English II Project Cenotes

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  • 8/17/2019 English II Project Cenotes


    111 0 | P a g e

    ENGLISH II (English level)

    Celebrationaround theWorld

    B a c h e l o r ’ s D e g r e e i nN u t r i t i o n

    U n i v e r s i d a d d e l V a l l e d eM é x i c o

    C a m p u s L o m a s V e r d e s

    Maria Elvira Castillo CentenoViviana Pineda Puebla

    ath!a Montserrat Murillo"a#ire$%ndres &avid Gon$'le$ Lo e$

    aren San he$ Lo e$

    *ea her+ Mar a Dolores!revi"o #osales

  • 8/17/2019 English II Project Cenotes


    S o e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-Su##ar!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -Cenotes in .u atan,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -

    Introdu tion,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -


    *! es and lo ations,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 *ourist a tivities,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13

    "e4eren es,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1-Co##ents,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1-

  • 8/17/2019 English II Project Cenotes


    $cope *o develo a tourist ro5e t 4or a Me6i o7s hall#ar8 to i# rove Level II Englishlanguage s8ills through 9eb and librar! sear hing: tea# dis ussion: ersonalo inions and a /nal oral resentation,

    $ummar% *he .u atan Peninsula7s enotes s read all along the Ma!an green 5ungle: b!tradition are a hall#ar8 o4 natural lands a e details li8e sunlight /ltering throughholes bet9een ro 8s and ro5e ted onto the trans arent 9ater: o#bine to rovidea visual 4east 4or 4ans, *hese averns 9ere 4or#ed during a gla ier era and arebasi all! under9ater river s!ste#s; so#e o4 the# are onne ted to the o ean andare lassi/ed a ording geo#etr! and 4eatures, &ue to the signi/ antar haeologi al value re resenting the enotes as 9ell as its e65os: *a5=Mahal: Car9ash: Ponderosa: %ngelita are the #ost visited in %8u#al area: near toPla!a del Car#en: that it is in the #iddle o4 one o4 the /nest regions 4or ave and

    avern diving, % arentl! also the role o4 that sun and the Sa red Cenote in thesiting and orientation o4 Chi hen It$'7s El Castillo !ra#id,

    Cenotes in &ucatan'ntroduction

    *he .u atan eninsula has no visible rivers o4 9ater be ause the soil is li#estoneand ver! orous: so rain9ater is /ltered dire tl! or enetrates ra 8s 4or#ing aves:#an! o4 the# onne ted to ea h other, Ho9ever: o4ten al areous soil that sin8shave revealed the enotes: leaving a gli# se o4 the s e ta ular s ener! o4 theunderground: green: !ello9 and tur

  • 8/17/2019 English II Project Cenotes


    Large settle#ents o4 this ulture 9ere 4or#ed around the enotes:even be a#e theenter o4 their ities, %t the botto# o4 so#e enotes 4ound lent! o4 gi4ts and

    5e9elr!, It has also been 4ound in so#e enotes era#i re#ains and utensils 4orreligious ere#onies,

    &ue to the signi/ ant ar haeologi al value re resenting the enotes as 9ell as itse6

  • 8/17/2019 English II Project Cenotes


    4or#s in lo9 latitude regions: arti ularl! on islands: oastlines: and lat4or#s 9ith!oung ost=Paleo$oi li#estones that have little soil develo #ent,

    When the li#estone 9ea8ens and olla se: a enote or hole births: 9hat is theentran e to the underground aL *I>N C%VE"N = Naturall! a idi ground9ater see ing through ra 8s in theli#estone bedro 8 dissolves areas o4 so4ter ro 8 l!ing beneath the hard sur4a e

    rust, >ver ti#e: this ro ess reates large underground averns roo4ed 9ith onl! athin la!er o4 sur4a e li#estone,

    .> NG CEN>*E = %s erosion ontinues: this thin roo4 eventuall! olla ses: leavingan o en: 9ater=/lled hole,

    M%* "E CEN>*E = >ver thousands o4 !ears: erosion graduall! /lls the enote 9ithorgani and #ineral debris: redu ing its de th, *he Cenote o4 Sa ri/ e is urrentl!in this stage,

