

Question 6

Which of the below is not an advantage of cash

value insurance contracts?

A Safe and secure investment

B Inculcates saving discipline

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C Lower yields

D Income tax advantages

Question 7

How many life insurance companies are operating

in India currently ?

A 26

B 23

C 20

D 24

Question 8

Which among the following is a secondary burden

of risk?

A Business interruption cost

B Goods damaged cost

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C Setting aside reserves as a provision for meeting

potential losses in the future

D Hospitalisation costs as a result of heart attack

Question 9

Which is the first life insurance company in the


A Lloyds Coffee House

B Bombay Mutual Assurance Society Ltd

C Amicable Society for a perpetual Assurance

D National Insurance Company Limited

Question 10

Two types of risk burdens that one carries are


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A Primary Burden of risk and Secondary Burden of


B Conditional Burden of Risk and Unconditional

Burden of Risk

C Positive Burden of Risk and Negative Burden of


D All the Above

Question 11

Who devised the concept of HLV?

A Dr. Martin Luther King

B Warren Buffet

C Prof Hubener

D George Soros

Question 12

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Which of the below is not an element of the life

insurance business?

A Asset

B Risk

C Principle of mutuality

D Subsidy

Question 13

Nationionalisation of Insurance was on


A 1st September 1956

B 1st December 1956

C 1 st October 1956

D 10th Sept 1956

Question 14

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The Asset May Be

A Physical

B Non Physical

C Personal

D All the Above

Question 15

The measures to reduce chances of occurrence of

risk are known as ________

A Risk retention

B Loss prevention

C Risk transfer

D Risk avoidance

Question 16

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When an insurer enters into an Insurance Contract

with each person who seeks to participate in the

Scheme. Such a participant is known as


A Insurer

B Insured

C Both a and b

D None of the Above

Question 17

The first indian inurance company is ____________

A The Oriental life Insurance Co.ltd

B Bombay Mutual Assurance Society Ltd

C National Insurance Company Ltd

D Triton Insurance o. Ltd

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Question 18

Out of 400 houses, each valued at Rs. 20,000, on an

average 4 houses get burnt every year resulting in a

combined loss of Rs. 80,000. What should be the

annual contribution of each house owner to make

good this loss?

A Rs.1 00/-

B Rs.200/-

C Rs80/-

D Rs.4001-

Question 19

How does diversification reduce risks in financial


A Collecting funds from multiple sources and

investing them in one place

B Investing funds across various asset classes

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A Insurance

B Assurance

C Micro fnsurance

D Bancassurance

Question 22

The GIONA was Passed in

A 1999

B 1956

C 1972

D 1993

Question 23

Which of the below is an advantage of cash value

insurance contracts?

A Returns subject to corroding effect of inflation

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B Low accumulation in earlier years

C Lower yields

D Secure investment

Question 24

Which is one of the major forms of Risk Transfer

A Assurance

B Fixed deposit

C Insurance

D Mutual Fund

Question 25

Which among the following is a method of risk


A Bank ED

B Insurance

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C Equity shares

D Real estate

Question 26

Which of the following statement is true?

A Insurance protects the asset

B Insurance prevents its loss

C Insurance reduces possibilities of loss

D Insurance pays when there is loss of asset

Question 27

Which of the below statement is true?

A Life insurance policies are contracts of indemnity

while general insurance policies are contracts of


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B Life insurance policies are contracts of assurance

while general insurance policies are contracts of


C In case of general insurance the risk event

protected against is certain

D The certainty of risk event in case of general

insurance increases with time

Question 28

By transferring risk to insurer, it becomes possible


A To become careless about our assets

B To make money from insurance in the event of a


C To ignore the potential risks facing our assets

D To enjoy peace of mind and plan one's business

more effectively

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Question 29

Which of the below option best describes the

process of insurance?

A Sharing the losses of many by a few

B Sharing the losses of few by many

C One sharing the losses of few

D Sharing of losses through subsidy

Question 30

In insurance context 'risk retention' indicates a

situation where ______

A Possibility of loss or damage is not there

B Loss producing event has no value

C Property is covered by insurance

D One decides to bear the risk and its effects

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Question 31

Which of the below cannot be categorised under


A Dying too young

B Dying too early

C Natural wear and tear

D Living with disability

Question 32

Which among the following cannot be termed as an


A Car

B Human Life

C Air

D House

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Question 33

Why do insurers arrange for survey and inspection

of the property before acceptance of a risk?

A To assess the risk for rating purposes

B To find out how the insured purchased the


C To find out whether other insurers have also

inspected the property

D To find out whether neighboring property also

can be insured

Question 34

Which of the below is the most appropriate

explanation for the fact that young people are

charged lesser life insurance premium as compared

to old people?

