www.ilsenglish.com English Language Training

English Language · PDF fileImprove your reading, writing, ... Intensive English 21 is a full-time course ... language and study skills, IELTS preparation or business English

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Contents3 Achieve you ambitions with ILS English

4–5 Nottingham and the ILS English Centre6–7 General English courses8–98–9 Exam preparation courses

1100––1111 Business and professional English courses1122––1133 Summer courses1144––1155 Teacher training and development16–17 Accommodation

18 Location

Achieve yourambitions withILS EnglishWhether you want to get into university,improve your employment prospects, or simplyget more confident at speaking everydayEnglish, we’re here to help.

Our teachers have extensive experience of working with international students.They use effective and enjoyable teaching methods to create a supportivelearning environment and help students achieve their goals. Our managementhas over 20 years’ experience of providing English language training tocompanies, educational institutions and governments around the world.

Here are just some of the things you can do at ILS English:

• Improve your English with help from qualified teachers trained to BritishCouncil standards.

• Choose the right course for you – from general English and exampreparation, through business and professional English, to coursesfor teachers.

• Prepare for exams including IELTS, Cambridge First and CambridgeAdvanced. ILS English is a University of Cambridge Examination Centre.

• Get into university when you’ve improved your English – we have closelinks with local colleges and universities.

• Discover the UK with other students.

• Explore Nottingham – a great city for students, with its universities,nightlife, bars, restaurants and shopping.



“WWhhen I came toNNoottingham,I couldn’t speakEnglish. But now, Ican... I owe everyythingto ILS English.””

Saddam, Turkey

ILS English




Nottingham is vibrant, dynamic, and well-knownas a trendy and inexpensive place to live.It’s also culturally diverse, and home to many multinational companies,international shops, and places of worship for all faiths. The legendary RobinHood, the great Lord Byron and fashion designer Paul Smith are just some ofNottingham’s famous names.

Come to Nottingham and you’ll find out more about British culture with thecity’s fantastic range of events, museums and art galleries. Sports activitiesfrom bowling to football, cricket, ice-skating and white-water rafting willmake your stay in Nottingham unforgettable.

Last but not least, Nottingham’s location in the centre of the UK makes itideal for exploring the rest of the country.

A great place to liveand learn English!

“NNootttinghamsurprised me; it issuch a beautifullively city.”

Nadi, Italy

Nottingham and the ILS English Centre


““TThhee ILS staff sparedno effort in makingmy stay as enjoyableas possible.”

Ibrahim, Saudi Arabia

The ILS EnglishCentreOur modern buildings are just a short walkfrom Nottingham city centre.To help you learn effectively and in comfort, the ILS English Centre has:

• spacious classrooms

• a computer suite

• free Wi-Fi

• a student lounge with TV, where you can socialise and practise your English

• drinks and snacks facilities

Support in the UK

We know you’ll be far from home, but don’t worry. Our management andwelfare team are here every step of the way to help you with:

• accommodation, either homestay or self-catering

• visa applications

• registering with the police

• opening a UK bank account

• registering for IELTS, Cambridge First and Cambridge Advanced exams

• applying for universities

• local practical and tourist information

• 24-hour support through an emergency phone number

Nottingham and the ILS English Centre


KKeeyy ffaaccttssHours per week: 1155,, mmoorrnniinnggss oonnllyy

Level: BBeeggiinnnneerr ttoo aaddvvaanncceedd

Minimum age: 1188

Maximum class size: 1155**

Course length:MMiinniimmuumm 22 wweeeekkss

Start date:MMoonnddaayyss tthhrroouugghhoouutt tthhee yyeeaarr..VViissiitt wwwwww..iillsseenngglliisshh..ccoomm ffoorr ddaatteess

CCoouurrssee ffeeaattuurreess•• Based on established course book

•• Placement level test

•• Weekly progress tests

•• Regular feedback from teachers

•• End-of-course certificate

•• Personalised report

General English courses

StandardEnglish 15Code SE15

■ Improve your reading, writing, speaking andlistening skills

■ Expand your vocabulary andgrammar knowledge

■ Communicate in English with confidence

This is our course for everyone who wants to improvetheir general English skills. Teachers use specialist coursebooks and the latest teaching methods. Pair work, groupwork and task-based activities will help you make theprogress you’re looking for.