    &". CEN>*E = %s erosion ontinues: the enote #a! o# letel! /ll: be o#ing a dr!:shallo9 basin su orting trees and other vegetation,

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    *hese gorgeous averns 9ere 4or#ed during a gla ier era: 9here the sea level 9aslo9er, Cenotes are basi l! under9ater river s!ste#s: so#e o4 the# are onne tedto the o ean,

    *he .u atan Peninsula is a @at land: 9hi h #illions o4 !ears ago 9as an an ient ree4 9hi h e#erged 9hen the sea level dro ed: this is 9h! its earth is orous and ri hin al iu#, *here are not sur4a e rivers or strea#s: the li#estone is so so4t that rain

    er olates through the ground,

    %n ient Ma!a believed that the rain god Chaa8 resided in aves and natural 9ellsalled enotes, Ma!a 4ar#ers toda! in Me6i o7s ar hed .u at'n still a eal to

    Chaa8 4or the gi4t o4 rain, Mean9hile enotes are giving ar haeologists ne9 insightsinto the sa red lands a es o4 the an estral Ma!a,

    &uring the ast ou le o4 de ades ar haeologists have begun a!ing lose attentionto the role o4 aves: the $enith sun: and no9 enotes: in the belie4s and 9orld visiono4 the an ient Ma!a o4 .u at'n, %r haeologists had 8no9n that the Ma!a regardedboth aves and enotes as #ouths that o ened into an other9orld inhabited b!Chaa8: the god o4 li4e=giving rain,

    >n Mar h : 1 3 : the %#eri an ar heologist Ed9ard H, *ho# son: began dredgingthe Cenote o4 Sa ri/ e at the an ient Ma!a it! o4 Chi hJn It$' in .u at'n: Me6i o,

    *ho# son ho ed to substantiate legends des ribing this natural: 9ater=/lled:li#estone 9ell as a re ositor! 4or the re ious ob5e ts and hu#an vi ti#s oBered tothe gods b! the an ient Ma!a,

    M%.% N&E"W>"L&

    Cenotes are lenti4ul in this art o4 Me6i o and 4ast be o#ing a tourist attra tion asva ationers /nd the# a great la e to ool oB in the "iviera Ma!aDs sultr! li#ate,Nearl! 0:333 are 8no9n to e6ist in the Northeast .u at'n 9here the Ma!a

    ivili$ation @ourished 4or 0: 33 !ears,

    *o the Ma!a: enotes 9ere #ore than 5ust a 9ater sour e, *he Ma!a believedenotes 9ere the sa red entran e to the under9orld o4 s irits 9here Chaa8: the rain

    god: lived, >n a ar hed eninsula: Chaa8 ruled in a long line o4 s iritual deities,

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    %lthough enotes are lenti4ul in the .u at'n: e6 loring the# 4or snor8eling anddiving is a 4airl! ne9 heno#enon, ntil re entl!: the histori al i# a t o4 enotes9as the dra9 to these serene bodies o4 9ater as 9ith the sa red enote at Chi hJn=It$',

    *he 4a#ous Sa red Cenote or Well o4 Sa ri/ e lo ated in Chi hen=It$a 9as 4ound toontain #an! Ma!an sa ri/ ial vi ti#s, It is said that #en 9ere thro9n alive into

    the 9ell as a sa ri/ e to the gods during ti#es o4 drought as 9ell as other ob5e ts o4 9orshi ,

    S%C"E& CEN>*E %* CHICHEN=I*K%

    Made 4a#ous b! ar heologi al e6 lorer Ed9ard H, *ho# son: Cenote Sagradobrought 4orth its diaboli histor! 9hen *ho# son dredged it in 1 3 , *ho# sonbrought u not onl! arti4a ts and 5e9elr!: but also hu#an s8eletons, In a landdes erate 4or rain: a ording to *ho# sonDs e6 lorations: hu#an sa ri/ es 9ere#ade to a ease "ain God Chaa8,