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A Young people are mostly dependant

B Old people can afford to pay more

C Mortality is related to age

D Mortality is inversely related to age

Question 35

Which among the following is the regulator for the

insurance industry in India?

A Insurance Authority of India

B Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority

C Life Insurance Corporation of India

D General Insurance Corporation of India

Question 36

Which among the following scenarios warrants


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A The sale bread winner of a family might die


B A person may lose his wallet

C Stock prices may fall drastically

D A house may lose value due to natural wear and


Question 37

Which among the following methods is a traditional

method that can help determine the insurance

needed by an individual?

A Separation

B Risk Avoidance

C Risk financing

D Risk Retension

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Question 38

___________________ was the first legislation

enacted to regulate the conduct of insurance

companies in India

A The Insurance Act 1938

B The Life lnsurnce companies Act 1938

C Provident Fund Act 1912

D The Insurance Act 2000

Question 39

Which of the below mentioned insurance plans has

the least or no amount of savings element?

A Term insurance plan

B Endowment plan

C Whole life plan

D Money back plan

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Question 40

What Should one consider before opting for


A Don't risk a lot for little

B Don't risk more than what you can afford to loose

C Consider the likely outcomes of the risk carefully

D All the Above


English IC33 Chapter 2 MockTest

Question 1

Premium collected in the early years of the

insurance contract are held in trust by the insurance

company, this amount is known as

A Reserve

B Corpus

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C Fund

D Safe deposit

Question 2

Which of the following are the components of level


A Cash value element

B Term or protection component

C Both of the above

D Cash reserve ratio

Question 3

Which type of premium does not increase with age

but remains constant throughout the contract


A Single premium

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B Level Premium

C Flexible Premium

D Risk Premium

Question 4

Life Insurers are required to

maintain_____________as a condition for writing

the business

A Goodwill

B Marketshare

C Statutory reserve

D Credit notes

Question 5

Which Insurance plan provides only Death Benefit?

A Endowment plan

B Money Back Plan

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C Term plan

D Child Plan

Question 6

Typical risks faced by people are

A Dying to early

B Living to long

C Living with disability

D All of the above

Question 7

Mutality or the pooling principle plays which

specific role in life insurance

A Provides protection against economic loss arising

as a result of one’s untimely death

B Ensures a certain part of the fund is diverted to

social security

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C Provides guarantee of premiums paid to the


D None of the above


English IC33 Chapter 3 MockTest

Question 1

In Fire Insurance if the proposer discloses the

following information at the time of insurance

contract -1) Construction of building & age, 2)

nature of goods in building premises. Then as per

the insurance contract which information is he


A Material Fact

B Insurable Interest

C Proximate Clause

D Contract of Adhesion

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Question 2

_____________ relates to inaccurate statements,

which are made without any fraudulent intention.

A Misrepresentation

B Contribution

C Offer

D Representation

Question 3

Deliberate concealment of facts or

misrepresentation of facts falls under which

category ____________

A Fraud

B Consideration

C Capacity of the party

D Free Consent

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Question 4

Mr. Dsouza works in a factory. Unfortunately the

factory catches fire and Mr Dsouza is critically

injured and after spending few days in the hospital

dies. What is the proximity cause in this situation.

A Death

B Sickness

C Fire in Factory

D None of the above

Question 5

Which among the following is an example of


A Ramesh signs a contract without having

knowledge of the fine print

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B Ramesh threatens to kill Mahesh if he does not

sign the contract

C Ramesh uses his professional standing to get

Mahesh to sign a contract

D Ramesh provides false information to get Mahesh

to sign a contract

Question 6

Predominant cause which sets into motion the

chain of events producing the loss is known as


A Contract Adhesion

B Proximate Cause

C Leagality

D Utmost Good Faith

Question 7

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The payment of money in an insurance contract is

known as___________

A Offer and acceptance

B Consideration

C Legality

D Capacity of the parties

Question 8

Which element of a valid contract deals with


A Offer and acceptance

B Consideration

C Free consent

D Capacity of parties to contract

Question 9

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Which of the below is not a valid consideration for a


A Money

B Property

C Bribe

D Jewellery

Question 10

In which of the following does Insurable interest


A Husband & Wife

B Employer & Employee

C Business partners

D All of the above

Question 11

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Free Consent containt Mistake, Fraud,

Misrepresentation, __________ and ___________

A Undue Influence

B Coercion

C Both option

D None of the above

Question 12

Which of the below party is not eligible to enter

into a life insurance contract?