* Individual class sizes may increase by 2 or 3 for limited periods at peak times.

““FFaannttastic. The lessonswere interesting and Ihave learned many things,my impression of theschool is excellent.””

Alessandro, Italy


IntensiveEnglish 21Code IE21

■ Complete immersion for faster results

■ Extra practice to help you improve quicklyand efficiently

■ A choice of afternoon classes

Intensive English 21 is a full-time course – you willstudy every morning and strengthen your newknowledge with additional afternoon classes. Choosethis course for extensive language and fluency practicethat will help you reach your goal faster.

We also offer an additional 2-hour booster session perweek. Get in touch with us for more details.

General English courses

KKeeyy ffaaccttssHours per week: 2211

Level: BBeeggiinnnneerr ttoo aaddvvaanncceedd

Minimum age: 1188

Maximum class size: 1155**

Course length:MMiinniimmuumm 22 wweeeekkss

Start date:MMoonnddaayyss tthhrroouugghhoouutt tthhee yyeeaarr..VViissiitt wwwwww..iillsseenngglliisshh..ccoomm ffoorr ddaatteess

CCoouurrssee ffeeaattuurreess•• Morning classes: Standard English

•• Afternoon classes: language and study skills,IELTS preparation or business English


IELTS ExamPreparationCode IELTS21

■ Intensive exam preparation that focuses onyour needs

■ Useful tips and techniques to maximise yourchance of success

■ Practice tests under timed conditions

Sometimes simply being good at English isn’t enough.To do well in IELTS you also need to be familiar with thisparticular language test. This course will help youimprove your general English skills and develop thetechniques you need to take the IELTS exam.

KKeeyy ffaaccttssHours per week: 2211

Level: IInntteerrmmeeddiiaattee ttoo aaddvvaanncceedd

Minimum age: 1188

Maximum class size: 1155**

Course length:MMiinniimmuumm 22 wweeeekkss

Start date:MMoonnddaayyss tthhrroouugghhoouutt tthhee yyeeaarr..VViissiitt wwwwww..iillsseenngglliisshh..ccoomm ffoorr ddaatteess

CCoouurrssee ffeeaattuurreess•• Morning classes: Standard English

•• Afternoon classes: IELTS preparation

•• Experienced IELTS teaching team

•• Support with exam registration

Exam preparation courses

“MMyy IELTS lessons gave me information aboutwwhhat to expect. It was a good chance to learntopics which I will meet in my future exaamm.””

Daria, Russia

9Exam preparation courses

KKeeyy ffaaccttssHours per week: 2211

Level: IInntteerrmmeeddiiaattee ttoo uuppppeerr--iinntteerrmmeeddiiaattee ((ffoorrCCaammbbrriiddggee FFiirrsstt)) aanndd aaddvvaanncceedd ((ffoorr CCaammbbrriiddggeeAAddvvaanncceedd))

Minimum age: 1188

Maximum class size: 1155**

Course length:MMiinniimmuumm 22 wweeeekkss

Start date:MMoonnddaayyss tthhrroouugghhoouutt tthhee yyeeaarr..VViissiitt wwwwww..iillsseenngglliisshh..ccoomm ffoorr ddaatteess

CCoouurrssee ffeeaattuurreess•• Morning classes: Standard English

•• Afternoon classes: Cambridge First orCambridge Advanced preparation

•• Teaching team includes Cambridgeexaminers (ESOL)

•• Support with exam registration

Cambridge First andCambridge AdvancedExam PreparationCodes FCE21 and CAE21

■ Expand your knowledge of Englishvocabulary, phrasal verbs and idiomaticexpressions essential for these exams

■ Useful tips and exam practice to maximiseyour chance of success

■ Prepare for and take the examsat ILS English

The Cambridge First and Cambridge Advancedcertificates issued by the University of Cambridge arerecognised by employers and educational institutionsaround the world.