    Cenotes 9ere 4or#ed #illions o4 !ears ago 9hen the o eans re eded and ali#estone shel4 e#erged that no9 overs the .u at'n Peninsula, % orous land: rain9aters /ltered do9n into the substru ture and reated underground rivers, *hena4ter the last I e %ge: the o eans rose to their urrent levels and @ooded the avesle4t b! the la ! li#estone shelves: olla sing so#e: 9hi h then reated sin8 holes

    8no9n as enotes,

    !%pes and locations

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    *he .u atan is noted 4or its 4a#ous s e ta ular 4or#ations and the a#a$ing larit!o4 the 9ater,In the ungles nearb! the an ient it! o4 *ulu# lie the - longestunder9ater ave s!ste#s 8no9n on earth, Creatures 4ound no9here else on the

    lanet have been dis overed in these aves,

    Cenotes location in Yucatan Peninsula

    *he .u atan enotes var! in sha e and si$e de ending on 9here the! are lo ated, *he! an be as diverse as those sin8holes as it is ossible+ *here are o en enotessi#ilar to a la8e; se#i losed enotes hidden in aves; losed enotes: usuall! haveso#e o ening 9here sunlight is /ltered and so#e enotes 9hi h is onl! a essiblea4ter a 9al8 through underground orridors,

    Cenote profile

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    %8u#al is lo ated in the #iddle o4 one o4 the /nest regions 4or ave and averndiving,

    S%C"E& CEN>*E

    *he Cenote at Chi hen It$a is a er4e t e6a# le o4 the round sin8 hole 4or#ation, *his enote is robabl! the #ost 9ell 8no9n and #ost visited as it is lo ated at theChi hen It$a ruin site and easil! a essible = but !ou anDt dive here,

    *he enote is dire tl! north9est o4 the #ain stair ase o4 El Castillo: the 4a#ousentral !ra#id o4 Chi hJn It$': and 9ithin that #!sterious it!7s urban li#its, *heSa red Cenote lies north o4 El Castillo, *9o other enotes lie to its south andsoutheast, *he Holt n enote: dire tl! north9est o4 the !ra#id: #a! have

    o# leted the dia#ond on/guration that allo9ed the It$' eo le to deter#ine9here to build their sa red it! and ho9 to angle its #ain !ra#id,

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    >4ten re4erred to as lagoons and onds the! are o##on all over the eninsulabeing #ost o##on in the Ma!an "iviera, >4 value to the earl! inhabitants theseonds 9ere a sour e o4 4resh 9ater and their onne tion to the sour e 9as o4 a

    #!sti al nature,

    I4 !ou @! over the eninsula !ou 9ill observe that 9herever !ou see a enote !ou9ill see the outline o4 an ient villages long gone,

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    Cenote cavern map near Playa del Carmen

    L'$! *+ !), !*- . -*-UL/# C,N*!,$ 'N #'V',#/ M/&/

    1, Chac Mool (Cla9 o4 the aguar)Lo ation+ -- 8# south o4 Pla!a &el Car#en %l#ost a ross 4ro# Puerto%venturas,&es ri tion+ - enotes, Large avern $one 9ith beauti4ul vie9s o4 5ungle 4ro#inside avern,

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    -, -onderosa (El Eden)Lo ation+ 0 8# south o4 Puerto %venturas,&es ri tion+ E6 e tionall! beauti4ul, Short 9al8 on ath ta8es !ou to CoralCenote: 9hi h has a large island in the enter o4 it,

    0, !a MahalLo ation+ -2 8# south o4 Pla!a &el Car#en 8# south o4 Puerto%venturas ust south o4 O u=Ha,&es ri tion+ inter onne ted enotes,

    , Dos * os (Hidden Worlds)Lo ation+ 8# south o4 Pla!a &el Car#en 0 8# south o4 Oel=Ha >n right 8# do9n dirt road,&es ri tion+ Part o4 Noho h Nah Chi h ave s!ste#, Lo ation o4 /l#ing 4orI#a6 ourne! into %#a$ing Caves do u#entar!,

    , Car 1ash (%8tun Ha Water Cave)Lo ation+ 8# 4ro# *ulu# on road to Coba 8# ast Gran Cenote on le4t,&es ri tion+ Can drive right in a ro6i#atel! 03 # (133 4t) to enote Q lo alsused to 9ash vehi les here: hen e the na#e,