A Business owner

B Minor

C House wife

D Government employee

Question 13

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Which of the below is not correct with regards to

insurable interest?

A Father taking out insurance policy on his son

B Spouses taking out insurance on one another

C Friends taking out insurance on one another

D Employer taking out insurance on employees

Question 14

Which of the below action showcases the principle

of "Uberrima Fides"?

A Lying about known medical conditions on an

insurance proposal form

B Not revealing known material facts on an

insurance proposal form

C Disclosing known material facts on an insurance

proposal form

D Paying premium on time

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Question 15

In a legal contract if pressure is applied on either of

the parties through criminal means, it is known as

A Coercion

B Fraud

C Undue Influence

D Mistake

Question 16

______________ involves pressure applied through

criminal means.

A Fraud

B Undue influence

C Coercion

D Mistake

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Question 17

When is it essential for insurable interest to be

present in case of life insurance?

A At the time of taking out insurance

B At the time of claim

C Insurable interest is not required in case of life


D Either at time of policy purchase or at the time of


Question 18

Which among the following options cannot be

insured by Ramesh?

A Ramesh's house

B Ramesh's spouse

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C Ramesh's friend

D Ramesh's parents

Question 19

In which of the following insurable interest will not


A Mr Singh wants to take an insurance policy for his


B Anita wants to take insurance policy for her friend

C Anuj wants to take an insurance policy for her


D All of the above

Question 20

Find out the proximate cause for death in the

following scenario? Ajay falls off a horse and breaks

his back. He lies there in a pool of water and

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contracts pneumonia. He is admitted to the hospital

and dies because of pneumonia.

A Pneumonia

B Broken back

C Falling off a horse

D Surgen

Question 21

Which among the following is true regarding life

insurance contracts?

A They are verbal contracts not legally enforceable

B They are verbal which are legally enforceable

C They are contracts between two parties (insurer

and insured) as per requirements of Indian Contract

Act, 1872

D They are similar to wager contracts

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Question 22

Caveat Emptor relates to

A Uberrima Fides

B Insurable Interest

C Free Consent

D Capacity of the parties

Question 23

Rajesh had taken life insurance policy for Sum

Assured of 50L for 20 yrs while returning home he

met with a road accident and died. His death claim

was not settled as he did not disclose his age

correctly. This is known as breach of ____________

A Consideration

B Insurable Interest

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C Offer and acceptance

D Utmost Good Faith

Question 24

Anthony has taken a new car and immediately gets

his car insured too. He is paying a premium of

Rs.4000 premium for car insurance. Unfortunately

his car meets with an accident and most of the

parts are broken. So that Anthony receives the

insurance when should the insurable interest exist

A At time of Purchasing New Car

B AT time of Paying Premium

C At the time of claim

D None of the above


English IC33 Chapter 4 MockTest

Question 1

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MR. Shelly wants to purchase a new house. This is

which category of goal?

A Short Term Gaol

B Log term Goal

C Medium Term Goal

D Option 2& 3

Question 2

Which of the following is not a wealth accumulation

product ____________

A Real Estate

B Fixed Deposit

C Share

D High Yield Bond

Question 3

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Which among the following would you recommend

in order to seek protection against unforeseen


A Insurance

B Transactional products like bank. FD's

C Shares

D Debentures

Question 4

An individual with an aggressive risk profile is likely

to follow wealth __________ investment style

A Consolidation

B Gifting

C Accumulation

D Spending

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Question 5

During which stage of life will an individual

appreciate past savings the most?

A Post retirement

B Earner

C Learner

D Just married

Question 6

Which among the following can be categorised

under contingency products?

A Bank deposits

B Life insurance

C Shares

D Bonds

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Question 7

Phases of retirement planning are __________

A Distribution, Accumulation

B Conversation, Accumulation

C Conversation, Distribution

D Accumulation, Conservation, Distribution

Question 8

Which of the below can be categorised under

wealth accumulation products?

A Bank deposits

B Life insurance

C General insurance

D Shares

Question 9

____________ are unforeseen life events that may

call for a large commitment of funds

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B Wealth Accumulation

C Diversification

D Contingencies

Question 10

____________ is a rise in the general level of prices

of goods and services in an economy over a period

of time.