As a registered Cambridge English LanguageAssessment Centre, we’ll help you prepare for eithertest. You can also take the exams in the familiarsurroundings of ILS English.

* Individual class sizes may increase by 2 or 3 for limited periods at peak times.

ILS English – Cambridge Examination Centre

We are an official centre for University of Cambridge ESOLexaminations. Please check www.ilsenglish.com for more details.


BusinessEnglish 21Code BE21

With our help you can:■ Improve your English for:

• business correspondence

• negotiation

• presentations

• phone conversations

• meetings

• planning

■ Learn English for specific purposes:

• aviation

• engineering

• finance and insurance

• law

• marketing

• medicine

• military

• oil-and-gas sector

KKeeyy ffaaccttssHours per week: 2211

Level: IInntteerrmmeeddiiaattee aanndd aabboovvee

Minimum age: 1188

Maximum class size: 1155**

Course length:MMiinniimmuumm 22 wweeeekkss

Start date:MMoonnddaayyss tthhrroouugghhoouutt tthhee yyeeaarr..VViissiitt wwwwww..iillsseenngglliisshh..ccoomm ffoorr ddaatteess

CCoouurrssee ffeeaattuurreess•• Morning classes: Standard English (group)

•• Afternoon classes: Business English (group)

One-to-one tuitionfor professionalsCode BE121

KKeeyy ffaaccttssHours per week: BByy aarrrraannggeemmeenntt

Level: BBeeggiinnnneerr ttoo aaddvvaanncceedd

Minimum age: 1188

Maximum class size: 11

Course length:MMiinniimmuumm 11 wweeeekk

Start date: BByy aarrrraannggeemmeenntt

CCoouurrssee ffeeaattuurreess•• Detailed needs analysis

•• Personalised, flexible and responsivelearning programme

Business and professional English courses

Business and professional English

* Individual class sizes may increase by 2 or 3 for limited periods at peak times.

“TThhee afternoon lesson was perfect tofind my way in daily business lliiffee.””

Johann, ZF Germany

Business one-to-onewith Standard EnglishCode BECB21


KKeeyy ffaaccttssHours per week: 2211 ((1155 ggrroouupp,, 66 oonnee--ttoo--oonnee))

Level: BBeeggiinnnneerr aanndd aabboovvee

Minimum age: 1188

Maximum class size: 1155** ((mmoorrnniinngg)),, 11 ((aafftteerrnnoooonn))

Course length:MMiinniimmuumm 11 wweeeekk

Start date:MMoonnddaayyss tthhrroouugghhoouutt tthhee yyeeaarr..VViissiitt wwwwww..iillsseenngglliisshh..ccoomm ffoorr ddaatteess

CCoouurrssee ffeeaattuurreess•• Morning classes: Standard English (group)

•• Afternoon classes: one-to-one business English

Business and professional English courses

KKeeyy ffaaccttssHours per week: BByy aarrrraannggeemmeenntt

Level: BBeeggiinnnneerr aanndd aabboovvee

Minimum age: 1188

Maximum class size: BByy aarrrraannggeemmeenntt

Course length:MMiinniimmuumm 11 wweeeekk

Start date: CChheecckk wwwwww..iillsseenngglliisshh..ccoomm

CCoouurrssee ffeeaattuurreess•• Exclusively designed to meet your needs

•• Delivered at the ILS English Centre, or at yourcompany premises in the UK or abroad

English forspecific purposesCode ESP/IC

We offer bespoke in-company training for businesses, in the UK and abroad.