    !ourist activities


    Man! enotes have s#all sur4a e o enings but un4old into intri ate ave s!ste#sthat run 4or #iles, &iving in a Cenote is a uni

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    *here are #an! enotes in the area: all diBerent and s e ial, With an > en Water

    &iver erti/ ation: it is ossible to dive in these in redible averns, Aor !our /rstdive in enotes: 9e 9ill ta8e !ou to the lassi enotes, >n e !ou are 4a#iliar 9ithdiving in enotes or i4 !ou are #ore e6 erien ed: 9e an ta8e !ou to so#e s e ialdee er enotes,

    While @!ing through these averns !ou 9ill be delighted 9ith geologi al4or#ations originated during the last i e age: trul! an %rt Galler! : 9hile divingthrough these s e ta ular underground averns en5o! this #agi al environ#ent9ith its larit!: stala tites: olu#ns and stalag#ites lus the in redible light bea#s,Water te# erature all !ear round is R A (- C),

    EO*"EME SP>"*

    Cenotes are a great la e to snor8el and s9i#, Snor8eling in a Cenote is a uni

  • 8/17/2019 English II Project Cenotes


    Visitor an er4or# a tivities 4ro# a nl! !ou #ust /nd the right

    enote: and that the 4a ilities and se urit! de end on 9ho is in harge,

    *here are tours designed 4or the #ore adventurous: 9here !ou visit #an! t! es o4 enotes in a da! and ea h er4or#s a diBerent a tivit!+ 8a!a8ing: $i lines: ra el

    and snor8el,

    #e2erences1, htt s+ en,9i8i edia,org 9i8i Cenote-, S ien e Museu# o4 Minnesota; htt + 999,s##,org sln #a hi hen,ht#l0, htt + !u atan,travel blog visiting=the=!u atan= enotes=an=un4orgettable=

    e6 erien e, htt + 999,travel!u atan, o# div=-,ht#


  • 8/17/2019 English II Project Cenotes


    , *%LES A">M *HE . C%* N: Me6i oDs Marvels+ Cenotes o4 the .u at'nPeninsula: eanine it hel: C%S% M%.% WI I: %ugust-33R; htt + 999, laneta, o# e otravel #e6i o !u atan tales 3R3 !u atan,ht#l

    2, htt + 999,s ubadivingin la!adel ar#en, o# enote= avern=diving,ht#R, htt + 999,diving la!adel ar#en, o#

    , Se rets o4 the Ma!a >ther9orld: %l#a Guiller#o Prieto: National Geogra hi :%ugust -310; htt + ng#,nationalgeogra hi , o# -310 3 sa red=

    enotes guiller#o rieto=te6t, htt s+ 999,google, o#,#6 #a s sear h !u atanT enotes U-3, 0- 220:=

    ,02 1 :-2 11 # data 0#1 1e013, htt + 999, la estoseein!ourli4eti#e, o# sa red= enote=in= hi hen=it$a=

    -11, htt + lanetden, o# ar hite ture 9onder=9orld= hi hen=it$a

    CommentsMaria Elvira Castillo Centeno

    I li8ed to visit the lear 9aters o4 the Ma!an enotes I 9idel! re o##end toe6 eri#ent it to believe it, *here is a no #ore danger in snor8eling than at as9i##ing hole or ond an!9here,

    Viviana Pineda Puebla

    *his is an alternative es a e 4ro# the heat that is o4ten #issed b! the ordinar!

    tourist,ath!a Montserrat Murillo "a#ire$

    I too8 a tour 9ith an s e iali$ed agen ! and it gave #e se urit! and in4or#ation toen5o! these #agi al la es: I de/nitel! re o##end enotes tri s 4or an e6tre#ee6 erien e,

    %ndres &avid Gon$'le$ Lo e$

    I love these beauti4ul la es: nature and adventure 9ith abseiling sto and s9i# inr!stal lear 9ell,

    aren San he$ Lo e$

    .ou an s end a terri/ un4orgettable ti#e: one da! I 9ill #ove to "iviera Ma!a toen5o! it ever! da! o4 #! li4e,