A Deflation

B Inflation

C Stagflation

D Hyperinflation

Question 11

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Optimal method of converting principal (which we

may call the corpus )into annuity payments for

meeting income needs post retirement is known as


A Distribution

B Accumulation

C Conversation

D Estate

Question 12

Which of the following is not a part of investment


A Diversification

B Time Horizon

C Retirement Planning

D Risk Tolerance

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Question 13

____________ includes preparing of budget,

analysing of expenses and income flow and

predicting the future monthly income & expenses

A Estate Planning

B Investment Planning

C Retirement Planning

D Cash Planning

Question 14

In progressive risk profile Investment style is


A Accumulation

B Wealth Accumulation

C Estate Planning

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D Consolidation

Question 15

_________________ planning includes current

need, future need, individual risk profile and

income to roadmap anticipated need

A Risk Tolerance

B Estate Planning

C Financial Planning

D Time Horizon

Question 16

If a customer’s investment style falls into spending

then in which risk profile will he fall?

A Conservative

B Secured

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C Asset Insurance

D All of the above

Question 19

Which is the prime cause of financial distress in

financial planning?

A Risk Tolerance

B Unplanned

C Time Horizon

D Planned

Question 20

In which of the following option can the investor

spread the investment and reduce the risk

A Time Horizon

B Marketability

C Risk Tolerance

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D Diversification

Question 21

Mr Kumar wants to transfer his property in the

name of his Son Vijay, this is known as _________


A Investment Planning

B Retirement Planning

C Estate Planning

D All of the above

Question 22

Which among the following is a wealth

accumulation product?

A Bank Loans

B Shares

C Term Insurance Policy

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D Savings Bank Account

Question 23

Savings can be considered as a composite of two

decisions. Choose them from the list below.

A Risk retention and reduced consumption

B Gifting and accumulation

C Spending and accumulation

D Postponement of consumption and parting with


Question 24

When is the best time to start financial planning?

A Post retirement

B As soon as one gets his first salary

C After marriage

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D Only after one gets rich

Question 25

Which among the following can be categorised

under transactional products?

A Bank deposits

B Life insurance

C Shares

D Bonds

Question 26

Which among the following is not an objective of

tax planning?

A Maximum tax benefit

B Reduced tax burden as a result of prudent


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C Tax evasion

D Full advantage of tax breaks

Question 27

Which of the below is not a strategy to maximise

discretionary income?

A Debt restructuring

B Loan transfer

C Investment restructuring

D Insurance purchase

Question 28

What is the relation between investment horizon

and returns?

A Both are not related at all

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B Greater the investment horizon the larger the


C Greater the investment horizon the smaller the


D Greater the investment horizon more tax on the



English IC33 Chapter 5 MockTest

Question 1

Which of the below statement is correct with

regards to endowment assurance plan?

A It has a death benefit component only

B It has a survival benefit component only

C It has both a death benefit as well as a survival


D It is similar to a term plan

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Question 2

Life insurance is a product that is ___________

A Tangible

B Expensive

C Intangible

D Productive

Question 3

What is the primary purpose of a life insurance


A Tax rebates

B Safe investment avenue

C Protection against the loss of economic value of

an individual's productive abilities

D Wealth accumulation

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Question 4

Mrs. Shailaja wishes to buy a product which will

provide her both a death and a survival benefit

component. Which plan will you suggest for her?

A Endowment Assurance Plan

B Term Assurance Plan

C Money Back Plan

D Annuity Plan

Question 5

Mr. Ankit Joshi is looking out for a plan which will

provide him a high insurance coverage in low

budget. Which plan would you suggest for him?

A Endowment Plan


C Term Insurance Plan.

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D Pure Endowment Plan

Question 6

Which feature of term insurance allows a

policyholder to change or convert a term insurance

policy into a permanent plan without providing

fresh evidence of insurablity?

A Changeable Term Insurance Policy

B Decreasing Term Assurance Policy

C Increasing Term Assurance Policy

D Convertibility

Question 7

Which insurance plan comes handy as an income

replacement plan?

A Pure Endowment Plan

B Term Insurance Plan

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C Health Plan

D Whole life plan

Question 8

___________ is a plan of decreasing term insurance

designed to provide a death amount that

corresponds to the decreasing amount owned on a

mortgage loan.

A Loan Redemption Plan

B Cash Redemption Plan

C Mortgage Redemption Plan

D Credit Redemption Plan

Question 9

Policies which do not participate in the profits are

called as _______________

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A Dividend Plans

B Non-Participating Plans

C Non-Dividend Plans

D Non-Investment Plans

Question 10

_____________ is a plan in which there is no fixed

term of cover but the insurer offers to pay the

agreed upon death benefit when the insured dies,

no matter whenever the death might occur.