12 Summer courses

Summer StandardEnglish 15Code SSE15

■ Improve your English and communicatewith confidence

■ Make new friends from all over the world

This course is all about communication, and having funboth inside and outside the classroom in summertime.

KKeeyy ffaaccttssHours per week: 1155,, mmoorrnniinnggss oonnllyy

Level: BBeeggiinnnneerr ttoo aaddvvaanncceedd

Minimum age: 1188

Maximum class size: 1155**

Course length:MMiinniimmuumm 22 wweeeekkss

Start date: EEvveerryy MMoonnddaayy iinn JJuullyy aanndd AAuugguusstt

CCoouurrssee ffeeaattuurreess•• Standard English with optional Saturday tripsto London, Cambridge, Manchester and beyond

•• Lively, mixed-nationality groups

Summer IntensiveEnglish 21Code SIE21

■ Complete immersion to help youimprove quickly

■ A choice of afternoon classes

Study every morning and three afternoons a week – thengo out and explore Nottingham and the rest of the UK.

KKeeyy ffaaccttssHours per week: 2211

Level: BBeeggiinnnneerr ttoo aaddvvaanncceedd

Minimum age: 1188

Maximum class size: 1155**

Course length:MMiinniimmuumm 22 wweeeekkss

Start date: EEvveerryy MMoonnddaayy iinn JJuullyy aanndd AAuugguusstt

CCoouurrssee ffeeaattuurreess•• Morning classes: Summer Standard English

•• Afternoon classes: language and study skills,IELTS preparation or business English

* Individual class sizes may increase by 2 or 3 for limited periods at peak times.

13Summer courses

KKeeyy ffaaccttssHours per week: 2211

Level: UUppppeerr--iinntteerrmmeeddiiaattee

Minimum age: 1188

Maximum class size: 1155**

Course length: 44 wweeeekkss

Start date: CChheecckk wwwwww..iillsseenngglliisshh..ccoomm

CCoouurrssee ffeeaattuurreess•• Cambridge First exam at end of course

•• Teaching team includes Cambridgeexaminers (ESOL)

Summer IntensiveCambridge FirstCodes FCES21

■ Useful tips and techniques to maximise yourchance of success

■ Practice tests under timed conditions

■ Take the exam right here at ILS English

The Cambridge First certificate issued by the Universityof Cambridge is recognised by employers andeducational institutions around the world.

As a registered Cambridge English LanguageAssessment Centre, we’ll help you prepare for the test,which you’ll take at the end of the course in thefamiliar surroundings of ILS English.

Materials, tuition and exam fee are all included.

ILS English – Cambridge Examination Centre

We are an official centre for University of Cambridge ESOLexaminations. Please check www.ilsenglish.com for more details.

“AAmmazing… I not only felt moreconfident in speaking andwriting – I was completelyready to pass the exam.””

Bea, Spain

14 Teacher training and development

Teacher training –Cambridge CELTACode CELTA

■ Teach English anywhere in the world

■ Internationally recognised CambridgeTEFL qualification

The CELTA course is practical, hands-on and very rewarding.

You’ll learn how to analyse the English language, planlessons, and help learners improve their reading,listening, speaking and writing. Come for a TEFLqualification and one of the best learning experiencesyou’ll ever have.

KKeeyy ffaaccttssHours per week: 3355

Level: NNaattiivvee ssppeeaakkeerr oorr IIEELLTTSS 77..00

Minimum age: 1188

Maximum class size: 1122

Course length: 44 wweeeekkss

Start date: CChheecckk wwwwww..iillsseenngglliisshh..ccoomm

CCoouurrssee ffeeaattuurreess•• 120+ timetabled hours

•• Minimum 6 hours’ observed teaching practice

•• Observe and learn from experienced teachers

“I wwoould recommend the ILS course to anyoneconsidering a career in TEFL. The trainers werefriendly and supportive, the school is in theheart of the city, and the teaching methodshave stood me in good steaadd..”