A Term Assurance Plan

B Pure Endowment Plan

C Whole Life Insurance

D Endowment Assurance

Question 11

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The Bonus which is paid in case of death of the

policyholder or maturity benefit is called as


A Terminal Bonus

B Guaranteed Bonus

C Reversionary Bonus

D Profit gain Bonus

Question 12

Which among the following is an intangible


A Car

B House

C Life insurance

D Soap

Question 13

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Policies which have a provision for participating in

profits are called as _____________

A Participating Plans

B Profit Making Plans

C Dividend Plans

D Investment Plans

Question 14

Mrs. Anita has opted for an life insurance plan with

a tenure of 10 yrs. According to the plan she will

have to pay premiums regularly and will get an

insurance coverage of Rs 10 lass for the entire

tenure. However the plan doesn't provide any

maturity benefit. Which plan has Anita opted for?

A Term Assurance Plan

B Endowment Plan

C Annuity Plan

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D Money back Plan

Question 15

Which of the below statement is incorrect with

regards to decreasing term assurance?

A Death benefit amount decreases with the term of


B Premium amount decreases with the term of


C Premium remains level throughout the term

D Mortgage redemption plans are an example of

decreasing term assurance plans

Question 16

The premium paid for whole life insurance is

____________ than the premium paid for term


A Higher

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B Lower

C Equal

D Substantially higher

Question 17

Products that can only be perceived indirectly are

called _____________

A Intangible

B Consuming

C Expensive

D Tangible

Question 18

______________ life insurance pays off a

policyholders mortgage in the event of the person’s


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A Term

B Mortgage

C Whole

D Endowment

Question 19

Who among the following is best advised to

purchase a term plan?

A An indhidual who needs money at the end of

insurance term

B An individual who needs insurance and has a high


C An individual who needs insurance but has a low


D An individual who needs an insurance product

that gives high returns

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Question 20

An immensely valuable asset possessed by an

human being which is also the source of his

productive earning capacity is called ____________

A Human Income

B Human Life Value

C Human Capital

D Human Asset

Question 21

Which of the below option is correct with regards to

a term insurance plan?

A Term insurance plans came with life-long

renewability option

B All term insurance plans come with a built-in

disability rider

C Term insurance can be bought as a stand-alone

policy as well as a rider with another policy

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D There is no provision in a term insurance plans to

convert it into a vehicle life insurance plan

Question 22

Which of the below is an example of an endowment

assurance plan?

A Mortgage Redemption Plan

B Credit Life Insurance Plan

C Money Back Plan

D Whole Life Plan

Question 23

Physical objects that can be directly perceived by

touch are known as ___________ objects

A Intangible

B Physical

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Manish Suryawanshi

C Tangible

D Consuming

Question 24

According to the new guidelines for regular

premium policies, the cover will be __________

times the annualised premium paid for those below

45 and times for others.

A 10 and 5

B 10 and 7

C 7 and 10

D 5 and 10

Question 25

In decreasing-term insurance, the premiums paid

___________ over time.

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Manish Suryawanshi

A Increase

B Decrease

C Remain constant

D Are returned

Question 26

Which type of term insurance plan is designed to

pay the balance due on a loan?

A Increasing Life Insurance

B Mortgage Life Insurance

C Credit Life Insurance

D Convertible Life Insurance

Question 27

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Manish Suryawanshi

Which plan leaves the policyholder with the

satisfaction that he/she has not lost anything incase

he/she survives the term.

A Term insurance with return of premiums.

B Cash return insurance plan.

C Pure Endowment Plan.

D Pure Endowment with return of premiums.

Question 28

An endowment assurance is an combination of

_________ _________

A Health Plan + Term Assurance Plan

B Term assurance plan + Pure endowment plan

C Pure endowment + Pension plan

D Term assurance + Pension plan

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Manish Suryawanshi

Question 29

Mr Suresh Patil is the main income earner of the

family and wants to save in an insurance plan which

gives him life cover till he is alive Which plan will

you suggest for his needs?

A Decreasing Term Assurance

B Pure Endowment Plan

C Pension Plan

D Whole life Insurance Plan

Question 30

Using the conversion option present in a term policy

you can convert the same to ___________

A Whole life policy

B Mortgage policy

C Bank FD

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D Decreasing term policy

Question 31

The _________ the premium paid by you towards

your life insurance, the __________ will be the

compensation paid to the beneficiary in the event

of your death.

A Higher: Higher

B Lower, Higher

C Higher: Lower

D Faster: Slower

Question 32

_______________ is a plan with the provision for

return of a part of the sum assured in periodic

installments during the term and balanced of sum

assured at the end of the term.

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Manish Suryawanshi

A Pure Endowment Plan

B Money back plan

C Whole Life Insurance

D Cash back. plan