Martin, Great Britain

15Teacher training and development

KKeeyy ffaaccttssHours per week: 2255

Level: IInntteerrmmeeddiiaattee aanndd aabboovvee

Minimum age: 2233

Maximum class size: 1155

Course length: 22 wweeeekkss

Start date: CChheecckk wwwwww..iillsseenngglliisshh..ccoomm

CCoouurrssee ffeeaattuurreess•• Course materials included

•• Friendly, mixed-nationality classes

Teacher development –Language andmethodologyrefresherCode TDEV23

■ Improve your English language competence

■ Learn new teaching techniques and activitiesfor your classroom

■ Cultural excursions to help you enjoy anddiscover Nottingham

Designed for practising teachers of English in primaryand secondary education, this stimulating course is agreat way to get up to date with creative teachingmethods and material development.

Get in touch to find out more about this andour other teacher-development course,Content Language Integrated Learning(CLIL), for teachers who deliver their academicsubject in English.

Some of our courses are eligible forEuropean Union Erasmus+ funding.

Contact us for more information.


AccommodationWe want you to be comfortable andenjoy your stay in the UK while youstudy at ILS English. That’s why weprovide a variety of qualityaccommodation to suit your needs.

Standard homestayBeing in England isn’t just about learning the language.We know you also want to discover British culture andexperience the British way of life. And what better way todo that than by staying in a British home? This is also idealfor practising your new language skills in a real-life context.

Homestay providers are carefully chosen by us. Homes areclose to the city centre or in the suburbs of Nottingham,and they offer:

• your own private bedroom

• a quiet place to study

• shared living areas

• breakfast and evening meals Monday to Friday

• all meals at weekends

““MMyy host family was verykind and they helped meimprove my English.””

Waleed, Oman

Accommodation *Subject to availability

Executive homestay*Professionals over 21 can choose to stay in moreexclusive homestay accommodation including:

• your own private bedroom with en-suite bathroom

• a wider range of facilities

• free Wi-Fi


Self-catering*Enjoy independent living in Nottingham and spend moretime with other ILS students. Our student accommodation,Victoria Hall, is located in a popular area in the city centre,and it’s within walking distance of the ILS English Centre.

You can choose between a large deluxe en-suite room anda standard en-suite room. These include:

• 24-hour security

• duvet, duvet cover, bed sheet and pillow case

• communal kitchen with basic cooking utensils andcutlery

• communal living area with TV

• laundry facilities (charges apply)

• weekly cleaning service (communal areas only –students are responsible for their own rooms)

• free Wi-Fi

“II ccan experience different kinds of culture andspend good time with friends. Many friends try tospeak English here. So for me, Victoria Hall is goodplace to practise English, and I like to live herree..”

Si Hyun, Korea



East Midlands



LocationNottingham is in the centre of theUK, ideal for exploring the rest ofthe country. It has excellent air,rail and bus links plus good accessto the main motorways forLondon, Birmingham, Manchester,York and Newcastle.

How to get to Nottingham

Trains: www.nationalrail.co.uk

Buses: www.nationalexpress.co.uk

Airport transfer: ILS English can arrange airporttransfers for individual students and groupsfrom any UK airport by private car, mini-busor coach. Contact us for details and prices.

Contact us

ILS English3.3 Clarendon Park, Clumber AvenueNottingham NG5 1AH

T: +44 (0)115 969 2424E: [email protected]: www.ilsenglish.com

““TThhee teachers at ILS English arevery enthusiastic and passionate.I have made so many friends fromdifferent countries; I have to pplana trip around the world soooonn!””

Enaelle, France



www.ilsenglish.comILS English @ILSenglish ils_english

3.3 Clarendon Park, Clumber Avenue, Nottingham NG5 1AH

T: +44 (0)115 969 2424E: [email protected]

Published October 2015